raH hlM pr1 ran pri rsea 1 2. --"- . i j ADVBE.TISIEra- E,A.TE;S-ioiieua1'f.. A. NEWSPAPBB IT O 33 THE PEOPLE, TEI&3VES: 50 PEB annum in advance j VOL.XXXVIII. WELDON, N. C., THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1904. NO. 46 T3F mm wmm Xnam j GET IT OUT I. ,u ft : m Will do the work quickly, eSectivslv and without any injury to the diMitivs orgsns. In liri, it will Icavt you in muh better condition every wiv, for it cleanses the blond of poisonous lactic and uric aiiili that came rheumatism, kidney troublei, in dlgeition, boila, chronic conitiiation and catarrh, nd tin germs that leave one an eaiy prey to malaria, nd contiiioua blood poiton. It la not only the great-it blond purifier, but hundreds of relieved sufferers testify that it doea one thing that no other remedy doea CURES RHEUMATISM. "6(Tt AT THl JOINT! MOM THl INSIDC." AT All CHARLES 0. ALLEY, WHOLESALE Confectioner & Fancy Grocer, PETERSBURG, VA. sor.Mr. W.T. Bsugh represent! os in Eastern Carolina. Hold j our orders for him. - nnv!2 1y Is It true you wint to look old? Then keep your gray hair. If not, then use Hall's Hair Renewer, and have all the chrk, rich color of early life restored to your hair. "".W.IAtaSf"" TfjE TANNER'S PAINTS Retain th ir pre-eminence above all other branJs ii beoaOM thev lie mado of the beat material obtaina ble end are ground with great oare. It' Jour dealer don not carry them write - to tbe manufacturers. Box 180. PETER SMITH & CO., THE LEADERS OF LOW PRICES, IMPORTERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DR Y GOODS NO. 38 MAIN 8TEET, NORFOLK, VA. The Bank of Welion; , -..pWELDON, N. Oriaiiiel Uadsr Tie Laws of the State of M Carolina, AUGUST 20TH, 1892. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. TOWN OF WELDON DEPOSITORY. mniTii aain ninni lie . . lirilAL anil ounrma - For ten years this institution has provided banking t'aoilitiea for this seotion Its stockholders and directors have been identified with the business interests of ll.lifaiaod Northampton ooaoties for man j years. Monev is losned upoo ap proved eeourity At the legal rate of interest six per centum. Accounts of all are. solicited. President: Vice-President: Cashier: W. E. DANIEL. Dr.J. N.BAMSAT, ; W. R. SMITH. Seaboard, Northampton county, N. C. C. G. EVANS. WELDON, N. C. FANCY GROCERIES, FRUITS, CONFECTIONERIES. OLD WINES AND BUAXDIES SOLE AGENT POK- C4PITAL CUB, OLD FORF.STFR RYF. CALL FOR IT. A Good Easiness For Sale. Any one desiring t'b do the mercantile business io Wtldon, and want A gi business Already eatabiitbed, on EASY TERMS, writs or eall on me for pstticuler. We re now offering every Article in our More tt and below ooit FOR CASH,1 txcept a few goods just received. H, C. SPIERS. Weldon, N.C., Oct. l,liK3. utetf Trtachrrvui qJ Dtley May i rrvi raMI, OF VOUR SYSTEM NOW. DKUQOISTS. VEGETABLE UIClLIAt 3 HairRenewer I Tanner Paint & Oil Co., 1419 K. MAIN 8THEET, RICHMOND, VA. ;5oo. - - - - . . . FPOMATTOX IKON WORKS. 28 to 34 Old Street. PETERSBL'KG, VA. Manufacturersof Machinery, Shafting,Pulleys, Agricultural Implements. Having bought out Steel & Aleiao- der, founders and machinists, with all natterns. we are now prepared lo fur nish paita to machines formerly made by them. uvrtoalll to PQPfiQ.FR , , .. ...... m .... PEANUT MACHINERY apMteltr Mill work and aaatinca of ell kinda eeeeed hand machinery for sale cheap, Call on us or write tor wnai you want Monuments AND Gravestones. WC PAY thi FREICHT mnCU ARANTEE SAFE DELIVERY . . . LARGEST STOCK In tbe Syth Illustrated Catalogue FREE. THE COUPES BARBIE WORKS. (Established 1648-) lMtolrKIBaakit.. Norfolk Ta 011. THE DEVIL'S ROAD. FRANK I.. STANTON 0BT8 OFF TII1F0L 1.0WINQ AUUSINO STOBY. A iraveiier 1m his way in the Georgia woods, in the vicinity of a settlement where tho peopli were famed fur their piety, and where religious revivals were in progress the year round. Giving his horse the reiu, be was soon in so un frequented road, in which he bad not proceeded far when he was confronted by A sign, nsiled to one of the pine trees, and convoying tlii warning: ".Sinner, tinware I You are on the Rosd To the Devi! I" That was a warm prospect, but, on he mrnejed, until he reached another sign, which read: "Sinner, 8topl Or the Devil Will Get Yju, Soul and Body!" Night was cming on, and tbe woods gloomed dark around him, "I'll heed the warning, aod stop right here, till morn ing!" be muttered. "Butter the dark than the devil!