111 pJj j"sS aril WL1 Saul saggBaq I flw I Iff M fell Si 1M iiil A. IT E "W SP APER FOB THE PEOPLE, TEBMSH1'50 VEB. ANNUM IN ADVANCE VOL. XXXVIII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1904. NO. 45 H s IS s ...farf 1 lIm PhvstctoM b4 4m tW lat l Jwptl Wllto. of Dill, S;whhd HM f th " twtlW f RHEUMATISM M it cunco HCLruts cripple. Mr Wllkn wrttt. h ih tniN of U !'. -- A-!- 1. WWi rUr kt 4riwi -aca until laat tu-cbc 4 nr kipf. I wm h beltl-M M ktbf f Mirlr 12 awMtlta. Tht m.iftti f mum an, weft hr J tn .hfll4 I -- J'tth mil tttMi , Wm tff it4 fcf 4ltrtft ph'titlani in HcColl. Dllln u4 M it ton i bwjl R"n of thru cmK m it tootl, mil Or. I. P. Ivitif . 9 Utlktt, t44 M ttf fMt KHKUMACIDI. 1 k-fu to uk. it. ana. tftlhc ItM tHttU Vtt M4 If I kM f kttr. I . 54 fcottltl M waa comaldilr ."--" pf. J, p. Ivisg cmIim Mt. WilkM' immm la mnti ftwlicclM. rII TUtkl. BOTT1C IKNT ON APPUCATIOK TO POBBITT OhlMICAt. CO., PROPRICTO. ALTIMOHI, MD CHARLES 0. ALLEY, WHOLESALE Confectioner & Fancy Grocer, PETERSBURG, VA. IdrMr. W. T. Bauzli represents ni id Eastern Csrolins. Hold joor rnlers Tot him. ao?12 1y Ayers Pills The great rule of health Keep the bowels regular. And the great medicine Ay sPills1trSr waotkiburd BUCKINGHAM'S DYE Deauunu crown or nui disul r uc nm era. or oauewim u 1. 1. hauo oo., nuaci. n. TffE TANNER'S PAINTS Retain lb' ir pre-eminence above all other brande ia because they aie made of the beat material obtatoa bl tod are erouod with great car. IF jour dealer doea aot carrt them write to the Baoufeoturere. TOUCHING THE BLARNEY STONE. LIF8 HAVE TBI POWBU or 8AYINQ PLKABANT TUINOH. You bit till heard of the Blarney 8 i Be. It iilhjt wood.'rful old pieou of ok in one of tho towora of Blarney Caatle iu helaod, To reach it you have to elimb out of wiodow and be held by the feet while you touch the Blarney llooe with your banda and lipa. The ny it that all who touch thia atone will are the power of aaying pleaaant thinga to people. The boy wbo kiiwea the Blarney atone will 1000 have the reputa tion of boiDK t Sue little gentleman, to perfect will be bia manners and eo kind bit tpeeoh. The little girl who kinaea the Blarney atone will be very much loved by every body and will grow up to be the loveliest of her act. The Iriah people, you know, are the tweeteat loogued people in the world. When they want to aay nice thioga they oao be to very oici tbal, aa the Iriih iviog ia, "tbey can charm tie very ;art out of ye." It waa an Iriah mother, it waa aaid, who named the Blarney atone. She hid a rough-tem pered little boy whom ahe wished to m ike gentle, to ahe held him cut of the window by bU beela and made him kiaa the Blarney eiooe. Thia tcared him ao that he waa never oroaa agaio. Here ia the rhyme which Irish mot here teach their children at aoon at they are old enough to learn it. There it a atone there That whoever kiaaet, Oh, be never miaaet To grow eloquent. 'Tit be may clamber To the oouncil ehamber Of parliament. Don't hope to binder him Or to bewilder him, Sure he'a a pilgrim From the Blarney Stone. N. Y. Ledger. Boi 180. Tanner Paint & Oil Co, 1419 E. MAIN 8TREKT, RICHMOND, VA. PETER SMITH & CO., THE LEADERS OF LOW PRICES. IMPOBTEBS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS IU ifoOolalN QiiiLi) NORFOLK, VA. The Bank of W, -.WELDON, N. C.:&- Orpiini Uiier Tie Lni ol tie Stale of Nortl Carolina, lAUUuai ztutt, io. 8TATK OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. TOWN OF WELDON DEPOSITORY. CAPITAL 1X0 SURPLUS $29,000. For tea jean thia inatitution baa provided banking facilities for thit aeclion luiaookholdentad direotora have boon identi6ed with the buaioeaa intereata of ll.lifax and Northtmptoa eoooiiee for maoy yeart. Money ia loaned upon ap . t m.,. th. ru of intereat ail oer oeotnm. Accountt of all tre. MUW. 4 J - - lolicited. P,id.nt Vioe-Preaident: Caahier tv d nmriFi. T. J N. RAMSAY. W.R.8MITH " . U. aV A M ft UM. . 