UM iii lit teaah LiDVEITTSIItTGr- HA.TE3S-M0DKRATB., A. ITEWSP APEB F O iR. THE PEOPLE . TEI-IVlS: 150 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE NO. 13 roL. xxxvm. WELDON, N. C. THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1903. Just Received sr Sv v v $ l A Nice Line of the Hackney Bug- i lies and Hickory Wagons. Will jive Low Prices on these.goods for kext thirty days. Call and exam ine. We .mean business. P. N. STAINBAOK, The Weldon Grocery Co. WHOLESALE JOBBERS IN STAPLE & FANCY aGROCERIESS: a. We Sell Only To Merchants. Orders Solicited. THE WELDON GROCERY CO , 2 8 It wkldok,h. o. I Jjk 4 f CURE FOR INSOMNIA. AT A PINT OF PEANUTS AND DRINK BlViaAL OLASbES OK MII K BIfOfcl 001(10 TO BCD. Yesterday i frk-nd who bid heard that I sometimes Buffer with insomnia told me of i sure euro, write! Willis Brooka in the Brooklyn Eaglo, "Eat a pint of peanuta and drink two or thiee glasses of milk before going to bed, aaid be, "and I'll warrant you'll be asleep within half an hour." Well, I like peanuta and milk, 10 I did ai he auggeated, save that I oat the quantity down somewhat; and now, for the benefit of others who may be addioted with inromoia, I feel it to be my doty to report just what happened so far as I am able this morning to recall the details. First, then, let me say, my friend was right, I did go to sleep very soon after my retirement. Then, a man with his head under his arm came along and asked me if I waated to buy his foot. I was just negotiating with him when the dragon on which I was riding slipped out of his skio and left me floating in midair. While I was considering how I should get down, a bull with two beads peered over the edge of the well and said he would haul me up if I would first climb out snd rig a windlass for him. bo, as 1 was iliding down the mountain side the brakeman came in and I asked bim when the train would reach my station. "WepsBsed your station 4UU years ago, said be, calmly touting toe train up and slipping it into his rest pocket At this junolure the clown bounded into the ring and pulled the oenter pole out of the ground, lifting the tent and all the people in it up, up, up, while I stood on the earth below, watching myself go out of sight smong the clouds above. While I was wondering whether I should ever meet myself again and whether it would be quite polite to speak to myself without an introduction, the sites driver announced that his horses had turned to stone; snd before I had time to ask him what he was going to do about it I discovered that my legs had grown to be so long that I couldn't see my feet without telescope. 1 was seated on a born ot tbe moon, shortening my legs by tying bow knots in them when the vount woman came out from behind the candy counter and said she had been looking all over crea- tion for me, and now that she had found me she would never, never, never let me Jjtt We claim to be the LOWEST PRICED WHISKEY HOUSE. We really sell i W whiskey as low a110 per gallon, and mind yon; distilled whiskey not i $X decoction of chemicals hot of course its new and nnder proof. j a "CAHl'ER'SSTANDAKD" 10 year old whiskey is a liquid joy! It isactually i ftS i J v. i t nv. ui .v.. ..tiAti At' K.Vt U Pa ml i n hw t Vim ' 9? nlil ItmanrnAui IT war rirnwi im hnilawl nor nnPh ftirnafe. WsVaH fir PH. Ill Old 5C style copper stills, in exactly the.ame way it wss made by our grandfathers a a f t ; ht ; At that instant, W century ago. First rate whiskey is sold at $3 to $J per gallon, but la not any 5g " ' 'M better than "CASl'ER'S STANDARD." It is the best produced and must Jgf however, I looked both ways from the middle of tbe bridge, where 1 was stand- the Pmnle'a National Bank and Piedmont BvinBank of Winston-Salem, N. SX mg, and saw a train coming towards me aet C., will tellyon our guarantee is good This old honest, mild and mellow j I fIom eiu0 direction. Then just before I W 1. nrtkoi linllu Mr nil art hilt In mole full Introdnoe "CaSDei'S W I . ...... I & Standard" we offer sample shipments of this brand at half price, (packed in be trains met, 1 looked over the edge 2 plain sealed boxes) o Quart ti 95, 10 Quarts 5, Express Prepaid anywhere & 0f tbe baaket and raw that ths balloon .in i aaweii -r i ... . . . i was npside down, snd rushing towsrds I ar VISIT OB "WBITE-w IL at 01 Altai IbMHM T?IW y 203 AND 207 N. SYCAMORE S'f . PETERSBURG, VA. i t,i';rf!nntiiiuitt' SIGNIFICANCE OF BIRTH. 