km ill iff"lli A.D VHlITISIlTa- HA.TE3S-M0l)KRA. A. IT E "W SP APER FOE, THE PEOPLE . TBBMS:-"'M PKtt annum in advance VOL. XXXIX. WELDON, N. C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1904. NO. 13 ? 3. M l V Bnawir.a -A ES. ml il- Cow .Irove's ander'l irilyini nlnlor ). idkins) , K. 0' GENUINE OLIVER AND Farm Tools and Supplies Large Illustrated Catalogue for 1904 Just Issued, embracing Hand. More and Power Labor saving Implements. You must save as well as make money. Write for this PRKC catalogue at onoe. NORFOLK FARM SUPPLY CO. Implements Poultry Supplies Fertlllxero Wheel Material 41 to 51 Union Street, NORFOLK, CHARLES 0. ALLEY, WHOLESALE Confectioner & Fancy Grocer, PETERSBURG. VA. Mr. W. T. Baugb represents us in him. MA 17 ALUS why not stop this falling of your hair? At this rate you will soon be without any hair Just remember that Hall's Hair Renewer slops falling hair, ond makes hair grow. l"lW"r.."ty3.,'" tsrjm &: Plus fe;. M CttSI.iti.rt tSnJ ftfcl.M... I J'hl ei.l. I (..... iVs. Iinf ONE UIIISKEY Ft! f r it known tii rrinjr. known Liquid Jarl rth 0riltiut. 28 V" f It YEAR OLD II WHISKEY S I tn Hum Or Ijonc.t X INoavaCAaoijrUr'ioM.a TANNER'S PAINTS Retain their pre-eminence above all other brands is because they are made of the best materials obtaina ble and are eround with great oare. If your dealer doea not carry them write to the manufacturers. Why 1419 K. Box 180. LITTLETON HIGH SCHOOL, FOR BOYS CCPEITS -A-Ua-UST Excellent location, moderate expenses, pupils, moral training, prepares for college or ordinary duties of life. Address L. W. RAGKKY, LITTLETON. N. V, rft Bank of Wslion, ::::-.:WELDON, N. C.- Orianizsfl Under The Lav. of AUGUST 20T11, 1812. 8TATE Of NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. TOWN Ob" WELDON DEPOSITORY, C1PIT11 1X0 SURPLUS For ten veirt thin iostitutioo has provided banking fftoilitiei for this leclioo Iu ilookholder tad dirdotoM have been Halifai and Northimpton oouoties for minj jeara. Muoev U loaned upon ap proved aeouritv at the IlmI rate of intereflt solicited. President: Vice-l'iv-iJeot: W.K.DANIEL. . Dr. H. W. Jaukaon, NurtKampttiii uoiinty, N. 0. The largest and best plant in the CHARLES MILLER WALSH, ijuarrier and Manufacturer of MOM- VKNNTS, TOM B S, ORAVB -'JNE8 or every d.Miripiion. I reinht prepaid oo ull shipmcms. aciivery guarantee I, Write I r (is .!. and prices Work Delivered At Any Depot. llly, CHILLED PLOWS STEEL BEAM REPAIRS. Thlt far-famed and world renowned Plow wt guaran tea you la worthy of all that la aald In praise of It. Wood Beam alio furnished. Writ for large Illustrated Cata logue. We are general distribu tors of the QENUINI ONLY. INCUBATORS AND BROCCERS. Senon I, at hand. HEN PRODUCT higher than vap. Our price, low. Wrlu for Frw CaUlogut, VA. Esstera Carolina. Hold vow orders for dot 12 1; VEGETABLE SICILIAN Hair Renewer FULL QUART OF W knnw the meeftng of wort end w 111 do aa we iay. Wa lalet t tk Uialrl.t4 Whtak tUtua aa its lrccal Mall OrtWr WhUkf j Uaaaera In Hit) Month. All th N.rth farallaa WkULrr wa aw-1 1 U tal- .her' bail. Panpl lirn- iHiidn'iaili!itt!rU If Uiejr kite tr how -they art; late aoatMtl Hum hlkj afllfni ara doUhI for mil Inc. blunt inr and w ru mors gMUinff oia wnjfsj ana ten wair inu tii.mpflllor. OMMr'i It Vtsrllll" VVhUkrr U nun ganul m wit (or. "luaer'a It 'i made by ttntrnt people In the mount a In ulit-stilm Mtuiwr sttlla, luat u It waaina tnr irratvlfalhrrn. KtinVrmU- whiakp; kaoM at hi . luat m It u matl bj l"r ifaUl on.tHltlt'f not any bs-Ur Un "OiiMr'i II Year ruital titrMt t will Imj it tiau'k. We nava a raitUi f '),0, tail ihc 1'e'iplea' National Bank and the I'lndtnont Hatltufw lUtik of t hip city will (HI you our word la "d. To Introduce thl old. Iionf-t vhlakfiv, or ffT fatjr