i vspigl lll ijOHIN" W. SLELDQ-E, proprietor. JL HBSPAPEB FOB THE PEOPLE. TERMS'.-'1 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE VOL. XXXVII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1902. NO. 30 It mw KtmMK man ! Im rats, laatta a4 aarke-entalM eltliar rleue Mr svliia. II irllM Ike kloM Ml imm the um d riaall e4 .la..... Auraw take HHfcUIACIbU wltk aaee- lata Mtl.t'. IMM Mt latin Ua SltaeUM irful, TWO CURtt. Aur.it.iau. i i)mLtoToii, g,a, Auf.wk.uoi. (I.ntlem.n i About two rears aro I Txnail.ce, .. C. Oentlrm.n i I betn to tiinYr (mm rheumatism (boat mm roarsato. mil had It very twl Inmr llnila. Alliraee oould litrdljr walk. Win troiml l- apbralclan without boni l l. Murelhaa a rear ago. Mr. Core. Wi at'ii.auvniil nnr on tho Ooeet LIdi. living In Fior tuM told El thit " HntriiAOtri" cured elm. I fot biitllo ami it b-ne-Stted ma. I took Ova bouleaand a-a bow aa well as 1 aver vu. In tuy ht 1 regard " Kll'DMAClDH " iltti .t mwllolaa. 1 know or other! II baa cured. Trulr, a. t. nuBcn. bad a vera eever. el lank of Innenne torrthi'umBllm. I suffered treat pela anJ was cunQiiril to my bad for fire we.-ks. Dunne- tha time I waf traatad uy two Fhraliilaua without permanent relief, lept. Marker, a oondiiomr aa the Atlautlo Coast Line heard of my condition and evot ma two bottles of "ItilKUMAOlDe" 1 began to take It at.il Hi a work I rot UD and walked on oiuti'hi. Arierteklnfthreebottleaof ..-tu.-tij Hi., vuvirvi weii ana want bni'k to my business. 1 personally know of a number of other bad on that were oured by the use of your medlolna. In this towo and vicinity. It is ell that you claim for It, Truly, J. L. 8MKB0N. Sold by Druggists, Bobbltt Chemical Co., Will be tent express paid on receipt of $ i.oo. Baltimore), fid., U. 5. A. P. N. Stainback, WEUOON. N. C. Dealer (jEfiEL - - -zeiclerhbAy state A BDCfMALTY. tfl-.lole Agent in Weldon for 8TROU8E BROTHERS. Formerly told bera by M F. Hart. ) A fit gnarante ed UNDERIAKinti SHOES HIOH ART CLOTHING to all its branches. Metallic. Walnut, Clotb Covered Caaketa and CofBna Telephone or telegraph menage at tended to day or night. Cirit dulin-iifialsa, DUrrhota.Dyienlery, and tha Bowtl Troubles of Children of Unfit. Aids Btjutlon. keeuletta the Bowels. StrtoetTKM tha Child and Maku TEETHING EASY. Or auU ta eeata ta C. J. MOPPCTT. M. D. ST. LOUIS, Ma i. j.BLItTa-Da.o.1. komn-li Deu airlJuUoeMreenaaaieiairaiorTeiwa nuawmnwut IMM awUrtee, TEKTHIN k. On lltu. riri, lull UlnI .IJi old, Ulllild alnMI tMiMlred at TEBTHIK A, end 1 a Ur k wea a grmt ekaaae-aaw Ufa had rataraaaV TVKW aUal 1 ' a ipgmsiiafl Ms Oil j 25 oeats at Driest LmbltMUinti. Krr nmIi ni nhAMM im tha alup f prMctiptMu mm jm w p-rnciua. w aWMH eWd areMM la7eaajaueaai la uyu -' try tle ruin a, nti u ar w w "" atefronl. vtt NCaUl, CkBtl tbM UloT KCTXI I N A, U littli i teM la now dotag wan. MLlMd k Mat! ttfl pan t In BoUtr dWraioH ta it TATI, ., D, MciVKH, aUiuM4 Pwpriaaor Tiakff ( Ak.) RtVaV The Weldon Grocery Co. WHOLESALE JOBBEHS IN RT A PT ."R fir. V A TJHVI t jit - a at w a a ww a .-m. a. a w ftVS GROCERIES 1 aam Wa 811 Only To llerehanla. fear,!' I Orders Solicited. 281 THE WELDON GROCERY CO ,' WILDON,N. 0. n u Excelsior Printing Co., -WEXJDOIT, 1ST C. H Letter, Bill and Packet Heads rWeddinK Invitations. A- Circulars. Hand Bills, Etc. 5Jf- All If orders receive prompt andM careful attention . ,..::WELD0N, IN.. C.I- OriaiiM Uiisr Tke Lai. il t.s State of Kort. Carolina, AU0U8T JOTH, 1892. 8TAt-0F NORTH CAROLINA PKPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DKP03ITORY. TOWN OF W KLDON DKP03IT0RY. $26,000. THE AVERAGE HAN'S IDEAL A WOMAN WHO SATS SRI HAS HAD IXPKRIENCK, HAVING HAD TWO HUSBANDS AND THRU ON8, OIVI8 Till fOI.LOWINQ OPINIONS Of MAN AND HIS LITTLI PBirCRINCIS. "A bid of mediooritj and that Deaoi most buebandi, or, it lent, every other woman's hutbanil has his Ideal of wire "The kind ha likes dreiwes handsome ly and beeoniiofjly on very small allow socc 8I10 mutt never no iolo debt fot soy thing, but must always fay rrady money, whether she can mitiige 10 gel from him or not. "Her jewels must on no aooount be eclipxwl by Ihoso of toy other women of er set, but when she buys them, and Ibe bill eomes in, her husband is furious bout the outlay. 