TEEMIS:-1-50 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE VOL. XXXVII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 1. 1903. NO. 34. A. NB"WSPAPEB FOB THE PEOPLE. The treat rheumatic remedy not mIv enm form of rheumatism, but make radical cures of Contagious Blood Poison, Scrofula, Seres, Boils, Catarrh, and all disease arising from Impurities In the blood. Endorsed by physicians and prominent people every where atter thorough trial. DOU NOT INJURE THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS. . . , . t nAL.TOIfi is. V. "J J f70or"oiOlB." Tw . bottle, eurad By ana of a bad cau. titbit will ww " 1 " . , jwr wiiiunoiH rcueay, yon mo oh lb 3 Tour, truly, W. H. BAND. Steward SUUt Blind JruMUIioa. 3 All Druggist., ft .00; or prepaid on receipt of price. 4 j BobWtt Chemical Co., - - Baltimore, rid. f ivoftftivuoeMrirHrrrirk(t4 P. N. Staijiback, WELDON, N. C. Dealer in (EflE(JL - - - .hflCfflDISE or ALL KISIH. ZEICLER It BAY STATE ft TT O R ttatrciALTY - - a.HoIe Aantie) WeJdos forSTKOUBE BROTHER. HIGH ART CLOTHING Formerly told ben by M P. Hart.) A Bt guaranteed UNDERTAKING .11 1.. 1 l. liut.lK.. Wlnni X J Cloth Covered Caaketa and Coflloe Telenhona or telegraph measagea at tended to day or light. JLUU VV C1UUU VJTi UlCl Jf UU, 8 DiAirJjJIi CSS AINU X IVtfcrTi . m -.. 1-1 -. Ti-i-. kYl-wr 1W LWs Sell Only To Merchant If Order Solicited. THE WELDON GROCERY CO , 2 8 It weldon. n.o. fi 0 WWW- msimsri i Escelsior Printing Co, 1 Aj w .vVA. WELDON, 1ST O. T.or TH11 onrl Vaocet TTeflflft Wedding Invitations, ; Circulars, Hand Bills, Etc. ; Send us your orders. All II orders receive prompt and H careful attention. -:,,:WELD0N, N. C.I- Orjaiusi Ms Tie Laii of 11b Stale of North Carolina, AUGUST 20TB, 1892. STATU OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DKPOSirOKV. TOWN OF WELDON DEPOSITORY. CAPITAL AX3 SURPLUS $26,000. For tea yeara tbia ioatituliua hai provided banking faoilitiea f..r 1M1 seoiios In Hoot holder, and director haw been Ideotiaed with the buain.. interests ol Halifax end Northampton wuniie. Tor many years. Mooey b loaned upoo ap proved seeorUj at I ha legal rate of Intereet-til ptr oenttna. Aoouunti of all are. olieiled. Preaid.nL- Vioe-PreiIeol: C"blr: W. K. DANIEL Da. J. N. RAMSAY, W. R. 8MITH. getboard, Nortbanptoo ooualy, N. C. . ARE YOU WORTH IT? IT WOULD NOT BI A BAD PROBLEM TO ESTIMATE JII8T BOW MUCH TOD cost roua parents. A boy or girl u qnile a eoaily ioreat ment, ov.o aa lar u money k concerned. It would not be i bad problem toeatimale roughly jut bow nioch yoa have coat your pireota doring a lifetime. Couol io yourboird and oloihing, your achool booka, ynur doctor', bill, the money that baa beta "pent on your pleasure, and yon will open )oor eyea when yoa eome to add up I be different item. But afier all, the money expendiinre represent, only a amall part of your coat. For the first few year, of your life it took about all your mother 'a time and ttreogtli 10 cars lor you. How ehe haa watched orer you when tick I What antioua thouvht haa been spent in giving you the very bet tort of training I Many a mao baa made a fortune with lesa pains and bard work than hare been spent on you. Yon hare coat a good deal. That is settled, sod the neit question ia, are yon worth UT Sometimes we besr of wealthy men spending a foriuoe to purchase a single pjiniing or jewel When we eome to make inquiries we find that tbe paint ing IS a matter piece and aureto appreciate trtfalud aa time pa;ej, or that the jewel it flawless and worth all that waa paid for it. But sometimes men spend gnat sums on paintings tbst sre poor imita lions of the old outers, or on paate dia monds, and tben the world conclude, that they hart been taken io, and pities tbem accordingly. Are you worth what you bare coat? That is a question to think about. The sham jewel cannot make itself orer, but boys and girla who have been thoughtless and careless in the pastoan resolves that io the future they will be worthy of all that baa been doue fur them. FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS Mrs. Winslow'a Sootbiog Syrup has been used for over aixty yeara by millions ol mothers for children, while teething, with perfect suooees. It soothes the ohild, softens the Kums, allays all pain, cures wind oolio, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in etory part of the world. ZS cents bottle. Beeureandafkfor"Mra. