ESaBBSSlfk t1 r ADA7"ERTISIISrC3- RATES- mode rate. A. 1ST E W SP APER FOR THE PEOPLE TER:m:S:-si.5o pek annum in advance VOL. XXXVII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 26. 1903. NO. 46 iffl li i e i a i e ; h I X A Kl I ks :. F 1 EJ ill wl if wWwfklii Continues to make Miraculous Cures READ THIS LETTER I ALMOST A MIRACLE. Diu.ok, B. 0., Auf.lltb, 1004. Gentlemen t-tB Raptr-mlwr. law, I took rtieumatlim In very btil fnrm. In rouiith altar tha dianuo aiarteil 1 had to give up niv work and to to bad. It rmillnUMl to i row woraa until mf ansa ami baiiila mm bailli drawn, ao ranch an that I could not tilo tlicm. Mr I'm wart drawn bai'k until mr f,.t touchi-d mr nlpa. I waa at holplcaa u a nalijr for nr-arljr twalva montlia. The niuwlea ol mjr arma and Imra wore hard and ahrlvalwl up. I death many linn nvar. Uaatrratod I. rail itlltoreut phjralclana In Mct'fl, billon and Marlon, but none of tham could domaanr (ond, until Dr. J. P. Rwlnit.ot Dillon, came to aoe ma. He mid me to trjr your ' KllltliliAOiiit." Ho (ut me one bottle o( the medicine and I Oman to Uke It and before the II rat bottle waa uaed up I iifKHii w B- wnr. umryt n(D nmi m nail UOttICa aild W8B Completely CUred. That waa two real a(ii, and mr health baa been excellent ever aliioe. Have bad no avmptoma ot rru-uinailam. I reirard "KHSimAonx" aa hjr far the boat remedy for rheumatl.m on the market. I oannot ear too much for It. I have recommended it to ol hera alnce and It baa cured tht-ni. will aar further, that I beg-nn to walk In aliout all dara after I began to take "Unman toms," with the aid of erurchnsi In about three montha alter I began to take It, 1 could walk aa food aa anybody, and went back to work attain. Very truly, JAMES WILKES. All DruRijinU, or aent express prepaid on receipt of Bobbin Chemical Co., . . Baltimore, fid. WOSItfG OUT StLE! " ? $ St In order to make room for Spring Goods I will sell all winter cloth ing at cost. Call and get a good suit and overcoat at bargain prices P. N. STAINJBACK, w The Weldon Grocery Co. WHOLESALE JOBHEKH IN STAPLE & FANCY aGROCEBIESg W Ordera Solicited. U 2 8 ly mmMMmm. We Sell Ouly To Merchant!. m a I 1! W tiiii iiti iwv r!l)ffFI!V CCt . llllj i , WFXDON.N. 0. Xt. Standard Grade: HOUSE PAINT. COACH PAINT, FLOOR PAINT, WAGON PAINT. ROOF PAINT. Innumerable 8hidct, Color-Cards for tie taking, Use Black Elastic Roof Paint. VV t y ue inferior paints wlicu standard poods are ao much cheaper in (lie lonji run. Wrile to Tanner Paint & Oil Co., Box 180, RICHMOND, VA L. 0. ANDERSON, -DEAI.KK IN Heavy ad Fancy Groceries FRUITS, CONFECTIONERIES. WILL BE CLAD TO SEE MY COUNTRY FRIENDS. . 1 -:::,::WELD0N, N. 0. Oiiuizei Jnicr The Lais of tie State of North Carolina, AUGUST 20TII, 1892. 8TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DKPOSlfOHY. TOWN OK WELDON DEPOSI TOK V. CIPITIL m SURPLUS $27,000. For tea reirt thia ioaliluiiuo hai pro.ided bioking fecilUiee for ibw mciwi ItiMockboldernoJ dirtstor- here beeo ideotified with the bu.ine- ol,WeuMO.iiforni.oj.etr.. Mooef l lototd upon tp pro.edteeurilytttb. Mrtteofiiilereet-iiipereeoluiii. Aecouott ot ill tre. olioiled. Pioai'oi Vice Prr-H-s': ttubicr W.k"dANIKL. D. J. N." RAMSAY, W. R. SMITH. 8eebord, Northtmptoo eouoly, N. t. BEING A GOOD FELLOW. IT IS A IXMM3 OAWE l.N TDK LONG BUS VtlH MdSf MEN. Any tentiblc jounj; man ou1it lo know that he enn't be up lute ut uighti abusing hia atoruoch a,,d be io full poa 8j".iun of his fucultiea for busirioai the nritduy, tnd ho cupht to know ulso llnl t man must bo clout headed tod lo full poasroiuD uf Ilia faculties to hold hie owu in ihe kuin couipelilioo of life. Your "(piod fellow" is p ipular fur the time boin, hut wheo hit tu mey is got e in I he lius lost his jub and is on his up pes the "good fellow" business doesD't get him anyihiog. It's ' poor fellow" theu aouther good man gone wrong, and "the boys" are ready to hail anolher ' good fellow" who has the price. We don't mean by this to say that "the boys" are mercenary. They don't altogether pats up a "good fellow" when he p es broke, but it isn't the same. They say he hit the ban: loo hard and couldn't stand l he place. They feel sorry for him, but he is out of it. His good fel lowship doesn't