1L1 H IS 1 p waLS3l s ij DVEK-Tisinra- rates-; JOUKKATE A. UST E "W SP APEE FOR THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C THURSDAY, MARCH .'3, 1904. TEIRIMIS: " ft" i"1 rv rv.'K XXXVIII. NO. 43 If llFf M P ii M II I" .r"" .""N e UrtiillHTVRlK First ln of RHEUMATISM. Dangerous I. let H ra. E.sy t. cur. now. A alnrjl. bottle of Ml - cr jr , Will ,rb,Mr io ihi ,, eurrt r feulm ltd ftl Hie in ih ... i, ,., ,s, i, . '-.n - - . . . . lot .11 1 int"?.'!' J "" Irt SIISllfcMCinK and tin cured. M J., mlu. ..i.j.ImImI I, KHKUMACIUK, ,,,, iu4 HtoU 7S mil oil md bn bn In Ike minultr 50 roil. api .orris run rnoM BOBBITT CHEMICAL CO., PROPRIETORS, AL.TIMORC, MO. "CITS AT THE JOINT! PROM THC INIIDC." v-i 1 l '4 CHARLES 0. ALLEY, WHOLESALE Confectioner & Fancy Grocer, ri'TEUSBUKG, VA. fcjv-Mi. V. T. Ttau-h rcpremt.-u-in IvMern Oatolioa. Hold votir i rdrr fur I'm. novlljly .jiid.i, .. vs. i. n iiftfhvEd Take KAI-fOIvA. NaII K.1I. CHTSTALa rKOX MINKHAI, A PINCH OF KALOLA IN A QLA89 OUR LITERAL GUARANTEE: "Tiki Klo'i SI. S ATI! UK'S HKMKHY for InilK'ollnn. nt.v luift ltlndr TrtitlhU'ii. Hlrk Uffihlurhn. ai .illy uruitKiMU Mtuipiti irxi,, or ix-nti KALOLA CO Ayers Pills s Want your mousiache or beard alautlful brown orrlchtlack? Use The Weldon Grocery Co. WHOLESALE JOBBEKR IN STAPLE & FANCY Ik VJpLv GROCERIES & V t a- J 2E iaST HB.We Bell Only To Merehantfl. Orders Solicited. THE WELDON GHOCEKY CO U 28 lv I- -AJi -Kit H.t. VI L, 4L ,VL The TANNER'S PAINTS Retain ill ir pri-einiticnce above all other brands is because they arc made of the bent materials obtaina ble and are ".round with i:reit care. If your dealer does not carry them write to the m mufacturors. fjEJSOfJ Why Uox 180. PETER SMITH & CO., THE LEADERS OF LOW TRICES,' IMPORTERS, YHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS NO. 8HJ MAIN 8TEET, NORFOLK, VA. -r.:::WELDON, N. C. Opizfii Uaisr The Lais of flu Slate of North Caroliia, AUGUST 20TH, 1892. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DBl'081 IOKY. TOWN OF WELDON DEPOSITORY. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS For ten yean thia imtitutiou has provided banking facilities, for this aectioD lt stockholder and director have beeo identified with the business mler. sl. ot Utlifax and Northampton counties lor many proved teourity it thts legal rate of interest ix per centum. Aooouols of all lulieitcd, rM wPt.i,iM.t: Cashier: W K navrei nu .1 M RAMSAY. W. R.8MITU ' -aI ' " . arl, NurthaiDptuo county, N. t C. G. EVANS. WKLDON, N't 0. FANCY GROCERIES, FRUITS, COA'FECTION&MES. OLD WINES AND JlllAXMES SOLE AGENT FOR .AWTAL CLUB, OLD FORESTER KYR. CALL FOR IT. E.T- ATTORNEY AT LAW, .WELDOX, . C. Praeticee in the courts of Halifax anil "joining cooutiss, and in the Hnprnua -'mutmki Hpeetal attention givan -ireona M prompt ratnraa. (.J eit , , mum. hi ih.i K. . .i mipuMAcini .,, ,. th Inl,m''k '''..' V rrsisrooncf and II ,"" 01 "" ''m 01 ""' ! - i iiiraaVi,if i'iiif-ii-ia Crtttillliid R1J I .V Mmcr.l WMir. WaTSH NCIKNTirlOAl.I.T I'HIPAKKl). OF WATER DOES THE WORK, Ua ind Eat Anything Vou Wint." OunllptK.n. ninninrli. I.lvnr. Klil. A Tilfiut Builder ind Nerv Tonlo, rur s oa. or fl.ixi or o o. bottle to Savannah, Gi, i i r1 i f r" itmiii -Ifi tn M-ea tiitm in tne House. I Take one when you feel bi!