131 i M Mlif Iyi iliki 1 111 6 DTBBTISIITG ZR-A-TES-modkiutk. VOL. XXXVII. -A. NEWSPAPER IF O 12 THE PEOPLE TBRMS:-i-5 per annum in advance WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1903. NO. 38, The treat rheumatic remedy not only cure everv form of rheumatism, but makes radical cures of Contagious Blood Poison, Scrofula, Sores, Boils, Catarrh, and all diseases arislnjt from impurities in the blood. Endorsed by physicians and prominent people every where after thorough trial. DOM NOT INJURE THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS. .... . Ramioii. K. C. OntlenKn ! I take plmiir In rmirlnf tcntlmony to th curntlve pnmrrtlrl of jrour"KnrTiiAOli" Tw i t"ttle cured mj ion of bail i-ane. If tbi will Ue of r: benvtlt to you In advertising your morllurloui remedy, jrcu ciu use lu Youri truly, W. H. BAN D, SltwaNi State Blind JruMtution. All DnifgisM, $1.00 ; or prepaid on receipt of price. J BobblU Chemical Co., - . Baltimore, rid. f P. N. Stainback, WELDON, N. C. Deiler in lyfZffijI - - - ZEICLERft BAY STATE A DDCntl TV . J1 !.,! in W.IHnn for RTKOITRE R ROT HE UN Kormcrly aoid here by M F. Hart.) A fit gnamnUed S II 0 E S HIOH AKT CLOTHING UNDERTAKING , In all lu branches. Metallic. Walnut, Cloth Covered (Jusketsand Corans Telephone or telegraph messages at leailed to day or night. mm mi.. TTT-i j i n -rirv ine weiuuu urouery oo. WHOLESALE JOKBEKS IN STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES lJWe Sell Only To Merchants. nni. siiuj tiii.' 'Fi nnv nunrFUY CO . $ 2 8 1 V WEI.DOS.N. C. Escelsior Printing Co. if WEL3D01T, 1ST C. Letter, Bill and Packet Heads Wedding Invitations,i Circulars, Hand Bills, Etc. Send us your orders. All orders receive prompt and careful attention.- IleBnsk of WeWon (:::;:::WELD0N, N. C. r- OrflLanized Unier Tke Lais of tie Stale of North Carolina, AUGUST 20TH, 1892. STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA DKJ'OSITOUV. HALIFAX COUNTY DKPOSl IOKY. TOWN OF WELDON DUPOSITORY. CIPITIL IND SURPLUS - - For ten yean tbii inatitutioo has proviJcd banVing facilities for ll.ia seclion IunockholdeminddirMtoM have beeoiJontifijd with ihe buwnm ioicte.ii ol rt , . . ... . i la ..diiJ it nn n an aa and Northampton couqiim tor many yoars. moury .--- -r-- -r P'oted accurity at tba legal rate of iotercat ix per centum. Aooounu ot all are Inlinii...! President: ' Vice-Preeident: . K. DANIEL Dr. J. N. RAMSAY, Seaboard, Northampton county, w. v. CaHhier: W. R. SMITH n I 1M The It lUliCjii. "WELTJOISr, 3ST. o. r n The Beat of Everything kept in .took. Freab Seasonable goods for family use. Qener.1 Sni:.- r , .v.. v..uL full linn HARDWARE. HHuuim IUI t no 4 uuiiui " A dieatncr and a man of action loved Wunian. The dreamer said: "I shall virile verses in her praise; they will touch her vaDiiy, acd she will love me for ihem." But the man of action said: "How old fashioned ! I shall cornet the 6tock the stock market, and that will bring her." So, the dreamer wrote verse?, and he induced a friend of his, who ran a ten cent magazine, to print thetn. And the man of action curnend something or other, and became a billionaire. In Ihe meantime, the girl married a man who inherited his money, aud they lived happily ever aftir. But the dieamer was so proud of his Verses that he didn't care; and the man of action was so busy (bat he didn't oare. The only one to suffer was the man she married. A LOVE STORY. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU' It !T A KING When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tooic because the formula is plainly piloted on ever; bottle showiog that it U simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless lorni lit) cure, No Pav 50o. LUCKY DRAW. Tenpol You should have seen the pair Darker lielJ last ni;ht. Tray I thought he had given up poker since his marriage ? Tenspot He has. He was holding his twins. CURES BLOOD, SKIN TROUBLES, Cancer, Blood Poison. Greatest Blood Purifier Free. If your blood is impure, thin, diseased, bot or full of humors, if you have blood poison, cancer, carbunoles, eatii.g sores, scrofula, eczema, itching, risings and lumps, scabby, pimply skin, bone pains, catarrh, rheumatism, or any blood or skin disease, lake Botanio Blood Balm (B. B. B) according to directions Soon all sores heal, aches and paios stop, the blood is made ure and rich, leaving the skin free fn'm every eruption, and giving the rich glow of peifect health to the skin. At the same time B. B. B, iui proves the digestion, cures dyspepsia, slteoglhtus wiak kidneys. Just themed icine for old people, as it gives them new vigorous blood. Druggists, 81 per large bottle, i'h directions for home cure Sample free and prepaid by writing Blood Ba'm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and special free medical advice a'si sent in sealed letter. B. B. B. is especially advised for chronic, deep-seated cases of impure blood and skin disease and cures af ter all else fails. For sale at Z illiroftVr's Drua Store. -VISIT OJRj WBITE-w The Petersburg Furniture Co., 203 AND 207 N. SYCAMORE SI. PETERSBURG, VA. I.XiftjJ mm ill B 1 I THE HUSTLING AND UP-TO-DATE LEADEUS IN FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS. A. J. WINJb'lELD , PRKSIDENT A MANAGER WSpecial Attention to Mail Orders. oct 3 ly. friz- zr-ti'-iS'-'-iS'-'"-' I--,- s-: THE MODERN BELLE. She sits in the old fashioned parlor, And rocks in her easy chair; She is clad in silks and satins, And jewels are in her hair; She winks and giggles and simpers, , And sirr.pe.-s and giggles and winks; And though, she talks but little, 'Tis a good deal more than she thinks. She lies abed in the morning Till near the ho.'r of noon, Then conies down snapping and snarling, Because she wc.s called so soon; Her hair still in pap'rs, Eer cheeks still fresh with paint Remains of her last night's blushes . Bofore she intended to faint. ' She dotes upon men uiiRhaven, And men with "flowing hair;" She's eloquent over moustaches, They give such a foreign air. She talks of Italian music, And falls in love with the moon; And if a mouse were to meet her She would sink away in a swoon. Her feet are so very little, Her hands are so very white, Her jewels so very heavy And her head so very light; Her color is made of cosmetics (Though this she will never own), Her body is made mostly of cotton, Her heart is made wholly of stone. She falls in love with a follow Who swells with a foreign air; He marries her for her money, She marries him for his hair! One of the very best matches Both are well mated in life; She's got a fool for a husband, He's got a fool for a wife. William Stark. SECRETS At Prlc of Surfarlatf, Woman on her way to semi-invaliilism caused by pregnancy suffers much pain. Ignorance prompts her to antler alone in silence and remain in the dark as to the true cause motherhood. Mother's Friend taLes the doctor's place ami she has no cause for an inter view. She is her own doctor, oml her modesty is protected. Daily application tr the breast and abdouen throughout pregnancy will -enable her to undergo tha period ot Restation in a cheerful mood and rest undisturbed. Mother's Friend i. - i:..lH..n, f.tr v,ArMol ii. nnlv. It woulil indeed be shameful if the aacrifice of modesty wer necessary to me success ful issue of healthy children. All women ,n ttnm mother need send, oulv to a drug store and for f i.oo secure the prine childbirth remedy. Healthy babies are tlie result or useniR raoiucr niw n.ir book ' riotherhood" mailed free, TH( BRADFIEIO REOUUTOI CO, ATLANTA. OA Grossmann's PATENT WRITING RING. The niont important improvement of the age ID toe Tt OI peDUinunBti iuwn.ro tiiTj poorest writer a splendid penman in ft few v- Kd th mm nfthiH rinir. Endorsed by prominent Colle Preside ntsand boards 01 education 1U rjurupenmi nmunw i'aiu- jA.an hAni-tori aizes nent tmstnaid forfl. Hiugle sample 25c. When order ing a single ring, state whether for man, woman or child. Penn Mi Supply Co., - i- T...AlAf rhlW Tnniri KfiS6toodthe25 ymt. Average Annual Me, overOH-MMta bottles. Does this mSTo .aerft 21l . WHEN I GET RICH. When I get rich, oh, many things I'll do For all the poor folks, whose lives are full of care. Their days, now drear, I'll make soweet and fair; They'll know no grief, no sorrow, no despair, When I get rich ! When I get rich the friends I love so dear Shall know no more those weary, toilsome hours; 1 11 light their skies with sunshine, and the showers Will scatter on their pathway fairest