J'-A."JD1TBKTISI1TC3- :r,A.TES-M0)kkatb. A. IT E "W SP APBB FOR THE PEOPLE TEBMSHU" PER ANNUM IN ADVANCK. VOL. XXXIX. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1904. NO. 7 4 'I J If n 51 u i ! I- it il ir I u MM X 0 Farm Tools and Supplies Large Illustrated Catalogue for i 1004 Just Issued, embracing y Hand, Horse and Power Labor Saving Implements, ft Vou must save as well as make money. Write for this FRKK catalogue at once. NORFOLK FARM SUPPLY CO. Implemente Poultry Suppllet Fertilisers Wheel Material 41 to SI Union Street, NORFOLK, CHARLES WHOLESALE Confectioner & Fancy Grocer, PETERSBURG. VA. pMr. W, T. Biujh rapreienti us io Eastern Caroli... Hold jour or Jen for dot 12 1j him. Perhaps you like your gray hair; then keep it. Perhaps not! then rerfiember Hall's Hair Renewer always restores color to Cray hair. Stons fallini; hair, also. .W.lffirtzart'""' Ovsr 160.000 ONE FULL QUART OF WHISKEY FRE wuimmu. Jf ia W know Raatl wKit-nnir. J I,1yttMJTl Irani S'nriti C.r.illn., in ot.l 1 TEAK ULU Whiskey muat iilciuetir 1Z Year Hid" H-rrw mill a will iloutile the Wf hr.ve wiuie tfallnii ken i-elpt of 111 rreital all uaautf 007 Caaaer The 1 yLtli-He.K ft MONEBT-i TANNER'S PAINTS Kelaig ill ir pre-cmioeoce buT ill other brand, ia because tlipy ie made of Ibe beat mil rL's obtaioi ble and are i r.iuod with great care. It' your dealer doea not carry them write to the manufactarers. 1419 E. Boi ?J0. PETER SMITH & CO., THE LEADERS OF LOW TRICES, IMPORTERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FOREIGN AtfD DOMESTIC DRY GOODS NO. 2SS MAIN 8TEET, NORFOLK, VA. Tie Baulrof W, -::::::WI3LDON. N. C.! OriacM Under The Lai. of the State of North Carolina, AUGUST 20TH, 1892. STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. TOWN OF WELDON DEPOSITORY. CAPITAL MO SURPLUS $3 J, 000. For ten yean this institution has provided banking facilities for thia lection Its stockholders ni iiinotw have been llamai and Northunpt'm uiuniies tor many years. Money Is loaned upon ap proved security at the legal rate of interest lii per oentum. Aooouota of all are. .olioited. President: Vioe-Presidenl: Cashier W. K. DANIEL. Da II. W. Jicksjn, Northampton oouoiy, N. C. The largest and best plant in the .CHARLES MILLER WALSH, Uuarrier and Manufacturer of MON- I UMKNNTS, TOMBS, GRAVK aAlao Iron Fencing, Vase. ffc-TTr STONES of .very description. . for cemetery and other JrfSji. Freight prepaid oa .11 ..hipae..!. pur"low"tprif.!rf Safe delivery guarantee'. Writ. I r 8TISFACTI0N GUARANTEED, -designs aod prices r Work Delivered At Any Depot. otlllj. STEEL BEAM REPAIRS. This far-famed and world renowned Plow we guaran tee you It worthy of all that la aald In pralie of It. Wood Beam alto furnished. Write for large Illustrated Cata logue. Wa are general dlitrlbu tort of the GENUINE ONLY. INCUBATORS AND BROODERS. Season la at hand. HEN PRODUCTS higher than ever. Our prices Tnw. Write for Free Catalogue. VI 0. ALLEY, VEGETABLE SICILIAN nairKenewer the meaning of wonts and will do at w mv. W. rltla 4 be th lor-i-er1c4 VV.Ul.ry tW-.r aad the Laravat Mall Or.- Whl.krj CaNc.ra la the Haiti h. All tlii bwrih i arallna W al-.t-j we aril la aaad -there' baa. l'wijlt! lw "mi Irtn't a Jultrat II lliey bit how they are la .una', a-'iifm irtnotvu 101 mixing, meiiuiiw ana cu mora traniiinr om wuuitey ami hsi wurr man .x-lltor. N'aaarr'a II Year Old" H hlli la malic by uoimt peonla ID toe ntountama of ull tvle nu'wr atllu. luit a H waa intuit- h mr urandfaihim. fint-rmU wlilakcy la old at 6,0n to eH.OO i r iraJlon.lMit II 'a not an tn-tlrr tlinn"t'aMr'a II Year 'hi.' It w will hu It hack. Wit hT) a ranlial of SfrUO.uiiO, mil the I'poploa' National Bank and ttie lied mo tit Saving JUnk Monet whlKkry, e itTor far Pull (Jaarta af 'I'a-per'a II two namplf hnttiHi, one n, mie IB fear