Hi Ry TrSSl Txi ffnh irfft f5v Ira w iWwME i II DTBBTiaiN'a- IA.TES-'01)i;i;ate. VOL XXXVII. ,- A. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY APRIL 23. 1903. TEEMS:-Ji per annum in advance NO. 50 The irreat rheumatic . - . vuiva b IL1 JT A form of rheumatism, but makes radical cures of 7 Contagious Blood Poison, i Scrojula, Sores, Bolls, Catarrh, : and all diseases niisinj .'mm cnuurwu vy jiiyL.i(.iafis n.ia prominent people every- P where cftr thorough trial. DOES NOT INJUKE THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS. f .. . . , . . IMT.F10II, IN. 1 Gentlemen:! take pleasure In bearing; testimony loth curative properties V of your" llimtMAClOB" T'.v i l,ot:lt'M vnr.-il niv sun nt n had case. U this will f hour ai;jr bcnctlt lu you In advertising your inerlturlouH mucily. you can use. It. Tourt truly, AV. . HANI), Mellaril State Jlfiwl JiislUulfon. 5 All Druggists, fi.oo; or prcpaiJ on receipt of price. J Bobbltt Chcriksl Co., - Baltimore, fid. f -r ryot's,, TCiK'.;j--r-!c'f5 s- fc In order to make room for Spring Goods I will sell all winter cloth ing at cost. Call and get a good suit and overcoat at bargain prices P. jST. ST A NJ3 ACK, If . The Weldon Grocery Co. ' 5& WHOLESALE JOBBKK8 IN " W t) STAPLE & FANCY'4 W -GROCERIES ?f' Lr MH-We Sell Onlv To Merchants. -- " !A Orders Solicited. THE WELDON liKOOEUY CO , & $ 2 Sly wKi.wiN.N. c. p Standard bales HtiKSE l'AINT. CO At II PAINT FLOOR I'AINT, WAGON l'AINT. KOOF l'AINT. Innumerable Shades, Color-Card fur the B-kin". PETER SMITH & CO, THE LEADERS OF LOW PRICES, IMPORTERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DR Y GOODS NORFOLK, VA. Tie Bant ::WELI)()N, N. C.r Unmi Unaer Tie Lais of tie State of North Carolina, AUGUST 20T1I.1892. STATU OF NORTH CAROLINA DEI'O.SI KM V. HALIFAX COUNI'V DKI'O-il lOU V. TOWN OF WELDON DEI'Oal roitV. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $27,000. For ton yearn this iiniitulion has provided banking facilities for this section Ln.tockhohlfManl dir.-eloM havi heco id-nlitirl with tho huMnc-n interests ol IU,fa aod Northampton c iunlics lor many years. Money is loaned upon ap proved eourity at thu L gai rate or interest six per centum. Accounts of all ar. oliciteJ. President: Viee-Prcsidenl: Cashier: W. K DANIEL D.t. J. N. RAMSAY, W. K. SMITH. Seaboard, Northampton oounty, N. C. E. CLARK The Am mwl. The Bist of Kvetythinir kept in stock. Fresh Seasonable Roods for family use. General Supplies for the Public. Full lino HARDWARE. S3 FINE BAR&S My bar i, supplied with the most choice WH I8KIK8, BRANDIES. WINES, tlOARS and TOBACCO. BatPnlitentK!"''""" "a Prompt deliw ' lmne.il has stood the test 25 year.. Average Annual &la ojjr One md d Half Million bottles. Does this rccoc 1-ttaprpi?I.0Lv,..Sk S rnrlni rit Tr'li 1 1- -""l h Tg!t Cent aK CrWt ... ... m ut n-mp.li nn . ....... r . v impurities in the blood. $ Use Black Elastic Roof Paint. W I, j us-.' i ll. ror (minis when standard goods uro so much ehcapir ill the long lun. Wtite in Box 18(1, RICHMOND, VA NO. 2iHMAIN 8TEET, ci We 1 NO ROOM FOR IDLERS. NO AMufNT liK WEALTH SHOUD EX EMl'T VtiC l'KO.M WOBK. Aii Englishman of l,ij;h rank vii.,d sone fricnila in ihij country who posses sed wide inflit.'uec and great wealth. They took him one day through u lare,e establishment where cannon arc manu factured. He Was suipiiscd wlieu one mail, covered with gliiue and oil, separa ted himsill fn-ru the thnteaiiils ol other wnrkn;cn and greeted hiw coruially. It was thu son of lis host, "Bob," said his father, as they walked on, "is learning this business. Tho oiily Way lo do that is to master the theory in college, and then learn the praclice. as an ordinary workman. It is a common cus tom in our great industrial works. That lad," pointing to another black and