Pall QaarU f (4'aatrtr'n II Year OI4" two Mmplo txitUtwj, one li, one IS r nkl a mi k -ert-w ai. a ririnklnit ttlaan all farOS-tO. H &. la rni we will rtoaok tttralio: anil put In fmr Pall Qaarl Kitra. Wi Ii:iv ihi ,( thl ohlakfy only I yrarw - Id, anowill asint tlvf afallon for US or will furntah tweat ftlUiiuart IxKtlea on rs itiliit or 111 and irlve fw ror harrow a, drlnktnn ilaatea and aam Ca,niakiirtlila wlilnkr) oo-t ! than Si ( per trail on delrrd. - ahloln pUin hi. it-a wtilt no inarka to tndtcata aontenti, aa Peeaaf all Kiarraa, Hnysjra Weal ol Taiaa, 1U4UM, KebraaU tad Uakulr oiuat him ttoanU per ijuart aiu. THE CASPER CO. (Ino.) im. wiN.TN-.ti.Kii, M. A J Tanner Faint & Oil Co., MAIN 8TREET, RICHMOND, VA. AND GIRLS. 23, 1904. teschers of experience, home life for I the State of North Carolina, $31,000. identified with the buiine iotereats of iix per centum. AoooqdU ol all are. Caahier: LKWH. W.R.SMITH, State. W,Alao Iron Fencing, VaM. etc, for oemeUry and other JKi puruosn at lowest prices. aajuSATISFACTIOtt 00A8A,NTEF,D. Tunisia tir wnkuinnun how sum or ini earth s popula tion ORIIT IA0n OftlBR, A young man wai drinking toda wattr in pharmacy when t sailor entered. 'Hello, Bill," uid tht young man. "Why, hello, Cad," oxolaimed the sailor, tnd, approaohing bis iriend, he patted bin on the ttomaeh. "That'i t funny thing to do, Bill, uid the young nan, and he regarded the strokes of th. other's hand, poziler1; "That ii the handshake of the Mari ana Ialandera," aaid the aailor. "Where we (hake hands they stroke the stomach." He ordered a strawberry sundae and resumed: "Old man l'?e seen the handshake of every nation on the globe. The Zambesi people pat the baok of your thumb. The Gonds pulls your ears. Io certain very hot oountrica, like New Guinea, they sprinkle you with little water. On the Sandwich Island they rub noses with you inflating the chest, compressing the lips and distending the notrilt, they brush noses agaiuat yours for minute or more. "We, of oourso, shake hands What is the origin ol the . handshake? Some say it arose in struggle the struggle that, wbeo two persons met in the psst, each msde to kiss the other's haod. You and me, for instance, take hold of hands and I try to bring yours up to my lips to kiss it, while yoa try to do the same with mine. w. resist ooe another, ana our hands rise up and down. They shake. And that, icoordiag to some, is the handshake's origin." ACCORDING TO LAW. This story is heme told of a certain New kork politician: He had suoceeded in securing for a friend ol hist position as tax assessor at the cost of considerable exertion. Not long after the friend had begun work io his new position the politician was surprised and gtieved to see that he was taxed, ander "personal properly," 124 as the possessor of one goat. He called on his friend th assessor for an explanation, accusing him of ingratitude and forgetfnloess of favor received. 'But I couldn't do less than obey the specific details of the law," protested hi fr.eod. "Look I Here's what it says," and he read from his papers, "For all property bounding or abutting on the highways, 112 per front foot. Harper s Weekly. VICTIM OF FEMININE WEAKNESS. Dave "What's the matter with your eyea?" "Billy "Oh, I tat between tw girls n the oar. Out girl's hat jabbed1 me in one eye with a bunch of straw, tod the other girl's hat jabbed the other eye with t quill." Cincinnati Commercial Trib une. REASSURING. Mr. Thinne "Is there any danger of that dog of yours biting me?" Hiram Clovertop "No, siree, that I dog don't bite bones; he just gna-s 'em, that 'a all." Brooklyn Life. WENT TO WAIST. Her Mother "Did yon turn out the gas when 1 oo lett r Kiltv ' No m. Tom turned it oul when he came in." St. Paul Dispatch " I