mm HI M P Wlf Jr 1MM w pmii wp If f ill ii Pi IS Up-1 MIC, ? DVEIK'TISITG IRATES-modkratk. -A. FEWSPAPBB FOE THE PEOPLE TEIRIMS.-'1-50 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE I VOL. XXXVII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY MAY 7, 1903. NO. 52 g 4l 1 li f GRASS. T!!l! F0101VrFi OK NATURE H KR CONSTANT BENEDICTION. The Great Spring Remedy. After the rigors of winter ire frit you are liable lo (eel the need of a , tonic, laativ ana BLOOD PURIFIER. YOU WANT THE BEST OF COURSE ; THAT IS KHEUMACIDE. ti.:. n.ticin i, aritntifirallv enmnounrfed from the extracts of roote. -? ' herbs and barki, combined witri certain otner purnying ami ainraiive product!. A ture cure tor Kneiwrntnin, innigcsiion, t nnMipannn, own, -ii i:. ..:.:.. :...,;.;.. : .1,. KlilllfV mull e BHU an wiimki anting iiui" ... - Aak yom dr((Ull for RHKH Jt ACIDK kail InaUt OB (UlBg It. Bcwan at f abatltatM of aoabtfal Tln. All nrui'imti. or exDretl DreDaid. n.kKi.t Co.. . Baltimore, fid.. U. 5. A. A DVUUH. " ' HOSIfiQ OUT SiLE! " st s'st St St ' In order to make room for Spring Goods I will sell all winter cloth ingatcost. Call and get a good suit and overcoat at bargain prices E. K STAINBACK, The Weldon Grocery Co. $ , ... .. nr. ila u. tt.r. u. rtf vUrti'( 'tWi-iUib tiJ WHOLESALE JOBHEKH IN Ik STAPLE FAWOTlHS MS SGROCERIESS ! Bw.5 TUP . all nl. To. M-rnlmntH. WJ oTZTLluiZT. THE WELDON OHOCEKY CO The atittuoch of Uling, lays n fi- chaige, iccolU I lie fulluniDg bcnuliful tribute (o gross by lie br i 1 li u tit Jolio J. Itiiills, at one time Scoalor frou Kan- "Oram ia the forgivenesi of Nature hrr ouostatit benrdtotion. Fields Irani pleiJ wit!) battle, Pal ur Bird with blood, lorn with the run of cannon, grow grn'n leiiin with gram and carnage ia forgotten. Sireela abandoned by traffic, become mam grown, like rural lanes, and are obliterated. Forests decay, harvests perish, flowers vanish, but grass is im mortal. Belee,urcd by (be sullen hosts of winter, it withdraws into the imprrg- nible fortress of lis subterranean vitality and emerges upon the first solicitation of spiing. Sown by the winds, by wander ing bird', propagated by the subtle hor ticulture of the eliroents, which ire its ministers and servants, it softens the rude outline of the world. Its tenacious fibers hold the earth in its place and pre- nt us soluble components from wash ing into the wasting sea. It invades the solitude of deserts, climbs the inaccessi ble slopes and forbidding pinnacles of mountains, modifies climates and deter mines the history, character and destiny of nations Unobtrusive and patient, it has immortal vigor and aggression. Ban ished from the thoroughfare and the field, it bid is its time to raturn, and when vigilance is relaxed or the dynasty has perished it silently resumes the throoe from which it has been expelled, but which it never abdicates. It bears no blazonry af bloom to charm the senses with Iragranoo or splendor, but its hemc 'y hue is more enchanting than the lily or the rose. It ie1ds do fruit in earth or air, and yet, should its harvest fail for a single year famine would depopulate the world." -"VISIT OB WBITE-w The Petersburg Furniture Co, 20.' AM) 207 N. BYCAMOkK ST. PETERSBURG, VA. j!'0trP2T.fijiwPw i 1 J THE HUSTLING AND UP-TO-DATE LEADERS IN FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES AND GENEKAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS. A. J.WINFIELD , PRESIDENT & MANAOER .Special Attention to Mail Orders. oct 3 ly. UP IN NATURAL HISTORY- WKI.CON.N. 0. WHY ? WHY Teacher Bessie, name one bird thi t is now extinct. Little Bo-sie Dick. Teacher