OUR CHRISTMAS EDITION. It jig m QiUsT "W. SLEIDGKE, proprietor. 1)L. XXXVII. A. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. TERMS:-i m per annum in advance WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18. 1902. NO. 32. Continues to make Miraculous Cures MAD THIS LETTER i ALMOST A MIRACLE. Dillou, 8. O, Aug. Mth, NCs. Oentl.men : la .ptemoT, MM, I took rburaat!em la rtr bad forea. Ii monili alter th IIhw started I had to glv up at work and to to hd. It continued to f row torn until my arma and handa wara badly drawn. H much ki that I aould not u.a them. Mr let war drawn back until my fMt touched "I hlpa. I rti u helpleee as a baby for nearly twain month.. Xba muMiioa o( mf arma and I pit wara hard and aarlralad up. I Buffered daath auuir tiinm oiar. Waa treated by an olSarant phralolans In MeOolL Dillon and n..U. but non of then aould do a ant wood, until Ir. J. P. Bvln. at ihiuih oana to na. Ha uld ma to try pour " HHauauoiDB" Ha tot ma sua bottl of tea medicine and I began to take It and balor lha Irat bottla waa uaad up I beain to get battar. I uard It and a half bottlaa and waa aompl.tely eurad. That waa two yeere ago, and mj ae.lt. haa been eieellMt ar.r alnoa. Have had ao irmptoml of rbxumallam. I retard "Knautucins" u by far tba bail remedy far rhaumatlam on Ik market. I cannot aap to much for It 1 kT raoommandad It to olhara alio and It haa aurrd them. Will tar further, that I began to walk In about all daye after I betan to take "RnauuiciD," with the aid of eruteheat In about three mootha after I baa an to take it, 1 aould walk aa food aj anfbodp, and want back to work afaln. Very truly, JAMBS WILKES. All Druggitta, or aent noma prepaid on receipt of ti.oo. Bobbltt Chemical Co., . . Baltimore, 1 P. N. Stainback, WELDON, N. C. jaler in Mf-Ml - - - ZEICLER k BAY STATE a orciALTY. sol Agent in Weldon IbrSTEOUoE BROTH ER8. 7 ... 1 w n f . A ft .a..l.l merlj told Dere ny m rmnii p.. . UNDERTAKING la all iU orancbe. Metallic. Walnut, Cloth Covered Caikela and Coffin T ml ant-inn a nr taaia.fi ranh mxammiMai ' , -f,Maafc l en led to day or aignt, 1 SHOES HIGH ART CLOTHING "m-TP P--V PW.T0PFtTT' crumttio.rowBiraj Casts Oily S oats tt llnggists, aval U aeata I C. J. MOFFaTTT, ICiru Ckolsn-lifulii, uiarrnota.Uyitntary, aM tht Bowtl Trouble f CMIort ''. I Aids Dlgutleo, Rcgalatea tiw Bowiu, Mraaauicat th Child and Make TEETHING EASY. M. D SJT. LOUIS, Ma time ilt . J .If U. lffe-D. C. 1. orrarr-Mr Dear Btrt luttte la taua iku I itaU ftn ra wrwtMcvua rwillBI laiwaa. TKCTMlfta, uer iw ftn, pnainMaiiuiM,HiiHBi AttMUiof. fc'r rM4v ru .aawuMd la UM .oaa. el freMeJpueM tram tuiitr phrHMi. Htr tftwIB aiM. M hn off pgr. hw4 and kwaiaf fmf anaua. tar tin al a UaM, Btr BI. ilat 4Mpat4 at. I atttw lrttrl.l t. by TEKTHIM A, a. laad.f r Iwa laar. wtaafrmlcbaafa-aM Ut. had rM.iaak. Imktn MUat.aadUwUlaTtriailtA.ta. buU aaba I. n.w aalaf ML r feata,H.. D. w. acivaa, aalawaad Pimilaw tmafm(Ala.) Bewa. The Weldon Grocery Co. WHOLESALE JOBBERS IN STAPLE & FANCY iTV GROCERIES atVW 811 OoIt To Merchant. Order Solicited. THE WELDON GROCERY CO , 2 8 It wildon.n. o. lmm: Printing Co., "WBLDOIT, IT O. t , Wedding Invitations,: If ;S Circulars. Hand Bills. Etc. J orders receive prompt I careful attention. 