ijpil jB) I Mm 1 i .A-DVEIRTISIITQ- K,A.TES-MODERATE. -A. NEWSPAPER FOE THE PEOPLE. TEBMS:-?i PER ANNUM in advance VOL. XXXIX. WELDON, N. a, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1904. NO. 27 V Hon. J. P. i.notvn mcmhtr has voluntarily written to "The Field," Ih. Conway, list ft write, ih. S.UItt Chaericel ! (.I..,;,, hti . If nihil MM .J " l.l. a.4 tf kerf III .ale Is .i.. " . coeld MM vilk . ," h will.,, ana wmU err .114 Knn In. Ficwi I., vh! k. eaa .11 Sl-im.oJ, ih. ta.t.T... ,., . .1,1.1.1,1, c.i.4 1 tale Umbi l,Cllf fH IklMUlM. MM Mwll l . I HAM. i.lu ll la. Mlhlr. Mr wlk I I Wfy tkM wnii.n, w TIOH e.e kUILDS UP me L.-fliai W-H. tOHITT CHEMICAL CO, ill llonlronr oMlirtuiiidial i,i,.lo,t cm., wr.,.hi arthl, wonatilal ell KT.r."' .9-EAN-scsl LOOD. IMFBOVE1 TUX DICES UILDS UP THE OfTIBX SYSTEM. CHARLES 0. ALLEY, WHOLESALE Confectioner & Fancy Grocer, PETERSBURG. VA. MrMr. W. T. Basjh rspreesnts u io ki. Ayers Pills Want your moustache or beard abeantlftilbrowBorrlctililack? Use TANNER'S PAINTS Retsio their pre-eminence iboTo til other brands if because tbey ate made of tbe beat materials obtaiaa blt and are erouod with Itreat ears. If Tour dealer does Dot oerry them write to the manufacturers. RensoI Bur Box 180. Tie Bank Qrianizetl Uniler Tie Lavs of the State of North Carolina, AUGUST 20TH, 1892. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. TOWN OF WELDON DEPOSITORY. CAPITAL AMD SURPLUS For ten yean this institution bu provided banking facilities for this section Its stockholders and directors have been identified with the business interests o Dalifax and Northampton counties for many years. Money is loaned upon apf proved security at the legal rate of interest six per centum. Aoeounts of all are eolioited. - Pretidenl: Vioe-President: Cashier W. E. DANIEL. Da. H. W. LEWIS, W. R. 8MITH. Jackson, Northampton county, N. C. I The largest and best plant in the State. P.CHARLES MILLER WALSH, Quarrier and Manufacturer of MON UMENTS, TOMBS, GRAVE STONES of tTery description. Freight prepaid oa all shipments, Safe delivery guaranteed. Write fur deal pi tad pnoee Work Delivered act lily. Fall d Winter Goods o FOB o MEN, WOMEN Big Law Drj Good, Nutioot, Geoti vcr broagbt to Weldoo. Don't ftil to ie yar 8hoj departmot ii fall and running otiried, od wo we tnkio priooi THAT WILL Just received big lot of (DORSCH) 8hoea. 8uita to order, made up in good shape aod by good tailors. Fits Gusraateed. Don't fail to tea out Una of Samples and Prices Before You Place Your Order. aH. D. ALLEN & COMPANY, S . WELDON, N. C. 4 4 Gibson , of BcrviuitnllU, 1 C, i at that Smith r i I .t.i...u Co., S.et. i. WM. rbat Ih eeMr. Mile IhMMliH Ikfl .11 .... I, to .1.1.4 o..r Ih. c.f, that ... wheat w ... add. e.i nmr-HiM L. Clhiea." STSTCM. lALTlMOftC tor free Euten Caroliia. Hold you ordtn for dot 12 It Sugar-coated, easy to take, mild in action. They cure constipation, biliousness, sick-headache. RIJGKIN GUAM'S flYF tint cis. or Mtvtiim urn a. r. juiia oft auaa, u. Tanner Paiit & Oil Co., 1419 E. MAIN STREET. RICHMOND, VA. of Wn, $31,000. tgl.Alao Inn Fencing, Vases rJfer3r! eta., for cemetery and other f f '""N purpose at lowest prioea. "" " lt8ATISFACTION GUARANTEED. At Any Depot. & CHILDREN. Purouhingi, &a. Tht Urgeet Hoe tbem before you buy. o?er. Tbe Urgoat itook we hate erer SELL THEM. WILL HATE It it a high, solemn, almost awful thought for every individual man, that hit earth I j iofluenoa will never through all tgos hsTe an end. What it done, hat already blended itself with the boundless, ever-living, ever working universe, and will alao work then fur good or evil, openly or teeretljr, through all time. Tbe lifa of etery man is the well spring of a stream whose small befjio ningt are indeed plain to all, bat whose ulterior course and destination, as it winds through the expanse of infinite yean only the Omniscient ctn discern. Will it mingle with tht neighboring rivulet as a tributary, or reeeire it at their tofereigti? It it to be a natuleta brook, and will ill tiny waters, tmoag millions of other brooka aod rills, increase the ourrent of some world's rivet? Oi is it tt be itself a Niagara, whose goings forth are to the uttermost Isnds, it flood an everlasting boundary line on the globe itself, the bulwark and highway of whole kingdoms and oontioenta? We