... . ?11 : xi'SSffi!9iiTfe J DVBRTISIlsra- HATES-moderatb. VOL. XXXVII. A IN" E "W SP APER FOH THE PEOPLE TEEDVES:-'1-50 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MAItCII 12. 1903. NO. 44 f 1 HOME VERY 1NTKHK8T1NU BTAT1NTICS HRorotir cut by compilers The Great Spring Remedy. After the rigors of winter ire (clt you are liable to feel the need of a tonic, laxative and BLOOD PURIFIER. YOU WANT THE BEST OF COURSE ; THAT IS KHEUMACIDE. Thi medicine la scientifically compounded from the extracti of roota, herbs and bark., combined with certain other purifying and alterative . f... t'l . T .. .. n products, n sure ure 101 iMicomamm, innigf.rion, v on.npation, nous, i Kidney Troubles, and all di.ea.ea arising from impurities in the blood. , A.k jrpmr drnicK' tor HHKt'MAriDK and Insist f ettlaf it. Beware of ettbaUtntee of shmbtfKl valwe. All Druegisti, or express prepaid. S Bobbltt Chemical Co., Baltimore, fid., U. 5. A. HOSiriQ OUT SL! " $ $ fc In order to make room for Spring Goods I will sell all winter cloth ing at cost. Call and get a good suit and overcoat at bargain prices P. K STAINBAOK The Weldon Grocery Co. WHOLESALE JOBBERS IN STAPLE & FANCY f kyJm GROCERIES Aft y.r-S Tin' compilers of 1V10 twelfth census ave worked out some, very intorestiDg -t of vital statistics touching the health and disease period of the year, and the iufliicnce of climate od the tendency to suicide. The death mo in In are Mated to be March and April for adults and July and August fur children under five yeara of ge. The mortality in greatest for both milt and females during these periods. The health months for both adults and children are October and November, lien the mortality is found to be at minimum. Thrse statistics confirm the statements of the doctors and show in practically every instanca the mortality among the malts, evidence, the scientists assert, that he males arc becoming weaker physical ly and more susceptible to disease End eatb, while the females aro growing ronger, and are constitutionally better equipped to battle fur life, Suicide is mod prevalent in April, May, August and January, while shooi ng is by fur the most popular method of self-destruction, It is most practiced by married males, a rather poor compli ment to matrimony. In females, ud- marri' d, between I'oriy-five and sixty four yeara of age, the rate of death from sui cide was greater than those married or idowed. If it's a bilious attack, take Chamber ain's stomach and Liver Tablets and a quick recovery is certain, For sale by W. M. Cohen, Druggist, We'don, N. C. W Sell Only To Merchauts. 8? Order Hollt & ''HI ft i . oti TUP .WiV (I Will K. It Y uu . Standard Grades Use Black Elastic Roof Paint. W by use inferior paints when stuodard goods are Ml much cliciiper in the long HUTSK l'AINT. COACH PAINT. ,un FLOOU PAINT, WAGON PAINT. W,i,l!l0 koofpaint. Taner Faint & Oil Co., Innumerable Bhadei, Color-Carda for ' - ' Bo1 18U' the .-king. RICHMOND, VA L. 0. ANDERSON, -DEALER IN- Heavy and Fancy Grocer. FRUITS, CON FECTtON Kill KS. WILL BE CLAD TO SEE MY COUNTRY FRIENDS. sLpWPttM.c r.WELDON, N. C.i Oriuiitii Under Tie Lais of the State of Hortk Carolina, AUGU3T 20TH, 1892. STATU OF NORTH CAROLIN A DKPOSIIOKY. HALIFAX COUNTY DKl'OSI IOKY. TOWN OF WELDON DEl'OSl IOIU . CAPITAL AND SURPLUS - - S2G.0OO. Ft), ten year thi. ioslitutiou h.. provided banking facilities for this lection t. . . r. ... . . ;i..:cj ika KiiumMM interests or m stockholders and director have neon lueouueu ... n.lif.t and Northampton counties U many year.. Money ta loaned upon ap- , . T. ; . MHiiim Antnomia ul all are. proved security it the legal rale oi iniorcw r iu..