ft Jv WIOPO & S ip40Sw;. J y ?' r-il test !.. VBRTISIlT3-:i ATES - M o UK l! a tk. -A. ETEWSF-A-lFEie. iE1 O 12, THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1903. TEEMS:-'1'511 pkh annum in advance r j VOL. XXXVIII. NO. 33 Ii W lllll IIP I1 TT i'iiiT' vftw- Phv.lrlans ha' Aw their bent to curt JaiMt VtllkM, f niltna, C Ita lri one of tne moat trrrlbl cn.ee of mthllMATISN record. 1 Mr all rallao until mm doctor arcacnMO mmmacide, IT CURED HELPLESS CRIPPLE. Mr. Wllkfl wrltft In tha court of t Inrtf lntrt, dated Atifuit IK, 1902: "Mr Ictfl wcrt dnwit hcR until mr lert touched my hip. I wit Bi hrlpOll it I bib? (or nrailr 1? moflihi, Th imiirl ol mv it-ni and i.,-! were hard and ihfivrlcd up, I uflrf 'd dralU man ttM ovfT. Wat treatc-d by liidifWrnt (ihviciii In McColl. Dillon tnd Minoi, bfit nnnr i thmcould do m my ood. until Or. J. P Fwifi. of Dillon, told m to try your RHEUM AC IDS. I began to tike it, md brftsre the fir it buttle wu UMd na 1 hrian to rt better. I aifd S heUl ml wii enmplrirlf v-ittrd." Dt. J. I1- Ewini confirm! Mr. Wilaei autrmenl In every particular. rnCK Tiai OTTLt SENT Oft APPLICATION TO 0iITT CHEMICAL CO., PROPRIETORS. BALTIMORC. MO u $ t Received " $ fc fc A Nice Line of the Hackney Bug- gies and Hickory Wagons. Will give Low Prices on these goods for next thirty days. Call and exam ine. We .mean business. P. N. STAINBACK, mi-. ttti J n 4 1 K WHOLKSALK J0I1BKI18 IN STAPLE & FANCY W GROCERIES v ef P: iiiir MW Sell Only To Merchants. f Orders Solicited. THE WELDON GROCERY CO , Js? 2 8 It wki.don.n. c SfE0IJL Colons WILL. BE GROUND TO MATCn SAMPLE OF SHADE. Rox 180. Tanner Paint & Oil Co., 1419 E. MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, VA. PETER SMITH & CO., THE LEADERS OF LOW PRICES, IMPORTERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DF.ALEH8 IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS NO. 2fi8 MAIN STEET, NORFOLK, VA. Tin Bank ti ,:;::VELDON, N. C.-K" Qpizei Under The Lais ef tk State of North Carolina, AUGUST 20TII, 1892. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. TOWN OK WELDON DEPOSITORY. $29,000. CIPITILMD SURPLUS For ten years this institution ha provided knliinR faoiliiioit fur this wction ItislookholdflM.DddirootMihtve been ulenlifird with the buMno intnei ol lUlif.i.ndSorlh.uiptooo.antiei Tor nunyye.ru. Money w ....u ,... .P proved security it the legal rite of interet-iix per Centura. Account! ol all re solicited. President: Vioe-PrcmJeol: C.sliier: W. E. DANIEL Dft. J. N. RAMSAY, W. R. SMH H Seaboard, Northampton oounty, N. 0. C O. EVANS. WELDON', N. C. FANCY GROCERIES, FRUITS, CONFECTIONERIES. OLD WINKS AND Bit AN DIES SOLE AGENT FOR AHTAL CLIP., OLD FORESTER RYR. CALL FOR IT. E. T. OLABK. ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. & Prwtlcea In i) vnrt at IUlif:iI anil "adjoining oonntie, tud in the Hoprern . m air nik ( special Hnram ""!iim nrt prompt nvraa A LONC CHR1STM ASTIDE- IIOI.IIIAY8 THAT rXTENt) INTO Ttl E NIW YEAR While itM his oouutry, as in England, Geriininy imd other parts of Europe, the j'lyoua fpiiit ol the Chritra fistival h by no ui.'iiiih limitid to D.o 2."), but 8nd' I'xprowion in many way in the life and ituuaemi'nt ol the people both before and ulli r ihm day i:elf; C"iupuralively little alli niion i paid here to the olwrv anee of the numemm drfinalcd bolidajn which in othi ' l:rid to make up Cliristinastidi-. The pi rh.d opens wi ll St. ThnnW day, which fulls on Dec. 21, and closes with St. Dhtalf's day, co Jan. 7. Tho fint named festival is known in s me pans t.