hUHI hcH SSAil j- .pVElRTISIlTa- HATES-MODERATE. VOL. XXXVII. -A. IT E3 "W SP APER FOB THE PEOPLE TEBMS:-'1'50 annum in apvanof WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26. 1903. NO. 42 The rreat rheumatic remedy not nnlv rum form of rheumrtlsm, but males judical cures of Contagious Blood Poison, Scrofula, Sores, Boils, Catarrh, and all diseases arising from Impurities In the blood. Endorsed by physicians and prominent people every where after thorough trial. DOES NOT INJURE THE DIGESTIVE OROAN5. . . . . . RAi.tion, N. C. Oentleraen : I take pleasure In hearing- teMlmonr to th curatl v. properties of Tour"itlllTllAmiia." Tw.i bottles cured my mil of twd cue. If this will be of acy Ixim-nt to you In advertising your meritorious remedy, you oo um It. Youra truly, W. H. HAN D, Steward State Blind IrutttiiHon. All Druggists, fi.oo; or prepaid on receipt of price. Bobbltt Chemical Co., . Baltimore, ltd. ( itjJiinacoioirMritirirtfj HOSlflQ OUT SALE! w s . $ $ In order to make room for Spring Goods I will sell all winter cloth ing at cost. Call and get a good suit and overcoat at bargain prices P. N.STAENBACK, fern The Weldon Grocery Co. WHOLESALE JOBBERS IN STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES & at nr. c .ii n-i. T. 9 rr"W 7V. Orders Solicited. THE WELDON GROCEKY CO , g 2 8 1, W KLPON.N. c. 35$ Use Black Elastic Roof Paint. 'A by us,' inferior painls when standard goods arc no uiuch cheaper in the Iod(! i HOUSE PAINT. COACH PAINT. FLOOR PAINT, WAGON PAINT. Wri,e, ROOF PAINT. Standard Grates Innumerable Shades, Color-Cards for the asking. Tanner Paint & Oil Co., Box 180, RICHMOND, VA. L.O. ANDERSON., i DEALKB IN Heavy and Fane; Groceries, FRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES. WILL BE CLAD TO SEE MY COUNTRY FRIENDS. . Tie Bank of W in -aS-WELDON, N. 0. Orpiinl Diln Tit Lam if tit State at Null Carolina. AUGUST 20TH, 1892. 8TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DBPOSl I'HUY. TOWN OF WELDON DEPOSITORY. CAPITAL INO SURPLUS - $26,000. Tor teoearMhis institution hat provided bankiog facilities for this leclior. lt stockholders and atrecturn nave oeen fieo'iaw wi... ..- Northampton counties for many years. Money is loaned upon ap . ... . . .i. k. untum AnAntinta nl all ire. proved security at me legal rate or inieroi i p w solicited. President: Vice-President: W. E. DANIEL. Da. J N. RAMSAY, 8eaboard, Northampton eonnty, N. I. Cashier: W.R.8MITI1 K. ULAKK The mum hi j n j U TTTTTIT T-f-"NT "NT. vv rr - " t - ... .1 The Best of Everything kept in stock. Fresh Seasonable good for family ose. 'Qsoeral Supplies for the Publio. Full line HAKDWAKta. 33 FINE BAK UP IN VERMONT, WHAT INDUCBn AN OLD MAN TO SHAVE HO OFTEN Apropos i f the recent adoption in Ver mont of the high license law, Represen tative Foster, of that state tells, an anec dote about an old farmer who never had an acne or a paio, but who, nevertheless, thought he ought to have a doctor, be- i use be had never had one. The interview was to the point, the riuer asserting that he could eat as fur as he could see on both fi les of the table, od that he slept si well he dido t get p till it was time to do the milking. "You are in perfect health," said the odor to the farmer, after miking a physical examination, "but you are in the decline of health and perhaps you ought to take a tnoie, something like a little rye whiskey." "Oh," said the farmer,"! oould never do that I have a son and that would never do " "Who is your barber?'1 queried the doctor. "I shave myself," replied the farm er, "Well," rejoined the doctor, "couldn't you have a bottle in your room and take thetooio whenever you shave? ' This was agreed to, and it was some lime before the doctor oue day in t I he farmer's son aud inquired about the patient. "He is getting along very nicely," aid the young man "He is more ac tive than ever, but he is losing his mind." Losing his mind! ' exclaimed the doctor in surprise. "What is the evidence of it?" "Well," said,"he io!ats on shaving himself six times a day," Washington lVt. FOR OVER SIXTY YE Arts Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over Mxty years by millions ol mothers for children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer ituuiediutely. Sold by druggists in every part ol the world. 