isi " 6 ADVERTISING IRTES-MODERATE. A. NEWSPAPER FOR THE FEOFLE TBRMS:-i'M per anndvi tn aivan' i VOL. XXXIX. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1904. NO. 31 3 WHEN YOU'RE "HITCHED-" Hon. J. P. Gibson, of Bennemvllle, 8. C, nmvn member ol the Smith Carolina Legislature, ilunt.irily written o "Tin Field," the Conway. newspaper, tlx highest jmnihle pui tf li ..----j. fujjjr .Ay wen i IpK-t Era CUJ TION .nd i Writ. Re wtlf a the Bnbblti Chtmleil Co., et. , 1004, that Ml imihtff, Mlu ftf Clin.. .. had a irrrible cia of Rhiomatltm that ill othtf medldrm ma nun i!u.; hid tnd In to curt. "Iht could noi wil a Hp," at wfitct, and would cry and (cream ham pain. From tht weak the tfia 10 u", VU",K'I'! lb Imp toted, ind It now abaolultlr eared ol ibla terrible Jin-. for Khruraatlim, your renwdr It a petific, end ! cannot prtlir i i a MjMy. My wile li to elued over I he emit lb it the wlihti M dctie whit I bite wtiTicn. to ib iddi her nimt Mauie L. Cibion." li only otif o' im .it.iii n) mirvrlnut carei wrought by (hit wnndrrfnl dlt wrTiuiiv CLEANUPS Tht. hi onn iMPontn TMr nir.r.s. BUILDS UP THK cNTIRC SYSTEM. BOBBITT CHEMICAL CO., BALTIMORE, for Tt Sample, CHARLES C. ALLEY, WHOLESALE5 him. Confectioner & Fancy Grocer, PETERSBURG. VA. Or Mr. W, T. Baufb. rtpretntt as ia Eastern Carolina. Hold yonr orders for nnv 12 ly AyersPi t y""r mo'.:s-'nr!ic or heard " i! Ir n 'itii M;V.? Use The great rule of health SKeep the bowels regular. And the great medicine Aver's Pills. mwmm dye nMi.-.u;pt a. r. h.ill r TljE TANNER'S PAINTS Retain tl ir pre-eminence above all other brand is because they aie tnsde of the best materirila obtaioa ble and are cround with great care. If your dealer docs not carry them write to the manufacturers. Box 180. Tanner Paiit & Oil Co., 1419 K.'MAIN STliF.KT, RICHMOND, VA. ITAUlS ABOUT MATRIMONY, AND HOW TO FIND UAPP1NIBS IN THAT 8TATI. There are mighty few young people who go into marriage with any real idea of what it means. They get their notion of it from among the olonda where thy live while they sre engaged, and natural ly about all they And up there i wind and moonshine, or from novels which always end just before the real trouble begins, or, if they keep on, leave out the chapters that tell how the husband fiuda the rent and the wife the hired girls. But if there's one thing in the world ahout which it's possible to get sll the facts it'i matrimony. Part of thorn are right in the house where you were born, and the neighbors have the rest. It's been my experience that you've gut te have Itimire to be unhappy. Half the troubles in tliif world are imaginary, and it takes time to think them up. But it's these oftener than the real troubles that break a young husband's back or youog wife's heart. A few men and more women oan be happy idle when they're single, but once you marry them to eaoh other they've got to find work or they'll find trouble. Everybody's got to raise something in this world, and unless people raise a job or crops or children they'll raise Coin. You can ride th re miles on the trolley car to the stockyards every morning and find happiness at the end of the trip, but you may chase it all ovor the world in a atepm yncht without catoliiog up with it. A woman can find fun from the base ment to the nurscrv of her own house, but give her a license to gad the streets and a bunch ol matinee tickets and she II find discontent, There's always an idle woman or an idle man in every divorce case. When the nan earns Ihebresd io the sweat of his brow it's right that the woman should pin-pirn a lillle baking it. Might in attempting to make right frequently bungles the job. The ro.d to sueeesa seems to be shy of rapid-transit facilities The Love of Eating. , ISTHI IN X . IS THE AMERICAN BECOM INU A GOUKMANDr Tie Bank' of Wn, Oipinui Uiier Tie Lais of lie Slate of North AUGUST 20TH, 1892. STATU OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. TOWN OK WELDON DEPOSITORY. CIPITIL IND SURPLUS $31,000. For ten years this institution has provided hanking facilities for this section lis it KkholJars and direotoM have been identified with the business interests o Hilifat: and Northampton counties