Dick? What sort of a bird is that? , Little Bessie Our canary, the cat extineted him. LET YOUR ROOF GO TO RUIN WHEN ONE IUA1UP Blact Elastic Hoof Paint WILL PRESERVE II' FOR YEARS ? . Write foaptioe. oo Cold Water Paints, Colors, Pure IIoue Paints, Hoofing "Tanner PaiDt & Oil Co., VoX m 1419 E. MAIN BTREEr, RICHMOND, V A. PETER SMITH & CO., THE LEADERS OE LOW PHICES, IMPORTERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALEH8 IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS NO. 2MMAIN8TEET, NORFOLK. VA. -:..WELDON, N. C. Orpiiei Msr The Lais of the State of North Carolina, AUGUST 20TII, 1892. STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA UKIIM ;OuY. HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOltO iK. TOWN OK WELDON DEPOSIIOIU. fiPITll AND SURPLUS ' $27,000. Forteoveartthiainatitutionh.. provided banking f.oilitie. for thi. aeelior. Halifax and Northampton eounllea lor many year.. - -r proved Hrit, at th. legal U of,. Aooount. of .11 e solicited. ... . ... .,. . I M RAMSAY. W. R.8MI1H. j " "'" 8caboard, Northampton oounty, N. C. E. CLARE Like most men of that nrofeiaion he took himself seriously and resented any suspicion of bis veracity. One evening, at his favorite lounging place, he was ouldoioe himself on bis net tonic, the civil war. With the ease acquired by long practice he was reeling off yarn after yarn about bis exploits, though every one knew that be bad never been any thing but .sutlers clerk. "Talk of mud," he was just saying, "our campaign in the Wilderness wai the worst- It rained for days without let ting up. Poured by the) bucketful the whole time. When it did stop we hooked right up and started off with our artillery, slumping and splashing along till we were .11 covered with mud. Pretty soon we came to a regular w iter hole, but we drove right along, and di you know that first learn went right out of sight. Yes, sir, eight mules, limber, gun and .11 sunk out of sight. All we got out was the driver's hat." A newcomer in town, who had not as yet learned to respeot this man's foibles, then spoke : "I've seen some mud, too, iu my time. When I was a boy over io Jersey on my father's farm we had a terribly wet spring. The roads were sloppy and folka did not hiteh up unless tbey just had to go. One day I saw a hat out io the road, right io . big puddle. I thought it waa funny, that bat out there, so I waded out to get it. "Maybe you won't believe me, but I swear it's so. Well, sir, you can believe it or not, just as you like, there was a man under that hat. And says I, 'Why, hello I can 1 1 help you out ( " 'Oh, no,' says he, 'guess I can get along. I'm a horseback.' " The champion glared at this irreverent weaker. "Humph," was all he laid. "Any fool can lie." And with that re mark he quickly left the room. Phila delphia Lodger. TOO GREAT A RISK. Tn almrttt aintv nmahhnrhnnii nmi nne Ki:fcfeifc'kfcfcfcfc.t.t;.rt has died from an attack of colic or ohol MM,,,,l,MiItMijMMM I -,. l r. ) , era morn up, tmen uciure lueuiuiuu uumu ! An Old Favorite v 2 I ROSE AYLMER f $ By Walter Savtge Landor Landor marked "RARELY Indeed haa a mnn been born and bred with fairer prospects, lived in more constant turmoil, known greater depths of self .nflU'tod unhuppineHs or spent his hint errthly days more utterly forlorn than Walter Sav age Landor," nays nn eminent critic. Lnndor was born nt Warwick, England, In 1775 and died in Florence. Italy, In 1SG4. In hia school days lie was Impatient of authority, and his opposition lo the constituted foims of govern ment led to his exile from Kimtand and to conflict with tv me iianan trovei imieiuB. no