-J ious or dizzy. They act c!i-j ctIyontheliver.LSrTV.1.i BUGKINGMAFil'S OYE tunt ct9.M )ant.in,i'ii K. r. utatiu., mui,i. a a. WKLDON, N. C 1419 E. MAIN 8TKEET, RICHMOND, VA. $29,000. yeara. Money is loaned upon ap. PPOMATTOX IRON WORK? 28 to 34 Old Btreet. PETKU9UUKO, VA. Manufacturers of Machinery, Shafting,Pulleys, Agricultural Implements. In out Sitel & Alexao- and machinists, with all patterns, we are now prepared to fur-1 oish parts to macbincs formerly made by them. HYDRAULIC PRESSES ,nd. PEANUT MACHINERY,,.,. Mill work and caslioga of all kinds, aeoen'l fcand nachinery for aal cheap, Call ob oa ov writ for what joa wis'- j A RULE FOR HAPPINESS, I CflARMEN KlxnukY tup jiitnrm. ritKAC.Uit ANU AUTIIDIl, TTll.D HtlW TO FIND THUg JOY IN LIFE, AS FOL LOWS. Charles Kinsley, tlie famous proaclier and author, told liow to find true j'y io life, aa folio: "Mako a rulo, and pray to Ood to lielp you lo kci'p it, never, if possible to lie down at nilit without hi'ini; able to nay, 'I have mu'ie otic liuunri being at least a littlo wiver or a litila happier or a little, bet i it tliis day.' You will Hod it ciimit than you lliink, nod !eaaantir, lCiM'-r, becauao ifjou wiJh lo do Gods wotk Cud will surely find you work to do; and pleasunler, bocau-e iu return for the little trouble it amy cost you or the little chok ing of foolish, vul!r pride it niuy cost you, you will have a peace of mio J, a quiet of temper, a cheerfulness and n hopefulness about yoursHf and ali around you, such as you never felt before, and, over and above ihnt, if you look fur u reward in ths lif. lo conic, reeolleot t' is: What we have to hope for in the life to conic is lo enier into the joy of our Lord And how did lie fulfil thai joy? By humbling llitnelf and taking ihe form of a slave and eotuing, n it to he ir.ioi-.tor ed lo, but lo ti inisier and to giva His whole life, even unto the deaih upon the cre, ransom for nnny. V: sure that unless you talc up His croH you will never share io His footsteps, you will never reaoh the place where He is. If you wish to enter into the joy of your Lord, be sure that His joy is now, us it was in the Judra of old, over every sin ner that repeotelh, every mourner thai is cotnlorlod, every hungry mouth that is fed, eyery poor soul, sick ur in prison, who ia visited." INSINUATING. Ida "I doo'l think Mr. Smart be- licves my handkerchiefs aro linen." May "Why not?" Ida "I told him that I bad my pio m ney wrapped io my handkerchief aud lost it. He said there was a ureal deal of money lost in o nion these di)9." PROPER TREATMENT OF PNEU MONIA. Pneumonia is loo dangerous a disease for anyone to attempt to doctor himself, although be m iy have the pmp 'r reme dies at hand, A physi.'iin should al ways be called. It ahould he borne in Diind, however, that pneumonia Hwtyg results from a c il l or from an attack i the crip, and thai by (;iun ( luiinber lain'p Cough Remedy llu- llneite id attack of pneumonia may be warded iff This remedy is also used by physicians io the treatment of pneumonia with the best results. Dr. W. J. Smith, of Sanders, Ala , who is also a druggist, sjysofii: 'T bavo been telling Cham berlain's Cough Remedy and prescribing it in my practice for the past six years. use it in cases of pneumonia and have always gotten the best rcsu'tB." Sold by W. M. Cohen, Druggist, Weldon, N. C. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. Matrimonial suocess sometimes de pends upon Ihe alimony. A man ceases to believe in dreams after mairying one. Girls thiuk it unlucky to lose ihe chance of getting an opal. A woman ia always as old as she looks if she tries not to look il. Sometimes a womao mi-seA her absent husband because she can't bit Mui. A hair-tor la rmoufactur r iys tliat bald men have good heads f. r hnsineas Peoplo with the most expensive tastes usually have the least uooey lo meet them A FAVORITE RliviEUY FOU BABIES. lis Dleassnt taste and tri lol l eurer have made Chamlierlaiu's C'U.'