t 5 mm ip li rfRsaiis! Bps 11139. DViEKTISIlsra- K,ATEJS-moderatb. VOL. XXXVII. A. 1TEWSPAPBB FOR TUB PEOPLE. TEIVES:- PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE WELDON, N. C THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1903. NO. 36. v M 1 fl IW 1 r Un .! Wl til lit t&& ffiU W I 9 fS I iuS 3H MT ffiJV 'etK leak SJ. ' 4 tjR f F (M B 3 fa. l .a5r . H IK SRk I VSS0r HIWU ill l V3i Thoroughly eradicates the excess of Uric and Lactic Acidi from the system, iti.n t lie kidneys into healthy action, curti constipation and indigestion. THIS DONt, YOU ARC W-.l OF RHEUMATISM, AND ANY OTHIR 0ISCA.BI CAUSI0 IT IMPUHt SLOOO. Po not he discouraged if other remedies have failed. RHEUMACIDE hat made itm reputation by curing alleged incurable caiea. Doea not injure the organs of digeition. Uoi.dsboro, N. 0., Aug. 24, Uut Gentlemen Some all yean ago I betan to have sciatica, and alao a ohronlo cue of museular rheumatism. At tlmea I could not work at all (my business being haulage mter on Huutheru B. It.). Kor dare and weeks at a time I could nntwork. My suffering: was Intense. Phvalcianatri'aU'd rae.withoutpermanent relief lionvor. Tried ft numler of advertised remedies without permanent benefit Finally I tried " Hiisusuoini." It did the work, and I have had ex cellent health (or tore yenra. I oau cheerfully any that all rhoumatloa ahould me " Base moms," for It la by far the beat remedy, K, A. LOMAX, Price $i.oo prepaid expresa, Bobbltt Chemical Co., or from your Druggist. Baltimore, fid., U. 5. A. P. N. Stainback, WELDON, N. C. Dealer in - ZEICLER 4t BAY STATE A SPECIALTY. sfviole Agent in Weldon for HTROUSE BUOTHERH. Formerly aold here by M F Hart.) A lit guaranteed M3EST.TANrySaiir 7 SHOES HIGH ACT CLOTHING e?v UNDERTAKING -fSn'fe rV l In nil it hnnrhe. Metallic WavlnnL -Ma!"'" Telepho a nr telegraph messages at- mfafiXtlSSS&S'ZSESESSi' lea led to day or night. 1 Viwtw s The Weldon Grocery Co. WHOLESALE JOBBERS IN " jjjjj rm m. i-it- T-l n ti a -t NTT r- v D 1 Af LiHi CSC i? iiJN U 1 ffl GROCERIES & laB. We Sell Only To Merchant. W Onlers Solicited. S 8 If tup wpt nnv nporPKY CO . WELDON, N. 0. 0 Excelsior Printing wEi-.r)oisr, it c. Letter, Bill and Packet Heads Wedding Invitations: Circulars, Hand Bills, Etc.f NEW WOMAN. UANISn OAHH FOR FEMALE VEAB NOT A N INNOVATION. One of'the pet reproaches made against the new wmuan is that in her unseemly longing to sland upon the same footing is her nloreiiirelorJ and muster she in Yrnti d the fashion of wearing garments of a tnamiuih cut. Tli in is most unjust, and sbe may mlily le proved guililiw of'the charge by a trifling inveaiigulion of the fashions of ancient limes and of oonservaiivc countries, where the poor things are as uneinancipaled as potHule, and still wear tho same siyle of garuicnis as their fure- mothirs of a thouraud years ago. The Chinese lady, ns every traveler tesiiQes, is one of the most modest, re tiring, and cooveDiional creatures, yet she wears cloihes almost exactly like those of her husband nod brothers. Indeed, in Chiua irou-ers are considered muoh more propir us fnuioiue garments than skirts. The Turkish woman's dress is ideoti eil with that of her husband who keeps her to carefully shut away from all new fangled nor inns, and the Kskimo woman clothes her little fat legs in tight Bcal skiu brc dies, finished i ff with smart fur-ti pped booit. The happy woman uf Sinni, who has never been obliged to go in for wuuian'a rights, having always been as free as air and the equal of any mao uf her ac quaintance, wears, like every man in (he kingdom, a square of cotton i r silk ei riuusly adjusted about the legs aod fas tened by tucking two of the ends through at the wai.t in what travelers described as a perilously insecure manner. Lnokiog Lack to the good old times to which lho-e who disapprove of the new wnm in are so fond of referriog, vry early in i lie world s sry cao be found instances