am well now and enjoying better health than ever before in my whole life." That la th. statement ot a woman who had never been well until she was mad. wtll by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorit. FtMcnption. There are a great many other women in like case. They have always bn from diaeuc. They have never Known in. joy m yira health. For .11 auch women Dr. Pierc'a Fa vorite riwcription hold, out th. pros pect of perfect and permanent health, by Ui. cure of th. womanly diaeaw. which weaken women. It estaiinsnes regular, itv. dries weakening- drains, heals itiflam mation and ulceration, and cures female w.aknM.. It make wak worn. atronf and sirk women well. It .Itca mt nl.Mur. to Wt ro. know of th. grl Wufil receive! frtw clura and Ihc advaM whii h rl IMrur.l r.ccww. Him. rinw. tc .ltd lh .tl.ler wtiirh rim M klwll. M writ.. Mr.. Bfrtl. KarB.r, uf Ihi.h.M, V.iinla fn Trial. " I look V votir 1 VaOtllt PrractiD. Ui.ti; 'Ool.Un HMI lHacotrry'antl 'Plrawot Mta trtild ty tliilf ! dixie and apnt out htun ttiun laDitna.- nil' am fMrtid T hail been r1r.l ilitl art liT irfai III fill a II a mrumiitj, nisi rrrrivrd wry little reiiei. I n ny aprni atenteti dotlaft aotl fifty cents for your merit due ami It ha rmrnf me in three or four raotitria of ulceration ami falUna uf uterus. I -uiftred. awvorr mlM-rv In mv ttai-k. aliio IrrrruUr Of riod. Hail bearius dom In lower uortlun of body aud real oaiii all tfarouah my body. Pain in ulerua waa very abort all tne time, nan pain intHomacn, ll "Try awwcrv. nau smutiiciini mId In my tfctght, pain in hreaat, alto between my boolden. Howvla ooustipated. I am well now aud enjoytna: better health than ever before I rurnl bv vour rood advk and rood mi whole me, clnr III. ' Ftrorite PfTKripHon,1 ' Goldeu Mvd- Ical DlKOVtrv.' ' hllm' and 'Loti r.blrt' ThM BMdklM. wired m. ua cur. cthcra aun.. The dealer who offer, a subatitut. for "Favorite Pretcriptkin dot. to to gun th. little more profit paid on th. sale of lea. meritorioua medicines. His profit ia your low, therefore accept no substitute. Dr. Pierce's Fteuant PeileU ngulat th. bowels. W. J. WARD, DENTIST, OFFICE IS DANIEL BUILDINU, ttfisir mi 'idhe ton. Rvery home should be made brighter in the SI RING by some new pi.'ce of Our Urge and attractive slock and seasonable prices will tempt you. SPRING Furniture, DESKS, CHAIRS, ROCKERS, CABINETS, Lamps, Morris Chairs, A Pretty Carpet makes your home cheerful. Our Carpets do more, they make you cheerful and our low prices make you positively happy. PETERSBURG. VA. THE LILIES BY FRANK L. The lilies ol te love of God we know them far away, Whether it's dreary winter or the meadows o' the May 1 He said : "Behold the lilies I They toil not, neither spin;" But he took the little children, and He brought the lilies iu When lonely, in a land tfar, He went to where the poor Were shelterless, sod 'gainst the wiud He bsrrod the stormy door, He did not spesk of prophets to make His work oomplete, But smiled upon the Magdalen that bathed with tears His feet, ' Consider now the lilies I" think, how He gave the tomb Its glory and its grsndcur its splendor and its bloom ; When He came from Death's wn darkness, from the valleys of despair, With splendid lilies of her love a woman first was lhare. "Consider now the lilies," I wonder il, todsy The final message cime to me to no from life away, Would He not think of the sorrows of this bitter earthly nod And take me to Ilia breast as them the lilies of our God 1 PARTING, BV THEODOSIA GARRISON. I pray you take your band from mine and turn your eyes away There's little warmth in one or both thst 1 should bid you stay; It's useless work and dreary work these empty vows you make 'Twere kinder to be still, lad, for the old love'a sake. When