rpsx rNv Fs. FV till ' Tv w r3 IOi Jlik Itiit Ui iL I 11 Sllll ISs l . TEKIMS: 1-60 PER ANNUM TN ADVANCE ?,V"ERTISIITC3-:i2A.TE3S-MOi)KRATE. A. NEWSPAPER F O Hi THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1904. NO. 35 I X. XXXVIII. L ia tf- ililjea 5npt 'S, f CM 4J - - j Hrat algn of RHbUMATISM. Biyn wi nncumiism, uangeroua to let ft . uy curs naw. Hingis) Dottle of Will yrnhihlv do Iht work, diM require mora. RHRUMACIDI tui't r-f inline rid of lh CitiM, m IhM no tract of trig .Ihu 1 1 mm In l he mt -in. tt puflftri iht bloo, rtlicvti tht tnflimmaftnn l Iht kid tv. the chtnnlc ton Ionian .a. Ik! tuanh that fllltTwl mck i COBi ttnn n( Ha fvt'ria. TSf. h M- Mr I.Wetban, of High Point, M, C, ti H0r.ii. ol. .at hi 4 iufli ffow rhruimilMi lor 20 rein, iht wh cornalctelp curat t r.HrU'MACII'K. in 4 4eclirt iht ftell"reatirminef" ani luniioai ... - .... -- r . iwiw tn isiisj WIWM IIHIK RKV. J It WMPKI rTH MA iltd ari'Ht alaat 7 rem old and hat bee I KK, fiotrd Mrfkndltt mlnlfter, of Rctatwovn, ic.llr ol RHEUMACIDI, vkich cart., aim. Ha Is ren In tk mniitrr 50 prati. AMP LI ISTTLI rift IHM BOBBITT CHEMICAL CO., PROPRICTORS, VLTiaaoaar. un "OCTS AT THB JOINTS FROM THt IHSIQE." us t Received a Nice Line of the Hackney Bug- es and Hickory Wagons. Will ve Low Prices on these goods for f 4- V.ivt-TT -Intra f!all ntlH ATflTn- e. We .mean business. P. N. STAINBACK, ) h f i The Weldon Grocery Co. WHOLESALE JOBBERS IN STAPLE & FANCY Jjjr Kpw Sell Only To UerchMtg. Orders Solicited. THE WELDON GROCERY CO-, W 2 S lv WILDOM.H. 0. p - Special Colons WILL BE GROUND TO MATCH SAMPLE OF SHADE. Boi ISO. Tamer Paiit & Oil Co, H19 E. MAIN STEEET, RICHMOND, VA. PETER SMITH & CO., THE LEADERS OF LOYv PRICES. IMPORTERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS I t-v ncouiTuorrrf LOCUSTS AND WILD HONEY. XlBt NATIVES ARC AT A BANQUET WHEN THRT 11 AT I THISt TWO KINDS Of ?00D. When t Bible itudeot tctda about the food of Juho (he Daptist he ia not ofteo imprcmrd with the deeirability of aucb a diet Howcvor, it waa Tory likely with Juho aa it i.i iriih the people of East tropical Africa, who ate especially fond of both kinds of food mentioned by the Baptist a historian namely, locusts and wild honey. The Kaffirs are at i ban quet when they have these two kinds of food. They enjoy both, aud, put forth lira t flforta to oome into possession of either. It is interesting to obi-erve how the Datives get the honey. Sometimes they make hivea for the beca by hollowing out short lnes. ' These they place io atone pile or some other place where the bees are likely to make a borne. Bees are not alow to accept these kind over tures, and sroo aet about to reward this kindness by filling (he log with hooey. More frequently, however, the natives make hives by atrippiog off the bark of trees and fastening these cylindrical pro ductions among the branches After a time they are filled with honey, which is ruthlessly taken by the rvathrs The natives are not particular as to the kind f honey they eat. The writer haa seen I hem eat with u relish inuoi. feated by auiacking lips, the hnnejoi'tiib filled with lento fat, juicy worms. Two pounds of this at one meal is nothing un usual. Locusta also make i favorite food for the Kaffirs. Whentheeast wiod brings olouds of locusta into the ueighbood it strikes consternation to the hoarta of the farmers, but, the natives show their delight by shouts of joy. It is, indeed, an ill wind that blows nobody eood. To one who bss no orops to be destroyed or who baa not cultivated the Uste for this kind of food the sight of I flight of locusts la inspiriog. Iney aiouse the same emotions aa a blinding anow-atorm. Early in the morning when the wings of the locusts are heavy with dew, the natives are out gathering iu their supply. Later the women and children are hard at work tearing off the wings and legs of the locusts. This is sll done while the unfortunate