old a coin drinktiiu irlftpn dll for ir5.D0 taoont we almve and imt In free line Pall Uunrt Kslru. or till wliloltry ntily 7 er -Id, and will n-ml live- for 110 r wilt turn I -.li twenty Nil iuart butt lea on re and Kive fnv rknpnK, drlnktntr fflamra and aam- makikK mu wnmki'y oon leiw tuaii w W per itaiion aciivon'n. hlii in Klaln Iw-n a tllti ' ninrkH ti lmHcif pontt'iitu, and jiubravka r muat ndtl SO eettta per uuart eitra. Kiaeraa, Hnyrra We at -il Tetas, THE CASPER CQ, (Inc. Rllr. . .Tanner Paiit & Oil Co., MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, VA, ideotineu with the business interests ol LEWR W. R. SMITH. State. SERMON ON WOMEN. QBIATIST 1ABTHLY BLI8SINQ AND CAUSE OF klbSRV. "Woman," aaid the old Codger, dur ing one of hie meditative .polls, "is a perpetual paradox, a chronic coDundrum without an answer, an nokoown quantity possessed of nnopocted possibilities, or parennial priie package of pcouliar po tentialities, a oouTenticle of characteristic contradictions and amaranthine aggrega tion of other attributes which are not alliterative. "She is man's greatest earthly blessing and the cause of most of his misery. She ii bis chief inspiration to the achieve ment of all that ia good, grand and glori ous io this world, and at Jlio same time a labor saving device to help mike a fool of himself. She soothes his tired nerves ith the eoo of her gentle voice, hut she always has the last word in every con troversy with him and, incidentally, about 97 per cent, of tbo preceding con versation. She brings him into the world, and a few years later talks him to death. "Most of man's trouble is caused by woman, but so deftly doea she pile (he load on him that whenever hia burden of trouble is lifted be wonders uneasily about bui.iinu for more other wise, there would be very few aecond wives, She will oheerfully go to the stake for the truth's sake, and lie about her age without even being asked. She will grow weiry of any indulgent husband, she will cleave unto death to the man who beats her regularly. She will break her heart because t man does what she doi't want him to, and love him all the better for so doing. "She scorna all advice io the selection of a husband, but takes two olhes women along to help her pick out a hat. The less actual comfort to bo obtained from a thing, the more eojoyoseot a woman gts out of its possession. At It) the is young womao; at 25, if atill unmarried she is a pirl. She will face the grim specter of death without a tremor, and swoon at the sight of a mouse. The only lime she ever does what you expect her to do is when yon expect her to do what you dou'l expect her to do. The sole reason why she does anything is simply became she don't know why she doea it. She j inips at conclusions ami Iways lands on them squarely, for ti e simple reavon that when t ha conclusion skips to one side, thinking to avoid her, it geta exactly io her way. She ia the d arest thing in all the world, and the mast aggravating. She ia as she is, and tbat'a all there ia t do about it. The only man who ever fully undestaods a womao is th. man who understands that he don't understand her, and has got sense enough to iet it go at that. Pluck. SUN SPOTS ACCOUNTED FOlt "Well," reasoned Brother Williams, ef de sayin' is true dat bell is in de bud, it loots like dar'a some cool, black spoil on id" 'You knows what makes 'em, don't you?" asked a scientific brother. "No; doe. you? ' Yes; black spot shows up aver' lime dey pitches . nipier id" A man ia not doing hia level best who ia content to stay on the aim. level SJVV pog WOMEN WHO CANNOT CURED. Becked up hv over . third of . century of remarkable and uniform curea, a record auch no other remedy for the diseaje. and weaknesaea peculiar to women ever attained, the proprietor, of Dr. Pierce'a Favorite Prescription now feel fully warranted in offering to pay v in learal money of the United btatea, for any case of Leucorrhea. Fe male Weaknesa, Prolapena, or Falling of Womb which they cannot cure. All ther ask ia . fair and reaaonable trial of their mean, of cur.. Th. Vtct-J.Wcnt Independent Order of Oood Templara. An experience which m.ny women hive wis (ruled by MlM AKnr. limning., 01 iji i ..h fctrret. New York City, u follow! : hid very poor heillh for i year until life louked dirk litd drciry to me. llid bcld- broken ind ftlfu!. 