nf JB m Wt- ft Wife W fe il noil 11,53 31 A. IDT E W SPAPEB EOK, THE PEOPLE TBBMSH1'50 pK ANNUM IN ADVANCE VOL. XXXVII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19. 1903. NO. 41 i Continues to m&Ke READ THIS LETTER: ALMOST A MIRACLE. Pii.lok, 8. C, Aur. Uth, MM. Oentloment In Aepti-miwr. ISM, 1 took rheumatlani In very bad form. In miimli after ths diM-nn ataitoit I hid to Klve up my work and fo to bed. U luntliiued to grow womn until mr arma mid hunda wcra liaillr drawn, au much to IhiU I could not uao ilium. My ! were drawn bark until my (rtt Miiohrd my lilpa. I wm aa h' Vl.- an 11, y for nearly twelve months. The nimelea of my ai ma and V-ra were ham and rlveled up. I luffered death nany tim-a over. Waatrented by all different phyalclant In Meruit, Dillon and Marl I"" none of tliein could do rmi any iood, until llr. J. P. Kwln,o Dillon, raiim to ' me. He udd mi to try your" ltnatiauvinaj." He lot me one linttle of the mi dlulne and I lieitan to take It and before the ft rat buttle waa uai'il up I wnn to sit better. I uai-d five and a half bottlea and waa vompletely eured. 'that waa two yoare apo, and my health hafl been exoellenteveralnce. Have had n lyini loina of rh. uinallanl. I regard " Kiir.rjNAOllil" ai by far the beat remi-'ly for rheumatlem on Ins market. I cannot aay too much for It. 1 have rei'onimended It to ol hera alnce and It haa cured tht tn. Will aav further, that I twnn to walk In elwut all daya arter I lifion to take "Knaouiciiis," with the aid of crutch j In about three montha alter I began to uke it, I could walk M uod an) -body, and weut back to work again. Very truly, JAMK.1 WILKES. All Dniggiita, or tent rxprcu Bobbin Chemical Co., ttOSIfQ OUT SJLE! In order to make room for Spring Goods I will sell all winter cloth ing at cost. Call and get a good suit and overcoat at bargain prices P. N. STA INJ3ACK, The Weldon Grocery Co. ' wuni raii c area 1 ffiVT tm.W 8ll Only To Merchant. J iM Orders Solicited. THE WEI. DOS GKOCKUY CO , 2 8 1v WW.D0N.N. C. Standard Brades l BOUSE PAINT. COACH PAINT. ,un FLOOR PAINT, WAGON PAINT. w,i,c, RO0PPAINT pji,t OH CO, Innumerable Khades, Color-Cards for Box ,80' its iking. RICHMOND, VA. Ma L.O. AJNDJUKISUJN, UKALKR in- Heavy and Fancy Groceries FRUITS. CONFKCriONKUIES. L WILL BECLAD TO -EE Lwawtttww Ths Baal of -::-,,:,WELDON, N. C.-- OrtaiizeiUijler Tic Lais of tie Statu of North Carolina, AUGUST 20TI1, 1892. 8TATK OP NORTH CAROLINA DKI'OSI VOUV. HALIFAX COUNTV DKPO-tl mi! V. TOWN OF WELDON DEPOSITORY. C1PIT1L IRQ SURPLUS - $26,000. ror teg yean this institution has provioea oanimg inuiun -v.... Instockholderaaoddireowr- have beoo identified with th) business inlcretti ol Uaiifai and Northampton counties tor msnf yeara. munjia -r proed security at lha legal rate of interest six per centum. Aooounu of all are oliciled. President: ' Vioe-Presidenl: Canhier: W. K. DANIEL J. N. RAMSAY, W. R. SMITH 8eaboard, Northampton couniy, N. C. V PTAPF The lIlJIfijiGtyCii TTr-mr -nr.Tr TT. M The Boat of Everything kept in stock womjsI Suppliea for tbo Publia. Full lis 17TWT?. Jj bar h .Cm with th. most choica WHISKIES BRANDIES. WINKS CI0AR3 and TOBACCO. attention and Prompt delivr PhonaSl Tmnriii" 'iiimwv " iiihiiii lir1 - rrJ ttoodthflttSSywrt. I UII8 reCOTW IteacSCMH ivry Miraculous Cures prepaid on receipt of fi.oo. Baltimore, fid. imiiii'liN ! j' t tsvmn Use Black Elastic Roof Paint. Why use inferior painls when standard goods arc so oiiich cheaper in the long r"a MY COUNTRY FRIENDS. , -ill L: ta ikia aVtallnli Fresh Seasonable goods for family two. 11 AKLw aub.. "RAP. ZLZ' 1 TeMi!cc t:niil Avcra23 Annual Sdcs over One cjd fl Half Kfina VI v- T J Creiv'l "v a. m ' r'' , i iiiiimillliMf '''''""'TO''" "g1 BROTHER DICKEY. No u?e fcr mens lor talk 'bout dark- ess. Do Trill h is tie Light. So no folks complains 'bout de fire bcio' out io dig worl' but cf de; keeps on o de way d "y gwine, it won't be cut in e cut. Home is do best place on de top side or din worl', strange ter say, it's do In' place soma folks wants ter go. Ileuvuo i-t go cli s, ler jou dut all you got ter So is ler reach it. Bui tome folks is git mighty short arms. The microbe of lnjiinesn has been dis covered, but the way to kill it lias not been fiiiud. Searching fur happiness wouldn't bo so U'Siiccs-ful if you wasn't continually finding fault. The bos! physio. "Once tried anJ you will always use Chamberlain's Stouiaoh nd Liver Tablet.," says William A. Gir rd, Pease, Vt. These Tablets are the most prompt, most pleasant aDd most reli able cathartic in use For sale at W. M. Cohen's drugstore, Weldon, N. 0. TIh greatest wisdom is o knowledge of our ignorance. The more we learn, the more we rcaliz how much knowledge is beyond ui. If Noah's boat had sprung a-l ak he'd have lost the race, so to speak. CURES RHEUMATISM AND CA TARRH - MEDICAL ADVICE SENT FREE. these two diseases arc the results of an awful poisoned condition of the il II you have achins joints and back, Shonder blades, bone pains, crip pled hands legs or teet, swollen tnu'cles, shimmr, sharp buini; pains, and thai tired, disci urap;ed feeling, of rheuitiaium, orihe hawkini.', fputme.bhiricd eyrsiuht deafness sick stomach, headache, n in the head, mucous throat discharges, decaying leelh, had breath, belching gs of Oilarrh, take Holanie lilood lialru (II R. B ) Il kills ihe poison in the blood which causes these awful symp'ons, giving a pure, healthy blood supply io he ioiutH and mucous membranes, and makes a perfect cure of I tie worst rheuma- lui of (oiliest calarrh. t urea where all else fails. Blood Balm (B. B B ) is composed of tture liotame ingredients, good for weak kidneys Improves the digestion, ctir.s dyspepsia. A peileui tonic for old folks by giving tbcia new, ich, pure blood Thoroughly tested Te r hirly yearj. Druggils, $1 per large bottle, with complete directions for home cure. Samples free and prepaid by writ ing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta Ua, De. scribe trouble and special free medical dvice sent in sealed leitrr. For sale and free samples at KtlliccfTer'i Drug Store. To a normal heart pleasures which in some way cannot bo shared are liko gritty bread neocssay, perhaps, but distate ful. CZ&V7T TRIUMPHS, 'rim a fWccfoaa Trmammrm. Oi-nntit iu'am.:n'5 I'rentest chaml. The rl . I u.loies lienutifiil women. A pretty rre:vls iii.itermty tor fear of losing , NiwiT. W'lmt can be done to pcryietu; ilto i-.i.-o no.l L-eet, women 1)cautifuli i hero is n balm ir-ol by ciilturol and un- ii'.Utroil women m the crisis. Husband! it ..,,1,1 iot.iii'.ito this rcnied v in onlei o riMwnre their wi'-ea as to the ease vliieli children can be born and ,"tv of limn and fiirurc rctainel. Mother's Friend is I'.ic name by which llii preparation is known. It iliiuiiiishes the pain allied to niollierhood. I'seii tliroughoutpregnancy it telievea moruing sickness, cures sore Im-asts, makes clastic all tendoua called ,r...u to hold the expanding burden. iucles soften and relax umler ite infill iicc nnd the iwtieiit anticipates favorably he imie, in the comfort thua bestoweiL At,,ih .r' Friend is a liniment for ex- application. It ia Rctitly mhlwd over the pai 1 1 n aeven-ly taxed, and being il,.orlHr hili"entca all the nniscica. Di uia! Us kII itforfi per Tiottle. Vou nnv have our la; "i iotit:i IkAjU' iivm. IHI MtCFIElO RECUUTO I CO, TUT, SL Grossmann's PATENT WRITING HE. Tk. ,nt imnortant Imnrovenient of the au in the art of penmanship ninkea the , J .. !h . C. poorest writer a spiennio priiiiu ... ... v.. tk. mm nflhia rina. Kndorsad by prominent College Presideotsnml boamla of ertncationin tnni" -j .wrij im aent noatnaid II l C iiiatu - for II Sinale aomnle 4.V. When order Ing a single ring, atate whether for man, won an or cntia. . Ftulfi. Supply Co.," No' 1 19 8. 