greasy workman, "is the son of a bishop, and that one the nephew cfa former presi dent." "The chief diffcrouce that I note he I ween Jou; people and ours," said his guest, "is that Ihc class which is idle with us all work with you. The sot.s of ytur prominent men and millionaires are. busy in professions or io amassing more mil lions. The few exceptions, men who idle, their djys io yachts or who frequent foreign court:, are, I find, looked upon with disfavor here." "Yes," said his bust, "our American creed is that a in no must justify his right to be alive by doing something for his fellowuitn. No amount of wealth will exempt him from that duty. He must give employment to olhers, wriie books, paint pictures or invent something. He must take up some work that will grow and bear fruit, or ba regarded as a fungucs-ao unwholesome growth. It is a libel on our American life to say lh.it the solo motive of its energy is tin making of inuney. The instinct of mutual pro gress prompt ruucb of our activity. Whether the motives arc wise or the abnormal energy is well directed is a question whh.h American buys and girls may answir tor themselves." A disordered stomach may cause no end of trouble When tho stomach fails lo ptrfnm its lunetious the bowels become ranged, the liver and kidneys conges ted, causing liU'ntTous diseases, the uiosl fatal of which are painless and ibercl'uie the inure to l e dreaded. Tho important iug is In restore tho stomach and liver to a healthy condition, and fur this pur pose no heller preparation can be usid than Chamberlain's Stomach and Live! Tablets. For sale by W. M. Cohen, druggist, Weldon, N. ( There are only two powers in the world, the moid aud the per; and in the nd the former is always conquered by the latter. At tho Prica of Surfarinrf. Woman oil her v.-nv to semi-invalidism I 1... ..P...r.,...,(.'t- cioTi-m modi IKliu. .UUS-C'l i) .ivSi.....v; , Ignor.iuci! prompts her to sitfier alone !n silence and remain in the dark as to '.he true e.i'.t -c motherhood, .Mother's Trkild takes the doctor's c. I .1. . 1. .a f,., r,:p for nn inter '.ic.v. ii'if ii her ovvu doctor, mid her .. ....t...-t...l T.iilv nnnlientioll tr tho hp'.e t mid ulidomcn throughout icv will etiahlf her to undergo the tx'iiod ol u st.ition m cueerim uioou nml rest uti(Us,turlx.'l. Mother's Friend t for external use onlv. It would iii.'.t-eil be shamefnl if the sacrifice of modest v were necessary to the success- r..l .'J 1.. .iltl'V rliililren All women , IMUKV. .......,, - ---- - alx nt to become mothers nted send only to n itniKt"i' n,ul ,nr r1 " Brt un: V .... ..1, ,.t ui.i,,ir Mntlipr'R :riend. Our book " fiotherhood" mailed free. THE BBA0FIE10 REGULATOR CO., ATLANTA, BA Grossmann'a PATENT WRITING HIM. The most important improvement of the n.a rt nf m-iiniamihin niakis t lie poorest writer a splendid peniiiuu in a few weeks by the nse of this ring. Endorsed by pronii nent Col lege Presidents nud boards ol education in r,nrpenu.i mnr,,,,, . i .1. ouj.,rtert sizes sent lvistinid f,.rl Rinule8imiile35c When otder- ing a single ring, statewhelher for niun, woman orcluia. Fenn Mil Supply Co., No' 111) H. 4th 8t , Philadelphia, sep iH it SECRETS VISIT OR lie tmw 20.-I AND 207 N. SYCAMOISE ST. PETERSBURG, VA. ill F "a mm ,..j:;.jt.