'Ho sulks for a week, but then he would have sulked quite ss long if, at the last dinner parly, she hsd shone t secondary star to any lady of their ac quaintance. "A man loves his wife 10 be gentle and sympithetio to himself. If she too much so to her bojs, and they lake ad vantage dl 11 and gel iolo drbt and go to her lo help Ihi tn out, then he lays Bother sympathy ' "If she is too good to the poor, and gives tbem of the household abundance, he it tpl to be eynioal sod censorious talks of 'eooourtging 1 psreel of idle rogues' of 'indiscriminate charity,' tod the htrm it does, sod of the danger of pauperising the needy. "None of these oonsiderstioos, how ever, prevent him from giving to chari ties that print his name at the head of the subscription lists, or forking out a quarter for eases that oome under hie immediate syiiiee. It is only the wife who its to subordinate her kindly im pulses to coniideraiions of political econ omy. ' A man likes his wife lo be cheerful. He does not always eoooern himself very particularly about (he means lo make and keep her to, but he disapproves ut terly of a sid or pensive face. "He may out her to tbe quick wilh tome bitter word before he leaves home id the morniog, but he is extremely an noyed if he perceives on returning sny signs of the wound he has infiioted. "A man hits hard, but he never ex pects lo tea a bruise. He has forgiven himself for administering the blow; why should not the recipient be equally quick about forgetting iiT "A man likes his wife lo be intelli gent, quite sufficiently to to be able to eonduot th concerns of life, and to ap nreciate his own intellectual parlt and njoy stray ebullitions of bis wit snd humor. "8ha must applaud these with dis- ariminatioo, and in that delicate maoner whioh infers no surprise it hit possess og btillianoy. "But he is exaaperated should she be too intelligent His depths are lo be in violate, but he likea to sound her shallows; ind so well does she know this that she often assumes a shallowness when the has it not." OR OVEH ilXTY VBARft Mr. Winalow't Soothing Syrup hisbtcn used for over sutv years by millions ot mothers for children, whilo teething, wilb perfect suecesa. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind eolio, and is the beat remedy lor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor uuie sufferer immediately. Sold by druggisu a evert Dart of tbe world, za cents bottle. Besureandankfor"Mrs. Wina low's Soothing 8yrup," tnd take no oth er kind The Petersburg Furniture Co., 203 AND 207 N. SYCAMORE ST. D5TERSBURG, VA. If ' if v j iff Sinoerity is 1 he secret of success. .UNTIL 189 SURPLUS Fot tea years ihia ioetitotioe hea provided banking faeilillea for thw eeetioe I'letookhoUertaaJ directors have been klemiaed wilh the buMecat iatereeu of Halifax ud Northampton ooontiet for msoy years. Money b loseed upon ap fro'ed security at ttts legal rate of interest six per (senium. Accounts or all are. solicited. Presides Vioe-Preaidenl: Cashier: W.B. DANIEL Da. 3. N. RAM8AT. W.B.8MITB. 4 8ea board, Northampton eonnty, N. C. ' rr IWN3 a tea- LA. I D IJiiS SYDaVOB i HUNDLEY, for values true, ere awurpasetd the sity throogH TLTeUiogtoioae, for ttylet, the ehoiveat FURNITURE wtitt fot yoTJ IDuraUe and elegant, ornate or plain, nob Suites eleewhert we teak ia ""IT looted (or CPBOLSTERY, here we lod a grand eolleotioo of every kinJ3 O'unteatal DRAPERIES, It it known well, ia perfect title, they exoeT, Rifhl-7n K. BroWSt.of MIRRORS 4 PICTURES, iht-ock'taorapME SC lor Wwt, A j era a.. re7 al 8YDN0R HUNDLEY This great ctoro is 700-711-713 . E Erc-i ctrcct, Bichmoiid, Va TIME Sa fnv-t wamea Is a term anxiety, eerioua tbotuiht anil tweet anticination. With the ccwatioa ol pain III 1 1 saary to cuilduirUi, there eomea calm nenrea, Bleep and recuperation. .'OTHER'S FRIEND TO doee diminUh tlie pom accotunonTini will. Ha aid mothers can am .lo bTini healthy, aweet dipoaitioned and kleal babies into the