8ebouilt Norihtmptoi oouotj, N. t. C. G. EVANS. WELDON, N.C. FAXCI GROCERIES, FRUITS, CONFECTIONERIES. OLD WINES AND BRANDIES SOLE AGENT FOR M1TAL tttB, OLD fORLSKR RYE. CALL FOu IT. A Gooi Business For Sale. Aiy om detiriag ti do the neretatil Vaaiaeteia Weldoa.and want a good Un'aeat already eatabliahed, oa EASY TERMS, Write) ot call to tse for paittaalart. Wt M aow offering tvary article ia oar More 9 tad below taA FQR CASH Moept a fe goodt joat reaaiTed. H, C. fPiERS, Wwdon, N. C, OA 1, 1903. A PPOMATTOX IRON WUUKo. 28 to 34 Old Street. PETER9BURO, VA. Maon factorera of Machinery, Shafting,Pulleys Agricultural Implements Havioa bouaht oat Steel k Aleiaa- iet. fouodera aad maobiaUu, with pattma, we are aow prepared to lur atah paila to maohinaa formerly made by them. HYDRAULIC PRESSES PEANUT MACHINERY Mill work aad eaatioet of all kinda teoea'l band machinery for tale cheap, Call oa at or write for wbtt you wank MME HOME :.. Every borne ahould be made brighter in the SI' 111 NO by tome new piece ol vtramraas. Our large and tttractive ttock tod aeaaonable prioct will tempt you. SPRING Fnrnitire, DESKS, OH AIRS, ROCKERS, CABINETS, Lampp, Morris Cbaira. SPRING Cbinavare, Jardioicra, Vaaea, Buata, Statuettes, CLOCKS, Dinner Seta. A Pretty Carput makee your home cheerful. Our Carpets do more, thoy make yon cheerful and our low prices make you positively happy. mm' ft PETERSBURG. VA. THE M0THERL00K. TRAQEDY AVERTED. "Just in the nick of time our little boy waa saved" writes Mrs. W. Wstkiur, of Pleasant City, Ohio. "Pneumonia had played sad havoc with htm and t terrible cough act in besides. Doctors treated him. but he Brew worse every day- At length we tried Dr. Kiog'a New Dis covery for Consumption, and our darling waa saved. He'a now sound, and well." Everybody ought to know, it'a the only sure cum for Coughs, Colds and all Luog I diseases. Guaranteed by W. M. Cohen, DruEKist. Price 50o. and 11.00. Trial bottlct free. MERRY YULETIDE. LaMontt "I tee you up to Edna s home a great deal. Dont job ow there are judgments bsoging over ber fttber't head?" YeMoyne "It matters not so long aa mistletoe it banging over Edna's bead.' 'As one from whom bis mother comforteth." Isaiah, Irvi., 13. Yon take the finest woman with the roses in her oheeks, An' all the birds a singin' in ber voice each time the tpeaka; Her hair all black an' gleamin', or t glowin' mast o' gold An' atill th' tale o' beauty isn't more tb'n half way told, There ain't a word that tells it; all description it defies Th' mother look that lingers in t happy woman's eyea. A woman's eyes will sparkle in her innocence an' fun, Or snap a warnin' message to th' onos she wants to abut In pleasure 01 in anger there it always hao'aomenest, But atill there it beauty that waa surely made to bless A beauty that grows sweeter an' that all but glorifies Th' mother look that sometimes comes into a woman a eyes. It ain't a smile exactly yet it'a biimin' full o' joy, An' meltin' into sunshine wben she bends above ber boy Or girl wben it's sleepio' with its dreams told in ita face; She smooths its hair, an pets it as she lifts it to its place, It leads all th' expressions, whether grave or gay or wise Th' mother look that glimmora in a lovin' woman's eyes. There ain't a picture of it, If there was they'd have to paint A picture of a woman mostly angel an' some saint, J Aa' make it si ill be