QttJST "W. SLEDO-H, proprietor. A. NEWSPAPER PO B TUB PEOPLE TBEMS:-i.6o pkr annum in advantk h)I, XXXVII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1902. NO. 31, Thoroughly eradicate! the eicesi of Uric and Lactic Acids from tht lyttem, flirt, the kidney into healthy action, cures constipation and indigestion, TMIl DONI, YOU Will OP RHEUMATISM, AND ANY OTHIH DISKASK CAUStO BY IMPUHI HOOD. Xia not be discouraged if other remediel have failed. RHEUMAC1DE hai nude iti reputation by airing tllegtd incurable caiea. injure inv logana ui uigc.uun. Does not Oolosbobo, N. 0., Auf. a, 1KB. nentlemen-flom alt year tan I began to have sciatica, and also a ehronlo ease of mu.ciitar rheumatism. At times 1 ooulil not work at all (my business taint hangs? minter oti tiouthern R. H.l. For days nrd week, at a time 1 could not work My aufferlna was Intense. I'hvalr,lans treated me. without permanent Mtiof however. Tried a numiier nf nivertlwd remediea without permanent benefit Finally f tried " HMBOMACIIIS.1' it did tha work, and I have had el eellent health ror threa yeara, 1 can cheerfully aay that ail rheumatloa alioukl aia " HaeuaiaOiDB," for It la by far the boat remedy, LOMAX Price $i.oo prepaid express, or from your Druggist. Bohbltt Chemical Co., Baltimore, Hd., U. S. A. ANCIENT AND MOOfllN REPORTINC P. N. Stainback, WELDON. N. C. Met Id 1. WE ml - - - OF AM. ''I ""' KINIH. ZEICLER BAT STATE A IDtrllLTV. Vu, Ant in Weldon for 8 TKOUSK HROTHEHH. rawrlvsold here by H r. Hart ) A m anaiauuio ijtHj .niwimi iiiii i , UNDERTAKING SHOES HIOH A XT CLOTHING 1 iww1.jUW.i'.J"lllll"iajn iii . In all u . II Cloth Ita branches. Metallic. Walnut, Covered Caakelaand Cofflne lephone or telegraph mt-aa.iirea at tended to day or night. BrftfSJ QOII.J10CJF1TIT-1 Carts CDolera-lnlanlin, Diarrhoea,Dyientery, anil the Bowel Troubiti of Children of Am tot. ma noweii, smnitncns CfAPk Costs 01 25 cents at Drnsts, "S JJiSBOf fjtll tl Mitt U C. J. M OFF ITT, M. D., ST. LOUIS. MO. futon. At.. JilrM,lrtm-D.C, J. Mnrrrm-Mr DMt Btri Jtttllo to ? dtunudt that I hna4 ni (iipfniuM tlB ft.rtlflliMl nwKHM, TF.KTH1H. Out Mule firl, mt UitnMn months oM, ha hd wncti (eiUftljtnf. Km; rmntxlr u itiaaMd In the ihspe of pnirrtptlons trots family phtsieUns, Hr bowsla inat4 to mm 9 pr slnoi and stttQlat few ontlnvd for atrs at a time. Her Ufa m mit rlupajretl ot Kotttt ileWrmln.-l to try THErHIN A, and In a Aj or two there ruaffratcbaa-i lit had MtaiBatV bonli wars rtfalar, aad Uianhi to TKETfUM A.tha litilt bb U now aoltif Tnrt, He., D. W, MclVRH, Mi tot and PnterTaikfM(Ala.) 9v mm The Weldon Grocery Co. p WHOLESALE jnRHEHH IN STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES OrdfrnRollclted. TUE WF.LDO.N CHOCEUY CO , 2 Sly wrldon, N. o. 3$ i mk i ,1 I I Excelsior Printing Co, WBLDOIT, 1ST O. m n Tlio IMfToreiice Betwepn Old Tinmand Prnsfiit Day Ways of Reporting Testimony, New York Run. In old limea I hero wcrn llnoo wj In report lutinjony, tlio Yrilialiai, tit "keteh anil miinuiarv. Let ua (live an exatnp'e: "Julin Hmilh awnrn an! einminril by Mr. Jum a: "Q What ia ymt burner?" "A I am a ciirpcnlcr." "Q llow lmi(t havu )ou worked a jour imuV ?" "A. I have wurkeil nt my Iralo fur twenty yearn," "Q Do you know the defendant ?" "A. I hiivo known him fur the past ten jeara." So much for the Yerbmira. Now for the r ketch: "John Hmilh, m bein aworn, aaid he was a carpenter. Mo worked at his trade for twenty years and knew the d-fnidaut foe lerj jearj." An I the lumruary: "John Suiiib, a carpenter, knew de feDil ml f,i tin unis " Th jellow fiYir, hoacver, hua i vilvid a new aijieof reporiini. "John Hmilh, a lull and angn'ariy foruic d fellow with bushy red hair and fliminp whiskers, was sworn, He kissed the book with a resounding smack, ad justed his ureeo necktie, sat down io the witness chair, tan his right hand through hit ruby locks; crossed his legs, which W;re closely incased in blue and while trousers of the laleal cut, and then looked striight into l he i yes of Oi unseller Jones. D solemn lores the latter asked him his bnsine.F, ' I am a carpenter," was his bumble reply, made in a clear end high pitch d voice lhaj waa henrd dUlinctly in the remotest oorner of the Oi url room "How long have you been a carpen ter?" asked Mr. Junes, wiih a ihrenten ing look iu his lefi eje. 