48 6 D'VJEITISIIsra- IRTES-moderate. VOL. XXXVII. A. NEWSPAPER FOE THE PEOPLE TEPolVCS: l-80 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY,' MARCH 19. 1903. NO. 45 The Great Rheumatic Cure - AND Spring Blood Purifier Positively cures ill diseases arising from impurities in the blood, includ ing Ca!rrh, Indigestion, Chronic Contlipation, Kidney ind Liver Troublet, etc. Every person in the land needi powerful blood purifier every Spring. You aeed it. You want the best the itandard. That it RHEUMACIDE. BEWARE OK DANGEROUS SUBSTITUTES. RHEUMACIDE benefit! instead of injuring the digestive organs at many so-called medicines do. RHEUMACIDE is a powerful alterative, but old people or children can tale it with absolute safety. Price f 1.00 at Druggists, or express prepaid on receipt of price. Bobbltt Chemical Co., . HOSIfJQ OUT SLE! " $ $ fc In order to make room for Spring Goods I will sell all winter cloth ing at cost. Call and get a good suit and overcoat at bargain prices rP. -K STAINBAOK -?f"V The Weldon Grocery Co. $ STAPLE & I 3GR0CERIESS 1 HksW Sell Only To Merchant!. Vti'M Solicited. IV Standard Grades HOUSE PAINT. COACH PAINT. FLOOR PAINT, WAGON PAINT. ROOF PAINT. Innumerable Shade, Color-Cards fur the asking. W Orders U 2 8 mm ' L. O. ANDEESON, -DKALKR IN Heavy ui Fane; Groceries, FRUITS, CONFECTIONERIES. 1, WILL BE CLAD TO EE MY COUNTRY FRIENDS. I Thi Bank -::::::.WELDON, N. 'C. :OpiiElMer Tie Lais of U State of North Carolina, AU0U3T 20TII, 1892. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. . TOWN OF WELDON DEPOSITORY. rtftNTM. AND SURPLUS - $27,000. .... - i . t..ni;n faoilitiea for this section ?r ten Tear inn insmunuB o piu" - Iiistookhoidanddireotor, ebeeaiJenii6edin.h (be busmeni iotcre.li of IIalif.i.n4Norti.njploooountie.rorii.i0jJri- Money i loaned upon tp. proved soourity at (be M file of inleroet-iix per oeotuin. Aoeouoti ol (II are. uuenea. President: Vice-President: W. K. DANIEL. Da. J. N. RAMSAY, E. CLARE The I 1 , - ill xvija. " Tk. Beat nl& U ' 0eooril8uppli.s for lb. Public. Full VJl UVv ho. rtood the test 25 yW, f? aTmrin.w with every - . Baltimore, fid.. U. 5. A. 4 FANCYiSSOP is THE WELDON GROCERY CO , WKLDON,!. C. Use Black Elastic Roof Faint. Why use inferior painta when standard goods are so much cheaper in the long run. Write to.- Tanner Paint & Oil Co., Dux 180, . RICHMOND, VA. if W Cuuitr. W. K.8MITU, Free to uoe UA"n- eldon Tica1p.s Chill " . ... an - THEY HAD THINGS MIXED, HOW A 8TBAN(ir.ll HETTI.ED A FAMILY UrclTTB BY- HMNO PORTED 0 TH B nuns. It was almost sundown when I ar rived at a mountaineer's enliiti high up on the Tennessee side, of the Cumberland Mountain, ou I I found iho man eeoted on t log at the gate and his wire smoking her pipe on tha doorstop. 1 sled hint if I could fiud lodgings for the night, and he shook his head and replied in doubtful turns: "I don't skussly believe yo' kin, stran gernot skassly." "How far is it to the next oabio?" 'Bout a mile, I reckon, but I ain't be lievin' they could take you in." "And the next after that?" 'Two miles mo', but they'd hev to pass yo' on. I'd really like to take.yo' in but I ain't skatsly seein' how it kia be done. . "It kin bo done stranger, if he'll give up his sotness," called the woman. ' But you must give up Vrs fust," he called back. I saw that there was a family dispute of Bome sort on, but hesitated to ask any questions. After a niiouie or two, how ever, the woman rose slowly up and came down to the gate and explained: "Stranger, Tom- yero got up this mawnio' aod said that the wbale swal lercd Dan'l.'' "Aod I'atn slickin right to it replied the husband. "And I said it was Moses, and I'm stickio right to that. Tom he's sjt, aod I'm sot, and so wo've sot right yere all day to see which would outsot the other in sol Decs. If Tom will say the1 wbale swallowed Moses I'll hev supper ready in teo minutes." "I never kin do it," replied Tom. 