for many years. M.mey is loaned upon apf proved seourity at the legal rate of interest six por oeoluin. Accounts of all are solioited. Preaidunt: Vioe-President: Cashier: W. E. DANIEL. Da. II. W. LEWH, W. R. SM Til Jackson, Northampton ooumy, N. C. The largest and best plant in the State. .CHARLES MILLER WALSH, AJmrrier and Manufacturer of MON- UMENM, TOMBS, URAVE STONES nf every description. Freight prepaid on all shipments. Safe delivery guaranteed. Write f..r designs and prices In our latyMt cen ter! of population, such as New York and Chicago, we daily see more Attention given tn the innsr man. Cafes and lunch rooms are filled with men and women who seem to Rive all their time and attention t thoughts of properly or improperly feeding their stomachs. "It is of course best to eat slowly, but not too much." says Dr. Pierce, chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Sur gical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y. In this aoth century people devote so much time to head work that their brain is fagged and there isn't sufficient blood left to properly take care of the other organs of the body. The stomach must be agisted in its hard work the liver started irto action by the me of a good stomach tonic, which should be entirely of vegetable ingredients and without alcohol. After years uf experience in an active practice. Dr. Pierce discovered a remedy that suited these conditions in a blood maker and tissue-builder. He called it Di. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery an alterative extract that assists in the digestion and assimilation of the food in the stomach so that the blood gets what It needs for food and oxidation, the liver is at the same time started into activity and there is perfect elimination of waste mat ter. When the blood is pure and rich, ail the organs work without effort, and the body is like a perfect machine. Frhk ! Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt ol stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send 21 one-cent stamps for the book in paper covers, or ji stamps for the cloth bound volume. Addreaa Vx. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo, N. Y. gfAlso Iron Fencing, Vauca . ett! ., for cemetery and other purposes at lowmt price. BSjuB A TIHF ACTION GUARANTEED. Work Delivered At Any Depot. octll ly. " Fall and Winter Goods -o FOB o Monuments AND' Gravestones. WE PAY the FREICHT AHDfcUARANTEESAFE DELIVERY . . . LARGIJMT STOCK In the Month f&yf Illustrated Catalogue FREE. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS. (Established 184H.) 169 to 163 Bank at, Norfolk Va Turcixr TrrrnTumxT w Jdu niJTT TM3T71XT Big Line Dry Goods. Notions. Gents Furnishings, Ac Tht largest line ever brought to Weldoo. Don't fail to see them before you buy. Our Shoe department is full and running over. The largest stock we have ever tarried, and we are making prices THAT WILL SELL THEM. Just reoeived a big lot of (DORSCH) Shoes. Suits to order, made up in good ahape and by good tailors. Fit Guaranteed. Don I fail to see out line of Samples and Prices Before You Place Your Order. aH. D. ALLEN & COMPANY, g WELDON. N, ' SOME IHWIFUl SMlfM BY FRANK L. STANTON IN THE "GOOD OLD TIMES," THE PRESIDENTS. 1 reokon we're fcelio' thankful I reckon we ought to be, Fer the good we've had to the Present fer the future we can't see ; Fer things that we call our blessings fer the sorrows an' the sighs ; But fir sll the preaehio' an' prayin', thcro's a mist, 'round the eyes I Yea, I reckon we're fcelin' thankful fur the life and light we know Fer the little love that's left us, an' the love that's uodot the socs ; Fer the hope the last will greet us somewhere on i golden shore, But in lonesome winter shadows we sigh fer it more Bjp' more I Some of us sre divided some have drifted away ; An' the stsrs sre not to boautiful ; there's less light in the dsy J There's a root that gives us shelter i table with plenty spread, But the vaoant obairs bring hetrtache when we break our daily bread I But I reokon we're feelin' thankful, on the hills in the lowerleaa dells, For the liitlo light that't left as for the musio of th bells ; An' maybe we'll all