1 sl 1 1 w ) 1 m il... 'a i I END OF BITTER FIGHT. ROOFING PAPER8 COLD WATER PAINTS I ROOF and BARN PAINTS I FLOOR STAINS VARNISDES WAGON PAINTS BLACK ELASTIC ROOF PAINT CARRIAGE PAINTS I BRUSHES, COAL TAR, LINSEED OIL, WHITE LEADS. . 19 Write fo Prices and Color Cards. i . Tanner Paiit & Oil Co., i Box 180. 1419 E. MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, VA. I PETE1RSMITH & CO., ! THE LEADERS OF LOW PRICES, I IMPORTERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN l FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS NO. 28 MAIN BTEET, NORFOLK, VA. I YiisKEY $ Pen QnLLofl. THE HUSTLING AND UP-TO-DATE LEADEHS IN FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS. 1 T WTVTJTTJT TV A. V VV IrNJC IXllJjJJ.l'ltESIDENT A MANAGER MB-Speoial Attention to Mail Orders. ' oct 3 ly. f in U. 8. AU orders and remittances (in stamp", caah or by check, etc ) as well as reqaeete tor confidential price must be addressed aa follows; J . R N. CASPER CO., Wimiou, tf C, U S. A. j Main Office and Warehouses. Noe.HMS 46 Liberty and 1, 3, 4 and 8 Maple 8ts ---. rrxrr YqiSKBY Peii Q4LL01I. I IZZZk BR. MSFPETT'l runs I Wiiiwi inn si nil n LlLi(ruTMiNi.powsiitfi Costs Oaly 2S ceats it Dnggisti, Ot aU U eta te C. J. MOFPETT, M. Cam Cbslsra - Infantum. Dlairhoa,Dytcnttry, ana the Bow.l Troubles 01 Children of Ant tg: Aids Dijeitlon, Rtjulstti tns Howclt, Mrengthcns ins Lhlld snd Makes TEETHING EASY, D. tT. LOUIS, MO. CalumtHM, fin., .stf. 4, 1r. mmreurut'rtStTHlXA (Teethlnt - 11 the earth with terrible velociiv. So I opened the oellar down aad went down I stairs until I osme to the attio, where I ....... sat down 00 the bank of 1 broad river and knitted a pair of woolen socks for a rattlesnake. Then I awoke and found I bad been asleep almost ten minutes, all of which I assures me that there is much potency, not to say versatilily, in peanuts and milk taken just before going to bed. Mammon has a mortgage on half the people in this world and the other half don't ol jcot to having a little monev- occasionally. Orange (Va.) Observer. lamlera) w little fraud rhild vUh Ike fcnVj)(t rnult. Ttt Uw itu W iMlatm Mthm4M lerckj Ur . 1-aul Church, ::::::WELDON, N. C.I&- Orfianizetl Uader Tbe Lavs of the State of North Carolina, AUGUST 20TH, 1892. 4f STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. TOWN OF WELDON DEPOSITORY. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $27,000. For ten veari this institution has provided banking faoilittas for this section Its stockholders aod directors have been identified with the business interests of Halifax and Northampton counties for man; veers. Money is loaned upon ap proved security at tbe legal rate of interest six per centum. Accounts of all are. solicited. President: Vice-President: Cashier W; E. DANIEL. Dr. J. N. RAMSAY, W.R.8MITH. Seaboard, Northampton county, N, C. ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. Protitloee in the eoort of Halifai aod adjoining ooantiea, aud in the Supreme conrtoftfaeBUi Special attention given tt oolleeUooa nd prompt returns RimmniYCUK! Bake fcMoey wmt Uladttar RIM nealrer rrandd any klirfof Imlldliwr- StmdU ol knlMIni m.terUll,h.rdw.r.m.nel.. tiki wrk, iMlnti, Ua.ii Ktrlc 111 turci.Ac I FRANK T.CLARK CO., Ltd.! awaEttahluhed IS70. NORFOLK. VAaawJ There oil a cry in the streets. People rushed from their doors and strained their eyes on the itmngling balloonist ngniing lor tut, Even the poor, pant- L t ing sufferer in the tick room was for- ' ntn whilthr fam ily gazed breatbleta at thie strange traratlv of the air. Then they went back to the sick room to tell of the terrible stmircle fur life they had just witnessed. It did not occur to tlieui that under their very eyes a more terrible, more pathetic struggle was going on daily. mere can oe nouiing more piuim than the struggle the consumptive makes against disease.