'It was Dan'l, and yo've ooly got to say so fur us to take tbe straoger in." "But see here," I put in, "it was neither Dan'l nor Moses, You are both mistaken." "Who was it, then?" they asked in oborus. Why Jonah." "You don't mean ill" gasped tbe husband. "Listen to that!" whispered the wife. "It was Jonah, and all tbe Bibles in the land will tell you so. Dan'l was cast to the lions, and Moses was hidden away in the bulrushes when be waa i baby." "Dog-gone my cats, old woman, but he's dead-right and we are two fulis!" ex claimed the man. "Shake, stringer, and yo' comeriuht in and own the oabin fur the next y rl Of oose it was Juner, and if oursotiiess had driv yo' on I'd he? alius bio hopio' that both of us would hev bin bit bv woodebucks and gulped d iwn by b'arrl"" A vcsctalile liquid for povertiinfr ci eqtuliziiiR the flow nf women'! meuscl wuicli occur ouce in every lunar month. BRADFIELD'S Female Regulator is the essentinl qnnlity of powerful herbs. It is l concentrated essence best adapted for woniru'sdelicateorganism, and put in suiU form that it is always properly nssimllated ami taken into the system. Stoppages, suppression, juiuful or other irregularity of the menses and sickly flows are correcteil and cured by tbe regular use of tins aupcrior enimenagogue. Minstmaticiii, or periodic flows, neces situte a breaking down of cells lining the mucous niembiane and a reconstruction after every aicknesa, which il ;ccompa nied with marked conation and loss of IiUhkI. Such cUanprs are very opt to pro luce chnmic catarrh. Lencorrliea or Whilrs is tlieiTiiltof thene irritating dl . . . . . ,.,.n, and restores to perfect health the patient who auffered the debilitating losaes. Iluy of drnggista. $t.co per bottle. Our illuotrntej hook mailed free, " Perfect Heath for Women." THC MADFIEID KIOULAIO CO, Auula. la. Grossmann's PATENT WRITING RING. The moat important improTeiuent of the age in the art of penmanship makea the poorest writer a splendid peuman in a few weeks by the use ofthia ring;. Endorsed by prominent College Praaideota and boardi of eilncation In Enropeaod America Kara pie doaen amorted site sent postpaid torl. Bingleaaropleaje. When onler ing a aingle ring, Hate whether for man, woman or child. Fni-lfL Snpply Co., Tonic -tii M:nSi NoC.NoyT 50c. WYISIT OB WRITER The Petersburg Furniture Co., 20:$ AND 207 N. SVCAMOUK ST. PETERSBURG, VA. w III 1 I f r r if u. riflifHllJlifi, i.4m it I l !M V. W 1 fl.M'MWl III,,. '16 I I THE HUSTLING AND UP-TO-DATE LEADERS IN FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS. A. J. WINFIELD , PRESIDENT A MANAGER tfli.Special Attention to Mail Orders. oct 3 ly. An Old Favorite ICHABOD John Greenlnf Whittier ON March 7, 1850, Daniel Webater, the great omtor and sttteaman, dfUvcrcil a spnwcih in favor of the Cly compromise bill, The antiblavery men considered this addrM a aurrender to the other aide and were -grently incemed- Whittier, tbo nbolitlon poet, ex premied the Indignution lit the potn given below. "And she named the child Ic habod. tt- : ing, The glury is de parted from lorn el." (1 Samuel iv, 21 ) fallen! so loat! T 3 Which once he glory from orevermore! Revile him not, the Tempter hath A anare for all; And pitying tear a, not acorn and wrath. Befit hla fall! Oh, dumb be pasaion'a stormy rage, When he who might Have lighted up and led hla age. raua back in ntgnt. Scorn! would the angela laugh, to , mark A bright aoul driven, Fiend-goaded, down the endless dark, From hope and heavcnl Let not the land ones proud of him Inault him now, Nor brand with deeper ahame hla dim. Dl a Honored brow. . i i. m mi mi iih. in in ij n ' ayyi -mr-i "ir"iinpii;fir Tir,'ir-wn'-HrTrTT,0 " TVf'K' ffWW'" " ' ' I .;-',t i i ' rat-- -." 