world, xinntinaairkima- aore brcaatt and ex cmciating paina cauaed by the rradually txpauding oraoa, are relieved by this penetrating and rebaing liniment. Among; the manifold aids to childbirth Mr thx-r's Friend baa irrown in popularity and tralutd a preatiRe among rich women at well aa poor; it ia found and welcomed ka the mansion aa vaell aa in the cabin. By lcaaeni:iR the moth er'a afrony of mind anddiminiahing pain a beauluul mOuenra ia wrought upon the chil.L and instead ol peevish, ilt-teuipemi and sickly forma yon have healthy, iaugmng nuuwuujr, miui' In" a blessin'; ever to you and iU country. .";Kr'l7 M ..Kvlael- lai MAnntu kcuiatim oo, tinau, u THE HUSTLING AND UP-TO-DATE LEADERS IN FURNITURE, CARPETS; STOVES ' AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS. A.J.WINFIELD , PRESIDENT A MANAGER leVSpecial Attention to Mail Orders. oct 3 ly. ncTTcn in tijc Mnniiiiir w dl 1 1 Ln in mi iviunniiiu. - ;j IC , A-." T cant elP oaby, parson, V But still I want ye to go Jl Down an look in upon her, An' read an' pray, jrou know. Only last week she was skippin' round A pullin' my whiskers and hair, A climbin' to the table Into her little high chair. "The first night that she took it, When her little cheeks grew red, When she kissed good night to papa, . And went away to bed Sez she, 'It headache, papa, Be better in mornin' by; An' somethin' in how she said it Just made me want to cry. "But the mornin' brought the fever, And her little hands were hot, An' the pretty red of her little cheeks Grew into a crimson spot. But she laid there jest ez patient Ez ever a woman could, Takin' whatever we give her Better'n a woman would. "The days are terrible long an' slow, , An' she's growin' wus in each; An' now she's jest a slippin' Clear away out ov our reach. Every night when I kiss her, Tryin' hard not to cry, She says in a voice that kills me 'Be better in the mornin' bye!' '' "She can't get through the night, parson, So I want ye to come an' pray, And talk with mother a little You'll know jest what tu say. lot that the baby needs it, Nor that we make any complaint That God seems to think He's needin' The smile of a little saint." I walked along with the corporal, To the door of his humble home, To which the silent messenger Before had already come; And if he had been a titled prince, I would not have been honored more, Than I was with his heartfelt welcome To his lowly pottage door. Night falls again in the cottage; They move in silence and dread Around the room where the baby Lies panting upon her bed. 'Does baby know papa, darling V And she moves her little face, With answer that she knows him; But scarcely a visible trace. All her wonderful infantile beauty Remained as it was before The unseen, silent messenger , - Had waited at the door. "Papa kiss baby I's so tired." The man bows low his face, And two swollen hands are lifted In baby's last embrace. And into her father's grizzled beard The little red fingers clingl While her husky whimpered tenderness Tears from a rock would wring. "Baby is so sick papa But don't you--to cry!" The little hands fall on the coverlet, "Be hotter in mornin' bye I" Settling down dark and dense: Does God need their darling in Heaven That He must carry her hence? I prayed with tears in my voice, As the corporal solemnly knelt, With such grief as never before His great warm heart had felt. . Ohl frivolous men and women 1 Do you know that around you, and nigh Alike from the humble and haughty Gooth up evermorftthe cry; "My child, my precious, my darling, How can I let you die?" - Oh! hear ye the white lips whisper ,'Be hette' in mornin' bye !'' L. S. Coan. THE UNSPOKEN WORD, We Take For Granted Many Things. Too CULTIVATE KINDNESS. It wst ibe hour when the ttreet wat full of weary workers returning from the day's labor says the Christiso Work. A little girl stood at the entrance of in alley, looking dowo the street with a show of expeelmoy in her bright young I offers; tnd finally, don't forget tht kind There Are Lives Of Wearisome Monotony Which A Word Of Kindness Can Relieve. Cultivate kindness of heart; think