-' It was late in the night when be awoke from a sound slumber in the glare of torches that al nost blinded hiiu. They were in front behind around him everywhere, il seemed, and, in tbeir ghostly liht the dim trees looked like skeletons. "Gentlemeo," he shouted, "I surren der! Just take me to the brimstone de psrtment, I've been on the devil's road II dayl" Tbey proved to be A party of 'possum hunters, who happened to stumble on him there. "For what did you take us?" tbey ask ed. "The advAnoe guard of the devil'" he eplied. TRAGEDY AVERTED. "Jnst in the nick of time our little boy was saved" writes Mrs. W. Wstkios, f Plesssnt City. Ohio. "Pneumonia had played sad havoc with dim and a terrible cough set in besides, Dootors treated im, but he grew worse every day At length we tried Dr. King's New Die- oovery for Consumption, and ourdailiog was saved. He's now sound, and well." Everybody ought to know, it's the only sure cure for Coughs, Colds end til Lnng isesses. Guaranteed by W. M. Cohen, Druggist. Price 50c. and SI. 00. Trial bottles free. THE POINT OF VIEW. "That man your automobile bowled over says he hai the number of your machine." "What did he say it was?" "Sixty-six." "It's ninety-nine. Ha was atanding no his hesd At the time he saw it." PROPER TREATMENT OF PNEU MONIA. '. Pneumonia is too dangerous a disease for Anyone to attempt to dootof himself, although be may have the proper reme dies at band. A physician should al ways be called. It should be borne in mind, however, that pneumonia always results from a cold or from An attack ol the grip, and that by giving Chamber lain's Cough Remedy the threate-td Attack of pneumonia may be warded off This remedy is also used by physicians in the treatment of pneumonia with the best results. Dr. W. J. Smith, of Sanders, Ala., who is also a druggist, says of it: "I have been selling Chain berlaio's Cough Remedy and prescribing it io my practice for tbe past six yesrs. I use it io oases of pneumonia aod ha e always gotten the best results." Sold by W. M. Coben, Druggist, Weldm, N. 0. TUUKISU IMtOVEUBS. With patienoe four grapes become sweet sod ihe mulberry leaf tstin. By the time the wise man gete mar ried the fool has grown-up children. Give a swift bone to him who tells the ttuth, to that as soon as be baa tnld it he may ride and escape. Be oot AO severe that ynu are blamed for it, nor to gentle that ynu are trampled ULHJU fwf it If you hare to gather i borne, dolt by tbe atranget'e hand November ( entury " MORE RIOTS.. Disturbances of striken are oot nearly grave as An individml disorder of the system. Overwork, loss of aleep, oerv tension will be followed by utter oollapse, nnleaa A reliable remedy is im mediately employed. There's nothing ao efficient to oure disorders of the Liver or Kidoevs as Eleetrio Bitters. It's a won J.,.r.,l innin and rftVctive nervine end the greatest all around medicine for run down systems. It dispels nervousness, nneu n.ti.n. and Neuralvia aod exnela Malaria germs. Only 60c, nod sAtislaetioo aranteed by W M. C ben, Uruggiat LOOKING AHEAD. "Th man I marry must promise nev At to iwemr. - ' "My dent Clara, is your cooking as bed as all that?" MAKE HOME COZY. Every home should be made iiiTtuter in the 8r AiTrS'by some uewe ol Our large and Attractive stock and seasonsble prices will tempt you SPRING Furniture, DESKS, CHAIRS, ROCKERS, CABINETS, Lamps, Morris Chairs. mmmm A Pretty Carpet makes your home cheerful. Our Carpets do more, they make you cheerful and our low prices make you PETERSBURG. VA. A SONG OF Fere you well, 0, Winter, with all your wrath and wrong I There's a mockingbird it-singing, and his heart is in the songl He's siogiog of the May And the things the flowers would say. He's singing you