r -- midair zsl hj UH ill Lr3rt si a vt 'in Ml W 6 .DTBRTISIlTa- moderate. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. TEEMSHl'M PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE VOL XXXVII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12. 1903. NO. 40 i ThoruuRtily ersdicatee the excess of U.ic ind Lactic Acids from the system, inrti the kidneys into healthy iciion, cum constipation and indigestion. THIS 00NI, YOU Ht Will Of RHEUMATISM, N0 ANY OTMCN DIS(S( CftUSIO SJV IHSURI BLOOD. Do not be ditcouraned if other remedies have failed. RHEUMACIDE hai made in reputation by curing sHrged incurable ciki. Does not injure the orgsns of digestion. Oolosboro, N. C, Au. ts, Ida. Gentlemen-Some ill yean am ! botan to have aolatloa, and alao a chronlo rise of nnculr rti umatlira. At timet 1 could not work at all imv business hclnir liaifiaan muster on Houthi .n H. K.). for daTsaml weeks at a time I oould nut work. My autferln was Intense. I'livslclaimreatcl me, wlthoutpermanent relief, however. Tried n number nf sitrartlsed remedies without permanent benefit, r'inelly tried " ltHsuaucins." It did the work, and I have had ex cellent henlib (or three yeara. I can ol.eerhilly Bay that all rbeumatlos should ute " Bhbuuaoivi." for It ts by tar the best remuily. . ILA. LOKAX. Price fi.oo prepaid express, or from your Druggist. Bobbltt Chemical Co., Baltimore, fid., U.S. A. nosirJQ out sulei $ $ $ fc ? $ In order to make room for Spring Goods I will sell all winter cloth ing at ccst. Call and get a good suit and overcoat at bargain prices P. N.ST A IN BACK, The Weldon Grocery Co. $ WHOLESALE JoHKOW IN v STAPLE & FANCY kW 3GE0CBRIESS.: M jJ.W rWI Only To Men h.nta. S-B-O'SS Onlers Solicited 2 8 lv 1U ruv u VI luiv lllmi'l-liY CO . W WKI IHIN.N. C JJjf. rd Qr:id:: Use Black Elastic Hoof Faint. Wly use i I 'in r :si when a andard CO" de air ,r Uil.tll l'1-enp. I iu llli loUfct I HOl'SK PAINT. COACH PAINT ,UI1 FLOOR PAINT, WAGON PAINT. Wri,e, ROOFPAINT. fy,,,, pajDt J J ( Innumerable chadca, Col r Card for B"1 180i the asking. HL II MOND, VA L. 0. ANDERSON, ! DKALKR IN fay and Fancy Groceries, FRUITS. CONFK0TI0NKRIKS. WILL BE CLAD TO SIC MY COUNTRY FRIENDS The Bank of Wi, :-,.,:WELDON, N. C." i- Opiici Unicr TMe Im of the State of North Carolisa, AUGUST 20TH.1892. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSHOKY. HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSUOHY. TOWN OF WELDON DEPOSITORY. CAPITAL IND SURPLUS $26,000. For tea yem thil lostitulioa lia proeided banking faoilitiea fur thi neeiioo IliitoolchalJfrund direct ir hah-oidnliM wiih (h bueinemi inlereati ol Hlifai and Nonhtmploa cooniirtfir many yein. Money ia loaned upon ap proeed aeeurity it th pfal raw of intereat til per oeotuia. Aooonnla of ill are. uliciifd. President: Vioa-PrmJeol: Caabier .t DANIEL. Da. J. N. UAMSAY, " W. R. SMITH. Soatward, Nartbampton couoiy, N. C E. CLARK The T-rr-mT -rr-NT "KT. n The Beat or Kfetythinn kept in nock Fresh Seasonable gfloda for family wf. ral Suppliea for lb Public Full line HARDWARE. 35 FINE BAR ' . Mj bar i. Mrp,ied a-ith tb .hoic. WHI6K1E3, BRANDIES. WINKS, CQAR8 taj TOBACCO, nvl'olite.ttcatioi ana Pi'p (Uh Phone 31 THE LAST LEAVES- De rain is on de kiver, My fire is burio' low, An' I is on my I rabies Tii-daob iuug o; - An' io my dreama I's sorter Uwine back to home among Dem ole things, ob de qua'ter Whar me and' Clare wua young. Dat old gal arid her aworin' Keeps liuio along de raio; I guesses dat she's li vin' Ole qua'ter days again, I'soountrd on my fingers De liviu' and be loel, An' nearly all de number Dejurding flood is crossed. Las' night I thought I seed urn Jes' lack dey use to be Bofo' dem ineddiu' Yank oca Hit up an' solum ftee; I aeedum al de qua'ter Jes' lack o long ago, De onlies' days ob freedom