f o ADVBRTISIlTa-:i?A.TES-MOi)EUATE. VOL. XXXVIII. t A. NEWSPAPER IF O IR, THE PEOPLE TERMS:-'1'50 PER annum in advance WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1903. NO. 22 Rf 1 Jlv Iff Cjl IICIR 11 ui HI .fcsassaali I I II II I .11.11 II llll - BEGINS WORK with the tint dose, cleaniing the blood ol all the poisonous cidi that produce RHEUMATISM, driving out ill the dangerous germi that infcit the body tha.t it the way cures are effected by Other medicinet treat lymptomt; Rhiumatidi rimtvu tbi Mini, and, therefore, its CURES ARE PERMANENT. Helps the digestion, tones up the system. Sample bottle free on application to Bobuitt Chemical Co., Pro prietors, 3' 6 West Lombard St., Baltimore, Md. J u s f Received $ $ st- fc St A Nice Line of the Hackney Bug gies and Hickory Wagons. Will give Low Prices on these goods for next thirty days. Call and exam ine. We .mean business. P. N. STAINBACK, The Weldon Grocery Co. WHOLESALE JOBBERS IN STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES. Ml. We 8U Only To Merchants. Orders Solicited. THE WELDON GROCERY CO , Jit 2 8 1v WELDON, N. C. 7' . n to n n to to to Special Colons WILL BE GROUND TO MATCH SAMPLE OF SHADE. Bui 180. Tanner Paiit & Oil Co., 1419 E. MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, VA. PETER SMITH & CO., THE LEADERS OF LOW PRICES, IMPORTERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER8 IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS NO. 9W)MAIN STEET, NORFOLK, VA. -r.WELDON, N. C.- Qriuiiei Under Tk. Lavs of the State of North Carolina, AUGUST 20TH, 1892. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. TOWN OF WELDON DEPOSITORY. CtPITkL AND SURPLUS $29,000. iJ.1 tonkin? laclllllite fur tint section i'vr ten vein tuia lusututiuu mm ..w..w- r l,.....Lt.;i 1 J. , l.... k.. i.lnlifinl wuh the humilCl lolt'iots ol vo sioutuuiuers sou uireniut. Hilif.v .n,l M,th.mninn sonnticS for msnV VesrS. Money IS losoed Upon ip proved security at the legal rata of interest sil per oenlum. Aooouoti of ill are olioited. President: Vioe-President: Cashier: W. E DANIEL Dr. J. N. RAM3AY, W. R. SMITH Seaboard, Northampton ooomy, N. C. WHAT THINK YE OF CHRIST? WORDsor gfiM I OF TU I WOBLD'S OEEAT MEN lit ANSWER TO HUB IMPORTANT QUEST ION. Flivel: Eternity cannot unfold Him. Daniel Webster: I believe J ism Christ lobe tlio Son of God QatibaMi: I love and venerate the religion of Chrial, Uubrll G. U'lKu'il. !1J I llVril in Hit day I would have been Ilia fliend. Napoleon Ilooiipirtc: I know men; nd I lull you that Jesus Christ . la not a tuaift Tbotnas Paine: Tlio morality that Ue preached haa not been exceeded by any. Renan: In Jraui is condenicd all that ia good and exalted in our nature Disraeli; Has not Jeaus conquered Europe and changed its uatne to Chris tendom? Thnmns Carlyle: The highest Voice ever board 06 I li it earth Bui J viilha : Consider the lilies." Matthew Arnold: No other concep tion of righteousness will do except Christ's conception of it. Charted DickuDb: I commit my soul to the mercy of God through our Lord and Saviour Jrsus t.liti-t. Kinerajn: He, as I tbiuk, iatheonly soul in Ins' ory who haa appreciated the worth of a mnn. William E. Gladstone: All that I think, all that I hope, all that I write, all that I live fur, is baiJ upon the divinity of Jesus Christ. Rouasoau: If the life and death if Socrates were those of a philosopher, tbe life and death ol Jesus were those of a God. Fairbairo: They (His words) shioe as peerless as ever, the rweetest, calmest, simplest, wisent words ever sf oken by man to man. St. Augustine: I have never lead in Plato and Cicero a sentence like this: "Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden." Benjamin