1 Tli Bask i W-, .WELD0N, IN. C.i Mztl Under Tie Lai. of tie Slate of North Carolina. AUGU8T 20TO, 1892. STATU OP NORTH CAROLINA DRP091T0RY. HALIFAX COUNTY DKPOSITORY. TOWN OF WKLDON DKP0S1T0RY. focn frr 1 UCIULHO SURPLUS f)ZU,UVy J rot tan iki. i.:,.;!.. t.. ...Mt h.ntinff facilities) for thii tvetioD CRUSHING A BORE. The Authority on Natural His tory That Sydney Smith Quo ted. Sydopj Smith joke hi?a a delicate Hator of tft, but an iDedoteia"Mem. oiin of Half a Ceolurj" haa not been lolii 10 often ii lome of the clmio lalea. Sydney u guent at the dinner of in irohiltao. n, and i fullow (ruent, whose hohby wis natural history, wai a bore if once rlaitrd on his subject. Smith prom ised lo try to keep hint in check. The naluraliat cot hisopeoioft. "Mr. Archdeaeoo," aaid he, "hsie you seen the pamphlet by toy friend, Professor Dirkeoson, on the remarkable tits of the eye in common house ,?" The archdeacon courteously said be bid not. The bore pursued bia advan tage: "I can enure you it is t most interest ing pamphlet hitherto unobserved ts lo the unusual riie ol that eye." "I deny the fact ! said a voice from the other end of the table. All smiled save the bore. 'You deny the fsct, air?" said be. May I a-k on what authority you con- demu i h iuvcwigaiiooi of my most learn ed Irieudf "I doy the fact," replied Smith, "and base my denial on evidence wedded to immortal verse well known to every scholar at least st tbit table I" The emphasis laid on scholar nettled the naturalist by ill implication. "Well, sir," be said, "will you btve the kindness to quote your authority?" "I will, sir. The evideooe is those well known, I msy say immortal, lines: "Who saw him die?" "I," said the ly, "With my little eye 1" The guests rotred, and duriog the rest of the dinner notbiog further wis heard on the subject of natural history. RULES FOR RIGHT LIVING. Fur the man or woman, whether old or young, who wishes neslth, wtiico means happiness, the following simple rules were gathered : Pin them up where you will tee them. But do not let that be all yon do. Read them again tod tgkin, and best of all, act upon them. Eight hours' tleep. Sleep on your light side. Keep your bedroom window open all ighL Have a mat it your bedroom door. Do not have your bedstead against the wall. No cold water in the morniog, but t bath at the temperature of the body. Exercise before breakfast. Eat little meat, and tee that it it well cooked. For adults, drink no milk. Eat plenty of fat to feed the eells which destroy disesse germs. Avoid intoxicants, which destroy those cells. Daily exercise in the open air. Allow no pet tnimals in your living rooms; they are likely to carry about dis ease germs: Live in th country if you can. Wstoh the three D'S drinking water, disp, drains. Take frequent end thort holidays. Limit your ambition. Keep your temper. There's a Chtiitmas touoh in the air. I feel it, somehow, everywhere. I feel ii at home; it makes me blue. I feel ii al the iffio too. Mv bank account it tinged with care; There's a (Jhrietmat toueh in the sir. fltoekhnlitaM ...j j: kJ. ii.-iiAl .iih the buaineat interests ot "I'M tnd Norihamntii. iniU foe mane vears. Money ra loaned upon ap- "' teeuritf at th level ru at Intareat ail per oeoluta. AooouoU of all ire, aieitad. " I ftmident: x f S-DANIEL Vioa-Pretideot: Da. J. N. RAMSAY, 8eboard, NorthtinptOB county, N. 0. Cashier W.R. SMITH. D III U D IS iTDNOR k HUNDLEY, for value tiue, arc nosurpesaed the city througU Mldinc to bob for alalia the eh nicest FURNITURE wait foe yoTJ pnble tnd elegant, oraata or bUb, tuuh Suite elsewhere we teek la wiltf Ted for UPHOLSTERY, hew wa Sod t grand collection of every kinJJ D'MtaeotaJ DRAPERIES, it i kown well, in H""01 "mL lt7U K. Broad St ,of MIRRORS 4 PICTURES, tbcatook'iaompletE! '"WyftqiitywcnaBrelywi .11 SYDNOR HUNDLEY d MppTT ffcis great storccor '709-711-713 5 . " k -- IkJ B BBBBUBfJI ! E Bro2d EtrcoSSSnona, vt sr "VISIT OP- WEITE-w Tho Petersburg Furniture Co., 203 AND 207 N. SYCAMORE ST. D5TERSBURG, VA. in -" I uriiJtiBiKfii, THE