1 1 1 u l I !DVBTISI3Sra-:iTES-M0DElUTK. A. FBWSPAPEB FOE THE PEOPLE, TEBMS:-'1' per annum in advance t : I fOL. AAA V 111. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1903. NO. 26 na) 1 usj Received A Nice Line of the Hackney Bug- ies and Hickory Wagons. Will ive Low Prices on these.goods for ext thirty days. Call and exam ine. We tmean business. P. N. STAINBACK, The Weldon Grocery Co. .? WHOLESALE JOBBEB8 IN STAPLE & FANCY 1 aGROCERIES.S I 'VCiir M.Vt Sell Onlv T Merchants." W. Orders Solicited. ' THE WELDON GROCERY CO , jj Z B IV WLLHia,W. U. jg, mmu Buy the Best Paint Made-Tan ker's Semi-Paste Paint. ...j MANUFACTURED BY. Tanner Paint & Oil Co., Box 180. 1419 E. MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, VA. PETER SMITH & CO., THE LEADERS OF LOW PRICES, IMPORTERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND. DOMESTIC DRY GOODS NO. 2K8MAIN8TEET, NORFOLK, VA. n VqiSKEY ft.io Pei (jiLLofi. We claim to b the LOWEST PRICED WHISKEY HOUSE. We really iell F whiskey u low aatl.lO per gallon, and mind yon; distilled whiskey not j decoction of chemicals but of course its new and under proof, t "CASPER'S STANDARD" 10 year old whiakey is a liquid joy! Itisactually produced by honest Tur Heell in the mouotain section of North Carolina by the fold timeprooeM.. Every drop is boiled over open furnace wood Area, in old t style copper stills, in exactly therame wny it waa made by our grandfather a ' iwninrv Pint M -hi.k.i la mid at 5 to S8 Der gallon, bnt i not any better than "CAKPER'8 8TAN1MRD." It ia the beat produced and must t please erery customer cr wa will buy it back with aold-we are incorporated m ' under the laws of North Carolina with an authorised capital of $100,00 00 and W the People's National Bank and Piedmont S.vingtBank of Wiuston-Balem, N. t C, will tell you onr guarantee is good. This old honest, mild and mellow jw ; whiskey is worth one dollar per quart, but to more fnlly introduce Casper s t Standard" we offer sample shipments uf this brand at half price, (packed in i plain sealed boxes) 6 Quarts 5, 10 (Jnarts A Express Prepaid anywhere $ 'ioU.S. AllordersandremitUnca(ineUmps.cahorbycheck,eto.)aawell J a request ior confidential price must be addressed as follows; R. JV. CASPER CO., HWn, N. C, U. S. A. j ; Main Office and Warehouses. Nos. 104S 46 Liberty and 1, 3, 4 and 5 Maple 8t YqiSKEY fl.to Peh faLLoi. .rsai OR.MOFPiTT'imCirn CWM-bfutll, uiarrnecanrMaury, ana the Bowel Troubles ot OiilVtnf4ir tat. I ilti Dloiilaa Braulalaa ECrtrrHiNG pcwdiswwi th,BiWtu.sirl.luHM Costs Only 25 cents st Dngists, teethiS? a Or wall ft w.l. IS C. J. M OFF ITT. M. D ST. LOWte. MO, Tciionri. M. lim-Dm. O. I. BiTTltTT-llr M Sir I JuUC to tn WIH.NI.r I T.iaM.ae. rtia roar.iMn.al d.'hf, TKKTHINA. Oar littt. irl. ) tklrma woalM aa.aaar.aaa .Sawa. iTt gk, murrt i - ji m jflPM f ImkUiMUit., , iwauQUM 10 0 E,r ntlf wm .ikaa.H la Uo .'bop. o prtrlllio.. lro hilr BkiWUM. H.r "uul lo pa at par. Wood and kurala lr muaaaa ior aar ai a now. n.r ".'T r 8w .t.r aM.imi.ad lo r T KETHIN A. u. U a dar or two Ihar. .a a frMt chaa-a. Uf. ka rataraaa Uliowalavaia ralalai, aad thaa U to TaTai S A, Ik. UUI. batw U """J" .... - . Oaif, aalH at. w. atotiaJS aaaiaii rrefiwiw lawt ::WELD0N,"N. C. OriaiizBl Uider Tie Lais of the State of Hulk Caroliaa. AUGUST 20TU, 1892. STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY- l IIaI.IPAV rot' TY DEP08ITORV. TOWN OF WELDON DEPOSITORY. CAPITAL inu SuitPLuS HOW TO