gjjp ILI 'lljsi EVEH-TISIG- IRATES-modkrate. A. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE TEPMIS:-1 PER annum in advance V0L. XXXVII. WELDON, N. C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 22. 1903. NO. 37. l Continues to make Miraculous Cures READ THIS LETTER i ALMOST A MIAACLE. Oentletnen !-In September, 181, ( took Dillor, rheumat! 8. C, Auf. Uth, 1901. lain la e very bad. form. i. mnlilll after til dleeaae started I bid to atva lin ni mn.l .-a ... . , cniiuta in that I oould not lite them. My legs were drawn beok until my tinicnin mr mpe. I was npinm mm m ne ,v rnr nMr i ti.- .KtL: Tin unisclre of my arm ami Ion were hard and shriveled up. I suffered death lean'tim-a over. Waa treated I hjr Hi different phrslolene In WoColl, Ollloaand Narliin, but nona of them could dome auraood, until Dr. J. P. Swing, of Dillon, came lo see me. Ha told ma to try your" Km uauoini." Ha lot ma ona bottle ol tbo medlolue and 1 began tn una It and baiora the Brat botUe waa uaad up I organ lo it better. I used Ova aod a half bottlea and waa completely cured. That wal two jreare ago, and my health baa been eicellent ever elnoe. Hare bad go symptoms of rheumatism. I retard " Hnatiuioini" ai by far tbe best mbnly 'or rheumatism on the market. I cannot lay too much for It. I have reoonimended It to othera elnoe and It baa cured them. VIII aay further, that I henn to walk In about ill dare after I bens to take "RHimiOiDa," with tbe aid of erutehre; In about three monthi after I began to take It, 1 oould walk aa food aa anybody, and want baok to work aialn. Very truly, JAMES WILKES. All Druggie, of tent express prepaid on receipt of fi.oo. Bobbin Chemical Co., . Baltimore), fid. "P. N. Stainback, WELDON, N. C. Dealer in ffffMi - - - ZEICLER It BAY STATE a anrri a TV tJTSole Agent id Weldon for 8TKOU8E BR0THEK8. HIGH ART CLOTHING rormerly sola nere oy at. r. nan.; a ui fimnuntu UNDERTAKING Id all ita branches. Metallic, Walnut, Cloth Covered Caskets and Coffins Telephone or teleiironh messages at tended to dayor night. SHOES The Weldon Grocery Co. WHOLESALE JOBBERS IN , STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES aTa.We Sell Duly To Merchants. Order Solicited. 2 8 lv THE WELDON GROCERY CO , f WKLD0N, N. 0. JSf mmm rnuuug ml, t WELDON, 1ST O. H vaWoHHint? TnTiT.ntinnR.C' Aii -0 ' vva..0 - - Ja.. P Circulars, Hand Bills, EtcP II Send us your orders. All p w orders receive prompt andi careful attention. ::.WELD0N, N. C. OpiKfl TJnfter The Lais of tie State of North Carolina, AUGUST 20TH, 1892. 8TATK0P NORTH CAROLISA DEPOSIT0HY. HALIFAX COUNTY DKl-OSllOKY. TOWN OF WELDO.V DEPOSl rOK Y. cipitil m surplus $26,000. teo yer tbia inslilulioo his provided banking faoiliiie- fr lhi eeciioi t HooVholdew end directors have been ideoliBed with ibo bunim-na mtoreiu ol GtlifMwdNorlhimptoocounlieiroroi.oyye.M. Money i Uued upon tp profod aeourity at the legal rtte of ioterert lix per oentum. Aooounli of ill are. wticiieo, President: Vice-President: W.E. DANIEL Da. J. N. RAMSAY, Seaboard, Northampton oounly, N. C Cannier: W. R. SMITH. E. CLARK The 11 lUulill. n The Best of Everything kept in stock. Fresh 8easonsble goods for family we. earl Supplies for the Public, Full line HARDWARE. FINE BAR My h i, .applied with the most choice WHISKIES, BRANDIES. WINES, CIQAR8 and TOBACCO. muPo'i'e allenlion aid Pmn.i.1 d.hw" ' ". .1 AN EMERGENCY RHYME If poifoued, take muslsrii or salt, table fpotin lo cup of warm water, sod swxllow right soon. For buruB, put dry soda and wet band ago, too; If blistered, then oil and dry flannel will do; In children's convulsions, warm baths sre the rule, (With cantor oil dose, loo), but keep the hoad cool, Give ayrup of ipioao when oroup's io tore; For fainting, airHoh paiimt right out in s the floor; To soak io hot water is best for a sprain Remember these rules and 'twill save you much pain. Employer I'll have you arrested for larceny if you keep on stealing my time. Clerk And I'll get you a term in jail for atson if you 6 re me. CURES