4rj O .'-.',;.'..'. vi W.-; -t,i , sJ " a?V ' -v. va . v ' ,; f 4' .:: .fl MRS. FRANCES HODGSON BURNETT. IIuvIiik won iiiiii'Ii fame hi un authorem, MrC I'Viiikh'S llotlcsou Burnett lias now nppenml us a nicveiisful Urniuutlsl. Her pliiy for children, "Tha I.lttlo Trlucess," wlilih was recently prmhutd In New Virk, la nmklug a big hit THE RULING PASSION- A good womio wai dyiny; a woman who had been a true wife fnd a good niuther; a womin with but one weakness a love for gossip. Although her lime oo citlh was short ihe was critically watching theatteodiog physician ind nurse, as they talk.d io lubdued wbinpeis of the result which their uoilcd ikill had been powerlesi to vert. Id response to the aummooi ot the dying woman h.r husband ipproached bcraodb.ot low to catch the wordi which heeipeetedtobe wordt of love. Again she turned her eyes, fiom which the light wai fust fiding, upon the doc tor ind the nurse, she Mid faintly: 'Do you suppose they aro engaged?'' These words were her last. New York Time If il'i a bilious altaok, lake Chamber lsio'i Uomach and Liver Tablet) aod a quick recovery il eertaio. For tale by W. M. Cohen, Druggist, Weldon, N. C. -; i u i the light withdrawn he wore! his gr y !;alrs guns But let Ha humbled sons, Instead, From Bfa to lake, A long lament, as for the dead, In aadneas make. Of alt we loved and honored, naught Save power remains: A fallen angel a pride of thought, Btili eUuiia In .bailie. All else ia gone: from those great ayea The aoul hua fled; Vvhon faith la lout, when honor dlea, The man is dtad! Thin, pay the reverence of old days To bin dt ad funic; Walk backward, with averted gate. And hid the shame! COLDS ARK DANGEROUS. How ofteu you hear it remarked: "It's ooly a oold, and a lew dsya later learn that the man in on bis back with pneu riionii. This ia of such oommon occur rence that cold, however liitht, should not be disregarded. Chamberlain'! Cough Remedy counteracts my tendency to wards pneumonia. It always eurea and is plrasani to take. For tale at W. M. Cohen 'i drugstore, Weldon, N C. Judge of man by his question! rather than ny his answers Voltsrie, WELL AGAIN- The many friends of John Rlount will be pleased to learn that he has entirely recovered from his attack of rheum itism, Chamberlain's Tain Balm cured him after the best doctors in the town .(Motion, Ind ) bad failed to give relief The prompt relief from pain which this liniment affordi U alone worth many limei ilsoost. For tale at W. M. Coheo'i dtug store Weldon, N. C FATE OF THE ARBITRATOR, WHAT HAPPENED TO TU MUTUAL r FRIEND PEACE ADVOCATE. The lovers bad tjuaircled. "I'll never speak to you opuiti sh( cried. "Perhaps you will give me back my rinj!," he retorted scornfully. "I wouldn't wear your old ricg for a thousand dollars," sho asserted. "This is the end," he said. "Wait a minute," interrupted the mutual friend. "Don t forget that these are the days of arbitration, so let's arbi trate this affair." "lie's entirely in the wrong," she in sisted. "It's all her fault," he replied. "Well, let's have a statement of the ease from each side," said tbe mutual friend. The girl thought it over, and ber face grew red. "If I tried to put it in words," she said to herself, I'd be posing as a little fool." Somehow ber grievance wan't tang ible. The youth thought it over, and be be gan to feel uncomfortable. "I'd bo a jackass to try to explain this thing to a cold blooded mortal" he said to himself. "Well, let'a hear what it is," said the mutual friend. Nothing," said the youth. "Not a thing," said the girl, "and I'd like to know what business it is of yours anyway?" If you annoy my fiancee any more," said the youth, "I'll break your head. Here's yevr ring, Gracie." "You're so good to me, Ralph," said the girl. Go away can't you," they both said to the mutual friend. Buffalo News. READ IT THROUGH. 