ADVEIRTISIlTa- iTES-MODERATE. -A. NEWSPAPER FOB THE PEOPLE TEPlvdS: 81-50 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCf VOL. XXXIX. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1904. NO. 2.9 kin JOINTS FROM THE INSIDE A;1 ii tht powerful a.,1 efkient blood purifier la th world. Ii wm !n 'i'lv'.T.'i' ''.'!,," 1,1 Po:'on,,l "" 'h um RHIUMAIISM, U tUTtl, CATA1UH, and KIMEY TROUBLES, BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPA. TION, IND1.F.S110N .nil CONTACIOUS L0OO F0IS0N. Improve! tin Stomach, builde up the entire iytm. Al Field, tin limoui minitrel ; Hon. I. P. if' ISSjrVl i'h t"01' I'C'iImm. and hundredi of otlien teitify that It A!u)LUTELY CUKES "' tnm Tm vrit. kOUITT CHEMICAL CO, l.hlwm. C. rtooiT Ul NOT" CHARLES 0. ALLEY, WHOLESALE' Confectioner & Fancy Grocer, PETERSBURG. VA. IQrMr. W. T. Baugh represents nt io Eastern Carolisa. Hold your rrdtra for Ayer's Pills W-ntyow moustache or beard beautiful browaorrichblack? Use TfjE TANNER'S PAINTS Retain ih-ir pre-eminence above ill other brtnde ia beoause they tie made of the beat materials ohtaina bit and an ground with treat ear. If four Jeelar doe not oarry them write to the manufacturers. REJS0ft 1 Box 180. Tie Bant of :::::WELDON N. 0.'- Opizei iiicr Tic Lais of lie Stale of North Carolina, AUGUST 20TH, 1892. " STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. TOWN OP WKLDON DEPOSITORY. CIPITIL IND SURPLUS For ten yean this institution baa provided Ita itookholden and direotore have been ideuuUed with tne Duaiues. tolerate o Halifax and Northampton eouatie for maoy yeara. Money ia loaned upon ap1 nroved seouritv at the legal rat of internet solicited. President: Viou-Preeidenl: Cashier W. E. DANIEL D. H. W. LEWIS, W. R. SMITH Jackson, Northampton eounty, N. C. I The largest and best plant in tne state. .CHARLES MILLER WALSH, fc. J Un.rrier and Maoutaoturer or MU.H- UMBNTS, TOMBS, GRAVE STONES of every deaeription. Freight prepaid on all ehipments. Safe delivery guaranteed. Write f t daitea aed priee Work Delivered til it. Fall and Winter Goods o JOB- MEN, WOMEN Big Lin Dry Good, Notions, Geota 1 V. . - VIT . 1 J IV.'. r:i Our Shot dcpartmeit ia full and raising' tarried, and we are snaking prroe THAT WILL Jaat reotived t big lot of (DORSCB) bap and by good tailor, r tta uuaraoteea. ma t tau to te obi inn oi Samples and Prices Before You Place Your Order. H. D. ALLEN & COMPANY, & WELDON. N. C. THE ONE THAT CURES OTHERS FAIL" Mot lnar.uDr.ukt. not 12 1 Keep them in the house. Take one when you feel bil ious or dizzy. They ict di rectly on the liver.ibw,lr;"..' BUCKINGHAM'S DYE ftIf 111. Of HM.MUUUI L . UAU. A CW.. RAtUiA, I. ft. Tanner Paint & Oil Co., 1419 E. MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, VA. Wn, $31,000. banking facilitiea for thia section aix per centum. Aooounla of all are- pat, Also Inn Fencing, Vaaea etc , for cemetery and other Burmaee M lowest price. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. At Any Depot. & CHILDREN. Furnishings, Ao. Th largest line .ham kfnr wnn kn over. The largest atook w have evar SELL THEM. Shoe. 8uiti to order, made up in good WBItl A DIAR TRIIND DIES AND 00K8 TO OSAVIN W( BIQIN TO THINK OF IT AS CUB FJOMI. A new aeuae of reality io the world beyond the grave come to all of ua whon fur the Brat time we can think of one w?.c LZ9 b:sa latiw.U ;u Cut luU.aa!. . aving f one there and aat dawn Io the lotlmaoy of ita interosta, whioh havo been io foreign to ua and ao far away. I Karen aa at oooe an eaao'iatioo with ua. We are a relative there. One name in Down in ita mysterious atreett, and to ita streets beeooe lest mysterious and re mote to ua. It ia lomewhat aa when a mother in aome little country village aenda her boy to the great oily, and at once feela familiar with the great lity, beoauae aomewhere, loat amid ita urryiug thou.anda, tier boy ia now She talka of it with a kind affection, aa if it were almoat her home, beoauae it ia the home of one ave lores. She eatehea every mention of it aa if it were a roea aage meant for her. To go there ia the eonatant dream of her life, and ahe feela aa if when the got there ahe would know at once the