see elearer.when the olouds are swept awsy, An' the wesry winter is no more, an' we reach eternal May I IN THE JUDGMENT BOOK, Nov, this it t tale of t goodly man, who died in his weight of years, And winged his flight to the portajg bright with nothing of doubt or fears, Sober and stsrn was the life he'd led; hit record from sin was free, So boldly he knocked ere the gates unlocked, and loudly and clear ssid he : ''Open the gates, for I've earned my reat in the city of endless day. I have kept the law with the light I saw and followed the narrow way ; I have not stolen, I have not killed, nor cheated, nor sworn, nor lied. So open the gates for a pilgrim waits to enter his home with pride." The angel looked at the anxious nan ; looked long with a shaking head. ' Now, tarry and sit by my side a bit, while I look at the book," he said. Then be turned away to the shining book and looked at its pages fair. And this was the toorc as he read it o'er to the man who was waiting there: A thousand eyes that have looked io vain for kindness left undone ; Of hearts that have hied from the words you've said, t thousand, a score and one. A thousand judgments in mercy's place; of ohaooos to pardoo missed. 0 love abused and trust ill-used; we've entered a sorry list. "A thousand days when your darkened mood you thrust on your friends abo'it; A thousand sneers and a thousand tears brought on by your tales of doubt. Of jests that rankled, a hundred score; of joy that has felt the frown Of words with stings snd envious flings we've written a thousand down." Sadly the angel closed his book and said to the cringing wraith : "Your selfishoets score it a million more. We do not reckon faith. But the wrongs you have done to your fcllowmen and the hurts tbey have had from you Are written here with a meaning clear Do you thick I csn let yon through ?" Now, this is the tale of a goodly man who died in his weight of years And winged l is flight to the portals bright with nothing of doubt or fears. But he must bide for a time outside he has learned by that fateful scroll How he trampled over athousaod hearts while saving his selfish soul Chas. II IKUl.4 111. DillllM EXPERT WATCHMAKER AND OPTICIAN Every kind of watch or clock made to keep accurate time. GOLD WED DING AND OTHER RINGS MADE TO ORDER. Eyea tetled and Scientifically fitted with Eje Glasses or Bpcclsclesat LOWEST PRICE8. A fine line of Ladies and Qentlemens Gold Ring', Wstches, Jewelry, 4c MTMail orders promptly attended to. LIFE'S ENFORCED PAUSES. Till WEANWUILIB AM 80 MANY THAT Til ST ARK WORTH OONSIUERINO. A plessant writer tells a story of a sweet-faced old lady io a railway car. The train had met with several minor mishaps, and finally came to a sudden standill io a dreary airetch of country, miles from the" city for which it was bound. Some accident had befallen I lie engine, but all the informatieo that the passengers could secure in regard to the extent of the trouble, or the probable length of the delay, waa very indefinite. Aa with most companies of people under similar oircumstances, there was much questioning and hurrying to and tro, blaming official., and urgent de mands for impossible baste, with useless explanation of the important affairs that made it intolerable to be hindered While the others were io a ttate of rest less oummotioo, the old lady opened her bag, and, drawiog out tome unfinisbtd work, calmly remarked ; "We'll, if we've got to wnit here an hour or to, I can put in a good bit of koitiin'." Life's enforced pauses are so Irequcnt ita meanwhiles so man;, that they are well worth counting and considering, jet few of us are ready with the "good bit of knitting" that might fill them useful" ly and safely. It is not to much in the spsre minutes, which from ohildhood we have been counseled to improve, that our wasted opportunities lie, as in the longer intervsls that make up to much of human existence times when we are Waiting for aomeibing to develop, some thing tn chsnge, some new path to open, and in our restless watching we neglect the work that lies at hand. And these intervals the onseilhd times of nneertsinty, of expectation, of trouble taken altogether, cover