4th Rt , Philadelphia seplStl jl. Tonic Bock Hoot, IJv Mu. r VISIT OB Ths Petersburg 20:$ AND 207 X. 8YCAMORE ST. PETERSBURG, VA. THE HUSTLING ANI UP FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS. A. J.WINFIELD , PRESIDENT A MANAQER IQuSpecial Attention to Mail Orders, oct 3 ly. 5 r j . f , , t - anf BRIGADIER GENERAL LEONARD WOOD. BrlK'idler (ietienil I.eotiurd WoimI's request for active service baa been fro ted. nnd about April 1 he will Rtiirt for the Hitllppluea. Ills promotion to major gcnernl la expected to occur durlnir the veur. An Uld PASSING AWAY By John Pierpont S It the chime of a tiny bell. That enme ao sweet to niyidreiiinliiK ear, Like the silvery tones of a fnliy'e shell Hint he winds, on the bench, so mellow and clear, When the "wind mid the waves He together asleep. And the Moon mid the Kniry are watching the deep, Hhe tlibpenaliiK her silvery IlKht, And he his nolea ns silvery quite, While the boatman listens nnd ships hit oar, To catch the music that comes from the shore 7 Hark! the notes nn my cur thut tlay Are net to woi1s:-bs they flout, they say, "PniisiiiB away! pussliiB nwny!" But no; It wua not a fairy shell, Blown on the beach, so mellow and clear; Nor win It the tongue of a silver bell, Striking the hour, that tilled my ear As I lay In my dream, yet was It a chime That told of the How of the stream of time, Kor a tieitutlful clock from the oeillim hung, And a plump little sjli-1 for a pendulum swung (As you've sometimes soon, lu a little ring That haiurs lu a cage, a canary bird swing); And she held to her lwsom a budding bouquet, And. as she enjoyed It, she seemed to aay, "l'asslug away! passing away! 0, bow bright wore the wheels, that told Of the lapse of time, as they moved rouud alowl And the IiiuhN, as they swept o'er the dial of gold, Her med to jwliit to the girl Mow. And lo! she hail changed -In a few abort hours Her bouquet bad btHiime a garhind of flowers, That she held In her oiitMtrvtehet) bands, nnd Aung Thia way ami that, as she. dancing, swung In the fullness of grtuv and of womanly piido That told me she soon was to lie a bride; Yet then, when expecting her happiest day. In the rn ino sweet voice I beard Iter say, "Paasing away! passing away!" While I gated at the fair one's cheek, a shad Of thought or care stole softly over, Like that by a cloud In a summer's day made, Looking down on a Held of blossoming clover. The rose yet lay on her check, but Its flush Had something lost of Its brilliant blush; ' Ant! the llht In h"P cy, be nut on iiu wlieola That marched so calmly round uUive her, Was a little dimmed. as when evening steala I'Ikmi noon's Imt face. Yit one couldn't but love her, Kor she hail e,l (Ike a mother whose first halve lay Cocked on lu.- breast, ns she swung all day; Ami she seemed. In the same silver tone, to say, "Passing iitttij: panting awayl" While yet I looked, w hat a change there came! Her eye was quenched, and her chock waa wanj Stooping uiid stuffed tvaa hot withered frame. Yet Just ns busily swung she bn; Tbe garland beneath her bad fallen to dust; The wheels nlsive her were eaten with rust; The bunds that o'er tbe dial awept, ' Grew crooked and tarnlahed, but on they kept, And still there came the silver tone 1'i-oin the shriveled Hps of the toothless crona me never fnrg 't till my dying day The tone or tbe himlon of her lay), "Passing away! passing away!" One of ths stings of poverty lies ia Ihe fact that it ia only the rich man who can orTotd to wear sbsbby suit of clothes, - WBITE-w Furniture Co., - TO - DATB LKAUEKS IN s) it V . 