etreeta in whiob her heatt baa had ita home ao loog. So when a dear friend dies and goea to heaven, heaven at onoe oatohea and natnraliiea into itaelf our love for him We read about it at if we knew it, and when we think of goiDg there ouraelvea, we think of it aa gniog home, beoauae onr heart baa had ita home there ao long. Day after day we think what ahe ia do ing In thoae bright real mi of air ; Year after year ber tender Btepi punn ing, Behold her giowa more fair, Thus do we walk with her and keep un broken The bond which nature givea, Tbioliog that our rembenibranoe, though unspoken, May rrach her where she lives." Phillips Brooks. a- j m vwauutuaa twtu, f-K"- J there no danger tn that. Admitting their tatement then there are uncommon colds. Tl J. tHd a. AAtti awt ah mM unnU asaw cold which are dangerous ; for many a fatal aickiieM begiua with a cold, If we could tell the common cold from the un common we could feel quite safe. But wc can't The uncommon variety is rarely recofnixed until it has fastened ita hold on the lungs, ana there are symptoms ot con sum ot ion. At the first symptoms the careful person will heed the waminr by taking a mild laxative ; some vegetable pill that will not disturb the syntem or cause griping. About the best is "Dr. Fierce's Pleasant Tetleta." If the cold starts with a couch, and it persists then some local treatment for this condition should be taken. A well known alterative extract, which has been highly recommended by thousands of users, ii Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discoverr. This tonic compound ia compofted of aa extract oi roota arid neros ana aas a sootiv ins; effect upon the mucous mem brand alUys the irritation and at the same time worka in the proper and reasonable way, at the seat ni the trouble the stagnated or poisoned blood. It contain no alcohol to shrivel up the blood corpuscles, but makes pure rich red blood. Dr. Pierce' looo-pure ilmtrated book The Common Sense Medical Adviser," is sent free in paper covers on receipt of ai one-cent hiamp. to pay coat of mailing onK. Por 31 alamo tne ciotn-Douna volume will be sent. iouH pages. It was formerly sold tor V 50 Tr copy. Address ur. jl v. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Monuments AND' Gravestones. WC PAY the FREICHT ahdCU ARANTEE SAFE DELIVERY . . LRGBMTTOCIt lath ftoath Illuatryed Catalogue FREE. THE COUPER R1RBIE WORKS. (EaUblUhed 16MB.) 158 to 163 Bank si., Norfolk Va MV 1 EXPERT WATCHMAKER AND OPTICIAN Every kiad of wttch or clock mad to keep accurate liaae. GOLD WED DING AND OmER RINGS MADE TO ORDER. Eyea tested and 8cienli6nlly fitted with Eye Glaasee or LOWEST PRICES. A fine line of Ltdiea and Gentlemen Gold Ring", Watches, Jewelry, Ao. tMail order promptly attended to. 8igf tbeKiTBIG WATCH, near JllPI las. II. Bail TTcimimMiiias, BY FRANK L. I'm talking about th Christraae fer the ehildren know it'a nigh, An' the glad worl' moves to musie, ao' the stars dance in the sky I Yet I know why this lonesome feelio' strikna at my heartattings so : F the gift I'M J"' fMs hesTtn it a li:t!i jiiv. iu ilw wow. Spring tried to hide it io bloHSoina, that my dim eyes miht not see ; Rut nn blooms, or snows of winter can hide thai grave frum mo I Fit his voice ia always ctllin', aa in days of long sgo Csllin' in light an'daaknrst from that little grave io (he snow. An' the ehildren come an' Iti.a me, an' wonder my eyes grow dim, An' why, in the Christmas sessoo, I lorn from them to him ; An' I may not tell them ever with their bright eyes shiain' ao That the gift I'll net from heaven ia a little grave in the snow. BY DAMASCUS GATE. Oft-times when the dsya are weary, and the pulae of life is low, When the wheels of toil, in their dusty course drive hesvily and slow , When the meaning of all seems blurred, and the joy of seeking palls, Oft-times in my desert places a miraole befalls, Is it a triok 0' the blood, a oleariog dot io the brain ? Sudden the far-off shower, unguessed, baa filled the ehokiog stream, Some rift in the gray horitoo let through a orimson beam, One more for me the sky ia blue ; I quaff th wine of the air, And taste the fierce tang of the sea, and find the wild rose fair. Once more I walk the allotted round with nnreleotant feet, And dsily bread has flavor, and love and labor are sweet. 