HUSTLING AND UP-TO-DATE LEADERS IN FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS. A. J. WINFIELD.PRESIDENTAMANAGEB aen8pecial Attention to Mail Orders. oct 3 ly. UNCLE EPH'S CHRISTMAS. (Republished by request.) A TeReUhle liquid for foremlng of equal iiing tli flow of women' Bieniei which occur once in eroy juu DRADFIELD'S Female Regulator u untial niulitv of nowerful herbs. t im .....wOTtrotrl nMenc beat adapted for woiiiku's delicate organism, and put in sucli for that it is alway properly usuniUvtcd aud taken into the system. Stoppages, sunpreaaion, painful or othei Brrarularitr of tie menses and sickly flows an corrected and cored by lha regular use of thissuperuritneMgogue. Mn.tmtioM. or periodic flows, neces sitate a breaking dowa of cell lining the mucoua membrane ana a reconauueuon . r, .ir airkneaa. which la ACCOtnoa- Bied with marked congeation and loa of blood. Such changes ar very apt to pro duce chronic catarrh. Leucorrhea or White is the result of these irritating rtis i,..r,.. Derulator cures these troulilet and restores to perfect health the patient who euffereil tlie aeuiniaung toiuca. Buy of dniKgiiU. Si .oo pet bottle. Our Illustrated book maile4 free), Perfect Heath for Women," THI IMPFIIll IUUUT0I M. Miata, 1ft PI L E on anudder light'ood knot, an' fotoh dat chunk er fire, I 'low it's gittin' pow'ful eol', an' de win's a risin' higher. Luoindy, who's dat callin' ? 'Pears lac' I beam a noise Up dar in de big woods. 'Spec' it ar de boys Feelin' uv dey Chris'mus oats, an' bsvin' uv dey cheer, Kase now'se de time ter prance erbout iu' it oumt but once er year. 'Peered lao', howsomeber, dat I beam somebody call; It mout er bin dat lazy mule er stooipin' in his stall. De Chris'mus time done come ergin, to' I'se a hobblin' on, Jet' wtitin' fur de summons when ole Gabriel blows de horn. Dese days ain't like de days we hid, so' Chris'mus mighty slim When you sot it side de Chris'mus io de days uv Marster Jim. Seem lao' it happen'd yistiddy instid er fo' de wah, An' I kio shut my eyes an' see jes' what I uster taw. I hear dat bugle tootio'; Ole Isom done gin out Dat it't Chris'mus in de quarters niggers better git erbout. Here dey come, a soram'lin' to de big house' mighty swift,' Kase dey gwineter see de white fo'ks an' kotch 'em Chris'mui gif, Dat bull-neck Alick lead de gang, to' Godfrey cloa' behio'; Fust come, fust aarved; de jug am full jes' pass er down de line, Ole Marster come atrotlin' out his bead done bist so high Twell you see de Chris'mus aignog fa'rly blaiin' in bis eye. "Start dat mueio up dar, Ephram; fling dat banjo on yo' knee; Sing, "De Yaller Rose er Texas Beats De Belle er Tennessee.' " Then ole Mist is trip out on de poroh, timid lac' an' shy Ex a rabbit in de pea pitch when de moon' a gittin' high. An' she tot dar kinder laffio', and buuimin' uv de tune, While de niggers out the boiiard lope an' dance de gray raccoon; All a-sboutio', an' cavortin', an' pashawin' jes' de came Ei dem folks what't in the circus when de band plays what-cher-name. But dem dsya gone, Luoindy, to' de yoais am Syio' pat' . - Lac' a pestered drove uv pai'iges wbat't skeered up fum de grass Chrii'uiui tio't no Cbiis'mua now, an' things are monstrous slim When you sot 'em side de doin's in de days ur Marster Jim. Who dat keep er callin'? I bono' I beam er yell. Kf dat'a de boys dey's takio' on a pow'ful apreein' spell. Lis'en dar, Luciody; dar't dat tame souu' oome ergio, Lac' aumpin' at de big load gate, in' axin' ter cone in. I beat de toun' uv bosses' buffj. Who't ridin' out ternighl? De weddrr's pow'ful breexy an' de moon am tcs'ce uv light. Dar dey