'I havu Uvn carpenter, sir,' a.iid the witness with great dignity an I f illy appreciating I he importance of the qtUMtion, 'during ih- past twenty Jiars.' Then Mr. J ne drew himself up to his fullest height and encoding hi' right arm at an angle i f forty-five decrees, he brought it down again swiftly until his huge fi-t struck f the table with a horrible dull thud you know I he del'enjaul?" he sliouied in thunderous lones. 'I do,1 was the reply, made in accents pitched in a high key which contiasted strangely wiih the cav ernous tones ol the learned counsel, 1 hen Mr, J one, with flashing iyea and clinch ed Gar, coiled himself up like a serpen! and hissed 'How leng have you known him?' 'Ten years,' was the answer tort ed back to the lawyer with lightning- ke rapidity." Well thit method of reporting may be Ti ry beautiful, but it makea rather tire some reading, and in these days, when few crtiiens can afford the luiury of reading throelves to ileep, blatherskite repona of murder triala ate .very much avoided. .J; Letter, Bill and Packet Heads JaWfiddiniT Invitations.; !JM?- fc " Circulars, Hand Bills, Etc.?$ Send us your orders. AU J orders receive nromr)t and M i n a i i At ll&iO careiui axienuon. TVBut'W :::::iVEIeDONl IN. C.i hmi Tbe Lai: of tbe State of Nortb Carolina, AUGUST 20TH, 1802. 8TATR OF NORTH CAROLINA DKI'OSITORt HALIFAX COUNTY DKI'OSITORY, TOWN OF WKLDON DKI'OSITORY. r i Capital mo surplus .fat tea year, this institution hai provided banking faoililiee Tor thil fectioo winoiuersaBd d nMtnN hav Ihmw Men ined W tn tnt ousincaa inienwu Wil and Northampton eoanliea lor many yean. Mosey yf tecuritj at the legal rate of lotereat lix per eeitutn, ('taident: VIoa-PreaideBt: DANIEL D. J. N, RAMSAY, Seaboard, Northampton oountY, N. C, ia loaned upon Aeennnti of all Cashier; W. R.8MITH D I u D SIS fTl)f OR A HUNDLEY, for value tr.e, are oosurpe.eed the city tbrougU pldingicoB, Tor atylef, lb ohoiceat FURNITURE waita for yoTJ P'uble and tlegant, ornate or prai, mob Buile elsewhere w aeck Id taiT" t led for UPQ0L8TKRY, btw w tod t grand eollectioD of every ki33 mental DRAPERIES, It ia known well, in perfeot taste, they eiceL gotnt 711 R Broad 8t, of MIRRORS A PICTURES, iheatock'.eompletE SiwbeaiiiyAqu.iity,,,,,,,,!. 8YDN0R HUNDLEY doropplTT (Ms great store is 709-711-713 E Bread ctrcot, Richmond, va iWVISIT OK WEITE-w The Petersburg Furniture Co, 20. ANIi 207 N. SYCAIMOItK 8T. DTERSBURG, VA. sfa --- s - - 1 i Ah in n ihlitf JIU THE 1IC8TLINO AND Ul-TO-I)ATK LHADEUS IN FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES AND GENEUAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS. A. J. AVINFIELD , PRESIDENT A MANAOF.R VSuSpecial Attention to Mail Orders. oct 3 ly. VlrtUS OF Milt), CLAD IN A MAN 8 TflK OLD MAN LKAUNRD THAT JIM UAD ATTIRE, A TOUIIlHT'fl DIsCoVEItT, BEEN MIX EI) UP WITH BIRDS OP A DIFFERENT FEATHER We had been climbing since 5, catch- ng glimpses of rosy-topped mountains, "Can you tell mo whereabouts here in nd at last the suo ihone forth in all liisl Detroit they shoot snipe?" asked, ao- ory over a snowy pesk, Aa we turned cording to the Detroit Fioo Press, i man from the duelling splendor of our first of 05, who looked the farmer, of the sunrise in the Alps we could not help special policeman at the Union Depot exclaiming, "Have the gods deserted the other day Olympus I For there In the dootwoy "Lord, man, but do you take this for of one of the chalets stood the Venus of hiioklaberry swamp I" eioMmed the ilo. A pair of man's trousers tucked officer in reply into top-boots, a short rough jacket and "No, ol course not, but they do shoot velvet cap could not extinguish the solpe hero, don't they ?" Bjesty ol that pose, tier eyes, blue as Wot within six units of this spot. the mountain flowers, looked down upon Did you come in logo snipe hunling?" one from another sphere, and kinky gold "Not particularly. Hut I want to air framed the ineffable calm of the face; dow about tbe birds. Are they par- ealm not of this world, ticularly wild ? Golly I" whispered the irrepressible "I don't think so." a g-g'g''aS'-S'S'S '-S fij. !!