.li Ri me ilya favuriie with the ui illirrs of hiual children. It qu ckly cures ih ir o 'Ujl and colds and Drevenls auv d inger uf pueuuaouia or other serious c ins. q-n-no Il not only nuns croup, but hen uiven as Soon as the crimpy cough appears i prevent the attack. For sale by VV. M Oohen, D(UL'git, Weldon, N C. NOl'LACKTO l'UT IT. The lovely lady lost her head Vh n sho was asked lo sing a song, Which triad- it quite embairassing, For she bad In r new hat along. INFLAMMATORY RHEUM A I ISM CI RED. William Shaffer, a braketnan of Den nison, Obi , was o lufinod to bis bed for several weeks with inflimmati-ry rheuma lism. "I ud nnny remedies," he sa)i "Fioaliv I sent lo MeCaw'sdrug wore for a b ltle of Chamboilsiu'l Pain BjIid, at which lime I was unable louse hand or toA. and io one week's time was able to tnanrkai hannv as a clam." For sale by W. M. Cohen, Druggist, Weldon, n.c. : iJOJSMi mi Every home should be made brighter in the SPUING by some new ;c-c i f Our largo and attractive stock and scns'inuble prices will lempt you. SPRING Furniture, DESKS, CHAIRS, ROCKERS, CABINETS, Lamps, Morris Chairs. A Pretty Carpel makes your houii cliotrlul. Our Carpels do moro, they mike you cheerful and our low prices mako you positively happy. PETERSBURG. VA. THAT OLD SWEETHEART OP MINE. BY JAMES W II I T COMB R I L E Y . As one who cons at evening o'er an album all alone, And muses on the faces of the frionds that he has known, So I turn ibe leaves of fancy, till in shadonay design, I find the smiling features of an old sweetheart of mine. The lamp seems to glimmer wiili a flicker of surprise, As I turn it low to rest me of the dazzle io my eyes, And light my pipe io silence Bave a sigh that seems to yoko Its fate with my tobacoo and lo baoish with (he smoke. 'lis a fragrant retrospection for the loving thoughts that start Into being are like perfumes from the blossom of the heart; And to dream the old dreams o'er is a luxury divino When my truant fancy wanders with that old sweetheart of miue. Thi ugh I hearbenealh my study like tho fl iueriog uf wings, The voices of my children and the mother as she sings I feel no twinge of conscience lo deny me any theme When care has east her anchor io the harbor of a dream. Io fact, lo speak in carneBt, I believe it adds a charm To spice the good a trifle wit h a little dust of harm For I find an extra flivor io memory's mellow wine That makes ui j drink the deeper to that old sweetheart of mine. A face of lily-beauty, with a form of airy grace. Floats out of my tobacco as llic genu f'otn the va-e, And Ithrill beneaili thoglanc s of a piir of azore ejes As glowing as the summer an 1 as tender as the skies. I cau see the piuk suobonnet and the little checkered drtss She woro when Grst I kissed her aod she an-wered ibe caress With the written declaration that 'as the vine grew rou.id (he stump' She loved me that old sweetheart of mine. And again I feel the pressure of her lender little hand As we used to talk together of the future we had planned, Whon I shall be a poet, ao 1 with nothing else to do But write the tender ver-cvtlmt she set Ihe mu-io to. When we should live together, io a oozy litile cot Hid ina nest of roses, with a f iiry garden-spot, Where vines were over fruited, and the weather ever fine, And the biids Were ever singing for that old sweetheart of mine. When I should bo her lover forever and a day Aod she tu; faithful sweetheart till tho golden hair wrsgraj; And we should be ao'happy that when either lips were dumb They wouid not smile in heaven till the others kiss had come t J But ah 1 my dream is broken by a step upon the stair, Aud the door is softly opeued and luy wife is staudinj there, Yet with eagerness and rapture ali my visions I nsign Tnureet the living presence of that old sweetheart of luiue, OLD AND IN BY FRANK L. I Ml in the chimney oormr, an' I hear the young folks any : 'The world is weary of her she is old, and iu I ho w iy ; Aod a vuomt chair woro bolter a aoliiary place Thau the pal-ied, wrinkled bauds if lier, and the tear-wet, furrowel face I They do not know I am walking where iheir feet have never trod They