-.. wtieitea. , P.;.i..... Vilr.id..nt: Cashier: W V. nivrn n T M BAMSAY. W. K. SMITH. aW Ail Ittiti An. V . .'i - Seaboard, Northampton county, N. U E. CLARK The 1111 111 Bit HIT i LJLJiN , Jl-N W. Tkt Beat of Everything kept Id .took. Fresh 8e.son.bl. good, for Italy eeral Suppliei for Ihe Public .Full line HARDWAKR. vi va T? T N K K A K 2? mJ ba, ta'ClS-Ufc lb. moat choic. WHISKIES, BRANDIES. WINKS CIQAR3 .od TOBACCO. tVlifatteulion .nd Prompt deliver one.Hl QUEER FACTS, FOILED BY HUMIDITY. Noiselessly, but with all his miU, the burglar tuneed at the bureau drawer. In vain. It refused to open. He tupped again. 'Give it another jerk," . lid a voice be hind him. The burglar tumid. The owner of the house was sitting up in the bed and looking at him with an xprrssinn of the deepest interest on bis face. "Jerk it again. Thoro'. . lot ofvalu ble property in that drawer, but we haven't been able to open, it since the damp wether began. If you can pull it out, I'll give yon a handsome royalty on everything that'." But the burglar had jumped out through the window, taking . part of the fash with him Chicago Tiibuue. To ease toother', be.rt.oh. is to for get one', own. Abraham Lincoln. Beautiful Thoughts Tin. .wept, nure breath of the babe u luggestivc of innocence and health. A .....tltpr'a vi'nrtiinir for children is in separable from a love of the beautiful, nml it behooves every woman to DrniR inc sweetest and best influence, to bear on r.f 1tr nintpmitv To relieve pain onu mane easy mi pen. mi vi-iien lite la Dom aigain, Mother's Friend la TKiDiilarly uscil. It ia a liniment eiuilv ,l,,iluiipr.-l and fur external use onlv lVimaiitwoiiunshotiM try this remedy, it being undeniably, friehd to herdurini; nutnrK'ati-nuof siiociisand anticipation. n ther'n Friend, it used tbiuugliout gestation, will nften tlie breasta, thereby preVtmUlK cractcuim'i wire mi'iHi.'. niiiu-li-i tminitiaT with the burden V rtl ,x tccorr.c ""If ttv.i et,' f mm tt. MHM.......I onT.li.-ulinn. 1 All fibres in the alxlominal region wilt reatmnd readily to the expanding covet mntainimr thcembrvo if nother'Frlend i. nnlinf rxtrriuill'v (lurinil preiruancy Of all reliable druKKisU fn per bottle Write for free book on flotherhood." THE mOFICLO REQULATOR CO, TUNI, M. Grossmann's PATENT WRITING RING. The most Important improvement of the age in the art of penmanship nialtea the Hir a anlendid oennian in a few weeks by the nse of this rina Endorsed by prominent College President and boarda ol education in turopeaou aiui n cou ple doien assorted aiaea sent postpaid for fl. Single sample 85o. When order ing elngte rins;, atate whether for man, woman orcniiu. Pen Iff. Snpply Co., No-119 8. ithSt , Philadelphia, aep 18 tl rHMaas,Ei Tonic VW m ip" - ; " - -I Crcww't BUcw R.OOI. Uvr nut. I will evaary awe . --1 -- - ... .niLmi.p.ii i -VISIT OB WRITE-w is Petersburg Furniture Co., 20,' AND 207 N. SYCAMORE ST. PETERSBURG, VA. THE HUSTLING AND UP-TO-DATE LEADERS IN FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS. A. J.WINFIELD PRESIDENTS MANAGER la$.Special Attention to Mail Orders. 0ct 3 ly. ID fc ti-'jm-'Ji -tva f O-- V". i m i4 I m ' )- mi mm I 4 t Mp MM Off pif. sw b'A, KT NO OBJECTION, TALE OP AN UNFORTUNATE COURTSHIP TOLD IN RFITME. With delicate persuasion that betrayed no base evasion, he contrived the con versation ao it turned on true love rare. And in accents far from jolly ho dcolared 'gainst friendship', folly, and in tone, quite melancholy said he'd take love for hi. share. It was, he said, admitted, that when friendship', ghost had flitted, those it left were to bo pitied; for their fate was sad indeed. But when true love onoe had darted through one', soul, .nd then departed, though it left one broken hearted, it had filled . long felt need. And there was do doubt .bout it, though the skeptical might flout it, we could not get on without it though it left us in disgrace; For its memory always haunted, and it was the thing we