away, Winter, singing you away I Fare you well, 0, Winter I In dim and daisied dells I hear the tinkle tinkle of the thrush's silver bells I With blue skies for tbe gray, The music dreams of May, It'i singing you away, Winter, singing you away! Fare you well, 0, Winter t No more the hills you know : We'll pelt with reddest roses the armies of the Snow t The Springtime bugles play Where the world makes holiday ; Life's sioging you away, Winter, singing you awayl FRANK L. STANTON. SMILES WILL COST YOU NOTHING. Ob, let's put away the worry and the heartaches for awhile And look upon the sunny side of life And meet eseh rugged obeUcle witb just a pleasant smile Aod forget about tbe troubles and the strife. Let's be glad, and we'll be happy, and the eares will fly away, And we'll only see unclouded skies of blue, For remember thst A smile is worth A hesrtsobe Any day, And glad smiles cost you nothing heartaches do. Don't be grieving over errors that have been made in the past, But resolutely face the glad tpday; We will meet with tome discomforts, but these trials seldom last If we smile the doubts sod borrowed fears sway. Let's go sioging on life's journey with a heart that's glad and light, Filling other lives with joy aod sunshine, too, Aod remember thst a smile is worth A liesrtache any day, And glad smiles cost you nothing heartaohesdo THANKSGIVING, Let us shout a glsd hosanoa from the green earth to the sky In thanksgiving for the beauty that eball never fade nor dio. Earth is blest beyond comparing let all creatures thsnkful be That the valley smiles with plenty from the mountain to the sea. There's the plowman with his horses aod the angler with bis book, Aod the lover with bis lassie and the scholar with his book. Oh the earth is rolling onward, leaving sadness in the rear, And the highway lo the kingdom shines before bright and dear. Not a lepbyr greets the morning but it bears upon ill breaat Ioeense from affection's altar, echoes of celestial rest; And tbe night of gloom and darkness is a prelude to tbe day That is soon to butst upon us in its golden, glsd array. Tben tbe day will be the brighter fot the night that oanie and went And tbe earth will smile with beauty and the air will breathe content; And the riobeat boon of heaven will upon orcation real, While the friendships long forgotten springs anew within (be breast. Thus the Father of tbe faithful stretches out bis gentle hand To prnnounoe tbe benediction of h'S love npoo the land ; Then the m uotainaoaioh the echi, end repent it once Again, And the forest bows approval and Ihe vale responds "Amnl" KEEPING FHIEND3. Fliendsbip is worth taking .trouble About. It is one of the tb.ugs sbout whioh we thould remember the tpostVs oommaod, ' Hold fart to that which ia wood" Thorcauaaid:"The only danger io I'nendahip is thst it will end " Cor respondence and conversation and social courtesies are ibe ways in which we throw guards around our friend-hips lest tbey end. A men who loses a friend for want of a letter now end then ta like the man who loses bis money for lack of A pocketbook. He ia losing a very preci ous thing for Isck of a very little ex pense snd trouble. How carefully Jesus eeleoted the oloae circle of His friends, and how waiohfully He guarded their mutual friendship after He had selected them. ' The friend who Atiaketh elotcr than A brother is always one who has t: ken somo trouble io tbe matter of his friendships. Let us be eareful thai we do n,,t go through with boles in our pockets through wbioh onr friendships slip Sunday Bcheol Times . ' j Lsiioeee is a disease thst is responsi ble for a lot of ehronio invalids. SPRING Cbinai are, ' Jardiniers, Vases, Busts, Statuettes, CLOCKS, Dinner Sets. positively happy. FAREWELL. EACH DAY'S LIVING. Our life may be food to u, or may, if we have It n, be poison, but one or the other it must be. Whichever and what ever it is, beyond al! doubt, it is eminent ly real So merely as the day end the night alternately fohow one another, does every day when it passes into dawn, bear with it its own tale of the results whioh it has