H1 igjp iJ iff 1 P- ?- i; i: . A. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE TEPM:S:-i-5o per annum in advance r0L. XXXVIII. WELDON, N. CM THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1903. NO. 23 gg ' ' i t ? S Ml ir IU40p Sr 1 10 4i as C 1 1 86 I 1 3 A IW 99 f60M r u $ T Received S $ $ $t $ $ A Nice Line of the Hackney Bus ies and Hickory frive Low Prices on these.goods for . ext thirty days. TTT- 1 ne. w e .mean uusiness. P. N. STAINBAOK. The Weldon Grocery Co. S WHOLESALE JOBBER8 IN M STAPLE & FANCY I SGROCERIES.S at TJ7. Ball fnL To KfavMai,la Orders Solicited. fc 2 8 1V Contains (he oecepsary drier tod is tinted to (he abide desired. Add one gallon of PURE Linseed Oil tu gallon of Tanner's Semi Piste sod the paint is ready for the brush. Painters avoid the necessity of carrying endless cans of Colors in Oil, Turpentine, Drier, etc., when they use Tanner' Semi Paste. Be wise in your economy aod buy Tanner's Semi Parte at an aver age of $1.15 per gallon. Manufactured by Tanner Paint & Oil Co., Box 180. 1419 E. MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, VA. PETER SMITH & CO., TIIE LEADERS OF LOW PRICES, T.UTOHTERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS NORFOLK, VA. WqiSKEY $l.io m m w We claim to be the LOWEST PRICED whiskey a low as $1.10 per gallon, ami decoction of chemicals bnt of course its iwi "CASIRK'RHTA'nARI 10 v-ar old fjr produced by bonest Tar Heels in the mountain section of North Carolina by the old time nroowoi. Fvi-rv rlrnn in hnilfcil over onon furnace wood fires, in old Sfc 8tTl "PPer stills, in exactly theiarra way It was made by our grandfathers a ag. m century ago. First rate whiskey is sold at $5 to $(l per gallon, but is not any W 35$ better than "CASPER'S 8TANPAED." It is the best produced and must g$ bi please every customer or we will buy it back with (iold we are incorporated g r under the laws of North Carolina with an authorised capital of $100,00.00 and W M the People'a National Hank aud Piedmont S.vings flank of Winston-Salem, N. $$ v., will tellyou our guarantee is goou. rln'.b I. wnrth nwim Jnll.r iw.r n,irt Ntandard" we offer sum nple shipments of t plain sealed boxes) 5 Quarto $2.95, 10 Quarts $5, Ixpress PrepaiO anywnere . "2 in U. a All orderaand remittance (iu stamps. cash or by check, etc.) as well i as requests foreonfidential price must be R. JV. CASPER CO., t Main Office and Warehouaee.-Nos.1045 1- VqiSKEY $1-io Costs Calj 25 cects Or suU II tula U C. . 1 Unlonid Dr. HoSM'tTIXTntNA. InlMlll rttuir tni Ui to mi tMt MUnt. Vlnai ilM ""r iMthisf ebild. .r.rr .uecdinf dar wmrawl M tbtt v. wtIS tlsriublf k ttln. I b.(rul apom IKETHlNl, ud bu U MM .Imlnl.url.i II to kin. ud all inpr.iu.al ninblktt boart, aod Inm to at da. aa ha nunt, I h Mn.iaittl bant llasd aaad UalaM vilh Br children, .ad a, laart Kraal plaaa.r. ia aoaadlag iu pulm u aU aaolbait H rau 'vrtwd waa pama. 'ft flank i W'lta, ,weld6n, n. c. 0pi2ed Uader The Lai. of the State of Korth Carolina, AUGUST 20TH, 1802. STATK OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. TOWN OF WELDON DEPOSITORY. MPIT..LMD SURPLUS - For ten years this institution hat provided banking faoilitiea for I Us section us siookholdors and directors have been luentiueu wiio tne Dusioess inieresis Halifax and Northampton oouuiiea for many yoara. Money ia loaned upoB proved security at the legal rate of interest sil per centum. Aooouots ot all solicited. President: Vioe-President: Cashier: W. E. DANIEL. ' Da. J. N. RAMSAY. W. R. SMITH Seaboard, Northampton eounty, N. C. Jj T. OLABK. ATTORNEY AT LAW, IWELDON, N. a Practices In the ooorU of Halifax and aqouiug eountiea, aud in the Supreme urt oftha8t.i Hpecla! attention given "oollectiooa rid prompt re torus "ak' Kldwya an. Bladder Hlgnt has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales v .a. !a. t a ..... 