STAND STRAIGHT. One of Ibe moat admirable point! ia ruilitsrj duciplioe, sava an exchaogej ii the eieoloesi of figure giren by thi drill exeroise. A "soldierly" bearing ie proterbisllj a fine one. The following rules, if nriolly carried out, will give the oiriliao the beoeSt of auoh aeatriage. Try them and ace: Make il a rule to keep thobaok of the Deck oloee to the back of the collar, Roll the shoulders baokward and downward. Try to squeeze the ahou'd. r blade to gether many times a day. Stand erect at abort interval during the day ''bead np, chin in, chest out, shoulders baok." Walk or stand with the bands olasped behind the head and the elbows wide apart. Walk about, or ereo run up stairs, with from ten to forty pounds on the top of the head Try to look at the top of your high-out test or your oeok- tie. Praotioe the arm movement of the breast-stroke swimming while standing or walking. Hold the arm behind the back. Carry cane or cmbrella behind the small of the baok or behind the neck. Put the bands on tbe hips, with el bow back tnd Sogers forward. Walk with the thumbs in the armholea of the Test.; When walking, swing the arm and shoulders s'rongly backward. Stand now and then during the day with all the posterior part of tbe body, so far as possible, touching a vertical wall, Look upward as you walk on tbe auony aide of the street. FOR OVEB SIXTY TEAKS Mr. Winslow's Soothing Syrup baa been used for over sixty years by million ot mother for children, while teething, with period suooess. It soothes the child. often the guma, allay all pain, cures wind oolio, and is the best remedy tor Diarrhoea. It will relieve tbe poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggist n every part of the world. 0 cent a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mr. Wins- low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth t kind.. .. ..- ... For Ian vaara tbia inatitatinn Ilea nrnv ided bankine faeilitiiu for thil motion Iui,ik.,i.i.. ...i .i;-....... i.... k. i.lntifiprl with the business interest of uni.mu MMCVIWI3 .. uwh tl.tir. kf.-.i . . : i r- ... Mam ia Inanna noon SO- aott torinaiatptun ouunilra Itw luaaj wrt , " -r - r proved security at tbe legal rate of interest six per centum. Account of all are. elicited. President: i W. E. DANIEL ' ' Vice-President: i ' ' ( - Da. J. N. RAMSAY, ' Seaboard, Northampton eounty, N. C. Cashier, " W. R. 8MITH ;attorney at law, WELDON, N. C. Pnwtices ia the eourU of Halifitx and ojoining eounUea, aud in the Supreme urt ofbh,8ts . SpecUl attention given " "o'lootiooa nd rnmpt retnrna PI Tki I iiTiur FREE 0MTALOOUI ajlkla tM Miurfia w iafw wp Mr wmt,aim.,liaaa.ia."-" - - . . . a. a HIT MM B rl FRANK T. CUWy-t,. lEtbllhtdB79. nuwui.n.1. D MUTUAL. "I'm satisfied," aaid the angry tailor, "that you intend to beat me out of thi money." "All right," ohuokled the happy debtor; "if you're satisfied, I am." Baltimore News, UOSB TO THE OCCASION. Archibald "Mamma, give me a pen- nj?" ; . Mother "You're too big to be ask- ing for pennies." Aichibald "Well, then, give me a quarter." Chicago News. TERRIBLE S1ATE OF AFFAIRS. "Things are in t terrible itatel" "Yoo do't 'say wT' ' "Fact. Never ssw the like!" "Mercy! What on earth oan be the matter?" "Well, I don't know that you've no ticed it, but country'! so darned pros perous there' suthin' ia the round world to growl about I LEAVE A SLICE OR TWO- Pretty good country ' ' From springtime to fall: 'Some of it' yours, But don't reaob f r it sill F. L S E. STAIN BACK, '.' '.....llfiTIBY PHRIIC." 