( WHERE GOD IS, ii . ALFRED J. WATERHOUSE. We used to Bit together, my Uncle Job and I, And watch the sunset glory where It lingered in the sky; Wide fields of crimson, purple edged; great citadels of name; The shifting play of shade and ray in some fantastic game; The shadow host that leaped and ran to kiss the fading world; And whispered "peace" und "peace," and "peace" ere day its banner furled, And, as we watched the lambent flames that quivered in the air, My uncle doffed his hat and said; "My boy, our God is there." Sometime we sat beside a brook beneath the shady trees, And heard the sones of all the birds, the whisper of the breeze, Afar the landscape stretched away through summer lands of cheer; Forgotten wrong in nature's song that souls enraptured hear; Above, a sea of deepest blue, with isles of fleecy cloud, And birds to vovaee o'er the main that mortal never plowed; And long we'd sit, and long we'd dream, and know the daytide cheer; Then uncle would in reverence say: "My boy, our Qod is here." Long years ago my undo died, the sunlight on his hair; But, whereso'er he bides today, 1 know his God is there; For if by chance ho should not reach the heav n through spaces dim, Where'er he went would bo content; he'd take his heav'n with him; And, watching all the shifting scenes of life's fantastic play, I've learned one truth, and learned it well, and e'er I humbly say The God we love all gods above, the Gotl of praise and prayer, Is ever in the loving heart that longs to hold Him there. one, "if she looks like that io those togs, hat would she be in a Worth gown I" Our guide told us she was wailing break fast for us, and we followed her into tbe chalet, feeling much as one would if the marble Venus should lean from her ped estal some morning and say : "Come, ave some bread and butter." Ooly read and butter and black coffee she gave us, but exquisitely served, in spite of the coarse napery and dishes, as ooly goddess could serve it. At each place B0,Pe- Ho comes back Io about two little bunch of blue harebells we had days, looking all dragged out, and be I reveled in while tramping through the goes on to say that the snipe didu t show lovely green valley to Cbampiry. We uPi M l'iat it was too dark fur good shoot oould scarcely eat. bunurv as we were, ao log or that the birds ouiflew his shot. fascinated were we by every movement of I I ,e heard him talking in bis sleep about the immortal as she glided about waiting 'straight', 'flushes,' 'all-fulls' and so on, pun us, She spoke no word and we "d I d thought I d just drop into town longed lor her voice. ,dJ Bod out what It all meant. What "Do you live up bete, mademoiselle?" 'straight' or a 'flush' got to do with we asked in French. Io perfectly good snipe? What have snipe got to do with English a voice that matched the face re- mv m who ought to be home husking oorn?" The officer took the inquirer aside and had a confidential chat with him, and at tbe end of ten mioutcs Jim's father ft To improve the appeiite and strengthen tbe dilution, try a few doses of Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, Mr. H. Sein, of Detroit, Mich, ssjs, "They restored my appetite when im paired, relieve me of a bloated feeling and caused a pleassnt aod satisfactory movement of the bowels" Thcro are people in this ooiumunity who need just such a medicine. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Druggist, Weldon, N. C. Ever) b X aarraoed. He who has Mends only to ure them will have I hem only to lose Idem. ii m v tv an r m .vtsi kVwJX Beautiful Thoughts Theawwt, time breath ot tlio babe i mirmtiv. nf miinrence and health. A tnnther'fl VMrnlllir for children ia ill' aepnrable from a love of the beautiful, and it behoove every woman to bring the sweetest and beat influence to bear on tbe aubject of her maternity. To relieve rmin anil mnlte easy that nrrioil when life ia born again, Mother's Friend b popularly use.1. It ia a liniment eaaily administered anil for tstcninl use only. iltrvthiaremeilv. It being undeniably a friend to her during nature'a term of auspemw and anticipation, nother'a Friend, if vised thronxliout gestation, will eoflen Hie breasts, thereby preventing cracked, and sore nipples. AH musclce alraining with the burden wi.l rein, become aupple and elastic from to continued application. , All nbrca m uie aimominai region win ariaiMaeteeUi ) SwtaWi 't4l -.