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins Iow'b Sootliini: Syrup," and take no oth er kind German statistics show that out of 1,000 bridegrooms only 89 choose women older than themselves. Women killed 125 deer in Maine this autum. It isn't a oise of true love if the girl doefnt's loose her appetite. To be conformed to the truth is belter eveo linn to be f rmed on it. WVISIT OR WRITER The Petersburg Furniture Co., 203 AND 207 N. 8YCAMORE ST. PETERSBURG, VA. THE HUSTLING AND UP-TO-DATE LEADERS IN FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS. A.J.WINFIELD I PH2MDENT & MANAGER ICSpecial Attention to Mail Orders. oct 3 ly. THE TH!EF OF BEAUTY Is Caotured by nmrjneld'a Regulator. ti,..c inJunf vnnncr women are awakins to Hie fact that inherited corulinesa has ct.ilcn. runt instead ol elowint! clucks ami bright eyes, the tell-tale wrinkles ul t-aiu Have laicen mcir piacr. 'n,..t on wArninc feelintrsl Weak ami tire 1 in the morning, no life to enter ujHia tieir former pleasures, irritable, ciiks, d;',ll Iieailacnes, general uupmicu f.t-lini', sleepless nights, cold feet, "bear, ing Uvrn" pains. All these symptoms in.licalo ileninged and wt.ikenea organs. mil cxli.w teU cnerniea iouovr me wean ,ui;!l.,,i nf the female orirans as an r,.lv n. 111', lit follows dav. Save voue self from worse rtsulu by taking BR AD FIELD'S Female Regulator The mo-.t iiivi-;nroting menstrual regulator in the world. It relieves painful, protuae, obstructed or siipprwwea menstruation, nervouhiu m. ",.i. .CiU.y of face ami :ructrjr of form are the re- siiltaofitiii :. OfilmgElstsJi. tturDooit, "Perfect H u!tli for women." tree. THE BmOPItLL) REOULaTOE CO.. ATLANTA, QA. Grossmann's PATENT WRITING RING. The most Important improvement of the . . .. .. 1. i .nalrna (ha age in me ar ui jtiui""r "" poorest writer splendid penman in a few weeks by the nae of I his rinii. Endorsed by prominent College Presidents and boards of edncationin Enropeand America Sam ple doen assorted siiea sent postpaid fortl. Single sample 25c. When order ing a single ring, atate whether for man, woman or child. Peni Hit Supply Co., No-119 3. 4th St , Philadelphia aep 18 tt u.l . .u.: wnTSTTIKS BRANDIES. WINES. I ARS and TOBACCO. WLPolita attention and Prompt deli- Pboo 31 1 aep IB tl afTMir-n'e i icrP8iec i .mil inmc Eadoaol with ryery potue u latiam jm ,,; T, n jLajii 1 , ' r A 4.- '4 l . f L; 1 vcrWJ 5 'en: i U';1C... t THE COUNTESS LONYAY. FORMERLY CROWN PRINCESS STEPHANIE OF AUSTRIA. In spite of the detailed and quite convincing uccounts cabled from Vienna, It seems that Count Lonyny, who ininrled Crown Princess Stephanie of Aus tria, has not added to the list of royal scandals by deserting his wife. The Count and Countess Lonyny are at Cap Mnitlii, mi the Ulvlei-fl. The count ays that he has not quarreled with the ooiiuti'SH, that he has not struck her In the face and that when he discovers who atnrted those stories there will be lots of trouble. n Old Favorite DOVER BEACH By Matthew Arnold A3 MATTHEW ARNOLD, poet and critic, was born In MidJUsix. England. In KSl and died at Liverpool In 1SS8 lie was a son of the famous Thomas Arnold, head master of Rugby, and was educated at Win cheater, RiiK'iy and Oxford. In 1S57 Matthew Arnold became prof.'