5 i i AND FIRE INSURANCE, Wldoii, N. C .Roanoka News Office. STARVED OUT. VUny a garrison hu ben forced to rtV UO Wt nKDIUlU Bang wut ius vui ft TJa. .i.a.M UV n( InnA BIIUI aTUI IWalUC , wwa weakened the men past all power t continue me awuaaic. ( . aimllariy starved out of business. His digestion ia impaired. H i i food does not nourish him. and for lack of strength to carry oa the atrugcV be turns bis store over to aa Other. Dr. Fierce' Golden ValM Discovery cure disease of the atomack and other or gans of digeatioa and nutrition. It restore strength to weak, aerv-oua,rtut-dowa tuaa aod women. Aboat tea mra as I gaa to b ahlctae wnh atoiaac foabrt, alas dlar thu.' writ.. Mr. Va, WalMra, at aolrlat. Uo. la waiat weatkar it (raw wont. aatU N oal4 tnrow sm law a craajatH chill. Waa troabM M aftia that I eotattlraaa tkoufht my tndhaeaaM. Trlntauay mealea, kiat Out an aoijr taaiowarj rIIr. Ia Mafftnbd. iSco. thsuaM I woald try Uoctar Woret'e. i , rLUAM atatllMl DtaeovcrY. , laa hnttlaa aad taok It la aacctaaloa. thea thouaM I woald wait tor a tl. aod tak. the aa. ith. aooa foaad 1 had ayraptom. of tha tmhla r ata aaak. ao took the tilth wattle sad It ra (d at I kaaa njortd the boat of kaallk lata aamraar. awl tha cndll all baloan lo tow Oaldca Mtdlcal DUcoT.17 ' I aaa't eapraaa sit man; thaaka to Dr. ritrr fer hat Ruadr. I 4M an nuck for ata. Words aaa ot aahraaa how arrtralr I .aaVrad. air aa douht tha abora atawaiawt tat Ikara aaVtraaa m. aod I wilt tak (nal attawara tn ..aaliia S Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets eleame thai bowela and atunulaU the aluggtali Urn. Grove'sCTcstdess C!4!Iii!c Has stood the test 25 years. Average Aaniial Sales over Oae and a Haft.S3oa Does thh record cf J'lerit arpeu to voit 7 v ' nacsrmww, feotOes.: EnrJatoe writh wvery aMMUe to Ten Cw. fMrduig. of Crove'a Bck St.t, Uvsm, V. THE OLD SWEET DAYS. BY FRANK L. STANTON O.went wind, blow tbe blossoms from unforgotten epiings 1 From meadow where the daily feel tbe shadow of Love' wings I For lam weary o' Ibe ways where not a flower appear And a moan in ihemusia of the wild sod wintry year I Blow, aweet wind o' the west, From tbe vale I loved tbe best, Where not a red tbora gliatenod io the garland on Love' breast I 0, west winds, waft the singing from violet vale and stream Aod give to Love the glory of nnforgottea dreamt, For I am weary o' the way tbat koow but thorn and tears, And i moan I in the music of the wild and wintry yean I Blow, tweet wioda o' tbe weat. From tbe vales I loved the best, , Where not a red thorn plistened in the garlsods on Lovo't breast t WECLD RELIABLE THE 600D-NIGHT KISS. JUST WANTED A CHANCE. 0 mothers, to weary, discouraged, Worn out with the caret of the day, You often grow crose and impatient, Complain of the noise aod tbe play; For tbe day bring so many vexations, So many things going amiss; But, mothers, whatever may vex you, Bend tbe ohildren to bed with a kisa I The dear little feet wander often, Perhaps, from' the pathway of right, ' The dear little hands find new mischief To try you from morning till bight; But think of the desolate mothers Who'd give all the world for your blist. And as thanks for your infinite blessing, Send the ohildren to bed with a kisa I For tome day their noise will not vex yon, Tbe silence will hart you far more; You will loog for the aweet children'! voioea For a tweet, childish