s 1 : i, , J., ? j sjfsi PJf 1 if 'lift!! iS f wi iyp WsSJ lmlii feif IK IMp-mlb I jJjvBRTisiasra- rates I I . - ' SlVOL. XXXVIII. -MODERATE. A. U 32 "W SP APEB FOB THE PEOPLE TEIRIMIS: i-6o per annum in advance ii WELDON, N. C. THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1904. NO. 44 n .tsu . - sum j. hum I'.uiDmimiiinu. viiMifi'4ii mum BEGINS WORK with the first dcse, cleansing the blood of all ne poisonous cids that produce RHEUMATISM, driving out all the dangerous germ that infest the body tba,t it the way cures are effected by 1 HENRY GRADY ON COTTON. THE FINEST TMBUTI TO THC yLHICT STAPLE IVta UTTERED BY TBI TOHQC1C? HAS. Other medicines treat symptoms; Rhiumacidi rtmtvtt ibi (oust, and, therefore, its CURES ARE PERMANENT. Helps the digestion, tones up the system. Sample bottle free on application to BosniTT Chemical Co., Pro prietors, 316 West Lombard St., Baltimore, Md. CHARLES C. ALLEY, WHOLESALE Confectioner & Fancy Grocer, PETERSBURG, VA. W.Mr. W. T. Baugh representi ut h'oa in Eastern Carolina. Hold your crdera for DOT 12 lj AT? W rf VEGETABLE MCIl.iArt LiLrHairRenewer urs the hair erow lone and heavy, and keens it soft and glossy. ;o:'3 falling hair and cures dandruff. And it always restores -i'nr to gray hair. Sold for fifty years. n r hiui eoTs. K Why Box 180. TANNER'S PAINTS Retain ih ir prc-ominence burs ill oiIht braodt is because they e made of I lie beat material obtains bio aod are ground with treat eare. If jour dealer don not oarry tbem write to the maouraelureri. Tanner Paint & Oil Co., 1419 E. MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, VA. The ootton world, particularly the speculators who get on the grown tide of the maiket, are food of quoting Henry Grady who, when a party of Southern gentleraeo were proving that cotton was bound to go up, said: "Tea, gentlemen, all yon say would be true but for one thing that you have forgotten in your ealeulaliooa cotton ia a fool." But there in another expression of Henry Grady on cotton a prose poem, singing of King Cotton that is very different. It ia not quoted often but it lbs ineet tribute to the fleecy staple ever uttered by the tongue of man. Henry Grady taid of cotton: "What a royal plant it it. Tbe world waits in attendance on its growth: the shower that fallt whispering on its leaves it heard around the earth; the tun that ibinea on It la tempered by tbe prayers of all the people; the froat that chills it aod the dew that descends from tbe stars are noted and the trespass of a little worm on itt green leaf is more to England than the sdvsnce of the Russian army on her Asian outposts. It ia gold from tbe in stant it puts forth itt liny thoot. Itt fibre it current in every bank, and when, loosing itt fleeces to the sun, it Hosts a sunny banner that glorifies the fields of the humble farmer that is maraha'ed under a flag that will compel the allegi ance of tbe world and wring a subsidy from every nation on earth. It is the heritage that God gave to this people forever ss their own when He srebed our skies, established our mountains, girt ut about with the ocean, loosed tbe breetet, tempered the sunshine and measured tbe rain. Ours snd onr chil dren's forever. As princely s talent as ever earns from His band to mortal stewardship." A Pretty Carpet makes your home cheerful. Our Csrpctt do more, they make you cheerful and our low prices make you positively happy. PETER SMITH & CO., THE LEADERS OF LOW PRICES, IMPORTERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY 'GOODS JjjfJJ TRAGEDY AVERTED. "Just in the niok of time onr little boy was saved" writes Mrs. W. Watkins, of Pleasant City, Ohio. "Pneumonia had played tad bavoe with him sod s terrible cough aet in besides. Dootort treated him, but he grew worse everyday At length we tried Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, and our darling was saved. He's now sound, and well Everybody ought to know, it's lbs only sure cure for Coughs, Colds snd sll Lung diseases. Guaranteed by W. M. Cohen, Price 60o. and 11.00 Trial NORFOLK, VA. PERHAPS. 