i 11 iioi k Ml . d 5 fa J s i 5 " i I j Ax)VSlRTISIlSrC3- KA.TES-)i)KKATK. fj VOL. XXXVII. A. NEWSPAPEB FOB THE I? ID O 3? L ID WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, Al'ltlL 9. 1903. TBBIVCS:-"'511 I'M annum in advance NO. 48 Thoroughly eradicates the crt of Cric and Lartic Acids from the lyitem, Hart i lie kidneyi into healthy action, curti conitipation and indigestion, tH II DONI, YOU AM WILL OF RHEOMHTISM, AND ANY OTHtN DISCAtC CAUltD IV IMPURC ILOOD. Do not be iliarouragrd " "ther rnnedira have (ailed. RHEUMAC1DE hai made ill reputation by curing alii Red inrutahle caaei. Doc not injure the orgaiu of digestion. Gor.rissrmo, N. C, Aug. 58, 1003. Ontlemen Some all years apo t hr-aan tn have selatlca, anil also a chronlo faun of mmeiilar ire iiRimlain, At tlmea 1 ooulil not work t all Imy business tirlriK liangai-e nntftrr on Soul horn U. It ). Kor days and week, at atone I oould nut work. Mr Buffering win Intense. I'li le:an treated me, without permanent rellif, howev. r. THcil n nurstier of a Ivertln'il remedies without permanent benefit. Fit'Hliy I tried " ItiiaUMJiRiiii.'1 I .M.I tho work, and i have bad ex cellent health for three rar. I can eiieorfuily any that ull rheumatics ehould Uf o " HaauuAUlUB," for Jt Is by far tho beat remedy. R A. LOMAI. Price i. oo prepaid express, or from your Druggist. Bobbltt Chemical Co., Baltimore, Hd,, U. S. A. HOSIfJG OUT SLE! W i. : St In order to make room for Spring Goods I will sell all winter cloth ing at cost. Call and get a good suit and overcoat at bargain prices P. K STAT NBACK, AlltJ VV C1UUU UlUUOlJf WW. WHOLESALE JOIU1KKH IN STAPLE & PAN0Yi.RO GROCEEIES'& WM f Vil) am-We Rell Only To Mercbanta. 2 1 OrdmRolicited. THE WELDON (lliOCKHY CO , 281, wm.noN.N. o. Standard urados IK USK PAINT. COACH PAINT. FLOOR PAINT, WAGON PAINT. HOOP PAINT. Innumerable Shadee, Color-Cards for the Asking; I" L. 0. ANDERSON, I1KALRH IN Heavy and Fane; Groceries, FRUITS, COSFKCTION Kill KS. WILL BE CLAD TO SEE MY COUNTRY FRIENDS. J The Bank of WV :;r.'::WELDON, .C K" Orianizfii Dsier The Lai i of tie State of North Carolina, AUGUST 20TII, 1892. BTATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DKI'03 1 1'OKY. HALIFAX COUNTY DM'OSllOKY. , V . TOWN OF WELDON UKI'OSI I'OKV. CAPITAL IND SURPLUS - $27,000. For ten jcim thia institution ha provided banking faeiliiioa for this tcctioD liaalockhoidoraAnd direotora have been identified with the buatneM tnlereat. of Halifax and Norlh.mpton oountiea for many year. Money la loaned upon af proved icourity at the legal rate of interest-six por centum. Account ot all are. solicited. irM.n, Vico-Presidcnt: C"8hler: W. K. DANIEL. D. J. N. RAMSAY, VV. K. SMITH. Seaboard, Northampton county, N. C. E. CLARE iimyc . . . . PootMl wul. . - Use Black Elastic Roof Paint. U'liy us.- itf. tiur painis when slandjtJ goods arc so luiuh cheaper in the loop lun. Write In Tanner Paint & Oil Co,, Boi 180, KU'H MONO, VA. o auawvM . .1...,. . a - a nil nvpr Oiih end a Half Million 30c. . i- Knt WaSe of Grove'. SYMPATHY OUT OF PLACE, in r. ONLY WAY 10 ommm.piNsnMi! INHTAM'rs 18 TO HIT A IMK. 'Out West, few years 0(io, while jiurni'jing around with a friend of mine, I ovtilienrd a eonveralion wliich goes o sin w lhal syinpalhy is often misplaced," said I ho roving man, "und llic moral ia not hy any means a bid one. The quiek way in which the man turned on his friend, who had offered him an sound atce of sympathy, i fur ns sympathy eun he extruded hy m. re word, was very aiiiij'ing and showed lliat the felluw nus rniek-wilted am unusually bright, tle f pit e the fact that he had fallen into a rather rough road. "The youni man had been out West for S'ltiie time, lie had gone out there with the idea lliat he could win a for tune, hut instead of finding tho way to luccces a smooth one, it was rather rough and rocky, marred by thorns to priek the feet, pilfalls and all that kind of thing Put in plain, unpoelic language he was run d iwn at the heel and bagging at the knee. In order to make a living he had been ferecd to become a pie merchant on a small scale. Ho was in