nuifi uru it mi uu iun-, was one of the bent Latlnlsts of his time, and his writings are A U, what nvnlls the scoptivd rnoe, Ah, what the form dlvlno: Whut every virtue, every twel , Rose Aylmer, nil were tlilne. Hose Aylmer, whom tliese wnkoful eyes May weep, but never see, A night of memories and of nigh' I voiis'juuie to tucc, (1 CHAMPION LIAR. BAIN AND MUD WHAT TWO CHAM PION LIABB HAVE BEEN, A DOSE OF BROWINC TONIC. A ST1MULNS FOB KEEPING ETERNALLY Al IS AND full rAClSQ.VSrEAX. Sickness ateaUmore savings tlwn the huivlar. Slowly, coin by com, the money that has been so hardly earned ia pnid out lor clings ana uuiiuio. . ,ii.unrei t,pttiv of the work- tllhllCM 13 J , . iug uian, and the common cause ol tne working man's aickneaa ia disease of the stomacli otien involving iut u., .....6-, liver, or kitinevs. The use of f)r. Tierce's Golden Med ical Discovery will stop the stealing of the savings by sickness. It cures dis eases of the stomach nnd other organs of digestion and nutrition. It cures dis eases 01 neon, iivrr, mup, ..-, when these diseases are caused by the diseased condition of the stomach and iu allied organs. 'About im yvs iv ' mga" it ... -" j-r.TA bill Sac. 1 la tniplovrd and bi ttwled by iiuMiBht I hud liver comumim, " .-- ri nlv. ukra dimicd. and .n. ry ?r,.py tu K lh.l I c.mmencd Jo grt brtl ummrr on ixinl of my rtomx h. 1 U'rt tip Zl "ami bct. lhan I h. o, l . Accept no aulistilute for "Golden Ml ical Ui-overy" Nothing else ia 'just "nr!l'u-roe'. Pleasant Pellet. regulaW the bowela. GIFTS FROM TAINTED FORTUNES By Rev. Dr, PERCY S. GRANT, Pastor of the Church of the Asoenslon, New Torn, iTT AT is tho profit in business today which is truly legiti miitftt Tho duv laborer who cunis its or a vcm'k sitivlv makes leiriliinato iirotit. About tho man of l.nsinpss it is tho iroiieral proposition that he if to get all he can. Washington led tho armies of the colonies throughout tho war without pay. Yet some man today -0 - - consolidates a few railroads and demands and gets a few million do lars for his pains. R A, .o ninir to refuao tho eift of tho man who has made his money in this way, saying that it is tainted money? Wo must not bo too squeamish about theso gifts under tlio present industrial bh GREAT GIFTS FROM TAIXTKD FORTUNES ARE ACTS nv PT.-STITi:TrOT. Judas' monev was not put in tho treasury of tho temple, but devoted to tho use of the community, as it was "blood money." That is tho only uso for tlieso vast lortunes. Is the man who has done some wrong to be denied the right to do some good ? And, again, what is an evil manner of life ? All these big gifts to institutions proceed either from motives of contrition nr rl-i. the limn U not so bad as wo think him. . u.iui it ia DPFTTY GENERALLY UNDERSTOOD THAT ALL THESE GIFTS ARE IN A SORT OF WAY AN EXPIATION, A SOP TO RELIEVE THE CONSCIENCE. THE MORE PUBLIC THE GIFT THE MORE FULLY IS IT UNDERSTOOD THAT THE MAN IS SORRY. HE HAD TO HAVE IT, OTHERWISE TIlEllg WOULD BE NO MAR" MAOX CEHOMiXr, IT (SflSIS. be procured or a physician summoned A relible remedy for these diseases should be kept at hand. Tbe risk is too treat for anyone to take. Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has un doubtedly saved the lives of more people and relieved more paio suffering than any other uicdicioe in use. It can a ways be depended upon. For sale at W. M. (Cohen's drugstore, Weldon, N. C. ARGUMENT DID NOT APPLY. The argument often made against tbe views of President Eliot of Harvard and of President Roosevelt in favor of large familiars is that it oosta too much to rear half a duieo children nowadays. In the Pritnroie minstrels the; tell . story of a family named Little to whom this argu ment did not apply. "You sy joo are tho father of nine children?'' "Yes. sir." "And yon support your entire family on $10 a week?" "Yea, sir." "How can vou possibly do it?" "Well, every Little helps." New York Mail and Express. Most of us are io one way or another born cowatds, and what we need more than anything else is to be made prop erly ashamed of oursslvcs. Hail then, Robert Browning, toe prophet of courage in victory, courage in defeat, courage in the losing fiVhil This ii, briefly, the mcs.dge of Mary Baker Uunn, in a pa cer as scriuhtlv as it is inspiring publish ed in tho current Atlantic. According to this writer Browning's chief virtue is that be wakea one feel willing lo blow horns f nd wavo banners and lead forlorn hopes. A Browning notion of victory however, does no! with aov necessity whatever imply the getting what one wants. It often mcanajust keeping eter nally at it, and realizing that surrender is the only defeat. But what if I fail of my purpose here? It is but lo keep the nerves at train, To dry one'B eyes and langh at a fall, And baffled, cet up and bcgio again So tbe chase takes up one's life, that's all." The Browning tonic which this writer would like to substitute for the pro prietary medicines of the age does not inspire any man to be an angel before his time it only stimulates him to be a mao and master of himself: "A man for ayo removed From the developed brute; . God though in tho germ. Tbe tonio in question is not an eipeo eive remedy except in the amount of effort required on the part of tbe patient to render it efficacious, but it is perhaps a little too bracing to be taken in large doeaeB until the spirit of it has begun to steal into one's veins. If, for instance, the young man should begin before breakfast io the morning with "What have I on earth to do With tho slothful, with the mawkish, t()e unmanl)? follow it up at about the time of his after-breakfast pipe with "I count life just a stuff. To try the soul's strength on," maofu.'y swallow an afternoon dose of 'When tho fight begins with himself A man's worth something" and substitute for his mual night cap, Why oomes temptation but for man to meet, And master and make crouch beneath his feet, And so be pedestaled in tiiumph? he mieht at first find such a sudden in flux of red blood into his veins a littlt more than his system could bear, but, in due time, if tbe prescription wero per severed in. he m ight learn to weloome the joy and the strength of the new elixir of life. When tbe real estate dealer cell wound up on story telling be is apt to get interesting. Ho says that some time ago he had an allotment of the market, and one day a foreign-looking individual walked into bis iffioe and said be wanted to inquire about the lots. He looked over the plot and finally picked out one that suited him. "Vol's de ptice?" he asked when the location was decided "Eight hundred dollars." "I givo you ecx hundred cash." ' Very well," said the dealer, "you can have it." Then tho customer lowered his voice. "I vant der price of dot lot seex houn- dred to me, but eight houndred to effry body eleo. You understand?" "Yes'said the dealer. 