4 f (ft 'it arQ'l ! jHf tw i i 1 1 t 7 r raortte Il is not bow long, bat bow well we live. Gits falinate Cough Cars For Ctmghti ttant Croujpa ' 1 it Mt "COME OFF THE STUMP." Probably the most noticeable man in ine u. A. it. parade, in H asmne- ton was Dan Burns of Westmore land, Pa., who is 7 feet 5! inches high. Carrying n t uttered buttlo Hag,, lie towered above every man in the post like a veritable cinnt. The story was told during the day y some of litirns friends Unit hen he ryilittted at the beginning f tbe war he lined up in the rear rank. The conimandinir officer or dered him to come oft the stump on lclt he was supposed to bo Bland r. When Dun declined to "come down," an irate olliccr rushed to tbe roar to see that the first case of in Btiboriliiiiition was property lum- died. He was amazed beyond all measure and could hardly believe lis eyes when he saw tbe towering high private" was really standing n the ground. Cleveland Leader. "Puck's Girdle." That which lias been fancifully called "Puck's girdle" is at last reality. For the first time a line of telegraphic communication ex tends entirely around the world. The great work has been done with little fuss or popular attention. There is a striking contrast between its quiet, matter of fact completion, announced to the world in a few lines of news, and the tumultuous jubilations which marked the estab lishment of cable communication across tbe Atlantic ocean. For thut the reason is obvious. Wc have be come so accustomed to submarine cables (but the hiving of a new one, oven though it be by fur the longest in the world and though it bo laid across a sea never before thus span ned, is a commonplace incident. Xew York Tribune. Tha Oldest Newsboy. A familiar figure seen around the Chicago and Alton depot at Joliet, 111., is the oldest newsboy in the United States. Orsamus Page has been selling newspapers in Joliet since the World's fair in If 93, nev er missing a single day or failing to meet the early trains. Page was born in 1809, being ninety-three years of age, and retains his vigor to such an extent that he is able to rise every morning at 4 o'clock and deliver thirty or forty papers before the early train arrives. Mr. rage comes from long lived stock, his lather dying at eigbly-nino, his mother at ninetv-cight, while his grandfather lived to be 102 nnd his grandmother 105. KOR OVER SIXTY YEAR! Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over sixty years by millions of mothers for children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens tbe gums, allays all pain, cures wind oolio, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask fur "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind. Loafing; U a hard business to lcaro it takes all of your time.' MOTHER'S RECOMMENDA TION. I have taken Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy for a number of years and have no hesitancy io ssyiog that it is the best remedy for coughs, cold sod croup I have ever used io my family. I have not words to express my confidence in this remedy. Mrs. J .A. Moore, Norlh Star, Mich. For sale by W. M. Cohen, , druggist, Weldon, N.C. If tha men who do nothing but think would work a little more, and the men who do nothing but wotk would think a little more, there would be much more happiness for both. TENDENCY OF TBE TIMES. Tho tendency of medical science is toward preventive measures. The best thought of the world is being