Isjp jJj jgfil A. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE TERlwTS:-i-5o pkr annum in advance VOL. XXXVII. WELDON, N. C. THURSDAY APRIL 30. 1903. NO. 51 , ntw n acUallftc compound aiada tma roota, hart, and barka-omtalaa Mlttirr inlataa poiaona. II purlllM tka Wood aad rraiovcl lh uuw il rk.amtl and all blood dlMuta. Anyoaacan Uka RHKLfUCIUU lta abaa lata aakljr. 0 na dlfMUva ori.oa. TWO TUiinoi, 8. C Auk. 16, MU. OVnlli'man: I beea!! to eunVr (mm rhniiiiat lata about in raw imriHico. ami hul ii wry bad In my lliuln. At tinirt I ri'.uld liarilly walk. Wu, Irralrd lijr a plirikinn without bewli t. Mora tlinu a ear aio. Mr. Uaorfc Wi Boar on Ibo Coaat I.lne, llvuu In Flor ence, tld ma tliat " IliitrHACiuc" eurad aim. I fot a bottl, ami it bne Ittod B. I took (la bottl .: ami nra now as well at I aver waa In my lite. 1 reirard " llnnmACliii" ai a great meilk'lue. 1 know of oluura It baa ourad. Truly. 8. T. MTRCH. cumi. IIA RUXOTOIC, 8. C, AUf . ltb. ltd. Oenllemen:-AIoiit two years jo I nil a mry anrpra attack of Innamma tnrv 1 lu If great pain nl wu oontlnrd to my bed for nr. wo. ai. Dunn tna time I waa treated by two Pliyaklm without permanent relief. ( apt. Harier, a conductor on tbe AtlaUtlO L'oait l.ina heard f nv ; condition and eot me two bottles of "llmuAOlD" I befan to take It l viiil in a week I fot up and walked on ci m. m a. intr taklnr tbrea bottle! of the remedy I ot entirely well and went bai'k to my liuilneit. I personally- know of a number of other bad cases that were cured by the Uli of your medicine, in thtl town and vicinity. It is all that you elilm for It. Truly. J. L. 81SKHON. Sold by Druggie. Will be sent eipreta paid on receipt of f i.oo. Bobbitt Chem'.cJ Co., - . Baltimore, fid.. U.S. A. BOBD HOSIfJQ OUT SLE! $ fc $ fc In order to make room for Spring Goods I will sell all winter cloth ing at cost. Call and get a good suit and overcoat at bargain prices P. K STAINBACK, The Weldon Grocery Co. $ WHOLESALE JOBBERS IN H STAPLE & FANCY lgfii GROCERIES 'fpuf MaV-We Sell Only To Merchant. ti) J J Order. Solicited. THE WELDON GROCEUY w , w 2 8 It weldon, n.o. WHY WHY ? LET YOUR ROOF GO TO RUIN WHEN ONE COAT OF Black Elastic Roof Paint WILL PRESERVE 1 1' FOR YEARS ? Write for piieeeao Cold Water PaiDl, Colore, I'ure House Paints, Roofiog Papers, Brushes, et. Tanner Paint & Oil Co., Box 180. 1419 E. MAIN STREET. RICHMOND, VA. PETER SMITH & CO., THE LEADERS OF LOW PRICES, IMPORTERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER8 IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS NO. 2K8MAINSTEET, NORFOLK. TA. Tit But i Wli 1 4:WELDON, N. C.i- Orianiiei Mer Tie Lm of tie State of North Carolina, AUGUST 20TH, 1892. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEI'lHUOHY. HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. TOWN OK WKLDON DEPOSITORY. capital mo surplus $27,000. o ......;,ll k.nkina farililiM for ibis aeclioo ror ie yesn mis inwuunuu hu -- --- lis stockholders aod direotor hire beeo identified wiih the bu.ioes inlercli ol Hslifsi and NonhimptoB eoooiiee for Binj jeer.. Money is losoea upoo pfo?ed eeearil; tt (be legal rite of inlereet lit per centum. Accounts of nil re solicited. l'ru..i. Vioe-Preeident: Cwhicr w ic n.v.iri i.. J K. RAMSAY. W. H. tfM ITH. 8eiboerd, Nortbsmpton county, N. C. WHAT IS A KISS? Til E DKOP THAT RUNNETH 0VE8 WHEN THE CLP ' LOVE IS FULL Some yem ago the following defini tions of a kiss were publinhcd.and they sre here reproduoed, being considered well wonh the place given them. A kiss is an insipid and tastelesa mor sel, which becomes delicious and delecta ble in proportion as it ia flavored with love. The sweetest fruit ia the one of love. The uficntr plucked the more abundsnt it grows. A thing of ue to no one, but