this businiss when we found him, and had a email moving stand on the oorner of two streets in a well known mining town. My friend recognized him at a glance, and rushed up to greet him. The fellow seemed to be just a litlle embarrassed and my fiiend thought it would bo the propsr thing to do to offer a little sym pathy. " 'Sorry to see you siluated as you are, old fellow, and in this business,' said my friend feelingly. " 'D your sympathy. Buy a pie,' was ihe quick rej linder of the ven der, and in a few moments we had left him shrieking cut his wares to men who passed that way. "At least he convinced my friend that there are moments in a man's life when the mere sympathy of the mouth, co matter how earnest or how fervent the words, cinnot meet the requirements of the case, and that thu real aod only way to offer help in such instances is to buy a pie." Pfllt () I'.R MIXTY IE A It Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup hab been used for over sixty years by millious ol mothers for children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is tho best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of tho world. 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask fur "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind The way of the woild is to make laws, but follow customs Grscelyl Women A Desire lor a Pa. tact Figure it Inieparablt fran Q Love ot t':o Beaultful. The Bcent of the violet or rose is as precious as tile lovely flowers whose breath they ore, anil while the lives of (loweisarc brief nuil wc can only enjoy them for a day, the beautiful woman gives the pleosme of her fragrauce to US as a pcnii.iiK'iit blessing. Te soft fragrnnca of n beautiful woman suggests purity, Ik iUIi und elegance; the is the refinement of civilization; nil imli-x always of giKid taste nuil an unerring badge ot gentility. BRADFIELDS Female Regulator in rpeiilatinir tile lunar iienoiia in wuuiuU pentiits of no wrinkles, pale checks or lot till ed nerves anil shapeless figures. It is Nature's rcmcly. I He druggist may oner somethiiiL' else nuil call it "iust as cooil" hut the menstrual organs will not lie de ceived, anil Dertiiniicut iniiirv may result. Try our Regulator, Of all druggista f i. Our treatise on " Woman" mailed free. THE BKAOFIEID REGULATOR C0H ATLANTA, OA. Grossmann's PATENT WRITING RING. The most important improvement of the . .... lnl.na Ilia age in me nri ui ,fruinniioiiip "" poorest writer a spiennm peuiiiau in a weens ny ine o w ',,a "is by prominent College Tresidentsand boards ini;nn it, PnmiMmnrl America Sam- Ul OIUWHUUIM pie dojen assorted sizes sent isistpaid far fit. Rinirle sample 23c. Wi en onler- ing a single ring, state whether for man, woman or child. Penn Mfi. Supply Co., No-119 8. 4th St , Philadelphia. sep 18 tl Black Root, Lh-erPills. aFV i-J Sj wYISITORWBITE-w ' Its Petersburg Furniture Co, !.); AM) 207 N. 8 CAN Oil IH ST. PETERSBURG, VA. psii 1 f 1 1 THE MUST LINO AND UP-TO-DATE LKADKUS IN FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES AND OENEHAL HOUSE FUKNISHINGB. A. J.WINFIELD 9 PRESIDENT A MANAGER fl9uSpecial Attention to Mail Orders. 0et 3 ly. I An Old HaHJortte I THE SMACK IN SCHOOL i? i By William WILLIAM PITT I'ALMRR, author of "The Bmack In School," "Ode to l.lKht," "OrpiieiiB ami l-lnrviilee" and other pot-ma that Ki'loei wide popularity, wna born In HtiH-klirldRe. Mns., Ill lsifi e.iul died In Brook lyn In l&M. lie was 8ueeenslv-ly a medical student, a teacher, a Jour nalist and nil ofnclal of Insurance companies. Most of his life was pent In New York city. The Hi ikahlrc hills referred to In the second line are the range of low muunlalns 111 weateril Masaachuaetta. IHSTHU'T school, not 'Mid Berkshire hills, one wlnter'B day, Was humming villi Its wonted noiso (If tlireoHcorp mingled girls and boys; Some few upon their tusks Intent, Hut morn on furtive mischief lient. The while the muster's downward look, Was fastened on n copy book; When suddenly, behind his back, Rose sharp and clear n rousing smnckl As 'twere n Imtlery of bliss Let off In olio ironieiiiloioi