snow is thick upon the field and all tha world is gray, God grant 1 find no withered rose that bids me think of May; A withered thing, a faded thing, this joy, you bid me take 'Twere better to give naught, lad, for the old love's take. You wore out Love with loving and you wearied him asleep; I may not give him life again for all the tears 1 weep. I'll have no ghost Io mock me, siooe Himself may never wake 'Twere fairer to raise none, lad, for the old love's sake. By all the joys thst we have had, the kisses we have known, I pray you take your band from mine and go your way alone; 'Tis listless haod and oareleas kiss t woman's heart must break 'Twere tweeter we should part, lad, for the old love'a take. A POINTER FOB CANDI DATES. Two candidatei for office ia Missouri were stumping the northern psrt of the state, and io out town their tppctraoce waa almost simultaneous. The oandidste last arriving happened to stop at I house f, r the purpose of gelling a drink of water. To the little girl who answered hit knock at tht door he aaid, when she hsd iiiven him the desired drsuuht and he had offered her in recompense some oandy: "Did the man ahead of me give you anything?" "Ob yea, sir, replied the bright gir , he gave me candy." "Alii" exolaimod the candidate, "hero's 5 eents for you. I don't suppose that be gave you any money?" Tbe youngster laughed merrily. "Yes, he did, loo. lie gave ae 10 eeui-l Nat Io b. tuldout', the oaudidai. gavr the little one another tiokel, aud, ( inking hei up ia hit arms kissed h.r. "Did he lias ton. loo?" he ssked (eBiallt "Indeed, he did, sir." responded ths little cirl, "and be kissed ma tool ' Collier'. Weekly. WEARY S SENSITIVE SIDE-. Lady "Now, you can cut down that little tree for me, and 1 II find you i good dinner. Why, what are you cry. ing for?" . The Wearv Ooe-' Oh. lady. I waa jest a-thtokio or that boolilul song, 'Woodman, 8paio That Uloomin Tree, and I'm sensitive I couldn't do it, lady I really oouldo't "New York.r I find nothing bettor for liver derange ment and constipation than Chambcr lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, L P. ANDttwa, Det Moines, Iowa. For tale by W. M. Cohen, Druggixi, Wakloa, N.C. :; . SPRING Chinaware, Jardiniera, Vases, Busts, Statuettes, CLOCKS, Dinner Sets, OF HIS LOVE. STANTON SICK HEADACHE. "For several yeara my wife was trou bled with what physicians called sick headscbe of a very severe oharacter. She doctored with several eminent physicians and at t great expense, only to grow worse until tbt wsa unable to do any kind of work. About a year ago she begap taking Chamberlain! Stomach tnd Liver Tablets and to-day weight more than ahe ever did before and it real well," says Mr. Geo. K. Wriiht of New London, New York. For tale by W. M. Cohen, Druggist, Weldon: N. C. THE TRAMP'S TASTE. Tramp "Can you givo ms somrthing to est, Isdy?" Lady "There's llio wood pile." Trsmp ' I tan'l eat wood, lady." Lady "You oan saw il, can' you?" Tramp "I'd rather eat il, lady. Good morning." Del riot Free Prets THE REPLY UNHAPPY. "Edwin, am I tbe first womaa you have ever loved?'' ahe suddenly asked him when he was oic-jring her finger for the ring. "Yea, Mamie," he blurted cut, being some what disconcerted; ' the other, were only girls." Woman's Home Com panion. ROR OVER HIXT YE ARK. Mm. WiNBLow't Soothino Syrup has been used for over 60 yesrs by mill ions of mothers for their ohildrcn while teething, with perfect suooess. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pait; eurea wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve tha poor little suftYrer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every psrt of the world Twenty-five oenls t bottle. Be lure and ask for"Mrs. Winslow't Soothing Svrup," . thorough. Try them, Only 25s. Quaran tod tike so other kind. ' teed by W. M, Cohen, Druggist. VALUABLERULES. roR CONSUMPTIVES ADOPTED BV Till NEW YORK BOARD OK HEALTH. Never sleep or stsy io a hot or room. close Keep at least one window open io your bed room. Have a room to yourself if possible; if not, be sure to have your owo bed, Avoid draught, dampness, dust, or smoke; dust and smoke are worse for you than rain or snow. When in doois remsin in the sunniest sod best ventilated room preferably without osrpet. Don't wear chest proteotora. Keep yonr ieet dry and warm. Go to bed ear'y and sleep at least eight hours. If you have to work take every chanoe to rest thst you oan. Take half sn hour's rest on the bed before and sfter the principal mealr. Avoid eating when bodily or mentally tired, or when in a state of nervous ex citement. Eat plenty sf good and wholesome food. Besides your regular meals take a quart of milk daily, from three Io six fresh eggs sod plenty of butter and sugsr. Keep your teeth io good condition; use a toothbrush after every meal. Do not smoke, and do not drink liquor, wine or beer, except by special permis sion. Drink plenty of good pure water be tween meals. Do not talk to any one about your disesse except your physician kud nurse. Do not kiss any one upon lha mouth. Shave your beard or wear it closely clipped. Io the treatment of your disease fresh air, good food and a proper mode of life are more important than medioine. Stay in the open air aa long as you can if possible io the park, woods or fields. Do not be afraid of cold. Be hopeful and cheerful, for your disesBe can be eured, although it will take some lime. Carefully obey your physician's in structions. N. Y. World. would you carry youth INTO AGE. Expect a good loug, useful life. Hold your thoughts persistently. Simply refuse to grow old by oounting your years or anticipated old age. Refraio from all kinds of stimulants and sedatives; they will shorten your life. Ooeof the bast preventatives of age is eothusissm snd interest of affairs of the day. Keep in tbe sunlight; nothing beauti ful or sweet grows or ripens in the dark ness. Avoid fear io all it varied formt of ex. pressiou; it is the greatest enemy of the human raoe. Nature it the great rejuvenator; her spirit is ever young. Live with her study her; love her. Avoid excesses ot all kind,; they are injurious The long life must be a tem perate, regular life . Contemplate beauty in all its forms and you will drive everything that ia ugly out of your life. Keep mental oobwabs, dust and brain ashes brushed off by frequent trips to the country, or by trtvel . Don't allow yourself to think, on your birthday, thst you are t year older, and so much nesrer the tnd. Never look oo the dark aide; take auuoy views of everything; a sunny thought drives away ihe shadow. Orison Swett Marden in the August "Success." TAKEN WITH CRAMPS. Wm. Kirmse, a member of the bridge gang workin near Littleport waa taken suddenly ill Thursday uiuhl with cramps and a kind ol cholera. His case was so severe thst he hsd to hsve the members of tbe crew wait upon him and Mr GirT.rd was called and nonsuited He told them he bad a medicine io tht form of Chambeilain't Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy that he thought would help him out and accoidiogly seven! dote were administered with lb result that iht fallow waa ablt to be around next day. The spnak quite highly of Mr, Gilford 'a medicines, Elkadcr, lows, Argus. This remedy never fails. Keep it in your home, it may save liro. Sold by W. M. Cohen, liu'-nt Weldon, N C. LOCATED. Mother "I hope you are not at foot of your class this week?" th. Johnnie 1 No'm Just about the an kle." New York Sun. PUT8AN END TO IT ALL A grievous wail oftimos oomes result