given to the subject. It la easier and better to pie veol than to cure. It his been folly demonstrated that pneumonia, one of the most dangerous diseases that medical men have to contend with, can be preven ted by the use of Chamberlain's Cougb Kcmedy. Toeunomia alwsya results from cold or from an attack of inlucna (grip), and it has been observed that this remedy counteracts any teoueney ol t hose diseases towsrd pneumonia. This has been fully proven in many thousands ol ease in which this remedy has been n d during tbe great prevalence of colds and gtip il reaDt years, sad can be relied npoB with implicit confidence. 1'oeumoc ia often results from a slight cold when do danger is apprehended until it ia sud i denly discovered that there it fever an difficulty in breathing and pains in tbe chest, then It is announced tbat tbe patient baa pneumonia. Be on safe side and take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as soon ss tbe cold it contracted It always enrea For sale by W. M. Cohen, Druggist, Weldon. N. C. VOl) KNOW WHAT VOtT'Htvi AK.1NG Whet yon Uke Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonio because the formula is plaiol printed on evert bottle showing that as simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. JNo cure, No ray. uue. Nothing undermines the health of the soul so much as Belfiahnaas, which, in fait, is the root of all evil. mmw. Marriage is very largely an accident In few cases do men or women set up a standard of manly or womanly excellence and choos? by it. In most cases people become engaged ns the result of pro pinquity rather than because of any deep rooted prelerence. And so it often happens that the wife enters upon the obligations of maternity just as thoughtlessly as she entered on the marriage relation, tecause no one has wai ned her of the dangers she faces. Thousands of women liecome invalids for lack of knowledge of themselves. It is to this large body of women that Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription comes as a priceless boon, because it cures womanly ills. " Favorite Prescription " establishes regularity, dries weakening drains, heals inflammation and ulceration and cures female weakness. It makes weak women strong, sick women well. "After my first clilld was born," writes Mrs. Jordan Stutit, of Kawcettffiip. Fre.lerick"Co., Va "my health waa very poor for a loan time, and last winter 1 was so Wd with pain dnwn in back I eoiild hardly move without great suffering. My husband jjut me a bottle of lr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription and a vial of his ' Pleasant Pellets.' which 1 used ns directed. In four days 1 was greatly relieved, and now. after using the Medicine three m"lh, I aeetn lo he entirely well. I can't see why it is Hint there are so many surferiutt women when there is such an easy way to lie cured. 1 know yuur medicines arc the best in the world." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets the fa vorite family laxative. One ' Pellet ' a laxative, two ' Pellets ' a cathartic dose. aJ tarsalw Ll Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Th's preparation contains all of the digestanls and digests all kinds of Iood. It (fives Instant relieiana never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take It. lty its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. Is unequalled tor the stoinacn. uniia ren with weak stomachs thrive on It. First dose relieves. A diet unnecessary. Cures a!! stomach troubles Prepared only hy RC. HkWittA Co., Chicago xnu si. uouie. contains z t uuics tue wo. suw. W. M. Cohen, Druggist. .. .' jBa'sasR'wasaHHf e ... . i$uLLGW.PQ!SOH In your blood ? Physicians it