wanted. Other things, though highly vaunted, couldn't take its place. Then he asked if he might love her, for there was no girl above her in his eyes. He thought only of her, and she said: "Why, certainly; If to lovaisyour ambition, you at once have my permission, but of course, on this condition; you can love, but not have me." THE DUCHESS OF MANCHESTER. The present visit of the Duke nnd Duchess of MnncheHtor to this country la made, so It 1. anld. for the sole purpose of Blvliig Mr. Eugene Zimmerman of Cincinnati, father of the duchest, a chance to aee hi. two titled grandchil dren, one of whom is I.ady Mnry Montiicue, fifteen month, old, the other be ing Viscount Mnndevllle, who 1ms reached the mature ago of three month. READ IT THROUGH. TWOULD SPOIL THIS STORY TO TELL IT IN THE HEADLINES. To use an eighteenth century phraise, this i. an "o'er true tale." Having hap pened in . small Virginia town in the inter of 1902, it is a story much of the present, Up to . short lime .go Mi.. John E. Harmon, of Melfa Station V. , had do personal knowledge of the rare curative properties ol Chamberlain'. Cough Remedy. "List January,'' she says, "my baby took a dreadful cold and at one lime I feared she would have pneumonia, but one of tuy neighbor. told me how this remedy had cured her little boy and I began giving it to my baby at once .nd it soon cured her I heartily thank the manufacturer of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for plac ing so great a cure within my reaoh. I oannot recommend il too highly or say too much in its favor. I hope all who read this will try it and be convinced as I was." For aale by W. M. Cohen, Druggist, Weldon, N. C. TURNING BAD LUCK 0tlltsilsWi.aWMM An Old Favorite THE CHESS BOARD By Owen Meredith ill OWEN MKRRDITH Was the pn name of Edward Robvrt Buiwer-l.yiton, earl of Lytton (born 1831, dll lh'JU, the son of Huron Lytton, the famous novelist, au thor of "Tin' Last Days of Pompeii." i-tc. The younger Lytton was for twtntj -seven years In the Engllnh dip lomatic service, living as British ambassador to France. Among his works are "l-urlle," "ClyUmnestra," "The Wanderer." the "Poems' etc. Hla beat known single poems are "Aux Hallens," "Changes," "Posnesslon" and "The Chess Board." M' Y little love, do you remember. Krc we were grown so sadly wise, Th"e evening. In the bleak Peceinbor, Curtained warm from the snowy weather, When jou nml 1 played chess together, Checkinnted by eiich other's eyes? Ah! .till I ape your soft white band Hovering vrnrm o'er Queen and Knight; Hrave l'awns in valiant battle stand; The double Castles guard the wings; The lllshop, bent on distant things. Moves, sidling, through the tight. Our fingers touch; our glnnrea meet And falter: falls your golden hnlr Against my t-nii'k; your bosom sweet la hi-nviug. Down the Meld, your Queau Ride, slow, her soldiery all between, And checks me unaware. Ah, me! the little battle's done: Plsporst Is nil Its rhlvnlry. Full many n move sim-p then linve we Mid life's porpleiiliig checker made, And many n Hume with fortune plHyed; What is It we have won? Thla, thla at least,- If this nloue: That never, never, nevermore. v As In thoee old still nights of yon1, S (Kre we were grown so sadly wis), t( Can you and 1 shut out the skies, f Shut out the world and wintry weather, K And, eyes exchanging wnrinth with eyea fl- lli-nhaa natllftll we lllll VI',! Iitut-tlter. WAKEFUL CHILDREN. For . long time th. two year old child of Mr. P. L. Mol'hewon, 69 N. tenth St., Harrisburg Pa,, would sleep but two or three hour, in early part ef the night, which made it veiy bard for her parent.. Her molh.r concluded that the ohild had stomach trouble, and gave her half of one of Chamberlain'. Stomach tod Liver Tableia, which quieted her stomach and she slept the whole night through