1 lnrretl for hellth. Tried even! medicines out none were 01 iny iim lm benefit until I took Doctor Metce'l Fa- wirit. Preccrmtlon. 1 uon re.li.ed Ihlt I hid found the right remedy. It helped n.ture to throw off the poinuti. Ihlt Mtur.ted the tvMem. removed lli p.1111 Hid Mrengthened the digeMive orgkna, .ml biomilit the row. of heilth bictt to my cheek. Thil medicine If Uken occi.ionilly keep the ly.trm In perfcr condition, helpin. It to throw off the nieiie ind convequence. of noure to d.mpncll. am pleiiea to five it my endorKnieol." "Favorite Preacription " make, weak women atronar. aick women well. Ac cept no aubatitute for the medicine which work, wonder, lor weak women. Dr. Pierc'. Common Sens. Medical Adviser 11 aent fret on receipt of 11 one- cent stamp, for the paper-covered hook, or 31 stamps tor tit. clnth-rjound. Ad drea Dr. R. V. Pierce, Bufialo, N. Y. E. ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. a PrMtdce. in th. court, of Halifax, and adjoining comities, and in th. Huprema court uf the - Special attention give. tooaUwCtttta Dd proatpt rctnroa ii atp n n Hi ia . t U is l Every home should be made brighter in Our large and attractive stock aod seasonable prices will tempt you, SPRING Furniture, DESKS', C 11 A I US, ROCKERS, CABINETS, Lamps, Morris Cha'rs, A Pretty Carpet makes your home ohoerl'ul. Our Carpets do more, they make you cheerful and our low prices make you positively happy. PETERSBURG. VA. AT THE "RIVER BY FRANK L. Are you singing, my dear, io tbe depths o' the yesrs, At the shadowy brink of the River of Tears? Of the River that runs through all lives, and that seems To weave in its gray mists the ghosts of our dreams ? Beheld I O'er the desolate, flowerless sod, The bend of the beautiful rainbows of God I Are you sighing, my denr, lor . face that ia missed For lips that you loved so tbo lips that you kissed ? Do you shrink from the Silence the echolcss Night, With never a gleam of lost treses of light? Behold' though the Silcoceaod Darkness be long, Out of the Silence God makcth a song t Be this, dear, your solace, for all the dim years; Ood stands with us all at the River of Tearsl And the crosses and lo.-u-i the grief aod the gloom, Shall be Light where Hi liliis eternally blooml And we'll rest where the stars in Love's crown shall lie seven, In the glory that is not of earth, but of fieaven! OLD MAN'S When I met her, wooed sod won her, in the time of bud and bloom, There were dainty little dimples io checks and io her chin; In her sweet brown eyes the lovelight said I'd met my blessed doom, And my foolish heart went pounding till it made . mighty din, That was happy years of years ago; our love ia still the same As it was among the roses when she gave heart to me; She declares she's ne'er regretted that she took my humble name, Though she now is wearing wrinklas where the dimples used to be. Life with trie's been such . burden that she's lost her dimples now, And their former situations osch with wrinkles are defined ; There are crow-tracks 'round her patient eyes, and e'en ber haloed brow Wilb the footprints of our common caies i intricately lined, Yet to me she's still the maiden ol the time of bud and bloom, And her cheeks are filled with roses such es tempt