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind D Liu OPINION CfVTiWAD L nnunrvv -.1.. nnirnsuat( (hfl oitf ,br0UfEi 7" vnvu m Uuii JLiitt a 1 iui vsiuw --r - TWdlDgtosonc, for style-, tbe choiat FURNITURE wait, for yoTJ Durable tad elegast, ornate er plsio, tuoh 8uiiea eUewbere we seek is vai IToted lor UPHOLSTERY, here we Sod a grand collection of every kiU Ooaoente! DRAPERIES, It is koowe wall, io perfect taste, they eicfTJ RigbUtTll E. Broad St , of MIRRORS & PICTURES, the stock's eompleOED (G lor beauty ft quality wc cao rely os all SYDNOR & HUNDLEY dosuppPZ" XHis great store is ivv-t n-ao E Broad street, Richmond, Va THE ADDRESS ONLY. Il you insist on breaking our engage ment, Mia. Fickle, I shall make your letters public. You are welcome to do so. Mr. Scamper; there is nothing io them thai I am ashamed of except lh i address on the envelope Be sure you sre right then sit down snd think it over. WHEN BABY IS GOMHi USE Mother'sFriend w VISIT OH, "WKITBwi The Petersburg Furniture Co., 203 AND 207 N. SYCAMORE ST. "ETERSBURG, VA. il m r i turiiuwlJtuiK, THE HUSTLING AND UP-TO-DATE LEADERS IN FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS. A. J. WINFIELDtPBESIDENTAMANAGER avSpecial Attention to Mail Orderayr i oet 3 ly. Wouun'a i;rateit dream of beauty and i- ....... m l.n. plinwn hrrta become a mother. Everv faculty M keenly alert aa aur iiirt-wv. vu. jvjt euccew auJ the litc-long aatisfoction corn fng nearer, chy by day, in the dear and iuuocent be:ii ao aoou to aee li'ht, and the uncertainty whether alio ahall aee a aweei urn w w.w.w . . on the pillow oMs aeat to her expectancy. Mother's Friend applied externally throughout preaucy will relieve the pain of parturi.iun, anil no mother and rhild ean fail to be healthy, hearty, strong, . - , . i innKi mitw ninoueu aiiu cheerful in difpoaition, who are mutually Influenced by the continued ue of Una .... ....n... .... ia unicuo great liniment, swiuna n i Buy of druirirlsts, fi.oo per bottle. Our treallae "Motherhood" mailed free. 1HI laaofitLO IIC.UIAIM CO, Auanta, Sa. ft Grossmann's PATENT I RITIN& BING. Tba most important Improvement of the age la tbe art of penmanship makes the poorest writer a splendid penman In a few weeka by the use of thla rinit. Endorsed by prominent College Preaidentsand ijoards of education in Eoropeand America Ham pie doaen assorted sites aent postpaid fortl. Single sample 25c. When order ing a single ring, state whether for man, woman or child. 'Fen IfiSijplj Co., No. 111)8. 4th St., Philadelphia, eep 18 tf a AvnVb Tcstd2:s CM!1 TobIs hzscJCst-t 25 Avcra3e Aivnu J Sdcs ovn-On 3 4 alL US' PERHAPS AN ANGEL SPEAKING. When the cotton fields are whitest, And the dews reflect the stars, When the harvest moon shines brightest Through the leaves in silver bars, . There's a banjo sweetly ringing At the little cabin door, And the mocking bird is singing As it sang in days of yore. On the blended songs I ponder; On the "Land way over there." And the rapturous "Over yonder's Happy land without a care. While the banjo's softly ringing, Starts a teardrop down my cheek, And the mocking bird that's singing Seems an angel that would speak. 'Tis perhaps an angel speaking, Could we only read the song, Soft, persuading, pleading, seeking, Souls to turn away from wrong. There's a saintly sermon stealing From the lofty cabin door, Where the gray haired darkey's kneeling To his God when work is o'er. Though of land he's not an acre, Though his face is black and old, Yet he's talking to his Master,, With a faith doubt makes not cold, And it may be he rejoices At some angel message heard Some note of angel voices In the singing of the bird. LI if 1 NEVER TROUBLE TROUBLE. a atiAjMsOll Look on the bright side always, It does not do to mope; Don't say, "I fear," "I'm dreaming," But just "I trust and hope" Don't look for storm and tempest While skies are bright and blue, Just never trouble trouble Till trouble troubles you. Some folks are always croaking, From sunrise to sunset; They rail against the weather; Be it hot or cold, or wet: "The frost will kill the peaches," "The drought will spoil the wheat,"' "The rain will drown the harvest, And we'll have no bread to eat." Don't you dread conflagrations Because the fireflies glow; Or dream of wild tornadoes Whenever zephyrs blow; Don't think that floods are coming When it rains a drop or two; Oh, never trouble