a great part of our mortal existenoe. I he times when e are restful, untroubled, peace fully pursuing our choseo way, are com paralively, few, so that if we are ever to accomplish muoh of that which is, after all, life's real work, it must be done io these mean wh ilea. REVOLUTION IMMINENT. A sure sign of approaching revolt and serious trouble in your system is ner vousness, sleeplessness, or stomach up sets. Electrio Bitters will quickly dis' member the troublesome causes, It never fails to tooe the stomach, regulate the Kidneys and Bowels, stimulate the Liver, and clarify the blood. Run down systems benefit particularly and all the usual attending aches vanish under its searching and thorough effectiveness Electric Bitters is only 60c and that is returned if it don't give per fed satisfac tion. Guaranteed by W. M. Cohen, Druggist. UNAPPKECIAT1VE. 'Your youngest daughter is having her voice cultivated?" "Well," answered Mr. Cumrox, "that's the way mother and the girls express it But between )ou and me, I hired the profitsnr in the hope of getting it cured." Washington Star. KAOT8 WHICH BIIOW flOW MCCn BET TER OTP Wg ARE TODAY, Not uslil February of 1812 did the people of Kentucky know that Madison was elected president in the previous November. In 1834 one of the leading railroads of the United Stiles printed on its time table: "The locomotive will leave the depot every day at ten o'olock, if the wcafher is fair." The first typewriter was received by the public with suspicion. It seemed subversive of existing conditions, A reporter who took one into a oourt room first proved its real worth. In England, some centuries ago, if an ordinary workman, without permission, moved from ooe parish to another in search of work or bettor wages, he was branded with a hot iron. When Benjamin Franklin first thought of starting a newspaper in Philsdelph ia many of his friends advised against it, Dooause there was a paper published in Boston, Some of them doubted that the oountry would be able to support two newspapers. One hundred years ago, the fastest and travel in the world was on the Great North Road, in England, after it had been put into its best condition. There the Yotk mail ooach tore along at the rate'of ninety miles a day, and many persons confidently predicted Divine vengcunco on such unseemly haste. When Thomas Jefferson was elected president nf the United States, or Febroary 17, 1301, after one of the most exciting political campaigns in our history, the gratifying news did not retch the successful candidate for as many days as it now takes hours to transmit tho result nf presidential elec tion to the whole civiliied world. When, In 1809, Richard Traviihick uttered the following words, there were many who considered him an insane dangerous person: "The present genera tion will use oanttls, the next will prefer railroads with horses, nut their mme enlightened successors will employ steam oarriagea on railways as the perfection of the art of oonvcyanee." From "Success Magaitne." THE CURIOUS CHINAMAN. What a very curious person the China man seems tn usl When be meets a friend he shakes his own hand, not his friend's. fie keeps out of step when walking with any one, He puis his hat ou instead of taking it off, when he wants to be polite. He whitens his boots instead of blaek- ening them. He ridea with his heels instead of his toes in the stirrups. His compass points south. Often he throws away the fruit of tho melon and eats the seed. London News. MAST WERE BEARDLESS ORAST TUB VlttST WITH A FULL SHORT HEARD When Roosevelt is inaugurated on March 4, 1905, he will he the secouJ president with a mustache. Cleveland wuslhe Gtst W hatever the presuieucy oi ibis ciuu- try has done for the incuuiheuis, it Im not been productive of beards, says The New York Hun. Tho first four chief executives were us clean shaven ss Benedictine friars. J. Q Adams was the first to break I lie rule, but he was not s full bearded president His facial growth of hair hardly came ui to what are u-ually termed side whlkern but they wore a tr'flo moro expansive then the Scutch Presbyterian type. When he retired the beardless pre-i-eut came io again with