the honey bee; Still I feel the thrill that filled me when 1 read my blcwcd doom, And her wrinkles are th. dimples that they always were to me. Some sweet day, .down the valley leading to the sunset land, When the buds and blooms are withered and life's wintry sky is gray, We will lake each other reverently, gently, by the band Through love's silence S'vcet as muiic we will softly steal away, We will find a I nd of rosea, where the sun will always shine, Where it'salwaya bud and blossom time for lovers such as wi; I still read agaio that story as her brown eyes smile Io mine And b,er wridkles will be dimples through eteroity, for me. IN SHOUT METE It. It doesn't always suit a Woman's fancy to be fancy free. The church organist's services are not entirely "voluntary" offering. To moat women "decoration' day eomes 3G5 time. . yesr. Our interest in the flag is o.a thing that never flrgs. The Mormon wilb four wives can correctly say, "Two lime, one are won." Open secrets are the result of mil keeping the n.outh rhut. The unboio lamb muat think be escaped by sheer good luck. 'I he forum, the arena, and noses were prominent Roman features. To be dumb really must be an un speakable nuisance. Cntuet, like tuauy olUt gaUiiJ, devclopa a lot of "knockers." Two aoldiers may have . falling out as the ctptsin says, "fall in! The Daughter of tbe Kemment is not the only woman who gets her legimenlala oo. AN UNSEASONABLE PHECY. PKO- "Daa'a . Dsn out in Texaa," said Brother William., "who say de wort's eoagii' ter . end next Jul!" "Dei like deoa futrin' folks," said Brother Dickey, "ter go en spiled, whole joy er watermillion season! No man ie Georgia would '.' don. it!" Constitu tion. OAPTOrtlA. Bir tin a 1" feiHl Vw Hiw Always Bottghl Bignatai. wrr my kU a S-tffli 1 . tbo SPHINQ by some new piece ol SPRING Chinaware, Jardiniers, Vases, Rusts, Statuettes, CLOCKS, Dinner Sets. OF TEARS," STANTON RETROSPECT. SUED BY HIS DOCTOR. "A dootor here has sued me for SI 2 SO, which I c'aiined was excessive for a case of cholera morbus," says R. White, of Coackella, til. "At the trial he praised his mediosl skill snd medicine. 1 asked bim if it was not Chamberlain s Colic, Cboler. and Diarrohea Remedy he used as I had good leason to believe it was, and he wo-ilj not s.y under oath that it was not. No doctor oould use . belter remedy than this in a case ol cholera morbus, it never fails. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Druggist, Weldoo, N C. When . man falls in love aiih heaven he learns how to love thia earth. THROWN FUOM A WAGON. Mr. George K lliboiek was thrown from hia wagon and severely bruised. He innlted rh.mbnrl.in'i P.in Halm freely and says it is the best liniment he ever used. Mr. Btloock is . well kuow. citiien of North Plain, Uunn There is nothing equal to Pain Bait f r sprains and bruises. It will effect . cure io one- third the line required by any other treatment. For sale by W. M Cohen, Druggist, Wcldon, N. C. The best time io .need lo your neigh bor's affair, ia i. yonr sleep. THAT THROBBING HEADACHE. Would quickly leave you, if you need Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of ..fferera have proved their milchlcss merit for Sick and Nervous Headaoha. Tbey make pur. blood aod build up your health. Only 2& cents, mooey back if oot cared. Sold by W. M. Cobeor Druggist. MARRIED AND SINGLE. 