'That will be all right." "Veil, you see, it's like does I'm go ing to get married. I've got der girl picked out, nnd she has money. Yon see you will sell der lot to ber for (800. Den you vil motioo to me, und ve vill go into der next room uod you will pay me dot 200, See?" "You want the S200 for a commission? said the dealer. "That will be all right, too," The customer looked relieved. "It's choost this way," he said. "I must have dot two hundred, or I can't get married." "You shall have it," said tbe dealer- Boston Globe. THE OLD RELIA BLE Mi POWDER Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTiTUTl Constipation Does your head ache ? Pain back of your eyes? Bad taste in your mouth? It's your liver I Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They cure consti pation, headache, dyspepsia. ISc. A'l drt-jfciits. The Minimi) PHfrflD I fi, Gil. FCRE A MELLOW RICn& DKLICATK For Sale By I W.D. SMITH. WeMon, NO. I inn iiiiiiiii mi"" mmwP v in- TiATT "NT. f"T uenerai supplies tor mm yu". i-s FINE BARSS' TictolAcc Chill ionic WH THE EDITOR Ji.a editor of a small American apcr recently .laled that he had been kised by one of ihe ost beautiful married women in the town. He promised to tell her name io the first issue of hia paper next month. In two wctka ihe eireula- tion of his nowepaptr doubled. But when he gave ihs name of hia wile he had I leave town. Fourth Eat ate. twHiiVCR WXTT TEAR" Mrs. Winalow'a Soothing Syrup hasbeco need for over aixty yeara by millions ol mothor. for children, while teething, witn perfect suocess. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is ihe boat remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little .nffnmr immediately. Sold by druggiste in every p.rt of the world. 25 cute a bottle. Be sure .nd ask lur "Mrs. r ma low'. Soothing Symp," and take no oth. er kind. Marriage bated on honcat affection will withstand ihe ravages ef time. CASTOR I A lor Infants and Children. Tin Kind You Hate Always Bought Bean the Signature mt Mr. Joseph Pimioville, of Stillwater MioD., after having fpeot over $2,000 wiih ihe bcatdociors tor stomach trouble without relief, waa advised by his drug gist, Mr. Alex Richaid, to try a box of Chamberlain'a Stomach and Liver Tablets He did so, and it a well mao today. If troubled with indigestion, bid taste in tbe mouth, lack of appetite of oenatipa lion, give these Tablets a trial, and yon are certain to be more than pleased with (he result. For sale al 25 cents per box For sale at W. M. Cohen a drug .tore, Weldon, N. C. A woman', love can become annoying as well aa burdensome. FARMKll STRAIGHTENED OUT "A mao living on. farm ne.r here oamtin a short lime ago completely doubled up with rheumatism. I handed hiin . bottle of Chamberlsin'l Pain Balm and told him lo uie it freely and if not satisfied after using it he need not pay a ecol for it. .ays 0. P. Bayder, of fal len. Mills, N. Y. "A few days l.ter he walked into the .tore si straight ai a siring and handed me a dollar laying, Vive me another bottle ol Chamberlains Pain Rjlm. I want It in the house all tho time, for it cured me." For sale by W. M. Cohen, Druggist, Weldon, N. C. Regard for pretty things often will dwarf a n an's ambition. GREATLY ALARMED. BY A PIRSISTMT COUOH, BUT JERM A NKNTI.T CORED BY CH ANBERLAIN'S COL'Qll REMEDY. Mr. H. P. Burbaee, a atudent at law, in Greenville, S. C, had been troubled (or four or five -rear, with a continou. cough which he sayi-, "greatly alarmed me, causing me to fear that I was in Ibe first slige of consumption." Mr. Burbsge having seen Chamberlain lough Kerne dv advertiaed, concluded to try it. Now read whal he says of il: "I soon felt a remarkable change and alter ustog two bottles of lb. twenty-five cent site, was permanently cured." For aale by W, M. Cohen, druggist, Weldon, N. C. CURES ECZEMA, ITCHING HU MORS. PIMPLES AND CARBUN CLES. COSTS NOTHING TO TRY B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) is a certain and sure cure for enema, itchiog