1 The Bank of W , .AVELDON, N. C.i- Orianiifiu Mer Tlo Lais of to State of North Carolina, AUGUST 20TH, 1892. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. TOWN OF WELDON DEPOSITORY. $29,000. was see Mitt Knowall "Christmas day Miss Stooe's 32d birthday; did you the Christmas card Mr. Sand sent her?' Miss Knowless "No, I did not; what was it!" Miss Knowall "It was a very pretty picture, with the tuual figure dinging to a cross of rook, and entitled "Rock of Ages," and! was wondering if hs meant anything." CAPITAL AND SURPLUS o .i.:. !..;i..ttnn h.s nrnvided banking facilities for this aeotion ror ten year. u . --- r r . . ,. of Its stockholders snd directors llalilai and Northampton oounties for many years. Moved security at the legal rate of interest-six per centum. solicited. President . Vioe-President: W. E. DANIEL. Da. J. N. RAMSAY, Seaboard, Northampton county, H. C. G. EVANS. WELDON, N.C. TASCY ' GROCERIES, FRUITS, CONFECTIOS IH1ES. OLD WINES AND IIKANDIES SOLE AGENT FOR- APITAL CUB, OLD FORESTER RYE. CALL FOR If. MORE RIOTS. Disturbances of strikers are not tear! as grave as an individual disorder of the avatem. Overwork, loss of sleep, oerv j - . ous tension will be followed by utt Money is loaned opon ap- u, , reliable remedy is im mediately employed. There a nothing efficient to cure disorders of the Liver Kidneys as Electrio Bitters. It's a won derful tonic, snd effective ncivine and the greatest sll srouod medicine for run down a PPnvtATTOY IRON WOHKH. systems, n aispeis " A sialism snd Neurslgis and expels Malaria irerma. Oolv 50o , snd salislaotlou guaranteed by W. M. Cohen, Urigst Aocouots of sll are. Caabier: W. R. SMITH. 23 to 34 Old Street. PETEKSBUKO, VA. Mannfactureraof i Gaofl Business For Sale. Any oos desiring t o do the mercantile business U Weldoo, aod waot a good kaioess slresdy eatabliabed, on Machinery, Shafting,Pulleys,! Agricultural Implements. Hsviog bought out Steel X Alexsn- li. fruinilnra and maohioiata. with all n.nxrna. wa are now prepared so rur- oiah paits to machines formerly msds by them. HYDRAULIC PRESSE8,, PEANUT MACHINERY Uu.,,. Mill work and castings of all kinds second hand machinery for aale oheap, Call on os or writs for what yo wsni. THE CAPTURED POET. MAKE HOME COZY. Every home scould be made brighter in ibe Sl'RlXG by some new piece o( Our large snd sttrsctivs stock snd seasonable prices will tempt you. SPRING Fmitnre, DESKS, CHAIRS, ROCKERS, CABINETS, Lamps, Morris Chairs. 1 11. A ilSiS!v wmm ,;-, .;; ''.--7;:.-' WWW,'';.' SPRING Chinaiare, Jardiniers, Vases, Busts, Statuettes, CLOCKS, Dinner Sets. PETERSBURG. VA. THE RAINY DAY. I never was much for s rainy day, When the clouds hsng low, an' the shadows creep I think 0' the churchyard over the way, Where Msry weot to sleep, I think 0' the rain on the desdlesves tbere Hidin' her face, snd her light-loved bair I I think, when the dreary drops I see, How she loved the light, with its golden besms I An' I say ; "Is she sleepin' so' dresmin' 0' me Tbe beautiful, old, sweet dreams ? Does she kuow does she dream 0' the dear, home place, Where tbe mornin' glories loved her faoe 1 Does she know how my tears fall with tbe rain How I shrink from the wailio' wind's slarms ? How I long for tbe sight of her laoe again Her kiss, so' ber cliogin' arms? Can she bear in tbe darkness my heart's low moan, With her vacant ohab; beside my own ? The dresms are mine of this earthly life. The thsnkless toil, and the thorny sod: She is far from the tempest the tears the strife. One with the angels of God I With never a sin to be forgiven, She is dreaming the beautiful dreams of heaven I -F. L STANTON THE MEETING IN THE CHURCH. In a plain country church one summer moroiog, Where people worship without pomp or style, Two orippled men who had fought io southern bittle Met unexpectedly in the church aisle. In threadbare garb was one and bowel aud care-worn, With frosted hair sod deeply furr.ined faoe, The other one was hale and prosperous-looking, As though he had ohanced to win in forluoo's race. But nothing cared these oomrade 'boys" for