Mmm! "What's that?" the startled master cries: "That, thir." it lllth' Imp replies. "Wntb William "Willi I li. If you pleathe, I thaw him kith Tliulhaiina Pontile!" With frown to make n statue thrill, The master thundered, 'Hither. Will!" Like wretch o'ertaken In his truck, With stolon chattels mi his back. Will hung his head In four and shame. And to the awful presence eniiie A great, green, bashful simpleton, The bull of nil good-naltired fun. With smile suppressed, und biivh upraised. The tbreatetier faltered. "I'm amazed That you, my biggest pupil, should He guilty of an act so rude! Itefore tllP whole set school to boot What evil genius put you to'tV" "Twas she herself, sir,"' sobbed the lad, "f did not men n to be so laid; Hut when Susannah shook her eniis, And whispered, 1 was 'I'laid of gills. And dursn't kiss a baby's doll, I couldn't stand It, sir, at nil, Tint up and kissed her on the spot! I know hoo-hoo- I ought to not, Hut. somehow, from her looks - boo-hoo 1 though! she kind o' wished me to!" The Fie!d Tor Use Woman Lawyer By fm HALIOCK CARPENTtR of New York, A President of the Women Lawyers' Club 1IK1IK S a woitiitn nt bottom of every lawsuit. Woman is the pivotal point around which the world revolves. She Is in everything that concerns Immunity. It is, therefore, a perfectly natural infer ence, that slio should be at the bottom of all things in law, as in everything else. Everything, from the theft of a fortune to the evasion of a gas bill, has u wouiun as its background. Woman in a law ease occu pies one ot three positions. She is the motive, tho instrument or tho victim, Nine times out of ten she is tho "extenuating circum stance," which, despite any other role slio may play in tho drama, will itiHuenco the verdict. The purely feminine law case, where- b,oth licenser and accused are women, is more likely to be complex than that, in which the man and woman arc involved. Women have curious memories and make inireiiicuis application of seemingly unimportant details. A woman in love, a woman in hate and a woman in pure seltish iiess arc tho three phases of femininity that come. before tho law. Of the three tho woman in hate is usually the most persistent and the woman in love the most interesting to the jury. A breach of promise suit awakens a certain sort of chivalry, especially if tho plaintiff be good looking. Tho field for the woman lawyer is tho rinding of tho woman in tho case. A woman would bo quick to recognize- just where the feminine touch came into a case. A man might blunder, but'tjie has her own knowledge of herself to guide her. Slio can divine what the woman's aims have been, whether sho is an adventuress or an injured innocent. Sho is not likely to be blinded by any of the fiiiull feminine subterfuges that might deceive a man. Sho is a woman and sees through them. Slio can divine the cause of a woman's lie where a man would be stopped by tho lio itself. In short, the woman is the natural detective where the woman is concerned. YOU KNOW W II AT YOU'HETAKING When you taka Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is . plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. No cure, No Pay. 50c Children ire unconscious philosophers. They refuse to pull to piecos their en joyments to tee what they ire made of. Pitt Palmer far tnvny, IMPULSIVE- "And you permitted that strange young man to kiss you?" "No, mamma. He didn't give me time." When the roots of life reach tko river of God its fruits will be rich with His glory-. GENERAL LEE, I.EKWAHA J'IKM HEME VKR IS PROVI DENCE. New Orleans I'icayune.) Aler the battle of Fredericksburg Lee telegraphed Mr. Davis: "Thankibeto God for another vic tory." In his report of Chaneellursvillo, Lee began by Baying:" "VVe have again to thank Almighty God for a great victory. Soon afterwards Leo issued a general order to the troops, in which be said: "While this glorious victory entitles you to praise and gratitude of your peo ple, we are especially called upon to return our grateful thanks to the Giver of Vic tories for the signal deliveranco be has wrought. "It