flowers, When I get rich ! When you get rich! Those friends you loved so well May not be here, but far beyond the skies, And never know the hidden love that lies Within your heart ah, foolish, vain surmise When you get rich! Wait not till rich, but haste to do it now! Yes, scalier sunshine dry Ihe fulling lotir Light up with hope the darkened heart und drear, That may be near you oh, no'er mind the year When you get rich. Hov. P. II. MoCauley, in Freeman's Journal. A KINDLY JUDGMENT, A KINDLY JUDGMENT 18 ONE OP TUX RAREST THINGS ON EARTH, AND IT 18 ALSO ONE OF TUE MOST EXCELLENT. The habit of harsh judgment is ungra cious, ungentle and unchristian, but al together too common among us. We io proue to atliibute a bad motive. It is not too much to say that no rather rel ish a rumor which tells oainst u neigh bor, and find a motlid comfort in i'.e thought that people aro not so good us they pretend to be or seem lo be, If a man gives largely to a charily, our firi.t impulse is to declare (hat there is a pur pose in it which is not quite as eiecl'cnt as appearances would indicate. If i wo man cemuiils an indiscretion, either willfully or through ignorance, we make it by our harsh criticism just as hard for her to heal the wound as possible. In a word, we are not helpful to each other, and are much more inclined to shove an offender down hill than to pull him up hill. W e are more apt to look on the darkest side of other people's lives and to think the worst of them than to look on the bright side and think the best of them. At the same time we would be glad to have them look at us leniently and find a good rather than a bad mo tive. Doing unto others, however, as you would have them do to you neither tsuits our convenience nor our appetite, A painter of ancient times was com manded to make a portrait of his mon arch. It so happened that I is Muiestv had a very ugly scar on his face which greatly disfigured him. The artist, with kindly diplomacy, asked his Bitter to lean his head on his hand, savins it would give a finer pose. He then deftly arranged matters in such a way that the Sogers of the monarch entirely covered the seir, and so the portrait was painted with no scar visible. If we were to fol low the example of the arlist and chari tably cover up the scars on the lives of our friends, or if, conscious that we need mercy ourselves, we should exercise that virtue toward others, or if, as commanded by Christ, we should make not a weak but a loving judgment of acts which rums within our notice, we should soon hear the rustle of angel wings in this hard world, and the sweet perfumes of the millennium would be wafted earth ward. G. W.'Hepworth, KOR OVER SIXTY YEARS Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over sixty years by millions ol mothers for children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens ttie gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins- low's Suotbiug Syrup," and take no oth er kind. IS FULFILLED IN JAI'AN AS WELL AS IN AMERICA. A girl, a daughter of Christian par te, but not a Christian herself, married man who was opposed to Christianity. To this coupon was born a little son, who be grew up, wus sent to ono of our mission day schools. lie was also a regular attendant nt Sunday school and weekly children's meeting. One y, when nine years old, he came home ow school with a high fever, aud the xt nmroing he wus no belli r. As he lay in bed ho usked his mother lo let him see the Kuiperor's picture, which was nging on the wall, Holding it in his nils ho said to Lis mother, "Tell the mperor good-by, I ism going to God in oven." These were the last words he spoke for all the skill of tho doctors could Dot keep back the little life when Uod was IliDg. When we went to comfort the sorrow ing mother, the said that before this she had cared nothing about Christian teach ing, but that when she heard the dying words of her boy, she could not help but believe io Ood and heaven. Iq the hnmU of her dead boy she placed a little testament, on e fly-leaf of which sho wrote, "Wait or me, I will meet you iu Paradise." Siucethut time, although her husband as never allowed her evon to step inside church, at heart sho has been a true Christian