-A. KEWSPAPEB FOR T HEP EOPLE TttR1LS:-UM PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE NO. 1 r VOL. XXXIX. WELDON, N. C.. THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1904. L -j Xi v. i I 1 Plv Ptiv.id.nn i k4 dtM thlr best to Mr Jams Willie, of DIIW ft. r. wrh a had an of tha moat lrriHlaa ..... Dmli,uYt..u ' T, , ------vr -... - - V"7.r,."V"-V.'"?,,B" IT CURED HELPLESS CRIPPLE. fit. Wllkti wtliti In the rovm of t lone Inter, 4t4 Aour 18, 1902: Mr leg. wer. 4wa buk until a feet touch-, mr h.pi. I wit helplen m btb ff eirlr W ruMba. Tht muictcs of m irmi an4 tf wcrt hard tnd ihilvelei up. I ulfrrtd d-ihm.fM'rnoff. W it if mrd bTl. different phriicim. in McColl. Uilloa aft Marion, but no- of them could do mt any food, antH fit. J. F Iwtnf. of Dillon, toM iM lo Itr rt RHEUMACIDE. I bf(in to tike It, m4 belort the firtt butt. VU tcd I be i in tort better. I 5 bottlei and vii completelr cured." Dr. J. P. Eving Molrou Mr. Wilkes' tatement ia ttttf pirli caltr. rilKK TfllAL aoTTLK IfNT am ... .-.vines nt OBBITT CHEMICAL CO., PROPHICTONt. MLTIMORI, MO r " mi 1W ft H fl '1 I I rl f I DEFINITIONS "o't:. f'BstaVER. ME HOM E C0Z7 INESCAPABLE TEMPTATIONS. CHARLES 0. ALLEY, WHOLESALE Confectioner & Fancy Grocer, PETERSBURG, VA. jr.Mr. W. T. Biugh represents ua io Eastern Carolina, him. Hold jour orders for dot 12 ly AyeriPil!s Want your moustache or beard R II P if I M H U A M ' Q I1VC ....... UU U 111 II U II H III 1 II 0 I '1 USk. rini elk u mat-uian. .u. .,.,, . .... w V"r" fgetable, liver pills. That what they are. They cure stlpation, biliousness, neaaacne. U'S.TK?;: " i-iautiful brown or rich black? Use TtjE TANNER'S PAINTS Retain their pre-eroincnoe ibuve all other brands ia because they are made- of the beat materials obtaina ble and are ground with Brett eare. If your dealer doe Dot carry them write to the manufacturers. Boi 180. Tanner Paint & Oil Co., 1419 E. MAIN SJREET, RICHMOND, VA. PETER SMITH & CO., THE LEADERS OF LOW PRICES, IMPORTERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND-DOMESTIC DRY GOODS BO. SSHtt M AIN 8TEET, NORFOLK, VA. Tie Bant tf W, ::::5:WELD()N, N. C Orianizefl Uifler Tie Lais of tk Stale of North Carolina, AUGUST 20TH, 1892. 8TATE 0? NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. TOWN OV WELDON DEPOSITORY. UNTIL MD SURPLUS $31,000. For ten yean (bit iostitutioo has provided banking facilities for this section Ita alookholdera and directors hTe been identified with the business interesta ol Halifax tod Northampton counties for many yearn. Money ia loaned upon ap proved anourity at the legal rate of interest six per centum. Aooounte of all are. olioited, President: Vice-President: Cashier: W. K. DANIEL. Dr H. W. LEWIS, W. R. 8MITH, Seaboard, Northampton oonnty, N. C. Mutritnony A gilded dagger, whoe point and t'daea are dullid by Drpcntha. etubbornncM Tho firmDcsa of a fool. Violin Ad interpreter of bunjun panaion and sent intent. Speculator A curious spociuicn of mankind, who walks with hia head in a hornet's nest of units and teni. Farmer A pruistd but slighted citi- eo who nightly enjoys tlio luiury of washing the dual of the world from his feet. Merchant A bland gentleman with whom all of us like to shake hands, and to kick at loog range. Medical Doctor A wise fellow that the world runs after, but whose bill some times grows so loDg that it is suggestiTe ot quack. Lawyer A polished blade which soon rusts when deprived of a case. Hearth A ate rile spot that blossoms as the rose, when kindness and affection throw their starlight acrsss it and the cricket sings. Gold A prccitus product which, when scattered, turns into atars; when condensed, earries its devotes lo the bot tom if the ocean. Woman A magoet that loses its power outside of the surroundings of borne. Boom A coDtemptible puppet show Boy The hope of the nation, but who frequently turns out to be the na tion of a hope, Memory The urn of petrified thorns and ashes of roses. Hope A tree on the summit of life whose golden fruit turns to dust as the wayfarer cuts from its branches a staff to support him down the western