Coughing " I was given up to die with h quick consumption. 1 then hecan Jj to use Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. 1 improved at once, and am tin in jj perfect health." Chas. Ii. Hart- )J man. Gibbstown, N. Y, It's too risky, ptayirg 2 with your cough. The first thinn; you Know it will b; down deep in your luius :u"J theolav will be over. L!o I gin early with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and stop the cough. Tkm ilitf ! He, Ms., II. All dniiflMi. coiiiult jour asctar. V he ri tes It, then do ho lf If !ui tll J' net to uk. It. thn .lon't uke It. Il kuow.. Luf. It with him. Wmr willing J. U. AYKK CO., Lowell. Mm. THE ROANOKt Nb'.WS THURSDAY, J AS 8 I'jn3 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. Entered at Pott Office at Weldon at Second-Qatt Matter. BATK8 OF SI'BSCEIPTION IN AOVANCK. One Year (By Mail), Postage Paid $1.50. Six Month 75. A Weekly Democratic journal devoted to the material, educational, political and agricultural interests of Halifax and sur rounding counties. HayAdveitinitie rates reasonahle and furnished on application. THAT was I meeting of great import uce held io Greensboro Tuesday, pays the News aod Observer, by representa tives of the business houses of the lead ing towns of the State to consider the ways aod means of putting an end to the discrimination practiced against North Carolina business interests by the rail roads in the matter of freight rales. The meeting was composed of representative men who wish only a fair chance who ask nothing but "to live and let live." They propose no radical or revolutiona ry measures. They wi"h only justice. In the eighty years Bince the Monroe Doctrine was first propounded, the navy of the United Slates has never (quailed that of any of the great European powers and yet the Doctrine has never been vie. lated. The reason is plain. The United Stales feeds a large portion ol Europe. Were Ueiniany rr England, for instance, to make war on the United Stales their armies would starve. All this talk about mjkiot! our navy iqiial in strength to to theirs is jiugoisiu On Januaiy 1st Jud.-e Walt.r Clark took the oath ol office as Chi.f Jusiice of theN'irlh Carolina Supreme court, and Judges H. G. Conner and Halt D. Walker qualified as Associate Justices The Supreme Court as now constituted is: Chief Justice: Walter Clark, of Wake county; AssociuteJustices: R. M. Doug las, of Guilford county, Walter A Mont gomery, of Wake couoty, Henry G. Conner, of Wilson county, and Piatt D Walker, of Mecklenburg. Mr. and Mrs. William Clay, father and mother of Mr. Alfred Clay, of Watt, Rettew & Clay, Norfolk, Vs., celebrated their golden wedding at their home, 68 Clark slreet, Hartford, Conn, Monday afternoon and evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clay came to America from England thir'y seven years ago and have been residents of Hartford during their life in this country. Besides Mi. Alfred Clay there are four children Mrs. W, I. Morse, of Wilson, Conn ; Edwin Clay, Mrs. Annie Thomp ton and Mrs. William Maitio, of Hert ford. Mr. and Mrs. ( lay and their son, of Norfolk, attended the Celebration. The elder Mr. and Mrs. Clay received many happy reminders of the golden period tbey had reached io their wedded life, including a bunch of fil'iy reses tied ith golden libboo and a purse of gold pre sented by the children and grandchildren. The firm ol Watt, Rettew ii Clay is "Norlolk's liteatest store," and we con gratulate Mr. Clay, of the firm, on his father at.d mother having lived to cole brate tnt-ir golden wedding and to see their children and grandchildren gro ing np to be among the most influential izi sstiu! tttiKB? r! i his coun'ry. ' Sla'e . f Ohio, Ciiy of Toledo, ) Lucas County. j Frank J. Cheney makes oath that h is senior partner of the Gim of F. J. ' Cheney t Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, nd that laid firm will pay the sum ol Ooo Hundred Dollars for each and every case of catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Caiairh