womaD. Children's Mission ary Friend. The moment past is no longer : the future may never be : the present is all of which man is the master. DISLOCATED HER SHOULDER Ma. Johanna Soderhom, of Fergus Falls, Minn., fell and dislocated her shoulder. She had a surgeon get it back in place as soon as possible, but it was quite sore and pained her very much Her son mentioned tbat tie bad seen Chamberlain's Puio Balm advertised fm sprains and Boreness, and she asked him to buy her a bottle of il, which he did, It quickly relieved her and enabled her to sleep which she had not done for sev eral days. The son was so much pleased with the relief it gave his mother that he has since recommended it to many others. For sale by W. M. Cohen, druggist. Weldon, N. C. THE VERGE OF PESSIMISM, I ain't a-goin' to kick about the way this world is run; I aint a-goin' to kick about the way I'm gettin' done, I'm talkin' 'bout the sunshine an' the butterflies an' bees An' the singin' of the brooklet, an' the murmurin' of the breeze, Instid o' tellin' how the cow I bought two weeks ago, Jes' nachelly quit giving milk which surely goes to show That human nature in a trade ain't what it ought to be; But then, I ain't a-goin' to kick about it; no siree! The times that I have been swindled, well, they'd nearly fill a book: But you'll never hear me hintin' that my feller man's a crook; The only proper way to tell my sentiments would be To find some language which was growed inside of Mount Pelee An' turn it loose like lava fur to bnra the land near-by An' send up streaks o' lightnin' to illuminate the sky. I aiu't a kickin'; I jes' let my difficulties slide. i I now I couldn't do the subject justice if I tried. As a rule of life, one finds that the truth lies somewhero between first im pressions and final decisions. EVERY BOTTLE OF CHAMBER LAIN'S COUGH REMEDY WARRANTED. We guarantee every bottle of Chan bcrlaio's Cough Remedy aud will refund the money lo anyone who is not satisfied after using two-thirds of the contents This is the best remedy in the wor for Ii grippe, coughs, colds, croup am whooping cough and is pleasant and sa! to take. It prevents any tendency of cold to result io pneumonia. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Druggist, Weldon, N. C. LITTLE CHILD SHALL LEAD THEM A man never knos what a conscience he has until asked to tell a lie to shield some one he never liked very well, anyway. Dr. Pierce's GOLDEN THE FIRST 20 YEARS- Live as long as you may, the first twenty years form the lorger part of your life. They appear so when they ore passing; they seem so when we look back on them: and they take up more room in our memory than all the years tbat come fler them. Take good care of the first twenty ears of your life. Ou the use which you make of them your happiness t usefulness in after years will very largely depend, See that they aro spent in earning right habits und cultivating good tastes. AN ARTFUL SCHEME. A uewly elected eflieial would some times return home late at at night after his wife had retired, and when she asked him what time it was would answer, About 12" or "A little alter miduiaht " On one occasion instead of uiakiog the Inquiry she said : "Alfred, I wish you would atop that clock. I cannot sleep for its noise." All unsuspicious, he stopped the pen- dulcirj. In the morning while dressing his wife inquired artlessly. Ob, by the way, what time did yitt get home?'' "About midnight," replied the offi cial. "Alfred, look at tbat clock." The hands of tho ctook pointed at 2.20. :' ' BBEDBDAL B1SGOWERY Restores lost rusn AND STRENGTH "I wrrn p. Mai wreck cauM not 6l.tp or cat,'' writes Mr. J. C. Heers, of Herrymau, Crawford Co.. Mo. "'For two years I tried mediciiie from doctors but received very little benefit. I lost flesh and streticth, wns not able to do o good diiy'ft wurk. 1 commenced talcing Dr. Pierce' Gntden Medical Discovery, and when I had taken one bottle I could sleep and my appetite was wonderfully improved. I have taken five bottles aud am still improving." The sole motive for substitution ia to permit the dealer to make the little more proiit paid by the sale of less meritori ous medicines. He gains ; you lose. Therefore, accept no substitute for "Golden Medical Discovery." Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yon eat. Th's preparation contains all of the digest ants and digests all kinds ol food. It Hives instant rclicfand never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take It. liy its uso many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. Is unequalled for the stomach. Child, ren with weak stomachs thrive on It, First dose relieves. A diet unnecessary. Cures all stomach troubles Prepared only by E. C. DkWitt & Co., tlhlcano The $1. boltie contains Ii ! times Uie 50c. alio. VV. M. Cohen, Druggist. PHYSICAL CULTURE. Do not confine your children to your own learning, for they were born in an other time. "The nicest and plessantest medicino I have used for indigestion and constipa tion ia Chamberlain'i Stomach and Liver Tablets," says Melard F. Craig, of Mid dletowo, N. Y. "They work like a charm and do not gripe or have any un pleasant effeot." For Bale ot VV. M, Cohen's drugstore, Weldon, N. C. I would not advise any woman to take up physical culture nieroty as a fad. If you do, it is very apt to end, as most lads do, io vapor. Aim at some particu lar, permanent improvement, and work seriously for its accomplishment. It may be fur the overcoming of soma physical defect, either iuheritcd or acquired, it may be for better lung development may be for general health culture; it may be for grace, poise, case of manner, symmet rical development, or far the reduction of weight. It matters not what may be your particular object in taking up the work, the first step must be always to acquire strength; strength first of the lower limbs and the vital organs, for on this depends your poise and general car riage. A woman should never lake up the practice of any vigorous exercise until she has first acquired the habit of carry ing the vital organs well raised a prom incnt chest and has a pair of strong rtm with whioh In irry the nhest wpipht easily and gracefully. CROUP. The peculiar cough which indicates oroup. is usually well known to the mothers of a croupy child. No time should be lost in the treatment of it, and for this purpose no medicine has received more universal approval than Chamberlain i Cough Remedy. Do not waste valuable time in experimenting with unlried rem edies, no matter how highly they arc recommended, but give this medicine as directed and all symptoms ot croup wi quickly disappear. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Druggitt, Weldon, N. C. One e Ggis& iwa For Coughs, Colde nd Croup. Whenever we hit at another man burden, we gain more strength to carry our own. wttLLGV'.?OiSGN in your blood? Physicians call it notarial Germ. It can be seen changing red blood yellow under microscope. It works day and night. First, it turns yourccm plexion yellow. Chilly, aching sensations creep down your backbone. You feel weak and worthless. a ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC will stop the trouble now. It enters the blojd at once and drives out the yellow poison. If neglected and when Chills, Fevers, Night -Sweats and a gen eral break-down come later on, Roberts' Tonic will cure you then but why wait? Prevent future sickness. The manufac turers know all about this yel low poison and have perfected Roberts' Tonic to drive it out, nourish your system, restore appetite, purify the blood, pre vent and cure Chills, Fevers and Malaria. It has cured thous andsIt will cure you, or your money back. This is fair. Try Sold by AV DRUGGISTS? jick Headache? ood doesn't dieest well? Appetite poor? Bowels constipated? Tongue coated? t s your liver I Aver s Fills are liver pills; they cure dys pepsia, biliousness. 2JC. Alt d".:(r-liU. Aum your iiKingtrtflH- nr iH-iird ft beautiful l-rn ii i.'r r.i-li blmV.' '! l.- n use EUCKIKGKAHrSDYEfv?f,er. Qiit a uk-vn The plainest face blossoms into real beauty when the heart is the home love. of 3n lvinut Cough Cure For Coughs, Colds and Croup. With the Cook and buy you one bag of J. E. M. Flour and be convinced that it is tho best floor r i the market, 12 eakes Laundry Boap for Irish Potatoes, 25o. peck, and everything you need for the table and pantry. W. T. PARKER. WELDON, N.C.

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