slope. Anger A sort of insanitT whose ex istence is not even softened by sympathy. Petulance The quills of i human porcupine that menace the touch of tLe dearest friend. Faith A awitohligbt that clows through the midnight rain. A girl considers it much mure vulear to speak of corns than to have them. Every hoae should be made brighter io the SPPING by some new piece of Our largo and attractive stock and seasonable prices will tempt you, SPRING Furniture, DESKS, CHAIRS, ROCKERS, CABINETS, Lamps, Morris Chairs. SPRING Cfainaware, Jurdinierp, Vase, Busts, Statuettes, CLOCKS, Dinner Sets. "AKK A KILE WHICH UUII8 Oft saw ris r los. Til E HIS WIPE'S VIEW OF IT. POINT OF TUB JOKE TUB 1'ROUINENT A Pretty Carpet makes your home cheerful. Our Carpets do more, they moke jvu vueenut ana our low prices make you positively happy PETERSBURG. VA. How to Help Your Girls. I II I I i I I If I I II 11 i-w-a 1 II If I TVt attwimia rnnlliax nf tt.. C ... 1 1 A . , . mi "uiwru vi ICS poo. ftibility no far as the home medication ol wuiitauM (miliums aJl ilir )(IIIS OT IHtyS aiC concerned. The cost of the doctor' visits ra VHrv nfn tnn fn '.A . At such times the mother is invited to write io in. k. v. rierce. ot Kutialo, n. Y., for i respondence is held strictly confidential. 0OO REWARD FOR WOMEN SATAN'S SOLILOQUY. One night as the devil sat musing alone, Id the midat of his cosy warm fire, Trying to Eguie the difference in guile 'Tweeo thief and all-round liar, Ilia memory turned to the scenes of his youth And his eyes filled with boiling hot tears; So he turned to his ledger and turned to a page, Dated about six thousand years. "I suppose," he cxolaimed, as he glanced through the book, "I'm doing the bent that I can For my business denotes a continual increase Ever since (he creation of man, IVe cribbed a good harvest for six thousand years, And should be content with the yield, And giTe my opponent permission to have The gleanings I leave in the Geld. "I've gathered a Tcry diversified crop Of merchants aoj lawyers galore; I've bouod politicians in bundles uutil The ends of my fingers ure sore, I've fiddlers, gamblers and insurance men; I've murderers, thieves and liars; I'vo filled un my furnace with green populists Till they actually put out the fires. "I've railroad conductors and doctors to spare, Horse traders and preachers to spend Republicans, Democrats, Tories and Whigs, But Tcry few newspaper men. Rut there ia one clars, I'm happy to say, Can never gain entranoe here; . Their souls are so dirty I'm sure that they would Demoralize hell in a year. "I refer to that 'thing' neither human nor beast The carrion crow of the world Who never is happy unless he oan feast On the fame of an innocent girl A million of years in my warmest of rooms His slanders would never atom; So I give-biro a match and advise him to start A select little hell of his own." i n St. Vincent's Hospital and Sanitarium, NORFOLK, VIRGINIA. COtT OF BUILDING AND EQUIPMENT, HALF-MILLION DOLLARS. CAPACITY, 300 PATIENTS. Most equable tllmito on Atlantic coast; suit air tampered by proximity of Oulf titreum. KuJly equipped with every modern improvement fur the trent rMit of disuse. A full corps of Specialists In every department. Special department for cn of r.jiifln.'meiit. Most approved X-ruy appuratus. Thor ough system uf Turkish and huaaian Baths. Want ftstss, 7 tr week; Prlvata Room Rates from $10 to $30 per week. For Cntatoffue, etc., address lilt President, SL Vincent's Hospital and Sanitarium NORFOLK, VIRGINIA. The largest and best plant in the State. .CHARLES MILLER WALSH, Also Iron Fencing, Vaaea Uuarrier and Manufacturer of IOS IIMKNMTS, TOMB 8, GRAVE STONES or every description. Freight prepaid on all shipments Safe delivery guarantied. Write f r designs and prioes etc.. for cemetery ami nthur YTx't purposes at lowext price. (.SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Work DeUvered At Any Depot. an u a. WHO CANNOT HE CURED. of remarkable and uniform cures, a record aueli as no other remedy for the diseases and wrakneaaeaa peculiar to women ever attained, the proprietors and rankers of Dr, ... . .. -v. I.UW fully warranted in offering; to pay $wo in leiral money of the I'nited Statu, for any t!c in icueitrrnea, rentaic weakness, Pro lapsus, or Fallina; of Womb which they cannot cure. All they ask is a fair and reasonable trial of their means of cure. World's Dispknsarv Mkdical Asso ciation, Proprietors, Buffalo, N. Y. Take Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pelleta instead of any other laxative. 