much prized by two. The baby's right, the lovor's privilege, the parent's beuison, and the hypocrite's mask. That which you cannot give without takiog, and cannot take without giving. Tbe food by which tbe flame of love is fed. The flag of truoe in the petty wars of courtship and marriage. The acme uf agouy to a bashful man. The only known "smack" that will calm a storm. A telegram to the heait in which the operator uscb the sounding system. Nothing divided between two. Not enough for one,, just eoiugh fur two, too much for three Tbe only really agreeable two-faced ac tion under the buo, or tbe moon either The sweetest labial of the world'a lan- A woman'a most tffociive argument, whether to cajole the heart of a father, control the humora of a husband, or con sole the griefs of childhood. Simelliiog rather dangerous, Something rather nice, Something rather wicked, Though it can't be called a vice. Some think it naughty, Others think it wrong, All agree it's jolly, Though it doean't last long. A kiss from a pretty girl ia like having hot treacla poured down your back by angels. The thunderclap of the lips, which inevitably follows the lightning glances of (be eyes. A report at headquarters. Everybody's acting edition of "Romeo and Juliet." What the child receivea free, what the young man steals, and what the old nan buys. That in which (wo heads ire better than one. A DOWRY QUESTION- Crawfoid "I expect to get my daughters wall married by giving them a good education." Crabahaw,, I think you'd auocicd better if you gave them the money the education would coat." E. CLARK The 111 Gil The Bat of Etetythinir kept ia nock. Freeh Seewoeble goods for family v . General Supplied for (ha Public Full line HARDWARE. 32 FINE BARS- My bar U eupplied with th. moat eboioe WHISKIES, BRANDIES. VVINES, CIQAR3 and TOBACCO. wjuPolitaatteptioa and Prompi d-lie il til; -- I- "To say a pleasant word to anyone was almost impossible." "I WIta IJTHilHCtJ WUH irman wnaiim aw writn Mri'liuM Mcmtt of Ovndo. Deerlodfff Co , Motil. " My uiiHmon wu ancciva loiuun n rxirtii mai in my plMMlul woro to impoMtble. "! hart two one? rm tiot it nrftnrmrA by nneiiftn? tnnt killrd tircconi of the '(!. btil did nt Kt rrlirl. Thn. nicaiust my doctor' dtrkt orden. 1 coiiimmccd taking Ir. Fieri- Pvoril pretcript'on nd f.otdrn Mr-lirs! !n- cwtry.' and alto ful lowrJ the pttvicc ivn in lh? lorn moo Rftue Medical Ad- ViftfT. fi I (Vnlinuaai Ihl treatment fur Ihrre monlhu. and t-dav am a hen It by and well ai a woman tan be. 1 cannot lliank Itacl'ir J'tervcenmiith for hi ktutl letter me. Wooianly dii- spoil the "dupost lion." !ircauM of tli atartrwittla tlfTV. ouMH-M and iiirterinK they catwe. Hap- . . a Iaa1th ial rfrlifiml tl IllCaaS mm wi mm he woman wboae rliteaard condition tt curctl by the uat of Dr. Jierce favorite ill., ....lit waaaara nl llffaritlaT ainrl I WO fniiileae oiieraiiona, three montha' uae of "Favorite PrevninioM" ntiomi wra. remedv for woman's Ills, establishes regularity, tlries weakening drains, heals Inflammation and ulceration aud cures female weakness. t TV,, rnmninn ftnBa Medical AdvlSCr, .xU tM.rmm (tt naiTaffr KlVftl. t Bellt njua iaK r-r " - - - -v- .f ti nnaaHl atatnna in free as i'I" " " i psr eipeuae of mailing only. Address Jt. R. V. nerce, ounaio, a. Grossmann's PATENT WRITING RING. The moat ImporUnt improvement of (he pooreat writer a apleodid penman in a few . . - l ak. HU Mflkiai rinar FntsOnaawl bv nrominent College PremdenU and boards i r. V .-A AanaariAaa Uaaan. ol enocauon ia ruiwu a.. pie dosen aworted sent postpaid forfl. 