i v f"""""V fTTTV laV rmrsfo bwiww iJMHBfag'JV Www ttaiiij, TERMIS:-?1-50 1ER ANNUM IN ADVANCE 1 XSvBH.TISIlTa-KA.TES- j NEWSPAPER iFOIR, THE PEOPLE MODERATE. ii j vol. XXXVII. WELDON, N. C. THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1903. NO. 47 I The Great Rheumatic Cure AND Spring Blood Purifier Positively cures all diseases arising from impurities in the blood, includ ing Catarrh, Indigestion, Chronic Constipation, Kidney and Liver Troubles, etc. Every person in the land needs a powerful blood purifier every Spring. You Deed it. You want the best the standard. That is RHE,UMACIDE. BKWA.HE OF DANGEROUS SUBSTITUTES. RHEUMAC1DE benefits instead of injuring the digestive organs as many so-called medicines do. RHEUMACIDE is a powerful alterative, but old people or children can take it with absolute safety. THE STOLEN BALLOT BOX. AN OLD COLEKKD WOMAN IN WASHING TON TELLS HOW HER BROTHER JOHN HKNlty JACKSON ELKCTKU KVYHS- 1 Price JIi.oo at Druggists, or express prepaid on receipt of price. I iBobbltt Chemical Co., . Baltimore, fid., V. 5. A. j xr VISIT OB WRITER Tho Petersburg Furniture Co., A MOTHER OF COURAGE. LAY UP YOUR TREASURES. I THE OLD LADY S FIRST OAMK AND II KB BOY. FOOTBALL NO MAN SHOULD SPEND THE WHOLE OF II 18 INCOME fLOSIfM OUT SALE! " $ $ $ s- In order to make room for Spring Goods I will sell all winter cloth ingatcost, Call and get a good suit and overcoat at bargain prices P. K STAINBACK, The Weldon Grocery uo. $ ' WIIOLEHALI'. jumir.ito i orp A TT .XT. xr H1 A INI I. Y 11 aGROCERIES S I Vl m.. Sell Only To Merchants T $ 0ler,8oUciUd. , Use Black Elastic Roof Paint W l,v use inferior painls when standard goods ate so much cheaper io the bog run. Write lo Tamer Paint & Oil Co., Box 180, RICHMOND, VA. Standard Grades HOUSE PAINT. COACH PAINT. FLOOR PAINT, WAGON PAINT. ROOF PAINT. Innumerable Shades, Color-CardB fur ilie asking, L. 0. ANDEKoUJN , A Washington correspondent to the Oharlulte Observer sayt: A queer story came to uie the oilier day. An old ool ored woman bus a bakery on this street. She makes the uioi-t delightful ginger bread and pica and bread. I have beso a customer of hers some time. I asked her last week how she happeued to come to Washington. "La, honey!' she said, did you never hear of my brother, John Henry Jackson, and how he elected Mr. Hayes President?" No, I had not beard " "Well," she said, "you know it was awful close voting in Florida for Hayes and Tildcn. Some said one was elected and some said the other. My brother was a clet k at the poll?, and be heard the Democrats fay they were coming there that night to stuff the box Weil my brother he just took the box, stole it and run i ff to Washington with it, and it was oouoted here and the Republicans had the majority. The Democrats saia they was going to kill him and the Re publicans put him in jail to keep him safe. After they thought the danger was over, they let bim out. He had a long black beard, and he shaved it off and bought slouch hat he pulled down over his face and got on the train lo go home. Two negroes eame on bis ear oarrviue pistols and saying they were looking for a negro named Jackson." "Why, what did the negroea want to kill bim for?" I asked. 'Why, tbey were Dcmoctatio negroes," she said, "and tbey are worse than Dem ocratic white folks." "Well," she con tinued, "my brother never went back home. He was afraid. They took care of him in Washington, and he was always pointed out as the negro who elecoed Haves IVsideot of the United States. - I asked: "What did you think ol U.jes?" She replied that she thought he was a mighty weak man and that John Henry Jackson might have done better on a President." I have just a dim idea of hearineg the ballot box story before, but it was all hushed up aud I wonder how much real history is in the old womau'a story. I shall ask Mr. Spofford at the Coogression- Library. They say he knows every thing. The decision for the tight is always more difficult than the doing of it. The skies are never at) bright as when they have been washed by a shower. To cultivate the soul is not to sacrifice the sense but to subdue the senses. RrnTi Horn. 20:t AND 207 N. SYCAMORE ST. PETERSBURG, VA. iSpeoial