is, Lucindy; dey't knoekin' it de do'l Fo' Gord; it't a white mm dat I neherteed befo'l Saivant, Marsttrl Yas, sah; my name is Unole Epb. Old Marster oalled me dat fur short, an' udders tuk de lief. Belonged to Mr. Cranston? How oome you ax me dai? Co'se l'se a Cranston nigger, fum de shoea up to de hat. Why, bress de Lordl Am dat de truf ? Luoindy, dis am him I De dead done oome ter life ergin my little Marster Jim! Sot yo'ae'f afo' de fire. Lord, de glory ballsluja I It dose here eye a-seein' right ? Young Marster, ao dat you? Done bin up wid de yankee folkt tn' gittin' pow'ful rich ? Dat what you say ? In de kiogdom-kum, I never hetrn er tioh, Come back bekaae you bad a bankerin' in' er grief Ter tee de 8uuf in' sing ergio long wid Uncle Eph ? Hear ill dat, Luoindy ? How oome you itiodin' dere Giionio' lao' er 'possum wid yer mout fum eir to eir ? Folcbcd all dit truck fur me, you my ? Young Marster, you' tight 1 Jes' lac' dit ole man Banty Oiaus, what prowit on Cbhs'mua nig'uL An' I 'low dat de Cranston blood it runnin' io yo' bide De same io Ole Msrater'a afore be tuk an' died. Luoindy, bring dat banjo down. Dar't Chris'mui in my tout I Lao' dat good. ole lima religion what makea ole Jordan roll. Ao' it't bleeged ter oome er apoutio'. Hist dat halleluja hymn; ' 'Kane dit day't lac' da Cnria'mu in da days nv Marat er Jim I Wise Proverbs, Witty Sayings, Beautiful Parables, Quaint Legends, From That Remark able Literary Production the Talmud. How msny people know anything di fi nite regirdiog the Talmud, which hat been for thousands of yean i tort of sec d Bible to the Jewish raoe, md which "DKe briefly defined by Webster is "the body of the Jewish civil oinooical law not comprised in the Pentateuch ?" The writer doesn't know much about it him self, but he doet know that one of the wisest booka be bis recently lead is Rev. Madison C. Peters' "Wit and Wisdom of the Talmud," which it simply a collec tion ot wise proveros, witty sayings beautiful parables, tod quaint legends collected from the Talmud that remark, able literary production which embodiet its twelve folio volumes the mental li- ois of the ancient Jewish teacher du ring tho period of about eight hundred years. Ul course what appeals to one man may not appeal to ill men, but we think that the following selections com' prise the cream, or a part of the cream of the book : Every bouse is a temple, every heart an altar, every human being a priest. Hear sixty advisers, but be guided by your own conviction. He who has no inner nobleness has ooth jg, eveo if be be of noble biuh. A man is known by three things; by his conduct in money matters, his be havior at table, and bia demeanor when angry. Do not worry thyself with the trouble oi tomorrow; pern.ps tnou sna.t nive no 8tom,0B tnd Li,et T,b,elli M, tnmnrrnw nrl mtliir ahituMnt. ihnn trnnhln I . ... . ' ' J. ii, HeitB, ot Detroit, Micb.. Bays, wyseii aoout a worm mat is not miner Th . . my .j, . . T f - 1 L.-a J I J FT roverty comes irom uou, out not uin. , . me of .. . . , , Throe names are given to a man; one c,used . ,nd ,alUfllctotT WHAT'S IN A NAME? Everythiog ia io the name when it comes to WitCb Haiel Salve E.C. DeWitt & Co., of Chicago, discovered, tome yetn ago, bow to make a salve from Witoh Haiel that ia a specific for Piles. For Blind, bleeding, itching and protruding Piles, ecaema, outr; burnt, bruise tnd ill skin disease DeWitt I Salve has oo equal This hat givoo rise to numerous worth leas counterfeits. Ask for DeWitt' the gesuio. W. M. Cohen, Blue eye are very tweet, ind then Blaok eye ire oharming, too, But no girl' eye era pretty when They ire both blick and blue. Tbeallof