human an' they'd have to blend the whole There ain't t pioture of it, for oo one can paint a soul, No one oao paint th' glory onmio' etraight from paradise Th' mother look that lingers in a happy woman's eyes. " W. D. NE8BIT. THE LIGHT OYER THERE. BY FRANK L. STANTON MORE RIOTS. Disturbance! of atrikert are not neartj I it grave aa an individual disorder of tl e I system. Overwork, lost of sleep, nerv ous tension will be followed by utter collapse, unless a reliable remedy ia im mediately employed. There t nothing so efficient to cure disorders of the Liver or I Kidneys as Electrio Bittern. It's a won derful tonic, and effective nervine and the greatest all around medicioe Tor run down systems. It dispels Nervousnens, Rheu matism and Neuralgia and expela Malaria I eerms. Uoiv oue . ana eausiaeuoo guaranteed by W. M. Cohen, Druggiat SHE EXPLAIN8. Ernie "I trust Jack with all heart." Eva "But you laid Jou troat the beat man oa earth?" Ernie "Well, Jack isn't ihebest Forevermore when Sorrow came thorny-crowned au' gray Wben the black storms bid the heavens, an' the light along the wsy, We besrd him singiog singing in valleys of despair : "The bells the bells are ringing I the light ia over there I" The deep-voioed Dark wailed round us, and not a etar unfurled; Like a lost tool tent from heaven, back to a bomelesa world I But atill that singing singioz, sweet as a Lavc-thrilled prayer: ''The belli the bells are ringing I the light ia over there I" And the weary world low-lim'oing, took heart and courage atrong, Aod blest him for tail ray of light that glimmered in his soog. And an echo to his singiog came fiom dim valea aod drear : "The belle the bells are ringing! (he light i over there I" THE KIND OF MAN TO MARRY. BY BEATRICE FAIRFAX. JTJSAMAUIB DFJiEWJ! enough to ttade with, but never dream ing of telling them the Monsiali was out ashamed to fiod how njucb more c pable an apostle the womun was than they. I think they would not wonder soother time that their Laid should condescend to talk with a woman. The simple, un thinking, untroubled directness of a wo man will often have a matter fiuUhed while a rain is meditating nine ponder ous oontrivanoe for bringing it to pass. Let us not fall into the mistake of the disciples, and jiidg) men good enough to buy aod sell with, but q i'te alien to the matters of the kioaylon'. The woman's testimony was enough to excite curosity. 1 be men, on her word, oauie out to judge for themselves. W lial they saw and heard completed th-ir o invielion. And they said to the w .inui 'Ni ii believe, not beea ise of thy penking, for wo have heard for ourselves, aod know SUPPOSE CHRIST SHOULD COME, M iMmi tho Sa,iour of ,be world.' " OASTOnlA. Bnntfaa The Kind VoaHaveWways B Suppose, ono of these bright mornings, you are going about your work aod preparing to eo out for the morniog er rands, a neighbor cornea to your door when you communed with Him, and He ft wnt' with face all alight with news and tellt spoke pesce to your toul. You know ZTl!An$wt!!S& Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. i may er an lunlra- ou Patents rtnir DaUniji. .. w a it wt t I II. ik. KU.i.t Init ail half! an Vntl " . . ' . . . OU. "Uld TOll BDOWf nATe you DeaiW I o iuo hiih. uw jo., m-.w j fptcmnoivc witnouicniinie, uiiotj itiai Prtrlai h.a Mma tn Aiir frtn? T Ita id OthfiTl tO 00016 IDdHeCf AOd II I Ihfl I Christ ahOU Id 00 ma 1Q real DOdliy Pre9-1 hnnmHr ll!nlmlvl wppklr. I.irteit olr. I . . ... I miintJoii nf itnv acini! l.ltlt; IminittJ. Terms, tit a store for something for breakfast. He onoe to morrow, would you and 1 Be l ;.y i t,..ir mib, a sowdj.ii i T,ow.iMierj. told me He