1 tviltcs. iiiva rnn iwrira . Eatdewae) wUl tvary Wagons. Will Call and exam- Is THE WELDON GROCERY CO , WELDON, N. 0. ffi NO. 2&8MAINBTEET, Pei faLLotf. WHISKEY HOUSE. We really sell ag mind you; distilled whiskey not Jfg new and under proof, whiskev is a liuuid iov! It is actually iMt aabythe W fires, in old XX inisoiu oonrai, mnu """""'"" hilt In niore fully introduce CuSper S this brand at half price, (packed in; addressed as follows; HYmon, JV. C, V- S. 46 Liberty and 1, 3, 4 and 8 Maple 8ts : Pei QsLLofi. Cures Clslen-lnfairlBin. Diarrhoca,Dyentery, and tnc Dowel Irouclci ol Children of Ant int. Aids Digestion, Regulates tot Downs, MrtnglMas the Child and Makes . TEETHING EASY, D 6T. LOUIS, MO. it Drs&ists, - J. MOFFKTT. M. nHMiiwn CT R.nif Mwr nf fltsiA. An.T1. T.iu Mo. 11. 1300. tfi'Una 1 tanA tt attaimatl. ana aftar ilia u.Uuag $27,000. of sp are. rplrr rnnodel any kind of IUlr? befM ..I " rare rtAYMt fitlitX mi all kind ot building- raatrrtala. hordwor.. Mnltto. lk wk nalola Iw.a-a.daatKtHcltltum.aaC. FRANK T.CLARK CO., LtdJ L.EitshllshtdlS70. NORfOLK,VA-l D. E.8TAINBACK, NOTARY PUBLIC. AND FIRE INSURANCE, WILDOS, N. C .Roanoke Newa Office, Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic . . . "T.r . , .t ni npm irrjpju in vuu r aotue as a I en ca tarscy n yarn WHY MARRIAGE ENDS COURTSHIP. ItLLA WHEH.IB WILCOX WR1TE8 IN- TIB18TINQLT ON THIS VEE IM PORTANT 6UBJK0T. Generally speaking, It is all the rutin's fault that marriage ends the courtship. Tbo wife is not to blame. She did not do (he ooiirtiiig belore marriage, and there ia no rosson why she should be oipoctcd to do it aftrtword. The cauo is fundamental, and it can not be lightly cured. Man is predatory animal, The quest for prey Doans much to him. There is as much joy in the chase as in its succewful termination For bis anto-nuptial pursuit be brings into play all bis resources. His voce bu'ary of endearing terms is endless. If the quairy is hard to catch he tskes all the keener interest. For this reason the coquette finds her lover more ardent than does the girl who gives her heart freely and readily. Theaters, Sowers, drives and all the pleasures known to youth eome to the girl who keeps her lover at After marriage every thing changes. The man having acquired complete pos session thinks it unnecessary further to keep up the illusion. Th ''piecious," darling," "sweetheart" and scores of other endearments no longer slip glibly from his tongue. His wife should know that he loves her without b'ing told so every five minutes, be thinks. He is supreme in hie egotism. He feels that he baa done woman the greatest earthly honor by marrying her. For this she must honor, adore and obey bin as long as ber life shall last. On the other hand, the husband, secure in his own opinion of hsviog per formed bis whole duty by elevating her to this lofty pinnacle, proceeds on his self satisfied, way, scattering his court ship elsewhere on each and every woman who pleases bis evanescent funoy. The cessation of courtship i not owing to lack of affection in the roan's nature I never yet saw a man who was not oapa ble of loving at least six women all at once and with about equal intcnMty. For a time he may oenter all bis ardor on one woman, but that is because she is olever enough to engage all bis powir. If she should marry him she would find out that her influcooe waa gono. He soon would be bunting fur new woilds to conquer. This almost unlimited oapacity for love on tho part of men is to me the strangest thing about them, To my mind it is the principal moral distinction between the sexes. MAKING THE MOST OF ONE ANOTHER. We may, if we choose, make the