(.ii;.v!g:JjL THE HUSTLING AND I'l' FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES AND GENEKAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS. A. J.WINFIELD , PRESIDENT di MANAGER BuSpccial Attention to Mail Orders. oct 3 ly. An Old Favorite I EARLY RISING ! By John Godfrey Saxe OD bless tho mini Ves blens the man who first Invented fde'p, (I really enn't nvold the lterutioni; Hut bhist the man. with curses loud mid deep, Whnto'er the rascal's niune or ngc or station, Who II in l Invented, and went round advising, That artillelal cut-off-Early Ulsing! "ltlso with the lark, and with the lark to bed," Observes some solemn, aentlmeiital owl; Maxims like these arc very cheaply said! lint, ere you make yourself n fool or fowl, Tray Just Inquire ubotit his rise and fall, And whether lurks have liny beds at all! The time for honest folks to be abed Is In the morning, If I reason right; And he who cannot keep his precious head lui his pillow till it's fairly light, And so enjoy his forty morning winks, Is up to knavery; or elso-he drinks! Thomson, who sung about the "Seasons," sulci It was a glorious thing to We ill season; I tut then he said lt-lylng in bis bed, At 10 o'clock A. M., the very reason He wrote so charmingly. The simple fact is Ills preaching wasn't sanctioned by his practice. 'TIS, doubtless, well to be sometimes awake, Awako to duty, aud awake to truth. !ut when, nlns! a idee review we take Of our best deeds anil days, we find. In sooth, The hours that leave the slightest cause to weep Aro those we passed in childhood, or asleop! "I'ls beautiful to leave the world awhile l'or the soft visions of the gentle night; And. free, lit last, from mortal care or guile, To live as only In the angels' sight; In sleep's sweet realm, so cosily shut ill, Where, nt the worst, we only rlmmi of slnl So let us sleep, and give the Maker praise. I Ilk" the lad who, when bis father thought To clip his morning Map by hackneyed phrase f Of vagrant worm by early songster caught, X Cried, "Served him right!-it's not nt all surprising; Y 'die worm was punished, sir, for early rising!" Society Gets the Benefit of the Machine; ByJoHN,cK, It Should Bear the Burden Head of the Department of Political and Social Science of Northwestern University MS ".'' UK labor orgiiiii.atiniis are not only a safeguard to tho interests of laborers, but mnler present eir ci.mstiim'es AUK XKCKSSAKY TO PUKVENT A (iEXEUAL LOWERING OF SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC CONDITIONS. I'mler tho coii.pet- itivo system, whrru employeis nro Bcvore, the pressure to drivo workingmeii is ennvspondinijly keen. As a result of this and tho concentration of. wealth and energy certain groat evils grow up. The phases that seem to be most appalling at this stage are tho tendency d increase child labor nnd the insanitary conditions which carry olT many workmen. Another niaiiifestiilion is the enormous number of accidental deaths nnd physical injuries to working peo ple. America is the only country that has not wrestled with that difficult v in tin adequate way. Nearly all European nations hnvo estahlished complete systems of accident, sickness and old ngc. AMERICA IN FAILING TO TO THOSE WHO SUFFER INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS HIDES BEHIND ANTIQUATED LEGAL THEORIES. (ierinaii statistics provo that accidents are duo to no negligence, but are necessary concomitants of machinery production. SOCIETY, AS A WHOLE, GETS ill K HENEITT OE THE MACHINE. SOCIETY, THERE FORE, SHOULD HEAR THE koh ovuit HIXTV VUARH Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has bsn used for ovor sixty years by millions ol mothers for children, while teething, with porfcol success. It Boothcs the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, euros wind colio, and is tho bost remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relievo the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggisls in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle- Besureandaskfor"Mr. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind. WEITE-w i i - ;.- -11 au - TO - DATE LEADKHS IN who Hint Invented sloop!" So Snnoho I'linzn Hiiid, mid so s:iy I; J And liletts him, also, Unit ho lihln't Uoep Ills great discovery to hlins.'ir. nor try ' To uinkc It ns the Im-ky fellow might j A close monopoly by patent -right! 