8in.e sample 25o. When order ing a single ring, state whether for man. woman or cuiiu. Pen Iff. Sipplj Co., I No- lit 8. itb 8t , Philadelphia, aep 18 U TictMp Chill Tonic wu. voes ibis record v. r ' . ; auw ra. -VISIT Ol?, "WEITE" He Petersburg Furniture Co, 203 AND 207 N. SYCAMORE ST. PETERSBURG, VA. THE HUSTLING AND UP-TO-DATE LEADERS IN FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS. A. J.WINFIELD , PRESIDENT & MANAGER l&,Special Attention to Mail Orders. oct 3 ly. An Old Favorite A RECIPE FOR SALAD By Sydney Smith THE name of the Rev, Sydney Smith (born 1771. died 1845) has come down to us aa that of the KPeatuHt of KiiRlinh wlta, and stories of hia (Uilt'kiicHB of iniiul are still wrltterr and told. He was educated At Winchester and Oxford and held various livings In the Church of England. Smith was one of Hie fouudera uf the Edinburgh Hevlew, its Unit ed itor and one of its chief contributors for twenty yearn. Edward Everett says of him, "If he had not been known as the wittiest man of his day, he would have been accounted one of the wisest." T O make tbla condiment your poet bets The pounded yellow of two hnrd-bolli d cckr; Two boiled potatoes, panned through kitchen sleva, Smoothness and noftiiesn to the salad give; Let onions lurk within the bowl, And, half BUBpcctcd, nnlnuite the whole; Of mordant mustard add a hIiikIc npoon. Distrust tlio condiment that bltea too soon; But deem it not, thou nmn of herbs, a fault To add a double quantity of salt: Four times the spoon with oil from I.uccu crown, And twice with vinegar, procured from town; And lastly, o'er the flavored compound toss A magic noufifOB of anchovy sauce. O green and glorious! O herbaivous treat I 'Twould tempt the dying anchorite to eat; Back to the world he'd turn his tleetlng soul, And plunge his fingers In the snlad bowl; Serenely full, the epicure would say, "Fate cannot hnnu me I have dined to-day." COLOR LINE IN BANDS. Orleans' objections to color id MEN'a MCSIC IS REBUKED BY TUK RALEIGH POST. Those who have chargo of the local arrangements for the Confederate re union at New Orleans very properly want music and call for twenty bands. The bands of the city all beloog to a uoioD, and some of them are composed of oolor ed people. To supply the tweoty bands called for makes it Decenary to include some at least of the negro artists, and this the local managers object to, and ave been notified by the union that un less they accept tbe negro bands along with the white they can march without usic. Where the objestion to the colored musicians can come lu wo tai to ace. Tbey are only be employed (or their tuus- , and nothiog more, and we venture to say they will furnish more really inspir ing, hcartliftiog music than all the other bands composed of foreigners as they aro ever dreamed of, and more reaching after the Southern heart. Why, the only distinctive American usic to-day are the Southern negro melodies. And when did Southern peo ple cease employing the colored band, string or tooting instrument, or both, (or their strictly social functions? We ave danced all night till broad daylight and gone home with girls ia the morn ing to tbe inspiring strains of Old Frank Johnson and Pdhipey Long, and they ave successors who are quite as respon sive to demands upon them. If our belles ml beaux can afford to step to tbe music of colored bands, we old veterans can fford to march to the strains of "Dixie," Mocking Bird," or the "Suwaoee Bib ber," when rendered by our own South ern darkies, and if any one on earth ever threw his soul into his music it is our Southern negro when he is gloryiog elujah, touching the light gnitar or tooting a familiar Southern melody on horn. Let the committee of arrangements go on with its business. The Old Yets are willing for tbo sons of their old planta tion darkies to make music for them any- here. mil ru MARKS OF A TRUE GENTLEMAN By FREDERICK WILLIAM FARRAR, Dean of Canterbury