,11 rial IS'! IHA.TIDG MODERATE. A. UEWSPAPBH FOB THB PEOPLE. TEBMS:-1Ml pek annum in advance VOL. XXXVIII. WELDON, N. C THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1904. NO. 42 III lilt III I LlsxtsK LllMMMW A 1,1 ft H,ssiii' Tmcktrm anil Diltf Ut) Pnvt Fatal. A YEAR OF HORRORS, A HADING ARTROI.OUJU'S HOROSCOPI roil 1904 18 NOT A VIRT PLEASANT PICTURITO LOOK UPON. OCT IT OUT OF YOUR 8Y8TCM NOW. Will do the work quickly, effectively nd without any injury to tht digestive orgtne. In fact, it will leave you in much better condition every way, for it eleanaet tht blood of poieonout lactic and uric , .....I. .t... ..u iliHimiliim kirln.v tmiihl... in digestion, doiii, enronic coniiipinon aim hi.hu, nd tht fermi that leave one an caiy prey to malarit and contagious blood poiion. It It not only tht greatest blood purifier, but hundredt of relieved eufferert testify that it doea one thing that no other remedy does CURES RHEUMATISM. " AT THE" JOINTS mOH TH1 IHIO. AT ALL ORUOOISTS. I 1 CHARLES 0. ALLEY, WHOLESALE Confectioner & Fancy Grocer, PETISR8BUKO, VA. sfflMt W T. Bsugh reprewots us in Eastern Carolina. Hold jonr rrders for ' norl2 1y w -w im. ni "fc. BT 1tk Cnretaiilit. Tnka 1. 1 9MJT -intra! Water. NaTUEAX. CSYSTALS rOM IBAL WATSS 8CIBTirlPIJ.T PBSMBBD. A PINCH OF KALOLA IN A QLABS Of WATM DOti THE WORK. one LrtEIUL SUAKAHTII: "lake Kalala II. Pare ana tat Anyl'laf 1- wart." -- -.. - t. . i .1, Ii,.ilnn UInfiislrh I.IVMI . . niiiuviiv lniH..atl.n rjinatlnaltnii. Htnnitirh. I.tTr. Kid ncv oa nmuu'i aivuih-, .?.- ... A.k&tvdrutfalit. HamoU (rtM, or wud a . KALOLA CO., C. T.....O B.lllila nasi Mttrvt. TamIb. (or i ut. or 11.00 tot i 01. bolll to- SIALICS Hair Reriewer . ... t. , . .i t. . DrV mrm tint ! Perhaps you Hie your eray nair; men ccp . a .i.i " then remember-Hall's Hiif Renewer tlwtytrestores colorto m ... . 1 M M fetjWtWlMrW Mops failing nir, tiso. a..tM. graiBMoiojiJnmiiij WWW -W-W' TV -rw w-w w .ta-. The Weldon Grocery Co. WHOLESALE J0BBEK8 IN om A tT .17 Jh-1? A TSinV A3 SGROCERIES Vfi, .Wa Sell Only To Mercb.ntt, rirDV m Or,l.r.aollHtd. IU(WU,Wl.M.vr, 28 It Wr.LDOW.H. o. n m TANNER'S PAINTS Retain tlieir pre-emioeoee bote all other braoda ia beoauae tliej ate made of tht bent materials oblaioa bl and are iirouod with grat ears. If your dealer doea not carry them write to tha tnaoufeoturera. Tanner Paiit & Oil Co., 1419 K. MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, VA. PETER SMITH & CO., THE LEADERS OF LOW PRICES, lliroBTEES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL UtALtKB in A fpecial Cible .u tha Pbii .'elphia I'rns from Pitia aji: T'uo papera here re eommentiDX grarcly oo the UDaaimi It of the ittrolourn. meiiioiant. clair- Tovinti and trance mediutua in predicting a year of horrore of 1904. A leading aitrologrr, named Jacob, tin np the ill union aa followa, and tbe utheit aKree mule or leaa aa to detail Hem it the horoscope lor 1904, made at tie moment tba tun entered tbe tign of Capricorn: It iodicatea a year of great immorality in London. Tha Vioerof of Iodiaabdioatca. . The United 8tatee bate grate quarrels with Rutia and Germany. Koosevelt falls sick, and A conspiracy is batched against him. Serioua financial diastera io America. The Emperor of Japan baa grate accident. An attempt on the life of tha Emperor of China. Volcaoio abueka in Conatanlinople, Chile and the Philippine. Fear of nohealthy literature and tin limited materialism. Tba Frenoh Cabinet fall between April 7th and 19th. A Danic in a musio hall. Grate acci denta and popular disturbances in Russia Ao attempt to poison tbe Cur Seriona distentions between Russia nd Austria. England loses Dresiiie. Tha paigo in Thibet falls through. Tremendous failures io Calcutta and tba transtaal. Anarchist troubles in Spaio. Tba government threatened. In China women massacred. Everywhere crimes of passion, myst rious deaths and strange phenomena. 