Dat I shall ebcr know. But I shall neber lis'o De corn-song sung again, Nor bear de plutr-uules giogle Dey gear along de lane. I'll neber bear dem child'en A-drivio' at de gin, As from de big plantation De ban's is oomin' in. Down at de ole plantation Whar me an' Clare v?us young, About de rotten rafters De spider's web is hung; De olr-fiel' pine in growin' Ole mastah's gave around; An' dem what cried arouo' it Is a'l gone to de town. De big ole house is lonely Since all de white folks gone; Dey say dat sompen han'ta it Wid awful eareina-on; An' bats an owls is fluppin' Whar onect de fiddle rung About dem good ole cabins Whar me an' Clare wus young. CURES RHEUMATISM AND CA TARRH - MEDICAL ADVICE SENT FREE. These two diseases are the results of an awful poisoned condilinn of the blood If you have aching joints and back, Shouder blades, bone pains, crip pled hands legs or feet, swollen mu-oles, shifting, sharp biiing pains, and that tired, discouraged feeling of rhcumalistu, or the hawking, spitting.hluned cyi sight deafneas sick stoniaoh, headache, Dniies in the head, mucous thrmt discharges, decayiog let lb, bad breath, belching gas ofcilarrh, take Botanio Blood Balm (B. B. B ). It kills the poisuu iu the blood which causes these awful eymp ons, giving a pine, healihy blood supply to the joints and mucous membranes, and makes a perfect cure of the worst rheuma tism of loulest catarrh. Cures where all else fails. Blood Balm (B. B B) is composed of pure Botanic ingredients, good f.r weak kidneya Improve the digestion, cures dyspepsia. A pel feet tonic for old folks by giving them oew, rich, pure blood Thorouuhly tested for thirty years. Druggi.ia, f 1 per large bottle, with complete direcliona for home cure. Samplea tree and prepaid by writ ing Blood Balm Co , Atlanta Ga. De scribe trouble and special free medical advice aent in sealed letter. For sale and free samplea at ZdlioolTer a Drug Store. MOTHERS, DO YOU KNOW .lie Li. ill y eu-callcd birth medicine, and no: t rein ilii 5 fur women in the tic illilellt if licr il'.-lici.te organs, contain more or k." ;iioin, riorjihiiie and atrycUnitief ri You Know that in mot countries li i; gists; arc not permitted to sell narcot .ch titiiniit l.ilxliug them poisons P Do Vi-ii Know that you should not tako intern illy any medicine lor the p.Jri uiom anying pregnancy. II Yu Know that Mother Friend I; i vpKcd externally only? Uo Vihi Know that Mother' Friend is i ixleliraUil prescription, and lli.it it U j U- n iu oxr forty years, nnd that mi h boi'.le of 1'ic Kenuiiie heart the name of The Ilia ll'.cl I Regulator Co. t 1X you know thnt when you use this .i. . - O 1 - rt mi, ami hr healt'iv, licuty ami clever children f Wi ll, tin-!-; thiiura are worth knowing. They are facts, tif dnurgisU nt t' " Ivm't I iRmoailiil to try a substitute. Our liitle book "Motherhooil" Ire. IHt (OAOFII.O atOULAICS CO, Atlaata. Ca Grossmann's PATENT WRITING RING. Tb most Important Improvement of the ia the art of penmanship makes the poormt wriur a spletdld penman in a few week by thane of this ring. Endorsed by prominent College President and hoard of eilooatiou in Ku rope and America. Ham pie doaen asaorted sine aent postpaid iorll. Binnle sample 115c. When order ing a aingl ring, slat whether for man, woman or child. Pen MtSopplf Co., No- US 8. 4th St , Philadelphia. ae18 U WYISIT OB WBITB-w The Petersburg Furniture 20.1 AND 207 Jf. 8YCAMORH ST. PETERSBURG, VA. Co., THK HUSTLINO AND Ul'-TO-DATK A DICKS IN FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS. A. J. WINFIEL1) , I'll KSIDENT 4 MANAGER IfJs.Special Attention to Mail Orders. oct H ly. Grove's Tasteless Chill Tome Averago Annual , eoo in icsx afJ years. 