Cure. FKANK 1. CllINlY. , Sworn (o befote me and mbseiibed in my presence, this 6th day of December A. D. 1S8S. (Seal) A. W. GLKASON, Notary Public Haifa Catarrh Cure is taken internal- ly and acta directly on the blood and mu eoui lurfaoei of the system. F.J. CHENEY 4 CO., Prop., . Toledo, Ohio' tm.8old Ly all Druggists 75c. Testimonial free. Ball's Family Pilla an the beet. TO CUKE COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet) All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E W. Grove'i signature is on 44 box. 25c. EDITORIAL BRIEFS. NEWS NOTES OF UKNERAL 1 NTEBEHT (IATHKREU II Kill AND TI.SIIK. CVh down will prove a sufficient apol ogy from Yen. giicla to the Kaiser. All the papers have now succeeded in advising everybody to wiite it 1 '03. The toy pistol epidemic continues to carry sorrow to households iu Norfolk. Governor Odell is safe in the Gubcr chair of the Empire Slate again Li isi on lias wisely dated her Horse Sli-.w Apiil j r.! after ti e spiing plow ing. A Siuilhfui.iaii pi lessor has discover ed i lint marble i a fluid So is hard cider. There, will b'j no bureau of mines in t'o' new lli pailu.eiit if Cotuuierco and L.l...r. A lew more umi trust bills will soon biigliten the pages if I lie Congressional Record, Spain sei ins, after all, to have enough navy h it to attempt a "peaceful" block ade at Mi mcco. The first thing we know somebody will be wanting to run for something on a free coal platform. The House recently passid 174 pen sion bills in 31 minuti s and yet peop'e wonder where their money goes. Guam wants an approptiation of $40, 000 fur public improvements. This col 0'iy business is an expensive luxury. It is reported that the Standard Oil Trust has got its clutches on the princi pal gushers in the Beaumont, Texas, field. Scrsaii.nal charges are made agaitst the late Chailes Broadway Rouse by Miss Edna Weller McClelland, of New York. The Republican chairman of the ju diciary committee of the House of Rep resentatives declares that there are do trusts. The Attorney-General of Illinois is starting out as if he intends to raise that coal blockade in the yards if it takes all winter. There has been a cut in the price of beef on the hoof of over 30 per cent, with no corresponding reduction of the retail price. Alaska is proving its adaptability to agriculture. Good en p of garden truck and fair crops of grain were made during the past season. Cholera seems to have a pretty firm grip on (lie I'hilipines, notwithstanding the several announcements that it had been stamped cu'. The unfortunate beet sugar manufac turers of Michigan can guarantee, under existing conditions, only Sl3 J per cent. on their investment. Norfolk has declared war on (he toy pistol afur the manner if the man who locked his stable door after several of his horses had been taken. President Nelms, of the Hampton Roads Street Ratlway Company denies that the Goulds have that part of the eirth over which his line runs. The white burley tobacco growers who are organizing to go up against the trust seem to rcalizi that they have un dertaken a pretty healthy job. It begins to look as though the Mar coni system of wireless telegraphy would prove a success, the government officials to the coniraiy notwithstanding. A funhir advance in the price of oil has greased the way of the Standard Oil Company to open a pension bureau for the benefit of i's faithful employees. R'pnsentative Litili field, of Maine, whs beiiives he has a n inedy for trusts, is be'tii made the butt of ridicule by his collcauues lor his laik of Republicanism. The Methodist Episcopal Church ma le ijiiick work of raising that twenty million dollars educatioo fund and will now proceed to do i: over again for tome other good purpose. A dispaie'i received at the Navy De partment repotts an outbreak of diphthe ria on board the United Statei training ship Buffalo, at IVnsacola. Two ol th boys died of the disease. CURES BLOOD, SKIN TROUBLES, Cane r, Blood Poison. Greatest Blood Puriher Free. If your