1 f ri i iWnSv :x H x hI ff'- Wvx ',ra2S if 11 if M 4 fSC 1 1 SiiSS Mm 6 lADVBH,TISISrC3- RATES-' MODERATE, A. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. TERMS:-i.5o PER ANNUM in advance IVOL. XXXVII. WELDON, N. C. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5. 1903. NO. 39 1 I, a new ad scientific cempo'ind nad. horn rootf, barbt and barks cuitalaa plates nor poisons. It purine in blood and removes the causes of I.W salety. os not Injurs tlis uigestlv org-ana. TWO CURES. Fimitres, B. C, Autr. ID, loo:!. gmiirmfai-I v.fitan to mffv-r from raeuuui Ism aloul 1 ) '"" -""d hill I' i-ry l'l In my limlm. At. times I ooulit harillT H- ,')r lnyiiciinivlt.limitbiMift!l. Mirohu:i traarnito. Mr. Oor.' Wi .li .ani'iisi aser on Hi" Count Llr liv 11 In r?!r-1 moe, toM mo that. Kiinimoirs" 1 ourad lilin. I ot 11 bol 'n mil it b.iniv-1 sited DIP. I took five UlllU'SPIltl :im I do si well I m I" u7 I 1 rriard "Hni-BnUoinK" as a lijc mwlKiiiO. I kuuw tf otuur It bui oured. Truly. 8- T. I1UIICH. I DAiiMnaToa, 8. C , Au. lvtta, loot Gentleman: About two yoars ago X had a vary aavi-ia attack of i.illmiima torv 1 hi-iimntl.in. 1 nuUVrnl iiruat pain anil was cimUiiiil to my lioil for live wwaa. During t ho llmu 1 was treated by two I'lifslulans without l"-rnmnnt rcllof. t'Rit, Murker, a Oimilui'tnr on 1 ho Atlantic I'unat l.lne hoard of my condition and sunt mo two hottka of UiiEUMAninr " I bin.n to takn It ai.il 11 a win k I not up anil walkpd on 0 ut, In s. Arii riakltiKth.polKillloBof l:u ii-mtily I trot entirely well anil went bark to tnv tiii.tnt-s. I pni-Bouailv know of a number of other bail eases llmt were cured by the ti.o of your nii'illi-lnn, In this town and vicinity. It is all that you claim for It. Truly, 1. U BINKUON. gold by Druggiiti. Will be sent cxpreii paid on receipt of $1.00. Rthhlit Chemical Co.. Baltimore, fid.. II. S A. 1m m arm iirir" n t HOSIHQ OUT S4LE! $ In order to make room for Spring Goods I will sell all winter cloth ing at cost. Call and get a good suit and overcoat at bargain prices P. N. STAI NBACK, mm n I fh mi TTT-i j n n ine weiuon uruuery kju. WHOLESALE JOBHEK8 IN l-4i STAPLE & FANCY c GROCERIES & L.We Sell Only To Mtrrlinnls. Onhrs Solicited.' THE WELDON liKOCEIti' CO , 2 8 lv WKUXIN, N m 0. n n 1 Excelsior Printing Co., Wis. "WELIDOIT, IT G. 6 SECRET OF ft LONG LIFE- You snini'iinios soe 1 wnnan wlioenld auc iti as cxquMtc as wax Ibc perfect bloom of her youih You wonder bow it in her life has been a Ion); and baprr one. Here are som? of 1 he ria nt: She knew how to forget disagreeable tiling. She kepi her nerves well in band and nfleiled llietn on no 0110. She maileri'd tho art of laying pleasnnt thini!. She did nut expeol too much from her friend. She 111 11 ilc wliulcwr work came to hi r congenial. She rolaimd hir illusion-, and did not belli vo all the world vieked and unkind. She relieve) the miserable, and nympa- thized with the sorrowful She never forgot that kind words and a smile ciw' nothing, hut are price less treasure? to the discouraged. She did unto others as she would be done !)", and now that old age has come to her, and there is a halo ot white hair about her head, she is loved acd consid ered. This is the secret of a lung life, and a happy one. Selected. CURES RHEUMATISM AND CA TARRH MEDICAL ADVICE SENT FREE. ' There two dUcatcs are the rcsuhs of an awful poUoncd condition of the blood. If you have aching joints and back, Shoudrr blades, hone pains, crip pled haocls legs or feet, Bwollen uiu.-elea, shifting, sharp biling pains, and that tired, discouraged feeling of rheumatism, or the hawking, Fpittiog,blurred eyesight deafness sick stomach, headache, noises in the head, mucous throat discharges, decaying teeth, bad breath, belching gas of citarrh, take Botanic U lood Balm (B B. B ). It kills the peisoo in the blood which causes these awful Symplons, giving 1 pure, bcalihy blood supply to the joints and mucous membranes, and makes a perfect cure of the worst rheuma tism of foulest catarrh. Cures where all else fails. Blood Balm (B. B B ) is composed of puro Botanic ingredients, good for weak kidneys Improves the digestion, curiB dyspepsia. A peifect tonic for old folks by giving them new, rich, pure blood Thoroughly tested for thirty years. Druggists, 81 per large bottle, with complete directions lor home cure. Samples free and prepaid by wiit ini Bi d Bilui Co, Atlanta Ga. De scribe triuhleand special free medical advice sent in sealed letter. For sale and free samples at Z'lllicoffer's Drug Store. VISIT OP WEITE-a The.Petersbure Furniture Co., 20!) AND 207 N. SYCAMORE ST. PETERSBURG, VA. A MOTHER'S NEED. PATIENCE IN TIIE1 MOTHER IS A ORACE LACKING IN MANY A CHRISTIAN HOME. CONCERNING SLEEP, STEAL A WHILE A WAY FROM EVERT "CUMBERSOME CARE" AND TAKE A REST. Wisdom quite often passes by tb pilace to make its home in a cabin. Perhaps before the cod of this oentu ry we may have a windless Congress. If; Letter, Bill and Packet Heads f .Wedding Invitations: ) H Circulars, Hand Bills, Etc.f H Send us your orders. All;) borders receive prompt ana M careful attention. . The Bank of W ellon, ::WELDON, N. C.J OrpmeJ TJutler Tke Lais of tie State of North Carolina, AUGUST 20TH, 1892. STATE OF NORTH CAROLIMA DKI'DSI TORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DKKMHOKY. TOWN OF WELDON DEPOSITORY. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS - $2G,0OO. Pot ten yeart this institution hai provided banking facilities for this section I stockholder and direotorH have baen identified wiih the business iotcreats ol B'lifax and Northampton counliei Ut mauy years. Money is loaned upon ap proved security it the legal rate of interest ail per centum. Aeoounia of all are. wlicited. President: Vice-President: Cashier: . K DANIEL D. J. N. RAMSAY, W. R. SMITH. 8eaboard, Northampton county, N. C. He who Hops on the little island of creed, to besaiisfied with a dogma, an chors a loog way from the harbor of Heaven. J? HT A DTI The III Gl 1 Uli l WELTJOIT, IT- C. . The Beat of Kvervtbion kept io rtock. Fresh Seasonable goods for family Use. Uoneral Supplier for the Public Full Una HARDWARE, 33 FINE BARSS mMy ba, i, ,appiiefj with the most choice WHISKIES, BRANDIES. WGARS and TOBACCO. wtivPolile attention and Promt' ieliv -S' THE HUSTLING AND UP-TO-DATE LEADERS IN FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES AND GENERAL HOUSE F URNISHINGS. A. J.WINFIELI) , PRESIDENT 4 MANAGER IQ.Spccial Attention to Mail Orders. oct 3 ly. ON THE GENTLE ART OF FORGIVING. ,Uv ....? 5 15 -5 35 tiiZZ W. D. NESBITT. How good we fool when we forgive Another who haB done some wrong ? It thrills us like the cadences Of some joy laden, lifting song. We feel the true nobility, Of gentleness; of how to live; We mark his thankfulness with pride When we forgive. To know that we may rise above The pettiness of rage and hate And wipe away all trace of hurt Is something fine, and-something great, To let our great resentment flow Like heedless waters through a sieve It makes the better men of us When we forgive. To clasp hands with the erring ones, And vow that what is past is past Will coax the sun of gladness out Where now the sky is overcast. All ! Life is happy, after all, And more than worth the while to live. Wp alvays realize our good When we forgive. We understand the weakness of The other man; and so at length We come to grasp the wonderness Of our transcendent moral strength When we forgive we only learn Our better part, and do not see That we are being kind to one As bad as we ! Chicago Tribune. her will "I The Human Lottery "Ah, if only I war boamtliVs How happy lift) would be." Many n forlorn maid has said this as she looked into the mirror. It is the one jios- session in the lottery ot uuruau mu wuicu womail would not refuse. BRAD FIELD'S Female Regulator for voiuiL' L'irls on the threshold of woman- homl is invaluable. When they become icbaml lniiiruiil, the eves dull, nchiuK head, feet ami hands cold, appetite gone or abnormal, o!structcd periods ami pain ful in.Misi's. nnil their systems cenerauy run down, they need a tunic, building up and their Miaul cleansed. Braillieliral'tinalcRi'inilator for women is particularly vnluuble anil useful owing to its tonic iniM-riics and as a regulator of the menstrual flows, l'ainful, obstruct ed ami suppressed niriiatmution is perma nently rcliced ami all diseasea peculiar .i hr uf-niLit ori'una are cured bv it. RvyuMor chars thecomplcxion.briglit cua the eye, ali.iriKiis the appetite, re- ntnvf mmlilv ami blotched coiuunonnoi Uic Skill -:k! c.itti -ick h-n'l',li t once. Of lroi:c.istntfi.on per bottle. J Peifect Health for Women" can be hail free liv aemling ua your address. We BRADFICLD EOUlTOH CO., ATLANTA, 0. nri!r !" "H s A NEW DAY. rir,i km.