050 -- bottles. Docs this recird c trit arped to yoti ? C, Sales over Ona eni alSaSf &!Z!ioa " ' If.. ' " i ... -i.' VA -t 1 --' DR. LEE DE FOREST. WHOSE WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY SYS TEM HAS BEEN ADOPTED FOR OUR NAVAL VESSELS. The De Forest wireless telegraphy Byeteni, while differing radically from Marconi's In uiechHiilsin, Is bused, n tire all other wireless aystenis, on the nertiinn wave theory. The De Forest syatem baa been adopted for uaa on all ablps of the United Slules nnvy. The Inventor la a young mnu who was (radtinted from Yale university with the clnsa of '1X1. MaWsttWv.tnstmtKtatlt t at t yr . An uia ravortre i 1kl))attklstatkllata)lat)ia)Vlat)1attM PRAISE TO GOD By Anna Latltia Barbauld ANNA LKT1TIA UARBAl'LU. KiiKlltih poet and esnay Ut. wm horn In 1743 am! dlotl in IhjS. Hh? wm th daiiirh ter of on clergyman and the wife of another, and her writing! were mainly of a devotional character. Among them wre "Karly Lmsona For Children." "IevotlnRl Piece." "Hymn In Prose For Children' and "Kight een Hundred and Kleven," a politltnil pofm. It Is re corded of Mri. Hartauld that "she poHMviaed many and warm friends and passed through a long life without an enemy." P I wtfh awy sVotUa a a Ts pacaan of Crova'l I i Root, Uvar PB2. RAISE to God, Immortal praise. For the love thnt crown our day Bounteous source of every Joy, , Let Thy prnlae our tonituea employ!. For the bleHinp of the field, For the Btore the K'U'dena yield. For the vine'a exalted Julee, Fur tht gi'iierous olive's use; Flock that whiten all the plain, Yellow sheaves of ripened KHiln, Clouds that drop their fattening dews, Buns that temperate warmth diffuse All that aprlng, with bounteous hand, 8catters o'er the iiiIIIiir bind; AU that lllieral autumn pour From her rich o'crflowtug stores: These to Thee, my (lod. wo owe Svuiiw Iivuc4 ull &uT l.lv!ii 2i7 And for these tuy axml ahull raise (iratiful rows and solemn pralso. Yet should rising whirlwind tear From Its stem the ripening ear Should the tig tree's bleated hoot Drop her green untimely fruit Should the vine put forth no more. Nor the ollv yield her tare Though the sickening flocks should fsll. And the herd desert the stall Should Thine altered hand restrain The early and the latter rain, Blaat each opening bud of joy, And the rising year destroy; 1 Yet to Thee my soul should raise Grateful row and oleum praise. And, when every blessing' flown, tore Thee for Thyoelt slooe, at1l1w)laslt))al1lMMe))S)lk CONDENSED STORIES. 1 Between Kathsrlna and the Deep 6ea, He Choas the Litter. E. II. Sothern has a new story cencefnin the autograph hunters, from the importunities of whom ac tors suffer even more than distin guished people in other walks of Me. They b ecotne accustomed to being button 'idled street cars, on the sidewalk, in hotel lobbies and even tt the very door of the theater, but Jlr. Sothern is the first one, perhaps, who has ever been dinned nto tho ooertn. While lie was en joying u morning swim in the mirf at Newport recently lie heard some one splAshing nnd pulling behind him nnd at the same time calling to him not to go so iimt. 1 htnking the man luid some good reason for wanting to stop him, ho turned nnd said, "What is it?" TJold on a minute, there, said the stranger. "Aren't vou Mr. E. H. Sothern?" "Yes," replied tho actor. "Well, I want you (puff) to trive me (puff) your autograph (puff). Will you?" 1 hulking ho had to deal with a harmless lunatic, Mr. Sothern as sured him that nothing would give him greater pleasure. Would he have it in sand, seaweed or salt water?" "Never mind your joking," said the stranger. "My Katherina is cn the beach, and she's got the album and a stylographic pen." And did vou submit to the impo sition ?" Mr. Sothern was asked. "Well," replied thnt gentleman, you see, I was between Katherina and the deep flea, so I took a look at Katherina