( England as "Doling day," en account ut the dis tribution of the bounty of charitable in dividuals, and in niot Enli-h cities at the present time the day is given up largely to the nniiin r-arics of charitable socii ll s and the di-tiihuliun f h ncfiis amonn tho ponr alid needy. It is alo tho day chosen for the election of church officers, a custom adopted herein some denominaiinns, and it appears also from the old rhjmelhat certain public officials were ileoied at the same lime: My masters all, this it St. Tin. ma-,' day, And ChriMiuas now can't ho far i ff, jou'll siy. And when you to the Wirl moles d i re pair I hope such itood men will be chos n there As constables for the ensuinir year As will Dot trudge the watchman good strong hc'r As for St Di'laff's day, which closd the merry round nf Chrislmastide, that anniversaiy is now rarely observid any where, but in the good old limes in Eng. Imd it was not ihc hast smon the happy festivals of the year. It takes its name from the fact that on this day it was the custom for women to resume for a IVw hours their labors at the distaff or the spinning wheel. It was sometimes called "Hook day" io honor of the r ick, which is another name for distaff Lislie's Weekly A SOXG OK TUB TIMKS. De times a'n't lak dey use tor he, But still wc livin' on, En still we'll keep a-livin' 'Twol de best er times is gone 'Twell we sees de mountain's rockin', En Gabrul blows his h'n, En we answer tor de roll call in do mawn in'l De times ain't lak dey use tor l e, But at ill, along de way, Wc gf then up wid all de tho'os De roses er de May; En de heart ia always siogin' Of happy holiday W'co we answer ter de roll call in de mawnin'i THE ONLY ONE IN ITY. CAPTIV- Museum Patron Well, what new freak have you for the holidays? Manager The raiest thing on earth the man who doesn t buy more Christmas presents than he can afford. He. ''It certainly was a pretty wed ding, and everything wu so nieely arrauged " She. "That's just what I think; and the musio was esprciilly appro priate." He. "I don't remember." What did they play?" She. "The List mat Lipp ocotl's. Hope -''hrist- ITUMAITGX IKON WORKS, 28 lo 34 Old Street. lM-.TERSBCUG, VA. Manufacture of Machinery, Shafting,Pulleys, Agricultural Implements. Having bought out Steel & Aloxao A, r.mnilera and machinists, with all patterns, we are now prepared to fur nish pattslo machines formerly niado by them. HYDRAULIC PRESSES., PEANUT MACHINERY Mill work and eastings of H kinds, second hand machinery for sale cheap. Call on ns or write for what you ai.t. E. STAINBACK, - NOTARY PUBLIC, AND FIRE INSURANCE, WiLDOK, N. C (.Roanoke Newi Office. $500 REWARD FOR WOMEN WHO CANNOT B CCRliD. Backed up by over a third of a century of rtmaikable and uniform cures, a n-coid auch as no other remedy for the diseases anil weaknesaes peculiar to omcn ever attained, the proprietors and makers of Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescription now feel fully warrantrd in offtnni to psy t?oo in leual money of the I'nitpd States, for any ee of Leueoiihea, Female Weakness, Pro. i.tviiik or Hulhtii of Womb which tlicy ca'unot cure. All they ask ia a lair ana reaaonable trial of their means of cure. I e--" D? mum j,t T'W . .''Ft ,f - "3d for wmm in Not a hit of il ; now is just the liujelo make your selections before the prettiest things ore gone. Everything is fresh' ind blight now. Another advantage of buying early is that you avoid the crush und confusion of usual Xmas buying. XMAS DESKS, CHAIRS, ROCKERS, CABINETS, Lamps, Morris Chairs. IbI! , " t j m .V- : XMAS Chinaware, Jardinicrs, Vases, Rusts, Statuettes, CLOCKS, Dijner Sets. A Pretty Carpet makes your horn i elieerlul. Our Carp'ts do more, they mike you cheerful and our low prices make you positively happy. PETERSBURG, VA. THE OLD TIME CHRISTMAS, WHO CAN EVER FORCET THE OLD HOME, THE BROAD, BLAZINC HEARTH, ANDTHEOLD TIME CHRISTMAS OF CHILDHOOD. I dreamed of my childhood, Through tho lonu, weary night; I played with my o imrades Till the coming of light; I could see the old cedars, All covered with snow, As I spent ono more Christmas Of the long, long, ago I I could see all our stockings As they hung o'er thehuanh Of ihe old him i bui't by father The place of my birth While tho old clock had plodded Away up to nine, Just the same as it used to In the old, olden time I 1 could soo in the dislanco The old forest hoar; I heard the storm raging, And the deep thunder roar; I heard the rain tinkling On the beards of the roof And it set a thousand fancies Weaving mem'rics to woof I Then I thought of dear