1904 is an anagram of 1409, tbe data of the birth of Joan of Arc Tbia year a wonderful child will be hnrn aiih a hich desUDV. allowing lla power in 1924, an anagram of 1429, the data of the Apogee of Joan of Arc Tbia ia all very well for Paris, but tha aoothssytrs and fortune tellers bate lott their power io Amerioa aince the eiplo ti in of ao many forecasts by tha great maitioiana from Wall Street. And why oo earth was tba Iriquoii theatre disaster, the Russo-Japao war and tha great Baltimore fire omitted from Mr Jacob's Ror.ieoope? KD8 NiWS.J ESCAPED AN AWFUL FATE. Mr. H. Haggios of Melbourne, Fla., writes, ''My doctor told me I had Con sumption aod nothing could be done for me. I waa given np to die. The offer of a free trial bottle of Dr. King'a Now Diaootery for Conaumption, induced ma I to tri it. Results were startling. 1 am now oo tha road to recovery aod owe all to Dr. King's New DisooTerj. It surely saved my lift." This great cure ia guar- I anteed for all throat and lung diseases by W. M. Cohen. Druggist. Fnoe olio. and 11:00. Trial Botllea free. UU HOME -COZY. Every home should be made brighter io tbe SPRING by some new piece o( Our large and ttltactive slock and sesscnable prices will tempt yuu, SPRING Mire, DESKS, CHAIRS, ROCKERS, CABINETS, Lamps, Morris Chairs. HnntTnwi.'w ..iiivi(t. i. " Wit-' SPRING Jardioiert, Vases, Busts, Statuettes, CLOCKS, Dinner Sets. IT IS A MATTER OF HEALTH iliiifitji at Absolutelr Pure WIRE IS NO SUBSTITUTE A Prettt Carnet makaa Tour home cliecrlul. Our Carpeta do more, they make yoo cheerful and our low prices make you positively happy. PETERSBURG. VA. IN BRIGHTER FIELDS. The skies are takio' oolor a brighter, sunnier blue: There's a bird there, io the tree top, an' he wants to sing for yoo I Ao a daisy a there a-whuperio its sweet arcams in tne new, Ao' Love is io the bright light of tbe Mornin I O, weary was the weather, with the chillin' sleet ao' aoow The rains that stormed the bright stars from the heaten'a we need to koowl But we'll soon be with the Ttoleta for Love will have U so I Oh, Love is io the bright light of tha Moroin'l Ao' the kiod vinos will be oliogiurio tha bright old, familiar plaoe; An' like silTer belle a-nngin', where no rude winaa rave an raoe, We'll hear the Thruab a muiio, an' we II see Lite a rosiest raoa Where Lotb ia in the bright light of tha Mormol THE DYIN6 SOLDIER. THE BRIDAL VEIL. Tba origin ot tha bridal veil is a dis- i.ii"" FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DOTOOODS CITLtatS NORFOLK, VA. TSs Bask of W h -,:;;::WELDON, N. C.- MM Uite Tke Lais ol tto State of North Carolina. AU0U8T 20TH, 1892. STATE OF NORTH CAROLI TO WN OF WELDON DEPOSITORY. CAPITAL WO SURPLUS $29,000. . Ia, ten Tear, tbia i.,... banking thj.t, on i"""?,uV,u"u u"r""ri..MroeotB. AoooonUol all are. j wm seounty at tna icgai f1j-. Vtv W.STH. E. UANIKL V. M Seaboard, Northampton cuuu.j,-. - 0. G. EVANS. t WELDON, N. C. I titiCY GROCERIES, FRUITS, i . COSFECTlOStRlES. f "OLD WINES AND BRASDIES SOLE AGENT FOB, j f I i tflTAL CLUB, OLD FORESTER RYE CALL FOR IT. . ATTORNEY AT LAW, '.WELDON. M. 0. rWir I. iv. .w.n.t f HallfWl And lyimtlM ... it Is tht rjuornma "., gpUIttaUsn(Ti never ithingmore th.it milliner'a