'twould bpoil this story to tell it IN THE HEADLINES. To use an eighteenth ccuturv phruise, this is ao "o'er true tale." Having hap pened in a smsll Virginia town in the winter of 1902, it is a story much of tbe present. Up to a short tiuio ago Mis. John . Harmon, of Moll a Station Ya , had no personal knowledge of the rare curative pmperties ot Chamberlain s Cough Remedy. "Last Jauuury,'' she says, "my baby took a dreadful cold nd at one lime I feared she would have pneumonia, . but one of my neighbors told me bow this remedy had cured her little boy and I began giving it to my baby at once and it soon cured ber. I heartily thank the manufacturer nf Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for plao ing so great a cure within my reach. I cannot reoommend it too highly or say too much io its favor. I hope all who read this will try it and be convinced as I was." For sale by W. M. Cohen, Druggist, Weldon, N. C. , ACTIONS AND WORDS- Here's a sentiment worthy to keep your mind As you travel through life, fur it's true you will End, Thst you'ro not so much valued by what you may say, As by whst you may do io a practical way; For unless jou perform what you say you can do. Grave doubts will arise that you'ro hon est and true. Thouuh vour voice be as sweet as the song of the birds, Remember that actions speak louder than words. Nor would I discourage the message, that cheers, Or the prayers, or the blearing of sym pathy's tears; They ire ilwsyi io order, they help. in their way To hasten the dswn of millennial day, But a little more gold sandwiched in with your prayers v. ia!d usus marc tears ssd !:E!r8 more cares. Though your voice be 11 iweet aa Ihe long of the birds, Remember that actions speak than words. louder KOH OVKR SIXTY YKAK Mrs. Winslow'i Soothing Syrup bas been used for over sixty years by millions ot mothers for children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothe tbe child, soften! the gunn, allays ill pain, cure wind oolio, and is tbe bent remedy lor Diarrhcca. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. 0ld by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents t bottle. Be sure and ask fur "Mrs. Wins low'i Soothing Syrup," aod ta1 no ol'.. er kind. There ii no impossibility to him who Hinds prepated to conquer every haiaid the fearful ire the failing. Sarab J. Hale. To be good ind disagreeable ii high treason agiioat the royilty of virtue. II More. SENATOR HOAR ON THE SOUTH. AN EXTRACT OF HIS ClilCAOO SPEECH THAT TOUCHES RACE CONDITIONS, Washington l'ost. A portion of Senator Hoar's speech tho other day before the Union League Club of Chicago that was overlooked in the telegraphia report touches in an in teresting fashion on raeo conditions in the South. Coming from a Massachu setts man highly honored by the country, the following words have uousual signifi cance : "I know how sensitive our Southern friends ore on this matter of social equal ity and companionship, ami I think I might say fairly and properly und that perhaps I have a right to say it I hut it is not wise for the people of the North to undertake to deal rashly or even to judge hastily of a feeling so deeply implanted in their bosoms. Time, the great reooneiliator, will reconcile them to that if in the nature of things and in the nature uf man they ought to be reconciled to it. Aod if in the nature of things and in the nature of man time does not reconcile tbem, it will be sign that they ought not to be re conciled to it; aDd that some other mode of life for them must be devised. "Now, my friends, baviogsaid what I thonght to say on this question, perhaps I may be indulged in adding that, al though my life politically and personally hae been a life of almost constant strife with