would come to mv house to- ready or be ashamed to meet Ilim? - flUNN & C0..36.,B'dM"'' NeW TOrK ' i ..... umica u ue. ira it bl. waaniuutuu. u. u. ay, and 1 must hurry borne to make Urace btvmgstou run, iu tue ntw iur ready. I thought you would like to I Mail aod hipress. know, for He may be here, too. He it to speak over at the church to-night Aod with her wonderful newi she bur- onward. And you atand there startled. Can it be duel Christ come the earth agaio? Aod bow did your neighbor know Him? Yet abe moat ave for ahe is one of His very own And He may come here, to jour own HAD THEM STILL. The meek man, who had been unfor tunate financially, waa telling bis troubles. "My creditors took everything,' be said; "Douse, lot, iuroisniogB erj- thingl" "Not your clothes, though? sold the house. You look quickly irouod. There man woo enjoya omer people a miner,. ith honk vnu were readinir last niirht. "Yea." sstd the meek chap, Wltu a You hastily put it out of eight and the 'g. "everything but my trousers. They Kverv girl has in ideal roan. Fortunately for her ahe aeldom marriea bin. Her ideal is ia impossible person with noble brow and piercing eyea, eommaod 1 inn feature! and dear knowt how many other soul-inspiring attribute Ok. A.M nni talk mneh about ber ideal, but keeps bim buried in the depths of ber WUUIMU I I . , ,. ,. m.n h mli In tha nui riiud aeart ana tiyiy wmparo. ui w..u ... j n vtniaee of the litter. Tbea tome fine day along cornea Mr. Kight aod she lorgeti she ever bad an weal rnn- .rui..uT no t l n L. :r .i,. .kink, nf him at all it it onlv to wonder bow ahe oould ever have admired I I.VJ I C Ik I All. A . v . i l. - i u. i. MONIA. Pneumonia it loo dangerous a disease fur aoyone to iltempt to doctor himeetf, although be may have the proper reme diet it hand. A phyaiciaa ahould a! a.ta U tailed. It ahould bo borne is Monuments X AND Gravestones. WE PAY taa FREIGHT ampCUARANTEE SAFE DELIVERY . . . I.AStGEaT STOCK la tha it IliuKrated Catalogue FREE. THE CGUPER liRBLE WORKS. (Ka'toblUhed 1848.) 1M at 16J Beak it, arialk Ta Mllj. aov other lyre of man thaa that represented by Mr. Right. Aad now, gilla, a word aa lo ttiis Mr. Kigni. in me in piace me ia or aaa ibeioE nanoaome or iiiam " " " --ri"" I remember one heating an old worn in tiy, "My husbaod waa i very plain man, but be waa a good aod kind provider. The whole sum of earthly bapptaese im not.ol ojorn, lie ta the ft ot rmg wel nia I. oily it pretty chil the I jJ t. . .1.. n. . .hA nrnviiina wall and MkmdlV ' tur mind, however, tnai poeomooia iiwiji m- . .... I.. I . .A , r.nm aa allapV l BOrC 10 VB I 01 UU.ua.m ... ....... ,h. i. and that bv aiving Chamber- Tha joung ma. who i. gentle and tender in hi. manner tow.td old paople, ' ... .1 i . j -:-). ...aa in ni.lca a iriwid buaband r V U...rfa tha thtaalanad I QreO auu Bimia a u.o... ..- n . . ... ... ,1,!. . . .,..,w f ...Qmoaii mav U watded off No 'og H P occupying . .e.y ,8 v .u .u.. . .v ' ... I . II. .tk him ..n a . artaln anarnnnaL 1 ha ranilMl rt: ! ! alan ..aH ha r.1... man. QUCM 10 I VOUtUC man wa.. 1 .in..,-. r-- - -, - . T. ... J.ii: :..v.. . . rn....maaih itia honor ana airnow a eomiuaau. . u. 7B ... e kMt remltL Dr. W. i. Smith, of boaor, bit excuse being that he bad mide in engagement to walk with bis mother o a i. -h. t. . drnDtriai I Not much doubt aa to the kiod of husband that maa will make. .... of i'f . have bee. telling Cham- Do aot be daaxled by the man who t.lka brilliantly and hold, the attention of the . I -a l ..