station, They grasped each other's band with stdden tears, Strong memories shook tbem ss they eyed each other, Their thoughts weot bsck upon the tide of years. Once more they heaid the strains of "Dixie" pealiuy; Oooe more tbey marobed in snows or burning lies'; Once more they ohargedamid the din of battle These boys who'd lought and bravely met defeat. Their crippled figures, eaoh sustained by orutobes, Brought tears to every eye that looked that way, As down the aisle they limped onoe moto together, These "boys" who had done honor to the gray. Although the southern cause is lost forever, Its faithful ohampions on tbe groat last day 8hall meet again in a long sweet reunion Those gallant buys who wore the dear old gray. EASY TERMS, artito or call on me for paitioulars. We "i sow offering every arliole in our store snd below cost FOR CASH,- tieapt 1 few goods just received. , . H, C. SPIERS. Weldon,N.O., Oct. 1,1903. "1 run down ones' them poets what had been a-aiogin bout the j ys 0 f.rruin', got him to tbe plowhandles, an' a.n' him a.aoin' from euo-up to sun r o down, when be ohanged his tune!" 'What tons did he tackle then? 1 'II nk . from the tombs a - d"le ful sound gli-up-tbir darn-yoo I' " PROPER TREATMENT OFPNEU- MONIA Pneumonia is too aaogimua a u for anyone to attempt to doctor himself, although bs may bsvs th proper reme dies st hsnd. A physieito should at wavs be called. It should be borne in mind, however, tbst pneumonis alwsys frnra a cold or from sn attack ol tha rrrin. and tbst by giving Chsmber or- " . . . , l.i.'. (nnrh Rewedv tbs Ibresmeu attsok of pneumonis msy bs warded off This remedv is also used by physicians j- u .t,. im.imiit of pneumonia with lbs liraveaioueo. - D r v smith, of WE PAY th FREIGHT GUARANTEE SAFE DELIVERY . . LARGEST STOCK In tbs South Monuments AND Illustrated Cstalogae FREE. THE COOPER BARBIE WORKS. (Established 1848-) U bo 13 Bastk St., KortbUr. V BflvSly. best Ssoders, Ala., who is also a druggist aavsofit: "I hsvs beep selling Cham berlain's Cough Kemedy sod preserving it in mv orsotioe for the past six years. I nss it in cases of pneumonis snd have Iwavs cotten tbe best results." 8old by ur M Pnlieii. Druireist. Wsldon, N. C, When a mso is U lots, Instead of put ting his heart in it, he is spt to pot bis foot Io It. THE TIMES OF YESTERDAY. 8itling 'round the old fireplace, with facte beaniiog bright And grandpa telling stories of the times of yesternight: Outside the wind is whistling) intide is oy warm To all us children visiting down 00 our grandpa's farm. Outside the cold was awful wa huddled olose the fire; 'Twas fairyland to all of us we hsd our heart's desire, For grandpa told us stories of the past we did not know When hs snd grsndms were young fuika i'u u.. mi luu gul Ws liateoed then to grandpa our eyes grew large aod round It seems to us the tales be told had tuoh a far-iff sound. Just like as if anothor world a world we did not knot, Hsd given us onr dear grandpa from out tbe long ago. And grandms's beaming eyes were ever turned on him, She'd nod hor head remembering the past so far and dim. And when lh stories were sll done we children fast asleep, Thoughts of tbe days of long ago iato nur dreima would orcep. fT IS A MATTER OF HEALTH LEAP YEAR PRIVILEGES. THE WOMKN HAVE AN OPPOBTUNITT NOW TO DO THEIR OWN COURTING AND THET SHOULD HAKE THE MOST or IT. mi KW swisaaai 1 t",AJtflT POWDER Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE have cleared the utnio?iber , i to p'iik, aod saved the pour woman some very sil'y moaniogs and wasted sacrifices lis remainder of her days. lieap year t'nouia, lueretuiu, Whco seriously. There are as goi.d fi-.li in the s a as wero ever caught out of it, ntid if tbe girl is quite sure she will never love any body else, let her make the ) "-:tig man aware of her selection, and tli 11 : .ke the chanora Atlanta Journal. OABTOHIA. Beartth. The Kind You Have Alwnys Slgaatara of Almost any school child will tell you that when the figures composiog any year can be divided by four without a re mainder, then we are having what is known