sisier, Whose soul was my light ; Ah, I heard the rain falling On her lone grave that night I Dear girl, many summers Have passed o'er thy grave ; Oft the chill blasts of winter Through the deep forest rave I I saw my dear father, Just as plain as could be, As he knelt at the altar Still preoious to me; And my dear saintly mother; We sat by tho spring Where the vines used to olustcr, And sweet mem'rics cling. Yes, I dreamed of my childhood Throughout Christmas night; I prayed with my comrades Till the coming of light; I oould see all our stockings As they bung o'er tho hearth Of the home built by faiher, The place of my birib I THEOID REWBLE Absolutely Pure THEREIS NO SUBSTITUTE ON KEEPING CHRISTMAS. IT 18 A FESTIVAL OP THE FAMILY AND WE HHOUt.U HE GOOD TO SOMEBODY ON THAT DAY. Christmas baa been so long aFSOciatcd in tho popular mind with the exchanging of gifts that we hai'c lo't som awhat the real meaning of I hose gilts, which are, in deed, only intended as symbols of love and goi d will. Oaly to children do we give wi'h that freed itn an! spitnaoeuy which makes the uift m ro precious to the giver than to e h recipient To get as much as poj.ihl,) ol this real oid Christmas spirit towirl one's fellows ehuild be the cngiging bu-ioess of every ono Wo mu-t be go id to simebidvon Christinas day, and after buying toys for the ahildrcn so one thing occurs to us that is no easy to accomplish and an full of results as taking a little thought for the lonely. Christmas is a festival of the family. Ruthowminy among our ac quaintances aro th'ro who have no famihe-; how many nxeillent old bache lors and lonely old ladicsl We do not mean the pur there aro plenty of philanthropists lo lo k alter them, aod they are usua'ly well blessed wilh fam ilies; hut a man may he as rich as Cro e us, and yel if he have no p'ace lo eat but a hotel ho is poorer at Christoias than an Irislim in with six old dreo and only money enough for uni meal He belongs to a class w.'iijh in iv w 1 1 tie an object of your s ilie.itui t Peril i.is th y could buy you out thri.'e over, b it you have a home and they have not. Re good to them ask the looely min to dinner. It is not for the dinner's siko) but thespitit iu which you make them guests at your house, that theso lonely poopl ) will bless you. And when they have told a story at your board, and dandled the children (if by good luck you have any), aud sat about the fire ia tho evening, how muih cheered and bettered they will go away; how it will warm their hearts to feel that somebody oircd enough for them to ask them to be members of a family even far a day. That is all Cbristmts is for to show other people that we love them, and to learn and be cheered by the thought that there are people who cite about us The unattached people scrape along after a fashion daring iho year, but at the holiday season they are in a old world, and then, if ever, do they crave the thing which never comes truly into their lives, and you, if you have a homo only a little one share it on Christmts day with some friends who have none Deoember Woman's Homo Compioion. me rub tired, There tt IrmiMndt of lck wotnn druinrlrtf out w-rv itilsfTsbte ni-tencc. tio would l welt ami happy dirt thev hut hsvr try "ptrt cdc with l)r Wi Wvoritr Inscription." wtttf. Mil Annw tinman, of 106 J,-koo St., All.ntn. ".a "Knur y.r lujo I wa nearly AA lih inft.mm.tlon and otcrption. I en- X mrdictne. interc.ttlli dured doilv untold ..on, nd lifr w. bnrOnl . i'ha.1 w.r mnlictne tntcn.HUy ana trni.tly unlit 1 hsd m0t lip my mind that Oi.r wnno rrlitl In iflH mr mt . n i ';' mine endnranl your ' Fsvorite ri-fw-ription.' and I delerminfd tlirn to riv " J ,ook SKticnct nnrt pfmrvrrnnrf for I w in e hil coil ition. and had lo u yonr mKlinnt for iw ly four month, txtfort I w.s cwtA, but thill ch.ngt it brought; from drepaii .to hapineaa, from miMry to th. drliahtful. c.hll.rlinl fret In. tht oniv he.llh hrlnirs. I would not change tm'k fee a thouMnd doUara. Your Pmcnp tion' is a Tnd mtdlcin. I wish evrry us woman would only try U and be