substitute for the osual Sotting treasea which half concealed and l..ir.....M. hridn'a beautv a she knelt at tha altar. This opioioo ia oount anaoced by tbe (aat that Elii beth Stuart not thought to require on artiBcia .it namra had eiven nor ao abuo dince of hair. Othera aea io its origin the veil of the Hebrews' marriage oeremony or the yellow "lammeum" of o'd Roman bri'lrr, A third annrae is the old "care eloih" of the Aoglo-Saioos, a square ventmeul held over both bride aod bridegroom till they received the ooplial benediction So ruos tha aaa of the churob of Saturn and the Hereford mitaal. Laatly, it haa been held U be merely an amnliSaalioa of tha eoif whioh eaedi- hridna wore iMtweea the garland and their hair. Margaret Tudor thia under her orooet oo her marriage to tbe King of Seotland BETTER THAN GOLH. "I waa troubled for aeteral yeara with ahronio indigealion and nwToua debility, writea F. J. Green., of Laneaater, H. a. "No remedy helped ma until I began ..in. Electrie Bittere, wbioh did me D , T . J tl..n .11 ih enftdicioea 1 aver mora - . mi n.-IIrtTTCl Law!. TheT ba.a also kept my wife in BnaiUUg UAAJr0 aioellaet health fortyeara. She say. Blectrio Bittera are ju- rK..u. r i. i.,.ku.- that theT are a grand w l . 4- .r.i and intigorator for weak, run down ni..l PKrltfi. nf North Carolina, fell mortall? wounded at tha battle o, Gettysburg while galliotly leadiog his meo agaiost tha enemy's broaatworks He was taken to Wioohester, Va , where he was oursed tenderly until his death. Ha longed to see bis young wife, bis darling Lisiie, but when she reaohed Wiochoste, " ...... aa w tt he was dead. His last words were ; "Mss aie lot i-iuie. ; "The bravest are the teoderest; The Loving are the daring." I .m dvinf. iasha oomiog? Throw the window open wide, Is she oomiog? Oh, I love her more than all the world beside: . Io her young and tender beauty must, obi must aha teal tbia loea r Saviour, hear my poor petitioo; teaoh her bow to bear this oroaa. Help her to be calm aod patient when I moulds in the dust; Let her sty and feel, my Father, that Thy ways are true and just. Ia aha oomiog? Go aod liateoj I would sea bar faoeoooe more; I would hear her speaking to me, eie lite s teverea aresm is o er; I would fold her to mt bosom; look into her soft bright eye; I would tell her how I love her kiss her onoe before I die. T..h. amnion? Oh! 'lis eveniog.aod my darling comes not Mill. Lift the eurtaio; it growa darker; it is suoset at tbe hill; All the atoning dews are falling; 1 am oold tna ngnt is gone. Ia she oomiog? Softly, softly, oome death's eilent footsteps on. Ian goiog, oome aod kiss me; kiss ma for my d tiling wife; Tsko fot her my parting blesaiog; take the laat warm lies oi mo. Tell her I will wait to greet ber where the good aod loTely are, Io tfiat home, uolouched by aorrow; tell ber sua must meet ma mere. Is she oomiog ? Lift the curtaiu; let me sea the f.iliog light; Ohl I want to lite to see her; suiely she will oome to-night I Surely, era tha daylight dieth, I shall fold her to my breaat; With her heart upon my bosom, calmly I could siok to rest. It is bard to die without bet Look 1 I thiok ahe's oomiog now; I can almost feel her kisses oo my faded ohaek and brow; I oao almost bear her whisper, feel her breath upon my cheek. Harki 1 hear the front door open. Is Bhe oomiog? Did she speak; Nol well, drop tbe ourtaio softly, I shall see her face ao mora Till I sea it ami ing on me on the bright aod better ahore'. Tell her ahe must oome and meet me in that Eden land ot ligbt; Tell her I'll be waiting