know not; only in either ease we know ill path it to the acean; ill walen, were they but a handful, are here and cannot be annihilated or permanently held back. PROBABLY TRUE. "He sayt be married a widow. Whst are yon laughing at?" "He thinks be did." "Well, didn't her "Everybody else sayt the widow mir tied him." The avbore will chetrlVHy be paid in lawful money of the United States, by the uadenlgned, proprietors of Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical DiecoTcry, if they can not show tht oririnal sirna- tnre of the IndWiduat volunteering; the tes timonial below, and also of ere 17 testimo nial among the thousands which thry art constantly publishing attesting the superior curative properties of their several medi cines, ana thus proving the genuineness and reliability of all the multitude of testi monials volunteered Dy gratetul people, in Uieir nenaiL World's Dispkniakt Hkdtcai. ClATiOM, Proprietors, Buffalo, N. . TH REAtOlVThere is no medicine eoual to Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis- sorery, for purifving tht blood. It carries on tne poisons wnicn eontaminait tut nie fluid. It increases the activity of the blood-making glands and gives the body an increased supply of pare, body building Diooa. 11 duiios up inc ooar wiia oniia, healthy flesh instead of flabby fat, pro- gives to weak, nervous people vitality lQ V vigor, Ahot a vaar an I had a very bad cough and (cared it would run Into conwmntlon, writes Hon. Geo. W. I,ynch, of tj Mason uon, tract Lvncn. of tr Mason Street Worcttter, ftUia. "When a sr. ere attack of OOtirhlDtT would eoote on romitiar would set in. Maiiter accumulited In noM and my tonsils were irritated. Alter reading of tbe wonderful cures resulting from Dr. Flerc1! Golden Med ical Dtairavery began to use it, with some doubts as to the good k would do tne, I sm frank to say But, after I had used one bottle I noticed quite a change for the better. Ordered five mere bottles and neJbr I had used tham all the care was complete. There Is not now a tract of cough or cold in my system and ny health Is perfect- To gain knowledge of your own body in sickness and health aend for the People's Common Sense Medical Adviser. A book of 1008 pages. Send 31 cents In stamps for eper-covered, or, 31 stamps for cloth und copy. Address Dr. K. V, Pierce, 66 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Wood'g Seeds. VIRGINIA GRAY Winter Oats. Sow Early for Best Results. Our Trade Mark Brand ia the beat and cleanest quality that it is possible to procure. Hairy, or Winter Vetch, gown with Winter Oats, makes the laryint powible yield of the bent and niuHt nutritious hay. Write fur prices. WOOD'S DESCRIPTIVE FILL MTAL08 Telia all alwut seeds for fall nowinii. It U the mont valua ble and helpful publication of the kind Issued in America. Mailed free on request. T, W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, - Richmond, Vi, EXPERT WATCHMAKER AND OPTICIAN Every kind of watch or dock made to keep accurate time. GOLD WED DING AND OTHER RINGS MADE TO ORDER. Eyea tested aod Scientifically fitted with Eye Glsasea or Spwtaoletat LOWEST PRICES. A fine lint of Ladies tnd Qentlemeni Gold Rings, Watches, Jewelry, Ac W 11 ail orders promptly attended to Sigoof thjrBia WATCH, near PoUoSce, WIJtn,N.C. MAN 8 IAHTBLT INfMJIrlCI nivvr Ttiaocan all aqis AN END. or Clas Bart ett 'unchangSibii BY J. Oh, the world it growing older, but the heart of lr is young ; All tbe wooiog tongs we whisper sre the songs for sges euug ; And the softly murmured story io the maiden's esr to-day Is of Psrls' love for Helen, told in just snolher way ; Cupid's eyes sre bright with laughter and the shsfts of merriment Fly as straight and true as ever ; for tbe barbed arrow sent Through the heart of lad or lassie, drivoo high or driven low, Is the same thst cupid lipped with love a thousand years sgo. Oh, the moonlight's spell Is ohsngeless and tbe soft skies ovcrhesd Lead love's footsteps io tht pathway where the steps ot sges led ; Io tbe eyes of maidens lifted to the plesdiog eyes of men Flash the shyly timid glsnccs that bsve leaped and died again When the earth was in its cradle, while the love-impassioned toogue Telle to love the blissful story thst wat told when times were young ; For the thyly whispered snswer, told io trembling tones