capt ives are yet alive. They are then spread out on the rooke in the sun to die and to dry. V hen dried they are ready for eating A little fait aids to the taste, but salt not always at hand. Sometimes the 'natives eook the loousta wings, lejis, and all and then dress them one at a time as they eat them with mush or other food. The writer haa eaten them not many in all these different wavs, but those that suited bis taste the best were prepared after the manner of parched oorn Rev R. E. Beetham, in Christian Observer. FOR mmvt mm mmi. Not a bit of it ; now ia just the time to make your selections before , the pretties things are gone. Everything is fresh snd bright now. Another advantage of buying early is that you avoid the crush aod ooofusion of usual Xmaa buying. XMAS Furniture, DESKS, CHAIRS, ROCKERS, CABINETS, Lamps, Morris Chairs. A Pretty Carpet makes your home cheerf ul. Our Caipeta do more, they make you cheerful and our low prices make you positively nappy. xmas x! ',y Absolutely Pure CMnaware, there is no substitute Jardiniers, Vases, THE SUNNY SIDE. Busts, Statuettes, IHRi I8 only one side of life, and A PERSON WHO 18 CONSTANTLY CLOCKS, QKUUBLINQ PUTS HIMSELF IN THE Dinner Sets. waoNO ATTITUDE. Ia realiay there is only one side of life CARINC FOR THEM. SHE BELIEVED THAT THE LORD WOULD TAKE OARB OF HER, BUT DIDN'T HAVE FAITH TO TRUST HIU WITH THI CHILDREN. PETERSBURG. VA. THE JElflLL CALL BY FRANK L. STANTON. I. Talk about the winter lime no better oan be found I It'l then that Joy takes Sorrow, an' swings her round an' round I Her aighs melt into musio, at the fiddle's fiisky sound She answers to the roll oall of the mornin'l II. Talk about the winter time here, fellows, take your stand I The fire'e jeat i-bliio', an' the floor ia white with sand ; An' the ruusio is t-goin' like a halleluia band An' we'll answer to the roll-call of the mornin'l III. Talk about the winter time who oares for snow an' sloot ? A big oak fire in winter is a joy that'a bard to beat I Thcre'a sorrow at each parting, but there's musio when we meet An' we'll answer to the roll-call of the mornin'l m BORPOLK, VA. ::::::WELDON, N. C. Onnizcfl Mer Tl. Lais of to State of North Carolina, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY TOWN OF WELDON DEPOSITORY. CAPITAL fcNO SURPLUS - $29,000. ....... v :a.A h.nltinir lnoiliiies for tins woliui. Kor ten years tlna institution ps r .:., ;D,MM Itsstockhofderssnd director, have bee. , ideou .h he illal fai and Northampton countlea lor m.nj - . ,'e ,. are. proved purity at the legal rat. of interest-..! per centum. Account, of .11 solicited. r i.:... .. . : p.-.;.ii. Caahier. I'residcnt: 0wiTn ,.,....,.... n- v M BAMSAY. W. R. SMITH. i.r.. ua.miu ' ' ' .. n Seaboard, Nortnampion ouumj, SOMETHINGS TO LEARN. Just to be tender, just to be true; Just to be glad the whole day througbl Just to be meroifuljust to be mild; Just to be trustful as a child, Just to be gentle and kind and sweet; .Tost to be helrful with willing Feet. Juet to be oheery when things go wrong, Just to drive sadness w.y with a song Whether the houri. daik or bright, Just to be loyal to God and right. Just to believe that God knows best, Just in his promise to rest, Just to let love be our daily key Thia is God'a will for you and for me. It is well, when conversing to leave any detail which one does not fully iindnstar.d to the intelligence of one's listener. C. G. EVANS. A In 3 WKtiUuK, S. C. XCY GROCERIES, FRUITS, COXFECTIOSLRIEiS. OU) WINES AND BKAMMba SOLE AOKNT FOR APITAL CLUB. OLD FORESTER RYE. CALL FOR IT. jJ T.OLABK- .ATTORNEY AT LAW, ! .WELDON, S. C. Pnwtioesinthe oonrta of Halifax and adjoining; comitle., and. in th. Snprera. eourtofths8u Bpecial MMnUon givan J tl wilteetinna nit prompt fturna PPOMATTOX IRON WORKS. 