for her where there ia no death no oight. Tall her that I called h.r darliog, blessed her with my dying breath. dote and kias ma for my Liuie; tell her love ontliteth death. WHAT THE WAR IS ABOUT. In order that our readera may have a clear understanding of tba immediate causa of tha war iu tbe far East, we publish tbe lollowmg wbicb tba Japanese minister in Washington makes publio by authority of bis government showing exactly wtat were the demaods on each side made and reieoled, as follows: "It being iodispenaable to the welfare aod safety of Japan to maiotaib the in dependence and integrity of Corea and to safeguard her paramount interests there in, the Japanese government finds it im possible to view with indifference toy no tion eodangaring tbe position of Cores. Ruatia. notwithstanding, bar eolemn treaty with Chioa aod her repeated st suraooea to the powers, continues io oo oupation of Maochuria and baa even taken aggressive mearures oo Corean territory. Should Manohuris be annexed to Rusaia tba independence of Corea would naturally be Impossible." Theo follow tba provisions af tba agreement whioh Japan proposed wbioh led to tha negotiations betwem the two nalioos. They are: 1. A mutual agreement to respects tha independence tod territorial integrity of Chioa and Corea. 2. A mutual engagement to maintain tha principle of equal opportunity for the commerce aod industry of all nationa in thoae countries. 3. Reciprocal rewgnition of Japan's prepooderatiog interests io Corea and of Ruaaia'a special iotereaia io railway en terprise io Maochoria and mutual re cognition of the right of Japan and Rusaia respectively, to tale measures for the protection of the above mentioned in terests in aa fir as such measure did n t viulate the priociple enunciated in arti cle 1. Recognition by Russia of tba ex clusive right of Japan to give advioa and assistance to Corea in the interest of re form and good government. i. Ao engagement on the part ot Rusaia not to impede tbe event ual ex tension of tha Coreao railway to southern Maooburia ao aa to oonnect east China with Sbanbalkwan and New Chwang. Russia's reply requested Japan to de- elare Manchuria out of its sphere aod proposed to restrict Japao's liberty of ac tion in Corea in many ways, Japan re fused to yield tbe Saochurian oonoee- sions and feeling that it had exercised I the utmost degree of patienoa reluctantly abandoned all hope of reconciliation and was forced to break off negoiiatiooe. WHEN MEN ARE MARRIED. CATCH IT BY THE TAIL If everf farmer in this State io sec lions where all ihise orops are cultivated, should adopt asthiir battlccry I hi- year. Full food oropi Small tobaooo crops Full eottoo oroLj, we will risk a year's subscription to the best daily paper in the Slate onr modesty forbida our being mure fpeoiflo that next fall and winter, barring Providential dispensations, the l.rtuers ot old North Csrolina will be morn pros perous than ever before, in their l.ist ry or the history of the state. Aod in this connection we beg to asmre out antitrust farmers that the very hottest coals next to strong cus words just before a rampaijin they can possibly hmp uimn the trunt ia to grow a small crop, and let that be aa good as suitable aw.il aod go d ouiiivatioo, and ouriog aod hsodling can make it. A large aupply of average tobacoo lesseDS the prion of the whole, while a moderate supply will foroo tha price of the belter grades above the profi'makiog point. Just try thia plan for onoe and see if yon don l have tbe tail of tbe trust possum io a split stick next