worst of one another. Every one has his weak points; every one has bis faultr; we may make the worst of these; we may fix our attention constantly upon them. But we may also make the best of one an other, n e may forgive, even as we hope to be forgiven. We may put our selves in the place of others, and sBk what we should wish to be done to 0', aod thought of us, were we in their plaoe. By loving whatever is lnvable in those arouod us, life will become a pleasure nstead of pain, and earth will become like Heaven; aod we shall become not unworthy followers of him whoso name ia Love. Dean Stanley. DISCOURAGED The expression occurs so many times in letters from sick women to Dr. Pierce: " I completely diacouraeed." And there la always good reason tor the discourage ment. Years of aufferiug. Doctor after doctor tried in vaiu. 1 edicinea doing IX no lasting good. It la no wouder that the woman feela discouraired. Thouaanda of these weak and sick women have (bund health and courage regained aa Um result of the utat of Doctor Pierce'a Pavorite Prescription. It ealabllahea regu larrtr. driea uu healthy drains, heals inflamma tion and ulcerea tion, and curea female weakness. It makes weak women atrong and nek women wen Mb the year iSoo ! waa tflkrn sick." wril.s Mm. H:lna Cmwder, of Ripley, Uuirr.lal Co..T.nn. Uv limb, ached. had severe patn. In bock and lower part of howela, with lilt- acuity in urination. burning pain after. I tried many k'to."' medicine .ud four of the beat doctor. In the country, nntil 1 rave np all hope of recovery. In January, toil. I wrote to Dr. R. V. Herce, ol BuSlo, l(. Y.. and received from kirn letter, . ki. H-iirliM I took eleven aud ainartlliff an bottle., nil of Favorite Prescription.' 6v ol 'Ootden Medical Diacovery,' one vial ol Pet; let,' ud need one bo of ' Lotion Tablet! and ooe of 'Healing auopoaltortea,' aud am now able to work .1 anything I wut to. Tlianhe 10 yon for your raluahlt medlciM ud kind ndvioa.' Weak and sick women are invited to conault Dr. R. V. Pierce, by letter, fnt. All eorreanondencc is held aa strict i; 2 Snvate and eacrexliy connaenuni. res Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buflalo, N. Y, over Oaa and a Half M2!.on fklA r-ima nnC.U W. iiuvuisinvinji m . .a. tu.arnt. MMiwyua.,.. ii Positively the Only Big Show 1 SIM'S RAILROAD SEQWi Will Exhibit WELDOIT (iWn f Shin) FRIDAY AFTERNOON AND NIGHT Weighs 8 tons and stands 12 feet in height. In pronounoed contrast to this veritable mountain of flesh, bone and ivory is BABY BELLE, Infant Elephant, only three feet tall. Children go wild with delight over this most diminutive animal. SEE THE MARVELOUS 8IXTY-THREE HORSE ACT I SEE NERO, EARTH'S ONLY RIDING LION I SEE THE LITTER OF LION CUBS, Born August 12th. See (be Grand Free Parade at 10 a. m. A Marvel of Splendor A Revelation of Moving Wealth, Two peiformances, 2 and 8 p. n. excursions on all Railroads. SCOTLAND NECK, OLD JIM TIMER, IS YOU GWINE TO KILL US ALL.' TWO TRUE STORIES. IRE-PVBLISUED It was tbe custom during the war for all disabilities were not in the army, to visit any soldiers who came to their neighbor, hood wounded, or in distress of any kind, and to minister to their wants as far as possible. Old Colonel L., of one of our haBtero men in bis oouoty to calls of this nature now driving bis old gray horse, Din, with long, white beard with the other, with a basket filled with something good, I smal bundle ol sugar, and a Utile "real conee, fellow who was at home sick or wounded; or maybe to comfort some soldier's wife who was in trouble and ber husband away. Mr. Jim Tucker lived in the piney woods not far from Col. L'l plantation. He was wounded in tbe arm at Fredericks burg, Virginia, and came home on a furlough ; as usual