Attention to Mail Orders. Kh n i in ihn nrand ind waitin for Is any cne too poor to saver is an 1U1 ' " -- Q I her first football eame to beiiio. Her porlaot problem which tho readers of a boy had played it ever smco she could London daily aro at present attempting remember, and now he bad made bis to solve. The question is not by any varsity toatn, which was hor vanity, too means a new one It is one which has ber Cornell. troubled past generation, just as, in all Two of his fraternity "brothers" sat probability, it will affect the generations on either side as a bodyguard to her jot to oumo. Wn oaunot Bay that this gray bairs and as a bureau of informs- latest discussion of tho subject is throw- tion. Thcv were haimier than thev ion much, if any, fresh light upon it j , , , - . .. would have been with tho prettiest girl In the first place, there is a diversity ,!,., !,.., nl nnininn rcLMrdiD" tuo term "poor lit j aucni f t cv n She smiled with motherly pride when One man, who derives an income of 81-, she picked him out of the tquad of led 350 a year from private properly, fancies iwoteri.d "hiiAies" which at lennth be comes under the category, while trotted out ou the field. She wiped another does not consider any one poor away a tear when a Columbia man foil who has an mcome ot $ uUU a year says across the line for a touchdown. a writer in Leslie's Woekly. It is tuani TVinn aha aitrnriaail hor ntvaiTi hv fpntlv imnnilfiNihtft tO DX 80V llOTU ID A "'- "V. "J 1 J r , mutterinff under her breath: "Hold 'eta matter like this. Very much depend hard, fellons! ' "Twist their necks!" upon the locality and the conditions and P.U" P,it,l" aurrmindinLTs nf'lhe individual. An iu- Sho explained her knowledge of these come that would be amply sufficient to I "I ... A T WTNIVTfi'T.'n ,ml., strenuous technical details by saying that insure a taimly a comtortaDie nome, ex ill IT IT 1 i,l 1 1 U U aV I ' "W1U11.1 1 am.mum. m l TOM (kit u t irWrfA LrflMtero I THE HUSTLING AND UP-TO-DATE LEADERS IN FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS. HAD IT ON GOOD AUTHORITY. "Can you irive.tue auy evidence in re gard to tbc character cf llie deceased?" baid the j'jdge. "i'es my lord," replied the witness. "Hcwasaman without bluoje, beloved and rcspecled by all men, pure in all his thoughts and V "Where did you leurn that?" said tho judge. "1 copied it Irctn his tombstone, my ord." Stray Stories Bmsmi fB abies. If bullies were fur silk- the most invet erate imrRiiin-liiintitig woman in the world would not look lorn bargain baijy. Site would want the best baby that could be liouHht, n-Rardless of price. Kvery wo::ian naturally craves a healtiiv. handsome child, and her craving- can be gratified if she will but re member that the child's health is her owu gift, and to give health she must oct 3 ly. CHILD LOVE. -DEALER IN When weary and worn with the struggle in Beeking life's coveted prize, When clouds of despair hover 'round me and shut out the blue of the skies; At times when I feel so discouraged and burdened from bearing the load That seems to completely o'erwhelm me while struggling along the rough road, Tis theji, for relief, that I turn me away from the world and entwine My arms 'round the one who still loves me-this golden-haired baby of mine. What temptations can I not conquer ? What battles not win, if the prise Is the love and the mute adoration that beam in my little one's eyes ? With her dimpled arms thrown around me, and her baby voice in my ear, There's sunshine forever about me, and all of my doubts disappear. The beacons of hope that inspire me are the love-lights that trustfully shine In the brown eyes of ono who adores me tnis gotuen-nairea uuujr i The blossoms of spring may all vltVer and the birds lose their power of song, Yet life has a sweeter attraction than these to entice me along ; Her smile, like the sunbeams of noonday, brings gladness and warmth and good cheer, And diivesoffthe shadows of darkness and doubt that are hovering near God take away from me forever the riches of earth, but enshrine The wealth of the love of my treasure the golden-haired baby of mine. THE WHIP-POOR WILL. BY HENRY VAN DYKE. her