trouble Till trouble troubles you. For half the evils dreaded Will never come to pass, And you miss the present's brightness While you sii ami ". "Alii !" - Take the blossom bright and glowing, Though a worm be at the root, Nor let one spot upon the rind Spoil all the mellow fruit. Make the best of what is given, Without looking for the ill; 8o will all your joys be doubled And your woes diminish still. Rejoice in all the sunshine Of the world you journey through, And never trouble trouble Till trouble troubles you. CHAMPION FISH STORY. That's Right, If You Intend Telling a Lie, Tell a Big One. They bad been speaking of fast rune oo railroads. "That reminds mo of s run we made some time ago on a train which came in from a point on tbe coast," said the man who wanted to add seat to the conversation, "and it was about tba fleetest trip I ever bad oo railroad- "Tbo train was behind time about an hour, tod I think the engineer made an effort to catch op between tbe city and s point not so very far out on the) coast. At aoy rate, it looked very much like it , to me. We shot through the sir like an arrow. Sometimes it would seem to me that we had left the track altogether. That clickiog peculiar to railroad Iraine oould not be heard. About all we could bear at times would be tbe whizxing of tbe wind as it split by tbe windows. Across bsyous snd through marshes wc rubbed like msd. When wc reached tbe Rigolets the most remarkable thing I ever saw took place. The train was traveling ao fast that it sucked tbe water up be hind it as it rushed across the trestle, and I could hear the fishes groan as we flew over this neck of the sulf. Most re markable thing I ever saw in the way of fast runs." And he lapsed into silence. "I'm glad you reminded me of that run," said another member of the group. "I bad forgotleo the incident. I can vouch for all you say, for I waa on the back end of the last coach, and the water which was sucked in behind tbe train by the vacuum almost wsshed me overboard, but I held on all right, and when we bad made tbe crossing and tbe waters had receded I picked np on tbe platform of the rear coach the finest bunch of fish I ever saw. They were no doubt the fish you heard groaning." New Orleans Times-Democrat. PASS IT ON- CROUP. The peculiar cough which indicates croup, ia usually well known to the mothers of a croupy ohild. No time should be lost in the treatment of it, and for this purpose no aoidicioe has received more universal approval than Chamberlain's Coogh Remedy. Do sot waste valuable time ia eipeiinieoting with nnlrted rem edies, so matter how highly the; are reommended, but give this medioine as directed and sll symptoms of croup will quickly disappear. I For sale by W. M. Cohen, Druggist, "The nicest and pleassntest medicine I have used for indigestion and eonatipa- tioo it Chamberlain's Stomaok and Liver Tablela," says Melard F. Craig, of Mid- dletowo, N. Y. "They work like I charm and do not gripe or have any un pleasant effect.'' " For sale at W. M. Cohen's drugstore, Weldon, N. C. DISLOCATED HER SHOULDER. Mrs. Johanna Soderhom, of Fergus Falls, Minn., fell and dislocated her shoulder. She had a surgeon get it baok in place as soon aa possible, bu it was quite sore snd pained her very much. Her son mentioned that be bad seen Chamberlain's Pain Balm advertised for sprsios and soreness, and she asked him to buy ber a bottle of it, whioh he did. It quickly relieved her and enabled her to aleep which she bsd not done for sev eral days. The son was so much pleased with the relief it gave his mother that he has since recommended it to many others. For sale by W. M. Cohen, druggist, Weldon, N.C. I TO AST. At an "engagement" breakfast in Con. oordis, Kan , the other day a frank youog lady gave the following toast : Here's to the bride-to-be, Happy and smiling and fair, Here's to those who would like to be, And sre wondering, when and where. EVERY BOTTLE OF CHAMBER LAIN'S COUGH REMEDY WARRANTED. We guarantee every bottle of Cham. berlaio's Cough Remedy and will refund tbe money to anyone who is not satisfied after using two-thirds of tbe content!. This is the best remedy in tbe world for la grippe, coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough aod is plessant and safe to take. It prevents aoy tendency of cold to result io pneumonia. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Druggist, Weldon, N. C. SOMETHING LIKE THIS MAY HAPPEN TO TOD SOME DAY, BROTHER, AND IF SO, REMEMBER THIS LITTLE STOBT. Ooce, when I waa a school boy, going borne for the holidays, I had a long way to go to reaob the little town io which I dwelt. I arrived at Bristol aod got on board the etesmer with just enough money to pay my fare, and, that being settled, I thought in my innocence I bad id for everyihing in the way of meals. I bad what I wauled as long as we were in smooth water. Then came the rounb Atlantio, aod the need of nothing more I had been Iviog io my berth for hours, wretchedly ill, aod past caring for any thing, when there came ihe steward, aod stood beside me. "Your bill, sir," said be, holding out piece of paper. "I have no money," aaid I in my wretchedness. "Then I shall keep your baggage. What ia your name and address?" I told bim. Iostsntly be took off the cap be wore, with the gilt band about it, and held out bia band. "I should like to shake hands with you," he ssid. I gsve bim my hand and shook his as well as I oould. Then csme the explanation-bow that some yeara before a little indnesa had been ahown his mother by my father in the sorrow of her widowhood. "I never thought the cbsnce would come fot me to repay it," said be, pleas antly: "but I am glad it has." "So am I," said I. As soon as I got ashore I told my father what had happened. "Ah," said be, "see how a bit of kindness lives I Now he has passed it on to you. Remem ber, if you meet anybody that needs a friendly band) you must pass It oo to them." I ears bad gooe by, 1 had growo op aod quite forgotten it all, nntil ooe day I bad gone to tbe atation ot one ot our main line. I was just going to take my ticket, when I saw a little lad crying; thorough gentleman he was, trying to keep bsck the troublesome tears as he pleaded with the booking clerk. "A' hat is the matter, my lad?" asked. If you please, sir, 1 baven t mooey enough to pay my fare. I have all but a few pence, and I tell the clerk if be will trust me I will be sure to pay him." Iostantly flashed upon me, tbe forgot ten atory of long ago. Here, theo, was my chance to pass it oo. I gave him the sum needed, and then got into the carriage with him. Then I told tbe little fellow tbe atory of long ago and of the steward'! kindness to me. "Now, to day," I said, "I pass it on to you, and remember, if you meet with any one who need a kindly band, you must pass it on to them." "I will, sir; 1 will," oricd the lad as he shook my hsod, his eyea flashing with earnestness. "I sm sure yon will," I answered. I reached my destination, and left my little friend. The last sign I had of bin waa the hsokerobief fluttering from the window of the oarriage, as if to say, "It is all light sir; I will pass it on." THE POEM. I have written a poem, began tbe long- haired youth, about two lovers aittiog on the old leooe back of your fathers park You are writiog about tbe impoaaibls, said the rioh girl. Why, is there no fence ? Yet; but It la barbed wire. The crowned beads of every natioo, The rich men, poor men and miners, All join in paying tribute to rWiit'a I.iills Karl, Riawa. H. Williams, San Antonio, Texasi writes: Jjttlle itarly timer 1'ills are the best I ever used in my family. I unheal tatiogly recommend them to everybody, They cure Constipation, Biliousnasa, Sick Headache, Torpid Liver, Jaundice, ma laria and all other livet troubles. W. M. Cohen Remember, my dsnghter, that meek shall inherit the earth. Yes; some chesty individual will always amssh the will. First Smsll Boy Did you throw an; old shoes sfter your sister when she got married? Second Small Boy Not muohl I threw all my mother's slip pers. . The mesoeat words , That mortals know' Are simply these, A SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. Kodol does for the atomach that is us able to do for itself, even when but slight ly disordered or overloaded. Kodol sup plies the natural juiooa of indigestion aod does the work of tbe stomaoh, relaxing the oervioua tension, while the inflamed muscles of that organ arc allowed to reat and heal. Kodol digests what you eat and enables the stomaoh and digestive organs to transform all food into riolt red blood. WAS ROSES 1 C0WS3Y7 Fred heard bia father talking about cattle stampede in the west, where tbe cowboys were caught in the great rush and some of them trampled to death After s minute or two of profound thought