0. G. EVANS. WELDOV, V. FANCY GROCERIES, C. FRUITS, CONFECTIONERIES. OLD WINKS AMI Hit ANIMUS SOLK AOKNT FOR CAPITAL CLUB, OLD FORESTER RYE. CALL FOR IT. ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. Croetices in the court nf ltl;c.. .... adjoining counties, and in the Nnprenia ouun ui motHK opcciai attention iriven to oollctinn nn prompt return. JXECUTR1X'S NOTICE. NOT rtUADY FOR THAT. Once upon a time, there was a spend thrift of the name of Jones, who solilo quized io this wise: "What a foil I have beenl If I had til the mone7, fir instance, that I have spent for beer and cigars I could have a good bank account instead of b.'insioo my uppers and trying to borrow tuouey from my friends I wish I had it I" Some one touched his arm He turned, and there stood his fair godmother. "You shall have your wish, my so," he said, "on one ojndition that you Defer touch beer or tobaooo again, in any form, so long as you live." Jones hesitated and was lost. "I don't want it bad enough for that." he nid. Chicago Tribune. MA UK YOUNO AGAIN. "OneofDr Kinu'a New I.lf.i Pill. I each oiifht for two weeks has put me in my 'teens' again" writes I), ti. Turner of Dempseytown, Pa. They're the best in the world for Liver, fritomach and Bowels. Purely vegetable. Never gripe. Only 25o. at W. M. Cohen's Drug store. A FEW 1)K1ARTEI). An old colored brother, who was testi fying in a juatice court, said: "Kf you pleae, yo' honor, I Itnow what I sajin' is de God's truth, kuid one er my wivis told m 'bout it yisliddy." "Why," said thejudge, "bow many wives have you, at present?" "I ain't cot but one, suh. I couldn't live in peace wid all er dem, so de rest tunned away," One of the greatest blessiogs a modest man can wish for is a good, reliable set of bowels. If you are not tho happy pos seeur of such an outfit you can greatly improve the efficiency ..f those you have by the judicious ue of Chaiuheilain'a Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are pleasant to take and agreeable in effect. Sold by W. M. Chen, Drujgist, Weldon, N C. Sick headache results Iroin a disorder ed stomach and is quickly oured bv Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale by W.M.Cohen, Druggist, Weldon, N. C. Kvery beginner in il.o Christian life is sure lo be surprised and possi'ily dis tressed by the multitude of evil thoughts by which he is Iroui time to time as sailed, says Wcllspring. So numerous and so vigorous are these demons that 'he poor, bewildered follower of Jesus is pt lo lliiok that his religious t,rofeasiona luouiy aaniiin aim that Ins hope in Christ's forgiveness is a fond and danger ous UelUIOn. It IS of Tl-rv orar im portance, therefore, that every Christian should be told at the very start that one does not on giving himself to Christ place himself beyond the darts ol the evil one. The New Testament makes it clear that every Christian must watch and pray, and this, too, without ceasing, and that nothing less than the full armer of God is lumcient to meet the varied assaults of the hosts of evil. The men who were the closest to the Lord are the men who are alwas re- minding us that if we think we stand we must take heed lest we fall. In saying this, they apeak out of their own experi ence, knowing how many are the pitfal's rhich Satan prepares for loose who de sire to live godly in the world. Rut no matter how sorely Satan tries us, we are not oondemned unless we fall. We can not escape temptation. Wo eannot pre vent evil thoughts darting through the mind. Martin Luther expressed a oom forting truth graphically when he said l oannot prevent .a bird flying over my head, but I can keep it fr om building its