-a-a-i a.-uk,-a . ENGAGED. a.-, a fa iwvw R-iwiMB-ira-r, iria. awe). a. ! a a UY MISS K. M. .MANNING, MANCHESTER, VA. tyr trnrtt-taTty-atitf'ir ffirf J B EFORE I trust my fate to thee, Or place my hand In tnine, Before I let thy futuro givo Color and form to mine, Before I peril all for thee Question thy soul tonight for me. I break all slighter bonds nor feel A shadow of regret Is there one link within the past That holds thy spirit yet ? Or is thy faith as clear and free As that which I can pledge to thee? Does there within thy dimmest dreams A possiblo future shine Where in thy soul could henceforth live Untouched, unshared by mine? If so, at any pain or cost, Oht tell me before all is lost I Lives there with thy soul The demon spirit change f Shedding a new and passing light O'er all things new and strange. It may not be my fault alone, But shield my heart against thine own. Look deeper still, if thou cannot feel Within thy inmost soul, That thou hast kept a portion back While I have staked the whole; Let no falso pity spare the blow, But in true mercy toll me so. Lives there within thy heart a need That mine cannot fulfill ? A cord that any other hand Can better make or still? g Speak now lest at some future day My whole life wither and decay, Yet stay, I cannot, daro not auk, Thy words would come too late, Yet I would spare thee all remorse, 8o comfort thee my fate, . Whatever in my heart may fall, Remember, I will risk it all. respond readily to the expanding covet containing tneemorvo ii i iviim re. ia applied exlemnlly during pregnancy. containing the embryo if 1 MnnlieJexlemnllr di of ii n.li.M. ftnitrimts Ii . tier bottle. Write for (nt book on ' flotherhood." TKI ISSDFIiLI lUiUUlM 00,TMNIA,a, POK OVER SIXTY YEARS Mr. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has Vet used for over sixty years by millions ol mothers for children, while teething, with perfect success. It sootl . tbe obild, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is tbe beat remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little anfferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 oeota a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wine low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind. 1 TOftST. Not in the darkness Of life are we groping: The ria's looking rosy; ' Good, fellows, bore's bor mat AN ALPINE HOSTESS, GUNNING FOR SNIPE. "Do you hunt 'em at night?" "Of course not." "Are they hard to kill?'' "No more than quail. What are you up to snywsy ?" "Well, it's this way," replied the old man ss he leaned up against the wall for support. "I've got a son Jim. About once s week be heads for Detroit, and when 1 asked him what he's going to do here be answers that be is going to shoot Time will toll but the woman secret never gives time a chance. with a S4,f,Jr ...ml 3 ft- The diver (Ilea without air to 'breathe. The conatmiptlve (Ilea without lungs to breathe the oir, or of lungs rendered Incapable of breathing by disease. The blond as it flows In and out of the lungs indicates the consumptive's pro gress, Aa the lunga grow weaker less oxygen Is inlmleil and the Mood changes from scarlet to pur ple. Oxygen is the life of the blood as the blood is the life of the body. The effect of Dr. Pierce'a Gold en Medical Discovery upon weak lungs is to strengthen them, to en able the full oxygenation of the blood, arrest the progress of dis ease, and heal the inflamed tis sues. Lung diseases have been are being cured by "Golden Medical Discovery," In cases where deep-seated cough, trequent Hemor rhage, emaciation, weak ness, and night - aweata - 'have all pointed to a fatal termination by con-aumption. "Home vesr. aan I was almiMit a help less victim of that .dread UlaeaM con- sumption, " write. . r. M , of Sitka! White Co.. lot) "I