0 1 once in oenturies olden, before Damascus Gate Journeyed one with holdeo eyes, and a dreary heart of hate ; When 1 glory shone round sbout, and in one wondrous hour He had passed from death to life. The knowledge and grace and power And a new word filled his lips ; and joy and courage end love Were born henceforth in his heart, with the vision that fell from above, And still, when the dajj are bitter, and life is ologed with oare, And the heart is sslt with unshed teart, and tender with despair, An angel slirs the stagnant soul, and lo I there is healing there. Once more my aoul ia loosened, and life and labor sweet : Onoe more in the tangled West the pattern shines complete : And I know that the self-same grace on my soul hss been outpoured My spirit, by Damascua Gate, has heard the voice of its Lord. HE MEANT WELL. BUT Till TROUDLK WAB TH1 0TI1EBS WIRI NOT UP 10 DATE. He deaired lo express hia sympathy. That was all, sajs the New York Press. lie bad always liked the man, and now that be waa reported to be near death he felt sorry for both him and the 1 raided family. Poor fcllowl" he eaid, "They tell me that he already has one foot in the fire." Trouble followed. The wife of the sick man happened to overhear the re mark, and she promptly declared that he waa a mean, hateful old thing and then burst into tesrs. "But, my dear madam " ha pro tested. "Don't speak to mel" she exclaimed. "Poor old Pete aiweva looked upon you aa a friend, and I alwaya thought you were one, too." "But I atsure you " "Don't you dare say one word to mel" Then a mutual friend took him by the arm and led him to one aide. "Really, old man," ho laid, "it was outrageous, lm almost tempted 10 think you've been drinking." "But, hang it all ' "It was neither the time nor the plsoe for oheap wit," broke in another friend. "But I didn't intend " "Of course, we all knew that Pete hit been a pretty lively boy in hia day," interrupted atill another friend, "but you ought to have aome regard for the feel ings of hia wife." "t tell you " "That'i what come of cultivating on 'a aeos of humor at the expense ol one' better feelings," put in the friend who bad first taken him aside. "Of oouree, we know thst yon did not iotend to say anything that would seem harsh and oruel, but" "Now, look herrl" exclaimed the man who had made th original remark, breaking away from them angrily. "What I aaid waa all light and proper. What would yon have ma aay? That I am sorry to hear that he has one foot in the grave? That would be t nice, eenei- ble thing to do when I happen to know that ha ia a eremaiioniat and haa already bought a silver urn lo bold hia anbt, wouldn't itf The trouble with you peep'e ialhat yon are not up to dale." MOTHER PIIAIMK ITT Mothers everywhere praise One Min ut Cough Cur for the Bufferings it haa relieved and th lives of their little oms it baa saved. A certain euro for eoughe, roup and whooping cough. A. L. Spafford, Postmaster, of Chester, Mich., aava: "Our little girl wu anoonteioue from strangulation during sudden and terrible sltsck of cronp. On Minnie Cough Cur quickly relievedj and cared her and I cannot praise it loo highly " One Minute Cough Cur relieves cougha, makea breathing easy, euta out phleg draws out mlammation, tnd removes very cause of a cough and strain 01 lungs. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Druggist Weldon, N C. If the world owe you t living all yoa have lo do it pill off your coat and pro STANTON THE NEWLY MARRIED- A woman's P(AC of boul. The bssis of a newly-married woman's peace of soul is trust. She feels thai tne rcspoOMDiiity is on ber husband to make good the manly qualities with which sbe has endowed him, and because of which she has consented to become his mate. Occasionally during tbo first few months of her mairied life Constance laughed to think that all her maidenly eagerness to solve the riddle of life bril lianlly, and all her profound searching of the mysteries of the universe ehonld have ended in her becoming an everyday housewife