Franklin: I think that the svstem of morals that He taught, aud 1 is religion . , . are the best that this world ever saw, or is likely to see. Boliogbmke: No religion ever ap peared in the world whose natural tend d ncy was so much directed to promote the peace and happiness of mankind as Christ's religion. Goethe: Tear out tbe New Testament faith in tbe veracity of Christ as to the supernatural and there ia not enough left to build upon in retard to any other particular. PRAISE YOUR WIFE. The following, taken from an ex change, is worthy of thuugUfui consid eration by married men generally : "Praise your wife, man, when she de serves it It won't injure her any, though may frighten her some from its . ... . i straogeness. II you wish to mate ana keep her happy, give her a loving word occasionally. If ahe takes paina to make you something pretty, don't take it with only, "Yes, it ia very pretty, and let it go at that. It will lake you only a mio ute's time to kiss her and tell her ahe is the best wife in town. You will find to be a paying- investment one whioh wjllvield jou a large return in increased care and willing labor for ynur eouifort. Lovine nratse will lichteo labor womt.r- fully, and should be frequently tie- stowed. It's not where you arc, but what you are, that determines the worth of your experience. lodiacrctioo and wickedness, be known, are Brat eouains L'Enclos C. G. EVANS. WELDON', N.C. rixcr GROCERIES, . FRUITS, COA'FECTlONtRlt'S: OLD WINES AND BRANDIES SOLE AGENT FOR CAPITAL CLUB, OLD FORESTER RYE. CALL FOR IT. g T. CUtA-IS:. ;attorney at law, WELDON, N. C. Practiaes la the courts of Halifax and Mjoininj counties, aud in tbe BopreniS -ooortofttuSta Special attention giv ti flollMtiiMM ni BMMiBt rotaraa , MadMUaataSlaaMerSlaM A PPO.MAliuX liiOS V.OIIIw, JLX. 23 to 34 Old Strmt. PETEKSBUKG, VA. Manufacturers of Machinery, Shafting.Pulleys, Agricultural Implements. Haacinff hnnifht out Steel & Alt'iau machinists, with all n.it'erns. we are ow prepared to fur oish paita to machines formerly made by them. HYDRAULIC PRESSES 4. PEANUT MACHINERY Mill work and oastioes of all kind' second hand machinery lor sale cheap Call on ua or write for what )o want. mm XMAS Not a bit of it ; now ia just the lime to make your selections before the prettim things aro gone. Ever)thing ia frcth and bright now. Another advantage of buying early is that you avoid the crush aud confusion of usual Xraas buy inn. XMAS Furniture, DESKS, CHAIRS, ROCKERS, CABINETS, Lamps, Morris Chairs. A Pretty Carpet makes your home cheerful. Our Carpets do more, they make you cheerful and our low prices make you positively happy. itwSv li Yocr 3f lungs wan? C. STAINBACK, -..-.ROTARY PUBLIC. AND FIRE INSURANCE, WtxpoR, N. 0 13, Roanoke Htwt Office. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medioal Discovery . CURES Weak i Lungs. ' $3,000 FORFEIT Will be paid by the World'a Diapertsar r.in w. V.. il ther cannot ahow the orig- i.i nim.tnr cj the individual volun teering the testimonial below, and also Of the writers Of every iauuraii h ihonianda which they are constantly publishing, thus proving their gennine- 4 taklnv mar nedldiirs, tl.hMn monlh. .go. mv hUh mm, Pf '' ol Ch.pil. Clwrt Co, Md. "At "' ; could M m wlk mw I w room i th. Fiiorll. FTcrtp"oa.' pSIch 1 d.4 . All Llira IiOTftT,' lwtr of the rtnxflt rr- Zml ..tir.tr wtn, .04 do .1. mr w Slit m htrwr. and Mn nm wit mm taul I1 fcmtrl; anU. Dr. Pierce's Pleaaant Pelleti clean taal refiiite tSw twvrale, rat 180 EARLY Jardiniers, Vases, Busts, Statuettes, CLOCKS, Dinner Sets. PETERSBURG. VA. SOME DAY WE'LL UNDERSTAND. "Whom first we love, you know, we seldom wed, Time lules us all. And life, indeed is not The