do not know I am -oiiu'j sights on the hills of God I They do nol know thai the aoels are thero where my footsteps roam In Ihe ways of the lights oelesiial, where the Vl.irnio Stars fing "Homil" I imrnd 'em al my besom ere Lito'seun went down Ihe west, I sing Li i' .'s sweetest song lo theui and rocked lledr hearts loresi; Aud now, thai the sad liiuo hastens clujiug of Life's day I am ooly a useless woman I aui old and io the way I Thank God I it wid soon be over Life's suu is sinking fast; My feet are in the valley, and I see my home at In-t I And I say, while the angels beckon ; "Poor, and old, and uray, There is room lor in io heaven, whero I'll not be in the way !" MORB RIOTS. Disturbances uf striken nre not i-early as grave as ao individuil disorder of the syslcrn Overwork, loss of sleep, nerv ous tension will he followed by U'l.r collapse, unh ss a reliable rem dy is im mediately employed. I'herc'a no liing so efficient lo oure disorders nf lie Liver or Kidneys as Kleotrio Billets. It'-a wou derful tonic, and i ff. ctive nelvine and the greatenl all around un-dicine lor run down sysiems. It dispels Nervou-ne-s, lib. u matism and Neuralgia and cxpela Malaria rjermi. Ooly 50c, and aaiislaotien guorautced by W. M. Cjhco, Druggist SPRING Chinaware, Jiirdiuiers, Vases, liusts, Statuettes, CLOCKS, Dinner Sets. THE WAY, STANTON tku.i:dy averted. "Ju't iu the nick of tiu-o our little boy wassavid" wiites Mrs. W. Wntkins, ol Pleasant City, Ooio, "Pneumonia had played sad havoc wiih him and a tumble Cough set iu besides Doctors treated I itu, bur he grew w rsc everyday At length we tried Dr Kins! 'a New Dis covery fi.r Consumption, aud ourdailiou was saved. He's now s mnd, and well " Everybody ought I.) kuow, it's the only sure cure lor Coughs, Colds and all Lung diseases. Guaranteed by ty. M. Cohen, Druggist. Piiee SDj.aod Jl.UO. Trial bottles free. it is a mm: qfheauu M FA PBlili Absolutely Paro THEMIS mSUESTIWTE ONE OF HER BEST TRAITS, THIS WOULD 0WK8 MUCH TO W0M1 CUUI0B1TY. Ceituln men nlio really kuow nothing of charachr are prone, io and out of scas .n, to umke alighting re-narks re garding, women's cutitity and lo irei! it as if it were a weakness of which womeD should be ashamed The truth is, the wotlJ ow.sta iro to women's curiosity tlno it ever can repay. Io this age of higher criiicisiu we can well aff od to pass over that little iocilcnt in the Garden of E len. Perhaps Eve was led into the comojijsiun of the first re corded sin by curiosity, and perhaps she wus not. There uro many reasons for be lieving ibat tho story is slighty exagger ated, But, coming down to more mordern times, wo know that it is the curiosity of worn eo and moo's attempt to satisfy it that led to all ihe grea discoveries and acbicvemcots nf mod ro times, from the discovery of America to ihe invent! ,n of tho telephone. And lo come down to the present day, Mrs Tomy, of Washington Boulevard, would have lost most of hi r Valuable pos sessions and priceless heirlooms ihe other day if her curiosity hid not prompted her to arise from a sicklvd and inquire into certain unusual noises going on don sluirs. A man under simiii.ir circumsiMces would havo remained in bed. He would 'guess" that everything was oil right, turn over, and n aybe go to sleep. He wou'd think that no thief would dare to remoTo his portable prop Tlv while he was in ihe house. Ilowm d h ive r curiosity abort the muter, and the chances are) that when his wife n turned after the lapse of a few hours and told him that all Ihe fimilv j. wels and furni ture had been removed, ho would Mame her for the curi.viiy lhat kept her down town while tho place was being robbed. Mrs. Tou'cy hear I strange hoists She got up aod d. secndcd the stain. She saw two robbers piling up the family bno a-tiMO in Ih