skin, humors, scabs, scales, watery blis ters, pimples, aching bone, or joints, boils carbuncles, pricking pain in the skin, old eating .ores, ulcers, etc Botanic Wood Balm cures the worst .nd most deep sestcd cases by enriching, purifying snd vitslitinc the blood, thereby giving . healthy blood supply to the skin. Heals every sore and gives the rich glow ot health to the skin. Builds up the brok en down body and makes the blood red snd nourishing. Espe cially advised for chronic, old cases thst doctors, patent medicines and hot springs fail to cure Druggists, II, with complete directions for home cure. To prove B. B. B. cures, sample sent free .nd prepaid by writing Blood Balm Co , Atlanta, G. Describe trouble, and free medical advice ssnt io aealed letter. For sale at A. R Zollt coffer'. Drug Store. lie or Wind a iMauuiul BUCKINGHAM'S nYE B'lf'Tl or nV4GiiTV 0 ft ' PPOMATTOX IKON WORKS. A1 23 to 34 Old Street. PETERSBURG, VA. Manufacturers of Machinery, Shafting,Pulleys, Agricultural Implements. Having bought out Steel & Alexao r rv-- t der, founders and machinists, with all patterns, e are now prcparea to lur nish parts lo machines formerly made by ' them. HYDRAULIC PRESSES PEANUT MACHINERY specialty. Mill work and castings of all kinds, aeoond hand machinery for rale cheap. Call on us or write for what yon want. It's no nse picking the mole out of your brother', eye with the h.tchet of OABTOniA. Basra Iks ilt KinJ Yw Maw rl THE GRADUATING SCHEDULE- "It's a-goin' lo cost nse a power o money to tr.duate John Ibis year," .aid the old mao. "Reckon ao?" ! I knnv lit Here a Ihe programme he .ent me: 'Drew suit, 50. "Two oewh.ts, $16. 'Three pair o' shoe, 118. '"Cigar., 130. ii Wins annner. 1100.'" "He don't write that in Gresk, doea h'f" , . . i.N ha thunder! It a in plain Georme with God blese our home,' an' 'How'. .11 the family .1 the end! Atlanta Con dilution. VOU KNOW WHAT VOU'RETAHiSG WtiAfi si-iii like Grove'. Tasteless Chill Tonic biwauso the formula is plainly printed In every bottle showing that it ie im4 Iron and Quinine in a tasteless FIVE CENTS FOR THE PRAYER. An amusing .lory is told of the Rev, H. fl Thrall, on of the pioueer. of Melhodiim io Texas. In company wilh . number of iiioerants who were on iheir wsv lo conference, Dr. Thrall .topped to ipcod the night with n old farmer. It was the custom then to settle tne out si niL'ht. .0 that they might rise about 3 o'clock in the morning and ride a good v before breakfast and lie by in tbe heat of the day. Dr. Thrall, acting as spokesman of ihe p.rty, said to the old farmer .ftcr supper: "We .re a ootn pany of Methodist preachers going to conference. If you will get the family to gether we will havo prayera with yon. in.r r,ira one dv one semen nia uiu n. Thr.ll', (lira flame, and he Isked for i.i. i.iii The old farmer replied: "Well, i nWireil ihs rest zo cent, pui v..;.' cm nraved for us SO food I wont Ctllfge you out ZU ocnis. i no urani sm had the laugn on it. inran. When vou want a pleasant physio try Chamberlain'. Stomach and Liver Ta blots. Thoy are easy to take and plea. ant in tffecl. For ale by W. M. Cohen, Druggist Your Opportunity. Unt3 further notice I vill S?U : Tomnioe 10 Crntt a Can, 12 Cuivi Liumliy Soap, 25 Ccntu Fancy Ncie Orlcant Mahmt, 35 Cctfs Gallon. Roruted Coffee, 10 Cent d rovH 10 round BcU Lard for 11.25. Bent Smoked Shoulhr Yon Ever Alt forl2i Cent Pound. ' 3 IViimfc Green Ogee for 25 Cenrt; I STILL HAVE THE J. E. M. Flour. BETTER THAN EVER BEFORE, W. T. PARKER. V WELDON, N.C. formf No cure, No Pay. Ouo. i Weldon, N. C. I hiitred. ,,.

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