.isur of poetry at Oxford He tald two vlalta to the l'nlte-1 States Arnold was religious skeptic, and his works met with clerical criticism. His writing arc remarkable for. classical beauty of form and expression. The poem Kiven below em hoi ies. according to many, the aubatance of Arnold's religious belief or lack of belief. THE sea Is calm tonight, The tide Is full, the moon lies fair Upon the Strnits;-ou the French coast, the light tileama und is gone, the cliffs of England Stand, Glimmering and vast, out in the tranquil bay. Come to the window; sweet is the hight air! Only, from the long lino of spray Where the ebb meets the moon-blanched aand, Listen! you hear the crating roar Of pebbles which the wavea suck bnck, and fling. At their return, up the high strand, lteglu and cense, ami then again begin. With tmuttluu cadence slow, aud bring The eternal note of sadness In. Bopboclea limit ago Heard It on the .lenn, and it brought Into his mind the turbid ebb and Mow Of human misery; we Find also In the sound n thought, Hearing it by this distant northern sea. The sea of fuilli Was once, too, at the full, and round eni tb'a shore Lay like the folds of a bright girdle furled, But now I only bear ' Its melancholy, long, withdrawing roar, Ketri'iitlng to the breath Of the iilglit-wlnd, down the vast edges drear And naked shinnies of the world. Ah, love, lot tis be true To one another! for the world, which seemi To He before tis like a land of dreams, So various, so beautiful, so new, Hath really neither Joy, nor love, nor light, Nor certitude, nor pence, nor help for pain; And we are here as on a darkling plain Bwept with confused alarms of struggle and flight, Where ignorant armies clash by night TRY TO FORGET, THE BEST WAV TO FORGET 18 NOT TO RECALL, It is said that to forget is more Djb'e than to forgive. Ooeisabuman possi bility, and the other divine. Christian forgetfulness is something different than mere oblivion. One may know a thing, and yet be ignorant of it. Qod cannot forget in the sonse of being ignorant of the past. Omniscience, involves all times and things. Divine forgetfulness is simply to set an injury aside. To draw the fanes from the jaws of hate this is possible, else Christianity is a name and nothing else. Apart from all else persooal ban- inen is only possible through forgetful ness. lo remember a wroog is constant suffering We carry our crosses uuiil they am laid aside. Nothing can be more unforlunate than this ever-growing habit of recalling wrongs. The wound hat is constantly exposed is long in eating. If one has done you a wrong, o not recall it. The memory of it will return at limes, but do not seek to revive For your own happiness let the sleeping dog sleep on. We have known many a life rendered unhappy by this constant habit of recalling injuries. It be comes a weakness. Ooe lives over again II that be once suffered. The furies are aroused to their maddest passions eery line (lie mcideot is related. And, furth er, fe are interested. The rent in your garment, how it came there, by whom, is f iittle concern to others Besides, it is he most direct way of creatiug a suspic ion sgainst yourself. Few quarrels are holly one-sided. There is usally a shawdow on both sides of the feoce The belief may be unexpressed; still it is therp, that all the facts wilh their various hades and colors are not present. It rcqu res a strongman to forget. As one is able lo do this he approaches the di vine. The best way lo forget is not re- This, we have said, is difficult- still, it may be done But should the old wound ache, it is not necessary to expose Further than t his God's graon finds its hit-hisi i ffice just here Our sins and faults, d.i Thou, 0 G"d, forget This 18 a prayer whose answer is c.iulinL'eiit up- n cur relations to others IV shy mud Journal. THE LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEER. THERE ARE OBLIGATIONS BETEWEEN MAN AND MAN WHICH CANNOT BE COM PEN80TED BY DOLLARS AND CENTS. Probaly most persons who have trav. eled at night by rail have had their thoughts turned to him who, standing with haDd upon the throttle-lever of the engine, watches between them and death. Often, when the night has