and" "Well?" "I chose the deep sea." Left HI Leg Behind. "Is Mr. Depcw in ?" said a life in surance agent, handing his card to tho office attendant. "I'll see, sir," replied the minion, going into the senator's sanctum. Jlr. Depew glanced at the card and shook his head in tho negative. Although the upper part of his body was hidden from public view by his 1 YOU KNOW Vr HAT VtlU'HKTAKINQ When yon take Grove' Taateleas Chill Tonio beoauae the formula i plainly printed o every bottle thowiog that it is simply Iron and Quiniaa iu t tasteless form. No cure. No Pa?. 60s, It isn't coofcieoee that make cowards of as all, perhaps, bnt cowardice that give Ol conscience. Tb best physi.. "Once Ititd and yoi ill always use Chamberlain's Slorsach and Liver Tablets," aayi William A. G Ir an, Pease, Tt. Those Tablctl are the most prompt, most pleasant and most reli able cathartic in use. For sale at W, M. Cohen's drogatott, Weldon, N.i;. Dinner Delivery. Mrs. Emma 1'. Kwing is treasurer of the Dinner Delivery conninnv, lately formed nt Pittsburg, with Mrs. Bertha L. (irimos as president and Mrs. Maud 1'. Kirk as secretary. It cooks end delivers dinners and other meals at private residences in any part of the city. Hy a recently invented apparatus for retaining heat it is enabled to d'-livor meals warm and in as good condition as those dished up in the average home kitchen, hach meal will bo in spected by Mrs. Ewing or some other culinary expert, and nono will bo sent out that does not meet tho inspector's approval. The com pany is already doing a lucrative business. Our Dwindling Birth Rate. Recent census figured, according to an article in the Philadelphia Medical Journal, seem to establish beyond question of a doubt the fact that tho birth rate in this country is lower than that of any European country excepting France; that the birth rate of tho American born population is much below that of ranee and that the fecundity of tho American woman is lower than that of tho woman of any oilier country. France is alarmed at her condition. We aro indifferent, for wo arc constantly recruiting our population from llussia, from Swed en, from Germany, from Ireland or from Canada. UU. DKTIW IS OUT, SAIOTIIK ATTENDANT. desk, the senator's legs were plainly visible as he sat with his side to ward tho desk. "Mr. Dcpew is out," said the at tendant. "Well," said the insurance solic itor, glancing through the half opened door, "I wish you'd tell him when ho comes in that I think my company would positively refuse to accept him as a first class risk unless he will agree to always take lus legs with him when he goes out." New York Times. Emperor HI Model. The emperor and empress of Ger many visited the littlo town of Mores recently, and a crowd gath ered to welcome them. Noticing; a young woman with an infant in her arms, the emperor asked her hovf many children she had. "Six, your majesty," was the re ply. "Oh, that is too many," said tho kaiser gravely. The woman's husband, however, then stepped forward and said bluntly, "lint you set us tho fx amnio, votir maiestv." Jiftf i) isnaiHit tVi Irse issniMl nonplused, but then he answered, with a smile, "That's quite true, but then I am tho father of my peo ple, and I must perform my duty, toward them. Worked Aldrlch. Thomas Bailey Aldrich once re ceived a pathetic letter in a fem inine hand announcing the death of littlo daughter and asking if he would not send in his own hand writing a verse or two from "Babio Bell" to assuage the crief of tho household. Aldrich sent the) whole poem and not long after saw it dis played in the shop of an autograph dealer with a good, round price at tached. The acraoh of a pin may cause th Ins of limb or even death when blood poisoa ing results front tho injury. All danger of this may be