the leaders of the Southern people, yet as I grow older I have learned not only to respect aod esteem, but to love the great qualities which belong to my fellow citizens of tho Southern States. They are a noble race. We may well take pattern from them in some of the great virtues which make up the strength as they make the glories of the free States. Their 'ove of home, their chiv- Irous respect for women, their courage, their delicate sense of honor, their con stancy, which can abide by an opinion or a purpose or an interest for their States through adversity and through prospcri ty, through (ho years and through the generations, are things by which the peo ple uf the tuuie uieiculial Nullh may take a letson? And there is another thing covetousness, corruption, the low temptation of money has not yet found auy place in our Southern politics. "Now, my friends, we cannot afford to live, wc don't wish to live, aod we do not live, in a state of estrangement from a people who possess these qualities. They are friends of ours; born uf our boroings; flesh of our flesh, blood of, our blood, and whatever may be the temporary error of any Southern State, I, for one, if I have a light to speak for Massachusetts, say to her: 'Entieat me not to leave thee nor to return from following after thee. For where thou goes! I will go, and where thou st a j est I will stay also. And thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God.' " HONESTY PAYS We have just read in one of our ex changes an account of a young lady who, by the death of relatives, was placed io very reduced circumstances, aod com poll ed to enter a dry goods store as saleswo man at the glove counter. Some very defcotive gloves were given ber to sell. She called the attention of the Moor manager, lie told ber it wis her business to obey orders and tell what ever she was told to. She oould not do it conscientiously, and though very much in need of her wages, told him she o uld not. He dis charged her and she was almost heait broken. But the merchant who owned the store notioed her absence, heard the floor manager's explanation, sent for the young lady, examined the gloves, sent them back to the manufacturer, thanked her in behalf of his firm, raised her wages, and assured her that she should never again be interfered with in the conscientious discharge cf her duty. No hand can make the clock strike the hours that arc past. Biyon. WAKKFLL CHILDREN. For t long time the two year old child of Mr. P. L Mcl'hcrson, 59 N. Tenth St., Ilarrisburg Pa., would sleep but two or three hours io early part of the night which made it very hard for her parents. Her mother concluded that the child had stomach trouble, and gave ber halfof one of Chamberlaio'i Stomach tnd Liver Tablets, which quieted her stomach and she slept the whole night through Two boiet of these Tablets have effeotcd s permant cure ind (he ii now well and ' strong. For sale by W. M. Cohen, druggist Weldon, N. C. V hen i man has not I good rniaon for doing i thing he has one good rea ion for letting it .alone Sir Walter Scott. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'R ETA KINO When you take Grove'l Tastelee Cbi Tonic because the formula ii plainly printed on every bottle ihowios that il is limply Iron ind Quinine in i tastoleM iorm. rto cure, Ho 1 ay. cue Weareall excited by the love of praise, and it is the noblest spirits that feel it most. Broadhurst. A mao's own goodbnediog is the bd security against other people's ill-manners. Chesterfield. The gain of I) ing is not to be trusted of any, nor to bo believed who n we speak the truth. Sir Walter Raleigh. BUND. JM FGD.f-itf. Hlin.liold woman ami site loses all confi dence in herself. Her step is slow, hesitating and uncertain. Her hands are raised to ward the im aginary blows