28 to 34 Old Streot. PKTEKSnCBQ, VA. Manufacturers of Machinery, Shafting,Pulleys, Agricultural Implements. M L,.artt nut Steel k AlrXSD- IlKviuy; --; , ,, der, foundera and maohtoists, with aJ patterns, we are now prepared to fur oi,h patt to maehioes formerly made by them. HYDRAULIC PRESSES mJ, PEANUT MACHINERY pwtati,. Mill work and casting, of .11 kind, eori band m.ohinery for sale cheap. Gallon ua or write for what jou want. D 1". STAIN BACK i ..n-rinu DHOI IT a nulftni ruuLiui a VII KIKE INSURANCE, ,WldoH, N. 0 taaRnaooka Nawa Office. Backed up by over a third of a century of rerMrkable and uniform cures, a reccd -7 Im other nnAy fr the " i. -.Vi. Mculiar to women ever "V1- Z the iff f f "m t nttd in offerinif to pay . " 'I J. of the United State., for any ca.a T?ilrnrtuel Female We.kneas, rol.p tVMnt ' womb which they can- hie trutl ol mew u" V -a L,r bottlt. of yo' 'FawrKe Pt "vtm V. Wetw'a Common Sense Med. ciation, Propn.tors, buffalo, M. V. WHAT THE CHOIR SANG ABOUT THE BONNET. A foolish little maiden bought a fooli.h little bonnet, Wilb a ribbon and a feather and a bit of lace upon it ; And that the other maiden of the little town might know it, She thought eho'd go to meeting neit 8unday just to show it. But though the little bonnet was scarce larger than a dime, The getting of it settled proved to be t work of time; 8o when 'twas fairly tied all the bells had stopped their ringing, Aod when she came to meeting, sure enough the folks were singing H it,;. rnJUh liula maiden stood and waited at the door, And ah e shook her ruffles out behind and smoothed them out before; i.iiii.,i;.ki n.llJmaM" uns the choir above her head. "Hardly knew youl Hardly knew you 1" were words she thought they raid This made the little maid feel so very, very orosa Tli.t .ha o.va ho. littln mouth a twist, her little head a toss, For she thought the very hymn they sang wis all about her bonnet, With the ribbon and the feather aod the bit ol laoe upon it. And she would not wait to listen to the sermon or the prayer, But pattered down the ailent street and hurried up the stair, Till .he reaohed her little bureau, and in a bandbox on it Had hidden safe ftom critio'a eye her foolish little bonnet. Whioh proves, my little maidens, that eaoh of you will find In every Sabbath service but an eoho of your mind; And that the little head that', filled with silly little airs ur:n .. . hlaauinn from Bermnna or from Dravera. T , 111 UCIOI w.w.up, ' - . - MARIE W. RICHARDSON. THE WORLD OF THE WEARY. I tlnnk the King nf Heaven come, out from His tireless boat, And walla in the world of the weary, .. if He loved it moat. p.. i,... ;n h Hn.ixnnnfii.iona. with efea that are heavy aod dim, He ruieia again tbe laboring men, who are lookiog aod longing for Him. Ho eencols the curse of Men, and bil a them a blessing instead; Rested are they that labor, lor Josus pattakes of their broad. ii u.. h.n.l ... r..ir i.u.uu,. Hu caters their horscsit nl""1. lie uu a ' " . . - r .... . . . .i . I f i:..k Who doea hi. best, shall have as bia guest, tne itiaaier oi mo aim u. ....... Andoourago will ouie with His presence aod patience return at His louoh, . a i . J H! L And manifold sine be forgiven to those who nave loveu mm . i .j .1 a. nf n. .nil malice will chaniie to the songs of cheer, For the toiling age will forget its rage, when the Piiooo of Peace draws near. tui . :. .1,. f!n.nl i.f Uhor rioit it. ve bella of the kirk, ill.. I. iu. m"v. " r 1 - Tho Lord of Love came down from above to live with the men who work. This is the rose thst He planted, hero in the ihorn-ouised soil ii :- li ... -i.i. r.at'.,At r..t hut i lie blessinz of eartb is toil. ncavou is , - .. Van Dyko, in Waahiuttou House Magattoe. Eagle. The muru we reesoc on this pro blem the clearer becomes the fact, whether we argue from a spiritual or a iihvsicil bail. What, then, is there tor ua to worrv aboui? A person who is ooiiBturjtly complaining and grumbling about h inl luck and bitter eiperieuccs puts himself in the wrontf attitude to ward his own