- 'T-WtWilPBrina.iarBW 'lit' it'tiliJAiB. BY I,. M. MONTGOMERY. "What grace do I most need to culti vate in my boy?" asked a young mother of a saintly old lady. "Patience in his mother," was the instant reply. What a world of truth is contained in those four words ! Is there anything which so quickly develops stubbornness and ill temper in a child as impatience in gov ernment ? And yet how often the mother's patience fails when it is most needed. What can she do ? A mother was one day trjiog to enforce obedience in a headstrong boy. It seemed as if every effort had been made to do avai Under the strain her patience gave way, and with a torrent of angry words she reproached tho boy. Hardly had the words left her lips when sherealiied what she had done. Pausing suddenly, she Baid:"My boy, I ask your pardon; I am very wrong to speak so; I will try to have more pa tience with you. Shall we both try again ?" The boy looked at his mother in amaaemetit, and as he saw her sad aDd troubled face, he burst into tears and said, as he threw bis arms about neck : "Mamma, dear mamma, 1 never trouble you again," Loog afterward the boy said : never knew till then how I troubled ber, and I never felt so mean as when she asked me to forgive her." The lesson was not lost on either the mother or child. Not only did the mother grow patient, but the boy grew considerate, and the bond between them was grown closer as the years passed. ''But I haven't any patieDce," said a thoughtless mother. "Things vex me, and I just Bay what I think." As if that were sufficient excuse for rudeness and often abuse. The one to whom this mother spoke, replied quickly: "You are mistakeD, my dear; you have patieoce, but you do not use it toward your own; you keep it for visitors. Yesterday when Mary and her children were here they wi re a great trial. lou remember how tho ohildrco meddled, and bow lude aud disobedient they were to you while their mother was lying down 1 But you never said an impatient word. Was it because you oared more for them than for your own?" Tho mother's face crimsoned, and she slowly said- "Indeed I don't; but looks that way, doesn't it ?" 'Patience in the mother" is a grace ''piiffnlly lacking in many t Christian horhe. How can it be acquired ? "Ask and ye shall receive." "If ye shall ask anything in my name I will do it." But asking is not all. There must be effort real hard, earnest effort to prac tice this grace of which we read. "Let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting noth ing." Christian Work, FOR tll'BK SIXTY YEARS Mrs. Winslow's Soothiog Syrup has been used for over sixty years by millions ot mothers for children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind oolio, and is the best remedy for The scholar and professional man, like the anxious housewife, is apt to carry his cares to bed, and iosomnia becomes a curse. Men and women who are busied in getting and gaining, the merchant, the banker, ell alike, fail to ocure that self-control which can manage the mind as well asleep as awake. Normal sleep should be purely a physi ological repose Mujilar to the rest of ani mals who go to sleep with the darkness and awake with the light. Some one has said that sleep is like huoger and thirst, representing a diminution of ener gy throughout the entire body. I hard ly think this can be true, but in my judgment sleep rather suggests the dimin ution of the enerj;y of the brain, and he is a wise man who takes the hint when brain fag sets in of an evening, and goes comfortably and properly to bed. Of course it goes without saying that night is Dot the only time for sleep. Men and women who are busy could steal just a few mioutcs before or after the DooD-day luDcheon, to catch a little nap, and, indeed, I am nearly sure that tho noon-diy nap is worth far more than tho noon-day meal, for the digestive processes are surely hindered during the periods of mental activity, and it is the exceptional persoo io this busy wotld of ours who is not called upon to use all his brain and brawn to make a living. It has been my habit to advise mothers to steal a while away from every "cumber- ous care," and even if sleep fails to be wooed to tako about twenty minutes every day in absolute peace and quiet ness, diverting the niiud from all anxie ties and relaxing all the muscles. A habit of this kind is easily acquired, and we might bave lewer ncurastbentic wo men whose nerves make life hideous to their families, if a word like this, spoken Irom considerable experience, were heeded. WATCH our sufferer immediately. Sold by druggist in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and take do oth er kind Through the wide-open portals of the morning's splendid gates, Across the silver hill-tops where the dawn-dory waits. O'er valleys scarfed with pearly mists and meadows flowery Diarrhcoa. It will relieve the poor little ftay, Comes with its guerdon of dear hopes a beautiful new day. A day that's all unwritten, yet, a day that is to be Made what we will to make of it, comes now to you and me, A promise and a hadpiness are dawning for us here, Born of God's love and kindness to all His children d ar. Now we may banish from our hearts the pain of yesterday; Its fears, mistakes, and