BLOOD, SKIN TROUBLES, Cancer, Blood Poison. Greatest Blood Purifier Free. If your Mood is impure, thin, diseased, hot or full of hunints, if yon have blood poiaon, cancer, carbuncles, eating sores, scrofula, enema, itching, risings and lumps, scabby, pimply skin, bone pains, catarrh, rheumatism, or any blood or skin disease, take BotHe Blood Balm (B. B. B ) according to directions Socn all sores heal, achesand pains stop, tbe blood is made pure and rich, leaving the skin free from every eruption, and giving the rich glow of perfect health to the skin. At the same time B. B. B. im proves the digestion, cures dyspepsia, strengthens weak kidneys. Just the med icine for old people, as it gives them new. vigorous blood. Druggists, $1 perlsrge bottle, ith directions for home cure. Sample free aod prepaid by writing Blood. Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and special free medical advice also sent in sealed letter. B. B. B. is especially advioud fur ohruoio, deep seated cases of impure blood and skin disease. and cures after all else fails. For tale at Zullieuffer's Drua Siore. THE HUSTLING AND UP-TO-DATE LRADEltS IN FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS. A.J.WINFIELD , PRESIDENT 4 MANAGER lS,Speoial Attention to Mail Orders. oct 3 ly. St. Peter Where did you oooie from? Arrival I jumped down Irom the roof of a New York office building. Mt-rcy on u.-l Has an earthquake liruck u-? No; that's only the old man in the next room, swearing off Mrs. B. au Monde How do you get along so well with your cook? Mrs. Cliio Oh, I don't slay at home long enough to fall out with ber. ARE YOU A OOMINQ MOTHER ? ARE YOU CXPEOTAMT? MOTHER'S FRIEND V - jtiwaljlKaerfla au t nsannrino' (tie vstem for parturition ana thus shortening :f..i .11 J- .K,1 lta laUOr. 1UC WLUIUI VIUCU IB twuutu ui terrors, and the danger lessened to both Mn..1a anA 'hi lil til timf nf ron fineiiifiit is shortened, the mother rested, and child fully developea, strong ana amay. JUOrnlUg SICKDCSS, OT ususctt uttsiug nTMm nravrnanrv j nff(Vttlttd bv ill USC. tiwiu 'r- r . ' - iVs pregnancy advances, the breasts en large, DCCOnlO BWU1ICU uu utuu, J-A'ug before the child is born, tney are prepar i t.m til aMM-ttinn nf milk. Itiaimnort ..i, at.. liw rwiv(D aarlv attrntinn. aii - - -j ' Mother s rnenu aouena iue in buu faciliutea the secretion of Ufe Fluid. IT...I..lnnj1 TifailtA tlsinlalkevl ahoftlV I,1 llVtt V Vi'V-v, www., . J after delivery, Are the result of non- treatment! nl imeiy io cuirauiaio m mamuiaiy Acii, f;oai irhich so inY .a.tr.r aTrnirifltintf nain and are left with il. nannanarirlv irti Tb ! rivl nd cauilni so riy tuu of the chiW. Trv it. m rfpHvxali.ae. Our book uHtktrsoeJ" free TNI IRADFIELD BEflULATOI CO ATLANTA, A, Grossmann's PATENT WRITING RING. Tbe most importaut improvement of tbe ace tn tbe an 01 penmaoaoip rara me poorest writer a aplendid penman in a few by prominent College Presidents and boards An.mn aaaorted fuzoa sent oostnaid feirSI. Binale sample 25c. When order ing a single ring, slate whether for man. woman or cniio. Feu Mfi. Supply Co., No. 1193. 4th St., Philadelphia. sep 18 It aBl'a'WM'Hft illflllHl'laft illli'mi'l" ''""g8M'MBM iill'arB8aaBHlil1lliW iJi'nallaf niaaitW Grove's Tasteless Chill Torac . stood the test 25 years. Average .W Mes ov-One a Half lm 1 Attics. aoes thh reiM of ruerit app to ? VVJS WVISIT WRITER The Petersburg Furniture Co, 203 AND 207 N. SYCAMORE ST. PETERSBURG, VA. ALL OF ONE FAMILY, fa UNCLE HIRAM ON HIGHER CRITICISM. Me and Martha heard the lecture At the church the other day, An' I'd really like to tell you, What the preacher had to say; For he talked in measured rhythm On the "higher criticism," An' he said, ole-fashioned doctrines Now have mostly passed away. " An' he said, the light o' science Had full many .converts won Since the higher criticism Had its noble work begun. Jest as if the light o man , Could illuminate God's plan; Jest as if a tallow candle Could illuminate the sun, An' he told how evolution Had improved