Col. L, no sooner beard that Jim was at home aod wounded than basket of"sometbins good" prepared by intensely flattered at Col. L's visit. It happened to be Sunday and several of the neighbors had dropped in, so Mr. Jim Tucker laid himself out to entertain bis com- For some time the conversation consisted Finally, during a lull in the conversation, got hurt." We-e-ell, Colonel, I'll t ell you, who have never beard the North Carolina form no idea of the accent, and those who aod paper won't do il) on them big rollin' before day in the mornin' Gincral Lee he Oineral Hoke T he says here I is, Qiocral, al Hoke, who is the bravest man you have be says, says be, Oineral, Mr. Jim Tucker says oall him here ; come here, Mr. Tuoker, I tuck t-ff my cap polite like aod said, good Gineral Hoke; and tbey both say, good says, says he, Mr. Tucker, them yankees is al, I am powerful, sorry, for somebody s Mr Tucker. Then he says, says he, Mr. here ia a brand-new Belgium rifle and a box get out yonder behind that thar wall and said, Gineral it is a hard task, but I will 'em flank me. The Gineral, he says, Mr Stonewall Jackson lu look out for you. thai sioue wall and I tuok out my cxploshum balls and I laid 'em handy in the cracka of the wall, aod bimeby about auu-rise, Gineral Hoke ho hollowed out, aod he rays, look out, Jim, they's a-omiu'l and hero tbey cornel and I laid there all day and I hut 'cm wiili that Belgium rifld and them sploebum-balls a-goin I ti ll yi'u; aud bimeby, way long yondur yjuktte got up aod he tuck off hii bat aod ii you gwioe to kill uoa'ii7 aud wiiiiu on me and sl.ot me in the arm, and then I wag borne from the field and somebody's Mplment tuok my place. . IN THE WILDERNESS. Mr. Tucter returned lo bis command, and was again placed upon the skirmish foe in the Wilderness. He was ordered to ascend a large poplar tree aa a look out where he was amusing himself picking ulf officers. Butlothiiu tell bis tale fo, himself ''And Gineral Eirly, (old Julml, you know,) he says, "Jim, by granny stay with 'cm like you did at Fredericksburg," so I dumb tbe tree, I did, sod I sot ibar on a big limb a havin' of a fius time all by myself, and fust thing I know 1 see a whole yankoe corps a-oomiu', aod next thing thar they wm with their guns all B pioiin' up In the tree, and some big officer he say, come out of Ibar, dad-rat your hide I you cussed rebel I' aod I thought I better do like he said, so I come down just like he said, and When I got down he tuok bis siggar out of bis mouth aod he looked at mc and he says, 'Who is you, anyhow V I rays, 'I am Mr. Jim Tucker who is you?' aod be never said nothin', but be jest looked at me a while end he (ays. 'Is you the man who fought so at Fredericksburg ?' snd I said, Tse the man, who is you ? aod he said, 'Mr. Tucker, 1 am Gineral Grant, wbat'i you doin' up that tree, anyhow?" and I said, 'Gineral, I'm a sbootin' everything I see, aud he says, Mr. Tucker, you is too brave a man to starve in prison, go home to your folks and don't you shoot at my folks no more. But afore yoa go woo't you take a drink ? So I drank with him, aod I told him and all his crowd good bye. OAHTOIIIA, fcantas t ll Yw Haw tlwifl Bot Hcaatue It never ocean to fools that merit tod good fortune arc closely united, Goethe. Coming This Way This Yearl COLOSSAL I2 COMBINED OCTOBER 16 Doora open at 2 and 7 p. m. Cheap OCTOBER 15. BY REQUEST. the gentlemen who from age or other counties, was ooe of tbe most attentive We can see the venerable old gentleman one hand and thoughtfully stroking his or something ot tbe sort, lor some poor old Dan was bitched to the buggy and Mrs. L. Jim was not hurt much aod was of inquiries after tbe absent boys Col. L , said, "Well, Jim, tell ns how you said Jim. You