- The greatest help in this struggle is gained by the ! ot Ut. fierce s uomeu metncai ins- covery. It cures obstinate coughs, weac and bleeding lungs, emaciation, and other ailments which u neglected or unskillfully treated find a fatal termina tion in consumption. in tHg5 out 01 my mubihcti vaocrinif am account of a n rotten, hectic Irw, wastlaf rj ,Hh and other .vmiitoni. of dUCM4 mnn, wrttr. Rev. InMpn 11 .c.prman. 01 mum SprlDf.. ired.ll LO X. i. asr i it av v . rwrevauuHun with iT.tlffni iucceM, .aJ .h. o rnjovl .anllent hnltk. Thii being true, 1 hctebf trttl -iiMiitb' mntlcinea Accept no aubttltutc for " Golden Med ical Discovery." mere la bowiuj - ju aa good for diseases of the stomach, blood and lungs. Dr. IVrcc's Pleasant Pellets assist tbl tion o) the Discovery." D. E.8TAINBACK, ROTARY PUBLIC, AND FIRE INSURANCE, I Wcldon, N. C I .Roanoke News Office. - I Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One and a Half MiKon Does this record of merit erbeal to vou ? No Care. No Fay. 50c Kattoaej wriUi avary lXlla Is Tee. Cant, yackatee ta? Crove'a Keek Haft- liver Pffls. WILD ROSES. On a summer morning in tbe middle of July, When the sun upon tbe meadows is half-ao-hour high; Walking down tbe dusty roadway in the country, where you get Whiffs of jimson-weed and rag-weed through tbe wealth of Bouncing Bet," Tbe shimmer of the corn blades makes a picture for the eyes And the merry dancing crowd of little white-winged butterflies Then an odor, stronger, sweeter than tbe rest usurps your sense Wild roses in the oornera of the stske-and-rider fence I II. The rsils are oovered over with tbe twisted berry-vines, And here aod there among the leavet a small white blossom shines; The briers oatch snd hold you ss you vault across the bars, And tbe grasses slssh your ankles with their verdant scimitars. What matter? Here's a wonder undiscovered and forlorn, The sweetest little blossom of sll blossoms ever born; Did you doubt that it was summer? Here's a living evidence Wild roses in the corners of the stake-and-rider fence I III. There are many wondrous blossoms bear the haughty name of Rose, The La Frances, and the Beauties, and the proud of Jaquemioots; Esch holds a myriad petals close in one great lovely bloom, Eaoh holds its own rare color, and imparts ils own perfume. But here's a little cousin that is sweeter far than all, With a single row of petals if you touch them they will fall 1 Not all your gold will buy them, though they grow without eipense. Uncared for, in the corners of tbe stake-and-rider fence I IV. 0, prototype of modesty that perfeot, subtle eharm Whose very frailty keeps it from a wanton touch of harm I You do not need those thorns to keep the vandal hand away; You have no need to hide so shyly by tbe dusty wsy; Tbe white may deepen into pink, the pink may shade to red For beauty'a sake, but not with blushes for a ravished bed; You tell your innoocnoe to all with mute, sweet eloquence Wild roses in the corners of the stske-and-rider fence I Kave up. tverjUoUy Some people speak lightly of the birth thought my tiuio had oomo, As a last of a child in the home as though it were resort I tried Dr. KiDg's New Discovery n event of little importancei Birth is a for Consumption. The bo.tfit I recciv- more solemn event than death, io some ed was striking and I was on my feet in POWDER Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE THE LITTLE WAIF. I PRAY THE Lord my KEEP." CLOTHES TO IT DOESN'T COST MONEY. It doesn't cost money, as many suppose, To havo a good time on the earth; The best of its pleasures are free to all those Who know how to value their worth. Tbe sweetest of musio the birds to us sing, The loveliest flowers grow wild, The fiuest of drinks gushes out of tbe spring All free to man, woman, and child. No money can purchase, no artist can paint, Such piotures as nature supplies Forever, all over, to sinner and sint, Who use to advantage their eyes. Kind words aod glad looks and smiles obeery and brave Cost nothing no nothiog at all; And yet all the wealth Monte Cristo oould save Can make no such pleasures befall. To bask in tbe sunshine, to breathe the pure air Honest toil, the enjoyment of health, Sweet slumber refreshing these pleasures we share Without any portion of wealth. Communion with friends that are tried, true, and strong, To love and be loved for love's sake In fact, :!! tb;t nukci a