excuse hiiu even in the eyi b uf his friends for having thrown away his opportunity. The young man who gels (ho sleep his system needs, is temperate io his habits, lives within his rueaus and shows up for work in the moroiug with a clear eye and aciive brain that's the man busiuess uien are looking for. They want employees whom they can trust. Haviog worked haid and laid by a com petence, tbey want to throw some of the burdens off, and they won't throw them off oo the employee who it too much of a "good fellow." Cut it out, boys. There's nothing in it. Theic'i a whole lot of nonsense in that "good fellow" busiuess, You cau l fool the public very lung by living bi yood your means and keeping up appear ances There must be t showdown some time or other, tod that means t loss of self respect' tod many bitter experiences, Many bright tnd promising business tutu lias failed because ho tried to travel in too twilt a class, whereas had be lived witbio his means he might have become a highly tuccessful merchant. The world doesn't give up its treas ures easily, It isn't in tbe cards for of us lo be millionaires, and mighty few of the "good fellows" get into that class. It's better lo earn your way first and go hunting fur good times when you have reached the point where you can i-pjre both tbe lime aod the money. Then possibly you'll have t different notion about what a good time is. Ao ex'reme rigor is sure to arm every thing igainst it. Burke. A room hung with pictures is t room hung with thoughts Sir Joshut Key tiolds. E. CLARK The lliSil GROCER. n, H3eoera W. t u WELDON, IT- C. . . Bupplie. for tin ruouo. rum." ! --5 --3 PTNE 15 A It fefe th. -oat ehoic WHISKIES, BBAMDltt. WINES nd TOBACCO. Polite ttteotio. tnd Prompt J1 1 WHEN BABY SS CO&liNQ USE Mother's Friend V.n:i.i:i'!, i reatcst drrain of beauty and elurv is v.lnu luttire hut cIuim-ii her lo - . . .. M I. i- I 1.. Lvcuiuc a i:t"i:icr. r.vtTv intuiiy ib hithi; aKrt a tli forcMtt Uie joy, nmbition, (iicri-u nni 1 t'.io lilL'-liihk! aallfnt-tion com f-i.r in ari-r. cl.iv liv lu the dear nml i imK-,-ol U iil M toon to ace lli'lit, m t'.ie tinrertaiiity wUclhcr she aliall ace t svrct-1 girl or a brave !y lace uctuie uci t... ,.i:t,w n.l.U .,1 t.i Iter evIt'Lllu','. MiMhur' t rltnd antilinl eatenuillv thioncliout prej;iiaucjr',ill relieve tlic p . Ill ol pirllirllloll, tnu no mouicr aau child can (ail to Ik hctlthy, hearty, atron. il.- .r coim.k-.ioiicl. nuie blooded anil iliivrful ill di position, who are muttmll i:illiH-iKc.l by the continued use of Una gre-.t lilimi.nt, MOTIll-.R'S 1K1UMU. iltuy of dru,' ;ist. ft.oo prr Imltlr. (mr treatis "Motherhood" niailcd free. Ut BMDFIELO lECUUTOI CO, AUaaU. Ca. Grossmann's PATENT WBITIKG RUB. Ti. tttnat .nnni.rUiit i mn rove men. of th K6 lo the trt of penmaonliip mukrs the ponrent wrtier k pieoi fjvumMu t:wr I t.. ataaa nflhlal It Hi KnillirHed by prominent Colle rewdeuU nnd board 01 CMIUmiVU IU i.uiui'w-"- un aiarrarl iieji vnt tiomtnaid frirtl. BiuirliM.nipU2.TC. Wheo onler- ing ft ftingle Hof, state whether for man. woman or cuua. Penn Mil Sipnlr Co., No' 119 8. 4th St , rbiltdelphit. I arp IX U I Viauw jm .mmmmm0unmmKmmmm ... - - i,ia'tWalMaMlLaaWa X Grove's Tasteless emu ionic 't9 test 23 years. Hverns ' -r "t k- 0- et. e-VISIT OI WSITE-) The Petersburg Furniture Co, WIUT STBOSUEROB MORE CONSTANT AND ABIDING TU1NU 13 THERE ON EARTH? 20JJ AND 207 N. SYCAMOIIK ST. PETERSBURG, VA. mm a m i 1 Smmm B51ii THE HUSTLING AND UP-TO-DATE LEADERS IN FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS. A. J. WINFIELD , PRESIDENT MANAGER lgjSpecial Attention to Mail Orders, 0ct 3 ly. An Old Favorite ELEGY ON THE DEATH OF A MAD DOG ; By Oliver Goldsmith OOD poople nil, of every tort, (iive ear unto my song; ', And if you llud It wondrous short, 1 It cu limit hold you long. ', In Islington there was a man, Of whom the world might miy, That Kt ill a godly nice ho run Whene'er he went to pray. A kind and gentle heart be hud, To eon fort friends mid foet: The linked every titty he chid When he put on his chillies. And in that towi. n doc wns found. As uinny doga there he. Both moiiivl, puppy, whelp, uml bound, And cur of low tliriM". This iloc nml niiui ut Hist were friends; But