been black and boisterous with angry storms, or cold and desolate in mid-winter, we have lain down in our sung berth listening to the clatter of the sniftiy-muving train with a s nse of security, because we knew there was oncsiaoding in the cab waicliiuc: with vigilant eye against danger. There be is giizing out along the track, con scious (hut hundreds of lives are em i us1 i d to his care; that theso hundreds of sleeping passeDgcra are resting calmy in the con viction that he will not fail in duly. They are all siraogers to him. At the stations while the train waits for passen- rs to take their meals, none of them think it worth their while to speak to bim. They are going somewhere. They are who knows even their names? The conductor, the breukmen, and the porters are brought more or lees in contract wiih them, aod they learn somelhiog of each other; there is a Mule mutual fellowship, at least. But the engine-driver stand apart. His lace is begriiU'd with snm, his clothes soiled with grease, nnd his hands hard and unseemly. On the road, after a long tiL'ln of travel, he is not a b- jeet of prepossessing appearance Aod yet this man, through all that night, has had the guardianship of hundreds of lives and faithfully performed his work Siber, cool, and vigilant, he has brought his iharsjo to the end of ihe journey in fety. The travelers scatter to their omes or pass on to ol her scenes, prai-ing he railroad company for the admirable system of their road and the comfortable accommodations afforded, while perhaps one give a thought to ibe engineer, hose faithfulness guarded them from accident and ucatn. Thi re are obligations between man and in which cannot be compensated by did sand cents. L t th 'piy beju-u and i hi; but I1 1 there h i li'e-ivi-n i rcu n MONROE DOCTRINE- 'hal is lmiroe d wtrnm t ho are all tnlklllt! ub "II, lr -J I ill lis, , j1 The Monroe d.icliim-? Why, iver. body kinms what thai is a;d ymi In I it's all right, I-. !" "What's thu naluro id i.? ' "Ehl The ualutc of ii? i'ou'li see hat (he nature ol it is if those luol for eigners and their warships dou't look out pretty oareful. They understand it right." 'It'Bsutue kind of piper, isn't ii?" 'leu bet its a paper. Its a great paper, dial's what it isl That man Mon roe knew what he was about. They couldn't get the start on him! No, sir. He was tight there every timo and all day." "Is he dead? "Eh? Dead? Leinme see Yes, I think he's dead. Thai's often the way, you know. Nevor appreciated till you are uone. I'M y , am l nf 'But what about the nature of tie doc tine? What's it all about?" "Allahoui? I guess you ain't up in liplouiatica. That's what ii's about. L'a well, it takes a diplomat to understand it. Li jt don t worry lor a moment, li s right. You'll see. Just ko-p your eye on Venezuela. They know what it meaus down there."--Clevelaud Plain Dealer. A MOTHER'S RKCO.MMENDA TION. I have taken Chamberlain's Cough Hem edy for a number cf years and have no hesitancy in saying that it is the best remedy for coughs, cold and croup I have ever used in my family. I have not words to express my confidence io this remedy. Mrs. J .A. Moore, North Star, Mich. For sale by W. M. Cohen, druggist Weldon, N. ('. An oid bachelor says there is nuthiug dearer to a man than a good wife or at least more expensive. The best physic. "Once tried and you will always use Chamberlain's Stomael and Liver Tablets," says William A. Gir- atd, Pease, Vt. These Tablets sre the must prompt, must pleasaut and most teli able cathartic in use. For sale at W. M. Cohen's drugstore. Weldon, N 0. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'HKTAKING When you take Grove's Tasteless Cbill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it ii simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. No oars, No Pay. 50c Thc canal has not been froien over this winter, but February is still with us Heist traitor to man who ia not true to God. When a young man proposes it up to the girl to lose her self posses ion. Only the unworthy cause will use un worthy meant. There is suffering without sin, there is no sin without suffering. but AN01HER KGIMNCE BLIGHTED He: "If I were a snowdrop a soft little flake I would walch from my place io the sky till I saw you fare forth; then I'd fall on your cheek, and there I would Lapiipy die." She; '-If you were a snowdrop-a soft little flake in the form u' a five pointed star, permit me to say that you'd not be a bit more Soft than at present you are." If you use a mirror to fiod your own fault you will forget to use a microsojpo for those of others. Ham's Horn. CH3LL WINDS Are thc dread of those whose lungs are "weak." Some fortunate people can follow the r.mutier ns it goes southward, and escape thccoM blasts of winter and the cliiil airs of spring. But for the majority of people this ia impossible. family cares and business obliga tions hold them fast. "Weak" lungs are made strong by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery. It cures the obstinate cough, heals the in flamed tissues, stops the hem orrhage, and re stores the lost flesh to the ema ciated body. "I am a railroad agent," writes J. B. Staples, Esq., of narclay, Osape Co., Kans., "and four years afro my work keeping me in a warm room and stepping out fre aueutlv iuto the cold air Rave me bronchitis, which became chronic and deep seated. Doctor, failed to reach my case and advised me to try a higher air. but. fortuimtely for me. a friend nlqn advised me to try Or. Tierce's medicines. I commenced taking your ' Golden Medical Iiiscovery,' and by the tune 1 had taken the fitsl liottle f was bet ter, and alter taking about four bottles my cough was entirely gone. I have found no ne cessity for seekiug another climate." Sometimes a dealer, tempted bv the little more profit paid on the sale of less meritorious meuicines, wilt otter tne customer a substitute as being "just as good " as the " uiscovery." You get the People's Common Sense Jleiiical Adviser, the best medical work ever published, free by sending stamps. to pay expense of mailing only. Send 21 oue-ccnt stamps for book in paper covers, or 31 stamps for cloth-bound vol ume, lo Dr. K. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. leranee that be has risk' a prtyer for the b"i poll 1. 1111 I his 'i!e lor in d t-ti 11 i f (J d Men may do their worst, it matters not if you have oh ose n the best, Long wind with God will not counter balance short weight men. LOCATING JOHN. UK f TK III-' A TIIIKIt III'MIHl AMI HIS IIK-ICKN lln.MK A stury is told id' a y uiiriir imin iiann-u hn P., wh 1, being in poor health, went to India. His family had instiuced him t 10 spire expense, but to cable three limes a week how he was and wh it he was d in '. I he Urst cable mcssaui ran: Am well Have native guile, Inja. Hunt tigers tomorrow. The next communication did nol si rive till two weeks later. It was this: John dead. Killed Tiger. What do? INJA. Back went the tearful message: Send on body. A moolh later them was delivered to the keeper ot tho receiving vault of M. cetn -tery a box or coffin so large and lieavy that it uii!t have been the honit a second Caniilt tji int. suspicion having been aroused, a permit was cured and the sealed coffin opened. To present there y ih : body of a magnificent Bengal titier resting on white satin. The follow ing message was soon racing across the Atlantio Some mistake. Some mistake. You send auger, vt uere is jorinr The following tnlormaiion was soon received: No mistake. No mistake. John in side tigerl TENDENCY OF THE TIMES. The tendency of midioal science is toward preventive measures. The best thought of the world is being given to t he uhject. It is easier and belter lo p e vent than lo cure. It has been fully demonstrated that pneumonia, ooe of th most dangerous diseases that medical men