Two boie. of these Tablet, have effected . permant cure and .he i. now well and (troog. For sale by W. M. Cohen, druggist, Weldon, N.C. Women never really fool each other with their kiue., ON KISSES. KI8HINU AINT TO JOSH MEANB BUSINESS. KIS8INO Kissiog is not an unhealthy pastime if proper sanitary measures aro used before and after taking. Hut it is a raok crime to bring girU up without proper instruc tion as regards kissing. The Pastor in the Push has seen a good many things in his time. A gay young imbecile of the ho flirt typo was atanding on the plum of a human bostry not niuny months ago he was about to depart from his lady acquain tances of a week. It was . cloudless evening in June und the Buarlet West gleamed dimly not so dimly as to hide the scene as six young ladies passed along in line and pressed their Rose of Sharon lips to the great slit in the face of the brainless, soulless and characteris tic Irifler. By the eternal gods, what . acenel A girl who willfully permits herself to be pawed over by Tom, Dick and Devil, who joins in such public kiesing bees, has so debauched her body and so debased herself in mind that she is for ever unfitted for noble wifehood, and no man of refinement would marry her. She is damaged goods the moment she submits to the kisses of a man who does not make her mistress of his heart. Kistiog ain't a josh. Kissing mean, business. When a man finds a girl that ha. sub mitted to such job lot osculation, be should paste a crossbooe label over her slobber trap and go on. The Knocker, Journal for Cranks. SOFTENING THE BLOW IN THE WRONG PLACE. "I hear your engagement with Misi B iodle ir-off. How did it happo ?" "In strict confidence, my Iricod, she got mad because I stole a kiss." "I don't see why that should provok 0 cr when you were engaged." "Well, you see, I stole this kiss from another girl." COLDS ARK DANGEROUS, How ofteu you hear it remarked: "It only l oold," and . few daya later learn that the man in on his bsck with pneu monia. This i. of such common ooour ence that . oold, however .light, should not he disregarded. Ch.mberl.in'. Cough Remedy counteract, any tendency to wards pneumonia. It always cure, and i. pleasant to take. For .ale at W. M. Cohen', drugstore, Weldon, N. C. The August. Herald tell, us that there it an old superstition 9 the effect that if, when (he cry of a soreechowl ia heard, one's pocket, are turned inside out, the bad luck generally tttendant upon the ory will be .verted. Ordinarily, there ia very little common tense in superstition., to I'jtr.cthiog decidel; worth while. If anyone is determined to try, there ie no luck in life so bad that it oannot be made good if it is turned wrongside down, the principal thing being to try and try until the desired result is brought .bout. It is said that Dame Fortune rarely turns of her own free will but that the determined and strong can always. by persistent effort make her show her face upon which there ia always a .mile, and each effort made to turn causes her smile to broaden until the whole world is sunshine for the man who has brain and brawn to bring all things his way. fOKOVbK WIXTY YfcARW Mrs. Winslow'i Soothing Syrup has been used for over fixty years by millions ol mother, for children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the ohild .often, the gum., allays all pain, euros wind colic, and is the best remedy lor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little ufferer immedi.tcly. Sold by druggist. in evory part ol the world, 'ia cents bottle. He sure and auk tor "Mrs. Wins- low 'a Soothioz Syrup," and take no oth er kind. Real beauty is made in the kitcbin for a good complexion depends upon pro perly cooked food. WELL AGAIN- The many friend, of John Blount will be pleased to learn th.t he has entire! recovered from