snd low, Is tbe speeoh that tinkled golden on the harp of long ago. And the bowl remains unbroken though the sped years sap the wine ; Though the grapes of love be gathered, springtime thrills tbe budding vine ; And tbe path by lovers trodden in the ecstasy of song Is the path the ages followed, through a leafy way and long ; Soft the skies breathe benediction and the muses of the air 8well and tell a bridal ohortu as the troth is plighted there ; 'Tit the song through untold sges by the ohorused angels sung, For the world it growing olde, but the hetrt of love is young. SUNSET ELIZABETH AKKRS. Is it a dream 1 The day ia done, The long, warm, fragrant summer day; Afar before the bills, the tun In purple splendor tiokt away , The firefly lightt her floating sptrk, While here and there the first large ttart Look out, impatient ior the dtrk ; Tbe cows stand waiting by the bars ; A group of ohildren saunters by Towsrd home, with Isugh and sportive word. One psusiog, ss she bears tbe high boft prelude of an unseen bird "Sweet sweet sweet Sorrowful sorrowful sorrowful I" JESUS ALWAYS. II WAS AFRAID TO STAY I If A UOUSt WIIBRB J RHUS DID NOT 00 MI. A little girl went with her mother, a woman in lowly circumstances, as she bad occasion to call on a wealthy lady io a neighborlog city. The lady felt quite an interest io the ehild, and took bcr all over the house Io show her all the beau ties and wondcrt of her comfortable home. Much surprised at all she saw, the little thiog exclaimed: "Why, how beautiful I I am sure Jesus must love to come here, it ia to pleasant. Doesn't Re come here very often? He comes to our house, aod we have no carpet home. Ob, bow Jeens must love to come here I" The hostess msde no reply, sod her visitor aaked tgtio: "Doesn't Jesus come here very often?" Then, with much emotion, the lady replied; "I am afraid not." That was too much for the child. She hastened to her mother and begged to be taken home, for she wss afraid to stay in a bouse where Jesus did not come. Thst night the Isdy related to her husband the whole circumstance, and the queation of tbe child went to the beartt of both husband aod wife, and it wat not long before Jesus wat made a guest ia their home. BITTERNESS. A baby upoo tbe breast, A Mother's first oaress, Life's discords hushed In Love's calm rest I A babe upon tbe breast, A Mother's Isst caress, Heartstrings drawn tense And memories for recompense I Nqr babe upon tbe breast, Nor first nor last caress, Ab, this is bitterness That batb do recompense 1 Pattii Williams Gil NOT A !?!'.'K PAY SINCE. "I was tsken severely sick with kidney trouble. I tried sll sorts of medioiocs, none of which relieved me. One day I taw aa advertisement of your Eleoliic Bitters and determined to try that. After taking a few dosea I felt relieved, and tooo thereafter was entirely cured, and have not teen a sick day since. Neigh bors of mine have been eured of Rheum atism, Neuralgia, Liver and Kidney tronblea and General Debility." This is whst B F. Baas, of Fremont, N. C , writes. Only 60o. at W. M. Cohen, D'uggi"- Either a man supports his wife't family or they support him, nowaday! CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children, Tbt Kind Yon Hare Always Bosght Signature of FOLEY SONG, Down from immeasurable heights Tbe clear notes drop like orystsl rain. The eoho of all lost delights, All youth's high hopes, all hidden pain, All love's soft music, heard no more But dreamed of and remembered long, Ab, how can mortal bird outpour Such human heartbreak in a song? What can be know of lonely years, Of idols only rsised to fall, Of broken faith and secret tears ? And yet his song repeats them sll "Sweet sweet sweet Sorrowful sorrowful sorrowful I" THE CHARACTER IN THE FACE. TUirACIISAN OPKN BOOK. EVERY BLOT SHOWS UI.ACKLT UPON IT. A man can not be a villain without showing it. Pamper himself ss he msy, the bad lines on the lace will come out now aod and then. Marvelous is the writing on the human oountenanec. Not that you find what is technically termed beauty there as a proof of moral excel lence, mere form of feature or line of bone or tint of skio; we are not speaking of such superficial things in this connection but tne expression of tbe faos, its sudden expressions, itt expressions when it supposes itself to be inexpressive, the