face at the doorj; And to press a obild't face to your bosom, You'd give all tbe world for just tbia I For the comfort 'twill bring you in sorrow. Send the ohildren to bed with a kiss I "Mister Judge," called out the col ored witness, after he had been on the stand a full hour, "kin I say one word, soh?" "Yes," replied tbe Judge. "What it il?" "Hit's dra dis, sur. Ef you'll des make de lawyer set dovro en keep still two minutes, en gimme a livm chance 'II whirl in en tell Jo truth!" Atlanta Constitution. THE SILENT LITTLE PRAYER. My little boy knelt at my knee last night And (aid the prayer my mother taught me leng ago; Then for awhile was silent, with hit head atill bowed, And when at last he rose to give the kiss For which I waited, and withdrew hit arms, I asked him why be bad kept kneeling when Hi "Now I lay me down to sleep" waa done. Grave-faced be aaid "In Sundaj school they asked The ohildren all, when they have said their prayer, To whisper, asking God, up there, to bless The little one in Chios aod to put The love of Jeaut in their hearts." If one s : True, tender little piayer like that were said For me each night, I'd ak no more, aod claim The richest blessing God may stud aa mine. WE CANNOT DO WHAT WE LIKE WITH vs. our; own Prealdent or the United Statea Sled Corporation jiltei'rCgl T is our bounderj duty to assist those in need. Philos ophy which any we cut do what we like with, our own ia false. Human aocioty is so interwoven that gJl?a the strong should lond, a helping hand to the weak. 1 " PEOPLE MAY HAVE THEIR OWN THEORIEt AS TO TUB BBaT WAY OF HELPING THE POOR. BUT OUR PRIMARY DUTY IS TO HELP THEM AND RELIEVE IMMEDIATE WANTS; THEN THEORIZE ALL YOU PLEASE. THE MAN WHOSE STOMACH IS EMPTY ISNT IN A PHYSICAL CONDITION TO LISTEN TO HIGH FORM OF CHRISTIANITY. We have no degraded poor in the United States, auch as I kave'seen in Europe, hut we have mauy poor. There should lo always money enough to help them. Benevolent associations ought to be so well organized that no one should want. THE EARTH PRODUCES ENOUGH FOR ALL IF IT WERE PROP ERTY DISTRIBUTED. Ml Probably the best kind of help ono can give is to aid children, Give them pleasure,' bring sunshine into their lives, teach them to see that the good things in this world are for them aa well as for others. Thus they will be encouraged to take a rosy view of life, A Youth who has hope and caurago can accompiisn inucu. There should be no children so poor aa to be left without the ordinary cnjovmonU of life suitable to their ago. I fear what lit lo'T do far children is influenced bv selfish motive, because it will give me the highest form of pleasure. I like to help children. probably because I have none of my own; The children of p0' pie are the mainstay of a nation. They should be ita'hope, its pride; their welfare is the nation's welfare. I0T MAST THERE THESE DAYS. Willie "Pa, when you say a man's 'wool gstheria' it mean he' Isiy, don't ii?'