well of your fellow men; look with ohai ity upon the shortcomings in their lives; do a good turn for them as opportunity HE HUD IT. "Yes; its Fulletton's hobby that ad vice is cheap and within the reach of every person." "What docs be mean, auyhow? "What he says, I suppose. He's a confidential divoroe lawyer." Baltimore News, face. Somebody wis ooming suroly, snd in t few momenta a mtn wearing the garb of a day laborer eame in sight. In stantly the little girl came to histidt and looked up into bis fsoe with t loving expression. Tbe mm gltnced it the child, but did not lay i word, or tike the little hind that evidently hid hoped to be placed in Ibis. The alley wis tbe short cut lo the home in the tenement building, two wold it tht right time. How uiuob t word of kinducss, encourigcment ot tp preeiation meant to others sometimes, ind how little it eosts us to give it I We do not need to wait for some spe cial oooision, When calamity overtakes a friend, words of sympathy tod en couragement ire offered sinoerely en ough, yet in oertain respects ss s msttnr of course. Such tu occasion calls for ex-1 prestion on our part tnd we naturally I blocks sway. They walked side by side, respond. But why wait tor ao occasion? not a word being spoken, tbe child evi-1 Why not speak the kind word when dently too timid to speak if the father there is no special occasion? did not. The person who bad been in- In tbe course of our lives there must tereited in this meeting followed on snd be many times when thoughtless words oould not help saying in i oheery voice I tre spoken by us which wound the hearts to the fither, "Why don't you speak to I of others. And there ire also many the little girl snd tell her you sre glid I little occasions when the woid of cheer is she came to meet you,- tnd take her 1 needed from us tod we ire silent. hand ?' "Oh, she knows it without 1 There ire lives of wearisomo monoto- saying it," he replied in a gruff voice. I ny which a word of kindness can relieve. Yes, that is the way to much oheer that I There is suffering which words of sym would make life to much hsppier and I palhy can make more endurable. And easier for others is lost; the words ire I often, even in the midst of wealth tod not spoken. We take it for granted our I luxury, there tre those who listen and deir ones know the unspoken words we I lone io vain for some expression of dis- ought to speak. We do not say them I interested kindness. when we should. In our homes with Speik to those while they can hear our loved ones bow often we forget to and be helped by you, for the day may say the word of commendation that is oome when all our expressions of love due them for kindness and self sacrifice ind appreciation will be unheard. Im- mide in our behalf! gine yourself standing beside tbeir last How many there tre in the world I retting plsee. Think uf the things you who hsve unselfishly tried to do tbeir I could hive said of them while they were best for as, to whom no words of com-1 yet living. Then go tnd tell them now. mendation have been given I I "-...' ..,,.,-,,... rtw lunununuina. What bat only one foot ? A Hock ing. How do beet dispose of tbeir honey? They cell it. always Health it a matmet which irresiatiblv draws the man to the woman in life's matin? time. Health does more than tint the skin with beauty ; it puts music iiuo iuc voice ana uuoyancy into me step, as well as happiness into the heart. A great many women covet beauty and are constantly seeking aids to beautify them. Let a woman first seek perfect health and all other charmt shall be added to ber. There can be no eeneral health for women while there ia disease of the delicate womanly organism. The first step to perfect health ia to cure womanly disease by the use of Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription. It establishes regu larity, dries weakening drains, heals tnhanimation and ulceration and cunt female weakness. A TIMELY SUGGESTION. This is the season of the year when the prudent and oiteful housewife re plenishes her supply of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is