of uobesrable pain from over laied organa. Diuiness, Backache, Livtr aomplaiat tnd Coosiipetioo tot thanks to Dr. King's New Life Pills they put . id end to it ill. The; are gentle but VIOLKNT ATTACK OF DIAR RIIOKA Ct'RKD IU' CIIAM BKRLAIN'B COLIC, CHOL ERA AND DIARUHOK A RKMKDY AND l'Kll nAPS A LIFKSAVHD. "A shuit lime aeo I was tsken with a violent attack of diarrhoea ami believo I would have Ji. I if 1 had ot uulit n rc. lief," says John J. I'allon, a leading uitiz'jn of Pattun, Ala. "A friend re commended Chamberlain's folic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I bought a twenty Dvo cent bottle and alter taking threo doses of it was emirely cured. I oonsider it the b at remedy in the world for bowel couiplaints For sale by W.M.Cohen, Druggist, Weldon, If. 0. SAM K THING. "Hc's employed by the railroad pary now, I uuderstsod." "Yes, he has charge of the puzzle do- partment." "The what?" "He makes out the time tables." Kxchange. END OF BITTER FIG HT. "Two physicians had a long and stub born fight with an abcess on my right lung" writes J. F. Hughes of DuPont, Ga, "and gave me up. Everybody thought my time had come. As a last resort I tried Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. The bsncfh I received was striking and I was on my feet in a few days. Now I've entirely regained my health." It ooocuers all Coughs, Colds and Throat and Lung troubles. Guaranteed by W. M. Cohen, Druggist, Price 50c, and 81.00. Trial bottles free. SHE ENJOYED 11. PERHAPS Book "Did you enjoy your trip West?" Cook "Kr somewhat, I had my ifo with me." Chelsea (Msss.) Ga- tetle. OABTOIIIA. B,arl th, a i ni wra ion mn mm wept "I u..d vourvtttuablc CANCA- IIKTN and Hud tlieiit perlrel. Couldn't do lUionllnem. I navo used uicm lorome lime rlmllRuHtlon aiidbllloiiHiu-KHiuid am now com Dli'telT eiirod. ltecumni. iul Ihem. toevi ty one. Once tried, you will never be without them Id th, fumll;." EDW. A. Mahx, Albany, N. Y. CANDV CATHARTIC ttUCrto PI Ma, nt Pal ( li In Prttftnt Taatat fltvut fVl uoou, Ht)er picket., weaken, or unin. lw, M. oOc. , CURE CONSTIPATION. ttrrilai l't)MMr, (Mi-art), atral, tv I art. ttt HflaTflwRlP R",(1and aim tan teed b all tlrug- ww va mnsy gll Ui liua luoacou uauib BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs COtVRIQHTS AC. qui. k miwIhui our opinion frutj wiii'ihtn an liiTnitl"ii la prohRMy (iruentuMi CuinimnilfA tti)iiialrlcllctiHlPtiMnl. HANDBOOK on I'nlrnU aunt I run. tlM.-nt nunhrv fur HtVUritiaT tWtPiila. AnYonaaftiiHiiB a Rkftrh mid rtfurrlt't Imi mnr Paieiita takon iTirouttli Munn A Co. receive tptriii. nwet, HTi.mcti(iri;a. mine Scientific American. A hnnrtaomfiT Ulnatrntivl wwklT. I.nrefial elr- LhnnrtnomHTllIni u latum of tmy ru t cu latum of mi rM'tentlllr Ji-iirrial. Term a. a jeT : four tin mt ha MUNN S Co. fiar: four intuitu., ai. eoiUDjan iiewimfaieni. 36lBrMdway, I Branch office. 635 K Ht.. Waalitiiuton. D. i FEMALE WEAKNESS MS 1-1 Oonrrw" Bt Pobtunu llama, Oet. 17. ItOl I ooaelder Wine of Cardut ea per tor to any doe tor' medicine I erer need and I know whereof I apeak. I Buf fered for nine wlln luppreased menitruaUon which completelr proa trated int. Pal na won Id f hoot throub ntr back and ildet and I would bave blinding headaches, llv Unibe would well Bp and I would feel no weak I eould not atand up. I naturally felt diaoourafed for I earned to be beyond the help of phxalr'ane, but Wine of Cardui oame aa a Ood-ecnd to me. I (alt ehange for the belter within week. After nineteen dara treatment I menetmaOd without autttinf the ajronlae I uiualW did and aoon boaaie refular and without pain. Wine ot Cardul la limply wonderful and I with that all an (faring women knew ot lie good qualities. TrMaarer, Portland Boonoalo Lwiq. Periodical headarrin tell ot