very concealment of the character which brings a kind of luminous vaoauoy into the eyes. tan a man drink deeply, and yet not show it in his face? Can any man think bad thoughts lovingly; can he roll iniqui ty under hit toogue as a sweet morsel and gloat over it, and dream about it, and hail it in the morning and bless it st night without thst loved demon working its witardry on the face, taking out of the voice its solemn musio, and casting into the gait of the wanderer the lurch of the vagabond? Men do not know this in all its reality. They have recourse to me ohaoical moans for adorning themselves, for oblitcrsting the traces of evil conduct but tbey tail tne buried thing worms itself up an casta off the flower that was meant to bide its presenoe. A sudden expression reveals a charac ter. "The show of their countensnce doth witiess sgainst them;" they bsve loet their spirituality, their enno bliog reverence, their simplicity of soul, their genisl smile, their impressive and self-interpreting frankness; they wait, they lurch, they glanoe furtively, and they blush; they show themselves to bt devotees of sensuality. There is amid all their claim to tha oootiary, a poroioe look, a tone and manner whiob ivco the simplest can hardly mitunderstand. The olher truth, the beautiful, equally vivid. What wonders grae works in a manl How it nils even ai spirit of the indwelling God ennobles tnd dignihet the living house which be sane- tifiot by hit pretence I Dr. Jose tin Per ker. FOR OVER MIXTY YEARS). Mrs. Winklow's Sootbino Strup has been used for over 60 yean by mill iona of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect suocess. It soothes tha child, softens the gums, allays all pain; cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrboes. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of tbe world Twenty-live cents a bottle. Bt sure snd ask for" Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. There are no promises without eepts. pre OABTOniA. Ban the ) Haw always Bought Blgaatut at MOTHERS WHO SCOLD- WHEN 811 1 IMS CONQUERED 1IKH8KLT THERE NO DUFIOUI.TT WITH OHIL DREN. The mother who has acquired tbs habit of sooldiug her children thereby shows that she ia not competent to train them to obedience. For scolding is a sign of weakness. It indicates that the person who hss it, has not mastered her self tnd thst she knows not how to rule others. The scolding parent is usually sn un reasonable being, impulsive, juiek-tcui-pered, hot-headed. She judges first and calls for the evidenoe afterwards. She acta as if her little sons and daughters should, oven before she instructs them, distinguish right from wrong snd should, before they have teen anything of life, have the knowledge that can come only from experience. When the mother has become a chron ic scold, the children pay little attention to her outbreaks of vituperation. Guilty or uot guilty, they expeot it. Tbey let it in one esr and out tbe other. They acquire the corresponding habit of not minding it. Let their father speak once aod tbey jump to obey him. Their mother may order them a dozen times, but they get into the way of thinking that she is not in earnest until she begins to upbraid them, and they wait for this signal before they move at het command, Her first care io the correction of this habit is to control herself. Let her givt no orden that the does not intend to en force, let her tell her ohildren to do thing only once, and let her resolve not to scold them, whether they be good or bad, decile or disobedient. When she has conquered herself, she will find, to her surprise, that she will have little difficulty in conquering her children. MOTHERS PRAISE 1TI Mothers everywhere prsiss One Min ute Cough Cure for the sufferings it has relieved aod the lives of their little ones it has saved. A oertain cure for coughs, oroup and whooping cough. A. h. Spaffurd, Postmaster, of Chester, Mich., says: "Our little girl was unconscious from ttrsngulation during a sudden and terrible sttsck of cronp. Ooe Minute Cough Cure quickly relieved and cured her and I cannot praise it too highly." One Minute Cough Care relieves coughs. msket breathing easy, cuts out phlegm. draws out inflammation, and removes every cause of a oough snd strain on lungs. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Druggist, Weldon, N C. GROUND AND LOFTY. 'Where sre your coffee mills?" asked the customer. "Id the basement," said tbe floor walker. The customer went to the basement and bought a coffee mill. "Now I want tome oups snd saucers," said. "You'll have to go four floors up for those," the sslesgirl told him. He went ss directed, sod purchssed his cups and saucers. "Now," he said, "I'd like a pound of coffee." "You'll find that on the top floor." He proceeded to the top floor and got his coffee. "Say," he asked, "ia there a depart ment on the roof?" "On the roof? No, Why?'' "Because my wife told me to buy a cook book, and I didn't know but I'd have to go up there to get it." INFORMATION WANTED. Are you a married man?" asked the absent-minded attorney, who was doing a oross-examioing Btunt, "No, sir," replied the witness. "I am a bachelor." "Very well, sir." oontinued tbe lawyer. "Now kindly tell the court how long you have been a bachelor and what the cir cumstances wore that induced you to be come one." Chicago News, CUI HONO? Tho campaign ohioft had met in com m it tee nftbe whole on the state of the party. "Hadnt we better open the proofed iogs with prayer?" suggested one of them, "No," ssid the others. "We did that at the national convention and look where we are now I" COV'LDN'T BE POSSIBLE. "Your symptoms," pronounced the physician, "indicate hydrocephalus," "What "I thst?" "Water on the brain." "It oan'tbe that, doctor," said Mr. Jagway, greatly relieved. "I haven' drunk a drop of it for six months," OABTOniA. Bain tea lal Hil 1 m simp Bougirt f&fuait ef A CHILD'S EVENING PRAYER. THE SWEET LITTLE PRAYER, WITH ITS BENEDICTIONS OF GRACE, ABIDES WITH US FOREVER. Who can ever forget the perfume of that simple little ovouiog prayer, ' Now I lay mo down to sleep," that our mother taught us in the days of early childhood 1 It is with us wheo gray hairs adoro our is snd tho evening sbsdows fall around us. Odo of the last things that old Dr. MoPerrin, the aged Methodist divioc, did just before his death, wss to repent that I ttle prayer. As he was passing up and out it came back to him as be had learned it at bis mother's knee. Iiuury Grady, that magnetic orator and brilliant editor, onoo described his visit to his old mother at Athens, Ga , and spoke of it as though he were a boy again. He said, I dropped my pen intho ofTce of tho Daily Constitution, tho eveniog before Christinas, rufhed to the depot snd caught a train to make a visit to my dear old mother. When tho oar rolled up at the depot at Athens and I stepped from the platform, a cabman asked me to let him drive me to the old home, just a mile off among the cedars. But I told him no, I wanted to run dtwn there like I used to do when I was a boy and surprise mother, So down the street I made my way until I got near the place. Then as I walked along I bogan to whistle aod directly I saw the dear old face peer out through the door, and she started in a brisk walk to tbe gate. She met me, threw her arms around me, kissed me, and led me into tbe bonse. We sat down and had a good old time. Then she went to the kitchen and prepared me a dish of mush and milk and we sat and partook of it to gether, and we talked and talked. She still looked upon me as Henry, her boy, The dishes were cleared away and wc went back into the old room. We talked until way io the night, and then she went to my room and prepared my bed I passed into it, undressed and knelt at its side. She put her hand upon my head and b gan, 'Now I lay me down io sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep,' and I repeated it after her as I had doue in that spot a hundred times beforo Then 1 hopped into bed, she tucked the cover around me and said 'God bless my boy.' She retired to her rcotu, but lay there buried in tho soft feathers and for in hour I cried for joy, I wai a boy again in dear old mother's boms, How many of us have the touch of kindred joy r l be sweet little prayer with its bonediotionB of grace, abides with ns forever. A RUNAWAY BICYCLE. Terminated with an ugly cut on the leg of J. B. Oroer, Franklin Grove, III, It developed a stubborn ulcer unyielding to doctors and remedies for four years, Then Buoklen's Arnica Salve cured. It's just as good for Burns, Scalds, f Eruptions and Pilot. 