certain to be needed before the winter is over, tod re sults ire much more prompt ind ind ssiUfictory when it it kept it bind ind given as soon as the eold is contracted and before it has become settled in the system. Ia almost every instance I se vere eold may be wirded off by taking thit remedy freely u toon it the first in dication of the oold appears. There it no dinger in giving it to children for it oontiini no harmlul substance. It it pleasant to take both adults ind chil dren like it. Buy it tnd you will get the best. It ilwiys cures. For sale by W. M. Cohen, druggist, Weldon, N. C. DOUBT AND DEVOTION. Thomas hat many follower! in bit I doubts; how few in his devotionl He siw through t glass darkly, but be felt I wilh his heart the heart of God, ind, What sort of men ire board ? Chessmeo. What ia the oldest lunatic on record ? Time out of mind. When is a man more than man? When he is beside himself. Why is to eoho like t lady ? Bo- cause she will have the list word. When it i clock on tbe ittirt danger ous? When it runs down ind strikes one. Why it a pig in the kitchen like t house on fire ? The soiner it is out tbe better. W by it a dog's tsil like the heart of I tree? Beoauae it is farthest from the buk. "I uwd four bottlw of vnur "Favorite Pnv crlption ' and one of 'Golden Medical Discov ery n writea Mr. Elmer D. Shearer, of Mount hope. Lancaster Co., Pa., "trad can aay that I am cured of that dreaded disease, uterine trouble. Am in better health than ever before. Every one who knows me it surprised to see me look so well. In June I was so poor in health that at times I could not walk. To-day I am cured. I trll everybody that Dr. Pierce's mediciuM cured me." Frkr. Dr. Pierce't Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of --stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send ai one-cent stamps for the book in per covers, or 31 stamps for the cloth u nd volume. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo, N. Y. r Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. above Th'9 preparation contains all of the mgmants ana attests an minis in rood, ll gives instant rcnei ana never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive ttomachs can take It. By ite use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. Is unequalled lor tne Btoms.cn. umia ren with weak stomachs thrive on it. First dose relieves. A diet unnecessary. Cures all stomach troubles Prepared onlyhv E. O. PiWitt Co., Chicago Tho $1- bottle'containa IM times the 50c, alee. W, M. Cohen, Druggist. THOSE WE LOVE. doubting, be went in the wty of Christ They tty tht world it round, tnd yet Our doubts we eannot eonlrol, but our I of'" lnink fq"re love may be freely given, and he who So many little huttt we get loves ind followi in life tnd service it tbe I torn eornere nere ma mere, true ditciple tnd will find the wty of But one sad truth if life I've found God leidiog through unknown dingers bile journeying to tne west; totbe Ctvilrv of tufferiog snd finally to T only folks who reilly wound the Olivet of ssoeotion into the presence of God. HOW TO PREVENT CROUP. It will be good news to tbe mothers of small children to learn that eronp can be prevented. The first sign of oroup it hoarseness. A day or two before tht tttiok tha ebild beoomet hoarse. Tbit it soon followed by a peculiar rough eough. Give Chamberlain 'a Cough Remedy freely as toon aa the ebild be- I comet hoarse, or even after the rough eough appears, tnd it will dispel all tymptomt of oroup. Ia thit wty all dancer tnd anxiety may be avoided. Are (bote we love the best. Tbe eboieest girb tnd sweetest grace Are oft to ttringera shown; The earelest mieo, the frowning face, Are given to our awn. Wt Batter those we scarcely know, Wt please the fleeing guest And deal full many i thoughtless blow To those who lore at best. Love does not grow on every tree Nor true hearts yearly bloom. Alas, for those who only let Thit truth acrott the tomb. But toon or late the ftot grows plain To all through torrow'l test IS YELLOW.POISON in your blood ? Pliyiiciani call It nalarlal Oernt. It can be teen changing red blood yellow under microscope. It work day and night. First, It turns your com plexion yellow. Chilly, aching sensations creep dowa your backbone. You feel weak and worthiest. ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC will stop tha trouble now. It enters the blojd at one and drives out the yellow poison. If neglected and when Chills, Fevers, Night -Sweats and a gen eral break-down come later on, Roberts' Tonic will cure you then but why wait? Prevent future sickness. The manufac turers know all about this yel low poison and have perfected Roberts' Tonic to drive It out, nourish your system, restore appetite, purify tha blood, pre vent and cure Chills, Fevers and Malaria. It has cured thous andsIt will cure you, or your money back. This 1 fair. Try It. Price, 2S cents. a by ALITORUGi'GlSTi Thit remedy is used by many thousandi I The only ones who gives us psin I of mothers tod hat never been known to fail. It it, in ftot, tht only remedy thtt can ilwiyt be depended upon ind thit it pleasant and safe to take. For isle it W. M. Cohen t drag More, Weldon, N. C. "Somehow," taid tht girl in blue, "I eaa't help wishing I bed tooepted him." "Why doai?" liked the girl in gray. "Why, he twore that he'd never he hippy again, and I'm ifnid he it." "Ah, yet," commented the girl in griy reflectively. "At milters in sow yon eaa't be rare thit he ien't, but if you'd married him yon oould make tore of it." Chicago Poet. Art those we love tht best. Ella Wheeler Wiloox. Sick Headache? Food doesn't digest well? Armetite ooor? Bowels constipated? Tongue coated? It s your liver I Ayer s nils are liver pills; they cure dys pepsia, biliousness. 29c. AU arvtlisia. To improvt the appetite tnd strengthen tht dijrettion, try a few doses of tbam- berlain'l Stomtoh tnd Liver Tablet!. Hr. J. II . Seili, of Delroil, Mich , aayt, pv.? mannMl m anrwtiia whea im paired, relieved me of a bloated feeling tnd cauaed t pleasant and satisfactory movement of tbe boweb." There in people in thit eommunity who need just such a medicine. For sale by W. H. Cohea, Druggist, Weldon, N. C. Every box warraned. Wan. T"r m.Mia.arb. or f a SaaaUtal Hiiaiinrt rn wir.; i.. hlakerw DllPiniinuaij'O nVCfofthe DUorvinunMiii ijuilw ao r, i . f.,i a fc . a m. A glut or twe of water takes ball at hour before breakfast will aaually keep tha bowels regular. Harsh eathirtiot should be avoided. When a purgative is needed, tike Chamberlain 't Stomach ltd Liver Tabled. They are ttild tnd gentlt la their action. For salt by W.M. Cobc. Druggist, WtUoa, N. 0. BtCrrnT THAN A PLASTER. A pidot of fltaael dampened with Chimlerliin't Piia Balm tad bound oa the t Seeled part t, ia better thin a platter for s Itmt back sad fot pain ia tha tide or cheat. Ptit Balm hat aa supe rior aa t lioinwnl for tbe relief of deep tilted, aneular tnd rhramitic paint. For tale at W, N. Coaea't drugstore, Weldon, N. C. It tikes more thin money living. to make l Belf-turrende; it tht teoret of sonl The tree of knowledge is not the tree I of life. WHAT8 IN A NAME? Everything is in tbt aimt whea it comet I uiitlaetioo to Witch Haiel Silve K. C. DeWitt Co., of Chicago, discovered, tome years ago, how to makt t ttlvt from Witch Hitol thit It t tpeotuo for riles, for I you KNOW WHAT VoU'MB TAKING Blind, bleeding, itching tod protruding I iihea von tike Grove's Tasteless Chill Piles, ectemt, eutr; barns, bruises tnd ill I Tonio beeaost the formula it plaioly i: n.u! a.i.. I... .. . 1 1 Briotad nn avert bottle abowioe thit It Hll gunaa 1 ll HA a uaua aaa aw h.iwi I r . . ' , . . I . . , . . I it i bid T Iron sad Quinine m a taatcleaa Thai hat liven rise tn ousaeroat worth-1 " mmV'l x w 0 UWJ. lets eouoifneill. aaa iw vinai tht genuine. W. M, Cohen. Ta break out mirrors will not make as I beautiful 1SS mi? With tht Cook tnd buy yon one big of J. E. M. Flour aod be convinced .bat it It tbt best flour ot tht mtrket. 12 eaket Laundry Soap for Iriah Potatoes, 25o. peok, snd evert thing you need for lb libit tnd pantry. W. T. PABKEIt. WELDON, N.C.

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