of wi ui"0 adopting mannish c'othei when they Were suitable and conrenii 01. Tne Grtks. with iheir bunting god d -s t Ik i r Am2ous, snd their swift Ai ilanui. in the aihletic games, have sliimrr bow beajiiiilul woman can be in the iini lonm worn by the youihs But no d. uoi eten then old folks men tinned a fiulii-ioiic lime when girls wete nol so hold. WYISIT OH WRITE- Ilis Petersburg Furniture Co., SiOJl AND 207 N. SYCAMORE ST. PETERSBURG, VA. A MAN'S BLUSHES. HI WILL TLT TBI RED SIGNAL NORE QV1CKLT THA! A WOJIAHf. "If there is any one thing that makes me want to get up and talk right ont in meeting it is to hear it said of i man that 'be blushes like i woinan,' " said the aoeial philosopher to I representative of the New York Times. "How women ever gained tbe reputa tion of having run up i ooroer in blush es it beyond my comprehension. The1 report does her t grave injustice, for as a matter of faot she not only has do monop oly in blushes, but does not make use of the share that properly belongs to ber. There ire some women, of course, who HOW TO BE GREAT. TO FULFILL FAITBFtJLLT TUE DUTIES OF TOUB STATION Do not try to do great tbiog; you may waste all your life waiting for the opportunity which may never come. But since little things are always claiming your attention, do them as they come, from great motives, for the glory of Ood to win Ilis smile of approval, end to do good to men. It U harder to plod on in obscurity, acting thus, than to stand on the high plsoes of tbe field, within the view of kll, aod do deeds of valor at which rival armies staod still to gate. But no such act goes without the awift recognition and the ultimate recompense! THE HUSTLING AND UP-TO-DATE LEADERS IN FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS. A. J. WINFIELD,fKMlCIHTAMAHAOrB lt&.8pecial Attention to Mail Orders. oct 3 ly. blush if yon even blink an eyelid in tbeir of Christ. To fulfill faiiblully the duties direction, but as t general thing men of your station; to use to tbe uitermost blush much more readily aod more vio- the gifts of your mioistry; to bear cbafiog lently than women. and trivial irritations as martyrs bore the "This is not a random statement that pillory aod stake; to fiod tbe one noble 1 am makicg tor tbe purpose 01 hearing trait in people who try to molest you; to myself talk, but a sober deduetioo founded put the kindest construction on unkind on careful observation. For yesrs I have act aod words; to love with the love of made it poiDt to study the sexes iu God even tbe unthankful and evil; lobe momenta of embarrassment, and the content to be a fountain in the midst of a statistics I have jotted down prove that wild valley of stones, nourishing a few in nine oases out of ten tbe average man lichens and wild flowers, or now aod will fly tbe red signal of distress much again a thirsty sheep; aod lo do this al more quickly tliau tbe average woman, w)9, and not for the praiso of man, but ft? "The nicest and plcasantest medicine, I have used for indigestion ud constipa tion is Chaiuberlain's Stomach and Livn Tableii," says Melard F. Craig, of Mid dletowo, N. Y. "They work like a charm and do not gripe or have any uc pleasant effect." For sale at W. M. Coben'i drugstore, Weldon, N 0. The only woman who don't talk about 'oihcs all ihe lime are those who arc umb, and they look al the fashion pic tures all the time. ScmH us Trnnr orders. All'W b orders receive prompt andflf careful attention. The Bank of Weldon, -::::::WELDON, N. C.K" Orpiizcl Under Be Law ot lie Slate of North Carolina, AUGUST 2eTH, 1892. STATE OF NORTH CAROLIU lKI'0l IOUY. HALIFAX COUNT? DKHO-UIOHY. TOWN OF WELDON DEHO.SMOKY. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $26,000. F,ir in ... iK'i. Iniiitminn has Drovided banking facilities fr this scctiot. ill stockholder, and directors have been identified with the businw interests ol Halifax and Nnrih.mnt.m counties for many years. Money is loaned upon ap- iroved security at the legal rate of interest six per centum. Accounts f all are ioliciied. Preaident: Vice-President: Cashier. W.E. DANJEL Dr. J. N. RAMSAY. , W.R. SMITH E. CLARK The HI I. Groeelul Women A Dtalr lor a Parted Flfars la iMataraMa Iron a Uio ol Iho .autlral. Tl,. .rent nf tbe violet or rose ta al irecious aa the lovely nowera wuose ,rAih thev are. and while the lives ol flowers are brief and we can only enjoy them for a day, the beautiful woman gives ii tilnuiirs nf her fragrance to tie aa permanent blessing. Tbe soft fragrance of a beautiful woman auggeita purity, health and elegance; she is the refinement of civiliiation; aq lade alwaya of good taste and an unerring badge 01 genumy. BRAD FIX LfD.S Female K.eRulator In regulating the lunar perioda in woman r..--"'! nf Tin wrinkle, pale cheeka Of tortured nerves and shapeless figures. It u Nature's remedy. The druggist may off er . i. J -. - -1 ... ..J ..!! t ' ' , 1 1 it a aana ' ht l,i tiu-u.Lriuil orirana will not be de ceived, and permanent injury may result, Trm niir Urvulator. 0! all dniCgiatB I. .. . . .tr tt : ; ' t . Our treatise on ttwhim juh5- THI RRADFIELD IUUUTOI CO, AtUaiA,, WBLHDOlSr, IT- O. The Best of Everything kept in stock. Fresh Seasonable goods for family use, General Supplies for tbe Public. Full line HARDWARE. 5 FINE BAKf- M, bsr is supplied with the most choice WHISKIES, BRANDIES. WINES. CIGARS and TOBACCO. vPolile attention at.d IWit dH"" Th.tegl Grossmann's PATENT WRITIK& RINU. The most important improvement of the age in the art of penmansnip mates tne moreat writer a splendid penman in a few weeks by the use of this ring. Endorsed by prominent College Presidents and boarda of education in Earopeand America Bani nla doien assorted aisea sent postpaid for 11. Binele sample 26c. When order ing a single ring, state whether for man, woman or cnuo. Pen Iff. Supply Co., , No. 119 S. 4th St., Philadelphia. sep 18 il firnve's IWelcSS CW11 TorfC Hviues. imaiBBKwi .... -rr ----- --.. jLiwpiij. aTjkdoaasl wMk avery aHHtw n a i w ww. - - PRAYER. A.".W iV'-'. 0f. 0. . 0f-0f- a-rn . ja .j When on my day of life the night is falling, And the winds from unsunned spaces blown, I hear far voices out of darkness calling My feet to paths unknown. Thou, who hast made my home of life so pleasant Leave not its tenant when its walls decay; 0 Love Divine, 0 Helper ever present, Be thou my strength and stay ! Be near me when all else is from me drifting; Earth, sky, home's pictures, days of shade and shine. And kindly faces to my own uplifting The love which answers mine. 1 have but Thee, 0 Father! Let Thy spirit Be with me, to comfort and uphold; No gate of pearlno branch of palm I merit, Nor street of shining gold. Suffice it if, my good and ill unreckoned, And both forgiven through Thy abounding grace, I find myself by hands familiar beckoned Unto my fitting place. Some humble door among Thy many mansions, Some sheltering shade where sin and striving cease, And flows forever through Heaven's green expansions The river of Thy peace. There, from the music round about me stealing, I fain would learn the new and holy song, And find at last beneath Thy trees of healing; The life for which I long. John G. Whittier. This holds good io all sorts of situstioos. "Craok I joke at a man's expense, he blushes; ?ly him with awkward questions, he blushes; subject him to some humilia tion or let some ludicrous acoident befall him in publie, and be strsightway rivals the boiled lobster in due. A woman may redden slightly under tbe aame cir stances, but her blush is diluted and perlunetory compared with Ibe brilliant sunlit glow ibat suffuses the countenance of man. "I don't attempt to explain the phe nomenon phyaiologisti and moralists may do that if tbey can hot merely give tbe facta for what tbey are wortb in the hope that tbe next time a atory writer has a crop of blushes to