duty never ooottadict Nlf. WISDOM OF THE ANCIENTS. The mercy we to others show, Heaven will show to uti Eat and drink to live; livo not to eat and drink, for thus do the beasts. Wealth may be like waters gathered in a house, which, finding oo outlet, drown the owner. Do not aspire fur public offices, but when there ire no men, try tbou to be man. Misery tnd remorse ire cbildron of Tho waiting work furnishes us cicnt warrant to do it. tuffi- This is the punishment of the liar, that when he tells the truth nobody be lieves him. Wheo Satan cannot come himself, he tends stroog drink it i messenger. II1 LOOKED HAPPY. "You look happy," ventured the Uur- 1 1st. "Couldn't be more so, stranger," re plied the lanky native. "Didn't the lightning strike your place ?" "Yes, hit the woodpile an' split up en ough wood to last six weeks." "How about the cloudburst ?" "Oh, that saved the old womtn a week't washing. Just hung the clothes out, ao' the water did the rest." "But the earthquake?" "Well, that eaved some more work. Churned up all the milk around into butter. Nature is man's greatest help, stranger." possible many fantastic atoriea have been written of magic mirrors in which the future was revealed. If inch a thing were bright - faced bride The time draws near the birth of Christ. The moon is hid; the night ia still; The Christmas belli from hill to hill Answer each other in the mist. would shrink from the revelation of her elf, stripped of all her loveliness. If there ia one thing which would make a woman shrink from marriage it ia to see the rapid physical deterioration which comes to so many wives. The cause ia generally due to womanly diaeasea. Lost health and lost comeliness are restored by the use of Dr. Pierce't Fa vorite Prescription. It cure irregular ity and dries weakening drains. It heals inflammation and ulceration, and cures female weakness. "It if with the greatest pleasure that I tell you what Dr. Pierce'. Favorite Preription and Golden Medical Ducorery ' have done for me," write. Mis. Emma 1.. Banke.. of 10. North 7th Street, H.rri.bur. . P.. " They have done me a world of good. 1 had female weakneM for .Ik yean; sometime, would feel fo badly I did not koow what to do, but I fouad relief at last, thanks to Dr. Pierce for hi. kiud advice. 1 have this medicine Still in my house and wiU alwaya keep it.' If yon are led to the purchase of "Favorite Prescription" because of it remarkable cures of other women, do not accept a substitute which haa none of these cures to its credit. Free. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, paper covers, is sent tree on receipt ot 21 one-cent stam to pay expense of mailing only. for cloth-bound volume send 31 stamp. Address Dr. B, V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. To improve the appetite ind strengthen the digestion, try a few doses of Cham- by his parents, another by the world, and the third by his works the one which it written io the immortal book of bit fate. lhe noblest ot ill charities is 10 ena bling the poor to earo a livelihood. Uo to sleep without tupper, but rise without debt. One enemy it too miny, thousand friends ire none too many, Reverence of God it the basis of mor ,lity. How miy 1 man obtain greatoesa? By fidelity, and truth, md lofty thoughts Who it neb 7 tie who haa a gooa wife. The majority of children resemble tbeir maternal unoles; hence tbe choice of 1 wife should be determined by ' the character of ber brothers. Hold your neighbor'i honor a sacred as your own. If you use a mirror to find your own He who eats ind diinkt but blesseB f,u8 you will forget to use a microscope I not the