whiM 11 plipie hcwiii, The dog, to ;nln some private ends, Went nut 1, nnd lilt the mail. Around from all the iiciKlilmriiin streets The wom'pring neighbors run. And swore dog hud lost his wits, To bile so Hood u inn ii ! The wound ii Koeined both sore and sad To every Christian eye: And while th 'y swore the dog; wns umd, Tbey swot e the man would tile. But toon a wonder ciime to light, That show ed the rogues they lied: The man recvered of the bite, The dot; 1 was that died! Raleigh Post, It is do! known just when Bishop will be taken to the penitentiary. The pre sence of Mrs, Bishop at the jail and her grief, excite much sympathy. Her courage and her faithfulness ate very icauliful Charlotte Observer. There is tlwaya the way of it. When woman takes a notion to love a mat, uc matter bow unworthy that man may be, lie will love him aod stand by him. A man may mistreat a woman, may neglect cr, may prove false to every vow he called upon men and Heaven to witness, he may be a libertine and leave her he as sworn to love to live with batlots and yet when trouble cornea upon him, earth has no eniblem of devotedncss like hers. Tbe little palo-faced woman who voluntarily shares a prisoner's cell with Arthur Bishop, a man unworthy to be husband, would gladly take his place tbe penitentiary and let him go out a free man It is tbe way of every woman ho loves a man. When a woman does not love, when onue estranged, a man may prove himself an angel and she will puru bim to follow the man alio does love though he may be a fiened incarnate, to the very gates of hell aod beg to share iscry with him. Monroe. And but for thia love and fidelity of the woman who loves, let it be mother, wife or sister, t majority of the men would go to the devil at lightning' express iced. Woman's love and devotion aod prayers have not only saved, but reclaim ed thousands, and is doiDg it daily, It is not to be treated with disrespect fur it is e grappling hook that makes a man a MAN in this life and Heaven for him t srtainly. It is the shortest road by which the Sermon on the Mount and that Peace which passeth all understanding is made to reach the souls of men. t A GRANDMOTHER'S RULES- Somebody's graoduicther baa be queathed to her descendants these admir able rules of advice: Always look lo the person to whom you apeak. When yiu are addressed, look straight at tbe per ion who speaks to you. Do not forget ll is. Steak your words plainly; do Dot mut ter or mumble. If words are worth say ing they are worth pronouncing distinctly to 1 clearly. Do not tay disgreeable tbiogs. If jou have nothing pleasant to lay, keep lileot. Think line? limes before you tpeak once. Have you soojathiog to do that you find Ltrd tod would prefer Dot to do. Do the hard thiog first tnd get it over with. If you hive dune wrong, go lo otnfrss it. If your lesion is tough, muter it. If tbe gardeo ia to be weeded, weed it firat and play afterwards. Do firat tbo thing Juu don't lilt in d i, and then, with t clear e loaeirncn, try the real. Proabyterian RecorJ. I SUCCESSFUL TEST. Ai a iuwu iu ICwut a itcctt.u.aa employe! i earpeoler to put up t puti tion and had it filled wilb aawilust In deadiD iht tound. Wheo it Wat com pleted, ihe geoileioan called from one tide lo the carpenter oo tbe other "Smith, can you bstr me?' Smith immedittely answered, "No, air." London Til-Una. WAKEFUL CHILDREN. For long time tin two year old child of Mr P. L. McPberaon, B9 N. Tenth St., Ilarrisburg Pa., would tlerp but (wo or three hours in early part of the night, which made it very htrd for her ptreots. Her mot her concluded tint the child hid stomach trouble, tnd give her half of ooe of Cbaruberliio'i Stomach tod Liver Tablets, which quieted her stomach tnd the alrpt tbe whole night through. Two boxet of these Tabled hue effected a permiot cure tod the it now well tod trong. For sale by W. M. Cohen, druggist, Weldon, N. C. To decide between lovt ind duty has ciuied hours of worry to men as well at READ IT THROUGH. 