as leap year. Tradition has long assured us that maidens and widows may do their own courting when tbey can run a four through the figures of tho yesr without a re mainder, and consequently tbe joke about leap year goes the round whenever sn engagement is annouoaed or a marriage consummated. The woman is supposed to have signified ber choice io a direct manner, and with s cotntnonsenee view of the situation, it would appesr to be entirely rational aod proper that the wo rn au should have one chance in four to be suited io matrimony. The queens of England were always privileged to do their own courting, but everv vear, as well ss leap year, was tbe queen's opportunity to make proposals, Queen Victoria's propossl to Pnnoe Albert was a'ways a touching rcmio iscence to her majesty, and although tbe story is told that he loved another gitl better at one lime, faithful Q leeo Violoris never swerved from her choice and her chosen consort during her long and use ful life. As a great many matches are made on earth (and perhaps but few in Heaven) the womao should undoubtedly bo satis fied with lier pcleciion of s life mate when sue is luattd. lint a gimd many people, marry for ilher things us well an love In this money-loving age wealth lias a doe show ing in the minds of many of the matri monially inclined. All of us have witnessed matoh-mak-Ing where no match would have occurred if there bad been little or no money in sight. Young womeo have given con sent to marry old rich men, when the old man would have bion pushed aside ex cept for his money, or what bis money would give the bride io position or lux ury. Girls wll raised have been known to marry very sorry youngsteis, lacking in morals sod even good character, if imagines I hut her cye are flsxhing fre. SENTENCE SEICMONS. There aro no sour suio's. The devil oever labels his bail. Faith cannot be led no furniiure, HundufT-ido not make liom-My. No prayer can 'rise ou wings of pro- lenso. Many ihingi arj cured by being en- durid. Doubt should be but tho vextibulc to decUion. Happiness is timply astray bunk of heaven. He who has an eye to tho fleece has no heart for the flock. The best preparation for death is tbe perfecting of life. No man is ready for his work until be has learned to wait, Heaven has 00 smiles for tbe man who never smiles on men. Conversion is a starting poiot aod not a terminus io true religion. The kindhearted have no trouble io finding a purse that does not wear out. The more puppy like a man s disposi tion tbe more dogmatic bis opinions. Tbe ship is lost when the uargo gets out of the bold into tbe captain's heart. The preaching that meets human needs will never need to drum up a meeting. Sermons would be shorter if they had to be praolieed before they were preached, The men with the smallest stook of re ligion are likely to put out the biggest sign. Tbe habit of letting the devil down the throat is not cured by letting another one out of theluogs. OABTOHIA, B.arsthe ll Kind Vw Haffl Always Bscgtii CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL FILLS ftntV. Alwnvt; rpiinijitt. Lad!), Hk Trrnnciit far ( IIH IIMUHN t:N4.I.ISII In lld stud liolsj iii.-Uiilif bum-, rwultl wilh blutj ribbon. Tab fits illir. Hrfuss sJnngrrotia ubaitt (utlssMasttnd tmllHllotit). buy ur your ltnistKiHt, or mmiiI Jr. In Muni) fur Particulars, TrtUt monlnltt and " Krllrf fur Lad If,," in irttrr, by rrturn Mall. lO.tHHI TeatiiuyulkUsV bold by all liruKtcmts. OHICHEBTEB OHBUIOAL 00. I10 nadUun Nqoara, PIIIJLA PA If ettUon Ik la pair BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE 4 Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anrone son ding a Rketrti nnd description may qalckly njfortant onr tiiinii free wiiellier an invt'iitl'in l pnihntjly p:tletitiiMe. Connminlca tlons nt rlcl ly foiitidcnttHl. HANOBOOK ou Hateuu lent free. Ulrieat ntoncy fur Kt tuniiK patents. Pntonti tftfeett throuuh Munu St Co. recelTC $periat notice, wtfhout chnrco, in tbe Scientific JIr.icrican. A han.1omo?r lllnitriitpi1 wppkly. Inrvnt dr. dilution of any ffWenUflvi