comnictd." Dr. Pieree'a Common Sense Medical Adviser, in paper covers, i ut A on receipt of si one-cent stamps. Aidrtaa Dr. K. V. Piarct, BuSalo, N.Y. TOOK IN THE SITU1TI0N. j l.n, here aro your slippers. Thank you I And your smoking jacket. How good ou are 1 And your pipo and tobacco. Thai's kind I And now, sit down, ar.d let your head for I know you'ro poor fellow I And then ha looked inquiringly at her, and add : Mollie, let's be perfectly candid -with each ml er What kind ol a Christmas praent do you wsni ? MADK UPFOIt IT I. AT Kit. Mamma I was surprised and shocked by the coldness with which jou greeted Miss Biresome when she called. Ethel Yes, mamma; but I made up for it later. Mamma Did you? ' Eihel Ye, indeed. Yen should have scon how oordially I bade her good-by 'I it-Bin No man dolh aaf'clv rule hut lie that hath learned gladly to obey. . - ' If it were true that troubles never came singly the adveut of twine would cose 10 attract attention. Kill! l ICH MIX I V IKIKs Mrs. Winslow's Southing Syrup has been used for over sixty years by millions ol mothers lor children, while teething, with nerfiHil snouiuw. It soothes the child. softens the gums, allays all pain, euros wind colic, and is the host remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottlo. Resureand ak fur "Mrs. Wins low'a Soothing Syrnp," and take no oth er kind THE FIRST CHRISTMAS, SUIUBLt IjIF.S FUrt WumtN. rrtoii Tiir mru. tec mr.o LUKE, CHAPVER II, VEUSKS ", TO f-T 20. And sho brought forth her Brsibnrn s in ltd wrapped him ia swaddling clothes and laid him iu a manager, be oiuse there was De room for them in the inn. And there wero in the same country shepherds abiding in ihe field, keeping waich over their flick by night. And, lo, the aiiiiel i l llleL rd came upon tli. tu, an I ihe glory of the L itd shone rotiud about them, and they were sore afraid. And tho angel siid untnlhem: "Fear not, for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall hi) to all people "For unto you ia born this day iu the cily of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lud. "Aod this shall he a sign u-to you, ye shall find the halie wrapped in twad dling clothes, lying in a manger." And suddenly there was with theangel a mtiltituO" ol Ih't heavenly host prai.ing God and saying: 'Glory to God io tho highest, and on earth peace, good will lo iurd mm." And it came to pass as the angels were gone away from them into heaven li e shepherds siid one to anoiher "Ijel us now go even u ilo Bethlehem and see this thing which is come to pass, which the L rd hath undo kti"Wn unto u." And i hey cirne wiili haste and I und Mary and J isph,ao,'i the babe lying i" the manger. And when il.ey had seen it ihey made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning litis child. And they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds But Mary kept nil these thioga and pondered them io her heart And the sheploils tmurned gl rifting an I prai-ing (i d for all tho things that they had heard aod seen as it was told unto i hi m ef HO I : ' n-t ru- ci.tr or s cnsar atw.iys actiep'a'ne I i wom-n Some ol tlieui ore brush, comb, ponder box, cold cream jar, buttonhook, curling iron, glove stretcher, atoiniier, pcrlumo jir, vaseline holder and hairpin case FAITH. Br'er Williams has got more faith than any many in de country. How you know 1 L ist his umbrella, and advents d for it ! Success comes when a man has some thing to do and then does it. The intorest you hive to pay on bor rowed trouble ia exorbitant Solomon wus the wisest man of day, yet he was hopelessly married. bis C7f Some of the blessings that come in disguise never take their masks off my-1 j jlnwmLVtitoBiimmrm REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY Made a ' r ar-jf 1 . L WVCII IY1SUI the "MofMa. CrXVEyAJT VI FTaMUPjoix xixmiZjxyv' produces the abore reanlta In 30 daya. It acta powerfully and quickly. Curea when all others fall. Souug men will regain their lost manhood, and old men will recover their youthful vlaor by tulog ItEVlVO. It Quickly and surely reatoraa Nerroua