pirlor, preparatory to removing it lo a carrtago which was awaiting then io front of Ihe house She screamed. The robbers fled. She weut back lo bed. Suieriag m iles will say that it is only ooco iu a long timi tint Woman's curios ity is put 1 1 practical account. This is bec.tuse th -y d i not kniW woman and her ways. When lur curiosity is aroused she is ready to f iou any peril in order lo satisfy it, if there is no m ui wiihin reach who wi 1 sa'isfy it for hr Nw York Mail and Express THE LATE GENERAL JOHN B.GORDON. General tinrdon aroused Ihe piido and retained the love of all ex Confederates as few Conl'e.l.rale comunnders have dono. He seems to halt incurred less of p rsonal anlug onism, and his part in the war pr ivok, d less advoro oriticis n ill in that of any of his associates. The I, cling toward him in tho N ir'li, since the subsidence ol v t pis-ions, may be Iruly d scribed as one i f kindly adoiirmioii Mo human being, 1 1 lend or loe, can fjil lo realise, alter a sur ly ol his life, that throughout his whulo military Oareer llu btitevel iiu was n,;ut aud did his best, and that he aceep ed the result without uialaco. Ha was a born soldier. His suice-a was aohieved by iubirn military prwers, uneducated, save the scho it of experi ence, in which tho pupil became a master His heart was one in which love was perlect, so lear was driven u ti lioiri p Flora "Two Great Confidante"," bj John 8. Wibc, in the American Monthly ' Review of Review's f r Februirv SEVERELY PRACTICAL. "Don't you eomelimes wish you could write your name en the scroll of fame?" "I'm not worrying about that," an swered Senator Sorghum. "The scroll of fame isn't tho book that the bank oashier turns to wl en you want a check certified." Washington Star. It often happens that the nan who spends all bis energy io groans iu prayer has none left for growth ia practice. MARRIED IN FANCY DRESS- UIIKHCH) AS CONVICTS A iioveby in fancy-dress weddings was that hi Id in Noniiigliaui, the hiidegroom le ing a I'U'.eil i flieer, whilst the btide nlso cirneiifoiiautic.il family. Accordingly she appealed ul ihe ehutch i.'rissed io a costume made of a union j ink, the bridi s mai ls wi uring sitml.ir uliirc. mid the gloom and Irs he-i imiii boing i:i full tiav.il uniloriu. After I he c run ny hid hern potfoiui cJ II u li iiiv piir ilr vo 1 1 ilie fri le'a bou-e on ugu'j c niugeditiwu iiy a party of broi.z d turs 'The .shcphi'id s weihling lit ihe church I S . Madeleine at ViT-sill.s in 18(14 ia Worih recording, because, from the ap pearance of ihe .ui sts, it uiighl liave I eeu so;.'josed i no li..d tukeo a retrugraiic step into pre.liisloii e liui s. 'The biidfgroooi, whose iihiiio was Purtel, had been a shepherd when ho had suddenly inherited a large fortune, so il was elected ou the occasion of his mar riage to a well-known society lady shortly afterwards that every one should appear ingiimee.ts mide nf sheepskins. A convict, "redding wis celebnlcd in a Yorkshire town. Ilut i the bride and bridegroom bad for some paltry i (fence previously cotne within reach of the law, uud when it was announced that Ihe best man bad a'so seen ihe ii side of u jail, it was rcsolvtd to commemoruto (he coinci dence. Accordingly tho male guests, the bride groom included, put io an appearance in convict garb, on which the broad onow predominated, and the women likewise wore drab di esses with the government hall-mark upon them. As soon as the ceremony was over Ihe puly were diiven lo Ihe bride's home, where a breaklastof prison fare was pro vided. At this juncture Ihe officiating clergy man, in toasiiug Ihe couple, made il known ibat he had himself endured I day in a penitentiary for exhibiting un due exubcranco of spirits at a boat raoe .curs before- --Stray Stories. thank Dp. Pierce for the kind advice