lift Uppj uui Lug Are free to whoever will take. The child was a boy, scarcely more than four or five years old. His parents had evidently been sent to prison, or drifted away somewhere. When fouod by the slum Bisters in Now York, crouch ing in a corner of a hallway one chilly night in March, he was but half clad and numbed with exposure to the cold. Taken to the barracks, tbe wait was washed aod dressed in clean clothes, warmed and fed. He was delighted with the attention he received, and particularly with his garments; so much that when one of the sisters - attempted to undress him for bed be cried, under tbe belief that he was about to be prematurely de prived of his new apparel. This was very apparent when the sister attempted to teach him tbe words of simple prayer, "Now I lay me down to sleep." Peopiog between his fingers the little fellow lispod, "Now I lay me down to sleep." "I pray the Lord my soul to keep continued the fiator. "I pray the Lord my clothes to keep," whispered the boy. "No, not 'clothes to keep, 'soul to keep," oorrectcd the sister. "Soul to keep," said the boy. "Now suy it from beginning to ccd," urged the worker in the slums. Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep." But the poor little fellow, too intent upon his treasures, "Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my clothes to keep," he said, making the same mistake as before "No, no, that is not right," said the painstaking sister. "You pray to God to take care of your soul, not your clothes. I'll take care of those." "And won't you pawn them," replied tbe astonished lad to tho astonishment of the sister, "and buy rum with them, That's what they always did at home when I had clothes." Tears filled the eyes ol the slum sister but she brushed them aside as she kissed the ehild, His few words of precocious knowledge bad revealed to her the story of his brief life, and she needed no more to tell her of the misery of bis home. Although he finally mastered his little prayer, it was with the words, "I pray the Lord my clothes to keep on bis lips that he fell asleep. When you want a physio that is mild and gentle, easy to take and certain to act, always use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale at W. M. Cohen's drug store, Weldon, N. C. HE WAS WILLIS. respects. A birth means the beginning of an endless career filled with we know not what experiences. It may bo a career of sorrow after sorrow merging in to bitterness and woo unspeakable. It may be a career of joy aud happinessi eading up to ineffable glory. When we think of the awful possibilities of life and the glorious possibilities of life, we cannot think lightly of the infant just beginning to try life's realities. A baby is infinitely more than it seems to the stupid perion who sees io it only a thing to be petted and quieted. To the pa rents especially is it a great event when a baby comes into the home. Their in terests in its life cannot be exhausted by the cares and pleasures of the few years which it may be under their tutelage. If the child just born could realize and DANGER OP KEVEltSAL. too "Don't you think you're working nardT" "Well, there's a lot of unfinished work before me and I've got to cover the ground in a very short time " "Uetter slow down a bit or the ground will eovcr you in a very short time." Philadelphia frees. FOR OVER SIXTV YEARS Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used lor over sixty years by millions ot mothers for ohildren, while teething, with perfeot suocess. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colio, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggist in every part ot tbe world, io oents bottle. Be sure aod ask tor "Mrs. Wins- low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth- kind. TO CURB COL.ll IM ONE DAY Take Laxative Brono Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. Hi. W . Urove signature is on eaoh bog. Z5o. a few days. Now I've entirely regained my health." It oorquers all Coughs, Colds and Throat and Lung troubles. Guaranteed by W. M. Cohen's Drug Store. Price 50o and 81.00. Trial bottles free. Misfortune is no respecter of persons and neither is fortnne, for that matter. SUICIDE PREVENTED. The