higher development and that of tho society in which he moves; for be it remembered, eaoh one of us oouots as a unit of the great total sum of human happiness or misery. This may seem an impossible statement, for there are. without doubt, thousands and thou sands of people who ooosiJor themselves nonentities, having no part in this won derful scheme of life. A little introspec tion aod reflection will show them where in they err, and if they will study s little further they will see the light that they have unwittingly hidden from themselves ao loog. Each one of us must think out the problem for himself, and we oan attain to any attitude we dtsire by repeated trials. The higher our asptr ation the brighter will be the light, until finally we shall comprehend the true aspect of things. No ooe can hopa to got into harmony with the universe until he gets into tune with himself mow is this dune, do you ask? By simply keeping eilm and thinking over and over that there is naught but aunshine. The heart is suro to respond .oon er or later, and by and by you will feel power within vou that will lilt you out ol your old rut of melancholy; aod the tong of birds, the perfume of flowera and the laughter ofohildren will show to you that thin is true joy aod gladness in tnis grand old world. CONGRATULATIONS. Mr. John H. Cullom. Editor of tbe Garland, Texas, News, has written a letter of congratulations to the manu facturers of Chsmberlaiu's Cough Reme dy aa followa: "Sixteen years ago when I our first ootid was a baby he was sub ject to croupy spells and we would be very uneasy about him. We begau us ing Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in 1887, and fiodmg it suoh a reliable remedy for colds aod croup; we have never been without it in tbe house since thst time. We have five ohildren aod have given it to all of them with good I results. One good feature of this reme dy is that it is not disagreeable to take and our babies really like it. Anotber is that it is not dangerous, and there is no risk from giving an overdose. I oon Igratulate you upoo the success ot your remedy." For sale by W.M.Cohen, Druggist. "Yea'm. she's orottv well, mother is." said the old man, pausing with his foot on the wagon wheel to answer an inquiry oonoerning hie wife; pretty woll, if only twasn t lor worrytn about the childroo 'Linbeth'a uu to Conway this season, aod mother's all the time afraid she'll be took sick away from home, ttamuel's got a good plsce at TanfUd, and he'a doin' woll. too, hut his bosrdio' plaae is acroas the river. Sometimes he g'wa by ferry boat and sometimes he goes by skill, aod mother, she can't get over tho feelio' thst he', liktly to be drowned. The two younger one. is at home yet, but she toys she . anxious about the timo John II be waotio'to strike out for himself, and she's always been ulrai'l we'inever raise Car'lioo." "No'ro, there's notbiii' cpocia! the matter with anv uf 'em now. and the truck garden has done fine this year Mother hain't had a touch of her ilnu malism all summer, and she'd be pretlv well off if 'twasn't for worr)in ' Chritiai ? Bliss vou. ves. 'his forty .ai! Sl e ain't afraid but what the Lord will take cure of her and ull the rest of the world, hut seeroj like she ui-'t got f.iihyet to b'lieve la's to bo mule I will) the chil dren " W . llsiiring. 1'(hovi:k hixtv ii.akb Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup has been ue&Yor uvt:fiiij years ty ibTuiod. o mothers for children, while 'vcthinir, with porloot suueoas. It soul hen the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures : l -,l:- i :.. . i . ...... t wiuu uuuu, auu m iiiu uwi rcuicuy lor ninrrttma It will valiaen it... nnna li.tla sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in cvury part of the world. 