'TWOULD SPOIL THIS STORY TO TELL IT IN THE DEADLINE!). To use id eighteenth century phraise, this ia an "o'er true tale." Haviog hap pened io a small Virginia (own in tbe wiotcr of 1902, it ia a story much of tbe present, Up lot short time ago Mia Joho K. Harmon, of Mclfa Station Va had do personal knowledge of the tare curative properties of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. "Last January,'' she says, "my baby took a dreadful cold and at one lime I feared she would have pneumonia, but one of my neighbors told me bow this remedy had cured her little boy and I began giving it to my baby it once tnd it soon cured her. I heartily lhaok the manufacturer of Chamberlaio'a Cough Remedy fur plac ing so great a cure within my reach. I cannot recommend it loo highly or say too much io ila favor. I hope all who retd this will try it and be convinced as I was." For tale by W. M. Cohen, DruggUt Weldoo, N. C. AWFUL IRAO. A Iveuiuuklau ill love'Oud Li. girl to come to him io Louisville, to b married. Tho telegram laid Nashville, and thither the girl hurried. When th got there she couldn't find him, eonclud ed he wis fooling with her and got to mad that the wouldn't listen to toy expltnt lion tnd give him tht mittco. Then he get mid and aued tbe telegraph company for 1 1,999 damages, and then she got madder thin when ihe saw the prioe, be put upon her tod her affections, tod now wouldn't look at him through teles cope. If he hid made it 1100,000 there might have been tome ihow for him to get the girl, if not damages. FOR OVER ftlXTV YEARS Mr. Winslow's Soothing Syrup bit been used for over sixty years by millions ol mothers for children, while teething, with perfect success. It toothes tbe child, toftent the gums, illays all pain, cures wind oolio, and it the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little luffercr immedittely. Sold by druggists in every part of tbe world. 25 cents bottle. Be sure and tsk for "Mrs. Wins- low's Soothing Syrup," and Uko do oth WOMAN'S LOVE. AFFECTION FOR THE AGED. OLD AGE 13 UOBE KEENLY SENSIBLE TO NEGLECT THAN AT ANY OTHER TIME. Thero ii I p 'thelic charra about old age. We are sure that nothing is so lovely as tho Baintly old grandmother oc cupying her accustomed place io the cbimney-corncr. There is something that entrances while we watch ihcsilver haried patriarch as he fondles his darling grandchild on bis knee. They are the salt of thcearth,thc ttcasure ia Ihe home, the familiar figure io community life. And more than this love of others, there is coming a time io our own individual history wheo we shall crave the caresses and love of friends. Old age is more cenly sensible to neglect than at any other time. It is not intentional no, we may commit this neglect amid our devo tion to and attendance upon other matters. Wo forget, however, that the inward craving of age conceivas of no apologies nd knows no reason why the old- time cares and fondling should be things of the past. It transmutes everything nto neglect. Age softens the heart and the soul pines for the touch of tbe hand that would stroke the golden locks of a prattling child. Let's love them more than by a mere sentiment! What would wo do without these saints? Amid these reveries, we recall the lines of Elizabeth Gould: "Put your arms arouod me There, like that; I want a little petti Dg At life's setting, For 'tis harbcr to be brave Wheo feeble age ooiues creeping And finds me weeping Dear ones gone. Just a little pelting At life's setting, For I'm old, alone, and tired Aod my hug life's work is done." Selected. NO USE AT ALL lie (who has offended her) Won't you look up at mt? She If I did, you'd kiss me again. He No; honest, 1 won't. She Then what's the use? Life. .' "Man often shows the hard side of bis disposition to mark more strongly tho generous shades. WELL AGAIN The many friends of Joho Blount will bo pleased to learn that ho has entirely recovered from his attack of rheumatism. Chamberlaio'a Pain Balm cured bim after the best doclors in the town (Monon, Ind ) had foiled to give relief be prompt relief from pain which this liniment affords is alone worth many imes its cost. For sale at W. M. Cohen's drug store Weldon, N. C. DISCOVERED BY ATTENTION. "I discovered the priociple by the merest accident," soys Edison, the great inventor. "I was singing to the mouth piece of a telephone, when the vibration of the voice seot the fine steel point into my fioger. That set me to