flalarlal (Jerm. It can be sec .. changing red blood yellow under mlcroscoDe. It works dav and t night. First, It turns your com- t' piexlon yellow, chilly, selling sensations creep down your backbone. You feel weak and worthless. a ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC will stop the trouble now. It enters the blood at once and drives out the yellow poison. If neglected and when Chills, Fevers, Night-Sweats and a gen eral break-down come later on, Roberts' Tonic will cure you then but why wait ? Prevent future sickness. The manufac turers know all about this yel low poison and have perfected Roberts' Tonic to drive it out, nourish your system, restore appetite, purify the blood, pre vent and cure Chills, Fevers and Malaria. It has cured thous andsIt will cure you, or your money back. This Is (air. Try It. Price, 25 cents. Sold by ALL DRUJGISTS. jjmema, l r v i i jmamma.: Your Tongue If it's coated, your stomach is bad, your iiver is out of order. Ayer's Pills will clean your tongue, cure your dys pepsia, make your liver ngnt. Easy to take, to operate. W.iul )n:i Hi".. brown or tli'li o!.. ' f ftr tho .Whiskers rwimtiisra r N OTICE. Knrth fttmllna. In thl RnnArinr (Vtnrt Halifax Comity. November term, i'.Wi. X ED SMITH, ) va. SUMMONS. ELLEN SMITH. J Tbo feme defendant will take notice that n ftn, n!tl InI mm arm has bawn oom menced in the Superior oouit of Halifax county the object ot which is to obtain divorce from beron amount of abandon ntent, and tbe said feme defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the next term of Ihe hope nut eonrt of said county, to he held on tbe 1st Monday m Matvli, S0t, at the court house in Halifax, N. v., and answer oi deninr to tbe complaint of the plaintiff in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the conn for the rehet demanded tn said action. This the 15th day of January. ltKIS. H. M, laAKl, Clerk Superior Court, jOTICE OE DISSOLUTION. The copartnership heretofore eiis. ling between the undersigned nnder the firm name of W. II. PrinVn & Co., at Ita, N. C, and W. R. Harvey & Co., at Littleton, N. C , is this day dissolved by mutual oonaeiit and W. It. Harvey hereby authorised to collect all debts (iff ill due said firmi and lo collect aod wind said aupartnersbipsi This ths . 12,h up day ol January IWA. W. H. PRIDOEN. W. R. HARVEY. PPOMATTOX IKON WORKS. 28 to 34 Old Street. PETERSBURG, VA. Manufacturers of Machinery, Shafting, Pulleys, Agricultural Implements. Having bought out Steel li Alexan der, foufJcrs aod machinists, with all patterns, we are now prepared to fur Dibit paits to machines formerly made by them. HYDRAULIC PRESSES ,,,,. PEANUT MACHINERY, ..Hj. Mill work and castings of all kinds, seeobd hand machinery for ssle cbesp. Call on us or write for what yon want. , PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE IT FOR THEIR MOST DELI CATE PATIENTS. OLD and PURE. For Sale By W.D.SIMTH. Weldon, n. -a. mm lay -OF- -FALL AND WIMER- MILLINERY. FANCY GOODS and NOVELTIES. Bntterick's Patterns. R. & G. CORSETS, Hiaaea at 50c, Ladies 76c to $1. Wb-P'-ea will be made to suit the times. Hats and bonnets made and trimmed to order. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldea. N. fl. DID YOU SAY DRINKS ? Well you will find the ohoiceet brands of RYE, PURE OLD ; APPLE BRANDY and Sparkling wines, Where,YouAskP WHY AT W. D. SMITH'S, Washington Ave., WELDON, - N. C. Fall line Kroceries always on hand. lit a tAKfaaa With the Cook and bny you one bag of J. E. M. Flour and be ooovtnoed that it ia the best flour on tha market. 12 ek oa Laundry Soap for Irish Potatoes, 2io. peak, and everything -yoa seed for tbe table nnd pantry. W. T. PARKER WELDON, N. 0. i