dispose of be will ring a few cbsngei on tbe old phrase that baa done duty for genera tions and say of the heroine ibat she blushed like a men.' " for tbe sake of God this makes a great life. THEY PAY THE FREIGHT. EVERY BOTTLK OF CHAMBER LAIN'S COUGH REMEDY WARRANTED. We guarantee every bottle of Cham-1 fringe on ibeir pants the crowd 1 was berlaio's Cough Remedy aod will refund with ?" Two old pals met on tbe street. "I law you io tbe liquor men's parade Tuesday," laid one of them. "Oh, yes." "Now, you tell me about it; who were those fellows in front on horses ?" "Those? Why those were tbee whole salers." "Well, who were those fellows io car riages ?" "Those fellows in plug bats smoking tbe big, black cigars ?" "Yet." "Tbey were the distillers and brewers." "Who were those fellows walking there with the white plug hats, while gloves and gold headed oanes ?" "They were the retailers." "Who were the fellows that brought up the rear ?" "Fellows with cauliflower noses and Tbe wise husband remembers that his wife would rather have kind words aod some new clothes now than silver ban dies nn her c ffio a few years bene" THE PRISONER Who escapee from jail is by no means free. He is under the ban of the law and punishment is written o-r against nis name. rwn or late he will be caught again and bear added punish ment for his short escatie from his cell. Those who by the use of palliative powders and tablets escape for a time from the sufferings of dyspepsia are in the same condition as the escaped pris oner. Soon or late they will go back to the old condition and pay an added penalty for tempor ary release. Dr. Pierce's Gold en Medical Discov ery cures dyspepsia and other diseases of the stomach and organs of digestion and nutrition. Its cures are lasting. " For about two years I Buffered from a very obstinate ease of dytpep-1 becorj. su., ol 13 uaiternt BTC1 I fini 1'ailh in them all. I was wo far gone that 1 could not bear any solid food on my stomach for a lone ttm: felt mel.nrholv and depretwd. Cottld not sleep or follow my occupation lUn.mith). Some four months ago a friend recommended your 'Golden Medical Dtacovery.' After a week'a treatment 1 had derived ao much benefit that I continued the medicine. I have taken three Dottle, and am convinced it haain mycaac ac complished a permanent cure. 1 can conscien tiously recommend it to the thousand, of dys peptics ;.roughout tbe land.1 Accept no substitute for "Golden Med ical Discovery." There is nothing "just as good" for diseases of the stomach, blood and lunga. Dr. Pierce 'a Pleasant Pellets stimulate) the liver .." write R. E. Ave. Toronto. Ontario. "I tried ft areat num ber of remedie without wicwm. 1 finally lost I the money lo anyone who is not satisfied after using two-thirds of the contents. This is the beat remedy in tbe world for la grippe, oougbs, colds, eroup aod wboopiog oongb aod is pleasant and safe I to take. It prevents any tendency of a eold to result in pneumonia. For, sale by W. M. Cohen, Druggist, Weldon, N. 0. "Yea." "Oh, tbey were tbe consumers " Ex. WANTED AN EASY PLACE Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yoo eat. Thi preparation contains all of ther aigesiania ana digests an kiuub ui food. It gives Instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take It. By Its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. Il unequalled for the stomach. Child ren with weak stomachs thrive on It. First dose relieves. A diet unnecessary. Cures all stomach troubles Prepared onlv by E. C. IJxWirr A Co.. Chicago The $1. bottle contain XS4 tlmea the SOc alas. W.M. Cohen, Druggist. Tbe late Henry Ward Beecber once received a letter from a young mao who recommended himself very highly as be ing honest, and closed with Ihe requeBt, I ' Get me sn easy situation, that honesty Wben two souls God tbey have but a may be rewarded." To whioh Mr. THP ill n MAN'S MRKTMAS. I IIM bir W VIIIIIVIIIIIIVI