8TII.I. TAIRLY 60LID FINANCIALLY." This wu the pathetic statement made by Jean Ilariison, a Denver bottle manufacturer, al the Oalt House last night. "Tbe man who thinks it doesn't cost much to embark in the marital state hod bettor measure again before ho buys. I have oome to the conclusion that it coats as much to launch . woman on the sea of Me in these ti nea as it would to fit out a small teliooner. As to sails, oord- o, peonants aod streamers, the difcr- ence, I think, is in favor ol the schooner. As to the woman's outfit, she has to be freighted with bonnets, veils, necklaces, pins, chains, rings, rufflos, bows, bands, silks, muslins, laces, fans, boots, 'rats,' frizzes, fluffs and s Grecian bend. What . cargo this ia, too, for so small . vessell Idon'ttbiok that many underwriters would take a risk on such . craft. Men, beware of marrying a Dolly Vardcn walking advertisement." Staodiog near Mr, Harrison when ho made this humorous and at the same time pathetic analysis of the "duties of a husband" was another man who is still a bachelor. Calling the -reporter for the Herald aside he told in a subdued voice ol bis plight and his accompanying glad ness. The man is J. G. Johnson, of Los Angeles. "I hesrd that man talk and I really feel sorry for him," said Mr. Johnsoji. "He tells of one of the reasons for the growiog disinclination for marriage, but there are others. "It is possible for a man to be so in finitely oomforlable in his bachelor quar ters io these days that the necefsity for a wire docs not present itself. There is al ways the danger that a wife might prove a disturbing element. Possibly she will oppose your cigar and might have teetotal notions about wine at dinner. She is also sure to have less selfish liking for the ease and iodulgencies ol home and possess a greater taste fci sociability than the husband. "You know men nowadays must have their cigar, must be sure of their easy chair, are fond of idling over the miga ziocs snd pictorial journals, and the threat of wife who would briog in com pany or insist upon going into company is a sort of terror to a self-indulgent fel low's imaginations. "And the pipe and cigar arc so su premely Boothing and delicious! How can people expect an inveterate smoker to give up any portion of this cheiished pleasure at the bidding of . better hall? "A far better half to some of us is our tobacco pouch, which I will gamble keeps more men bachelors than anything else that can be named. "I always tell the ladies that if they want to attest the growing distaste for matrimony among men ihey had batter cultivate . fondness for tobacco smoke and develop . lazy pleasure in the Iuiuri oua ease of the parlor." Louisville Herald. lMlOVEKItS OE THE HIGH WAY. Life is certainly no dream; and yet the great dreamera of the world have made it possible to many. It's well to look to the light whci troublts curai; but frtqucntly the lighl I a dark lantern, and doesu't illuminate tbe highway to any extent. Wisdom seldom cries out io tl.estretts, these days; and very few people are will ing to follow her to the Wilderness. If there were less talk about Happi ness, and more work for it, many of us that are now in the valley would read the stars from the bills It's a happy man that sings at hii work; but some of the folks that have to listen to him don t seers to appreciate musio Sorrow comet) io any at rt of disguise, but wc all know Joy teo miles off down the road. , We .11 feel like dancing when we hear the fiddle; but when it cornea to paying the fiddler lhal'a another mallei! SOMEWHAT DIEFEItENT. "Richei remarked the man with lb qilulation iiat.it, ''have wiugs," "Oh, I don't know," rejoined the con trary party. "My mney seeui to have leet." "FiCiT ' echoed he of the prelude. ' Yes; at leaatit frequently runs eul explained the other WORST OF ALL EXPERIENCES Csn anything be worse than to feel that every minute will be your last? Such vii the eiperieooc of Mrs. S. II Ncwson, Decatur, Ala. "For three years she writ., "I endured insufferable pain from indigestion, stomach and bowel trouble. Death seemed ioevitablc when doctor! and all remedies failed 'At length I was induced tolry Electric Bitters and the result was miraculous I impnved at onoe and