... . . i Pa ' Not necffisarily. - He may be fpatheiing the wool off tbe lamb in Wall Street," Philadelphia Ledger, a - n - A RUNAWAY BICYCLE, Terminated with aa ngly cut oa the leg of J. B. Oroer, Franklin Grove, III. It developed a stubborn doer unyielding to doctor and remedies for four years. Then Backlog's Arnica Salve ured. It's joataa good for Burn, Scalds, Skit Eruption and Pile. 2Ge. at W, M. CoWa Drug' blurs.' ; yrjjaaa- '7 MRS. PAGET'S LOST SUIT. Bow Uer Iraberttaaxe From Parast Stevena Batata la Dlmlaiahew. Mrs. Arthur Paget, who recently ar rived In New York, is the wife of Major General Faget of tbe Scots guards and the eldest daughter of the late Mr. Par j Steven. She Is a leader In Lou don's smartest set. Mrs. Paget's trip to the United States Is prompted more by business than social reasons, although Ibe will remnln In New York during the height of the social season and will doubtless receive much attcutlon. For nearly a quarter of a century the will of tbe late Paran Stevens has been In litigation and has Just been settled. By a decree of Chief Justice Stlnesa of Rhode Island a part of the rich estate Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE ONLY MAKES A BAD MATTER WORSE. Perhaps you have never thought of it but the fact must be apparent to every one that constipatioa it caused by a lack of water in tbe system, aod the use of drastio cathartics like the old fashioned pills only makes a bad matter woise, Chamberlaio'i Stomach and Liver Tabled are touch more mild and gentle iutbeir effeet, and when the proper dose ia taken their action is ao natural that one can bardiy realise it ia the effect of a medicine, Try a 25 cent bottle of them. For sale at W. M. Cuhen't drugstore. Weldon, N. C. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are becoming a favorite for stomach troubles and constipation. For tale by W. M. Cohen, Druggist, Weldon, N. C. Ia there anything in politics? anted the student. Certainly not, answered the statesman. Do you snnpose we would leave anything? MBS. ABTHTja E. 7. PAGET. Which Mrs. Paget hoped to Inherit will go to her bait sister, Mrs. Ellen S. Melcher. Mrs. Melcher was a daughter of Paran Steven by hit first wife. By hla second wife there were two cull FROM SOUTH AFRICA. DISASTROUS WRECKS v Carelessness it responsible for many railway wreck aad Ihe same cau'ts are making human wrecks of sufferer from! Throat and Lung trouble. But since the advent of Dr. King' New Discovery for Consumption, Cought and Colds, even the wont ease eta' be cured, and hopeless resignation 1 no longer neces sary. Mrs, Lou Cragg, of Doroheater, Ma., it on of many whose life ' was saved by Dr. ; King's New Discovery. This great remedy i guaranteed for all Throat and Ling diseases by W. M. Cohen, Druggist. Prioe 50c. and f 1.00. Trial bottle free. NSW WAT Or USING CHAMBERLAIN S COUOH REMEDY. Mr. Arthur Chapman writing from Durbao, Natal, South Africa, fays: "As a proof that Chamberlain's Cugh Rem edy is a cure suitable for old and young, I pen you the following: . A neighbor of mine bad a child just over two months old. It hsd a very bad cough aod the parents did not koow what to give it, suggested that if they would get a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and put some upon the dummy teat the haby waa tuokiog it would no doubt cure the child. This they did aud hrouuht about quick relief and curad the baby." This remedy 'u for sale by W. M. Cohen druggist Weldon, N. C. They are speaaiog of the agitating orator. He is a man who weighs his word, remarked the close observer. If he does, said the cynic, he gives short weight. CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REME DY IS PLEASANT TO TAKE, The finest qu.lily tf granulated leal sonar it used in the ron.ufaeiure if Chamberlain's Couli Remedy, and the roott used in its preparation uire it Savor similar to maple tyrup, aaking quite pleasant io take, Mr. W. Roderiok, of Pooleaville, Md,iu