blood is impure, thin, diseased, hot or full of humors, if you have blood poison, cancer, cerbunoles, eating sores, scrofula, eciema, itching, risings and lumps, scabby, pimply skin, bone pains, catarrh, rheumatism, or any blood or skin disease, take Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B) according to directions Soon all sores heal, aches and pains stop, the blood is made pure and rich, leaviog the skin free from every eruption, and giving the rich glow of perfect health to the skin. At the same time B. B. B. im proves the digestion, cures dyspepsia, strengthens weak kidneys. Just the mod icine for old people, as it gives them new, vigorous blood. Druggists, ft per large bottle, with directions for home cure. Sample free and prepaid by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble aod special free medical advise also sent in sealed letter. B. B, B. it especially advised for chronic, deep-seated cases of impure blood and skio disease, ami cures after all else fails. For sale at Zolliooffer'a Drug Store. Fewer gallon; W :ars longer; Devoe, MELTING OF LAWMAKERS. 1 U K NORTH C.MIOI.INA LKCIIHI.ATt'HK NliW IN HUSSION. The Senate and IIoue were nroan- il d yesterday at nouu and the lawmakers are new ready for work There were many aspirants for the various positions to be fillid by the Senate aod House. Some had to be disappointed, of course. The following are the Senate caucus nominees: Chief CI. rk. A. J. Maxwell, of Rickingham. Heading Clerk. T. J Murphy, of C.ui fotd. P.-or-Keeper. David A. Butts, of Wilson, Assisluiit Dour tv i Jcr. ltev. P. P. (1 le, of Butle. Engrossing ('Ink. O. P. Shell, of Hatnell. (Nil. tidar Cl.rk, M. L, Miiptnan, if Hi i dt rsop. Mr. Murphy, who si cues the position of reading clerk, is a former well known r.til.vaj postal clerk, who has many ftieods in Weldon where he is well known and most highly esteemed. The Democrats of the House in Ciuius Tuesday night made the follow ing nominal ions : Speaker, Samuel M. Gatlis, of Orange. Chi.fCW.rk. Frank D. Hackelt, of V ilkes. Reading clurk. F. B. Arendell, of Wake. Engrossing Clerk. Jas. H. Fonville, of Duplin. Door-Keeper. John II. Carr, of Caswell. Assistant Door-Keeper, W. S. Linebcrry. STATE HAPPENINGS, AS (JATIIERELl KRO.M OUR 8TATI IX CI1ANUM. The Rocky Mount Motor has changed bands. Geo. L. Parker will be president of the new company, M. A. Myrick, a merchant at Lenoir, has assigned, with a stock worth 83,000, Lawrence Gricr is assignee. The North Carolina Penitentiary is now out of debt, and the present adminis tration has earned $10,288.41 The Atlantic and North Carolina rail road has purchased the Atlantic Hotel ai Morehead City. Price paid ? 14,000. The people of Dudo and vicinity are agitating the question of forming a new county, with Dunn as the centre and county seal, The Rocky Mount Motor says the congregation of the Methodist church has decided to complete a 115,000 new btick church this year. Rev. II. M. Pressly, of Minneapolis, Minn., has accepted a call to the pastot ate ol the Presbyterian church at Albe marle and has entered upon his work. Buirell Davis, who lives five milts Oorthwest of Greensboro, has discovered valuable gold and copper ores. He has made several blasts and continues to find it. The aldermen of Oxford have refused to issue license aod the town is now dry. The Ledger is opposed to local prohibi tion. It says it has been tried in Oxford and is a failure. In Warren county two men have held the office ol clerk of the court for 82 years. One who died in 1867 had held the office 48 years and his successor has held it since then. At a prayer meeting in Rulheifotd county James Snyder called upon several sinners to assist in a ptayer. As they refused to do so Mrs. Snyder went for ward and assisted. When the congrega tion arose they were astonished to find Mrs. Snyder dead. LETTER TO EDWIN CLARK. Weldon, N. C. Dear Sir: How would you like to lake the agency for the ''fewer gallons; wear) longer'' paiot Devoe Lead aod Zinc? It will cut in half the