nest to my hair." As with birds so with thoughts. We oannol keep out entirely tne evil thoughts and feelings which seem to well up in the heart from some inter nal source, but we can absolutely forbid them 'making their nests in the chambers Ottheeoul. We oan sav: "Get ihe behind me, Satan," every time he appcara. I e. - . uu as onen as we are nard pressed, we oan find, if we look for it, a way of escape. Temptation, then, isnotasio; out a part ot lite on eartb. It bai its uses, one of which is pointed out in this wise sentenoe of Fenelon: "Temptations are a file which rubs off the rust of self confidence." The hymn puis the mailer right when it says: "Yield not to temptation, For yielding is sin; Each victory will help you Some other to win." PHOVF.UHS OF THE HIGH WAY. If heaven came down to earth and the angels shouted Halieluia, folks would try lo have 'em arrested for disturbing the peace, 'c know ail the sorrows of life bv name, but very few of us havo lime to attend the christening of Joy. The ages only look wise because we see them through a mis!. Wisdom lhal is new is always under suspicion The devil works six days in the week, and nobody has ever Jaught bitn s!ei pine through the sermon on Sunday. If there were no other world than this. II wou'd still be bright enough to make a glorious record in. Dignity that doesn't know itself is the geouioc arliolo The other kind can't get along without a lonkiuL'-rlaM hianton They are telling a good sloiy on t prominent citis n of Syracuse who tried In repeat a joke to his wife and found tho joke was nn himself. It seems that tho cilii'n was in a down town hat store one evening, after closing hours, and li e proprietor from some incentive said: "I will give lo any man here a new silk !' if be w ill swear on his word of honor that never since his marriage has he coat a languishing glance, or iho eye i f love on any woman olherthan his wife." A young man stepped forward and said, "Give me the hat," "Are you ready lo swear? "asked the shopkeeper. 'I am," replied the young man firmly. 'Take the hat," said the hatter, who then added: "Wbon were you married, by the way?" "Last night," replied the young man. This was the juke the '.ike on the hatter which the prominent citizen ran home and repeated to his wife with much gusto After he had fitihed tho wife did not seem lo appreciate the humor as kemly oi had been anticipated by the hu-bond W hy don t you laugh?" asked the Utter. "Don't you think it is (uDny?" "I was thinking," replied the wife " v by didn t you bung home (he hat dear "Well, darn it! A silk hat never did look well on me," remonstrated the promt nent citizen. BAD BLOOD wi.niHi inr a medicine pie.unl lo i.. .1, at .at bliKl baa lawn mirlM ami mr pun .7.1. ,S.J fi il hii waj. aiua.bAlj.ia IC. bii.LA us i.,,,,-..!. -i-.,.... M af H CANDY H V' CATHARTIC TkN'M mam MoiaTiaao aEIa!S. E"L"""'J pm'nt T"' none, no CURE CONSTIPATION. ... a...., cmm... nmn, amrui, s r.n nt NO-TO-BAC ""'"ana .iia-anlM! hr all drn- COMMISSIONER'S LAND SALE. Halifax County . 1 eeiore toe Cleric. CURED HIS MOTHER OF RHEU MATISM. "My mother has been t sufferer for many years with rheuaiatism," says W U. Howard, of Husband, Pa. "At times she was unable to move at all, while at all times waUiog was painful. I pre sented her with a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and after a few applications she decided it was the moat wooderful pain reliever sha had ever tried, in fact she is never without it now and is at a! times able to walk. An ncoasional an plication of Pain Balm keeps away the pain that she was formerly troubled with." For sale by W. M. Cohen, Druceist Weldon, N. 0. A bad man can forgive 6ome of his enemies sometimes; a good woman hers, never. One bad thing about liquor ia encourages some men to sing, that it Hiivinn qualified as eieentrii nffh..u R. Onrkin, decoaaed. late nf ll.ilii,,. county, N. C , this is to notify all persons haviiiir claims mminst, thn Mtuia i-....;.i deceased to exhibit them to the under- ftiunttl AYMHitriT nn ni l,-rn.-il ....