the human face; How environment assisted To ameliorate the race, He harranged the congregation Over transsubstantiation, But he scarcely touched the topio Of the power o' saving grace. Me an' Martha sat an' listened, But we didn't understand What this high-toned city preacher Tried to figure out so grand. It was all too deep for me; For I really could not see How it helped us on our journey To the bright celestial land, Why this higher criticism? Why this theorizing crave? Prying into plans eternal; Doubting God's mysterious ways, When the Bible reads so clearly, Here's a sample I love dearly, . An' its got enough o' gospel For the balance of my days: "Come ye weak an' heavy laden, Come, an' I will give thee rest: Drop thy load of sin an' sorrow; Lay thy head upon my breast." Why don't every gospel preacher Try to follow the Great Teacher, Both in walk an' conversation, If they want their labors blest. I suppose the world's advancing At a very rapid rate; An' my pore old-fashioned notions, May be sadly out o' date, But I'll give this word o' warning, On the resurrection morning Higher criticism lectures Won't unlock the golden gate. C. W. Scarf, in Ram's Horn. DEACON CNADLl TO RESIST TUB DE MAND OF TBE TRAMP. While the ChristiSn Endeavorers were in Boston recently holding their annual convention many incidents occurred pro vocative of mirth. Among the stories told to them was one concerning a peri patetic of the barefooted variety and a farmer, who was also a church deacon. Tbe deacon was taking lunob under bis own vine and fig tree and unto him the peripate said : "Sir, I'm very hungry." "You haven't boon shaved," replied the deacon. "No, but I'm very hungry." "You're very dirty into the bargain," "Yes, but I'm very hungry." Well, can you say the Lord's prayer ?" "No, I can't." "Will you say it for a pieoe of bread?" "I will." The deacon started in with "Our Father," at the same time cutting off a slice as he enunciated the words, The tramp repeated "Our Father," then sud denly asked : "Did you say 'Our Father?'" "Yes, 'Our Father. " "Step a moment," continued the dirty man, "Xou mean your tathur and my father." I do," answered the deacon. "Then we are brothers," triumphantly proceeded the unshaved. "We are." "Then, for our father's sake, cut that bread thicker and cut it quicker." PROVERBS FOR ADVERTISERS. The man who is above imitating tbe methods of others need never be afraid of beiog imitated. Sometimes the loftiest monument tow ers above the grave of tbe poet who starved lo death. Women were formed to temper man kin i and soothe them into tenderness auu Cv&PmIuQ. Those who go slowly through life have an opportunity of reading the guide boards along the way. FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS Mrs. Winslow'a Soothing Syrup has been used for over sixty years by millions ol mothers for children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, oftena the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the beet remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of tbe world. 25 oents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Synip," and take no oth er kind UNCONSCIOUS FROM CBOUP, During a sudden and terrible attack of croup our little girl was unconscious from slrangulatioo, says A. L. Spafford, post' master, Chester, Mich., aod a dose of One Minute Cough Cure was adminis tered and repeated often. It reduced the swelling and inflammation, cut tbe mucous and shortly the ehild was rest in? eaay and aiMwlily recovered, cures Coughs, Colds, La Grippe, sod Throat and Lung troubles. One Mi me Cough Cure lingers in the throst and chest and enables the lungs to coo tribute pare, health giving oxygen to tbe blood. W. M. Coheo. What is it that makes men great, papa? Persistent advertising, my son. YOU KIIOW WHAT VOU'H BT AKI NG When you take Orove's Tasteless . Chill Tonie because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle ahowiog that il is (imply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. Ne