is therefore earnestly recommended that the troops unile on Sunday next in ascribing unto the Lord of Hosts the glory due unto His name." In 18G3 Mr. Davis set apart August 21 as a day of thanksgiving. General Lee, in communicating the proclamation to the troops, said: "Soldiers, wo have sinned against Al mighty God. We have forgotten His signal mercies, and havo cultivated a re vengeful, haughty and boastful spirit. "We have not remembered that the defenders of a just cause should be pure in His eyes, and that our lives are in His hands, and we have relied too much on our own arms for the achievements of our independence. "God is our refuge and our strength. Let us humble ourselvos before Him, Let us confess our many sins and beseech Him to give us a higher courage, a purer patriotism, a more determined will, that He will convert the hearts of our enemies, that He will hasten the time when war, wilh its sorrows and sufferings, shall cease, and that he will give us a name and place among the nations of the earth." New Orleans Picayune. A DEMONSTRATION OF WHAT CHAMBERLAIN'S COLIC, CHOL ERA AND DIARRHOEA REMEDY CAN DO. "One of our customers, a highly res pected citizen of this plaoe, had been for ten years a sufferer from chronio diar rhoea," writes Walden it Martin, drug gists, of Enterprise, Ala. "He had used various patient preparations and been treated by physicians without any per manent benefit. A few months ago he commenced taking Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and in a short time was entirely cured. Many cilizens of Enterprise who know the gen tleman will testify to the truthfulness of this statement." For side at W. M. Cohen's drugstore, Weldon, N. C. ELEMENTARY KNOWLEDGE' Simpson "Do you know anything about art?" Jackson "1 know cuough art not to talk about it. A disordered stomach may cause no end of trouble. When the stomach fails to perfom its functious the bowels become deranged, the liver and kiducys conges ted, eauiing numerous diseases, the most fatal of which are painless and therefore the more to be dreaded. The important thing ia to restore the stomach and liver to a healthy condition, and for this pur pose no better preparation can be used than Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Forsale by W. M. Cohen, druggist, Weldon, N. C. NOT WITHOUT REASON Sunday-School Teacher 'Well, who was Borry at the return of the prodigal son?" Liltle Girl "The failed oalf." A PROMINENT MINISTER REC OM M ENDS CH AM BERLAIN'S COLIC, CHOLERA AND DIAR RHOEA REMEDY. Rev. Francia J. Davidson, pastor of the St. Matthew Baptist church and president of the Third District Baptist Association, 2731 Second St., New Or leans, writes as follows: "I have used Chamberlain's Colio Cholera tad Diar rhoea Remedy for cramps and pains in the stomach and found it excellent. It is in fact the best cramp and colio remedy I have ever used. Also several of my parishioners have used it with equally satisfactory results." Forsale by W. M. Cohen, Druggist, We'don, N. C. NOT SUFFICENTLY ENGAGING. Maude "So Jack is engaged, is he? And is Lucy the bride-to-be?" Irene "No, she's the tied-to-bo." The best physic: Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver Tablets. Eeasy to take; pleasant in effect. For sale at W. M. Cohen's drug store, Weldon, N. C. THE SOUTHERN GIRL, THE SOITHERX OIHI, OP YKSTERIMY AND TOPAY. In the Woman's Homo Companion Mr. H. S. Canfield has an entertaining article on "The Southern Girl of iftsler day and Today." lio oompares the girl of the South with tho girl of iho West and North and fiods much in the former's favor He sajs: "In former days the luoro slaves a giils's father owned, the more she felt it a requirement to become an accomplished housewife. These recondite arts, of which we men pierce not the mysteries and S'e only tho results, are preserved today 'down South;' and if there is ono quality which more than another endears a Southern girl to her worshipers it is her love of home, her pride in her home and her ability to make that home a homo. This a knowledge which dots not glare