thing we planned it out ero hope was dead, And then, we women cauoot choose our lot. "Much must be borne which it is hard to bear; Much were given away which were sweet to keep. God help us all I who need indeed, His care, Aud yet, I know the Shepherd knows His sheep. "My little boy begins to babble now Upon my knee bis earliest infant prayer, He has his lather's eager eyes, I know; And, they say, too, bis mother's sunny hair. "But when he sleeps and smiles upon my kneo And I can feel bis breath come and go, I think of one (Heaven help and pity me I) Who loved me, and whom I loved, long ago. "Who might have been ah! what I dare not think I We are all ehanged. God judges for us bett. God help us to do our duty, and not shrink, And trust in Heaven humbly for the rest. "But blame us women not, if some appear Too cold at times; and acme too gay and light, Some griefs gnaw deep. Some woes sre hard to bear, Who knows the past? And who nan jndgn us right ? "Ah, were we judged by what we might have been, And not by what we are too apt to fall I My little child he sleeps and smiles between These thoughts snd me. In Heaven we shall know all I" "SOME OF THESE DAYS." BY FRANK L. 8TANTON I. "Some o' these days" that's the way that we sing it "Some o' these days" si the merry bells ring it; In the dark o' the ways All the stars are ablaia O'er the dreams that are leading to some o' these days I II. "Some o' these days 1" that's the old song forever I Life will leach heights crowning every endeavor; And'prayer will be praise Where anthems we'll raise In the beautiful auoiise of some o' these days I III. "Some o' these Jays that's the way for the siogio'l "Some o' these days" let the bells keep a-ringin'; Though aorrow betrays And thorns choke the ways, God's roses will bloom for ui some o' these day. I HE COULDN'T FORGET IT. Tbey sat there in the gloaming; the night brctii murmured by, Its melody a oadeoee half laden with a sigh She turned and eyed him loudly; then gently, aoftly said, "The yearn have loft their record upon your snowy head, Bui still I eao't forget them, those days so bright sod blue, Wheny iu were 'lovey dovey' and I was 'ootsey-oo" Tbe moos hung low; the moonbeams came mellow from afar; A .ross the buy distance there gleamed the evening star Tbe hour bad made her tender, bad called to mind the past. "Ah" tremblingly ahe breathed il "if these young days eould last I When you were 'lovey dovey' and I was 'ootsey-oo ' " Uneasily hs twisted upon bis rockiog chair. "Do you remember," she asked him, "those days so sweet and fair? Do yon remember, darling, how dear it seemed to yon When I said 'lovey dovey' and yon said 'oolaey-ooT' " He found his voioe that moment, snd eotaey-oo was jarred; "No, I cannot forget them, but I'm trying to mighty hard." THEQIA REUABLE fBil A 1 to TH HILT. DIFFICULTY SURMOUNTED BY BELIEVING NO 8IN OR SHORT COMING TO BE INVINCIBLE. Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE TWO SURE TESTS. Patches That "Brougf1 Worry "One day three or four years ago," said a PIttHbure lawyer, "I received Instructions to notify an old shoe maker living In the suburbs and peg- ng away for a bare living that be bad become bclr to $73,000 by the death of a relative In Ohio. I Jumped on a car and rode out to his place, and wondered whether he would fall otf bis bench or awing his hammer and cheer when I broke the good news to him. IIu did neither. He Just sat and tared at me, nml gradually a look of trouble came Into his face. What Is It, Uncle Jerry?' I asked. You don't seem to bo a bit pleased over tlio groat news.' " 'Y e s. I am pleased, of course, he answered, 'but' Hut what Is Itr Why, I was Just thinking that I'd probably have to