Journal. Terms, $3 your; four montlis, ti. Sold by all newsdealers. li,UNN&Co.36,D'MdM'' New York Uraucb Olllcft, V SU Washinuiun, D. C BEST FOB THE OWELS ft fov haiTeii't a ne'ilar. bealtby moTamfciit of the bowels every (lav, juu'ic ill or vfll bf. Keep yout bi-swtjlrjopfn.aii.l'b wull. Forro.ln tlio ahnpa ut Ylp MiihTsWrrill oiio. If duiiBerous Th amooth t, caalCKt, nioatpcrficuvay o( kooplng tho bowels clew and clean U 10 talte CANDY CATHARTIC A FAVORITE REMEDY FOR BABIES. Its pleasant teals snd prompt cures hsvs made Cbsmberlain's Cough Reme dy a favoiite with the mothers of small children. It iuiokly oures their nought and colds snd prevents sny danger of nncnmooiaor other seriout oontequenoet. Ir not only cures croup, bat when given as soon ss the croupy cough appears will prevent the tttack. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Druggist, Weldoo, N. C. INFLAMMATORY RHEUMATISM CURED. William Shaffer, s brakeman of Den niton. Ohio, was confined to his bed for several wseka with infi mmatory rheuma tism. "I used many remedies," he sajs. "Finally I aeot to MoCaw'sdrug store for t bittle of Chamberlain's Paio Balm, at whiob lime I was unable to uss hand or foot, snd io one week's lime was able to go to work as happy as a olam. ror aale by W. M. Cohen, Druggist, Weldoo, N.U. there was money in bank nr real estate in sitiht. In all sueh cases it is presuma ble the womao helped to do the courting, and as it happens many limes, she short on public sympathy when the groom turns out to be s verv middle-aged man as well as a very indifferent sort of bridegroom when the took him for his rent roll, instead of bis good character My mind goes back to a quarter of century or more when a young man de plored iu my presence the marriage of a nice young ludy to a snappy sort ol fellow who bad, unfortunately, inherited considerable property. "She is too nice to be turned over to tb.t coarse, vulgsr chub," he complained. " Vhv din't vou go to her brothers aod tell them what you know?' queried. Bless goodntwl Tbey don t csre, so they get in reach of the money " "Maybe she is likewise inclined, contioued. "No, I don't think so," bs rejoiced "Her folks want her to marry rich, but the likes riches, too, maybe." Then," I snsworcd, "the oase is hopr lest. She will have to 'dree her weird,' aa the oanny Sootch were wont to express it. Aod the did, and when the divorce wi t aflcrwardt obtained the had t house full of little children, and the man found so other wife aa 1 oo as possible If she hsd been obligad to "pip the question" during the nearest leap year, maybe she would have aked tha young man sums plain questions, whioh would have ssved her some life-long regrets and mournitil experiences. Why shouldn t tbe young woman sig uiTy her oboioo occasionally? We have heard of maidens living sll their lives in in-le b esscdncst. because no word was a snoken bv those thev loved. To break the ioe and relieve tho situation of iis em harassment, wouldn't have hurl either ... 11 party. The young msn migtu lay "no, Miles on Miles Are walked by the billiard player, as he moves around the table. Tuat is the onlv exercise many a city man gets. It is this lack of exercise in the shut-in-life of the city, com bined with irregu lar eating and in digestible dishes which tend to make the city man the victim 01 "stomacn trouble." When there is undue fullness af ter eating, with belching, sour ris ings and other dis tressing symptoms, a prompt use of Dr. fierce B uomen Medical Discovery will effect a speedy cure. In the most extreme cases of disease of the stom ach and other or gans of digestion and nutrition, the persistent use of tne "Discovery " will result in a com pete cure in mne-:v-eieht cases out of every hundred. "The pralM I would like to givt your 'Golden WMlirl nimm ' I cannot utter in worua or drucribe with pru. write. Jame. B. Ambiwe, KM., ol I105H Miram aire", nuuiiuguuu, ... I wu taken down with what our physician aid waa todiRvttion. 