he gave when I wrote to him." "I am thankful lothe friend w'iio llrst rerora mended youv ineilieiue," writes Mrs. Annie M. itrook. ol" tsniitllticld, l-'ayelte Co., Pa. "We have a twelve pound baliv, three weeks old. I took three hollies of 'Favorite Prescription ' before baby came, and the time whs only one hour and a hull", llnvc had live children, and before 1 his alwnvs t';d a severe time, lasting two or three days, an 1 never whs ante to do any work for nlxmt two months aftcrw.ini. Now t am doiuR- all the work for four children. My frienih say 1 took better now Ihcn ever before. We told one of my sisters to lake ' l-'avorite prescription,' which .tie did. and when her child was born the time of Mifferinf was very abort. She has Iwtter health now than since her niarriaire. some vears ai;o. vVe cannot Ernise Ir. ficrce's medicines enouirh. I thnnk r. Tierce for the kind ath-ice he p.ive when I wrote- to him. Whenever 1 see other wono-o suffering 1 telt them about your wonderful medicine..' The benefits resulting from a consulta tion by letter with Dr. Pierce are testified to by thousands of grateful woineu who have been made new women by his med ical advice nnd fatherly counsel given absolutely without coat or fee. Sick and ailing women, especially those suffering from chronic diseases, are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. AU correspondence is held as strictly private and sacredly confidential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo. N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the best medicine lor tne cure ot woman ly ills. It establishes regularity, dries weakening drams, heals lnllamuiation and ulceration aud cures female weak ness. It is the best preparative for maternity, giving the mother strength to give her child, and making the baby's advent practically painless. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription con- bins no alcohol and is entirely tree Irora opium, cocaine and all other narcotics. The Common Sense Medical Adviser, Ioo8 laree paees, in paper covers, is sent free on receipt of ar one-cent stamps to oav expense of mailing only. Addieaa Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. V. "Iftnd Thed ford's Blaek-DranRhl a rood niedlcina for lis er disease. Heured nivon after he hud spent 1100 wilh doctor.. It .all the med icine I tke."-Mtt. CAItOLINB alAKTIN, Parlrertburg, W. Va. If vour liver does not act reu- ulnrlv go to your druggist and secure a paekaco of Theiiford'a Ulaek-Draofht nnd take a draw UMiiKUl. 1,11. K'cssb isu.1.) medicine frees the constipated bowels, stirs up the torpid liver and causes a healthy secretion of bile. Thedford's Black - Draught will cleanse the bowels or im purities and strengthen the kid neys. A torpid liver invites colds, biliousness, chills and fever and all manner of sick ness andcontngion. Weak kid neys result in Bright 's disease which claims as many victims as consumption. A 25-cont package of Thedford's Black- . Draught should always be kept in the house. "I used Thedford's Blaek Praught tor liver and kidney eom- rileints and found nothing to ezoel t." WILLIAM COiTMAN, Itar blehead, 111. THEDFORD'S LACK- Mfi.ES p 1 0,1 A mm ttffffXrya'ffa'jWasfaj -VstitlirlrMrmft OASTOIltA, Bears tho ) 'lie Kills' Vw llavD AliVayS BoiigM Signature ZLSrf You cm. n,,t o ver ihe sores of io with the paint of p'nus pretense, OABTOniA. Bnan the ) Ii" Kind Votl Haffl lwrs Boujl.t liChESTER'S ENGLISH . IP'i&'Pi f K !J I M L Vi I X it' i.is. Hff. Alwnvs reliable. I.ndlrx, kic Pnimrlut (hr ''."I!-V":N KWIJMMlrf In H-t .nil Hold iiii-UillK. tmxtm, m-idi'il wtl'i blut ribbon. Tiih ii iMhfr. Kfniic diitroui nlMtl 'ullonwatiid tiiillfklloiiK. Hiivnf vourUniKKlHt, ur m ud Ir. in hUnnn lur I'arllriilura, Ttttl iioiUnU and " Kvlief for l,uJi-," (m utter. y rt-tuni Hull. 10.000 'leaUiuuuiiUil. bold b all ItruKKiMlB. CHIOHBBTHR OETEMIOAL OO, 8100 fflKillainti Nqnara. 