speak inc. of this remedy, suy "I have used Chsmberlaiu's Cugh Remedy with ui ohildren for several years aud can tiulh fully aay it is the best preparation of tl kind I know of. The children like to take it aod it ha no injurious after effect. For sale at W. M. Cohen's drug store, Weldon, N. U. Don't ynu feel at all nervous about having your son play football, SprotiKioa ? No. I Would rather see bim dead tbco married to the tfirl be' en gaged to. THE BEST LINIMENT. "Chamberlain' Pain Balm ia ooosid ered the best lioiment on the maiket write Post k Bliss, of Georgia, Vt. No other liuiinent will heal a cut or bruise so promptly?-' N& other afford such quick relief from rheumatic paio. No other it ao valuable for deep sested pain like lame back and pain in tbe cheat. Gtvi thil liniment i trial and you will never wish to be without it. For salt by W. M. Cohen, Druggist, Weldoo.N.G, - , , lath bright lexicon ef speculation there is nothing so uncertain at a sure tbiag." "... . OABTOttlA. null , yfTtia fend Tfw Bawj Hhwrvi Bat eiare . tf , ', A MA Y tlvrrrs Bajfl - - "-''ill TTT f .fA In sir! NOT A SICK DAY SINCE. "I was taken severely sick with kidney trouble. I tried all sort of medioiocai none of which relievad me. Ooe day I saw an ad. of your Electrio Bitter and determined to try that, After taking a few doses I felt relieved and toon there after was entirely cured, and have not seen a rick day since Neiglioori of mine have been cured of Rheumatism, Neuralgia Liver and Kidney troubles tnd General Debility." This is what B, F. Bars, of Fremoot, N. C, writes. Only 50c. at W. M. Cohen, Druggist. Lady t f the House Well, Professor, I hope you aro eiij ijing your drnwrT Profetsor Oh I yet; 1 liavo to-day an appetite worthy of a better cause. OASTOniA. Beara the ) 1 118 M MM l"aI W BAD EATS'! I haw, haB Slain (AHCAttrTUiidll I ft ml Id ami elTiMTtive laxutlvo tlicf arc atlcnptr won ! durful. My tittun liter and 1 were Ixjlliered with i lck tttoniarh and our breath wai ver bad. Attar I takltitf a few ihse ot Oaibcnrots we lioTe ImproTtjtJ wonderfully. Tlioy are a groat help to tluj f ami if." 1Y i.MEl,Ml,A Aii;i,. li:t? Uiuunuoueo tit., Uucluuatt, Oblo. ff CJP CATHARTIC j Y TRAD! MAM MtMIIMO Plmilfint. PflllatAhlsi Pntawit fPiaatSaa flnnA tar. Good, Never Slckeo. Weaken, or Grip. 10c, 1m. ftto. . CURI CONSTIPATION. ... isMihif CMfur, Chttsjfsj, MiMjl, Its Tsark. SU M.Tfl.Rif1 Bold and iniaranteed by aildrnc I U'DAU suu to CV .HI. Tobaoou Habli? Dizzy? KEZTStSSE u steTen"- Thf." rur lii5n By the terms of the will of Paran I WC11. I OU SUITer irom D1UOUS- stevenB, who died in 1872, his widow ness, constipation. Aver S received 1100,000, the remainder of the p.,, rjirCCtlv on the liver estate being tied up In a trust fund, .uls "II Uircuiy Oa Hie liver. the proceeds of which were to go to For 60 years ihey nave been the widow during her life. Upon her tKe Standard Famiiv Pill. death tbe will provided that the estate should be divided among bit three chil dren or their descendants. Henry L. Stevens, tbe only son, died tea years before bis mother did and consequently did not live long enough to come Into bis share of the estate, at provided In hie father's will. Henry Stevens loft a will, however, bequeath ing tbe abare be would have Inherited tn equal parts to bis mother ana his sis- Small doses cure. 3C. AMdrusal.ts. IV.tut your iiK.ii.'