eure, Ho Pay. BOo. Buoday sobool teacher Mow, can any one tell me who made the Milky Way? Tommy It waa the cow that jumped over the moon. Tbe crowned heads of every nation, Tbe rich men, poor men aod miners, All join in paying tribute to DeWitt's Little Early Risers. H. Williams, Sao Antonio, Texas' writes: Little Early Riser Pills are tli best I ever used id my family. I unbesi tatingly recommend them to everybody. They cure Conntipatioo , Biliousness, Sio Headacne, Torpid Liver, Jaundice, ma laria aod all other liver troubles. W. M. Cohen THE FEAR OF DEATH, IT BUOULD FIND NO LODGMENT IN ANT RATIONAL MIND YET TUIS DREAD OF MEETING THE INEVITABLE 18 80 UNIVERSAL THAT OUR ENTIRE SO CIAL FABRIC 18 LAROELT BUILT UPON IT. fne devil was the first beiog that ever debated God's truth. But men havo been at it iver since, adver- The firm is dead thrt does not tise. A world of wealth lies in that one word Advertising. Let tby advertisement be short, com prehending muoh in few words. Know bow sublime a thine it is to advertise and be famous. Advertising is a oonstant want, and should be a constant study. Let your goods be known among all men. Fit words are fine advertisements; but olten fioe words are not fit advertise ments. The great art in advertising is to catch the reader's eye. DISLOCATED HER SHOULDER. Mrs. Johanna Soderhom, of Fergus Falls, Minn., fell and dislocated her shoulder, She bad a surgeon get it back place as soon as possible, but it was qui'e sore and pained ber very much. er son mentioned that he bad teen Chamberlain's Paio Balm advertised for sprains aod soreness, and she asked him buy ber a bottle of it, which he did. quickly relieved ber and enabled her Bleep which she bad not done for sev eral days. The son was so much pleased with ihe relief it gave his mother that be has tiooe reoonimended it to many others. For sale by W. M. Cohen, druggist, Weldon, N. C. The crowninl joy ol woman hootl if mother hood and tbe crownine joy of mother liood is to have heal thv children. Hut there can Iw no joy in motherhood without health, and without health for the mother there can be no health for the child. It is of v'tal importance for women to know thauhe health of mother and child is in RefTifral entirely within woman's control. The thousands of women who have used Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription when expecting motherhood, have testified that it made them healthy and happy in the days of waiting, made the baby's advent practically painless, and gave them health to give their chil dren. Mrs W. J. Kidder, of Hill Dale Farm (Knoa burfr Center), Knosburg, Vt.. write.: " During the past year I iuuud myself expecting maternity, and in rapidly failing health. I aunered I dread fully from Moating- and urinary difficulty, 1 was g-owing peiceptibly weaker each day and suffered much sharp pain at times. 1 felt that something must be done. 1 sought your advice and received a prompt repl- Toole twelve bottles of Doctor Pierce's Fnvt I'riSiTiption, and also followed your iustru.,iong. I negnti to Improve imme rfiatrly. my health became excellent, and I could do all mv own work (we live on a good sited farm). 1 walked and rode all I coum. and enjoyed it. I had a short, easy conhuemeut and have a healthy baby boy." The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, a book containing 1008 pages, is given away. Send 2 1 one-cent stamps for expense of mailing only, lot the book in paper covers, or 31 stamps for the volume bound in cloth. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Actress I want you to mention tbe fact of my diamonds being stolen. When did it happen? Next week. EVERY BOTTLE OF CHAMBER LAIN'S COUGH REMEDY WARRANTED. We guarantee every bottle of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy aod will refund the money (0 anyone who is not satisfied after using two-thirds of the contents. This is the best remedy in the world for la grippe, coughs, colds, croup and whooping Cough and is pleasant and safe to take. It prevents any tendency of cold to result io pneumonia. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Druggist Weldon. N. C. I see Dowie still insists that Elijah. Yas, and bis ereed does remind one of Elijah. Nonsense. Not at al Il makes one think of 'the groat profit.' "Tbo nicest and plcassntest medicine I have used for indigestion and constipa tion if Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets," says Melard F. Craig, of Mid dletown, N. Y. "They work like charm aod do not gripe or have any an pleasant effect." For sale at W. M. Cohen a drugstore, Weldon, N. C. If you give the devil a few bard knocks with the Bible when ypu rise up in the morning, he will not want to follow you 0 closely during the day. Do we dread death on tbe same prin ciple that he'f a flock of sheep leap through a certain hole in a fence be cause tbe other hilf bss done so? For unions tbe fear be tradilionary and hered itary it is hard to account for it. Death is a chsoge, occupying a mo ment, fiom one form of life to another. Whether it oomes in tbe oourse of nature or by accident or design, it is seldom pain ful; never probably so painful as a bout of the toothache. It brings us from a condition of bondage and uncertainty at best to one of freedom and security. But often it is a chsnge from slavery, both physical apd moral, to emancipation com paratively perfect, or, if we hold the materialist view, to everlasting uncon sciousness. I be spiritual slate is eman cipated from the inertia of matter and the tyranny of space; therefore thought will be presence, and a man's surround ings as to both tbiog and person will be inevitably such as are most desirable to bim. The evil will be emancipated from the opposition of tbo good, and the good will not be grieved and hampered by the machinations of the evil. The whole chapter of accidents which here looms so large will there be eliminated. Time, whioh now makes us long for the arrival of an appointed hour and now dread its too speedy ooming, will be no more. But we sball measure life by its intensity and by its opportunities Io other wordi-, we shall be the makers of our own limes and seasons. Death takes us from a world of effects to one of causes. The soul is made of will and thought, aod, as we may daily peroeive, it is only the obstruction of material conditions that prevents us from immediately accomplishing our desires and beholding the realization of our thoughts. Again, death is inevitable to all and to any one who chooses is at any momont attainable. By what logio can our fear of it be defended ? Yet we fear it so much and so uni versally that our entire social fabric is built largely upon that fear. Our law makes death tbe supreme penalty. Our funerals are occasions of mourning, and the medical profession, one of the most numerous extant, spends its existence in combatiog death. We seek eagerly all nostrums or elixirs ihst promise us con tinuance of life. We ascribe Bupreme merit to the soldier who risks his life for is country or to the individual who sacrifices it for others. We laud the stoicism which affects to despise death, but which bases tbe virtue of that de spising upon the acknowledged terror of the event. Our humanitarians upeod sympathy and money in attempting to prolong the miserable oondition of the poor and diseased. We shudder to bear of a vast natural calamity like that of Martinique or of avoidable accidents such as are furnished daily by railroads and other instruments of civilisation. And 11 the while it is the survivors who suf fer, if any one does, though tbey, too, are soon eomforted by time or the insu rance companies, tbe dead man, tbe man wbo has entered upon the new and spiritual life, whom we absurdly pity, is free, and his troubles are over. Suicides, it is true, are said to increase with civilisation. But few philosophical auioifto. nnrn. The momrilv .rn injilivd by dread of life overcoming dread of That S What YOU need; SOMIC' death. It may be doubted if suicide be tiling tO CUTe