he ssid; "Papa, was Moaes a cowboy ? "No, Fred. Why do yoa ask?'' "Well, I've always beard of him i being in the bulrushes I" UNCONSCIOUS FROM CROUP, PstJ?" ? "jM lwikU attack cl croup our little girl wsa unconscious from strangulation, says A. L. Spsfford, post master, Chester, Mich,, snd a dose of One Minute Cough Cure wss adminis tered and rep-ated often. It reduced the swelling snd inflammation, cut the muooua and ahortly the child was rest- log easy aod speedily recovered. I It cures Coughs. Colds, La Grippe, and all Throat aod Lung troubles. One Mi ate Cough Cure lingers in tbe throat and cheat snd enables the lungs to eon. tribute pure, health giving oxygen Io tbe blood. W. M. Cohen. The right to freely Air their views Some claim. It's really "Wind" Ibcy use. Why can't we come over to your house and play any more? Because papa gets ao mad when we make s little bit of noise. What makes bim that way? Mamma says it's dye pepaia makes bint act ao crazy. That's about the way it strike, tbe small boy. The dyspeptic baa no idea or his own unrea sonableness or harsh ness. Little things are magnified and seem to justify hi. quick aoger. Tuere'a health for the dyspeptic and happiness tor the family by tbe use of Doctor Pierce'a Golden Medical Discov ery. It cures diaeases of the stom ach and other organs of digestion and nutrition, and restore, perfect health and strength, by enabling the perfect digestion and assimila tion of food. "I hate taken one bottle of Dr. Pierc. Golden Medical Discovery for indiferton and liver complaint," write. Mr. C H. Wilson, of Yadkin College, Davidson Co., N. C. "Have had no bad spells since 1 commenced taking your medicine ta fact, have not felt lute the same man. Be fore 1 took the ' Golden Medical Discov ery ' I could not eat anything without aw ful distress, but now 1 can eat anything I wish without having nnpleasant feelings." Dr. Pierce'a Pleasant Pellets cleanse and regulate the bowels. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yon eat. Th's preparation contains all of the mgestams ana aigesta an ninas 01 food. It gives instant relief and never falls to cure. It allows you to eat alt the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take It. By Its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. Is unequalled for the stomach. Child ren with weak stomachs thrive on It. First dose relieves. A diet unnecessary. Cures all stomach troubles Prepared only by E.C. i)Witt Co., Chicago A.UO i uuitie contains s wiuen how wn W, M. Cohen, Druggist. - """: t'K.'-.'Ji .'v siaTv " ISaYELLOV.POlSON ' In your blood ? Physicians call It Malarial Germ. It can be seen changing red blood yellov under microscope. It works day and night. First, It turns your com plexlon yellow. Chilly, aching sensations creep down your backbone. You feel weak and worthless. a ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC will stop the trouble aow. It enters the blood at once and drives out the yellow poison. If neglected and when Chills, Fevers, Night-Sweats snd s gen eral break-down come later on, Roberts' Tonic will cure you then but why wait ? Prevent future sickness. The manufac turers know all about this yel low poison and have perfected Roberts' Tonic to drive It out, nourish your system, restore sppetite, purify the Mood, pre vent and cure Cbllla, Fevera and Malaria. It has cured thoua snds It will cure you, or your money back. This la fair. Try It Price, 23 cents. Sol3 by ALL DRC3GI3T3. Constipation Does your head ache ? Pain back of your eyes? Bad taste in your mouth? It's your liver ! Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They cure consti pation, headache, dyspepsia. JSC All drug:lst. Want your muMUrli. "t board a bsanUfal BUCKINGHAM'S DYEM! M eve, rrssjesniet., i ore ! I wonder how Venice de Milo came to lose her arms ? Broke 'em off, probably, trying to button ber shirt waist np the bsck. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'BETAatlHQ When yon take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonio because tbe formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing tbst is simply Iron snd Quinine in n tasteless 1 UOa jaus With the Cook snd buy yoa ooe bag of J. E. XI. Flour snd be convinced that k is ths beat lour on tbe market. 12 eakes Ltundry Soap for , , Irish Potatoes, 25o. peck, and everything you need for the labia and pantry. w. t. PABur.?.;