which threaten her. W li e n a sick woman seeks the means of health she is often like a woman blindfold. She has no confidence. She cannot tell what her effort will lead to. She turns now to this side and then to the other in uncer tainty and doubt. The sick woman who uses Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription my do so with absolute confidence. It invites open eyed investigation. There need be no hesitation in following the hundreds of thousands of women who have found a perfect cure for womanly ills in the use of this medicine. "Favorite Prescription" cures irregu larity and dries weakening drains. It heals inflammation and ulceration and cures female weakness. " with a heart full of gratitude to you for send ing out over the land vour wonderful medicine I send these few lines, hoping that fome poor suf fering women will trv br. Werce'e medicines," writes Mrs. Cora L. Koot. of Greenspriiijr Fur nncp. WashiiiEton Co,, Mfirylatid. n I had suf fered scverly from female weakness and had to he in bed a' great deal uf the time. Had head ache, hnckHclie. and pain in left side when lytnff down. I cimi me tired taking Dr. l'ierce'a Favor ite PrcKcription, and had not taken two Iwttlcs when 1 wax nMe to be around Kain and do my work with li little pain. Can now eat any thing and it never hurls me any more. Have taken seven hottk-s of Dr. Pierce" Favorite Pre Kiiption. mid one ol his Com (round F-xtract of Stuart Weed and several vial ol his 1 Plea nan t Pellet.' Feeling letler everv day. My hus band savs I look Iwtter every day." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure bil iousness and sick headache. o. G . EVANS, WELDON, X. C. FANCY GROCERIES, FJIUITS, CONFECTIONERIES. OLD WINKS AND BRANDIES SOLE AGENT FOR CAPITAL CLUB, OLD FORLSTER RYE. CALL FOR IT! "The Bi(tgest Sensation Everywhere." SLILIPUTS: COLAPSABLE POCKET STEREOSCOPE APPARATUS The smallest flterewcope with the strong est optic il etleet Hiiclily nmshrd mrtil- lerent colors with rich gold ana silver dec orations (mountings). Including: 20 V. F. 1'hotoiiritphs. Views of art (genre.) Price ouly $1 . twnt everv here prepaid in let ter lorm. lH.Agents wanted. MM PUT STEREOSCOPE CO,, FORREST BUILDING, Philadelphia. i sept 18 tf Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Th'i preparation contains all of tbe UigesUnts and dinosu ail kinds of fond. It gives Instant relief anil never fails to cure. It allows you to cat all the food you want. The most sensitive slomai'im can lake u. ity Its use ninny thousands of ilvsnentlw hav been cured aftor everything olsc failed. Is) unequalled lor l no Htoinacn. i.nim- ren witn wp.ik HiotnaciiH mrivo on n. First doc relieve. A diet unnecessary. Cures all stomach troubles Prepared only liy K.C DrWiTT Co., I'hlraao tarn i. uutii. ojuhuiu.)! utuw mm i W. M. Cohen, Druggist. i !S;,ELLOW.P0lSOi, In your blood ? Physicians i ; It Malarial uerm. It can be e . , changing red blood yellow urn: r mtcroacope. It works day ni.J night. First, It turniyourevm plcxlon yellow. Chilly, aching sensation creep down your backbone You fed weak and worthless. ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC will stop the trouble now. It enters the blojd at once and drives out the yellow poison. If neglected and when Chills, Fevers, Night-Sweats and a gen eral break -down come later on, Roberts' Tonic will cure you then but why wait ? I'revent future sickness. 1 be manufac turer know all about this yel low poison and have perfected Roberts' Tonic to drive it out, nourish your system, restore appetite, purify the blood, pre vent and cure Chills, Fevers and Malaria. It bas cared thous andsIt will cur you, of your money back. This Is fair. Try It Price, 25 cent. Sold by ALL DRUGGIST3. -1 T-

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