failures may all be put away, For here's a new beginning and here's a world made new, With tender, helpful words to speak and loving deeds to do. Let's fill its page with gracious thoughts and write a record fair Of brave endeavor, kindly acts, and hope and faith and prayer. And thus when sunset splendor fades to twilight deep and gray, We'll win the blessing that it brings, tins beautiful new day, Ef you don't min' de teachin' er d good good book. Watch out, 0, believers, watch outl Fer Satan gwino ter git you by de collar, wid his hook. Watch out, 0, believers, watch out! We'n do li'l chillun crying, en deli'l' chilluncot' Watch out, 0, believers, watch out You got ter give 'cm vittlcs fer de glory io yo' soul. Watch out, 0, believers, watch out Wen de po' folks is a settin' round' de fire io de night. Watch out, O, believers, watch out Dry's a fire what's a bnroin'-Mister Sa tan keeps it bright! Watch out, 0, believers, watch out ft MONSTER BIRD. Freddie Ma, the bat is the biggest bird that flies, ain't it? Ma By no means, Freddie. Freddie Well, anyway somo of them must be mighty big, 'cause I heard fath er say he was out on one last night. Richmond Dispatch. ft GENUINE ONE. o too late. , WINES, l-hirr 31 Grossmarin's PATENT WRITING KING. The most important improvement of the age in the art of penmanship tnakrs the poomt writer a Bplendirl penman in a few weeks by the use of this ring;. Kmloraed by prominent College Preside ntaand boards of education in Eoropeaurl America 8nm ple doien assorted siwa aent postpaid forll. Single aarople Sic. When order ing a singie ring, Hate whether for man, woman or child. PRnn MftT SimiiIt Co.. No- 1 10 S. 4th Rt , Philadelphia, aep 18 It Ornvi' Tasteless Chill Tome Has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual &!es over One "JJflHair minon Uu5 rWCVn "t - ' . i .. ,!. B l Uv. KILL tnOou4 whh very tl tt Ter. wot. """" -,. .V, MAUY RIDDKLL COKLEY They cuiiie too Uto the fragrant, dewy blooms, Nourished whero sunshine beats the whole long day, Life heW no solace for her darkened hours, And fields were barren as she went her way, Ah ! take them back, the words so long unsaid, The spoken words to starving heart denied ; Ye gave a stone where she asked for bread; Sho held it in her empty hand and died. The sweet pink roses lie upon her breast; She passed through wastes whereon no pink bud grows ; She passed and sleeps what matters all the rest ? She hath no need for any fairest rose. Take them away and bear her softly forth Where Ringing birds and tender grasses wait; Holding your peace your words are little worth For luve and roses, all are come too late. Boston Transcript. A man dropped his wig in the street and a boy who was following close be hind the loser picked it up and handed it to him. "Thanks, my boy," said the owner of the wig. "You aro the first genuine hair restorer I have ever seen." The scrach of a pio may causo the loss of limb or even death when blood poison ins; results from the injury. All danger of this may be avoided, however, by promply applying Chamberlains Pain Balm. It is an antiseptio and quick hea ing liniment tor cuts, bruises and burns. For sale at W. M. Cohen's drug store, Wcldon, N. C. AMBIGUOUS. "Dear Father We are all well and happy. The baby has grown ever so much snd has a great deal more sense than he used to have. Hoping the same of you, I remain your daughter. Mollie." She 1 thtuk New lorkers sre very olanoish. He Why so? Haven't you noticed in the streot cars how they st'.nd together? " I wrote to Doctor Pierce, who sent me a very kind letter and advised me." Tliousaruls of weak and sick women can trace the beginning of a new life of perfect health to that letter written to Dr. Pierce. I Sick and ailing women are invited toi consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. All! correspondence held as strictly private! and sacredly confidential. Address Dr. j R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce s Favorite Prescription cures I weak and aching backs, headaches, nerv ousness and other womanly ailments by I curing the womanly diseases which cause i them. I I "In the BDrinir of iqoo writes Mm. Alvicna Scnoltz, of became very 111," of Lake Washing ton, Lesueur Co., Minn., "my batk was very weak and ached ho that I could do no work at all, so I was obliged to take to ray bed. I felt a constant desire to urinate and "the pains in atxjomet were almost unbearable. I wrote to1 Ir. Pierce, who sent ine a verv kind letter, and advised me to take his 'Favorite Prescription' ml 'Golden Medical Uiscoverv.' 