thinking. If I could record tho actions of the point and end the point over .the same surface afterward, I saw no reason why the thing would not talk. I tried the experi ment first on a strip of telegraph paper, tnd found that the point made in alpha bet, shouted tbe words 'Halloa! Halloa in the mouthpiece, ran the paper back over the steel point, and heard a faint Halloa! Halloa!' in return. I deteimined to make a machine that would work tc curately. That's the whole story The phonograph ia the result of the pricking of t finger." Thomaa A Edison. COLDS ARE DANGEROUS. How often you bear it remarked: "It's only a cold," and a few daya later leurn that the man in on his back with pneu monia. This is of turh common occur rence that a cold, however slight, should not be disregarded. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy counteracts my tendency to wards pncumioia. It always cures and ll pleasant to take. For aalo it W. M. Cohen's drugslore Weldon, N. ('. ANOTHER MAN MADE HAPPY. 'Oentlemeo," said the tuetioneer, is tc h.U up i gjld watch to vitw, "I'm not siying (hit watch it t bargain it $75 I'm out siyiog it would be tht cheapest thing you ever bought at f 50. No, gco llemcn. I do buaioeat on the tquaie, ind I'll tail you the truth, tnd whtt I do aay about thia elogaot timepiece ii ' "A dollar aod a half," cried a voioe. "-it tbtt it'i told to the mm wiib th red nose," finished the tuetioneer, "aod if he ever repenta of bis bargtio 1 11 lit it off bit hands it 15 eeolt. If it'i a bilious tttack, take Chamber Iain's stoniich tnd Liver Tibials tnd t quick recovery it oerttin. For tile by W. M. Cohen, Druggut Weldon, N. C. BABY'S PRAYER- When weary with her evening play, tbe little curly head, Is bowed in childish worship as she kneels beside the bed; That little while-robed figure is a picture wondrous fair, And God seems weary near to us while baby says her prayer. Her simple "Dud bt-ss papa," how it thrills my very soul! I'll bold it io remembra nee while eternal ages roll Tho' heavy be tbe buideos that my heart is called to bear, I'll always find them lighter after baby says her prayer. No gloomy fears of doubting find a bar bor in her breast; She offers her petitions up and leavct wiih Him the rest It seems to me no mortal man should ever quite despair, If onoe he was the subject of t trusting baby's prayer. LITTLE HTINGS. A good-by kiss is a little thing, With your band on tbe door logo, But it takes the venom out of the stiog Of a thoughtless word or a cruel fling That you made an hour ago. A kiss of greeting is sweet tnd rare After the toil of the day, And it smooths the furrows plowed ly care, The lines oo the forehead you once called fair, In the years that have fl wn away. 'Tis a little thing to soy, "You arc kit d; But it sends a thrill through tic, I find Fur love is tender, as love is blind Aa we climb life'a rng:ed h- ight. We starve each other for lovr's cair-a,; We lake, but we do Dot ivi ; It seems so easy some muI to b'is, But we dole tbe love grudgingly, hsa tnd lesa, Till 'lis bin cr ami hard lo live. Mcl'all'a Magnates A FEW CONUNDRUMS. It is a tfrcftt affliction for a woman to have her face disfigured by pimples or any form of eruptive disease. It makes her morbid and sensitive, and robs her of social enjoyment. Disfiguring erup tions are caused bv impure blood, and are entirely cured by the great blood"- purifying medicine Dr. nerce 6 Uouien Medical Discovery. It removes from the blood the jjoisoiious impurities' which cause disease It perfectly and perman ently cures scrofulous sores, eczema. tetter, boils, pimples and other eruptive diseases which are caused by the blood's impurity. It increases the action ot the blood-making ghnids and thus in creases the supply of pure rich blood. For about one vcar and fl hull mv face wng vury baiily broken out," wrlten Minn Carrie A'lflins. of 116 West Mum Street. Hattlecreek, Mich. "I Bp'M.t a great deal of money with doc tors and for different kinds of medicine, but re ceived no benefit. At lust I read one of Mir advertisements in a paper, and omainea a Dome of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. . Be fore I had tnken one bottle of this medicine I noced a change, and after taking three bottle I wan entire v rtiren. I can well recommend Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery to any one similarly afflicted." The sole motive for substitution is to permit the dealer to make the little more proht pam Dy tne sale 01 less mer itorious medicines. He gains; you lose. Therefore accept no substitute for "Golden Medical Discovery." The reople 8 Lommon hense Medical Adviser, a book contain 1008 pages, is given away. Send 21 one-cent stamps for expense of mailing only, for1 the book in paper covers, or 31 stamps for the vol ume bound in cloth. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y, 0. G . EVANS, WELDON, St C. FANCY GROCERIES, FRUITS, CONFECTIONERIES. OLD WINES AND BRANDIES SOLE AGENT FOB CAPITAL CLUB, OLD FORGSTER RYE. CATJj FOR IT. "The Biggest Sensation Everywhere." aLILIPUTfe COLAP.SADLE POCKET STEREOSCOPE APPARATUS The smallest Rtcreof copo with the strong est optical efl'eet. Highly finished in dif ferent colors with rich gold and silver dec orations (mountings). Including 20 V.F. Photographs. Views of art (genre.) Price only $1. Kent everywhere prepaid in let ter form, BtaAgcnta wanted. LILIPUT STEKEOSCOPE CO., ' FOUR EST BUILDING, Philadelphia. sept 18 tf WHY ? The retson Ona Mfnuta Couch Cure relieves a couth In ona minute, is because it acts first on the mucous membrane richt where the couth troubles In tha throat or deep-seated on tha tunes, destroying tba microbes or couh germs and clearing tha phletm. Ona Minute Coutn Cure not only destroys the dis ease crms, nd clears out their poison, but It tvei strength and elasticity to the delicate membranei which protect tha throst snd lungs. Opens the air Sssages and promotes unobstructed breathing, lusea the blond to receive Its natural supply oxygen, thus exhilarating the pulmonary organs with such strength snd vigor that the hings and bronchial tubes become bulwarks against tha tncepUon of .dis ease. Asthma. Bronchitis, La Grippe, Cold on tha Lungs and all Pulmonary Complaints that are curabhf are Quickly cured by tha use of SviINUT COUCH CV1XS. (ranrtd ky 0. 6.W1TT 03., Ohlttcta W. M. Cohen, DiUfH-isl. 1 " The mm with vioe wonders why to many persona think it their duty to make publiothe fact. VOU KNOW WHAT YOU1 BETAKING When yon take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula it plainly printed on every bottle ehowios that it is limply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. Wo owe, do rty. duo. A wife often permits her afftction to What eulor it Ike rtsa whei ovcred with snow? Invisible green. At whtt time of day wis Adam born? A little before Kve. Whtt letter it best for a deaf woman? A, because it malt as her hear. Why it a don's Itil like the pith of a tree? It is farthest from tbe bark, Why do black sheep tat lest than white ones? Because there are lest of them. Why it a bad picture like weak lea? It it poorly drtwn. Whtt it the difference between diseased potato and a bee-hive? Not toy, one it a spectator, the other a bee- holder. Why tre hem worth keeping? Bo- cause tor every grim iney giva i peck. Why should cabman be brave? None but the brtvi deserve the fair (ftre). When doct a man inecia three limes? i.fLLQVf.?Gl$G.v in Tour bliMiJ ? Chjrtitlans . i It nalarUI (term. ItcaHkrs-. changing ri Mootl yellow un ite microscope. It wsrka day aiat night. Firat, It turns your com plexion yellow. Chilly, atltlng aeniatlons creep down your backbone. You feel weak and worthiest. ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC will ttop the trouble now. it enters the blotd at once and drives out the yellow polaon. If neglected Mid when Chills, Fevers, Night-Sweats and a gen eral break-dowa come later en, Roberts' Tonic will cure yeu then but why wait t Prevent future sickness. The manufac turers know all about this yel low poison and have perfected Roberts' Tonic to drive it out, nourish your system, restore appetite, purify the Mood, pre vent and cure Chills, Fevers and. Malaria. It has cured tliousi anda It will cure you, or your money back. I his is lair, I ry It. Price, 2S cents. Sold by ALL T'RUQ GISTS. lo women. er kind, blind her reason. When he cinnot help it.

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