0l driven hard and ciiipctitiii is insurance of working people against MAKE ADEQUATE COMPENSATION in this age of complex machinery lil'RDEN. I The bst physic: Chamberlain's Stem ntd Liver Tablets Ee.iy to lake plf-isant in effect For sile at W. M. Cohen'a drug store, Weldon, N. C. Most people judge others by the com piny they keep, or by their lonune, VOL' KNOW WHAT VOU'R KTAKING When you take Grove's Tistoless Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simply Iron and Quinine-in a tasteless form. No cure, No Pay. 50o. LOOK WiTHIN. THERE la SIX II A V JS.LU OF TKCTU AND BEAUTY READY AT OUR HANDS FOR THE TAKING, COULD WE BUT PAUSE TO LOOK AND CONSIDER. Wo grow bo accustomed to wotds, pbiusi'f, that they often lose for us a largo part of their significance, even while we use and repeat them thinking we grasp all their meaning. If you do not believe this just lake familiar thought or expression ami my it over slowly lo yourself, searching it for Us inmost uicauing. It will be strange if it does not soon grow lumioous with light of which you had not dreamed, and if you take one by one the words ol which it is composed, you will find each full of hitherto UDgucssed meaning. It is a pity that we live so fast now-a -days that we have no time to take into our consciousness the significance of much more than the surface of things. Thero is such a world of truth and boauly ready at our hands for the taking, could we but pause to look and consider. And what enrichment of our lives would come from even a little looking and consider ing! Mrs. Browning you know tells ua of "Every common bush aflame with God." but as she adds significantly "Only ho who sees takes off his shoos." It is a terrible thing that we should be so blind, blind lo hcvenly vision that we might behold on all sides, in the sky, in the trees and flowers, in tho "sound of gentle stillness" after tho storm, io the faces and lives of those about us, and io the common phrases and expressions of our conversations that have become household words to all. Wo might so greatly ennoble and dignify our lives did we but fed the significance of common things Mary Lome Dickinson in Tht Home Magazine, A DEMONSTRATION OF WHAT CHAMBERLAIN'S COLIC, CHOL ERA AND DIARRHOEA HEM ED Y CAN DO, "One of our customers, a highly res pected citizen of this place, had been for ten years a sufferer from chronic diar rhoea," writes Walden & Martin, drug gists, of Enterprise, Ala. "He had used various patient preparations and been treated by physicians without any per manent bent lit. A few months ago he commenced taking Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy and in a short lime was entirely cured. Many citizens of Enterprise who know the gen tleman will testify to the truthfulness of this statement." Fur sale at W. M. Cohen's drugstore, Weldon, N. C. A life of pleasure even makes the strongest mind fiivolous at last. A PROMINENT MINISTER UEC OM MENDS CHAMBERLAIN'S COLIC, CHOLERA AND DIAR RHOEA REMEDY. Rev. FraniU J. Davidson, pastor of the St. Matthew Baptist church and president of the Third District Baptist Association, 2731 Second St , New Or eans, writes as folluws; "I have i.ted Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy for cramps and pains in the stomach and found it excellent. It is in fact the best cramp and colic remedy I have ever used. Also several of my parishioners have used it with equally satisfactory results." For saie by W. M. Cohen, Druggist We'don, N. C. GIVING EACH HIS DUE' Matthew J. Dooohue, a Tammany d ist i lei leader, lelis tins slory ot an Englishman and an Irishman who wcro discussing the old race question. "When England ants a really good man she's got lo go to Ireland to get him," said the Irishman. ''Look Uobuu. L.J; at Kitchener. B'h Iri.