winter Raleigh Post. OASTOnlA. Unlit '' a " io T t&S EHfutaxs of Tilled 1'. in order to show their creditors that they have visible rw"na of cnt.p. H. If fauli-finding were a Daviiix hccuds tioo more people would be wealthy, LtilCHCSTER'S EKGUSH PENNYROYAL PILLS Unfa. Alwiiv-reliable. aLAdlM, Mat Dntireiit tot CIIK'IILVMTRKU FN.Ll1l in Bed nd von nifituiic Doit, rwsut-ti wun ouie nooon, Taheiitt other. KeftiM dMgero subtitl- tuUoaamad Imitation, ht, -of yourDniKfirt, or send 4c Id utmnpn fur ariltalra, Tat kmonlaftls fttil " Heller for Ladle' fn utter, iy return Wall. lu.Owtt TeMtuioaiaU. Bold by ll OiugRiaia. CHIOHBBTIR CHBMICAL OO. SIM HaMllmaMi Mre, PHlIaA- PA HwtJat tats BftfMt .kJaAlsLj 60 YEARS' Jg..-. EXPERIENCE WIT atar 1 1 fwSI a1 1 F A Trdc Marks nr.inm. Copyrights Ac. " wmmmmmmm """"""" . Anrone sending a nketrh anil dencrlntlon mar A FABLE ON OBATITUDE. qnlMclr aacarlam our o.lMi,n free whether an Ia,",1J va v". i S ,s nrobnblT rmuiiliiMe. Commnnlm- The snake was trying to shed his skin. "Help me off with this, wiit you?" he ssid to a frog that happened to be pass- inc. Tha frog kindly oomplied with the re aneat and nresentW tha discarded skin i . lay stretched along the ground. "Now, observed the frog, "I suppose yoo will do with that as 1 do with my cast-off garments eat It. " "No," said the snake. "There ia some thing better io eight." Thereupon he ate the frog. The moral of thia, my dears, ia that there is more than one kind of akin game aod soma kioda are meaner than others. Tha Chicago Tribuoe. Don't think because a man a word is as rood aa his bond that his bond is wortb anything. "Go ivesi, Ranch it and rough it and you'll soon ,iA nf that Mk chest and that hack- lag cough." That is what the doctor qtJlCKir Wen Hill tmr ui'imiiu lOT nnnimi cau Invention Is pnibublj- patent iihle, romiminlai- lioiiBHiNniiwctHiijtiijiiiiiii. nurTuovivn itw tent free. Oiliest auency for m-urtng patenUi. tpeeUU notice without ohnrae, In the scientific iimcnenn. A hundiomelr llltmtratiMi wek1y. LargMt ctr cutaUim of ny unenlitlfl J-ninml. Teniifl, $3 fear: intir monioi, u ouiu uy wi iinu(wiot. MUNN & Co.36,B"dT New York aOrU(JU WIII1W, IUII r ca- aiuiuiiiuui v. v BEST FOR THE BOWELS . i. k . . 1 1, . .niviai nf Iht CI?l. l.y, r .111 I... K..P yout S;,w,i. open'aiKl b. w.ll. Korcln the itiol vlo- Sl'.MU.t, li.K.tprtt.. lT l u.pus to. bo.la tl.r and el.ui la to uk. flANDY CATHARTIO said to young married man with a wife and child to care for and a modest salary to support them on. He nn!rim'l on Wr.t. Love and duty tied him to hie desk in the city. People don't have to travel to cure coughs or strengthen weak lungs. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures ob stinate, deep-seated cougha, bronchitis, bleeding of the lungs, weakness, emaciation and disease which if neglected or unskffl. fully treated leraunare utumji m wu sumption. ... i... Tt- Mmi.'i AaIiImi Medical DtKOTtty haa done larJt''" ffilS" "Thlrteto yeara ao I waa wounded by a ball p.-i th-ougb Uoj. I .. had hr bad krntk and It waa very "T U. Uke cold; tbe all alrht. Conld not el r aleef. a tlmea ; waa all m down ; emild not work at all. A few month, in 1 began n.m ut. nmi iv MCOICai UlKOroy. nmrm " T j V ,wo no.... X" .u to xwacieBtly rrcomrand Dr. Pitftt i Gojdem EAT 'EN1 LIKE CANDY ti......a p.i.t,.la. I'utunt. Tail1 Ooott. PoOood, Hver Sicken, We-UfO.or Orlpa-. .