silently wrought upon each of us for evil or fofgood. The dsy of diligence, duty and devotion leaves richer than it fonnd , richer sometimes aod even commonly in onr eircumstanoei, rioher Always in oursjlvee. II ISN'T NECESSARY. "Do you tell your wife wheo ynu have done wrong?" "No; she tells me " Houston Post. If troubled witb weak digestion, belch i g or sour stomaoh, nse Chambcrlsio'i Stcmaeh and Liver Tablets end you will est quick relief. For aJc by W, M. Cohen, Druggist, Weldon, N. 0. T IS A MATTER OF HEALTH lb Abtolutelr Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE LEAP YEAR PENALTIES. WHAT A HAN MUST FAT IF Bl BKJECT8 PROPOSALS. It'i all very well to entreat tbe plead ing maiden to arise from ber koees, end to tell her kindly but firmly tbst you will be a brother to ber, though you can not feel (bet you love her well enough to trust your little heart in ber keeping. It'i all very well and very easy to do that. But have you thought, young man, about tbe penalty you must pay for rejecting the lady's offer? Do you know whst you have to give every woman whose bsod you spurn, in the year when the feminine sex is per mitted to take the first leap into matri mony? Well, brace yourself up, tben, and pre pare to bid farewell lo t considerable portion of your patrimony, especially if your fascinations are likely to bring down upon your head a numbor of pro posals. For the forfeit you must pay for eaoh rejection ii nothing less than a silk dressl By whose authority? By the Author ity of tradition, young air! That same tradition which sets apart all the Leap years for the benefit of maids who want to marry. This punishment seems io no wise to St tbe crime, but it's the punishment that baa been nanded down through tbe ages, aud it'a got to be taken manlully. Tradition is mute upon the suhjeot is to whether it has to be a rainbow taffeis At' 39 oents a ysrd, or a lustrous, regal silk At $3. It is merely stated in the bond that it must be silk. Io order to avoid mistakes, it would be best to take your iiter into your confi dence; tell her what color eyes and bsir the rejected lady has, describe ber height and figure, and then be guided by your aister'i advice, only being careful to pay at least four times as much is the price she suggests, because if there is a pieoe of silk to be had for ten cents a yard, that's the pieoe your sister will suggest for thst other woman. This is curious, but you will find it a fsot. Really, you ean afford to pay some thing for that dress. Consider how much more economical it ia to buy one gown now, at any price, than to have to go on buying gowoa for her all your life! And the best thing ynu oan do ia to pray that your proposals may all oome riitht now, "in a heap, hen there aie bargain sales of silk in all the shops That's the cheapest rate at which you can have to escape from a perplexiog situation. 'AS YOUR MOTHKR TAUGHT." The beauty of Christianity ia that it sustains us just when everything else bieaks down. Col. Ethan Allen was reading Dr. Elliott some i f his skeptical writings, Just then t servsnt entered the library and informed Col, Allen that his daughter, who was sick in the next room, seemed to be dying. The two sentlemen hastened to the chamber ol death. Tbe wife ol Col. Allen wai pious woman and bad instructed her daughter in the truths of Christianity As soon as her father appeared at her bedside she said to him: "I am about to die; shall I believe io the principles you have taught me, or ahall I believe as Iremely agitated; bis ohin quivered; whole frame shook; and alter watting s few minutes, he replied, "Believe as your mother has taught yen A 8HEUL.OCK IN SKIRTS. .'Irs. A. "Why in the world do you leavt that little pun of powder on your chin?" Mrs, Z "For my husband to blow off. You know he is such an observing man. Mr. A. "Ia there iny resson why you should wish him to blow it off?" Mrs. Z "Yea, I can detect bil breath." SOME EVIDENCE. "Is old man Blank iuperstitioua?" Well, he won't fray a bill oa Friday.' Illwiooi ol courtship are more pleasing than realities of matrimony. P017DEB