have oysterB at every meal If I wanted to be an aristocrat, and I'd give more for one piece of corned beef than for a whole wagon load of oysters.' " It was the remark of Canon Liddoo, one of England's greatest preachers, that it was tlio dislitiguUliitig characteristic of the true Christian thai, be his sins what tbpy might, he never regarded them invincible." Another distinguished evanuelioil mioistcr wl o only a few years ago passed away in this country expressed the conviction that no one who main tained the habit of prayer was ever lost. These propositions, says the Christian Work, are mutually inclusive; if the one is true and who will question either? both are. Tbe truth is, the Christian woo repeatedly and constantly wars against his sins and however be may fall persistently prays for deliverance, thereby testifies his belief ia his heart that victory will yet be his, lie cannot, he v. ill not give up his striving against sin. Ho gladly, could be but do it, would he re move the causj of the tetuptatioo from bis sight, however at times when om fronted by it ho fall-! And ihn r.sist- enoe to siu not ouly bespeak the wsifure which the apostle enj ins the believer to wage unceasingly, but it hI-.i certifies to he habit of prayer; for luw can the be liever ezpeot to receive grace to hi Ip in time of need txu pt by uiiliz'tig the sacred and effective) ffiee of nrayei? And who needs to be told that iheie can bi no persistent fighting ol i-io wi-hout prayer, or that no one will per.-Heutly pray for deliverance from siu i xcept that he refuses to regard his tin as invincibli? There are many who all their life long are kept as it were under toodage, be cause of which they cannot be happy; they believe in prayer and in the ulti mate victory over sin, but deliveranee seemed so very, very far off. But cour age, brothei! For your want of faith which makes the battle all the harder. you have correspondingly to suffer. But the end will come and with it victory Keep up iho struggle, keep up the pray inland you shall surmount the Hill Difficulty and see the Delectable Mount ains which for none i f us are so very far off. Fannie My big sister la coming out this evening. Katie Hat's uot'lng. Mc blx brudder la comlu' out tonight, too. He was up fer six months. New York Times. Divine Shooting. We doubt If any repartee ever sur passed In delicacy the reply made by nn East lndlnu servant of Lord DulTi'i'in when he was viceroy of India. "Well, what sort of sport has Lord Blank had?" said DunVrlii one day to bis shlkarry" or sporting servant, who had attended n young English lord ou a shooting excursion. "Oh," replied the nertipulously polite Hindoo, "the young saliiii shot divinely, but God wus very merciful to the birds." Forest and Stream. BE QUICK. Not a minute should be lost when child shows symptoms of cioup Cham berlain's Cough Remedy given as soon ss the child becomes hoarse, or even after tbe eroupy cough appears, will prevent the attack. It never fails, and is pleat- ant and safe to take. For sale at W. M Cohen's drug store, Weldon, N. C. LACK OF OPPOttTUNITV. George Washington, they tell as, ' To falaehoood never turned: Had he been a weather prophet He would probably have learned. Washington Star. In the ealendat of politic the spring cftiinf precedes the fall. In epochs of decadence the woi mounts while the man descends. HEAD ABOUT TO BURST FROM SEVERE BILIOUS ATTACK. "I had a severe bilious attack and felt like my head was about to burst when I got hold pi a free sample of Chamber' Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. took a dose of them after supper and the next day felt like a new man and have been feeling happy ever since," says Mr