bov oried out like that when playing cellent social advantages aod a good liv dream iramea in his sleeo. ine in a country village would mean She did not faint when be tackled too many privations and sore discomforts in hard and failed to ris. although his any large city. whim fnn with a slrnak of red blood On the whole, however, we aro in across the forehedd, was staring up at elined to believo that Max O'Rell's views ,er on the point under discussion come near- "You oan't hurt mv bov." she said, er the safe and common sense rule than with confidence. "He's just doing that anything we have Been. "1 do not care," i , -,;,! " Sa it nrnoit. Im sflvs. "how small the income of a man 6"" ", j-t - Ho was up and at it harder than ever is, he should never spend the whole ot it, within the time limit. The Ithacans especially if he has a wife and children, trained five throush taokle and lost as He should at least Bave enough to pay manv mere vardstrvina to round tho end. every yoar the premium on a good lit 1 i - - - Tbn nmoihini honnpnpd. nnliev. No man is worthy of the name - -----" n i r r - - . A sturdy youngster shot out of the who does not do this, at least, at the price tangled elevens and dashed ' down the of whatever privations he has to Bubmit to. field toward the goal of the blue and Some pleasure may be derived Irom nign while. He crossed line atter line oi living, but certainty no nappiucm. whitewash and finally was over the last one, the whole pack at his been. "Touchdown! Touchdown! cried the crowd. 'My boy did it," Baid the mother, and thpn aha cried New York Tri- I une. e&'i S V Heavy and Fancy Groceries, I FRUITS, CONFKCTIONERIKS. I WILL BE CLAD TO SEE MY COUNTRY FRIENDS. , The Bank ot Wn, at"-.v.:."-::AVFJiD()N. N. C. OraM Under Tie Lais of tie State of Horth Carolina, AUuUoi ;zuiu, io"' STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DKPOSITORY. IIAIIFAK COUNTY DKPOSUOKY. riDiTil mn SURPLUS ' $27,000. SSSX'SSMr- AwJouniJ of ... Do you remember, father It seems so long ago The day we fished together Along thePocono? At dusk I waited for you, Beside the lumber mill, , And there I heard a bidden bird, That chanted "Whip-poor-will." The place was all deserted ; The mill-wheel hung at rest; The lonely star of evening Was quivering in the west; The veil of night was falling; The winds were folded still; And everywhere the trembling air Re-echoed, "Whip-poor-will." You seemed so long In coming, I felt so much alone; The wide, dark world was round me, And life was all uukuown; The hand of sorrow touched me, And made my senses thrill With all the pain that haunts the strain Of mournful "whip-poor-will." What did I know of trouble ? An idle little lad, I had not learned the lessons That make men wise and sad. I dreamed of grief and parting, And sometimes seemed to fill My heart with teats, while in my ears Resounded, "Whip-poor-will," 'Twas but a shadowy sadness, That lightly passed away; But I have known the snbstance Of Borrow, since that day, For evermore at twilight, Reside the silent mill, I'll wait for you, in the filling dew, And heat the whip-poor-will. But if you still remember, In that fair land of light, The pains and fears that touch us Along this edge of night, I think all earthly grieving, And all our mortal ill, To you must seem like a boy's sad dream, Who hears the whip-poor-will, THE LEGEND OF THE SACK. TOO CAN, LEAttN A LESSON BT GIVING THE FOLLOWING A CAUMTL PEBDBAL. An ancient legend describes an old man traveling from place to place with FOR OVEK HIXTY YEARS . Bank haneinff behind his back and m. wini'. Hibin,, Rvmnhnshnen another in front of him. In the one be- """""" " o "- - . , , ... ... .. ja..u ci,;. . . e ; Ko m nns nt timu mm ne losseu uie mou ' - mothers for children, while teething, with friends, which were soon quite bidden in. fx i l. n k Lri i Trnm vipw auu luruuii u. u Iperiect success. 11 buuiuw iuc vunu, aof.ena the nu allays all pain, cures hanging around bis neck, under his chin ' . , , ., I. . I :. 1.:1, nr. na n. nM nrl 8 iHa hest remedv tor ne mrew an tue siu .u u,B I ' .. . I . .1 1, was in TV 1, T. ;t o IhB nonr lit e tanOC8 COmmilieu, auu iiieoe in: n ...... ; ,r,olW H..M hv dru.TL.ist8 the habit af turning over and looking BUUV1UI llliul,ui".i . j OO I ... i - I I t .IIJ1 k.. .l..tt nhifh in every part of the world. 