DIDN'T GIVE HIM TIME. MIW VIRSION OF JONAH AND THl WHALE. The negroes were holding a revival meeting in the suburbs of a southern villiage. The venerable parson, who was enlightening hi' bearers on tbe story of Jonah and the whale, made 'h'u astound ing statement: "An' Jonah wui ih'owed, bead over beds, inter de middle er de sea, en lo, en bebol'l de wbele rii up, en kotched bio a-oomin', en ohawed him ter niiu 'emeat, bat, shoes, en al! ' Here, sn old deacon, in the ''Amen Corner" rose to a question of piivilr.e, and aaid; "You doo't read dut Scripter right, parson; de whale didu'i chaw him up, bit swallered him whole en' aliv,! ' "Br'er Tbomai," said the preacher, "is you preacbio' dis sarmont, or is I prescbin' it?" "You a-preacbin' er it," was the reply, "but you ain't preachin' er it right. You et fur at sea e what Jonah wuz!" "Well," said the preaober, "maybe I is, en msybe 1 sin't. Maybe I knows de Scripter, en maybe I don't. Well, den: Ef, fer de sake er peace en har mony I 'grees ter de proposition dat de whale didn't chaw him ter mincemeat, but dea made nne moufull er him, will dat keep yo' mouf abet 'twel I reach de doxology? Tell me dat!" "Hit sho' will," said the old deacon. "Dat'l ill mycontendinl" Then the accommodating parson re modeled his statement; but, after meet ing, he was beard to remark: "1 spec' de resson de whale didn't obaw bim ter mincemeat wuz Jooah wut so skcered, he didn't give him ttme! ' THE LITEST OF THE PHILOSOHERS "A great big able-bodied man like you ought to be ashamed to ask a stranger for money," said tbe well-to-do citiien. "I know I ought," answered Mean dering Mike "But, mister, I'm jet' naturally tno kindbearted to tap 'ia on de head and take it away from him." Washington Evening Star. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery CURES Weak Lungs. $3,000 FORFEIT WUI be paid by the World's Dispensarr ni rut mi Association, rropncuirs, nui falo, N. Y., if tbey cannot show tbe orig inal siimature of the individual volun teering the testimonial below, and also of the writers of every testimonial among the thousands which they are constantly publishing, thus proving their genuine ness. "When I commenced taking Your iDtxHdriM, eighteen months ago, my health wm completely broken down," writes Mrs. Cora U ftuwlerlind, of Chaneyville, divert Co., Md. "At timet I could not even walk acroaii the room without paint in mv chest. The doctor who atttndtd me tatd I Mad lung tromhU, mnd thmt I would nevn hi well again, at l conciuura io iry t. ntax medicine.. I bought a buttle of' Golden Med ical Ihtrovtrv.' took it. and soon commenced to feci a little better, then you directed me to take both the 'Golden Medical Discovery' snd the Fsvorite Prescription,' which I did. Alto gether I htvetakcu eighteen bottle of 'Golden Medical Discovery.' twelve of the ' Favorite Pre scription.' and five vials of ' Pellets. I im now almost entirely well, and do all my work with tAit any pain wnatever, ana can run wun more se tnan i couiu lurtucny wot.- Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cleanse and regulate the bowels. lrnf lungs wefih? Dragging Pains iev Chicaoo, III., Oct,, 2, 1902. I suffered with falling And con gestion of the womb, with severe pains through the groins. I suf fered terribly At the time of men struation, had blinding headaches And rushing of blood to the brain. Whet to try 1 knew not, for it seemed that I had tried all and failed, knt I hud never traNl Wine of Cardui, that blessed remedy for sick women. I found it pleasant to take and soon knew that I had tbe right medicine. New blood aeemnl to course through my veins And After using eleven bottles I was A well woman. "Vvwtw-iv QuAl lira. Bush ia now in perfect health because she took Wine cat Cardui for menstrual disorders, bearing down pains And blinding headaches when all other remediea (Ailed to bring her relief. Any sufferer may Mcnre health by tak ing Wine of Cardui ia her home. Tbe Srst bottle convince the pa tient she is on tbe road to health. For Advice in eases requiring special directions, Address, giving