25 oents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mra. Wins- low's Soothing Syrup," and take no nth. ir kind BEHIND HER LUCK. Sim's very studious, said one woman. Yes, answered thj other. And doesu'l seem to cure fur gossiping in tha least. Oil. I don't know about that, an swered the other, with a sniff, she merely prelers to talk about Helen of Troy aod Romeo and Juliet to pajiog attention to what U g'linj- nu in her cwn neighborhood, S. tMultaaS a si REV1VO RESTORES VITALITY Made a Well Man THt "VligHta.olMe. prod ooe. th. above twdta tn SO days. U arti jwrroUTaDiJiulol. Curs wh.n allotMjr tall lOOHf mnUWllJ IT.BIU tu.ll mi. aa i nan will mooter thalr yontktul viaor kr oalaa IT. ,.ki.....iH.inH.lhmiia atE.lV. 1 lUHi,aiur. msi, Loat Vlt.lltT. Impotencr. Nlabtlr XmlMloo aU ffta of aaUhoM or cxuHaiul tndlMMton, aot oalv eoroa by Martins a tho anl or diaaaae. al Ids back U pink lowr to pal inhoks ao4 1 siorina hi. ore 01 wooiu. " ' 1V-I sTl Vn . , otlur. It eaabo oarrlad In vart porkat. B auH, If one would revive a memory oF the LOOs.rvookw.orsU SorSW4)0,sa . .. . u.B wrlttan roarantM to vara ntwttt ........lufn.. . Mr... , lrayn.r nonaiBB. CtllCAOO, IU- . For 8ale in Weldon, N. C, By W. M. Cohen, Druggist. CHItlSTMAS KIUICS. 3 2 vp&na EXPERIENCE a v..-. aa.mtai a nrUBH. Anton, nndlna a nketph and doaorlpllon m.y qntrklr uo.rt.li. our opinion rroo - whor u ("."lirlcliroi.iir.d.ntlal. HSNDMonPattnts ii v .i. a.. li.: ..I I. 1 .1 I .' J Oia I u.e ure, a u..uK u. .,..u , Kv7"JjpY5 the largest to be had, should be chosen. HUlAL fltlllllKl. U, The hearth ahould be olean and cold be fore Christmas eve. and the log set io plaoe with tbe cedar or pine or other "light wood" kindlings at hand, says Harper's Bsssar. . As the sun goes down fire is applied and the big log set ablate. In tbe day. of the Druids, whence Yule-log lore is derived, the priest, lighted tbe annual log with an ember from tbe sacred perpetu.l fire they guarded. In the mountain regions of the South the hearth fire ia kept with an almost equal fidelity, scarcely ever being per mitted to die out from October to March aod in the cabins of tbe negroes it ia no uocommoo sight, upon a Christmas night, to see within the fireplace itself, their heeds up the chimney .picksninnies of ?a lioussifJ, busied in warming their toes, iheir bare feet reeling on logs of cedar or hickory or oak, aod their black eyes rolling with anticipations of ooming good things. SUPERSTITIONS, The following are some curious super stitions that are still extant among Eng lish-speaking people: If you kill frog, your oows will "go dry." Tiokling a baby will cause the child to stutter. To thank a person for eombing your hair will briog back luok. To kill a ghost, it must he shot with a bullet made of silver ooio. To dream of a live aoake means ene mies at large) of a dead anake enemies near or powerless. rr r I . K 10 aream oi unoroaeu eggo o.gu.uoo , trouble to oome; if tb. eggs sre broken, A bad breath means a baa I L.akUA4 rlinorfiAn tt the trouble is paet. SlOmacil, a uau uigv ., - if vou boast of your good health, strike bad liver. Aycr s nils are wood immediately with your fist.orjou liver pills. They CUre COn- wiii become ill. stipation, biliousness, dys- neosia. sick, headacne. i - ... . .... TlIC UIIRCC nc s ii I mc ah irani." III. nnufw w a a stnmunlc. sent froo. iiMstt mcj for aocurlug paUent. Pntitu trkn tlirough Muan A Co. raoelTti tjtteUti ttotkf, wit nous, eunjo. m butt Scientific fltticrlcan. A hnil.omlr illo.tniteil wooklr. Jjirtt dr. IVIIINN & Co.36,Br"dw''- New York Ur.ucb Omco. m T SU Wo.bU.gloo, D. C BEST FOR THE BOYELS ir too b.T.n t rrril.r, ifollby morals alOia taVobK or pl lpol.ii,l dan5.rou.. Tb. .mootb ?.l, ...'