J. W. Smith of Juliff, Texas. For biliousness, stomach troubles and con stipstioti thr? Tb'es. htv nn ejni Price 25 cents. For tale by W. M Cohen, Druggist, Weldon, N. 0. Some persons do first, think aftcrwttd aod then repent forever. FOR OVER SIXTY YE IRS Mrs. Winslow'a Soothing Syrup has been used tor over sixty years by millions ot mothers for children, while teething, with perleet success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy tor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part ol the world. b cents bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins- low's Soothing 8yrup," and take no oth er kind. When you want a pleasant purgative try Chamberlaiu'a Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easy to lake aod pro ddoe ao nausea, griping or other dis agreeable Beet, Fot sale by W. M. Cohen, Druggist, Weldon, N. C Wbea yon forget your fiicndi you usually have kooasion to remember your enemies. HAD TO THINK TWICE. ' Oh, be not hasty, friend." I cried. "Think twice o'er all yon utter." "I'm bound to da so," bo replied, "I stut-tut tut-tut ter." N. Y. Herald. Booths . i 111 Ins Vat Ht atwsri loaflt Kfaatan REVOLUTION IMMINK.NT . A tfifi k if p?3afcc. - eft oi seii ois irniih e in v-nir -y.t.. i. w ner-Vi'llM.es-, 8 eeplwu .5. ! at Up- Is. Kluciiu Hiln is will iiii'kly dismuui'ier llie trouh't'S'iiii" oiu-os, Ii never f'ai's to tone ihcMoaiueli, renuljie ilie Kidneys anil Bowels, sliiunl il the Li it, and elaiily the lil eid liio ijutvw sysiems benrfif pHTlii'illinly mill nlllhe us'ial atiei.dii'U in h s vanish in.d r its si' irch ii g and 'Imniiivli i hVonv s. E'eciiiu Klin . is ii I v Ml ami thm i leliimed il ii ihni i uii- ,rl c 'isl.i..ii. Guar- i I,. Ii n .i i. Ther" is in te .putt than i lie liiii.li'iiii'i! nl the s.il'nil'.g i he hum hi heart. BILIOU" ' OLI'' Ti.ki i il nl.' .1 '. e. t I ' . i 'i 1 .1 i fill, Ii' i.-di I'HEV ENTEI) f riiiiin in iin' I irl.i It in-, , ii .i i n n' ' he lii.i- s Equal Honors, ipprais illi'l i Mill llleir d aiiaek III.) be . warded off Humiied- of people use the . m dy in this way with perleet su cess. Fur sale hv W. M Cohen, Diuuyist. VVe'ihii. N. ! Ftotofnpfcit insure REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY Made a the '4lf!i.of Me. DrUTIAT produces tbe aboro revolts In 30 days. It seta pow.rf ullr and quloklr. Cures wb.n all others falL XooDff men will lesala tbelr lost mubaod. and old !men will recover tbelr youtMul viaor br ualna EtEVlVO. It quickly and surely restores Nervous n.u. Lott vitality, Impotency, Wilitly Emiuloot, Lost Power, Falling Uemory. wutlcs Diseases, and oil effects ot self-abuse or esceuand IndlacreUoa, wblcbuDfiUoaeforatndy.buRlDMeormerrl.se. II not only ourM by starting mt the seat ot dtHaee, but la great nerve tonic and blood bunder, onus Ids back the pink flow to pale cbMksandra BtorlDt tbe Ore of youth. It wards off Insanlt) and Cons'usptlon. Inalet on bavins REVIVO, no other. It can be carried In vest pocket. By nail, UMperickaiie,orlx lor MAO. with post tlve written sruarrnDteo to eure or MfUB4 the money. Book and advise free. Addreie soyal medicine co., ass&t? For Sale in Weldon, N. C , By W. M. Cohen, Druggist. .A4! BO YEARS' I V -' V Trade Marks , -e Diaiowa 'rr1, CoeVRIQHTS Ao. enlcltlr aaoertsln our opinion free whether Invention I. nrobahly petentsole, Commiinlem- lun o: tloiiBHrlctlrronddentlal. aPMeuta aeut free. elMoit auency for incimus; petenu. l-Aienu ta.on mroui tprrlot notka, wit hout Muun a Co. revive Exonerated. When the urgent call was received at the doctor's office, he was out attend ing another pntleut and conieiineutly did not reach the house until two hours afterward. As he entered he met the undertaker coming