waa confined to my room tor aeveral montha; my rrienn. and neighbor, had Riven up all hone or niv recovery, nnlll one day a friend arivlfled me to take Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discov ery, and alter I hail taken the conlenla of the second liollle I Megan lo improve. After takina aia bollle. I w... I honemly believe, delivered from the grave and entirely cured. I am aow a strong aud hearty man." Dr. Tierce's Pleasant Pellets cleanae the clogged system from accumulated impurities. v:T e cattle grase, plied : "Ooly while the madam." "And then?" "Then I go to my home in the val- This was all. "News snd pottage' were not In her line. "We came swsy teniing that we oould not leave her, we must know more ol her. "Who isshe?" we asked the guide, that he guesses he'll come to town and "Oh, her? Her Angliss. come over try the snipes again. About a minute here to oliuib up lak we, Young man later fine too, but dunno how kep his foot "What?" asked the officer, from slip En nom De, It is so high "Jim will be so mixed up with iwn I Ver long her sick, snd now her 'strsighls, 'Hushes, 'snipe, and his old ncv' go home t all, jes stay lak she spec dad that he won't get the cricks out of im to come back sometimes. Her boss 1 his back snd the wabble out of his knees Ih' farm sod tech th' chil'sn." 1 he little DUDCU U blue harebells Ilea among my treasures crisp and faded, but that wonderful breakfast in the Alps would be such stuff ss dreams are made of but for its presence Clara Stowell llooeyman, in Good Housekeeping, Life ia a riddle A wild game o' chance; Tune up the fiddle, An' join in the dance I Plight eyes are winning, With joy in each glanoe; Life's just beginning, Join in the dance! 2J19J12J Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yon eat. This. pronamUoh contains all of the nodded his head, smiled grimly and re-1 dlgestuiits and digests all kinds of marked : inou. ii gives nisuuii rciio.iunu ubvei . I limn ui cuic, iu uii'iffs jim wim.oi' I see, Jim is homo today, and pro- the food vuuwnnt. The most sensitive sumiucliB can lane u,. ny us U9C runny ll.,,u,i1a ,,S Hirunonl I..U VuiVU liHon day he'll got restless sod softly observe cured after everything else! failed. Is unequalled lor tlio stiimacn. unim ren with weak stomachs thrive on It. First duso relieves. A diet unnecessary. Cures all stomach troubles Prepared only by K. 0. I)NVitt A Co., Plilcaw iue Si. OOHie contains .ft limea tuu aw, aiav. W. M. Cohen, Druggist. before the snow goes off next spring.' THE EDITOR'S SONG. Everybody kuuws that a crank is some other fellow. A rope often gets tight because that is ilia way it is taut. Some men come into the world asking "Why?" but no one is sble to snswer. The politician absorb a lot of liquids in order ft) make himself solid with the boys. How do you tske your whisky, col onel? Any wsy the Lord sends it, sir I A TIMELY SUGGESTION. This Is the season of lha year when How dear to my heart Is the steady sub scriber Who psys in advance at the bitth of I each year Who lays down the dollar and offers it gladly. And casts 'round the office a halo of I obecr; Who never says, "Stop it; I cannot afford I it I" Ur, "I m setting more papers now thsn I can lead " But always ssys, "Sen J it; the family likes it Id faot, we think it is a household need." How welcome be is when be steps in tbe I sanctum How he makes our heart throb I How he makes our heart danoe I Ws outwardly thank him we in wardly bless him The steady subscriber who pays in ad-1 vanoe, TTi3r.V-aajaiiiiii j '.'