oppressively io the diawing room; but wbtn she marries it becomes more and more golden yeur by year. The young Southern mother hoppily married docs not think her life restricted because that life is homnlife. She docs not feci cabined, cribbed, confined.' She enjoys brief excursions iato the outsido world; but she tires readily, and on the return journey her eyes light up ns the car- wheels whir under her, and she thinks, 'Each revolution is that much nearer home.' If somo wrestler wearied in the arena of earth's activities, Borne cyoio sickened with 'this deep disease of life,' should seek her in her peaceful fastness, and, borrowing from sardonic Iago, tell her that her mission is to 'suckle fools and chronicle small beer,' she would smile superior. She knows better. Homo is home in summer when the wide fields stir not in the swooning noons; in autuin when hillside and valley blazi io a riot of hue; in winter when the mild air has a tang that merely hints "of snow in the far country whence the wild goose beats his way with steady wiog; in springtime when she sees 'the fat soil rise and roll in smooth, dark waves back from the plow." AN OFF TIME, WHY THKHE WAS A HEARTH OF VIL LAIN CURIOSITY IN A CERTAIN LO CALITY. "I wanted a month of complete rest," said the bookkeeper, "and so I went up to a small town in New Hampshire and engaged board at the inn. I realized that I would be an object of curiosity and that every oue would feel free to question me, and great was my surprise when I was pretty severely let alone. That i:, no one asked where I came from, what my business was, how long I was going to stay or any of the leading ques tions generally put to strangers. There were five or six men who loafed about the inn a good deal, and there was always lots of talk, but there was nothing like curiosity on their part. When I was about ready to Lave, I said to the old justice of the peace, who always dropped in every evening: "See here, squire, I eau't exactly make you folks out. I've always heard that you were full of curiosity respecting strangers." " 'Yes, wo be,' he replied. " 'And don't any of you care to know who I am?" "'We are just djin' to know,' " 'But I've been here a month, and no one has tried to pump me. What's the matter'' " ' Well, sir, I'll tell you ho it - is,' I e said as be leaned back with a sigh of re gret. 'There's me, fr insiaiee I ve jesl martied my fourth wife, i h my third one hardly old in I lie grave, and I'm keeping puny quiet for anhilc. There's Joe Hastings, who is su-pccicd of stealing' a cow, and he fe-ls like keep in' his uioulh shct. Dcaein Spooner wanted to know all about you ihe very first day, hut the deaom is beio' sue) fur breach of promise and d isn't gad loo much. John Clay woud have luinid you inside out in two days, but his wife is gettin' a divorce and he's got two sick cows to 'tend to That's about ten others who arc wonderin' who you be and where you oome from and all about you, but they've quinsy, sore throats or lock jaw and can't talk, and so you are goin' to git clean out of it. I've sized you up as a decent feller, however, and if you don't oome back after awhile and give us a fair show to find out who your great-grand-mot her was we shall be a mighty diaapp'inted community." M Quad. TOO GREAT A RISK. A reliable remedy lor bowel com plaints shouid always bo kept at hand, The risik is too great for anyone to take, Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy never fails and when re duced with water is pleasant to take. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Druggist, Weldon, N. C. The eyes of other eoplo are the eyes that ruin us. If you would know, tod not be known live in 1 city. HOW HEPROGRESSEO. "Ho used to kiss moon tho lips," She sijdied, "smj then sonifhow lie moved on up hy litlle Irips I'ntil he got Unlo a favored spot Close to the border of my brow. " Ho used to kiss me on the lips, Then on the cheek, then on Ihe brow. To day ho kisses his finger tips And blows or throws The kiss buck as he goes! Ail, we'vo been married llvo yoaraoowl" WHIN llft'S AT STAKE The iuo.it linii'l mail will take iiiy eli. Hire of esr;im 'Hie sl'li'lcr ro drocl iImyvii the prrcMpice, the blip jx-ry f,vcr the tibytw, any tiling that offers u chance of lilt, is eagerly Btiatcli vi at. The end the limn necks is safety. lie cares noliiing for Hit- nivalis to that enl. There are thou sands of men and women whose lives are at stake, who are hindered from accepting the one means of safety hy foolish piejudii e. iJoetor Pierre's Golden .Medical I )i sco very has been the means of restoring health to many men and women whosf hol low cough, bleed ing hmgs, ema ciation and weak ness seemed to warrant the state ment of local phy sicians "There is no cure oossible." Whv should prejudice against a put-up medicine hinder you from trying what has cured thousands of guttering men and women? "only fur Dr. I'ierce's (lolden MMical DU covcry I think I would be in my grave to-day, writes Mr. Motes Mileo, of lliHianl. I'lnta to., Wvoininji. "I liml asthma ho bad ! could mil Bk:( nt uipht ami watt cuniprlied to ((ive up work. It affected my lunifs w that I conxhed all the time, hoth ditv ami niR.it. My friendi all thought I hnd ror.suntutiuu. My wile hud taken Ur. I'iera 'fi Favorite 1'resciipiioQ and it had helped net an much she insisted on my try inil his 'Golden Medical iMscovcry which I did. I have taken four hot t left and am now a well man. weiKliiiiK 15 pound a, thnuks to Ur, 1'ierce'n Golden Medical Discovery." The sole motive for substitution is to permit the dealer to make the little more profit jiaid by the sale of less meritorious medicines. He gains; you lose. G" EVANS, WELDON, N. C. FA iter GROCERIES, FRUITS, CONFECTIONERIES. OLD WIXKS AND IlltANDIES SOLE AGENT FOU CAPITAL CLUB, OLD FORESTER RYE. CALL FOll IT. "The Biggest Sensation Everywhere." SLILIPUTS COLAPSABLE POCKET STEREOSCOPE APPARATUS The smallest Stereof eope with the strong est optical ffl'ect. Highly finished indif ferent colors with rich gold and silver dec orittionH (mountings). Including 120 V. P. Photographs. Views of art (genre.) Price only$l. hent everywhere prepaid in let ter form. Ifli. Agents wanted. LIIJPCT STEREOSCOPE CO., FORREST BUILDING, Philadelphia. sept 18 tf WHY? TJi reason OneMlnut Couph Cum relieves a court h one minute, Is because It acts first on tho mucous membrane rluht where the couh troubles In tha throat or deep-seated on the hings, destroyttif tha iicrones or cougn germs ana clearing mo pniesm, On( Minute Ctiueh Cure not onlv destrova the at ease germs, und dears out their poison, but It fives strength ind elasticity to the delicate membrane! which protect the threat and Hinirs. Opens tho air passages and promotes unobstructed breathing. Causes tho birred to receive Hi natural supply C oxygen, thus exhilarating the pulmonary organs with such strength and vigor tntt trio lungs ana oroncniai tubes become bulwarks against tho Inception ot dis ease, Aslhmi, Bronchitis, La Grippe, Cold on tho Lu igR and all Pulmonary Complaints that are curabla are quickly cured by tho use of WE rwr.H CURE fnparad by C. O. OaWITT CO., Ohlcaflft W. M. rh n, DrnggiBt. iJtELLOVV.FOiSOH In your blood ? Physicians c',i it rtalarlal tlerm. It can be soon changing red blood yellow uin!r microscope. It works day and night. First, it turns your com plexion yellow. Chilly, aching sensations creep down your backbone. You feel weak and worthless. t ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC will stop the trouble now. It enters the blood at once and drives out the yellow poison. If neglected and when Chills, Fevers, Night-Sweats and a gen eral break-down come later on, Roberts Tonic will cure you thenbut why wait ? Prevent future sickness. The manufac turers know all about this yel low poison and have perfected Roberts' Tonic to drive It out, nourish your system, restore appetite, purify the blood, pre vent and cure Chills, Fevers and Malaria. It has cured thous ands It will cure you, or your money back; This U fair. Try it. Price, 25 centa. 1 Sold by ALL DRUGGISTS, iBitWrfr'nr'-i mm, if A

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