avoided, however, by prooiply applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It ia an antiseptic and pick heal ing liniment for cols, braise and burns, For sale at W. M. Cohen's drag store, Weldoo, N. C. Raising Wives For Farmers. More than fifty girls are studying scientific funning in the Minneapo lis College of Agriculture. Ihe course they take inciuues botany, chemistry, physics and geology, re quiring in tho first two years two terms of each. They pay special at tention td cooking, laundering, household economies, furnishing houses and social culture. They learn to plan buildings nnd to lay out grounds, liv this means it is hoped that farmers can be provided with wives who will know enough about making life in the country at tractive to keep the boys from emi grating to the towns and cities. A Bulldog 8masher. A bulldog attacked Julius Hager near his homo in West New York, N. J., and the savage brute sank its teeth in his arm. linger grubbed the dog by the tail and da-hed out its brains against a telegraph pole. This was the fourth dog that had attacked him within a month, and all of them he Berved in the same way. KOH OVKK HIXTY VEAH Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup has been used for over sixty years by millions ol mothers for children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind oolio, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little aufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and aak fur "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind. More likely is it that smoll love will bring great love down to its own level than that lari;e love will make the small increise. " slifp ;;r,7 enough at night, And ihe Mamcdcsl o.ppctUc Ever mortal man possessed." Rilcv'n farmer is the very picture of a mnu ailvnncc'il in years, yet in Uie enjoy ment of prrfi.-(t lKilllll, A Rural llppe tit.e, Nooil iligi'&lioii mi'l somi'l sleep, lire uie iiiel lactors ill n i"'iMii fild ni;r. I.ii.' i; Ke;t. lined by livid, in ii it is pn.lmk' .lnji-teil ,'i ml a-.similiitnl. When iliL'cstion fa'N, there is a loss ill iiiitiliiuii which Sinill flmws itself I in ) l:v iial weal;. :m, iietvou:Mesn, j ii PivM'io;', eie. 'r Iivlor Pierce's 1 Co l.lc 11 M.-iUcnl 1 !;: -very cures '.;.-. -ei of the stua:rh and other err.-,:!., of digestion aii'l nutrition. It r . . el'm iis the l.Kidy iii the only way possible, by cimliHiig the as similation of the mitiiii'Mi extracted from food. "I tiscil ten botltcn of i .'i Pierce's Golden Meaicdl Discovery ntv' wM-nl vi-l. of hi ' I'lcnsiint Pellets ' o year inn this mpriug. and have had no trouble Willi indii'Mion niiice," writes Mr. W. T Thompson, ol Townneild. Dioadw.nir Co., Montana. "Words fail to tell now thankful 1 ail, for (hi- relief, as I had suf fered so inui'li and it seemed that the doctors could do mi- no mnd. I col down in weight to I2S Jioiinds. and was not alile to work at all. Now I weih nearly ltoatl(! can do a day's work on the latin. I have recall mended your medi cine to several, and shall always have n good word to say tor Dr. Pii-rce and his medicines." Tile Common Sense Medical Adviser,. I008 panes, in paper covers, is sent free 011 receipt of ji one-cent stumps to pay expense of mailing oulv. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, llnUalo, N. V. WHY? Th reason One Minute Cough Cure relieves icouirh In one mi ruts, is because It acts first on the mucous membrane right where the couch troubles in ths throat or deep-seated on the lungs, destroying th microbes or cough germs tnd clearing the phlegm. One Minute Cougn Cure not only destroys the dis ease germs, and clears out their poison, but It gives strength and elasticity to the delicate membranes) which protect the throat and lungs, Open the air passages and promotes unobstructed breathing. Causes the biood to receive its natural supply of oivgen. thus exhilarating the pulmonary organs with such strength and vigor that the lungs and bronchia) tubes become bulwarks against the inception of dis ease. Asthma. Bronchitis, La Grippe. Cold on tht Lungs and all Pulmonary Complaints that are curaoii are quickly cured by tits use of ONE MINUTE COUGH CURE Prsparsd by E. 0. OsWITT CO., Ct :cafe W M Cohen, rtl'peiet. l ill" Industry is fortune's right hand, and frugality her left. MOTHER'S RECOMMENDATION. I have taken Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy for s number of, yeara and have no hesitancy in saying that it is the best remedy for coughs, cold and croup I bare ever used in my family. I have not worda to express my confidence io this remedy. Mrs, J .A. Moore, North Star, Mich. For sale by W. M. Cohen, druggist, Weldon, N. C. Never sacrifice comfort for the sake of appeal aoces. TENDENCY OF THK TIMES. The tendency of medical science ts toward preventive measures. The best thought of the world is bciog given to the subject. It is easier and better to pre vent than to ears. It has been fully demonstrated that pneumonia, one of the moat dangerous disesses that medical men have to contend with, can be preven ted by tho use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, l'neunomia alwaja results from s oold or from a., attaek of ioluena (grip), and it has been observed that this remedy counteracts any tendeney of these diseases toward pneumonia. This has been fully proven in many thousands of oases io which thil remedy has been used during the great prevalence of colds and grip in recent yeara, and can bo relied upon with implicit oonfidenoj. Pneumon ia often results from a alight oold when no danger is apprehended until it ia sud denly discovered thst there is fever and difficulty in breathing and paina io the cheat, then it ia snnounoed that the patient has pneumonia. Be on the safe side and take Chamberlain's Couith Remedy sa soon sa the oold is contracted. It always cures For ssle by V. M. Cohen, Druggist, Weldon, N. C. In your blood ? I'nvsiiions c.-.U It notarial Germ. It cafi be scon changing red blood yellow uiuii . microscope. It works day and night. Hrst.it turns your com plexion yellow. Chilly, aching sensations creep down your backbone. You feci weak and worthless. i ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC will stop the trouble now. It enters the blojil nt once and drives out the yellow poison. If neglected and v hen Chills, Fevers, Night-Sweats and a gen eral break-down come later on. Roberts' Tonic will cure vou ' then but why wait f Prcvir.t: future sickness. The nianufnc turers know all about this yel low poison and have perfected Roberts' Touic to drive It out, nourish your system, restore appetite, purify the Mood, pre vent and cure Chills, Fevers and Malaria. It has cured thous andsIt will cure you, or yot;. monev back. This Is fair. Try It. Price, 25 cents. .. , Sold hv ALL DltU iOlSTS. lJ:MaijtM1 Constipation Does your hcaJ tchc ? Pain back, of your eyes?" Bad taste in your mouth? It's your liver I Aycr's Pills arc liver pills. They cure consti pation, headache, dyspepsia. J5C A-IC, s-rl.-t.-. Want yiwir itnuiMm h,. tirnwti or t H'ti tii.f . ' 1 BUCKINGHAM: ' I'-urd n I L.nilllul 1 c Whiskers .1 A olear trouble. conscience can bear soy One ninuid Cough Curo For Cotrghsv, Colds and Croupa To know honor. temptation does not dis- Oiiii Urn 11 Is 1 UVK'II 10' n With the C-Mik and buy you i ,i baa of J. E. M. Flour and bn convinced that it is tbe best fl ur i-0 the kn. 12 cakes Laundry Poap for r225c.& Irish Potatoes, 25c peek, and aver) (hit g you need for (he tabic and pantry i W. T. PABKEE. WF.I.DON.N.C.

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