.;,, ,, brottu or rich blnrk ? , Ward a usaatllul mi uae DlintflWPliU-'O P.VCfprtho uuimuiurirtiii out JO va nr Drtartaie Whiskers) A Co . Nnnua, H H. BANNER SALVE ter, Mr.. Paget Vpon her death Mrs. js the most healing salve ia Paran Stevens bequeathed bor thnre of the estate to her daughter, Mrs. Paget ?c woria. " cures aores, V-UtS, When the marriage of Mary Flake Stevens and Arthur Henry Fltaroy Paget was arranged In. the spring of 1878 certain antenuptial settlements were executed. These arrangements fig ured prominently In tbe cose Just de cided In the Rhode Island courts. The decision of the court holds tbat the real estate Involved belongs In equal moltles to Mrs. Melcher and to Mr. Paget The amount which Mrs. Taget loses is considerable, as the estate Is now estimated to be worth from IS,- 000,000 to (10,000,000. Burns and all Skin Diseases. It positively Cures S. Kinesbaker. 8o East Ohio Strut. Chicago, writes: "I bad a bad case of files tor aeveral years. BANNER SALVE cured me quickly and perman ently after aeveral doctora and remedies had failed to relieve me." GUARANTEED. Trice 25 Cento KEEP COOL. CERVERA'S NEW HONORS. Bow Spatlai Shows Ita Respect Fo the OI4 NaT! Commander. That Spain hat nothing but good will for Admiral Cervera, who commanded the ill fated Spanish fleet In the naval battle off the harbor of Santiago, It evidenced by hit recent appointment to the post of chief of staff of the Spanish navy. While in Santiago with a licet of four armored cruisers and two torpedo boat destroyers Admiral Cervera early In July, 1808, received orders to proceed o - f - - - j- ' a By placiot; your orders for Bread, Cakes and Pies with the WELDON BAKERY, Specials in fine layer, fruit and pound cake. MsTHot coffee and lunches served at any hour. fSTOut of town order PROMPTLY FILLED. H. N. BRIDGER8, Up-to-date Bakery, Entry's Ntw Block Weldon, N. C. l&-Phooe 61. PPOMATTOX IUON WORKS. 28 to 31 Old Street. PETERSBURG, VA. Maaulacturera of Machinery, Shafting.Pulleys, AgriGiiltural Implements. UavinE bouitht out Steel A Aleian. der, founders and machinists, with til pstterns, we sre now prepared to fur nish parts to maohines formerly made by them. HYDRAULIC PRESSES.. PEANUT MACHINERY Mill work and casting! of . all kinds. WOl nnst pieceu ou ooaru vne auiutar . . . - , , . ' cruiser Oloueeater. from which be was for sale cheap, transferred to tha Iowa. While oa th. L'"onU8OT ' f Jou wsut. latter vesael be said: "I would rathar I aiJimllizJ. rrrrr--: vw..v..iimiignti tarotorai attonatov yUBrSIYUN BOSD8. Thote who are required to give j Bonds in positions of trust, and who j desire to avoid asking friendt to be- i ootne their sureties, or who nay wUh to relieve frieods from further olii- j gatioot at bondsmen, should apply ! in person or by lettet to c T rt knv i .."- t u . a ADaOaUX. CBBVXBa. to Havana. Ha made tbe attempt on Sunday morning, July 8, and his ships were destroyed and sunk by our fleet Cervera received no Injury during the fight but waa taken prisoner aud waa first placed on board the auxiliary lose my ships at sea, like a sailor, than in a harbor. It waa the only thing for ru. to do." DOESN'T RESPECT OLD AGE, It's thtmefu 1 when youth . fail to show proper respect for old tge, but just tha contrary is tbe case ' of Dr. King's New Life Pill. They out off maladies bo matter how severs sod irrespective of old sge. Dytpfptis, Jaundice, fern Constipation all yield to tbii perfect Pill.i 25o. at W. M. Cohen's Drug Store A

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