see our brigade (those muffin pronounce the woid brigade can have must supply it for themselves, ink hills I was a tellin' yon about, aod jusj come up, be did, and be said, whar is says he, and Oineral Lee he says, Giner got in your brigade, aod Gineral Hoke, is the bravest man I ever see, and he if you please, and I come; I did, and mornin Choral Lee; good mornin' mornin', Mr. Tucker, and Gineral Lee, he cumin' after me again, and I said, Giner bound to git hurt, aod he says me loo, Tucker, they tell me you is a brave man of exploshuni-ball, and I want yon to don't you let 'em cotuo on me, Mr. Tucker, do my best, but, Gincral, don't you Tuoker, I will do my best and I'll Well, I went out and I laid down behind just afore night, ooe great, long, high be said, 'Great Godleoi ighly, M r. Tuoker a fouliu' ini'aiu' with liiui iliey erope up OABTOrtlA. BeenvW A M V" Hw) ry Bangtat tUfiatir ef What leads to unhappinm it making pleasure the obief aim, Shenstone, mOlD RELIABLE Absolute! Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE HOW HUSBANDS SHOP, BLOUSE THAT IT WAS CERTAIN WOULD NOT PLEASE THE LADY. Tbe pleasures of shopping are as rig orously denied to "mere man" as are the advantages of whistling to fair woman. The decree, being nature's own, is uni versal, and tbe attempts made to con travene it are few and unsuccessful. An eiception, more apparent than real, was made a few days sgo by so uxorious Ber lin husband intent on presenting bis better half with a new blouse. He hur riedly entered one of the first shops in the capital and confided his intention to the graceful young lady assistant. "I want a blouse a good one. You under stand. It must bo silk the best silk." "May I ask what color you prefer?" inquired the superior young saleswoman, with a smile. "Oh, I'm not particular about the col or, but I may say that it may cost from 30 to 40 marks." "Aod the cut?" "The cm? Well, I really don't much care. Alter all, it comes to tbe same tiling." "May I ask about the lady for whom it is destined?" "Why, she is my wife, of coursel Whom else did you" "I beg your pardon. What I meant was what is her size, at least approxi mately?" "It doesn't mailer in the least. Please show me some blouses, one blouse, any blouse, and let me go, for I am in I hurry to catch a train." "With pleasure, sir, but if you can not give me an idea of tho color, cut or site or anything else to guide me how can I hope to suit you?" "Give me any blouse you like so long aa the price is between 30 and 40 marks, It doeso t matter a straw what cut or Color or liie I ohoose, for in any case it's oertain to be changed. I told you it is for a lady!" London Telegraph CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REMEDY. No ooe who is acquainted with ill good Qualities can be surprised at tbe groat popularity of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, It not only curea colds and grip effectually aod permanently, but prevents these diseases from resulting in pneumonia. It is also a certain cure for eroup. Whooping cough is not danger ous when Ibis remedy is given. It con tains no opium or other harmful sub stance and may be given aa confidently to a baby as to an adult. It is also pleasant to take. When all of these facts are taken into consideration it is not surprising that people io foreign lands, as well as at home, esteem this remedy very highly aod very few are willing to take any other after having onoe used it. For sale at W. M. Cohen's drug store. Weldon, N. C. A LENGTHY SUNRISE. Bbe sunrise ot a beautilul morning ia a eight ef which I never weary, lie Oh, but you should see mo Why, I pasa whole days looking at it. Figaro. CAUSE OF LOCKJAW. Lockjaw, or tetanus, is caused by bacillus or gorin which exists