wilh dustpan and brush, and the wife of one who, to all outward ap pearances, was sn everyday young man But her laugh savored of glsdnes. She hsd given herself to him because she had faith that his energy, self-reliance, tear lev humor sod sympsthelio hstred cf shams would distinguish him presently from I ho common herd of men and vindicate her iofatuaiion. She had given herself to him, besides, beoause he loved her a delightful eoosciotuneea. Ac cordingly, she enclosed herself in the web of happiness which her ooofidence in him hsd spun about her, and took up her domestio dutiea with lighl-hearled devotion. Nevertheless, no woman emerges from her honeymoon with exactly the same estimate of her lover as before. If nothing e!e, ahe haa seen hia mental and moral characteristic, in iheir undress, so to speak, and become habituated to their sublimity. We may be no less food of a person whose anecdotes have grown familiar to us, and analogously a wife does not weary of her husband's qualitiea merely hrcause they have lost the glamor of oovelty. On the oootrary, she ia apt to continue to adore them because they are bis. Still ahe feels free to scrutioite them closely and unconsciously, at least to submit them lo the test of her own silent judgment. She discovers, loo, of course, that he has tidee and idiosyo erssica the existence of which ahe never Ordinarily she finds to her surprise that his attitude in regard to this or thai matter has shifted peroeptibly sioce marriage, ao lhat, instead of being lukewarm or ardeot, aa the earn may be, he haa become almost strenuous or to diffreo! io hia altitude. Hen, .he divine lhat during their courtship some of his real opinions and tendenciea have been kept in retreat. A RUNAWAY BICYCLE. Teiminatrd with an ugly cut on the leg of J. R. Oroer, Franklin Grove, III. It developed a stubborn ulcer unyielding to doctor and remedies fur fo r yeara. Then Bucklen'a Arnica Salve cured. It'r just aa good for Burna, Soalda, Skin Eruptiona and Pile. 2"ic. at W. M. Cohen'e Drng Store. A one-eyed man ia partial to aide. Ihe i CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. The Kind Ynn H?.m tlwrn Bfinrrhf ' " poor little vullow, to dik alons 1 NO MOTIIBIt's HAND TO Wir AWAY Til B OATHERINO DEW OV DEATH, From a far away country town a hox of wild doners had couie lo the Chil dren's Hospital in a Western eity at dusk the new nurse (topped io her round before one cot, vhcre a poor little sufferer Isy, clasping in his little hand a bitooh tif blue violets. The little follow tossed and turned from side lo side. Ever sud soon he would start up, murmuring something about "Little Jack," then fill back, whispering, "Too late I too late I" 'Badcaae, bad oaso, nurse; father and mother both died of same fever, baby found dead and this boy will go soot.;" tod the old doctor shook his heed gravely. "Poor little fellow," murmured the nurse, "lo die alone; no mother's hand to wipe away the gathering dew of death; no mother's arms ; no mother's kiss I'1 She brushed away the damp golden cutis from the white forehead. The blue eyes opened wide, and a faiot voice whis pered, "mother I" The nurse bent pittingly over him. His eyes searched her face then closed wearily. "Oh, I want my mother." he moaned. The child started up. "Rock me mother," he cried. Very tenderly the dootor lifted the figure and placed it io the nurse's arms. The vea?y head dropped upon her shoul ders; the hsnds, still holding the violets, were folded lovingly aronnd her neck. To and fro she cradled him, The room was growing dark. A faint stream of light came in at the eastern window and slipped softly serosa the ledge. "Sing to me," the child whispered. Very sweetly ou the air rose and fell the music of that old hymn : "Hide me, 0 my Saviour bide, Till the storm of life is passed. Nearer and nearer crept the moonlight, till it touched (be swaying figure : "Safe into the hsven guide, Oh, receive my soul at last." 1 be song ceased. "Mother, I ui loo tired to kneel to-night," murmured the child; then slowly added : "Now I lay me down to sleep,' and with a siirh the blue eyes closed tircdly. The moonlight flooded the room with silver, it lingered about the little white robed child, it fell upon the golden curls and half closed lids and the withered fl wera fallen closely now from the tired hands. 