now I'm completely recover ed." For Liver, Kidney, Stomach and Bowel troub'es Electric Bitters is the , only medicine. Only SOo. It', guaran teed by W. M, Cohen, Druggist. LOVE AND EGGS. TT.Tfct -,5 ti Ti"V,A-j T 'li an- W? V SICK YOL'TH WILL DO WHEN Ul STARTS OUT C0URT1N0. A correspondent of the Sterling Bulle tin is reciting some ancudotes of many years ago ffhen he was a country boy in Ohio. "I well remember," he says, the first girl I went to see. 1 can tell tbe very kind of a uighl; it was winter time d aold. The girl's mother had a banket of eggs the silting room to keep ilniu from frz;ng. After we got clear of the old folks I was sitting on one side of tbe room and the girl on the olhcr, and after talking a little, she moved ber chair nearer the middle of the room, at the siuie time remarking that I seemed a ttle distant. I took the hint and got p to move my chair and stepped into the basket of eggs, I think there must avebeeo ten dozen, and I guess I broke every one of them. Since then I have been io the war, passed through nine rthquakes in south-western Colorado, one Kansas cyclooo, had the cholera, imallpox and measles, been in two rail road wrecks, heard Jerry Simpson speak twice, listened to Carrie Nation, and had frozen feet, but nono of lli' se was any comparison to the trouble I Was io when I found myself in the basket of egL'S. "In trying to get out I fell and I managed to get the eggs all over myselt as well as the carpet. The girl's mother heard the fuss and came bulging into the room in ber night dress, and as she came she yelled: 'What io thunder is the matter?' And that fool girl stood there laughing fit to kill. I tried to tell her I would pay for the eggs. Pay nothing, you green little puppy; you should be at home with your ma." Kansas City Journal. STARTLING EVIDENCE. Fresh testimony in ureal quantity is constantly comiog in, declaring Dr. Kings's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds to be uoequaled. A recent expression from T, J. McFarland, Bcntorvillc, Va., serves as example. He writes: "1 had Bronchitis lor three years and doctored all the time without being bent fited. Then 1 began taking Dr. Kioiz's New Discovery, and a few bottles wholly cured me." Equally ef fective in cuiiog all Lung und Throat troubles, Consumption, Pneumonia and Grip. Guaranteed by W. M. Cohen, Druggist. Trial bottles free, regular sizes SOo. aod (1.00. A LOTTERY. He gazed oo the maid with passion, With fervor his plea was hot, He addressed her after this fashion; "Oh, say, will yo share my lot?" And the maid, who was munchiog things candisd Most innocent damsel on earth- Raised her eyes unto his, and demanded: "Please tell me how much it is worth?' OABTOIIIA. BMrlti 1 ha Kd Vmi Hun Always Bought Bignatut ef LIVER TROUBLES ft "I fln1 Thf rlfnrd'n Blclt-DrTHtbt Etf rood medicine for liv dineasp. WT I. n,w, .nn k kmrl aaitit $100 with doctor-. It ..aUthemed icine I take." MRS. CAKOLINB MAHTIN, Carkenburg, W. Va. If your hver dors not act reg ularly go to your drupniflt and Bocure a package of Thedford's Black-Draught and take a dose tonight. rhi great family medicine frees the constipated bowels, stirs up the torpid liver and caust'B a Withy secretion of bile. Tbedfotd'i Black - Draugbt will cleanm the boweli of im purities and strengthen tbe kid nevs. A torpid liver invite col ils, biliousness, chilli and fever and all manner of sick ness and contagion. Weak kid neys mult in Bright's disease whiih claims as many victims as consumption. A 2T-eent package of Thedford's Black iraiight should alwayi be kept in the house. "I a ted Thedford's Mark Draufht for lWer and kidney com- riteioti and found no.h.nij to excel k'--WILLI AM OOKf'UAN, atar bkbetd. 