111 ILA PA. Untlttn thla wmttr. Kft VFARR' iVJm PVDfc'DICWM: 7"- f ' V-V V - I BADE MARKS til Designs ''MV 10PYRIGHT9 4C. Anrono ncntHtitf n ftkctfli nnd rtonrrlntlnn tnmr qutcklf aat c. tnlii -itir ci'iir.'-n frcu wiiciher tui hi(ititlin It pr-'Mluy ruitnitilib. OitntuunlrA tini-si hi; nttlv -itfItf(jiulftl. II 'NflFtflalK on l-nffnta enL ft ocj. Oliit't-t unwior tu r rtHcurliiir patentfl. I';ilp:tia iftltPii tl.nnj 'li Mnrm 4 Co. rocclre tperinl notice, wlt'.ioutchnrto, lutlio A ii.imWimplr llliiftrai.'fl wcrltlp. T.nrirfljit e-r. rnlialoii if tiy Ptntiiiliili; luninl. Tonus, $3 q Tccr; i in r-ninritr.il. ?( uoia uyun nowfldomari. uriitioii uiiip-:, i;-, ir nr., Wfistnmmiti), . t For eiar ycari I warn Tlrilm ofdy- prpiu iri Its wor.it furui. 1 uiulU cut notliliiff ittt ri!i:iln and'dk'est oven tli.it. L4Vst March 1 bcrMn tiKniT t'.vWAliiy'rs mid since then I tiavo ttmlilv Improved, until I am aa well as I evor was in my JHe." iJAViu a. jaunfur, ihqwwk. v. PfrttiJiiTit. P)ftth!ft. Potnt. Tatt Good. Do Good. Nuvor Siokuii. Weakoo. or Oripn. Wc, Ho, GOO. CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Blorllaf Rm4j lemony, CktMfo, Htatrtkl. Me lrlt. Sll 13 11 TA RAO Bold and gimrantfld by all drng- DON'T hXPtCT WORDS OF PRAISE For "the Piano with the sweet tone" from tilers in pianos of other makes. We've grown accustomed to huTing dealers de fame our quccnlr instrument that we look lion their outbursts with a foeling of pity. THE ARTISTIC STIEFF PIANO Is sold wholly on its MERITS. It is an AUTISTIC CKEATIOK, far away and beyond its neurest rival for supremacy. That's why it carries off tho FIRST PRIZE MEDAL whenever and wherever in com petition with other artistic instruments. INVESTIGATE! STIEFF, 66 Granby St., Norfolk, Va. O 8. Nussenr, Mgr. oct 21 ly. REVIVO 'Sk BtCTOBCQ HIT SI ITtt mft aiiMi.ll I Made a the vvajsCti.of Me. prodnrrn i he abovo reftuttt In 30 dy. It tctl owcnuny una quicmy. w'irea wnen iiiginni ibii. icuiitrniri wlllrogam their loat maohood. aod old uien t. ill rerover their youtblul vigor by uttoi Cr.VlVO. It quickly Bud euroly witowi Nerrooa. o-63, Loit Vitality, linpctency, Nigbtly iEinlMlosa, toat Power, Failinu; llomx-ry, Wutlnt Dlieuta, ami all eiTocta ot ielf-abuso or oiceeaand lndlicretion, wbicii uttUta oqo for study, buainetwor marrlai. II not only cures by ntarttng at the seat of dfasaae, bul in a iircut nerve tonic and uiooci pauacr, Dnna in IT back tbe pink rIow to pal cheaksand ra nt or inn tbe flro of youth. It vardn off Iimanity and Conuumption. lntiint oa bavlDR REVIVO. DQ ctl:ri It can ta carried In wmt pockat. By mall, ji.oo Tifirtttcnaup, or six lor wo.uit, wnn m pow ittrtt writ ton EuarantM to euro or rati Mm ma net . Hi it .k and ii.lvlau froa. Adclrona nuis ,!0'AL MEDICINE CO., TcrEruS: i rnyner uutiiinft For Sule in Weldon, N. C, By W. M. CoIicd, lruirKit. SALVE is the most healtnr ! in the world. It cures Sores, Cuts, Burns and all Skin Diseases. It positively ff" t ssa , r PS! In S. Kinc3baker. 8a East Ohio Street. Chicego, writes: "I had a bad rase of files tor several ycara. BANNER SALVE cured me oyicktv and Perman ently after several doctors aud remedies! lad tailed to relieve mo. GUAiiAKrEXU. Frloe 25 Cento ; a v.i..5 1 rfMOWWU CANDY Vygr CATHARTIC WWisaWatta dWWWI VttiM (MtWaHl 1 rO BU N 1) 8 . a .. Those who are required to give Bosds lo poeiiioo of trust , and who I desire to avoid aklb frienda to be-1 oome their sureUcs.tir who ma; wish S to relieve friend IVoin further obli- 5 a s gatiom at boodsmen, should apply 9 io person or by letter to F..T. CI.ARK, Annnev, WeUon N f, I 0. Mil . i IS ' i f : 4f TT

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