1 here was a sweet, taint per fume of violets as the rocker orushed lo to and fro. Nothing stirred io the room save the swayiog figure io the moonlight The doctor touched the nurae and gently said, "the child is wilh its mother." THOROUGHLY AT EASE. "You appear to lake life pretty easy," aaid the housewife, as ahe mixed some sawdust with milk acd palmed it off breakfast food. "Yes, indeed, mum," grinned Sandy Pikes, stretching out in the wheelbarrow, "De whole world is a 'oeiy corner' id ma." NO ROOM FOIt DOVBT. "Why," asked th fat policeman, "do you aay the piisoncr is a married man?" "Becauae," replied Ihe great detective. "he ia wearing safety piua instead of suspender buttona." NOT A SICK DAY SINCE. "I waa taken severely eick with kidney trouble. I tried all sorta of medicioes, none of which relieved me. One dsy 1 aaw an advertisement of yonr Electric Bitters snd determined lo try thst. After taking a few doses I felt relieved, and soon thereifter wia entirely eured, and have not seen a aick day lines. Neigh bora of mine have been eured of Rheum atism, Neuralgia, Liver and Kidney trouble. iod General Debility." This is what 11 K Bass, 0r Fremont, N.C, writes. Only SOo. at W. M. Cohen, Druggist. MOlii: TIME JiEEDEI. "Do you beli.v there ia honor among thieves?" (aid the grocer to the customer. "Well, I can't tell yet," replied the man; "yoa ace, air, I've only been in this town a week." THOimANlm CURED. DeWitt't Wicth Haael Salve haa eur ed thouatods of eaaea of Pile. "I bought a box of DeWitt't Witch Haael salve on lb iccommendation of our druggist," ao write C. H LaCroix, of Zivalla, Tex, "and naed it for a stubborn ease of Pile. It eured me permanently." For sale by W. M.Ceheo, Druggist, Weldon, N. C. , A mie should never have a dress suit made t. older until bif poaitioa iaeociety ia aaeured. OABTOniA. WORTH WINNING. THE POLLOWINll STOUT Ol'AN lltlNf.Hr 1I0Y IS TOLD IN UIIOD WtlltKS. There was a boy ho "lived out," named John Every week ho wrote home to his mother, who lived on n "lusll finu up auiiiti" the hills One dav hn picked up sn old envelope from the kitchen wood -box. and saw that the postage hi 11 mil on it was not touched hy Ito postmsster's .lamp to show that it hail dono its duty, and, henceforth, was useless "The postmaster missed his aim then," said John, "and left the statsp aa good is new. I'll use it myself." He moistened it at (he nose of the tea-kettle and very carefully pulled the Stamp off. No," said John's Conscience, "for that would be cheating. The stamp has been on one letter, it ought not to oarry another " It ran carry another," said John, 'beoause you see, there's no mark lo prove it worthless. The postoffiee will not know." "But yoa know," said Conscience, "and that is enough. It is not honest to uso it a second time. It is a little matter, to be lu'e, but it is cheating, God looks for principle, It is the quality of every action that he judges by " But no one will know it," said John faintly. "No one?" cried Conscienoe "God will know it, and that'a enough; and Ho. you know, desires the truth in the inward parts." "Yes," cried all the best parts of John's character; "yes, it is oheating to use the postage stamp a second time, and I will not do it." John tore it in two and gave it to the winds. And so John won a victory. Wasn't it worth winning? lfe255HSrl Thia great stock medicine is a money savor fur stock misers. It ia a medicine, nut a cheap fiml or condition powder. Though put up in coarser form than Thcdford's Black-Dranffht, renowned fur the cure of the digestion troubles of persons, it has the Banie qualities of invigorating digestion, stirring up the torpid liver and loosening tho constipated bowels for all stock and poultry. It is carefully pre pared and its action is so healthful I that stock prow and thrive with an occasional dose in their food. It flnrp. hucr rholenl And makes hron grow fat. It cures chicken cholera B n.l an1 kna I.