1 tooit vlx bottles of each and am a well woman now. I cannot say enough in favor of Dr. Pierce' meuicines. " "Ffvorite Prescription" makes weak women strong, sick women well. Accept no substitute for the medicine which works wonders for weak women. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the most desirable laxative for delicate Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Th's preparation contains all of the cl!lii;st;iiils ana digests an Kinas 01 food. H gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it Hy its use many lliousanils uf dyspeptics havo boon cured after everything else failed. Is unequalled for the stomach. Child ren with weak stomachs thrive on it. First dose relieves, h diet unnecessary. Cures all stomach troubles Prepared only by E. 0. nrWirr & Co., Ohlcairo xuu l. oouie contains uuies tue wu. sise. V. M. Cohen, Druggist. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'KKTAklNG When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing -that it u simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. No cure, No Pay. BOo. When a man pawns his watch ho raises money with a patent lever. The best physio. "Once tried and you will always use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets," says William A. Gir ard, Pease, Vt. These Tablets sre the most prompt, moat pleasant and most reli able eatbartie in use. For tale tt W. M. Cohen's dnigstoie, Weldon, N. C. A MOTHER'S RECOMMENDATION. I have taken Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy for a Duoib-r of years and bave no . hesitancy io saying that it is the beat remedy for coughs, cold and croup I have ever used io my family. I have not words to express my confidence in tbis remedy. Mrs. J .A. Moore, North Star, Mioh. For sale by W. M. Cohen, druggist, Weldon, N. C. TENDENCY OF THE TIMES. Ihe tendency ot medical science is toward preventive measures. The best thought of the world is being given to the subject. It is easier and better to pie- vent thao to cure. It has been fully demonstrated that pneumonia, one of the most dangerous diseases that medical men have to contend with, can be preven ted by the use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Poeunomia always results from a cold or from an attack of influena (grip), and it baa been observed that this remedy counteracts any tendency of these diseases toward pneumonia. Tbis has been fully proven in many thousands of cases in which this remedy has been used during the great prevalenoe of colds and grip io recent years, and can be relied upon with implicit confidence. Pneumon is often results from a slight eold when no danger is apprehended until it is sud denly discovered that there is fever and difficulty in breathing and pains in the chest, then it is announced that, the patient has pneumonia. Be oo the safe side and take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as soon as the oold is oobtraoted. It always cures. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Druggist, Weldon. N. C. ioJELLOW.POISON In your blood ? Physicians call it Jlalarial Uerm. It can be seen changing red blood yellow under microscope. It works day and night. First, it turns your com plexion yellow. Chilly, aching sensations creep down your backbone. You (eel weak and worthless. a ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC will stop the trouble now. It enters the blojd at once and drives out the yellow poison. II neglected and when Chills, Fevers, Night-Sweats and a gen eral break-down come later on, Roberts' Tonic will cure you then but why wait ? Prevent future sickness. The manufac turers know all about this yel low poison and have perfected Roberts' Tonic to drive It out, nourish your system, restore appetite, purify the blood, pre vent and cure Chills, Fevers and Malaria. It has cured thous andsIt will cure you, or your money back. This is fair. Try It. Price, 25 cents. Sold by ALL DliU IGIST3. A Bad Breath A bad breath means a bad stomach, a bad digestion, a bad liver. Ayer s Pius are liver pills. They cure con stipation, biliousness, dys pepsia, sick headache. 25c A)! druffilts. V. am yi-ur tmm.tai-he or board a bMOtlful Vrnwn or ni-li blHi-kf 'I hn BUCKINGHAM'S DYE Wer, Fussing What kind of coal do you use? 'Egg.' How do you buy it T By the doieo. One fslinute CcugSa Cure For Coughs, Co'da and Croup. The oriminal who is ewuog to the nearest tree by an infuriated mob gets full benefit of th nighet law." One Klintate Cough Curo For Coughs, Coidi and croups With the Cook end buy you one bag of J. E. M. Flour and be convinced that it is the best flour on the market. 12 cakes Laundry Soap for Irish Pota oes, 25c. peck, snd everything you need for the table and pantry. W. T. PARKER. WELDON, N. 0. 1