- . v., u. ,n.vi. UI.,)., (my of March, 1!XI5, or this notice will h. of piles causing 24 tumors nieaneu id nar nt I leir imvlv... ah - . t ,- , .. . aon, indehfd tsi " I..'' ;"", l0" " . niii it pum make immediate navmcnt Tl.t. 'it.i a... of March. lt4. ' B. M. CUKKIN. "--' V, U I ft JO. Sards Oayi.e, Attorney. QUICK ARREST. J. A. Gulledge, of Verbena, Ala , was twioe in the hospital from a severo case Alter doo- Bucklen's Arnica Salve quickly erresled further inflammation and cured him. It con quers aches and kills pain, 25s. at W, M. Cohen'a drug store. A SURE THING. It is said that nothing ia sure except death and taxes, but thai is not al together true Dr. King'a Now Di,cov- ery for Consumption ia a sure cure for all lung and throat irouiilea. Ti,, ....;. can testify to tha'. Mrs C. B. Van Metre of Shepherdtown, W. V., aays ' I had a severe easeol Bronchitis and for a year tried everything I heard of, but got do relief. One bottle of Dr. King'a Mew Diacovery then cured me absolute ly." It's infallible for Croup, Whooping Cough, Gtip, Pneumonia and Conaump- y it. ii a guaranteed ny W. 81. Cohen, Druggist. Trial Reg six 5Uo, $ 1 00- bottlea froe. THE I'XKXOWK IIEUO, "There goes an uokuown hero!" ex claimed a man on the Highway. "For heaven's sake, let him remain uukuown'saidi friend "Put hia on the hilltop, and everyhody'll discover lhat he's as common us the re t of hu manity, and, ten to one, he'll be disap- p inted with himselll" OABTOIIIA. a I anal Van Haw Aloip BouM , a IM Kind Vai AFFLICTION THAT PAYS. A psalmist once said: "It is stood for me that I have been afflicted; lhat I might learn Thy statutes." Ho might not have sought the ways of God had he not found his own ways hedged about him. Ilia experience was lhat of great number of men who discovered riches in affliotion which were otherwise not to be found The depih of human love and aympathy would never be known il it were not for affliotion. Through sorrow there has often poured i wealth ofloveand affeotion, marvelous in its sweetness and power. It waa not until he was alHioted lhat the psalmist saw the glory of the holy law. It ia in affiicti, o also lhat the glor? of human love abinct out, richer by far because it is charged ith the holy love of God. Yes. it is a dear price to nav. hut in ih .r..t... we shall be able to say that it waa worth paying. Baptist Union. A STARTLING TK ST. To save life, Dr. T. 0 Merritt. of No. Mehoopany, Pa., made i atarlliog test resulting io a wonderful cure. He writes, "a Patient waa .ii.l) ;,k violent hemorrhages, caused by ulceration of the stomach. I had often found Electric Bitten excellent for acute stomach and liver troubles so I prescrib ed them. The patient gained from the first, and has not had an attack in 14 months." Kleclrio Bittora are positive ly guaranteed for Dyspepsia, Iodigcation, Conalipation and Kidney troublos. Try them. Only 50o. it W. M. Cohen'a drug store. A woman's faoe is her fortdoo or, peihips, the fortune of he. droggta. BLACK - DRAUGHT STOCK -nd POULTRY MEDICINE Stock and p nltrv have few troublea wnicn are not Dowel and li ... Jm.milaril am H I n lr Draught Stock and Poultry Medi cine ia a bowel and liver remedy lor stock, it puts tne organs ot digestion in a perfect condition. Pn,.n.n.nl Amoro'tin LvnaAH farmers keep their herds and flocks healthy by giving them a occa sional dose oTftlack-Prmnght Stock and Poultry Medicine in their food. Any "lock raiser may buy a 25-cent half-pound air-tight can of this medicine from his dealer And keen his stark in vifmrnn. health for weeks. Dealers gener ally keep Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine. If yours does not, aena ca cents tor a aampie can to the manufacturers, The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chat tanooga, Term. North Carolina. In the Superior Court. G E Matthews And nii'u x ur ui' thews, Pattie Thornton, Margaret Thorn- nuoiiune mormon, the lust two by their next fiien.l I,.h.. t- .u. Court: ' Hy virtue of power vested in me by a decree entered in the above entiiledaction, I shall sell for cash at public auction in the town of Enlleld, on the 21st day of ..,,, 14 o ,.,,. Mi t)e 00w,n), described real estate lying, being, and situate in the county of Halifax and Rtate of North Carolina to w it.