amount of paiot you sell for any one job, but will multiply the number of jobs by three, four, five, ti.n. fitiwn as much as you and we ean make it by putting the facte before your fellow-townsmen. People are going to paint more when they find its so worth while to paint, and they are going to be glad they did it in stead of sorry, as many are now; It's like making a harness. . He who finds a way to make a harness in lest time, at less cost, and make it last twice to four times, is going to get the business of his town. Lucky is the dealer who sonr the agency for Devoe Lead aod Zioa the "Fewer gallons; wears longer" paiot. Yours truly, F. W. Divo k Co., New York. Tai carrying of concealed deadly weapon ia a practice more largely indul ged in than the public ia aware 3f, espe cially among negroes. It ia a violation of law punishable by fine or imprison ment aod should be rigidly enforced. Until it is the life of every onion is mto aced to the extent of what is liable to happen at any time when 1 hot-headed man has a deadly weapon in his pocket. If nu one carried a pistol nobody would get shot. 1 WELDON, N. C. Complete line of everything in GENERAL MERCHANDISE, g New Goods arriving daily. was never more complete. Best grades of flour in the market. By the barrel, sack or pound. FHESU RICHMOND BEEF DAILY Leading Makes - of -- SHOES ! Best Goods For the Money PRY GOODS and Clothing in endless variety. Full line of Boots & Shoes direct from the Factory. REKD'S ANTI-Rl'STING TINWARE Every piece guaranteed not to tust. A new will be given for every pieca Mturocd to m tint has rusted. Nj time imit on this guarantee' Cook Stoves He Wis Everything at prices to suit the times. Immense stock to select from. Polite and attentive sales men to wait on you. EMRY & JOHNSTON. iHt:ioly It .10 fl . mm v':m PUBLIC! We have opened a store for the exclusive sale of shoes, io the town of Wcldoo on the Corner of Washington Avenue of un t.kdate stvles. and it will be our pleasure to have our mends examine our r r ' stock before buyiug elsewhere. We do not claim to have the largest promise to sell cheaper than any on earth, but we do claim our shoes as good and our tirioes as reasonable as anv. All we ask is an examination of our goods and r we feel sure we can please you. oot 9 ly. Uh Sloe Companj ind this old Man's three Daughters, And then goto C. K. HAEVELL, At IliggeratatT't old itand, where you WINESWHISKEYS BRANDIES and GINS. Polite attention. Good Servioe. Your Patronage Solicited, lion given to all patrons. J T. CLABKi ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON,' N. C. Practices in the courts of Halifax and adjoining counties, and in the Supreme conrt of the State. Special att:t?on given o AnllMtiom and prompt iwtnxiis. DE.STAINbACK, NOTARY PUBLIC. LWkldoh, N. C .Roanoke News Office. Teke Laxative Bromo guinme Tablets. t urmm Wim aoM la tost 13 months. This fcl'matrrrfl. T A and Second Street. We will keep a full line and best stuk in the world, nor do 5 WKLDON, N.C. . 'Sil can get all kind Prompt Attcn 12 11-1 mo. "The Biggest Sensation Everywhere." SLILIPUTS COLAPSABI.E POCKET STERECXSCOPE APPARATUS The smallest Htereotrone with the strong est optical effect. Highly finished in (lit lennt colors with rich gold and silver dec orations (mountings). Inrlnding 20 V. F. Photographs. Views of art (genre.) Price only$t. Pent everywhere prepaid in let ter form. nuAgents wanted. LIUPUT STEREOSCOPE CO., FOREEST BUILDING, Philadelphia, sept 18 tf t r i To Cure a Cold in One Day I nil .1 Ji 300 E CENTRE & 101, Locomotive liuililers mill TEi Repairers. More than u ' dozen rcoum iiv us i" i io -i past ten months, and lour .r more in our shops lor lr"; p We inaiilll'aclltlc. repair nu.l deal in ail linds "I ma. Ilinctv, Ik it ll new mil wcoml land w tit- n uIhiiiI iiu.vtliii'i: "ant. Our I'.iun-I'.v i modern, nilh latest unproved ma eliiiorv lllu ksmiili simp is n. oo- , ni ttilh t'lane Me H.iTi.icr, good K.i.g.s, anil Hint class Mi.ii lis -V9 We lit ill. the best luv Kiln on the n.atkct. W c llvilsto.k..rMlllMippli.s, l.pc, llais and all iisiiii.a ti spicialty. W 1m C .l"t Chains, ahi . . 