plentifully in street dirt. It is inactive to long exposed to the air, but when carried beneath tbe skin, as in the woundi caused by percussion oaps or by rusty nails, aod when the air is excluded tbe germ is roused lo activity and produces the most viruleot poison known. Theie germs may be destroyed and all danger t:f lockjaw avoided byapplyiog Chamber lain'a l'aiu Balm freely as soon aa the injury is received. Paio Balm is antiseptic and causes cuts, bruise and like injuries to heal without maturation and io one third the time required the asual treatment. b, For aale by W. M. Cohen, Druggist, Weldon, N. C. Iogratitudoia treason to mankind. Thomson. If troubled with a weak digestion try Chamberlain a Stomach and Liver Tablets. They will do you good. For aale at W, M. Cohen's drugstore Weldon, N. C. CAN'T BE TOO CAREFUL. I NOTHING, SAY NOTHING THAT OAK GIVE A CHANOE FOR GOSSIP. "Girls, bo oarefull Maidenly mod- ity, good taste and prudence Beera to be a discount with many of our budding young maidens." The above extract was read not with efl.Mire but pain, Ainu! wo lour it is true. This is a fast age and many of our girls and young ladies seem to have no roatrjining power at homo or at school, and often on I bo streets tliero is not shown that modesty, good breeding, good taste and prudenoe that most al ways mark the cultured, refined and pure woman. We would not for anything curb tbo elasticity of youth, but girls should be directed to be quiet on the streets or in public, not boisterous, not rude, not forward, but act always with gnity and modesty. It is a well-known fact that the fast girl never has that resjieot shown her by men that the cultured, modest, refined lady commands. A boy can go on the streets or in public snd be boisterous and romp, use slang, and nothing is said of Let a girl do the same thing, no matter bow pure sbe may be many tongues ero set to wagging, unkiod, cruel things said which would cause any sensi tive woman to blush with ebame. Girls, you cannot be too circumspect in your own pure selves. Do nothing, say noth ing that can give a chanoe for gossip.' A good woman is more to be desired than gold or precious stones. A SONG OF WINTER. I. Thankful fer the winter the frost, an, sleet, an' snow: We'll tell by cabin-fires all the tales of long ago, Tbe stories of sweet childhood that we all believed wuz so Good times a-oomin' yet, believers! II. Thankful fer the winter with tbe folks a-settio' 'round'. An' roastio' of the hick'rynuts, or sbakin' of 'em down, - Or Biogin' in the wagons on the frosty road to town Good times a-comin' yel, believerst III. Thankful fer the winter let us sing it thatawayl A merry winter mornin beats tbe roses o' tbe May, An' there's life so' joy amsiio' when we dance 'till break o' day Good times a-oomin' yet, believers! LOVE'S EXCUSE. He You passed me without speaking to me. he Oh, I must have been thinking about you. FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over sixty years by millions ot mothers for children, while teething, with perlect success. It soothes the ohild sottens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy tor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of tbe world. 