Dees, Let Vitality, Impotency. NKhtly Emlnlona, Lost Power, Filling Memory, Waailw DlMtMa.ana all effects of celt-ib um or excesaaQd tndlKretlon, which nnlta one for etndy, builnen or marrlaia. It not only cures by starting ac the Hat of diMas.. but taaareat nftrvetonto and blood bnltder, bring ing back the pink glow to pale cbeekaandra liorlng the firs of yooth. ft wsrdl off Iniultf ati4 ConsumpUon. Inetet on having REVIVO, no ether. If can be carried In vest vocket. By mall, 1.00 per package, or all for SS-oo, with poet tlve written aoarnotew to enra or ranuat Inn money. Rook and advise free. Addreis nVl MFniriNPrft Tracer Building. For Sale in Weldon, N. C , By W. M. Cohen, Druggist. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE FiitsTcmmT.u v.s uift. ' If vo i li id ilie w you o m d n t in ill gift," writes II i c. a Ai'i ti 'i iu o ily i'uiti'i' it b i in ,1th ol If lir.t the world t'l risimas ''i " All I you xi n your gilt a You y.ur you very Tmbc Marks "rrfTt COfYR.QHT AC Anrone Rending a RketrTi and dMCiiptlon nay qnU'klT asrrtfiin our opinion free whether an Invention In probably paten (Bble, Coniraanlca tlniiBritrlctlyronfltienUtil. HANDBOOK on PatAota lent free. Ultloat aifnticy for a BCuriug patents. Patent taken throiifh Wrnin h Co. IttOOlTt Ipeciot notice without ohanre, In the scientific jwicatt A handsomelTlllnxtrated wmHIt. Lanreat dr. rulatlon of any pclentloc Inuma). fTerua, a ear ; Tour morno, ai ooia o j ail nawaaeaiara, flUNN&Co.""-'' New York Branch umce, m Bt, Waahlnatoo. D.C. BEST FO BOW R THE IS Vant ntai .ic ii r mil noia.iii. it ciaiiitrroii. Th mooth- t, rap'te-t. niont pfrft-i l way of kMplng the bowala candy CATHARTIC Mm V l-kL i tx r1T Vx EAT JENI LIKE CANDY riftiMnt. P1atRlle. PoU'iil, Taste Rood. noQOftd, Nrv-r sn Itfii. Wekn, or CrlM, 10, . ana 50 rent! 6cr hoi:. Write lor frea tttniple, and booklet oa palth. AddresB M ITKRMVfl HKUKtY COIPaST, rillfA-W ar KktW TORi. KEEP YLUR BLOOD CLEAN Liver Pills BE QUICK. Not a minute should be lost when a ohild shows symptoms of croup. Cham berlain's Cough llcmedy given as soon as tho cJfild becomes hoarse, or even after tho crimpy cough appears, will prevent the attack. It never fails, and is pleas ant and safe to take. For sale at W. M. Cohen's drug store, Weldon, N. 0. I'robably the best way to kill a hood is to let it lie. false When you want a plcasaot purgative try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easy to take and pro duce no nausea, griping or other dis agreeable effeot. Foi sale by W. M. Cohen, Druggist, Weldon, N. 0. A day's worry is more exhausting than a week of work. God's iustio-i oinnot be weighed in the scales of our scruples. HKAD ABOUT TO BUKST FROM SKVKRK BILIOUS ATTACK. "I had a severe bilious attack and felt like my head was about to burst when I got hold ol a Irce sample ot Chamber-1 i.:.'- a. k . -a l IMa., t ! IIIIU . Ol lllUdCII UU jaun.r,. i took a dose of them after supper and tho next day felt like a new uian and have been feeling happy ever since," says Mr. J W. Sm;th of Juliff, Teias. For biliousness, stomach trouble and con stipation these Tablets have no equal. Price 25 cents Cohen, Druggist, For sale by Weldon, N. 0. W. M. A temper is not nu appreciable quan- j tity until it's lost. CABTOnlA. Beantaa llnKinil Yo HivfJ Mwrtys Bougrtt A FRIGHTENED HORSE, Running like mad down the street dumping the occupants, or a hundred other accidents, are every day occur rences It behoove everybody to have a reliable Salve handy and there's none as good as Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Burns, Cuts, Sores, Eeiema and Piles, disappear quickly under its soothing effect. 