1 w. ........ We solicit your patronage. lib 27 ly THEY ARE HERE HIM Car load of Buggies and Surries go quick. Prices will surprise you. Written guaran tee with each vehicle. rii-i MILLINERY I is: We are now ready to offer you a aoit attractive line of Stylist Pattern Hats anfl Millinery Novelties, Our entire Stock is New and up-to-date Our motto: "Small Profits, Quick Sales." We invite you to examine our stock and believe we can please you. WELDON MILLINERY CO.. Miss Julia Mcllichampe, M'g'r, Next door First National Bank, nov 11 ly. Weldon, N. C. MUST BE SOLD A few lots of goods that must he told at once, net cash only. Men's and ladies, Shoes, 35 to 75c Children's Shoes, gOo, to 35c. Men's and childrcn'a overshoes, 20c to 25c Bureaus dark and light $2 98. Breech loading shot guns $3.50 to 14 50, Plush and velvet caps, 75 to 90c. Men's aod boy't coats, 50 to 75o. Smyrna druggets, 13.75 to $5 50. Remnants matting, 5 to 10c yard. Hardware at and below cost. Ladies latest style fine grade hats regular price $1.50 tot2 now 50 to 75 cents. 200 ladies hats closing out from 10 to 35c. Ladies skirts 65 to !)5o. 3 spools machine cotton, 5c ' Vel veteteens 15 to 30c Children! wool cloaks, 75c Wall paper 4, & 5c roll. Girls and boys caps, 5 and lOo. Many other loti goods to be closed out by Aptil. II. C. SPIERS. Weldnn, N. C, Fob. 1902. m Two Day. rpijo SAsyr cm every lite! ll.UU-1-iV-W INCORPORATED.) 105 & 107 ASH ST., GOLDSBORO, N. C. We t.iinish the v.l,ole outht. Or l'ip. lllll.italM-. ll'jcitois. I cct. tr lliiidets tors, is I'ricci right. We l ave lirst class rullern licit on Hie niaikct, stau.liiiil make, w rite U. II. IN-h and Hee.ic. Cars. We have Acme Machine Works QOLDSBOBO, 1ST. C. WELDON, KG EXTRAORDINARY Of Clothing. Men's Ileavy Underwear and Furnishings, Boots and Sbjcs, and a general sortment of Dry Goods. A grand clearing up sale of fall and winter goods Io miki room for spring stock which ia soon to arrive. Call early and you will dollars by making your purchases at the reliable house of HENRY FAEBER, Weldon, N. O. E. CLAEK The minim? firm 1ST. C. The Best of Everything kept in stock. Fresh Seasonable goods for family t General Supplies for the Public Full line HARDWARE. 53 FINE BAR My bar ia npiicd with the most choice WHISKIES, BRAN DIES, WiSw CIGARS and IOHACCO. impolite attention aid Punp deii... Mm 81 Weldon Book and Music Store, ' "WELJ502ST. UT. O, Carries a nice line of BOOKS, MUSIC, MUslCAL SUPPLIES, STA TIONERY, etc Anything not in slock ordend promptly. Popular lines always on hand Suhscripii.ii.s taken lor at y rHiiiical published at publisher's prices. Ageucy for all popular makes , f SECTIONAL BOOK CASES. Let ns order your next boolsir muie. W think we can pie34 you. Have you joined the WELDON CIRCULATING LIBRARY f If not, why not? n,0h 27 ly Agency lor all styles of card engraving and rubber .tamps. THE LARCEST DISPLAY OF TOYS In North Carolina uo city excepted. 3 Santa Claus has again made his headquarters with me. Bring the children to see onr Toy Wonderland. Dolls, Drums, Dancing Monkey, ' Albums, Cut titan, P,ank, Maska. Silverware, Vasts, Baby Carriages, Water Sets, iinwcal Albums. Boats, Toy Trunks, Gam, Pictures, Pooka, etc. V.Merchanta will do well to eaaminenij itock before ordering. 1 can sbof them a belter assortment and lower prices. KNFIKLD, N. C. MVJ.UYO ' ' t'ur Mchiiie Sim., 41,. IM Ioim is.Huipp,,,, ttith the Intcst np-lo-dale n. chinery, which e nal,e, n, 10 no Hint clan m( Our JliicWr Mechanic Ii an up lodate n an, (nn one of the hm-m K R, r-'ysteina in the (oanttj. Alioperiininlorkmta We deal In Haw aid Plaining Mill Machinm. Our Kaw.Mill I, inA at.;! rhinp If )u,i , one yon Kill hne no other Dry Kiln Roller lwin. Trucks made by tu, n.,, and strong mid any other parts as mauled I.cnll'cr ami Kulihrr Keltlnns, 1'si kinjis, Ac. wen i.iuipin'u. miner. ns lor prices best tool, money could buy, just arrived. Must OFFERINGS