-h." "I suppose you think Wellington was au Irishman," said the Kogli.hmin." "Sure." "And Nelson" "Sure." " guess you'd claim Caesar if you had i chance." "Sure. AH good fighting men ar Irish." "Well," said the Englishman as clincher, ''to go hack further, what wi u you do wilh Balaam?" "Ob, that's ail rijht," r -tort. d if Irishniau. "Balaam Was Iiis'i, hut (In , ass was English " New Y'ork Times ON THE LONG ROUGH ROAD. Some men are born to follow Aod some arc born to lead; A few arc born to order, Aod many are born to heed Fate puis us in the harness To worry aod to strive, And each of m is longing To crack the whip and drive. Chicago Record-Herald, BOTH OF ONE FLESH. Ytl'.NU LADV SAClUI'iCur) oilJIE 01' H13. SKIN FOR HER VUTURE I1USAND. "A fiieud of miue, a Mobile, Aia , physician tells this story of one of his patients, and I have no reason to doubt his veracity," said S. A. Ilankins, of the Southern city, to a Star man at the Arlington. "Dr. Blank had as a patient a young mail who had received a severe cut on his arm; it had healed nicely until it had reached a certain poiut, but then got no belter. Finally the doctor sug gctted ihat ho be allowed to take a piece of skio Iron another part of the body and graft it on the injured aim The t atiect consented and made an appoint ment for the opcralion to bo performed the next morning. At the appointed hour the patient arrived at the office, ac companied by a very charming young woman well known in Mobile society. Tho doctor invited the patient into the operating room, when to hii surprise the young lady accompanied him. Once in side the youog lady asked both men to leave the room for a minute The young man then had an opportunity to tell my friend the doctor Ihat he had informed his fiance what was necessary to heal tho wound and she had insisted upon being allowed to furnish the necessary skin. She thought it would be a very sentimental thing to do, and that when they were married within a few weeks tbey would be actually of one flesh. The doctor consented and took from the arm of the youog woman suffient skin for his purpose. Both wounds healed nicely and neither has a soar to show for it." Washington Star. HE MAN WHO DOES THINGS. DISCOURAGEMENTS AND FAILURE ARE MEANINGLESS NOTH1NU8 TO HIM. Every institution wants him. He is not looking for positions; positions are looking for him. lie does not complain, he acts. He accomplishes results, and these accomplished results, speak more mdly in his favor thin acres of subsidi zed newspapers. What the world wants. the world rewards, is the man who does things. Disci'uragi ment aud failures are meaoinglcss nothings to him; results are the substantial things for which he strives and attains. There is u settled air of as sured success in his: tuanuers uud move ments. There is no trouble in selecting him from a crowd. II o can bo picked out just as ' unerringly as his opposite, who .ihides with disc mrageincnt ond failure, and they leave a more attractive imprint on the countenanoo. Men wl do things io industriil, commercial and financial life arn as scarce as their nppo- sites are plentilul. Opportunities are not scarce, they are plentilul, more plen tiful than ever since history was written. They await the poor boy who does things without looking at the clock. People who are always looking at the clock never amount to much in anything Men who do things never consult the time to bc if they can stop; they know tima "was made lor slaves, not lor virile men who enthusiastically do things. Employes who frequently consult the clock w alwaysbe employes with no hope of ris ing. The man who does things may in his absorption forget his meal or his bed, but