Lord, is even is he who stealeth. for those of others. Whatever 1 hateful to thee do not to movemeotof the bowels." There ire people in this community who need just suoh a medicine. For tale by W. M. Cohen, Druggitt, Weldon, N. C. Every box warrined. At Christmas play and make good cheer, For Christmas cornea but once a year. KOR OVER SIXTY VEAHS Mrs, Window's Soothing Syrup his been used for over sixty years by millions ot mother for ohildren, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the guma, allays all pain, cures wind oolic, and is the best remedy tor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggist in every part ol the world, za cent a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Th's preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives Instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive itomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. Is unequalled for the stomach. Child ren with weak stomachs thrive on It. First dose relieves. A diet unnecessary. Cures all stomach troubles Prepared only by E. C. DaWrTT h Co., Chicago The $1. bottle contain. t time tbe 50c elan. W. M. Cohen, Druggist. thy oeighbor. He who teaches his son oo trade 11 if he tiught him to steal. If the thief bas bo opportunity he tbinkt himself honorable. The wicked 11 io the power of hit pil lion; the righteous pission ii his power. BETTER THAN A PLASTER. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Bilm and bound on tbe affected parts, is better than a plaster for 1 lima bick ind for pains io the tide or cbett. fain balm his no supe rior 11 1 liniment for the relief of deep When two men auirrel. he who it first tested, muscular tnd rheumitio puns, ilent b tbe better mm. . " w- WMn go. ar !.: J::r r. !. Weiaoo, . U. the mm who dignifies the position. A fool ia high etitioo it like ao ass tied to the iuo. Pride ia tigo of the worst poverty lgooraooe, He who fears the opinion of the world more thin hit owo conscience bas but No amount of culture could make a 1 eabbtge grow out of an oak. IS YELLOW.POISON In your blood ? Physicians call It nalarlal Oerm. It can be seen changing red blood yellow under microscope. It works day ana night. First. It turns your com plexion yellow. Chilly, aching sensation creep down your backbone. You feel weak and worthless. t. ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC will (top the trouble now. It enters the blood at once and drive out the yellow poison. If neglected and when Chills, Fevers, Night-Sweats and a gen eral break-down come later on, Roberts' Tonic will cure you then but why wait ? Prevent future sickness. 1 ne manufac turers know all about this yel low poison and have perfected Roberts' ionic to anve re our, nourish your system, restore appetite, purify the blood, pre vent and cure Chills, Fevers and Malaria. It has cured thous ands It will cure you, or your money back. This U fair. Try it. Price, 9 cents. Sold by ALL DRUGGISTS: A TIMELY SUGGESTION. This ia tbe season of tbe year wbeo I the prudent ind oarelul noutewile re-1 pleoisl.es her supply ot uumoenaios n ..... 1, e,A ach e? pain rVmrrli RnrntifiV Tt. la twrtatn In hp I . - Constipation ir . lime seii-respeoi, Uougft Kemedy. H is certain to he . . .,,,-0 Rorl itl u 1 1 1. .l. ...... . uava ui vuui vyvai u mo wonu ia uuiy naveu uy tun urc.iu 1 needed Detore tne winter ia over, ana re-1 . ,,,ti, o l, .r it.. ..l..i .l:u ..j T.,aniam 1 1 1. . ..j j 1 waste 111 yuui iiiuum I 1. ui tug buuuui vuiiuiou, iu. .viuhw. 