25 cents bottle. Be sure and ask fur "Mrs. Wins- low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind HOT USED TO IT. Hostess I wonder why your little brother seems so restless aod unoomforta- ble? Little Ethel I think it's 'cause his hands is clean. Stray Stories. MANY MOTHERS OF A LIKE OPINION. Mrs. i'llmcr, ol Cordova, Iowa, says: "Ooe of my children was subject to oruup of a severe type, and ihe giving Chamberlain's Cough Remedy promptly, alwaya brought relief. Many mothers in this neighborhood think tho same a do about thia remedy aod want no other kind for tbeir children For sale by W. M. Cohen, Druggist, Weldon, N. C. THE RESULTS UM PLEASANT Wigg I always like to hear a say what be thinks. W agg uut the people who always say what they think generally think such disagreeable things. Philadelphia Re- oord. BETTER THAN PILLS. Tho question has been asked Io what way are Chamberlaiu'i Stomaoh and Liver Tablets superior to the ordinary oalbartio sad liver pills? Our answer They are easior and more pleasant take and their eff ot is to gentle and so agreeable that one hardly realites that ii produced by a medioioe. Tben they not only move toe Dowels but improve the appetite and aid the digestion. For sale at 25 oenti per bottle by W, Cohen. Tbe obatity that begins it home covers tbe most sins A ItEMEDV. Ho The doctor told Jack that be had been studjiog too-hard lately. She And what did be noommend? lie Ob, he advised bim to go into society a little more and give Lis brain a rest. Brooklyn Lifo. Victory bolongs to the . Nnpole in. most persevor. IT FOE iOWELS wlg cvftry rjnv, vni'io ill or will In-. Ktio!) yuui you havr-n't a rcirnlnr. JlfnltliY tnoTfrnont nt thi bo we I i iinn, anil li well. Forco,ln tba ihnneuf vjr Viit ih vsif ir ,ul I ii'1'niii, I.' iliiriiNTOiiH, Tit a mnoof h- ctiB ti-v, 1 :iij:4t i'i i w ny ur uovpinif mo DOrftj .rand cloaii lu lo talio CANDY CATHARTIC EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY 11 as lint- Pa Int.it ltli. P.iti-tit,. TriHip nntirl. Do Hood. Nov or Sicken, V,'eal;iii, ur (Jiirx1, 10. . and 50 conU icr ho. rlU) lur Irjn saniplf, im liooWet or lualth. AdflrovtJ 423 8TKHL1SG RKHK-lT CO! PA XT, fllK'ifiO or HW TDRft. KEEP YbUR BLOOD GLEAN A Bad Breath bad breath means a bad stomach, a bad digestion, a bad' liver. Ayer's Pills are ivcr pills. They cure con stipation, biliousness, dys pepsia, sick headache. 25:. All drug-gilts. V.'ant your infititt'.if l,o or board a beautilul Itrown or ricli tilarl:? Then una BUCKINGHAM'S DYEwhiX, diet or l)iiwi'Tt 0 i A Co., Naho. N.H. BANNER SALVE is the most healing salve in the world. It cures Sores, Cuts, Burns and all Skin Diseases. It positively Oores Piles S. Kingsbaker. 8o East Ohio Street. Chicago, writes: "I had a bad case of cues tor several years. BANNER SALVE cured me quickly and perman ently after several doctors and remediei had failed to relieve me." GUARANTEED. Price 25 Cento KEEP COOL. By placing your orders for Bread, Cakes and Pies with tho WELDON BAKERY, Specials io fine layer, fruit aod pound cake. fts-Hot ooffee and luocbes served at aoy hour. Hr2rOut.of town orders PROMPTLY FILLED. B.N.BEIDGERS, Up-to-date Bakery, Eniry's Kw Block Weldon, N. C. 0Pbone 61.) PPOMATTOX IRON WORKS. 28 to 34 Old Street. PETERSBURG, VA. Manufacturers of Machinery, Shafting,Pulleys, Agricultural Implements. Having bought out Steel 4 Alexan der, founders aod machinists, with all patterns, we are now prepared to fur nish paits to machines formerly made by them. ' HYDRAULIC PRESSES. PEANUT MACHINERY specialty. Mill work and castings of all kinds. second hand machinery for sale cheap, p.n ... r... . ' wti vu u. wi niHQ iui nuab juu wauf. ! t 1 U R K T Y ON BONllK.r Those who are required to give ' Bonds io positions of trust, and who j i desire to avoid asking friends to be- i oome their sureties, or who may wish to relieve friends from further obli- , gations as bondsmen, should apply i 1 in person or by letter to 8E. T. CLARK, Attorney, Wcljot, N- C I NOTICE. The undersigned has opened a law office at Weldon, Gooch building, First street. Will attecd Tuesday's Thurs day's and Saturday's. THOMAS N. HILL. Thia May 7th, 1903. VAT ftr tkUdrtmt aw, am M eleM a . waajaaMamlm.ammmm. !IIamwllllm

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