your DUIWUls ever the act of a man at oooe perfectly neSS and glVC VOU t gOOO . . .1 J ' i : Aa.ja.T brave aod thoroughly sane. Ihe value I Ulgesuuii. of this life and it is a real value is in liver pills the discipline aod experience it gives, which it is our honest and sensible duty to improve to the utmost and to the last. Life may be interesting and arduous; it may be disappoinliug and irksome. It is very seldom if ever uoiformly and pos itively agreeable. Fear, on the other hand, i one of the worst and basest of evils, and fear of death the most irration al. It must have originated 10 steer ignorance and thoughtlessness. It ought to vanish before our modern en lightenment and sagacity, and with ils disappearance will appear social changes that cannot but be revolutionary and salutary. Julian Hawthorne in Braodiir Magazine. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Th's preparation eon tains all of the dlgestanu and digest all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allow you to eat all Ihe food you want. The nimt sensitive stomachs can take It. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. Is unequalled for the stomach. Child ren with weak stomachs thrive on It. First dose relieves. A diet unnecessary. Cures all stomach troubles Prepared only by E. C. DicWitt A Co., Ohieago Tbe 1. bouie contalna iVt times tbe SOc alee. W. M. Cohen, Druggist. IS.VELLOW.POISON In your blood ? Physicians cull it iularial Oenn. It can be seen changing red blood yellow under microscope. It works day and night. First, It turns yourcom plexlon yellow. Chilly, aching sensations creep down your backbone. You feel weak and worthiest. a ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC will stop the trouble now. It enters the blood at once and drives out the yellow poison. If neglected and when Chills, Fevers, Night-Sweats and a gen eral break -down come later on, Roberta' Tonic will cure you then but why wait ? Prevent luture sickness. The manufac turers know all about this yel low poison and have perfected Roberts' Tonic to drive it out, nourish your system, restore appetite, purify the blood, pre vent and cure Chills, Fevers and Malaria. It has cured thous andsIt will cure you, or your money back. This is fair, fry It. Price, 25 cents. A Sold by ALL DaUGISTS. Liver Pills Aver s nils are Thcv cure con stipation and ' biliousness. Gently laxative 15c All druggist!. PwauTT t brown or ; BUCK, o fi a inr in'ititfic lie of betrd UtuUll or rteli bliirk t Tliou us BUCKINGHAM'S DYEMer. tl4WT, H Hatl CO .WWW.Lt, H.H. mm a. uuftjiu With the Cook and -' Integrity is a jewel far more valuable tbaa tbe purest diamond. A SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. Kodol does for the stomach that is on-1 able to do for itself, even when but slight ly disordered or overloaded. Kodol sup plies the natural juices of indigestion and does the rork of tbe stomaoh, relaxing the nervious tension, while tbe inflamed musoles of that organ are allowed to rest and heal. Kodol tligests what you eat and enables the stomaoh and digestive organs to transform all food into rich red blood. W.M.Cohen. CROUP. The peculiar cough which indicates croup, is usually well known to tbe 1 mothers of a oroupy ohild.No time should be lost in tbe treatment of it, and for this purpose no medicine bas received more universal approval than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Do not waste valuable time in experimenting with untried rem edies, no matter bow highly they are reoommended, but give ibis medioine as directed and all symptoms of croup will quickly disappear. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Druggist, Weldon, N.C. buy you one bag of J. E. M. Flour and be convinced that it is the best flour on the market. 12 cakes Laundry 8oap for Irish Potatoes, 256. peck, and everything yon Deed for the table and pantry.' foffianinuieCouohCura W. T. PABKEE. Fur C-OU, WAC la Ui1Hp. I WrSLUUH, K. u. -mm

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