1 suits are muco mure pruuipt auu auu 1 Ii I A ' D'll f wai destroyed because the initiation of satisfactory wheo it is kept at hind md your lfT 1 S n S , the young wit neglected. Tho teachers I gi,en as soon aa tbe cold is contracted "vcl " iw v'"uua r re the guirdimt of a Stite. and before it haa become - settled in tbe patton, headache, dyspepsia T- -I . : ,M . I n" uruKs.n.. aystem. IN aiuium every luviauue se vere cold may be warded off by taking this remedy freely as woo 11 the first in dication of tbe oold appears. There it no dtoger in giving it to ehildreo for it . . t .1 . T. I- He who Instructs a child is ai if he hid ereited it. Tbe Emperor Hadrian oooe aaid to th Rabbi Gamaliel : "Your God it represented thief. 1 Wint wonr motuUt-lie or btimrd a baaatlfui srowa or nen oibwkt i i:n u BUCKINGHAM'S DYEMV. He turpriied Adtm in bit sleep and rob-1 eontiiot no harmful lubatanoe. It is HOW TO PREVENT CROUP. It will be good new to the mothers of small ohildren to learn thit oronp can be prevented. Th first tign of croup hoarseness. A day or two before tbe attack the child becomes hoarse. This it loon followed by peculiar rough ooBgh. Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy freely 11 1000 as th child be come hoarse, or eveo after the rough cough appears, and it will dispel all symptoms of eroup. Io this wiy all danger and anxiety may be avoided. This remedy is used by many thousand of mothers and ha never been known to fail. It is, io fact, the only remedy that can always be depended upon and that it pleasant and atfe to take. For sale at W. M. Cohen's drug More, VYeldoo, H, V. bed him of one of hit rib.' ; Th Rabbi't daughter, advancing juat t that time, reported thit on th pre vious night an audieioas tbiel hid bro keo iotolbeir house, stolen a silver fligoo nd left a golden oie in Hi plice. "What 1 welooaM thief I" exclaimed Hadrian. "Would thit tuoh thief might vitit my palace every day." The damsel answered, "And wit not th Creator tuck thief, who deprived Adam of lib and io lieu thereof give him a loving, lovely bride V The forest trees once asked the fruit trees : "Why is th milling of your leavei sot beard ia the distance ?" Tb fruit trees replied, "We eaa dis pense with tbe rattling to maBifeM our presenoe-,our fruits testify for at. The fruit tree then ioquired of the forest trees ; "Why do yor leave rus tle almost continually T" "We are forced to nil the attention f man to out existence, W ben the wise it angry he is wise no longer. Work it mor pleaawt ia th lifht of tb Cord this tb Merit of your father. pleasant to take both adults and ohil dren like it. Buy it and you will get I the best. It always euret. For sale by W. M. Cohio, druggist, Weldoo.N. 0. Effort doet not alwaya produce best effect io spiritual tbioga. tbe hmw A UUUAU A glass or two of water taken hall an hour before breakfast will usually keep tbe bowel regular. Harsh cathartics should be avoided. When a purgative is seeded, take Chamberlain's Stomach aed Liver Tablets. They are mild and gentle in their actio. For sale by W.M.. Uefcei. Druggist, Weldon, N. C. It is possible to smother tb fire of seat by too much fuel of effort. YOU KNOW WHAT YOlWIBTAIUNG With th Cook and buy you on bag of J. E. M. Flour and be convinced that it is the best flour on the market. 12 cake Laundry Soap for Whan you tk Grove' Tasteless Chill Toaic because the formula is plainly united 00 every bottla showing that it I is simply Iron ind Quinine In a tasteless UA poUtoe, 25c, peck, and everything farm. No oure, No Piy. 60. , . . ' , ' ' " It doesn't take much gold-leaf to cove' he p.pi of tb. eye. W. 1. Jf AitHJb ii. 1 Ha cannot consecrate hi gift who I 5,io hive it ooQBumed. I WELDON, N.C. r

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