symptoms, "The ladies' Advisory Department," The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tens. OASTOIIIA. Beari the ll IM 1i Hav! Always Bought It sometimes happens tliat the par-tin w'tio get a ViD msrrtage lee fronts by the mistake nf ether. Bsan the A lw K m Ham Always soujirl Bigaatu. six . yisizir of WutWZ J-CUcAtV. aSAnlfit atwafjSATafjsmns bniuntSTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS C,o' Ntifp. Alway rpllahlr. Lad If, ask Tnrrltt tbf IIII'lltWTaV.K'lt EN4jl,IMlf In Maei mrid 44i 11 tiifialliu boit, rwtUeil with blu ribbon. Tnlieasolher. Kru 1angsrAaa aubatl uUoaswad Imitation. Kuy of your DnimriM, or Hfiid -Ir. in alumiM fur Partlrulara, Tfl- v return Hall. I0.OO4J 1 efUuuoiiltUa. bold by 1 UruKKirUa. unii Aim - aviin lor i.MiifM," tt truer. 0H1CHBBTBB OHBMIOAL OO. SIM HaJlMa Mqasre, PHI LA., PA. Hcntlan tfcU aapar. vkkfc4 BO YEARS' I Lr EXPERIENCE i Trade Marks nfti-ttui Designs Copyrights Ac. quickly ascertain our opinion fre whether an limmtlrm is probably patent utile. ConiniiintPa tloiks hi ncl ty confident lul. HANDBOOK on Patent tent frefl. Ohlest ounnrr for securing patents. Patent! taken thro tilth Munu A Co. receive wpeeuu notice, wit nnui cnnrge, in me Scientific Jfmcrican. handsomely 1) hint rated weekly. Largest ep ilation of any Bcleiilllle Journal. Terms, 'A a pur; iour mom un.fi. ouiu uyun TiewiueuierB, flUNN & Co.3e,B11'"' New York Draiioh Om. liSi V Ht. Ws.hlnuiun. D. C. .no oooie uoiA m 1,01 MIX " OflVJIIIJ 'JUMaOJ lllk-Xg BfcliailS M puv ;B 0I 'jIJO Jo -ui1aA 'mJPtB JH AQNVO 3X11 LM3. 1V3 ACINVO tiAMrwi m Hm riant in Xsjaa 4j.MJaii lttoui 0(A JOtVlAJLji Oqi Ill'SUCtf HPUV'UiHiOBtBJAOq liinA daaji 'q in, jo tu -i.ni'A" -ivp Xjoas iiMoq ii1 jo ju-bibaoiu iqiiaoq 'jwttiJJoj j.uaAvq no jf si: Ml HOi 1S38 DON'T EXPECT WORDS OF PRAISE For "the Piano with the sweet tone" from dealers in pianos of other makes. We've grown accustomed to having dealers de fame our queenly instrument that we look pon their outbursts with a feeling of P'ty- THE AK1IS1IU STIEFF PIANO Is sold wholly on ita MERITS. It is an ARTISTIC CREATION, far awaj and beyond its nearest rival for supremacy. That's why it carries off the FIRST PRIZE MEDAL whenever and wherever in com petition with other artistic in.trumente. INVESTIGATE! 8 T I E P F, 06 Granby St., Norfolk, Ta. 0- S. Nnssear, Mgr. oct 21 ly. IA Ei V I W W . RESTORES VITALITY vi Made a Well Man 3 of Me. produces ths above raanlta In SO days, n acta owftiruiiyanaquioaiy. vaivh woeo mn onwn wi. oun men will restain tbalr lost manhood, and old men will recovar their youthfui vigor by using tiEVI VO. It quickly and euraly restoras MarrottS Lost viuntr. impotancy. Via hus toisaionai Lost Power, Fallioff Memory, Wasting Dtsaaaaa, an4 all etTecta of to IT abuse or excess and IfidlaMraitoo. which nnflta one for study, business or marriage, II notonly cures by starting at th seat of disss ,bnl ui great nerve tonto and biooa Dauaer prior lug back tb pink glow to pale chewkf and re storing tbe Are of youth. It wards off TnsasUs and Consumption. Insist on having KEVIVO, nq ether. It can be carried in vest pocket. By mall, SH.00 repackages or aix for f6.00, with a possV Uve written guarantee to cor or NfttDsJ the woaey. Rk and advise free. Address ROYAL MEDICINE CO teoS."'H"fc For Sale in Weldon, N. C , By W. M. Uotien, Druggist. BANNER SALVE Is the most healing salre in the world. It cures Sores, Cuts, Burns and all blcin Diseases. It positively Cures Piles S. Kinc-abalrer. 80 East Ohio Street. Chicago, writes: "I had bad case of files lor several years. BANNER SALVE cured me quickly and perman ently after several doctors and remediea bad failed to relieve me." GUARANTEED. Prise 25 Canto IgU RET Y ON BONDS. I Those who ere required to give Bonds in positions of trust, snd who desire to Avoid asking friends to be- 1 some their sureties, or who mav wish to relieve friends from further obli-1 1 3. a, . , 1 a WAfr it gatioos ai bondsmen, should spplv jg In person or ly letter to i F..T. CLARK, Mtoriry. Weldni. N cl

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