T is not difficult to point out the characteristics whioli distinguish a true gentleman, whatever may be his rank, from one who has no claim to this appella tion, however high may be his birth. Whenever a man in society is guilty of obtru five self assertion; whenever ho tries to monopolize attention by thrusting himself into tho conversation of others; whenever his talk is almost exclusively occupied with himself and his own do ings, ha shows at once that, in the true sense of tho word, ho is not a gentleman. If, again, he shows no consideration for the feelings of others; if ho ignores their susceptibilities; if his conversation has no delicacy or reserve in it, he will at once be recogniy.ed by all present as lacking in the qualities of a gwitleman. A delicate ympiithy, h refined desire to give no needless pain by heedless re marks, a fine regard for tho feelings of others, a bearing full of foiirteav which has not in it the lust touch of condescension all theso are marks of a true gentleman. a? it IT MUST NOT FOR A MOMENT BE SUPPOSED, HOWEVER, THAT THE DELICATE CONSIDERATE NESS OF A GENTLEMAN WILL EVER PREVENT HIM FROM THE STRONGEST DENUNCIA TION8 OF EVERY FORM OF FLAGRANT INIQUITY. TO BE A GEN TLFMAN DOES NOT MEAN TO BE TIMID OR TO ALLOW THE PREVALENCE OF GLARING EVILS TO GO UNREBUKED. Care for tho feelings of others in all ordinary matters doc not inmlv the timidity and nonchalance of those who aro content to ace iniiiuit.v abounding on every side of them mid yet who di: net care to ruUc a voice for its exposure and suppression. A DEMONSTRATION OK WHAT CI1AMBKRLAINS COLIC, CHOL ERA AND DIARRHOEA REMEDY CAN DO. "Ooe of our customers, a highly res pected ciiian of this place, bad beeo for to years a aufferer from ehronio diar rhoea," wriirs Waldco & Martin, drug gist, of Enterprise, Ala "Ha had used faiiuui patient preparations and beeo treated by physicians without any per manent benefit A fi w months ago he ootnmeoccd taking Chamberlain's Col to, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and in a abort lima was entirely cured. Many ciliaena of Enterprise who koow tha gan tlemao will tcalify to Ibe trutbfulnea of Ihi statement." For aale at W. M. Cuhen'a drugstore, Weldon, 1U YOU KNOW WHAT VOU'HKTAKINO When you take Grove't Tasteleee Chill Tonic because the formula ia plainly prieted oa every bottle ahowiog that it ia simply Iroa and Quinine in l lastelcaa form. No oura, No Pay, 50c A disordered stomach may oadae so end of trouble. When the stomach laila to perfooj in function.! the bowela become deranged, the liver and kidneys conges ted, causing numerous diaeaaca, the most fatal of which are paioleaa and therefore the more to be dreaded. The important thing ia to restore the stomach and liver to a healthy condition, and for this pur port oo better preparation ran be ued than Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale by W. M. Coheo, druggist Weldon, N. C. Frienda should be weighed, not told be who boaata rf having woo a multitude of friends has never had one. Tbe beat physic: Chamberlain 'a Stom aoh and Liver TabUls. Eeaiv to take pleasant in effect. For aale at W. M. Cohen 'a drug store, Weldon, N. C. Ooe ol the beat tunica for tbe nerves is a long, brisk walk. I'ure air contains every kind of medicine. SAVED HIS CAPITAL. A BANK PRESIDENT WHO DID NOT fOR OET BIS OLi TIME FRIEND. 9 "Come in the morning, and tho bank will have something fur yuu to do," said the president of n Broadway bank to a meek looking man nhoc hair was while and whose eyei were marked by deep crow's feet as he left the iflicc, will) a bright look of sali-fuciion on Lis luce that hud not teen tin re before. "Let me tell yuu a story," mud I lie president as he inoli med to me (u re main. 