25c at W. M. l ohen Drug Store. pur- one, an I gi.it, g it with l-w.. Wdiit to sli ir t ii i' l I-: u is-1 io, hope, anJ eir chirpy wim tH live Vouwiit lo nuke your good morning tell ot tint g md inoruing lliatoimesi in lay hundred ycais ago, when tho little Chil l first wakcocd on this earth. You want to think of the gifts that were brought to Him and what they typified You want to have your h.rur ,1 , . .lit Ton h.ven't . rrffiltar, hr.ltbT tnoT.neill ef th. eart full of joy and love and hope so boW.il .,er, dn. ,,. ui or win t. t, you, i , . i , I bowpla open. nit l,e well. Kuroe.lnthfl an.peof ,lo- lull mat it win onin over ana ine rest of the world share it with you. You want to tell ia your speech and io your eyes, and from your heart, of tho glad ness of the tine You want to make this gladness go out to some one who is in grief. These are the days when you must needs give of your good thinga, and among all your possessions there is noth ing so good as a belief in God and a hope for the future, That was what the little Child came to tell ab mt. Surely the Christmas-tide is the feast of all others that appeals to women; and as the story is told again aod again bv the bells as thev ring, bv the carol as thev are sung, by the preacher from the pu'pit, we know That's what yOU need j SOmC' that Unto us a Child is born,' and peace thing tO CUfC OUf billOUS' and good-will reign all over the land. ncSS and gi'C VOU a good , i , , , i i . I .1 . : .s . . . ' . bet peaoc ana gooa win oe in your neari, uigCbUUU and troru you they will go ana spread ail over the land. It is to the women, thank Ood, that the happiness of the Christmas- tide specially comes. And women are generous; else one ot then never would have given her Soo to die that all might live. Sho gave to all the world her only Son tho gift that meant eternal hie. REVOLUTION IMMINENT. A sure sign of approaching revolt and seiious trouble in your system ia ner vousness, slccplessnee, or stomach upsets Elect rio Bitters will quickly dismember tho troublesome causes. It never fails to lone the stennch, regulate the Md'oy. and Rowels, stimulate the Liver, and clatify the blood. Run down systems benefit particularly and a" the usual attending aches vanish under itt search ing and thorough effectiveness. Electric Bitters is only 50o. and that is returned if it don t give perfect satisfaction, guar anteed by W. M. Cohen, Druggist. Aver s Pills are liver pills. They cure con stipation and biliousness. Gently laxative 25c Alt druggists. hr b; .u.t mr mMi.t u I hrowii or xu.h blari; 7 e it bvird a bauutai Then uaa DllPlflMOUftM'Q nvc?pr.th uuumituimiri uuii, . c.ioum, ,l P I Whisker A CO., NajiMM, M. H. BANNER SALVE is the most healing: salve in the world. It cures Sores, Cuts, Burns and all Skin Diseases. It positively 5 urcs riles S. Kinesbaker. 80 East Ohio Street. Chicago, write: "I had a bad cue of Piles for several year. BANNER SALVE cured me quickly and perman ently after several doctora and rcmcdiet bad failed to relieve me." GUARANTEED. Pries 23 Cento I CHRISTMAS SPEECH. The churah was beautifully decorated with Christmas greens and tho air wa laden with their odor. As the service was about to begin little Kitty pulled her mother a sleeve and said 10 an awe si tick en tone ''Oh, don't it smell 10V emol" ISN'T KICKING- Florence What do you think ? Hor ace never once kissed me under the mis tletoe I Dolly Wasn't that a shame? Fiorenoe Hardly. You see, he kissed me beneath my nose. URKTY ON BONDS. I Those who are required to give m R ,.i. in .;,;, n. f (.,,.1 miA. k S I desire to avoid askiog friends to be-1 come their sureties, or who nay wish 1 S to relieve friend from further obli-! 5 gatioue a bondsmen, should apply 1 1 io person or by letter to SR. T. CLARK, AUorncy. WeUn. N C.f L "WBHtg -BSBl NOTICE. The undersigned bat opened a raw appears and a threatened attack may be I office at Weldon, Gooch building, First warded oft. tluooreds ol people use the I 'reel, win attend Toeaday a Tbtir remedy in this way with perfect success. I daj'e aod Saturday's. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Druggist, 1UUMAB N. HILL. Weldon, N. C, I Thu May 7th, 1903. It ia unfortunate, but almost any old platitude is pretty sura to strike 1 re sponsive chord. is BILIOUS COLIC PREVENTED, Take a double dose of Chamberlain' Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy aa loon aa the first indication of the disease s'-- " ' aMwaaagaaw- -f- 1