--... aa.a Kf thai ATnlmfM At th ham tahn berlaia't Cough Remedy and prctcribing entire room; oo "" - i- :. : r. Va f ni ..ra tiant daah oa the tuotwii neiu. " 1 f . . r... .La . tk.l ia anaala anil M.ll. at tha earn tima i :. u r runmni. .nH han Keen tour eve op" uo ' " ' I"111" r . . . .i.. ...j . i:l l..:i. . l u.: h- ha- ftnM h, I on wbo is aot unamed lo MJ tow no a tea a .... -u ..... ' " . - I t . i f ataa. aawnM'a wantb Wki fin mtt tirK a man w.na.Jtar nr u rnk.. TWniat. Wa don. N T. I eet and doing nia inaieu. .u. - i n.a..w-.- fo . . - ... . . I .nnraelt fortunate tt ae ouere yon ui. iu... a. ... r., Wben a maa makea aa ostentationt greater honor than by asking her to shtra bis life. display ef bit wealth be advertises bim- mi m mutt POVDER Absolutely Pare THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE How about a man loving bia neighbet as himaell it' he is his own worst enemy? OA8TOIIIA. Btara the ) The Kind Vim Haw Hwar; Boy'j CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH FENNYROYAL PILLS C'at (.(uUa. aak Dniealft for I lllCUIMKla ENOI.IHl In Bird and Oold ntftHlhc buxati. iwalH with blua ribbon. Tab. n. other. Hru.a SaarenHU aajbatl tutloaaaad lmltttona. Hiiy or vtiur OniKlhiit, or wild to. In Htbinpa fur Par.lrnlara. Tatl. nonlmla anil ' Krllrr for Eaadlra," in utur, bv rturn Mali, lo.ovv TeaUinoulala, bulU by all tlnjaalnu. CUIOHIBTIR 0HSU1OAL OO. 1100 Iladlaoa ISqaiar., 1II1L.AM PA. Maatlaa IkU aaaar. HAT WOULD YOU DO IF 80MK BRIGHT HOBNINO A NBIOBBOR SHOULD 00M1 TO TOUB DOOK AND SAT "CHBIST HAS COM t TOOL' a TOWN?" It is not i fairy tale, nor a parable, nor an impostibili'y, this supposition of our topic. "What if Christ should come to our towii?" Ho may come. IU does come every day. He came to you last week in special answer to prayer ind saved a loved one from death. He came to you io the silent watohes of the night 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE PILES "lauffered the tort.raa or (be Simnti irlth prolrudlna pllea brought on br conatlpa tlon fflth tvblob I was afflicted tor twenty years. I ran acrosa your CASCARETS In the own of Nflwoll. Ia., and never found anytbf&a; to equal tbero. Tonlay I am entirely free from piles and feel like a new man." 0. U. Kiitz, 1411 Jose St., Sioux City, Ia a ikes a bril tht oolor rises in your cheeks. It is not a book yon would like Christ to fiod you reading. And He is to speak it the church to night. Yet, this is the regular church prayer meeting Light. Ab! You bad Ibrttotten. For it ia also the night of your euchre club, and you were to have entertained it. And now? What can you do? The salad ia already male, the cream and oysiera sre ordered Your gnests will think it strauge. But what will Christ think? You could explsin, f couit.that vou do not approve of aving euohrea on Weduecday evening, but thit was ao unusual thing because it yon do not like to think of facing Christ with excuses The invitations must be recalled, of course. lou tiasten to tne train to stop your husband before he goes to the city to hit business if pos-iblo, and all the way you say to yourself: "Christ ii here; Christ hss come to our towol There is opportunity now for men to be laved That Door drunkard who has tried ao bird lo reform ind cannot, that sorrow. stricken womao who can fiod oo comfort anywhere may fiod it io Him That lick child who ia doomed to a life of Buf fering may be healed! Then, as the thought grows upon you, what it meana in have Christ o me to your town, you forget yuur horror ovir your owo position aud how meaoly you will appeir as His follower when He looks upoo you as you really are, ind go to eagerly planning how others may be told of the wonderful news. Your heart ainka at the thought that He has come on i week-day night, aod because every one