'I was living in Liwa, and 1 1i re.' city lots coniposid the e:iiiiul llmt I ooked to to give me a Hurl in businiw. I held on to them for a lnni; lime while working for 835 a inonlli in a real t:ite office until they had advanced in value to $3,000, when I sold I hem to a S'. Louis man. "It was nearly 3 o'clock, and I hur ried to the bank. I nnnlc out (lie de posit slip and laid it, will) my guld and bankbook, in front of the receiving teller. It is closing time now,' he said, nd you had better not make your de posit until morning.' " 'Charley,' I said, for I knew him ell, 'that is ridiculous. It is a minute betore closing time, aod I insist Wunt ynur iiM'usiiu-lie or biiril a beautiful l.r'iwu ur ricli black? Dim use 1 BUCKINGHAM'S DYEtvr. UiV.IT. O" R P Kill & CO., N1MU H M. ON SHAKING HANDS- Did you ever stop to think about tbe custom of ahakiog hands, and wendir by it is that we always shake the right hand? Probably you have never thought ibout it at all, or, if you have you think that the only reason for using your right band ia that you were taught not to use ysur left one, says tha Buffalo Courier. Io reality this cuitom now so common is very ancient one, and it originated in this way: In the days when people were not as peaceable as tbey now are, and when taeh man settled his quarrels in bit own way, every man carried a aword or dagger to defend himself. Tbe sword wai worn on bis left aide, wbete the right hand could quickly grasp it for use o lime of peiil. Therefore, when a man wished to how that he wai friendly, he extended hii right hand, which would be elapsed by tbe other i right hand, if he, too, meaot peace. Thus each could be sure that the other would not draw his sword. With the dawn of more peaceful times the custom lost iti one-time purpose, but it Mill retains its original meaning to show friendship OABTOItlA, Baantlw ye Tin KinJ Vou Haw Hlways Bougtit OUT OF OOOR LIFE FOR WOMEN POWDER Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE A Bad Breath A bad breath means a bad stomach, a bad digestion, a bad liver. Aycr's Pills are iiaif liver pills. They cure con stipation, biliousness, dys- that you take my deposit. I don't want pepSia, SICK headache. In ho rnhhail r,f nil lhal 1 Wo nn o.rlh 25C arullta. before morning.' " 'I will fix it lor you,' he said as he gathered up the money and bankbook and disappeared io the vault with them. In a uiionte he was back and I was as tonished at his actions. "'I have put it in my private box,' he continued, 'where it will be cafe, and in the morning you can make the deposit if you want to. "Next morning the bank's failure was announced. "I hurried to Charley's bouse, which was nerr bv, and asked him about the aok. Yes, it has failed and won't pay cent,' ho said 'Just five minutes be fore you oamo in with your money yes terday the directors decided n't ti open this morning. I was told to give out no information until business hours today, and that is the reason I didn't tell you If you had made your deposit, the mon ey would have all gone. Now it is sale n my box, and you can have it any mo ment you please.' I did get it, aod it was the founda tion of my fortune. Tho man who was iust here ia that Charley a-d was the teller who saved my capital lor me." There is nothing like out-of-doora to drive the blues away, to make up for umethiog one has lost, to make up for something one baa never had. When am tired, I go for a long oar ride no th gripmaos special, Wneo 1 thiuk my family ii disagreeable, I go for a walk Wbeo I know I am disgreeable, I go fc walk. Whro my frirndt ouiit to scm invitations, I go for a walk. When my oolthea look titueworo and discouraged Igofora walk. Wbeo my favorit players are io towo aod the prices to ice them correspond to my