his opposite will be ever ready ahead of time for bath or cither. Taken from the November number cl 1 he noman s Magazine. A FITTING END. Ice cream hy quarts he ate in life Twas his insenate whim; So when he died his weeping wife said sadly: "Crem ate hill)!" HIS EXPERIENCE. Miles "Sbnrtleigh is making violmt lovo to that homely heiress He almost Kjiici zod the breath out of her when they were wallziug Ingolber." Giles "Poor girlt She has my sym pithy." Miles "Because why?" Giles "Because I have been bard pressed for money myself." Chicago news. THE OLD RELIA BLE PGY3EB Absol&teiy Pure 7HEKEI5N0 SUBSTITUTE mm. Politeness is as nutural lo delicate nalure9 as perfume is to 11 iwer. TMt!l "f lKht steel -m becomes dulled by constant use and must have a new edge if it is to do good work. Constant work duils a man us it rl,.s :, nx, mili;t.s hi"i sluggish of body and dull of mind. I.e needs a tonic. something that will restore the keenness of mind and activity of body. I ir. Pierce's Golden Medical Diseiiverv puts new life into weak, worn-out, run dowu men ami women. It strength ens the weals stom ach, purities the blood, anil effect ively stimulates the 1 i ver. The whole body is built up w ith sound, sol i , I iK-sh by the use of "Golden RP lledical Discovery." "I was cnnfitieu to my lid lor lour mulUlis from January 1st, ami coiiiim need to t;.kc your methane January Jt'lti. iSyy," writes Mis. Snllie I,. Sltepparti, of Poplar I: hi if. Mo. " I took eiyllt hnltk-s of Or, I'iiMCe's t'.oltk-u Mtit ical lliscovery. four of ' 1-avorite 1're-i.Tiptiun,' two vials of ' l'teasanl 1'ellets.' and one bottle of Doctor Pierce's Com noutitl lixlract ofSniHit. Weeil, as a liniment, Ili'lmestloll. obstinate constipation, and hardening of the Hvrr was my trouble. 1 am at this time able lo do almost aoy kind of honsff work. Your medicine saved me from my tfrave. Tlianks to you for the Itenefit. My case was hopeless wlieu I began taking your medicine. " Don't be fooled into trading a sub stance for a shadow. Any substitute offered as "just as good" as "Golden Medical Discovery," is a shadow of that medicine. There are cures behind every claim made for the " Discovery," which no "just as good " medicine " can show. Biliousness is cared by the use of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant I'ellets. Sick Headache? Food doesn't digest well? Appetite poor? Bowels constipated? Tongue coated? It's your liver ! Aycr's Pills are liver pills; they cure dys pepsia, biliou cress. 2fc. All (l-ur.lsts. :::! a liuautiful ti'Juiv:!?, ; for the . Whiskers Viilil fnrtla r iiutitr, J viU St U : Tuiiialmt 10 C'is ii Gin. 12 Cukn Laundry Smip, 25 Cents, Fumy AVjr Orhini MuIukucs, 35 Ce.'ifs a GnJlnn, Rountid OiJJic, 10 Cent a Pnvmh 10 I'uiimh Btt Lurd for $1.25. Hint Hinulad Shoiddi r l'uu Eivr Ate for 12 Cmtia Pound, 3 Vnunth Gran Off" '"" 2" Cent; I STILL HAVE THE J. E. M. Flour. BETTER THAN EVER BEFORE. W. T. PARKER. WELDON, N O. . "The Biggest Sensation Everywhere." 3LILIPUTS; C'OLAP.SAl'.LE POCKET STEREOSCOPE APPARATUS The snnilica Slereotcope with the strong est optic d ell'eet Highly finish-d indil lerei.t colors with rich gold and silver dec orations (mountings). Including 20V.F Photographs. Views of art (irenre.) Price onlyfl. t-entevery where prepaid In let ter form ls.Agenta wanted. L1L1PUT HI EKE08I OPE CO., FOKHEST BUILDING, Philadelphia. sept 18 tf E.T . CLARK 7v I swna r WK 3 PURE & MELLOW RICH & DELICATE For Sale By W.D. SMITH. Weldon, N. c. Tt A l N ill l Aim I lnr Ar.tn n itit mm u pruiiiiij. ATTORNEY AT LAW, WEI. DON, N. C. Practices in tlio tourla of Hulifai aid adjoining counties, and lo the Hnprema court of UiHl, ii. Hpeclal attention given ti collections nd prompt return.

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