25 cents a at as ne waiaeu uiuug, uaj 3 u. " ii i i . s i bottle. BesureaDdaskfor"Wra. Wins- naturally nmarca ins cuui. have it to trive I ftefcSey Mothers 0 x&&w v;llose babie3 have G7K&r been weaic ana puny their first strong child auer usiiik ie. T'avorite Prescrirjtion. It is the best preparative for i or i I v p t irni 1 rn U i 11 cr the at Oetlte. quitting the nerves and inducing re freshing sleep. It gives the mother strength to give her child, and makes the baby's advent praciicaiiy puun. Mv wife had beco sick nearly all htt life," says Mr. E. ' Frick. of l'c-ternlmrfr, Metuird Co,. Illinois, liox 367, "mid aRer trj-inff every thins I couM think of I made up my mind to try 'Favorite prescription.' I pc tux bottlM, whic h my wife look, a tablespoontiil three times a day, until the baby came. She felt better after 'taking the first Iwttle, and when bnby win born lie weighed nine and a half pounds. To dav he is six months old nnd weigh twenty-two pounds, lie is uh good n child as any one could wish. The doctor says he is as healthy n nny baby could be, and also savs the use of your Favorite I'rescriptiou ' was the cause of micli a heuituy nauy." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant t enets are mc hpst and safest laxative for the use of delicate women. I low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind. man two THE SOUTH, AS HEKSON9 PICTURE IIEK, GOING AHEAD WITH RAPID STRIDES, HER FACE TOWARD THE RISING SUX. Only a small man will blame his cir- I cumstances for his en. DANGER OF COLDS AND GRIP. The greatest danger from colds and grip is their resulting in pneumonia. If reasonable care is used, however, and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy taken, all danger will be avoided. Among the tAn. nf ihmisands who have used this remedy for theBe diseases we have yet to learn of a single case that has resulted in pneumonia, which shows conclusively that it is a certain preventive of that dan gcrous disease. It will cure a oold or an attack of the crip in less time than any other treatment. It is pleasant and safe solicited, p. 1 4"n; W. K DANIKL ... 1. 1 ... Cashier: V iot)-l rootueui. - . n.UQlV W.R.SlIt"- Seaboard, Northampton oonnty, f. L. E. CLARK The w. At n ft TITV III lit 1 1 1 1 9 Jkm - HERE'S A BABY Its Mother ia Well. I The baby is healthy because during th . . . Ue mi.tlirr listil the popular au.l purely vegetable liniment, Mother's Friend Mother'a Friend is a soothitiR, softeniuK, relaxiu" lmimeni, a niust.c uiuv., orator nnd freshener. It put. new powei into the back and l.ipso a co......k It ia apiiliea exicniaujr uu., -no dosing and awnllcwing of nasty drugs, no inwam iraium . , ...: The stute of the mother minus K..... may inllnence the disposition and future of flic child; that is one reason why moth- should watch their con.htion and avoid pain. Her neunu, uia.. r v... . J lrniiic free foy aud nielancholy. "Beol mind, momci ..v. . u.,,o dnwn nains. morn- all relieveil ny m Of drureista ct f 1.00 per "" nd for our book notherhood" free. WS MADFIELD HEBULATOI C0TUNU,8. Grossmann's PATENT WRITING RIM. .-r- Trt-vr "NT. n WL ,tt Fesh Seasonable goods for family use. The Best of Everything kept in a.k F Uenoral m. . unnrUnt imnrovetueut of the in the art of penmanship makes the poorest writer a spieuu.u u...-... -w us bv the use of this ring. Endorsed by prominent College Presidents and boards of eilucaiion m i-uir1""" - r . , o e down assorted sites sent postpaid ?!. ;nolmnle25c. Whon order ing a single ring, state whether for man, Boat of Everything kept in oc. nnvVARB "ornau orchild. TTlniti- tu m. Sinli Co., riAl . . ..rnTBlf Iff.S BRANDIES. WINES, No-118 8. 4th St , Philadelphia. sep 18 tt i.tl. Q....1 1. iti.. nd as it should be." was the topic of discussion to take. .,. ....,.!' f the llnatarian Club of New York, at the Hotel St. Denis, last For sale at W. M. Cohen's drug store, , 1 .. " n evening. . The speakers were George Cary Esgleston, who spoke upon the South as it was; William H. Baldwin. Jr., who told of the South as it it; and Walter II. Pago, who discussed the South as it ia to be. In speaking of the Old South, Mr. Eggleston, u:..ir . sn,,ik.rnr and one of Lee's veterans, said : UlUJOGii m wv......