- That Ian1 fully dcsertlied in the petition in this action, and hounded by the lands of Joe Draper, Wm. Smith, and others, and by the public road leading from Draper's Crosa Koadato Halifax, and containinn one hundred and fifteen (115) acres, more or less. This the 18th day of April, 1904. B. D. MANN, Commissioner. LHiChESTER S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL FILLS T JRJ,V uii..d r..:" ' r nd a,. inT,;,T;;; p;, v: rK iv.uoo lutimuDla, Huldby all lliueirliu.. CHlOHBflTVR nnMu.a... 91 00 aim Dqaarc, IIIILA PA- MutUa IAU him, DON'T EXPECT WORDS OF PRAISE For "the Piuno with the wAtnni dealers in pianos of other makes. W.'v. grown accustomed to having dealers de- lame our queenly instrument that we look upon their outbursts with a feelimr of pily. THE ARTISTIC STIEFF PIANO IbsoW wholly on its MEEITS. Tt. i. .n ARTISTIC CREATION, far awav anfl beyond ita neareat rival for supremacy. That'a why it carries off the FI RST PRIZE MhDAL whenever aud wherever in com- petition with other artistic initrumente. INVESTIGATE! S T I E F P, 66 Granhy St, Norfolk- V. 0' S. Nussear, Mgr. net 21 ly. RooHBuaa, Qk Jan. 80, 1803. BlHk-Dmucht Stock and Poultry lledlolnalatliatwitleT.rtrl.d. Our took waa lookinr bad when yoa aent ma tha raedielna and now thay ar fettinf so floe. They an lookini 30 par cant, battar. b, r. BauuaiiNaTOif. J SALE FOR TAXES". I will sell to the hluheat hl,l,i.. r . - -o .......i. iui uM.ii ai me court nouse doar in the liwn ni naiuax. June n. ltaia rnr favu . i.. . ; I -, . , ,m (,. lowina described re.il tt. i- u..i:f. . ' ... 'u iimnuft uinusinp, naiuax county, M, o. Mack Jones, 1(1 acres. Amy r.aton. SallieEppa, 1 ' Kenj Franklin, 100 " James Hargrove, 2 1 " rt. Hale, 4(y " D. Austin. A " Ida Hale. 47 " W. E. Williama, 200 " Mrs W.E. Williams, 23 " -Rabria Wilkins, 61 " Lobelhn Knight, 23 " Norman SootL Ait John Wilkins, May Daniel, K IT nivter Tax Collector Halifax Townahip 153 2 1.12 1.72 SUA 6.36 1.66 1.86 5 7 05 2 27 220 2.20 2.75 2.12 DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Havina nua1i6ed . utmini.i-.. n. C. Basg, deceased, late of Halifax county' N. C. this is to notify nil claims against the estate of auid deceased exnioit tnem to the undersigned on or before the Slat dnv nf MM.h i,i: ..... . notice will be pleaded in bar of til.!. . COTery. All persona indebted to id esUte will pleaae make immediate payment. SANDS OAYLE, Administrator ef W.C. fiftta "hREVIVO tWjUO REST0RE8 VITALITY CfeT Made THE 'WVt.MM. pnEuon ii.E3vi.mj v prodnn.. tha above results In 30 days. It aeti tww-rfolly and oulckly. Curea whm all othara tall, i oung mn wl 11 regain tbair lost maubood, aod ol j S!?.,Ti'L'0'r ,lle'r Jou'htul vigor by gain. EVITO. It oulckly and aurely nitoraa Nurroua. noM. Loat Tltallty, Impotency. Nightly Imlauona, LoitPoiwr. Falling Memory. Wanting Oli-im.anl ail effocta ot nlf abuso or oiouand Inducntlon, nhlcb unnu on. lor study. buaiMu or mutta. II not only curoa by starting tt tho seit of dlMw.. but a urett nerve tonic m.0 blood bnUder, bring. Ijg b.ck tb. pink glow to pale cheek, and r torlng th. Ore of yonth. It ward! off Iniinlli ana Consumption, lnalst on having BEVIVO.no if nn c,n b c,m"1 10 roekrt. By nail, ,. .. ..ft 1UL WO.OO, WIIU ma. medicine co.. Tsrsp For Rale in Weldon, N. C, By W. M. vouen, Druggist. Dr. Bouvier's Buchu Gin A sure cure for all KIDNEY AND ULADDKK TROUBLES Recommended bv beat nh..il.. e .u. country. For sale in Weldon by W. W. KAY, BflHtofWinnt Whi.L.n. ..... r. .. JwayaonhaudV' " - "ranale I keep th beet of eTerv thine in m. pne. im-Polite attention to all at KaT'i west side JR. R. Shod. my 9 ly. O UONDS.f a Those who are required to give f Boads in position! of trust, and who do8i 'o "void "king friends to be- f me their sureties, or who nay wish i in i;n-. f.:.. i p a .. ... $ "" "inuua irom lurihet obit- I gatiooi i bondmen, ah on Id apply in person et by letter t wiMMW aaft 1 ) 4 1 t j j i J. W ,T.,. j-.-Qf J, ,- - w ? l3Siiaiir;l