out. "Ah!" he ex claimed, with a look of deep chagrin, "Oils Is bad. I am, then, too late." "Don't blame yourself," said the un dertaker composedly. "It Is not your fault You were not here." New York Herald. Scientific American. A handsomely lltastritrxl wwkly. I Anwt tMr i awiy cienunc niuriuu. i ernitj, ta niunthi, f L. Sold byall newtdtMlan. & Co.S81B"tw-T New York Offloe. tat F 8U Waahlngtum D.C. Bi Uousness Awnoyeel. "Everybody has his little pecullarl- tlea," said the broad minded man. "I don't doubt that you have your own Svay of looking at some things." My dear sir," answered Mr. Meek- ton, "I wish you wouldn't talk about my having my own way In that off- band manner. Henrietta might hear jou." Washington Times. A Reasonable Explanation. "She has some queer freaks about her." "What do you mean?" "Well, last night she ordered me to take my arm from her waist." I ahould think that nn indication that ahe didn't want a queer freak about her." Chicago Post. '1 have used wonr valuable CASCA lilCTS and find them perfect. Couldn't do without tlicm. 1 have used thciu foraome ttmo frinli(rp!.l.i(Ml and hlllnusnpn. end nm now com pletely cured. Recommend them, to every one. Once tried, you will never bo without them ut tbe family.'' Eow. A. Marx, Albany, N. Y. CANOY Good. Never Sicken. Wea.kn.or Grit. Wc.&e.sue. CURE CONSTIPATION. ... amn.1 cmfm,, none etmi, b. vwt, set Un.Tfl.Dlft Sold and giianuitfcd by atldruc- Dizzy ? Then your liver isn't acting well, iou suffer from bilious ness, constipation. Ayer's Bcreecher-But there are so many I Pills RCi difCCtly On the liver. For 60 years they have been the Standard Family Pill. Small doses cure. Needed HI. Help. Hostess Won't you please sing some- thing, Mr. Screecher? people here I really Hostess-That's Just It I want to get rid of some of them. Chicago Newi. All drugt'sta. Thoairht He Knew. 'A learned Boston professor has care fully explained what It Is that causes an Intoxicated man to aee double." Well, welll I always supposed It was drink that did it. -Cleveland Plain Dealer. f nit your inoii.tn. l.i' i neard a iMaaUl hri.v.11 r rich bl.n-1; Ti.sn ut. miniiiinii miv rUF for th DUUMnUhrkrVI O UltWhlsker. y tj-r- ft'.Pij"':"T ,-'l"J-?..;n.Mttu fr A Hard Job. BANNER SALVE is the most healing salve in the world. It cures Sores, Cuts, Burns and au Sktn Diseases. It positively Cures Fiies S. Kino-shaker. So East Ohio Street. Chicago, writes: "I had a bad case of r-iles lor several years. BANNER SALVE cured me ouickly and perman ent 7 after several doctors and remedies :zd lailcJ to relieve me. WSANTEED. Price 25 Cento UKKTYON BONDS. S IS' Doctor Tour digestion Is utterly mined. What have you been doing? TaUent I'm tbe man they try new dishes on at the cooking school. San Francisco Examiner. A FRIGHTENED HORSE, Rnuoing like mad down the afreet dumping the occupants, or a hundred otber acoidenls, are every day occur rences. It behooves everybody to have a reliable Salve bandy and there none Thoae who are required to give , i Bonds in positicne of trust, and who j deeire to avoid asking friends to be- , come their sureties, or who Bay wish I i to relieve friends from further obli- i ( gations aa bondnoien, should apply 1 j in person or by letter to P T fl ARK. Altnrricv WpHoa N f 1 i WMM0mSHMMC 0.O (M-Ot uei NOTICL Tbe undersigned has opened a lav aa good as Bucklen's Arnica 8alve. office at Weldoo, Gooch building, First Burns, CuU, Sores, Eciema and Filet, street, will sliced Juetdaja Tbow dissppear quickly under its oothiogl dsy'i and Saturday's. effect. 25c, at W. M. Coheo'i Drug TU0MA8 N. BILL. Btore. , 1 This May 7th, 1903. ' --jr f rmnV - u ttoft

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