mJi HI I single thought it is lime to sse up noney for tbe furniture. Tbe crowned heads of every nation, The rich men, poor men and miners, All join in paying tribute lo De Witt's Little Early Risen. H. Williams, 8an Antonio, Texas, writes: Little Karly Kuer run are the best I ever used in my family. I unhesi tatingly recommend them to everybody, It is past, like a beautiful dream; but sweet was the dream to TheJ eore Constipation, Biliousness, dick me. I Headache, Torpid Liver, Jaundice, ma- For the children came, as in days of old, and cuddled around my laria and all other liver troubles. knee, W. M. Cohen And I told them the tales I used to tell ere my locks were thin and Cray I Woman may never break into eon- To the other children of my love: The children that went awayl gres, but she will continue to be speaker II. I forgot the vacant places the fall of the wintry snow; In the light of their rosy faces I live in the long ago; I lived in the Long Ago: But the Present was perfect then; For all of the bitter snow that falls on tne lives of men. III. I only knew they were near me, in A world made new again; And tne winter V loiets ot late were rimmea with tne spring time rain; I felt their kisses sweet on my withered cheeks and cold; And saw, over threads of silver, the gleam of their curls of gold IV. It is past, like a beautiful dream; with all the songs that were sung; . And I feel, in the after Silence, that the world is for the young; And thanks be to iod that tne world is so, with all its sunny vears: Tim. tat looot, one time m our hves w know k!". find love, and tears I Becoher replied, "Don't be an editor, if I you would be 'easy.' Do not try the I law. Avoid school-keeping. Keep oul of the pulpit. Let alone all ships, stores, I hops, and merchandise. Be not a I farmer, nor a mecbaoic, neither a soldier, I nor ssilor. Don't study, don't think, don t work. None of them are easy. Oh, my honest friend, yon are in a very bard world I I know ot but one easy place in it. Tbat is the grave." A LIFE SENTENCE. Would you eall steeling a kiss larce eeny?" quried the inexperienoed young man. ... 1. 1! 1 . L . -J 1 of the bouse iust tbe aame. "l suppose io, repueu to. m.meu i ' i t e j . m i man. wno was nusuing iruui uawu tu t A SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. duBk to support his fsmily. Kodol doe for tbe stomach that u nn- "What is tbe penalty?" able to do for itself, even wben but slight-1 "Why, I stole a kiss one time and wu ly disordered or overloaded. Kodol sup-1 sentenced to hard labor for life. Phil- plies the natural juices of indigestion and I adelphia Record. does the work of tbe stomach, relaxing the nervious tension, while the inflamed I AS JACK SAW IT. musoles of tbat organ are allowed to rest and heal. Kodol digest! what yon eat jCk -bo u j Tetn 0u crag bom and enable! tbe stomach and digestive 0Dt d ll5t week tbat ,nother organs to transform all food into riob I j, hl(j b;t h;m IS.YELLOW.POISOS In your blood ? 1'hysiclanf call it nalarial Germ. It can be seen chanting rtd blood yellow under microscope. It worka day and night. First, It turns your com plexion yellow. Chilly, aching sensations creep down your backbone. Yon feel weak and worthless. ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC will stop the trouble now. It enters the bload at once and drives out the yellow poison. If neglected and when Chills, Fevers, Night-Sweats and a gen eral break-down come later on, Roberts' Tonic will cure you then but why wait ? Prevent future sickness. The manufac turers tnow all about this yel low poison and have perfected Roberts' Tonic to drive It out, nourish your system, restore appetite, purify the blood, pre vent and cure Chills, Fevers and Malaria. It ha cured thous andsit will cure you, or your money back, misisiair. try It. Price. 