startling announcement that a preventive of suicide had been discover ed will interest msny. A run down sys tem, or despondency invariably precede suicide and something has been found that will prevent that condition which make suicide likely. At the first thought of self destruction take Electric Bitters. It being a great tonic and nervine will strengthen the nerves aod build up the It s also a great otomacn, Liver - svslem express the importance of the difference and Kidney regulator. Ooly 50c. Satis- between living a human life and not liv- faction guaranteed hy W. M. Cohen, ins at all, it would doubtless cause birth Druggist. to bo thought of with the same solemnity that characterizes our thought of Church Record. death. BOY CUBED OF COLIC AFTER PHYSICIAN'S TREATMENT HAD FAILED. My boy when four yeais old was taken death with colic and cramps in his stomach, I sent for the doctor and be injected mor phine, but the cbild kept getting worse. I then cave him half a teaspoonful of Chamberlain's Co'io, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy, and in half an hour he was sleeping and soon recovered. F. L. Wilkins, Shell Lake, Wis. Mr. Wilkins is book-keeper for the Shell Lake Lum ber Co. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Druggist, Weldon, N. C. AN ALL AROUND CITIZEN. A cynic is a man who would make a fool of himself io the society be satirizes. THE DEATlT pENALTY. A little thing sometimes results in death. Thus a mere scratch, insigni ficant cuts or puny boils have paid the penalty. It is wise to have NO ONE STATE WAS LAtlOE KNOUCIH TOR THIS SON OF ERIN. "There was an Irishman connected with tho sutler's department in the civil war," said on 51d veteran, "who fell Bucklen's Arnica Salve ever handy. It's tbe best Salve on earth and will prevent fatality, when Burns, Sores, Ulcers snd Piles threaten. Only 25o. at W. M. Cohen's Drug Store. The soul cannot be seen by mortal eye. If it could, it would take an immense microscope to see the souls of some people. PUTS AN EN1)' TO IT ALL' A grievous wail oftimel comes as result of unbearable pain from over taxed organs. Dizziness, Backache, Liver complaint and Conslipation. But thanks to Dr. King's New Life Pills they put an end to it all. They are gentle but thorough. Try them. Only 25o, Guaranteed by W. M, Cohen's Drug blore, Men who arc always telling you things BEST FOR THE BOWELS If yon hiwn't ft resT'ilur, healthy moTrmprii f tht bowel every 1nv, ymi'io i'.l ur will li Keep you I DOWflH OPin. nil vn wctl, rm.,in im bmb.-b wa Viit iihynic ur i xtiun, it iivieerous. Tim motlv et. t-KMlet, nmt l-t Wrl vrft.v ut kttOLiiOg ill bowttll clear and clean U to take CANDY CATHARTIC asleep on the battle field after Bull Run. for y0ur owtl g00j mean W61( BUt they A party of Conlederate scouts Baw him, are awflly tiresome. and as he had no uniform their leader prodded him awake and asked: 'Who are you? Where do you belong? What's your name?' " 'Begobs,' says Pat, rubbing his eyts, 'them's too many questions, und, be yure leave, I'll bo afther askin' yci th' same.' 'J 'We're MoCIellan's men, just from Washington.' " 'I knew ycz ware, gintlemen, and I'm thot same. " 'Oho! That's where we've caught you. Put him under arrest, men! We belong to Beauregard's army.' " 'Thin ye lied to me, an', suspectin' that same, I told ye the name thing yet told me,' retorted the Irishman promptly. 'Now, give me tho truth, an' I'll do the same by ycz. What state do ye come from?' " 'From South Carolina.' " 'So do I, an' from all the other states, begobs, an' that's where I'm thinkin' I've got tho best of yez. Yez UOD l lUlUk X U UO H11.U . IUlo v vvuiv . i t i-.,i .11 I all the way from Ireland to belong to order. A'CT S Pills Will clean wan state, do yez?' "-New York your tCtlgUC, CMC your QyS- Tribune. EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY Vleoicnnt, Pnh'nt. TaRt (lood. Doflood, Ni'Vi-r Sukcn, Wi'Skfit, op tirlM', 10, 35. anil 50 cnti per box. Writ lor fie aample, ami Ijoowtn on AMnfl STKRMKO KKflinT COIPAKY, CM If AGO KW TOR. KEEP YLUR BLOOD CLEAN Your Tongue If it's coated, your stomach is bad, your liver is out of There would be heaven in every heart if you would only stifle the selfishness in your own soul. pepsia, make your liver right. Easy to take, easy to operate. J;c. All i-'ru. sists. 