.;.: IS YELLOW.POISOii In your blood ? Physicians call '. It nalarlal Uerm. It can be seen r, changing red blood yellow under C microscope, it works day ana night. First, It turns your com plexion yellow. Chilly, aching sensations creep down your backbone. You led weak and worthless. $ ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC will atop the troubla now. It enter tha blood at onca and drives out the yellow poison. If neglected and when Chills, Fevers, Night-Sweats and a gen eral break-down come later on, Roberts' Tonic will cure you then but why wait ? Prevent future sickness. The manufac turers know all about thla yel low polaon and have perfected Roberts' Tonic to drive It out, nourish your system, restore appetite, purify the blood, pre vent and cure Chills, Fevers and Malaria. It has cured thous andsIt will cure you, or your money back. This U fair. Try It. Price, 23 cent, Sold by ALL DRUilGISM "as. A Bad Breath A bad breath means a bad stomach, a bad digestion, t A glass or two of water taken ball an 1 KoH lier Avpr's Pills nr hour before breakfast will usually keep I ., .,. Tho., rnra sna. the bowels regulsr. Hsrsh oatharlio. iver P,IIs-. Jhey CUTO COn- should be avoided. When a purgative Stipation, DlllOUSness, ays is needed, tske Chamberlain's StomacJ) I pepsia, SicK headache. IJc. All drutflate. and Liver Tablela. They are mild and .1.. ...i..i ...i r,.i kn.tr. ... I eent Is In their action. .l..t.hM k ..,). f rh.mb.rlai.'. ...K'"'.brW-M- Cohet. Druggist, t "a . i. u ,J W.ldon,N.U VvUKQ iieweuv a. ia wiiaiu iu vv needed before tha winter is over, and re sults are much more prompt snd and satisfactory when it is kept at hand snd given as soon as the cold is contracted and bclore it has become settled in the system. Ia almost every instiooa a se- Wben ambition ia the child of it will be the mother of sorrows. envy Vnt Tim innnM.rht or br& bMuUfal Mown or firn iimciiT i nm here i re., h.t-u. a m ! BUCKINGHAM'S DYE. 1 Men i i DatMMiavt i HOW TO PREVENT CROUP. It will M irnod awa to the mmhnil nf small abildma la learn thai nronn nan I ,. . . , i t . i . I " r l verecoiamsyDewarueo on ny taatog fc nr,oteJi The first sign of croup is BETTER THAN A PLASTER. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound oa the affected parts, is better thsn a plaster for a lam bad and for pains ia the side or chest. Pain Balm has no supe rior aa liniment for tha relief of deep tested, snuaewtar and rhenmalio pains. t i . am a k - r ror saie at v. in. t'bens drugstore. Weldon, N. C. this remedy freely as soon is the first in dioatton of lb told appear, lucre w no danger in giving it to ebildrcn for It contains no harmful substance. It is plesssnt to take both adults and thil dren like it. Buy it and you will get th best. It always core. For sals by W. M Weldon, N.C hoarseness. A day or two before the attack the child become hoarse. This is soon followed by a pcoulisr rough enugh. Give Chsmberlain'a Cough I Remedy freely as toon a tbe child be- Don't tanb a man because be looks green. A watermelon hss a similar look, but it is usually all right at heart, Avoid abbreviation in writing other wise yon will get into tbe habit of break log your wotJj n ' rnr a vasjsjtu With th Cook and buy you on bag of J. E. M. Flour and be convinced comes hoarse, or even after the rough Cohen, druggist, I cough appears, and it will dispel all symptoms of croup. Is this wsy ll Fallinnlnlov. doesnt mak as much "tieer and anxiety may b avoideo. trouble for lb .verage man as falling oat This remedy Is ssed by many thousands i- I of mothers snd Has sever Dees known I . .. V. 1. t .L l ) I ai I to tail, tl IS, id tact, mo onij remedy I tft HATS IN A NAME? I ,bit , alwaya be depended spos nnd thti ;t , th, best tow os tb market. Everything is is tb ssm when it oome I that Is pleasant and sife lo tske. to Witch Haael Salve E. C. DeWitt k For tale at W. M. Cohen's drug stcre, Co.. of Chicago, discovered, ton years Weldon, N. U aa-o. bow ta mak a salve from Witch ii,.. t...e;A f. Pii- vr in lurnt ot tne worts ar not u Blind, bleeding, itching and protruding " J ooniroversy. Piles, eetema, cult; bursa, bruises snd all skin disease De Witt's Salt has no equal This hai gives rise to numerous worth less counterfeits. Ask for DeWitt' tb genuine. . W. M. Cobs. 12 oako Laundry 8op for Irish Potatoes, 25o peck, and everything you seed for tb tsblt and psntry. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TAM HQ alrL . . . L . n ai.u.1. nvill I nneayowMae uruvo lanein. viini i an q mm ... Tonic beoans th formula h plainly I W X. f K TllVa prtated os every notti mowing mat It I ia limply Iron and Quinine ia a tasteless I form. No our. No Pay. 60. WELDON, N. C.

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