--., "It was a dear old state of society, the like of which this country will never Bee ..... . ... m. I. o . 1 . . n .. . 1 .Un .... n. tninn ana n il nmi nmnpr again. In the om Doutn tney nveu iui . """e- postponed all things lo his happiness and honor. To be happy and to maintain his self-rtspect was with him the first principle of all things. "He veuerated womanhood, and for the man who felt not such veneration he had no use and no respect. He waa absolutely unselfish, and was never so glad as when he was distributing among his friends and neighbors, or to the passing stranger, his largo hospitalities. 'We are glad that (lavery is dead; but we must not forget that it did a great deal ,.r a ..i i. tn the white man. but lo tho negro. The old-time Southerner ioved the iwkiu, lJ'" Bi Fprcdatcd it, for tvhen the master Trent to the war ihe nigro stayed ou the old plantation with tho loved ones ana protectee; mem, William H. Baldwin laid, in substance: ..if .,ra.ff ilia terrible davs of strife, aud the hell of reconstruction, we may ee the South lo-day strong, happy, with its faoe toward the sunrise. The South of to day is going ahead with rapid, 1 may aay with marvellous stnuea 1 its mutism are being steadily, rapidly extended, and better still, its spirit is magnificent. "The population of the South, let it be remembered, is 98 per cent old English slock. I sometimes feel lhat God ha kept the blood of the white man of the 8oulh pure for some yroat and good purpose. The South is all right. I here is no soum crn question, any more than (here is a Northern question. Stop orilioising the South. Instead, help her." Walter H. Page, in speaking of the future ol the Mouth, saw no uiooo. on tne moon, no lion in the way "The South," said Mr. Page, "asks only lo be given a fair ohanoe. Her man . j l... u...- ,)..,. i in verv emerccnov of the past, and, rest assured, that man- noou n - j w . , .,., hood will always be teady wneo neeaca. 1 ne negro question, u ...eu, -.1. u tied and loltled io a way lhat shall be best botn lor me wnue man anu uie negio. New York American. G . EVANS WELDOV, N.C. has bottles rXeT cm Tonic UTOVe A u S over Ono ond o Half Won stood the test 25 years . . gj, Ho Pay. 50c. tics. Icenup Weldon, N. C. A man begins to go down tho moment be ceases lo look up. SEVERE ATTACK OP GRIP. CURED BT ONI BOTTLI 01 CHAMASR- lain's couau rbubdy. "When I had an attack of the grip last winter (the second one) I actually cured mvself with one bottle of Cham beilain'a Courjh Remedy," aays Frank W. Perry, Editor of the Enterprise, Shnrtsville. N. Y. "This is the boneBt truth. I at limes kept from coughing myself io pieces by taking a tf aspoonful of this remedy, and when the coughing spell would come on at night I would take a dose and it seemed that in the briefest interval tho oough would pass off and I would go lo ileep perfectly tree from oough and its accompanying pains. To say that the remedy aoted as a most agreeable surprise is putting it very ,;ui T had nn iilna that it would or could knock out the grip, simply because I bad nevet tried it for such a purpose, but it did, and it seemed with the second attack of ooughing the remedy caused it to not only be of less duration, but the nains wore far less severe, and 1 had not used the contents of one bottle before Mr. Grip had bid me adieu." For sale by W.M. Cohen, Uruggist, Weldon, N. C. One day, to his surprise, he met i comine slowly along, also wearing sacks. "What have you there?" asked the old man. "Why, my good deeds," replied num ber two. "I keep all the.-e before me, and lake them out and air them frequen tlv 'What ia in the other-bit: sack? asked the first traveler. It seems weighty. "Merely my mistakes. I alwaj keep them in the sack hanging over my back." Presently the two travelers were jine bv a third, who, strange to say, also car- im arnica one under his chin and one on his back. "Let us see the contents of your sack," exclaimed the first two travelers. "With all my heart," quoth the strat ger. "For I have a goodly assortment, and 1 like to show them. This sack, said he pointing to the one uodur his chin, "is full of good deeds ot otners. i.V... ...ilia look full, lhcv must be very heavy, observed Ihe old man." 