- 1. Mi Cures constipation, distemper and colds in horses, murrain in cattle, and make a draught animal do more work for the food consumed. It gives animals and fowls of all kinds new life. Every farmer and raiser should certainly give it a trial. it cost 25c. a can and save ten time ita price in profit. PrmBuaa, Ka... March at, 1S0L t have heentlsina-Yonr Blaek-Drmofftat Btork and t-rnmrr Jueaicine on m .tnf-t lor anm. time. I UMd .fl klndl of atorlf fool but 1 h.v. found Uiat youra la the last for my parpoai. J. 8. UABBON, I Wood's Seeds. VIRGINIA GRAY I Winter Oats. Sow Early For Best Results. Our Trade Mark lira ml is the bent and clean tut qmility that il is possible to procure. Hairy, or Winter Vetch, Sown K ith Winter Oiita. makes the lunri'st potvilile yield of the l.-M ami innst nutritious hay. Write fur priee. WOOD'S DESCRIP1 ItE FILL C1UL00 Tells all alKiut mmsIs fur fall mwini'. It is the mont valua ble and helpful publication of Hie kind iiutl in America. MMilati frew nil rfHiiimt. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, Richmond. Va. aW4J4 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Tnaot Mark rr .... ... 'ml' Cowvuioht Ae. Anrmi WTnUnn aktMrh ami dmrrlptlmi mmj fl nli-i If atvtertnin our ni'inn-n frjj whctlior on itmint(n ii pri.tinLIf pmeiiut l, ('nnninTl( tlnnatrlrtlrnmn)iiH!il. HAND BOOK on l'lnu itt fro. OMMt Huviu-f for i'cuntilj patetiU- Pfileiitf taken throueh Muiin A Ca raoolrt wptruu HOTM. wn noui cnnrgB, m id Scientific American. t tviy .iw.uB" Joiirtia.. 1mii. Eli a ' numbi, L Bold b all TtowaaiMiam & Co.8"8"--' New York oi. t r a. wubiMiun. a. u wSjasaufc. f 11 ,. MACHINERY COMrUTE tOUIPMLNTS A SPECIALTY. fNaifiri, lOILffH, QINNINQ MACHIN. tUV, tAW MILL AND WOODWORK I N machinery. bhinqic and lath Machinchy, corn hills, rick making machin i by, kindhco iincs OlMS MACIilNLRY COMPANY. Mimbia. S. C. C. G. EVANS. WELDON, N. C. FANCY GROCERIES, FRUITS, CONFECTION E RIES. OLD WINES AND BRANDIES SOLE AGENT FOR CAPITAL CLUB, OLD FORESTER RYE. CALL FOR IT. DON'T EXPECT WORDS OF PRAISE For "the Piano with the sweet tone" from dealers iu pianos of other makes. We've grown accustomed to having dealers de- lame onr queen v instrument that we look upon their outbursts with a feeling of pity. THE ARTISTIC STIEFF PIANO Is sold wholly on its MERITS. It ia an ARTISTIC CKEATION, far away and beyond ita nearest rival for supremacy. That's why it carries off the FI RBT PRIZE MEDAL whenever and wherever in com petition wilh other artistic instruments. INVESTIGATE! STIEFF, 66 Granby St., Norfolk, Va, G' S. Nussear, Mgr. Oct 21 ly. DID YOU SAY DRINKS ? Well you will find the choicest brands of RYE, PDRK OLD APPLE BRANDY and Sparkling wines, Where, You Ask? WHY AT W. D. SMITH'S, Washington Ave., WELDON, - - N. C. Full line groceries always on hand. REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY Made a Well Man &-0.M9. PB.BNOXX Xt.XTM.iiiX V prodatwa 1 he aboTe resalta In 30 days. It actl ptiwurfuiljaiud quickly. C'ura wbenaUotbmtalL loDUf mn will rMiin tbmr kt maubood, and old Biol) 1U recover ttaelr youthful iior by valQf Kbvnu, it quickly and arutTlr ratoree Nerrouav baa. Loat TiuiUr. Impotettcy. Mjtitly Imlaaloaa, Lost Power. Fallltif Momonr, Waetltu Dlawaa. and all effect ol eeU-tbON or ereeaeand lodtecreiiOB, wblcft ucOU ooe for Mod y, bualDwea or mam ace. If an ooly curt by Urtia t the eeet of dleeaee.bQl toaireat nerr tnalo and blood bnllder. brio nig back the nlnk rlow to Ml ebookie and re ft orlm the fir of romfeu It warde off fneanltf wa unwuniKioQ, iuik OD bitidi niaVivuiaii cLltar, It can be eamed t6 tm! tocae. Br nail, 1.00 twrreckaffe, watt lorMrOO with poet. It trrittem anarant to car r nhuM SOMHUDICDiElU, IX'SZ For;sle in Weldon, ;n. C, By W..M. Cohen, Druggist, Dr. Bouvier's Buchu Gin A aure cur for all KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROUBLES Recommended by best physicians of th country. For aale in Weldon by W.W.KAY, Best of Wines, Whiskey and .Braudin alwaya on hand. I keep the beat of every thing in my pne. isvPoliteatlentiontoallatKay'. west aide R. B. 8hd. IPostoffio, WUoo,N.C. ceed t oolleot it. irtMrwai' '" Kfi tac

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