-.BS per box. nu lr ajnii(i. fTtBLIXQ RKM-wT CdlMUT, "tlfiW) er ""J0.". KEEP YIeUB BLOOD CLEAN DON'T EXPECT WORDS OF PRAISE For "the Piano with the sweet tone" from dealers in pianoe of other makes. We've grown sccustomed to having dealers de fame our qneenlv instrument that we look upon their outbursts with feeling of I p"y- THE AH I IS 1 STIEFF PIANO Is sold wholly on its MERITS. It is an ARTISTIC CREATION, far away and beyond ita nearest rival for supremacy. That's why it curries off the FIRST PRIZE MEDAL whenever and wherever In com petition with other artistic instruments. INVESTIGATE! STIEFF, 66 Granby St., Norfolk, Vs. 0- S. Kuasear, Mgr. Oct 21 ly. a PPOMATTOX IRON WORKS 28 to 34 Old Street. PETERSBURG, VA. Msnamctnranof Machinery, haftinpr.Pi Agricultural fliMl k Alexsn MBWinV UIUKU vattwn'-"-" . . t j. ..4 m.Khinhtia. with all aer, looo'iom . patterns, we are ow prepared to fur- . . ... L ... tA.m.riv mjriQ ui nian parte to maouiun. v them. HYDRAULIC PRESSES 4a4.. PEANUT MACHINERY apeewty Mill work and esftioge of all kinds. rnd band machinery for sale aheap Call aa or trite for wbai yot wae. medicioe can take its nlarn in our family." Try them. Only 60c, Satisfaction gusraoteed by W. M Cohen, Druggist. a., intm man who has oarer been in kTe ought to hsva money In tbe ear. iogs bsnk. fi.nrPOKIA. , im kiss Tsa now aw. JFATE Two shall be born the whole wide world apart And speak io different tongues, and hate oo thought Each of tha other's being, and no heed; Yet these o'er unknown seas to nnknowo lands Shall oroaa; esoapiog wreck, defying death, And all unooosciousiy snaps every sot And bend eaoh wandering step unto this end, Thst ooa day ont of darkoeas they shsll meat Aod toad life a menage in each other's eyes. And two shall walk some narrow way ol life 8o elosely side by side that, should one torn Eter ao little spsoe to left or right They needa must ataod acknowledged fees to faoej Yet these, with groping handa that oarer elasp, With wistful ayea that aerer meet, and lips Calling in Tain on ears that aerer hear, Shall wander all their weary days unknown, Aod die nnsslisned And this is Fate. Ooe of the local public school teachers, reports Tha Washington Star, insists that her pupils shall keep abreast of tbe limes by readiog tbe oewspsprrs eTety dar. and in order to learn if ber direc tions are carried out interrogates the members of the olass each morning the aohool ia io session regarding events of geoeral interest. "What is the name anolied to the aitaatioo when a man has mora than two wiveeT" inquired the teacher recently, having io mind tbe protests agaioet Reed Smoot beiog allow ed to retain bis seat in the United Dtates Senate. Nearly all the obildreo present raised their handa, each eager to reply. "Polygamy," answered lha ehild design ated. "Correal," oommented the teacher, very much pleased. "Now, who eaa tell ma the name applied when a nan haa two wives?" The raising of handa waa act ao general, hut the pupil called oa was rewarded with "That la right, when herenlied. "Bigamy." 'Now" added the teaoher, "what is lbs name applied to the tttutatioo when a man haa only ooa wifef " After a loog pause a solitary band was heatilatingly taised. "Well," auirgested the teaoher to tba lone to' aoteer, "tell the clasa what is tbe word to which I refer " Monotony" Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medics! Adviser in paper covers is sent jret on ! nn..ivnt .t.mna tn rutT expense of mailing only. The book has looo pages sua over -jw hiw.u Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buflslo, N. Y. I SI AVutaS m bbbbbsf-b. mm Dsf 9 REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY Made thi 'Vr,.of Me). vxvBorcraz ixinvixjmp bi odiieea th