1 doctored with the belt round here nd found no relief. I wrote to you .nd vou Bent me onestion blank to nil out and I did no ud you then advised me to use Dr. EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY &&!TSti?S. SrSta eSS p.r but. w'rlto for fiae Bamtile, and buokleton nHLIXO KMmY f OS PART, CHinfiO or MtW TOM. KEEP YbUR BLOOD CLEAN DON'T EXPECT WORDS OF PRAISE For "the Piano with the sweet tone" from dealers in pianos of other makes. We've grown accustomed to having dealers de fame our queenly instrument that we look upon their outliuists with a feeling of Ditv. THE ARTISTIC STIEFF PIANO Is sold wholly on its MERITS. It is an . AUTISTIC CKEATION, far away and beyond its nearest rival for supremacy. Tbat'swhy it carries offtheFIR8T PRIZE MEDAL whenever nnd wherever in com petition with other artislio instrument!. INVESTIGATE! STIEFF, 66 Granby St., Norfolk, Vs. G S. Nusacar, Mgr. oct 21 ly. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. bottles and 1 ten so fooo mat . sioppcu mmik, as 1 think, cured I hve no lyttiplonu of ga the trouble or tndiffealion now." Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of atamps to pay expense of mailing only, Send ar one-cent stamps for paper covered book, or 3t stamps for cloth bound. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. V. ir Health J22 South Teoria St., Chicago, 111., Oct. 7, 1902. Eight months ago I waa so ill that I was compelled to lie or sit down nearly all the time. My stomach was so weak and npset that I could keep nothing on it and I vomited frequently. I could not urinate without great pain and I coughed so much that my throat and lungs were raw and sore. The doctors pro nounced it Briiihl'a Uiaoaae and others said it waa consumption. It math-red little to me wnat tha called it and I bad no de sire to live. A sister viaited me from 8t. Ixmis and asked me if 1 had ever tried W me ot tanlm. I told her I had not and the bought a bottle. I believe that it saved my lite. 1 believe many women could irtVe mnch tuffer ing if they but knew of itt value. REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY Made a Well Man i m f? JT7 aT. a a produce the above) reaoHa In 30 daya. It acts liowerf ully and quickly. Cures when all others falL Xonng men will rxaln th.ir lost msnbood.andolil men will recover their youthtul vigor by wins 11EV1VO. It auloklvaudouroiyrwtoraaNervoui. ooea. Lost Vitality, Impotency, Hishtly Emissions, Lust Power, Falling Memory, Wasting Diseuea, ana all effects ot seU-abuso or excess and Indiscretion, which unu ts one for shiny, business or marriage, as Dot only cures by startinr at the seat of disease, but lsagreat nervetonfo and blood builder, bring ing back tbe pink alow to pl cheeks nd re storing the Ore of yont h. It wards off Insult and Consumption. iiBt on having RE VIVO, no. oilier. It cn bo carried In vest pocket. By nail, 1.00 per psckiee, or sis (or s.oo, with s post tlve written anaarsmtor) to ran or r.funa ,i ...... Iiriit ni,.l nrtvlma free. Address ROYAL MEDICINE CO., Tcrfii:Aro.aILt,r' For Sale In Weldon, N. C, By W. M. Cohen, Drnggist. UvvV of course, but a full understanding woald 1 Don't you want freedom from pain? Take Wins ot Cardui and make one supreme efort to bs well. You do not need to be a weak, helpless sufferer. You can have a woman'a health and do a woman's work in life. Why not secure a bottle of Wins of Oardui horn your druggist today? ViirjEicanciii BANNER SALVE Is the most healing salve ia the world. It cures Sores, Cuts, Burns and all Skin Diseases. It positively Gyres Files S. Kinpbaker, 8o East Ohio Street, .cafo, writes: "I had a bad case of ';i'.t:i for several years, BANNER j :'. ' . V !-. cure i me quickly and perman ; j ?h?- seven! djc'.ors and remedies ; I It, 't.! t.) iciicve me," 1, ' .r-C'i;. frica 25 Centa vvyWvvvvTrVoi)W( yrrvv iMnrsiWI gURKTY ON BUNDS. Those who sro required to give Bonds in positions of trust, and who desire to avoid asking friends to be- j oome their sureties, or who may wish to reliove friends from further obli- gationt as bondsmen, should apply f I in person 'or by loiter to R,T. CLARK, Attorney, Weldoa. N C.l M : $ si 'in N - 0 trv