hi. attack of rheumatism Chamberlain'. Pain Balm cured him after the best doctor, in the town CMonon, Ind ) had failed to give reliel The prompt relief from pain which this liniment affords i. alone worth many time. it. cost. For .ale at W. M. Cohen', drug .tore Weldon, N. C. The cashier of a certain firm had ab sconded, and the staff of olerk. were deciding on a fit and proper person to acquaint the head of the firm of the fact on hi. arrival. Ultimately the matter was left in the ands of the head clerk, possibly because none of the other, oared to undertake the responsibility. There had been a dogfight in the street, and a small crowd was just dis persing as the chief's carriage dashed up. "What', that crowd after, Jorkins? emanded the head of the firm. The chief clerk thought he recognized chance of breaking the news gently and seized it. "The vanoancy, Bir," he replied. "Viii'ancy? What vacancy?" "Cashier, sir." "But we want no cashier, Jorkins." "Beg pardon, air; but we've a vacancy for ooel" "Jorkins, are you mad?" "No, sir. That is, sir, I don't know sir. f act is, sir all tne oasn is gone and-and" "Well?" "The cashier', gone with it air." From the way tlio old man took it the clerk thought he might just as well have blurted it out at the start. A MAN Cm;:;:; of his wiiiniiiK tt race, but a cuicstiun of Irmul' able only to keen afloat. The man Do issiillerniK Irom malnutrition lahke the fettered swimmer. Ilia stomach and ltn allied organs of igestion and nutri- are diseased. It is not a nttcKtiDit witb him of winning in the race ior bo:.i- nesi but ot simply keeping up under any circumstances. Whenever disease affects the stomach ia afTecting also ie blood and the health of every or gan ot the body. or blood is onlv food converted into nutrition and nutri tion is the life of the body and every organ of it. JJoctor fierce a olden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutri tion. It purifies the blood and enables the perfect nutrition of the body which means perfect health. "For six loll! VMM I .nnVrrrt with InHlfrrfc Hon and my liver nnd kidneys, which baffled the best doctors in our cuuutry." write. K. 1,. Rim- til, i-.M., m wooisey. crince willtnm Co., va. I suflcred with mv stomach and hnck for a Ion time, and after Inkintr a ' cart-load ' of medicine from three doctors 1 Rrew n bad 1 could hardly do a dnv's work. Would have death-like pains in the side, and blind spell. I betrnn takinr lr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery and 'Pleasant Pellets.' Before I had tnken half of the second lott!e I Iwan to feel relieved. I got x more nouies and used them, and m happy say i owe my lite to Dr. Pierce." Accept no substitute for " Golden Med ical Discovery." There is nothing "just as good" for diseaae. of the atomach, blood and lungs. 1 ne Common Sense Medical Adviser. tooH large pages, in paper covers, ia sent ree on receipt ot 2i one-cent tumps to pay expense of mailing only. Audresa Dr. ft. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. OLD SONG. Adown the yeara they oome to me From out the crypts ol time, With balf-forgottcu melody And faintly-failing rhyme; With here and there a broken chord, A missing word or phrase ; But sweet as angel whispers are Tbe soogs ot by gone days, A snatch ol college-drinking .ong, A verse of cradle hymn, A bar of tender serenade, Sung when the stars were diu,; The truant .trains they eoiuc and go Like sparks in smoky bate A lacg'e of sweet mttuotiea, ' The songs of bygone days. And as the measures float along Like shadows, o'er the sea, Across the drilling bloom tf yeats Lost faces smile on me; Eyea dimmed in death's itiroal niglit Meet mine in Iriendly gaze I kias tbe marble lip. that aang Those aonga of by gone day.. Old limes touch hidden chords in heart Long mute with age or psin, And give u. tor a Netting space Lost failh and hope again, Within yon Clo udland'a Faraway, Where .well, the hymns of praise, God grant the angel's sometime, sin g The songs of by-gone days. WHERE WILL HEPUT IT. if c. Q. EVANS, WELDON, N. C. FA NOV GROCERIES, FRUITS, C0XFECT10XERIES. OLD WINKS AND BRANDIES SOLE AGENT FOR CAPITAL CLUB, OLD FORESTER RYE. CALL FOR IT. 