ia io given over to bis own plant tod pleaaurei yon feel very certain there will be but a poor ahowiog at the church to night, not more than the usual handful who attend the nraver meeting; where Chiist it always expected of course, in spirit. It is a pity He could not have come on a Sabbitb and bad it aonuunoed long beforehand. You would hve then dooe jour bett to make it known nd urge auch ind tuch I one to come to the meeting, ind yon would hive prayed for a pleaaant aigtii that a large aadieooe might be out, and would you? Are you sure? II aa He not been expected at every meeting for prayer that has been held in Hit house ill these yeart? Has He not promised to meet there? Have yoa ever by ao much as a word iotittd tboee peop'e lo eome aud tee Him and learn what manner of peiaon He be? Have you ever put off ao evening gaiher- lag lo go to hear Him unless it w.l more thin convenient to do so? yoa hid iway tbe book a you bave beea reading and resolved to read they were is my wife's name, aaaWaaWaWaWaVaWaWaWaWJaWaWJ CJr CATHARTIC ya lh TIMOl Malta aeenltMO'taJ The diairactintr headaches from which no many women auffer make life a daily purgatory. If men suffered with head ache as women do, business would be almost at a standstill. Does not the fact that women only auffer from these severe headaches suggest that there muat dc a womanlv cauee for them 1 When the womanly organism a aim- eased, headache, backache, nervousness and sleeplessness are consequences which are sure to follow. 41000 Reward for Wommn Who Onnnot be Ourodm Backed on by over a third of a century of remarkable and uniform cures, a record auch as no other remedy for the diseases and weaknesses peculiar to women ever attained, the proprietors and makers of Dr. rierce s rsvOTv? rTracripiioa now icci fully warranted in offering to pay $500 in legal money of the United States, for any case of Leucorrhea, Female Weakness, Pro lapsus, or Falling; of Womb which they cannot cure. All Ihey ask ia a fair and reasonable trial of their means of cure. World s Dispinsaby Medical Asso ciation, Proprietors. Buffalo, N. Y. a I took two bottle, of your 1 Favorite Preacrlp- tioa ' and two 01 the ' Goldeo Medical Discovery ' and in feeling well." write. Mr. Dan rnc- B1 ...... 1 I. l . . 1. 1 PMut Tail. Good. DO Good. Never Hlokon. Weaken, or Qrlpe. 10c, SbC, iCo. CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Surliaa kraal, ra.au,, CMms, aaatra.1. Sea Vaffc. SIS III. Tfl HAr Hold and (iiaranteed tf alldnif HUmU'DAS gl.uw CVHH Tobacco Habit DOIM'T fcXPECT WORDS OF PRAISE For "the Piano with the sweet tone" from dealers in pianos of other makes. We've grown accustomed to having dealers de fame our queenly instrument that we look upon their outbursts with a feeling of P'ty- . THE ARTISTIC STIEFF PIANO Is sold wholly on its MERITS. It la an ARTISTIC CREATION, far away and beyond its nearest rival for supremacy. That's why it carries off the FIRST PRIZE MEDAL whenever and wherever in com petition with other artistic inttruments. INVESTIGATE! 8 T I E F F, 66 Oranby St,, Norfolk, Va. 6' S. NuBsear, Mgr. oct2Ily. . ; .1" a-anaia (J Ijiajaa. Minea Cane Breton Co.. Nova Hentla. "I had uterine trouble, pain ia the aide and headache. After takins vour medi cine. I aot well. Vou may publish this or uat It in .nv way von think beat. a. I cannot .peak too highly of Dr. Pierce and his medicine.." Pans. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent ret on receipt of stamps to pay expenae of mailing only. Send at one-cent stamps for the book in paper covers, or 31 atampa for the cloth bound volume. AuVlreaa Dr. R, V.Piaroa, Buffalo, N. Y. fftS a woman ao self aaaa easy maik If troubled with weak digestion, belch. ing or tour ttomaoa, asa tbsmbeilaiat Stoataeh aad Liver Tablet! tad yoa will I .trmick relief. For aait by W. M. Cobea, Druggist, WtUoa, N. a THE VEBY HABDEST. Tht hardest word For tongue or pea Are theae: "I'm wrong; Be friends againl" A COMMON KIND. "Ia he original?" "Not tt ill. Ilea oea of Iht kind thit'l ilaayt tun logout tometbiog tbat't 'j sat u good aa' aoaietbiog else." them ao more because yoa would be aahiaed 4o bave Him aee joa it each book a? Have you spread abroad the newa of Hit pre- aenot with you tod of the wondera He haidoae for yoa, even so much at the poor Samaritan woman, who testified, "Coma, see nil wbo told me all that ever I did!" Marcus Bods says: "The disciples were good men, but they went into I Sychir judgiog ibe Samarium good BLACK - DRAUGHT STOCK POULTRY Itakflnawai Block and paltry have few troubles which are not bowel and liver irregularities. Black TWimtir Htnrfc and Poultry Medi cine ia a bowel and liver remedy for ttock. It puts the organa of digestion in a perfect condition. Prominent American breeders and farmers keep their herds and flocks healthy by giving them a occa aional dose 0! Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine in their food. Any stock raiser may buy a 25-cent half-pound air-tight can of this medicine from his dealer and keep his stock in vigorous health for weeks. Dealers gener ally keep Black-Dralght Stock and Poultry Medicine. If youn doea not, tend 25 cents for a eample can to the manufacturers, The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chat tanooga, Term. Booaaua, Oa., Jaa. It, tin. Btsk-DnMSa atook and Poultry M edicts, ie the beet. I ever tried. Our ookwaatooklaabadwhasyom seat w tha saaAletH aa aow they at .ptttnc so ana. Tbsy an lootutt par sank better. REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY Made a lrijnr, l wen Man the Hlfm.o,Me. sa imsr cjxi utim limy iTrfxIucee tbe above reec.lt. In SO days. M arts powerfully and quickly. Curta wben all other, tail Sounf m-n will regain their lost manhood, aad old men will recover their yoatbini VIS or by sains ItETIVO. It quickly and rarely restores Nerreua. nan. Lost Vlt.lltr. Impotenoy. Mis htly tolsstwwL Lost Power, Callint Momory, Waauns Diseases, aad all effects of self-abuse or eseessand Indiscretion, Tfblch unQU one f or fctudy, buaioeaa or marries.. II not only cures by starting St ths seat of dlsssss, but IssiTut nerve tonlo snd blood balldor, bnat- I Id. back tbs pink glow to Ml c beaks and re. slorlhf ths Or of yoatb. It wards off rnaanltl sua iBnsuinpuoo. instu on navuaj mi.'uiw Olber. II can be carried la vest pocket. By mall, auMserpsckaas.orsli lor 4J)0,wltka past, ties writ ton soaraotae to son ae MtoM the msaer. B... ami advlw free. Addreta MAI MEDICINE CO., VHcTo5."ur, For Sals In Weldon, N. C, By W. M. Cohen, Druggist. BANNER SALVE ia the moat healinar . In the world. It cures Sores. Cuts, Burns and all Skin Diseases. It positively Cures Piles S. King-shaker, So East Ohio Street. Chicago, writes: "I bad a bad case ol Piles for several Tears. BANNER SALVE cured nte quickly and perman ently after several doctor a and remedies had (ailed to reiievs me." GUARANTEED, Prion 2S Cento 'irtjntrtb tipirttrti tirfrfrit tFto,tt6i ntuddt tWafiaVwln J Q l R Kl I ON BONUS. Z iio w Ttu. v. ... . :.J 1 : sy auuwo wuv a.w iiriuucv IV give as Boodi ia poailioni of trust, and wbo desire to avoid iikiot; friends lo be come their sureties, or who may with to relieve frieodt from farther olli- 1 gationi aa bsndsmen, should apply I ia person or by letter to ih.T. CLARK, AKdrwy: WfHoif N C.