'There you are mistaken," replied the stranger "they are big, but not heavy. The weight is only such as sails are to a ship. Far from being a butden, it helps onward." "Well, your sack behind can be littlo use lo vou." seid number two, "lor it ap pears to be empty, and I see that it has t creat hole in the bottom ot it. b ..i .1... ;,! tli "l 0.1U luai uu puit.uo- - stranger, "lor all the evil I hear oi peop.e I put in there, and it falls through and is lost. So you see I have no weight to draw me backwards. uxcoange. FANCY GROCERIES, FRUITS, CONFECTIONERIES. OLD WIXKS AND BRANDIES -SOLE AGENT FOR CAPITAL CUB, OLD I'ORHSTER RYE. CALL FOR IT. "The Biggest Sensatiou Everywhere." aLILIPUTfe COLAPKAULE POCKET HT E U UO.HCO 1' E A P 1' A It AT US The smallest Stercotoope with the strong est opliril effect. Highly finished indif lereut colors with rich gold and stiver dec orations mountings). Including 20 V.F. Photographs. Views ("art (genre.) Price only$l. Bent everywhere prepaid in let ter'forui. IAgeuts wanted. LILIPUT 8TEKE0SC0PE CO., FOKU EST HUILDINQ, Philadelphia. sept 18 tf Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eai. Th'9 preparation contain1? all of tho digostanH and digests all kinds oi food. Itglves instant rcin-i mm "" fails to cure. It allows you to cat an the fotxl you want. The most sensitive stomachs can taki; it. lly Its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed, is unequalled 'or the stomach. Uiiia ren with weak stomachs thrive on it. relieves. A diet unnecessary. all stAitiauh troubles (Spared only by E. C. DkWitt flK 'IDoaa. iwHiuwuwt..-.. W, M. Cohen, Druggist. YOU KNOW WHAT VdU'BETAttlNO When you tako Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonio because the formula is plainly priated on every bottle showing that it is limply Iron and yuinine in a tae.e form. No cure, No Pay. 60c, twp. Early Risers Tbo famout Uttto Dill NO FEARS FOR THE BOY- Teacher Your son, sir, has a very bigb temper, I am sorry lo aay. Rather I am clad to hear it. air. If you will grind him into shape. I'll teach him lo keep bis temper for high pur poses. Chicago Tribune. The leau man whole world. i greater than the thi The pearl of patienoo grows in shell of pain. Without tale-hearers there would be no tale-bearers. Straight character cannot oome out of crooked living. IN THE CONSERVATORY. He There is something, darling, want to tell you. She Oh, then, let us get away Irom tho rubher plant. Come, tell me undi r the rose Baltimorn American. Under ordinary social and gastronmio conditions there is probably a great deal more heartburn than heartburnings. Indiananapolis News. Advise an old man to marry a woman vounu enouch to be bis daughter, and he may ask if you take him for a fool hut ha will not be offended. Atchison Globe. All cruelty spring from hard-hearted-ness and weakness. Seneca. No man was ever discontented with the world if be did his duty io it. Southey. Eveiybour ooraoi with aome little fagot of Qyd' fastened upon its buk.-Faber. iii your blood? Physkiaa: c . ,j it notarial Germ. It cms be r C changlng red blood yellow nn-Vr- g. microscope, ii wur uoy night. First, it turns your com plexion yellow. Chilly, aching sensations creep down your backbone. You feel weak and worthless. a ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC will stop the trouble now. It enters tne u.oju ai unw bhu Hriu m.t thai veiiow poison. If neglected and when Chilis, Fevers, rigni-!weais nu a sen hriknlc.ilnwn come later on, nh.ria nn f uiii euro vuu then-but why wait ? Prevnt future sickness, i no mn.iuiiu. kNAui nil ntiniifc this vc-l low poison and have perfected u..i.rta nnic ia urivn il uum nourish your system, restore appetite), pumy me oiuuu, p.v vent and cure Chills, Fevers and Malaria. It has cured thousands-It will cure you or your money back. This Is fair. Try It. Price, 25 cents. Bold by ALL DRUGGISTS. 3

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