have to contend with, can bo proven ted by the use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Pntunnmia always result from a cold or from an attack of influem (grip), and it has been observed that this remedy counteracts any tendency of these diseases toward pneumonia. This has been fully proven in many thousands o gwi in which thin remedy has been use during the grat prevalence of colds and grip in recent years, and can be relied upon with implicit oonhdenoe. rneumon ia often results from a slight cold when no danger is apprehended until it ia sud denly discovered that there is fever and difficulty in breathing and pains in the chest, then it is announced that the paiient has pneumonia, Be on the safe side and take Chamberlain's Cougb Remedy as aoon as the cold is contracted. It always cures For sale by W. M. Cohen, Druggist, Wcldoo, 11 C. WHY? The reason One Mtnute Couph Cure relieves a ccueh nn mimitev la iwfjuse it acts first on the mucous membrane ritfht where the cough troubles fn th Ihroat or dep-seaiea on me rungs, uesiruyiu un microbes or cough germs and clearing the phlegm. One Minute Couch Cure not only destroys the dis ease germs, and clears out their poison, but It gives strength and elasticity to the delicate membranes hich protect tne inro ana lungs. vin uo issages and promotes unobstructed breathing, .....a th hifwl tn r-r.fllv-. iti natural suddIv of oxygen, thus exhilarating the pulmonary organs with irh atrenirth and vigor th-tt the hings and bronchial tubes b?come bulwarks aealnst the Inception of dis ease. Asthma, Bronchitis, La Grippe, Cold on ths Lungs and all Pulmonary Complaints that sre Curabif sre quickly cured by the use d ONE MINUTE COUCH CURE Pra pared by I. 0. D.WITT 00., Chlcaaaj, W M Cohen, Drugii6t. iSAELLO'POlSQ:. In your blood ? fiiysicians c." It flalarlal (ierm. It can be Rrt changing red blood yellow under l microscope, it wonts any ana night. First, it turns your com plexion yellow. Chilly, aching sensations creep down your backbone. You feel weak and worthless. i ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC will stop the trouble now. It enters the blojd at once and drives out the yellow poison. If neglected and when Chills, Fevers, Night-Sweats and a gen eral break-down come later on, Roberts' Tonic will cure you then but why wait ? Prevent future sickness. The manufac turers know all about this yel low poison and have perfected Roberts' Tonic to drive It out, nourish your system, restore appetite, purify the blood, pre vent and cure Chills, Fevers and Malaria. It has cured thous andsIt will cure you, or your money back. This is fair. Try it. Price, 25 cents. s.,1,1 by ALL DRU JGHT3. OTICE. North Carolina, In the Rnierior Court, Halifax County. J November term, 1M02. MEDRMiTH, ) vs. SUMMONS. ELLEN KM1T1I. J The feme defendant will take notice that an action entitled as almve has been com menced in the Superior court of Halifax county the object ol which ia to obtain a divorce from heron account of abandon ment, and the feme defeuduut will further take notice that she is required to appear at the uext term of the Kupenor court ot aaid county, to be held on the 1st Monday in March, IHU.t, at tne conn house in Halifax, N. C , and auswor ol demur to the complaint of the plaintiff in said action or the plaintiff will apply to theeourt for the relief demanded in said action. This the loth day of January, 1903. H. M. GARY, Clerk Superior Court. N OTICK OE DISSOLUTION, One Kiniiie Cout Cisra For Coughs, Colds and Croup, The copartnership heretofore exis ting between the undersigned under the firm name of W. H. Pridgeo & Co., at Ita, N. C, and W. R. Harvey & Co., at Littleton, N. C , is this day dissolved by mutual consent and W. K. Harvey is hereby authorised to collect all debts due said firms and to oolleot and wind np said copartnerships. This the 12th day of January 1903. W. H. PRIDGEN. W. R. HARVEY.