'The Biggest Sensation Everywhere." COLAPSABLE POCKET STEREOSCOPE APPARATUS i The smallest Stereoscope with the strong est optical effect Highly finished in dif ferent colors with rich gold and silver nee orations (mountings). Including 20 V.F. Photographs. Views of art (genre.) Priea only$l. Kent everywhere prepaid in let ter form. apsVAgenta wanted. MI.IPUT STEREOSCOPE CO., FORREST BUILDING, Philadelphia. sept 18 tf WHY ? ti r.wwrin Mlniitn Couch Cura nllevfls a couth ai one minuto, li because It act. first on the mucous membr.ne right where the couth troubles la the throat or deep-seated on me nines, aesiroyint in mtcrobes or coush rerms and clearing the phlegm. One Minute Coueh Cure not only destroys the dis use germs, snd elesrs out their poison, but It gives trength .nd el.sticlty to the delicate membruiea which protect the throat and lungs. Opens the air psssages and promotes unobstructed bresthlnf. Causes the blood to receive Its natural supply of oxygen, thus exhtl.r ting ine puimon.ry organ, win such strength and vigor th.t the hings and bronchial tubes become bulw.rks against the Inception of die- ease. Asthma. Bronchitis, La inppe, torn on in Lungs and all Pulmonary Complaints that era curaWa are quickly cured by the use ol MINUTE COUCH CUKE hf f , O. DoWITT at OO., OhlneaM W. M Cohen, Druggist. One of the worst thing, that can hap pen to i young man i. to get the notion th.t he oan't have a good time without waiting hi. money, Tha Pope promises to beoom a man of affair, in two centuries. YOU KNOW WHAT VOU'KETAhlMO When you take 0 rove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it ia .imply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. No cure, No ray. duo. It happens ocoasinally th.t the human misfit it i mail. A young woman who worked in factory in New York, lost four finger, of her left hand ia an accident recently j She brought suit against th. mill oompa- ny and as subsequent events proved, se cured a sharp lawyer to prosecute her ease Thi. lawyer quoted origioal poetry to the jury and recited many sad thing, th.t might happen to her by reason of the loss 4 finger, of her left h.nd, ' This young woman," he concluded, after hav ing played on the sympathies of the jury for some lime, "will -probably be engaged to wed some day. And when the happy time arrive, and the bridegroom ..yi, With thi. ring I the. wed,' where is he going to put the ring?' Thi. was th olinober. The jury returned verdiot giving the youug woman $7,000 dam lag. , ' JlTBSirEr.n. iSaELLOV.?0iSOK In your blood ? Physician, ciil It nalarlal Oerm. It can be seen changing red blood yellow under microacope. It work, day and night. IMrst, It turns your com plexion yellow. Chilly, aching sensations creep down your backbone. You feel weak and worthless. t, ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC will atop tha trouble now. tt enters the blood at once and drives out the yellow poison. ir negiecieq ana wnen units, Fevers, Night-Sweats and a gen eral break-down come later on, Roberta' Tonic will cure you then but why wait ? Prevent future sickness. The manufac turers know all about this yel low poison and have perfected Roberts' Tonic to drive It out, nourish your system, restore appetite, purify the Mood, pre vent ind cure Chills, Fevers and Malaria. It has cured thous and. -It will cure you or your money back. This tt fair. Try It. Price, 23 cenu. 8old by ALL DRUGGISTS. . -1 r-