above mtlu In SO days. Baeta pow.rfullT and Qtilcklr. Cutm wbre all otnara tall tonnt men will nsala tbalr lost manhood, and old men will recoTCr their Tonthtul visor a ItEVlVO. It qnickly and iuretr wetome Nerroua neea. Loat TIUHty. lmpotency. Nlthllr rmlMloas, Let Power. PUlInt Mirnory. Wartlna DlauaM.an4 itll effecU ot eelTabuM or aacMaanii inaiaoiwHoo, . whlobsnStaoMlOTettldy.bnBUmaw manlae. I) aol only cant by starting at tba aaat ol dlaaaa. btrt Uafr.it lemualo and blood bollder, brtna Ilna nace an. pins glow iw ,. atorlne tba Ore of yootb. ft wardeff Inniltl I WMmNI .IIPIW. w m-m. - . - Mber. It en b carried In Tftrt vocM. By stall, IJM iwrpactair.or all lot MAO, with PoeA tivs wrlttam sostsotos to curs ojr nraaa MIYAL MEDICINE CO, TrJ5Mxl For Sale in Weldon. N. C , By W. M. Cohen, Druggist. NEARLY FORFEITS HIS LIFE. A runaway almost coding fatally. started a horrible oleer on the leg of J. B. Orner, Franklin Grove, III. For four fears h AtM all doctors sod ell re medies. But Buckieo s Aroioa Salre had no trouble to cure him. Equally good for Buros, Bruises, Skin Eruptions and Piles. 25. at W. M. Cohen'a Drug Stcra, MYSTERIOUS CIRCUMSTANCE. One was pale and sallow and tha other fresh asd rosy. Whence tba dif- lereaoe? She who is blushing with health uses Dr King's New Life Pills to maintain if By gently arousing the laiy organs they compel good digestion ...I h..l nff urinal inatioa. TrT them. Only 25a. at W. M. Cohen's Drug Store. Doo't trust to luek to do aeythiog you aaa do yoursell. LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. Magistrate "Will yoa take thistaae to be your lawful husband, love, honor and obey him?" Mirinds "Look bjar, jedgs, lUgreej to wash aa iron far die oigger, bat I aia't gwioa ter 'tow him te boss aaa." The Butte Inter Mountain. Mirrors are women's wotat Batterers, Mli CECELIA STOWE. Orator, autr Nona Clnb. 176 Warren Avenue, h . i.. it,, oo lPiVI. UHIVAUU, IM - ----- . ujh fnn. WI.N I niiSared ! from ovarian trouoiea. i i - in.;.,i m. nraw&tinn aa us I Ml. W I . . only way to net well. 1, nowever, I -a l i.:us-u1 In aan rtrtrr triTI- I Mii l tw kuna with a tick I a.. m. j;vnsvUtA. rAtu mi Iwvmejy m m isw..v i beat. A irienaiv aruggni. """J him A aM SB. rMSTIISl IM 1 T lUH L C V. w.an A fnr stwart M did ftO. VrBUUUt UN AAAW fW w f , . --- I beatus to improre in a few dar and I mj wooTry waa Was rapid. With in ttff&ttO. WWXI i WtW aSUUUra sirs. Stowa's letter shows every woman bow a homejs saddened by female weaknea aod how completely Wins or Unruni cores him sick- ness and briojrs health and happt- mmb nsmift. im not m on suffer- inw. Go to tout druggist today aid secure a. J1.00 bottle of Wine ot Cardni. iBffej Ht' BANNER SALVE (is the most healing- salve (a I the world. It cures Sores, Cuts, I Burns ana au stun uiscscs. It positively Cures Files e l-: ..v.;.. Or. tr . Akin Cf.. -I liiua--v. w www Chicago, writea: "I had a bad csae of Piles tor several years, ban men; SALVE cured me quickly and perman ently after several doctors and remedies bad failed to relieve me." GUARANTEED. Price 25 Cent) m 1 nose wno are requirea to give a) I Bonds io posi.iooe of trust, and wbo desire to avoid asking friends to be- 6 some their aoretiea, or who may wish jjj to relieve friends from further obli- n getions as bendsaea, should apply ' S in person or by letter to EP T. n APIf' Altnrspv WsMan N f ! I 1 j 1 i tv 1 3". II II I 4. f-l I 1 I 11 Hi il it w del 1 1 i ; i .Li m i iaiisiaprtie'!w" agw" mtltttil " ' ""I iWlriir"" i i

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