desire to see them I go for a walk. Wbeo ermine ia the only fur worn, I go for a walk. When Hi late sweetheart decided it was the Other girl after all, I stayed at home io dark room aod cried for a while. Hul afterwards I got up, and I went 1 r walk. Aod cow it is all right Earnest, fervent, persistent and kill prayer Io Qvl For Truth, Light, Guid ance and Wisdom, is the noblest and manliest thing a mao cao do. A DREAM GONE BY- Harry "Can't you think of anything that would make you. happy, Harriet?" Harriet "Yes; I wish I were a little girl again, Io play with the paper dolls made nowadays." OABTOnXA. Basra tha A imi lw'fl Were we determined resolutely to avoid voices, the world foists them on us as thieves put off their plunder on the euiltless. THE OLD RELIA BLE KOH OII'.R MX TV YEA KM Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup basbeen used for over sixty years by millions ol mothers for children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes tho child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and ia the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists io every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs, Wins-1 low'a Soothing Syrup," and take do oth er kind. PURE & MELLOW RICH & DELICATE For Sale By W. 0. SMITH. Weldon, N. c. A A DIFFERENCF. The Friend is your daughter happily married? The Father Well, happily she's mar ried. Kansas City Independent. A PROMINENT MINISTER REC OM MENDS CHAMBERLAIN'S COLIC, CHOLERA AND DIAR RHOEA REMEDY. Rev. Francis J. Davidson, patrf the St. Matthew BaptUt church aod president of the Third District Baptist Association, 2731 Second St., New Or leans, writes aa follows: "I have wed Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diar rhoea llemedy I or cramps and paius in the stomach and found it excellent. It is PI'OMATTOX IKON WORKS. 28 to 34 Old Street. PETERSBURG, VA, Mannfacturersof Machinery, Shafting.Pulleys, Agricultural Implements. Having bought out Siecl & Alexan der, founders and machinists, with all patterns, we are now prepared to fur nish patts to machines formerly made by tueui. HYDRAULIC PRESSES ... PEANUT MACHINERY, pec,.,,,, Mill work and castings of all kinds, second hand machinery for sale cheap. Call on us or write lor what ynu want. Your Opportunity. Until fitrtlii r wilier 1 u ill S U : Tullliltiut 10 Ural l Ci". 12 Ckn Luiimlii Snap, 25 G ull, Uiimy A'i ic Viliuit jloiinsi', 35 in fact the best cramp and colic remedy 1 1 Cent' i (""'". have ever used. AlaJ aevcial ol my parishioner! have used it with equally aatialauiory results." For 59 !f by W M I ohn. llrtieL'lat. We'don, N. C. Fishermen, in order to handle eeli rcsurely, first oover them with dirt. Id like manner does detraction strive to gra'p excellence. Rmittul '"; 10 Gut ii Pmm.h 10 Wr limt Lard fr 11.25. lli 't k'mi'krtl ,V7i..iiMi r I'mi A'ivc At furZ Venha I'uuml, 3 V Crr.ii Gflrr fnr 25 Cmti, I STILL HAVE THE J. E. M. Flour. BETTER THAN EVER BEFORE. CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. Be Kind You Hate Always Bought rj P ARKER. Bears tha Signature) WEI-DON, N C. "The Biggest Herniation Everywhere."! SLILIPUT& COL APS ABLE POCKET STEREOSCOl'E APPARATUS The emallest Stereotnnpe with the strong est optical eiiect. iiiginy nutsnrt in nil- lerent colors with rich gold and silver dec- I supposel" gurgled the cheerful idol. orattone (mountings). Including 2(1 V.F. Baltimore American. L-i-ii 1H,.t...n.k...ii. i.. .,.. . . ... Ur form. l4.Agenta wanted. LILIPUT rVIEKKOHCOPE CO., FOKKKhT bUILDINO, .Philadelphia, aept 18 tf . " ' Vi NATURAL SEQUENCE- " Yea, concluded the medical racon teur, "she became iosaoe through ex cessive dancing" Ooe might say she was hopping mad, OABTOTIIA. Baan U A 1 Haw always Botjjit BlgaaUn sf