111. THEDFORD'S BLACK- DRAUGHT- WAI.TKH K. DANIEL. (110. c. URIEST, DANIEL & GREEN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. Partners for the practice of all the branches of law. except criminal, in tbe courts of the 2nd Judicial District aud of the Supreme and Federal Courts i North Carolina Especial attention will be aiven to collections, to which Mr. Green will give bis persona) attention Mr. Daniel Heine Solicitor of Second Judicial District, this partnership doea not include criminal law, Mr. Green prao uciug in vuai orancn mumauaiiy. 'tTT iLi' rtrii J.1 Gin Machinery ENGINES, BOILERS. SAW MILL and WOOD - WORKING MACHINERY. WNITK FOR PRICES GlBBES MACHINERY COMPANY COLUMBIA, PIciib mention thia patter. s. c. C. G. EVANS. WELDON, N. C. FANCY OROCMiJES, FRUITS, CONFECTIONS RIES. OLD WINES AND BUANDIES SOLE AGENT FOB CAPITAL CLUB, OLD FOKliSTER RYE. CALL FOR IT. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks ftnf Designs Copyrights Ac. atiloklv iiK-i-rliim oitr omihihi in. ii . i", i is iirniinnry ,meiiHinie, , iimmunir-a. tl,,iift.iru-tlrr,,iitllintl,il. rlANDQOOK mi Talent, em free, olilrnt auflii-r fur Hpi-tirinK puleiim, 1'iilfHilj, tnki.ii llirmitrh Sluiin A i'iv rat-ntvm tpfritit notkt, without cbnrito. In tbe Scientific American. A hnntlnoTnciT tllitMrtif ft wppiIt. J.nrton rlr ml at nm hi Hiiy k U'titliln (..iimal. Term, S3 a . rt'nr; tm:r n.utit ha, L eoiutij-all now.doiilert. V1UNN & Co.36iBad" New York D ration uuicv. tun v pi wasniutduii. u. DON'T EXPECT WORDS OF PRAISE For "the Piano with the sweet tone" from ieulers in piiinos of other makes. We've grown accustomed to having dealers de- fume our queenly instrument that we look upon their outbursts with a feeling of pity. THE ARTISTIC STIEFF PIANO Is sold wholly on its MERITS. It is an ARTISTIC CREATION, far away and beyond its nearest rival for supremacy. That's why it carries off the FI RST PRIZE MEDAL whenever and wherever in com." petition with other artistic inttrumentg. INVESTIGATE! STIEFF, 66 Granby St. Norfolk, Va. 0' S. Nussenr, Mgr. oct 21 ly. REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY Made a the "'rfifA.olMa. iirodaces the aboTe reialta In 30 days II self .rawerfullj and quickly. Curea when all othantaiL k'ouDHnienwiUresito their lost maubood.and olJ caon will rvcovr their youthful vigor by nlog iifc.viu. it QuiciiyaDdBureirnttoresnerrons Deoa, Loot Vitality, ImpotencT. Ntffbtly Kroltalotia, Last Power, Failiug Memory. Waatinc DlMUe., and ill effects ot aelf-tbutie or oxcesaand Indiaeretloa, which unftta one for study. Ixmlneu or marriage. 1 not only curea by etart inir at the eeat of dlnaae. but lea great nerve tonic aod blood builder, brine lug back the pink glow to pale cheeks and r storing tbe fire of yontb. It wardf eff Tneinltf aod CODiumptlnn. IdsIbI on baring REVIVO no. oiner, it con nerarnea m Tent pociei. aj men, 91.00 per package, or six for SJ5.00, With a poci ilve written trnaranttw to rare or re font lite money. Honk und auvlso free. Aililre.a ItOYAL MEDICINE CO., iravner Bui Ming, CHICAUO, ILU For Sale in Weidon, N. C, By W. M. Cohen, Druggist.; Dr. Bouvier's Buchu Gin A sure cure tor all; KIDNEY AND BLADDEIt TKOI'IILKS Keooiumendod by best physicians at tb. country. For sale in Weidon by W. W. KAY, Best of Wines, Whiskeys and Brandies I ways onhand. I keep the best ol'everj thing in my ino. mul'olile attention to .11 at Kay's, west side H. it. Shed. btSIt- S cm VVttrV'MVvHWrYWrvr-A-.V trvWrt J gU RKT Y ON BONDS. J a Those who are required to give S Bonds in positioni of trust, and who X J desire to avoid asking friends to be- 3 ? come their sureties, or who may wish I to relieve friends from further obli- jj I gations as bondsmen, should pp!y S 5 io person or by letter to fl-.T. U.ARK, Attorney. W elJon. N cl S 9JMV-(M-Wf WMH sue oo I 4 V.v,. Ti r

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