23o. at W. M Cohen't Drug Store. Some people are so mean about money matters they would rather spend more defending lawsuits to make them pay their bills than it would take to psy them, TltOl SAiVDS CURED. DeWitt't Wiclh Haiel Salve has cur ed thousands of cases of Piles. "I bought t box of DeWitt't Witch Hazel Salve on tbe recommendation of our druggist," so writes C. H, LaCroii, of .ivalla, Tex, "and used it for t stubborn case of Piles. It oured me permanently. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Druggist Weldon, N. C. Thodford's Black-Draught comes nearer regulating the entire system and keeping the tody in health than any other medicine made. It is always ready in any emergency to treat ailments that are frequent in any family, such as indigestion, biliousness, colds, diarrhoea, and sUimai h arhea. Tliiilford's Blark-Drauaht is the standard, never-failing remedy for stomach, bowel, liver ar.d k'.ir.ry trout'los. It is a euro tor the domes tic ills which so frequently summon the doctor. It is as Rood for children as it is for grown persons. A dose of this medicine every day will soon cure tlte most obstinate case of dys pepsia or constipation, and when taken as directed brings quick relief. luirrnxB, 111.. Dae. U, loot. Ttodfort'a Blaok-nrftutil baa bMn oar B famllr doctor for e.e rwn and wa want 1 BO othor. Wbfln anr of ua fl badly w I take a doaa aod ar all rUilit lo twal.t I hainr.. Wa ba.m in.il lota of mon.T fo, I domor btlla, but tot alone nat aa wU I who jsioB-uiusiil. U (I. HAD EH. Aak your dealer for a MokaM ot I ThedfonTt Black-Drftuaht aod It ha I doeanotkftaBttaaDdaso.toTheChatU- I nooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tann. I and a paokata will be taallM to too. I forlidrti- -fw. tttraa at awaajaw to J MACHINERY COMPUTE fQUirMtNTS SPECIALTY. ..vt&Kft.. LOO ten. AND Mich INQINCt. lOIUNt, QINN1N0. MAC HI II H, AW MILL AND woodwohkirki MACHINCnr, HINOLC AND LATH MACHINIHV, CORN MILLS, BRICKMAKINO MACHIN ERY, KlNOHEO UNCI C. G. EVANS. WELDON, N. C. FANCY GROCERIES, FRUITS, CONFECTIONERIES. OLD WINES AND BRANDIES SOLK AGENT FOR CAPITAL CLUB, OLD FORESTER RYE. CALL FOR IT. DON'T EXPECT WORDS OF PRAISE For "the Piaui with tho sweet tone" from dealers in pinnos of other makes. We've grown accustomed to having dealers de- lame onr queenly instrument that we look upon their outbursts with a feeling of pity. THE ARTISTIC STIEFF PIANO Is sold wholly on iU MEKITS. It is an ARTISTIC CREATION, far away and beyond its nearest rival for supremacy. That's why it carries off the FI RST PRIZE MEDAL whenever and wherever in com petition with other artistic instruments. INVESTIGATE! STIEFF, 86 Granby St., Norfolk, Vo. Q" S. Nussear, Mgr. oct 21 ly. DID YOU SAY DRINKS ? Well you will find the choicost brands of RYE, PURE OLD APPLE BRANDY and Sparkling wines, Where, You Ask? WHY AT W. D. SMITH'S, Washington Ave., WELDON, - - N. C. Full Line groceries always on hand. REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY tj Made a Well Man THE vol Me. pnyiaeM the abova remit! In SO dayi. It irtt fowcnutiruiaquicii. fjurai wnea eui omtnuii. oaat TD9TX will retfim tbelr loit minhood. tod old Den will recover their youth tul vicor by tuini BETlVO. It gnlcklruideureljrMtorMNrvoi aen. I oet VJUiUj. ImpoUacy. Nightly Emluioot, toitPuwer, Falling llaiuory, Wutlnc DlMWi.oj ftU ffacU ot twlt-abUM or xoMiand InditcnUoo, wbicti unfit one for tody, butlnm or mirrito. It Dot only ourtt by tuning it the tut of dtuiM.but Wrkt ore tonic mm blood builder, bring , tug bck tb pink flow to pale eheetei tttd rg torlng tbe fire ol yontb. ft wtvrdi off IbmaII? and CoBiumptltni. itudit oa having REVIVO no other. It cn be carried la veet pocket. By mall, 1.00 per pack it, or all Cor gMMo, wltb e poet live written tnmiHi to nrm w pwfwiwtl tee taoeer. Hmn nml adylaefree. Add ran KOYAL MEDICINE CO., irayncr Huliding, CIHCAQO.ILU ForlSale in Weldon 'N. C, Byl.W. M. Cob en, Druggist Dr. Bouvier's Buchu Gin A sure car for all KIDNEY AND CATIOM LGIBBtS MACHINERY COMPANY, I MuniLId, S. C I mm w etf JfW-wJ' 1 fcU af MC- A. BLADDER TROUBLES Recommended by best physicians of tbt) country. For sale in Weldon by W.W.KAY, Beat of Wines, Whiskeyt and jBrandlea always onhand- Ikecp the beat of every thing la my line. .Polite attention to all at Kay'a. I went tide R. R. 8bed. Z I mjtU- 4 J uaiwiaira