fe male weakness. Wine of Uardui cures permanently nineteen out ot every twenty cases ot irregular menses bearing down paina or any female weariness. If you are discouraged and doctor, hare tailed, that ia the beat reason in the world you should try Wine of Cardui now. Remember that headaches mean female weakneas. Secure t $1.00 bottle of Wint ot Uardui today. FOLETfSIIOlilIAIl fmrckUdnm ir, www. Ta tlaiaa i lousness ttti w ai.,., v.k.if i r u V .r.r.m.r.. mi, n .natfVjm. J saamnsajc Sir r ,- w.irlifin! fct-kT-0 -w- Gin Machinery ENGINES, BOILERS. SAW MILL and WOOD -WORKING MACHINERY. WRITE FOR PRIOKS Gibbes Machinery company t COLUMBIA, S. C. Plaai. mention thl, paper. C G. EVANS. WEiiDosr, jr. c. FANCY GROCERIES, FRUITS, CONFECTIONERIES. OLD WINES AND It RANDIES SOLE AGENT FOR CAPITAL CLUB, OLD FORESTER RYU. CALL FOR IT. DON'T EXPECT WORDS OF PRAISE For "the Piano with tbe sweet tone" from deitlein in pianos of other makes. We've grown accustomed to having dealers de- luiue our queenly instrument that we look upon their outbursts with a feeling of pity. THE ARTISTIC STIEFF PIANO Is sold wholly on its MEKITS. It is an ARTISTIC CREATION, far away and beyond its nearest rival for supremacy. That's why it carries off the FI RST T RIZE MEDAL whenever and wherever in com petition with other artistic instrument. INVESTIGATE! 8 T I E F F, fte Granby Bt., Norfolk,' Va. G S. NuRscar, Mgr. Oct 21 ly. Wood's Seeds. Crimson Glover Sown at the last working of the Corn or Cotton Crop, pun he plnwei. under the following April or Muy in time to plant corn or other crop the Maine wason. Crimson Clowr prevents winter leu el it nt! of the soil, is equal in fer tilizing value to a nuod application of riuhle immure mid will wonder fully i reuse the yield and qual ity of eorn or other crops wiiieh follow it. It ul ho make splendid winter and spring; grazing, fine early green teed, or a good hay crop. Kviml if the crop is cut otf, the ai-tion of the root and stubble improve the mu to a marked de-gn-e. Write (or price and apt-rial clr cular telling about acedia g tte. T.W.Wood & Sons, Seedsmen, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. Wood! Descriptive Fall Catalog, ready a in m, AiiKUNt im, iMu an anout rarm and VfKftstilp Herds for Fall plaut Ing. Mailed (rre on request. "sra? REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY Made a Well Man THS fyoi Me. rnsitTOH nsiMiDST produrei tbe above reeolta In 80 days. It arts fswerrullf and quickly. Curat when all otben falL outif men will refiin their kt maobood. and old men will recover their youthful vigor by ttetng IIEVIVO. It quickly and uretyreetoreeMarvet nia. Loot Vitality, Impotency. Nightly EmiaaioDt, Lost Power. Failing Memory. Waatlnc Dlnim. and all emeu or MU-aouM or eieeai ana lDaiaereuon, which unflta one for atody, buetneea or marriage. It ootonly ourea by atartlng at the aeat ol diaeaae. but li a great nerve tonlo and blood builder, bring ing back tbe Dink arlow to mm enee anare tori og th fire of yoath. ft wardi off lou&iii i ana tjonaumpuon. inaiw on neving v a vw. 1.00irrackuia.oralxforoOO.wUbapoi I ilv written gaarmntee to evt or arenas' oilier. It can be earned In veat kxmi. 7 anaii, Che waoney. himh and atlilte jree. Aanreaa tUYAL MEDICINE CO, teaSr!l", ForiSnle in Weldon, N. C, ;By, W. M. Cohen, Druggist Dr. Bouvier's Buchu Gin T "-"-wawV -vi1. . II sCtTN. Aunrvf a ..a tak. U Am AW. O -MaY A A lure cure for all. KIDNEY AND BLADDEU TROUBLES Recommended by best physiciana of lb. I eountry. For sale in Weldon hj W.W.KAY, Best of Wines, Whiskeya and Brandt.. always on hand. , I keep the belt of every thing in my pte. ftt),f olite attention to til at Kay's. west tide it. It. Shed. my 9 It- FOLEYSIMTMM I e a raanainnla -J 4 4 v ! I: rKfefiiiayii.