25 cents. , Sold by ALL DRU'lGBT Dizzy? Then your liver Isn't acting well. You suffer from bilious ness, constipation. Ayer's Pills act directly on the liver. For 60 years they have been the Standard Family Pill. Small doses cure. Mid"irta. .ui lour tuoii.iit brown or ncn .mi red blood. W. M. Cohen. A teehnioally is something Ibat the wrong to defeat the right. helpi "Why didn't 70a hit him beckT" be wu asked. "I did," he answered. "I hit him back Y. Tisf. r v.. 1 I brvwi BUC , or beard ft bwinUf lU Ueii use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE for tho wnisKora UNCONSCIOUS FROM CROUP. During 1 sudden and terrible altaok J croup our little girl wu nneoiscioua from strangulation, "ays A. L Spafford, post- master, Cbetcr, Mich., and a dose of One Minute Cough Cure wu adminis tered and replied often. It reduced the swelling and inflammation, cut the mucus and shortly the child wss rest ing easy aod speedily recovered. It cures Conghs, Colds, La Grippe, and all Throat aod Lung troubles. On Min ute Cough Cure lingers in tbe throat aod cheat aod enables the luns to con tribute pure, health giving oxygen to tb blood. W. M. Cohen. He rose 10 go, 'twas New Year's Eve; "One kiss," be begged, "my dear," 8b coyly laid "You cannot have Another kiss this year." JC.V to Cci'-h Care Tor Covshs, Coite . Crwp. DISLOCATED HER SHOULDER. Mrs. Johanna Soderbon, of Fergus Falls, Mine.,- feH and dislocated her boulder. She had a nrgeoa get it back to plao as soon as possible, bat it wu quite sots and pained her very much tier son mentioned that he , bad seen Chamberlain's Pain Balm advertised for sprains and soreness, and she uked him to buy ber a bottle of it, which h did. It quickly relieved ber aod eaabled her to sleep whioh she had ot don for sev eral days. The so wu so maeh phased with the relief it gave hi mother tbat he bu iko recommended it te many others. Forests by W. M. Cohen, draggiit, Waldos, N.C. "ArVkeo a young smb aska the timid aid if she will marry him it ia up to her to declare that she will knot. " FOR OVER 8IXTV YEAR) Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup has been need for ovej sixty yean by millions ot mothers for children, while teething, with perfect suooeas. It soothe the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, core wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Bold by druggist in every part of the world. 25 cent a bottle. Be sure and uk for "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and take ao oth er kind. Lot of poor men are the architect of other men 1 fortune. A middle aged man is Rochester, N. Y-, bu grown two inches in three months. YOUKkOW WHAT YOU' R ETA HI MO When you take Grova'i Tasteless Chill Tonio because tbe formula ia plainly printed on every bottl showing that it ! i I- a A..:.:.- - ..1... 18 atwpiy klvu aau uiu.ro Mnvm. form. Mo cure, No Pay. 60c Cae fTmute Cotth Cure rr Oweghs), CoMi Mi Crwi CROUP. Tbe peculiar cough which indicate I croup, is usually well known to the mothers ef a eronpy ohild.No time should be lost in tbe treatment of it, and for this purpose no medicine bu received more universal approval than Chamberlains Cough Remedy. Do not waste valuable time in experimenting with untried rem edies, no matter bow highly they are recommended, but civ this medicine u directed and all symptom of eroup will quiokly disappear. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Druggist, Weldon, N. 0. Unit mm a XKJKIl HIS LONG WAIT. With th Cook and buy you on bag of J. E. M. Flour ' and bs convinced that it is th best flour on th market, ' v - 12 cake Laundry Soap for 326C.IS Irish Potatoes, 2Sc peok, sad everything "Grandpa, how old are yoo?" "I am eighty-seven yean old, my little I dear.' "Then yon were born eighty yean Jm Beed fof tj,e ttM, and pantry. , betore 1 wur Ye,m, Utile girl" TTT rp pARTTFR. Wh.t . Inne- linu. ana hail linen 1 " VAaVJ had alone I 1 waiting for me!" Current Literature. WELDON, N. a

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