1 am ) nur iniiii.l;!. I: 1 fcrnvnorrloh i.brl. BUCR!!JGIiAi.VJ L Y of DYSENTERY CURED WITHOUT THE AID OF A DOCTOR "I am just up from a hard spell of the flux" (dysenlry) says Mr T. A. Pinner a well known merchant of Drummond Tcnn. "I used one small bottle Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy end was cured without having a dootor, I consider it the best cholera medicine in the world." There is no need of employing a doctor when this remedy is used, for no doctor can prescribe a better medicine for bowel complaint in any form either for children or adults. It never fails and is pleasant to take. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Druggist, We'.don, N. C. Man can see a sorrow at twice the dis tance ha can lee a blessing. OA.TOniA.. Swathe ) 1l Kitxl You Hnw always Bought Bifoatan "You are granted a divorce," said the lawyer to a colored clicnt,"but you'll have to give her alimony." ' "All right, euh," was the eager reply. "She kin have Alimony ef she wanis bim, but Lawd help him w'en he gits her!" I find nonsenBO singularly refreshing Talleyrand. Repentance is tho heart's sorrow. Shakespeare. A man must become wise at his own expense. Montaigne. Smiles are smiles ooly when the heart pulls the wires. Winthrop, There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste. Goethe. The essence of knowledge U, having it, to apply it, not having it, to confess it. Confucius. Pitch a lucky man into the Nile, says the Arabian proverb, and ho will come up with a fish in his mouth. Willis. We do not believe immortality be cause wo have proved it, but we forever try to provo it because we beli.veit. Martineau. One thing is clear (o me: that no in dulgence of passion destroys ihe spiritual nature so much as respectable selbshness. George MacDonald, If some men and a good many women were to We the use of their tongues, life for them would not be worth living. BLACK - DRAUGHT STOCK a"1" POULTRY MEDICINE Stock and poultry have few troubles which are not bowel ana liver irregularities, niaua anght Stock and i'oultry Medi cine is a bowel and liver remedy for stock. It puts the organs of digestion in a perreci condition. Prominent American breeders and farmers keep their herds and flocks healthy by giving mem a, oroa .mn.l Acm of lllack-Draueht Stock Pnnltrf Medicine in their food. Any stock raiser may buy a 25-cent half-pound air-tigni can of this medicine from hit dealer and keep bis stocn m vigorous ha. lh fnr wpeK. upaiern irrriiKr- ally keep Black-Draught Stock and Pnnltrv Medicine, if vours does not, send 25 cents for a sample manufacturers, l ne i Medicine Co., Chat- lenn. Th ti use for the Whisker BANNER SALVE is the most healing salve in the world. It cures Sores, Cuts, Burns and all Skin Diseases. It positively mac ESSIao S. Kinsrsbaker. 8o East Ohio Street. Chicago, writes: "I had a bad case of mes lor several yeara. BANNER SALVE cured me quickly and perman ently after several doctors and remedies had failed to relievo me." GUARANTEED. Price 25 Cent NOTICE. Nohtii CABOl.tNA.lIntheSnperiorContt Halifax County, f June Term, 1903. Henrietta Johnson vs. Robert Johnson. Summons. can to the Chattanooga tanooga, Xer Rnoiiitxa. Ok.. Jan. 80, MM. Blt.c-Drnht Btooa- and PouUnr Msdldua it th beat 1 ever tried. Onr lock waa looking bad when yoa Mat . th. medtcln and BOW they art Ulna ao line. Thajr are lookint par (rent. bU. 8. p. BBO0K1NQTON . The defendant above named v. ill take notice that an action entitled aa above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Halifax lountylora divorce to have the bonds of matrimony existing be tween the plaintifl and detendantdissolved, and said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the next term of the Superior Court of said county to be held on Auiinnt 17th, 1903, at tbe Conrt Honse in Halifax, N. answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply for the relief demanded in said complaint Given under my hand and seal this the 6th duy of June, 1903. H. M. urAKl, Clerk Hnperior Coo it. w'JtVairllaW.K) i'i-taiUheawt-st-is Jai mniart i-t

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