..l, motp"rt o?k..ploa lb. bowala tl.u ano .a.. aa-ax CANDY Os? Cm TnAH I IU EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY a.Y.r aieban, W.ak.o, or Grlpa 10. B. Jd M not. K, Wrlu lot ir.. .ao.pl., ..1 bMblMa Iwlun co.v. .w voaa. KEEP YltUB BLOOD CLEAN A Bad Breath SUCCESSFUL. Mr. Smithera So you want to marry my daughter, eh? What are your pros pect? Mr. Suiarcus Well, I expiot to mar ry into one of the oldest and best famil ies io the oitv, and my lallicr-in-law win be one of the most prominent, intelli- eni and influential meo in the oountry. Mr. Smithera Take her, my boy, and 1 make her hapj ;. DOMESTIC TK0UBLE3. It is exceptional to find a family where there are no domestio ruptures occasion. ally, but these can be lessened by having Dr. King's New Life Pills around. Much trouble they aave by their great woik in 8lomaoh aod Liver troubles. They not only relievo you, but oure. 25o. it W. M. Cohen's Drug Store. Usually the more law coats the less justice there is in it. Silence may be golden but a good I deal of speech is brasen. A VERY CLOSE CALL. "I atuok to my engine, although every ioinl ached aod every nerve was raoked i - ... .. with pain," writes C. W. Bellamy, a lo- oomotive fireman, of Burlington, lowa. "f was weak and pale, without an ap- I petite and run down. As I was about to sive ur. I not a bottle of hleotno uu- I ters. and after taking it, I (alt as well s. I aver did in my life." Weak, aiokly, run down people alwaya gain new me, I strength and vigor from their use. Try them. Satisfsotion guaranteed by W, M.Cohen. Price 50 cents. It ia well to put the best aide out in social or busioess transaction, juat as in ' making over an old dress WONDERFUL NERVE. Ia displayed by many a man eodoriog pains of accidental Cuts, Wounds, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Sore feet or stilt joints. But there's no need lor It. Buokleo's Aroioa Salve will kill the pain and oure the trouble. It's the best Salve on earth for Piles, too. 25o. at W. M. Cohen'. Drug Store. More precious than jewels is the praise which the recipient feels is not entirely undeserved. Do you koow the wages of sin ? asked the dominie .tornly of Johnnie, who was busily tying a oan to a dog s tail. Is dis a tin? queried John, without lookiog up. It certainly is. Well, I don't want do wages fer dis; I'm doin' it fer fun. SAVED FROM TERRIBLE DEATH Tbe family of Mrs. M. L. Bobbin, or Bargerton, Teno , saw ber dying and were nower ess to save ber. The most skillful phyaciaos and every remedy used, failed, while eonaumplion was .lowly but aurely taking her life. Id thi. terrible hour Dr. King. New Piaeovery for Con sumption turned despair into joy. The first bottle brought immediate relief aod itaoontinued use completely cured tier It', the moat certain cure in the world for all throat and lung troubles. Guar anteed Bottle. 60c. aod (1 06. Trial Bottles Free at W. M. Cohen's Drug Store. ...... ........ .......a ,.r haard a baaotlfol kera . n a. '.,. a co. brown or rlol. blarb? Then u. BUCKINGHAM'S DVEiS'.l BANNER SALVE is the most healing: salve In the world. It cures Sores, Cuts, Burns ana am amn Diseases. It positively Cures Piles S. Klngabaker, So Fast Ohio Street, Chicago, writea: "I had a bad cue ol P.lea for several years. BANNER a n L. V bUI WM uiv.ij r sntly after aeveral doctors and remedies had failed to relieve me." GUARANTEED. Prlot) 23 CnU WISE. Actress I sm going to give you bsek our engagement riog. I oan never mar ry yon; I love another. Actor Give me bia name and address. Aotress Do you wsot to kill him ? Actor No; I want to ry to sell him the ring. OABTOniA. -Ik. Sir.S VnH Urn. llwaM RfllffM JQUKKTI UN BUUB Those who are required to give j Bonds in positions of trust, and who desire to avoid asking friends to be oome their sureties, or who may wish to relieve friends from further obli gations as bondsmen, should apply io person or by letter to !F..T. CLARK, Attoncy. Weldoi. N. C.f NOTICE. Tt.a nnitarattinait h.B Anl.ltil O law oSiee at Weldon, Gooch building, First street. Will sttend Tuesday's That. J.. 'a ..J B.lnaJ.a'a ItlUNAB H. HJAOj, This May 7th, 1903. t is is It l! J 'I 1 I - ft- r- '-aa.'i, a.-.fw

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