Jackmn, but his successor, Van Buren, brought io the white house almost an exact pattern of the whiskers grown by J. Q. Adams. William Henry Harrison again set the beardless face. The seven who came af ter were olean Bhavcn. When Mr. Lincoln was elected there was not a hair on his face, but before ho finished his first term he wore a sparse beard, with clean shaven upper lip. One of the authenticated stories is that he did this to please a child. FANCY Grant was the first president with a full short beard. His immediate suc cessor, Hayes, was the first to wear full, long whiskers covering his shirt front Unrheld also wore a lull beard, but it was less luxuriant than that of Hayes, Arthur, who was the most correol dresser of all the presidents, was the first in the list to grow the Burnsido typo ol whiskers. Benjamin Harrison's heard was full, with a slight tendency to curl at the end was linged with gray. After Cleveland the clean shaven face refurned with McICinlcy. The mustache eame in for the second time when Roosevelt succeeded. Most of the presidents were bountifully supp ied with hair on top of their head: The two Adamses were the first to show a slight tendency lo baldness. Van Buren was bald on the forehead Garfield was similarly marked. Polk was the first and ouly president who wore bis hair in the ante-bellum southern style. It was long and reached back from the front, nver bis ears. Bu ohanan was the first and only nne, so far, to wear the top roach. Cleveland in returning to his second administration showed a tendenoy to baldness. McKinlcy was not noticeably blessed with a heavy growth. But no haldheadcd man, as the term is understood, has yet been president of the United Males. FOR OVRR W1XTV YEAR. Mrs. Winslow's Soothino Syrup has been used for over 60 years by mill ions of mothers for their children while teeihing, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allayB all pain; oures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrheal. It will rolieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for" Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. FIGHT WILL BE BITTER. Thoae who will peraist in oloaiog their ears againat the continual recommenda lioo ol Dr. King's New Disoovery for Consumption, will have a long and billet fight with their trouble, if not ended earlier by fatal termination, Read what T. R. Beall, nf Beall, Miat., baa lo say: "Last fall my wife had every symptom of consumption. She took Dr. King's New Discovery after everything else had failed. Improvement eame at once end fonr bottles entirely cured her." Gutr- LUCK. Ida -"Wijddings should always be on clear days." May "Oh, I don't know. I hope there will be showera on my wedding dav." Ida "You do?" May ! Yet, showers of riot." Chi cago Newt. A FRIGHTENED HORSE. lluoniog like mad down the alrcel dumping the occupants, or a hundred other accidents, are every day ooour- rencea. It behnoves everybody to have a reliable Salve bandy and there's none at good it Buokleo't Arnica Salve, Burnt, Cutr, Sores, Enema aid Piles, dissppear quickly tinder its toothing effect. 25c. it W, M. Cohen's Drug Store. THEIR FIRST EXPERIENCE A day or two ago a Brooklyn clergy man received an evening call from an elderly man and woman, who cxprei-sed a wish to be joined in the bonds uf matrimony as quickly as possible. "Have you ever been married before? 1 asked the olergyman ol the man, a good oaturcd, weather beaten person of sea faring aspect. "Never, and never wanted to bo be fore," was the prompt reply "And have you ever been married be fore?" the question came to the woman 'No, sir," Bhe replied iih equal promptness, and with touch of humor that appealed to the clergyman at once she added: ' I never had a chance " The marriage oeremony was speedily performed snd ths clergyman refused to take rny fee, telling the bride, with a twinkle in hia eye, that it had been an unusual privilege to officiate. New York Press. Sign of the s?-BIG WATCH, near tnteed by W. M. Cohen, Druggist. Price Pottoffioe, Weldoo, N. C. I 50c ind 11.00. Trill boll lea nee. Most people wnu'd prefer to hear of your ill luck than nf your good fortune, Itaanso the liver is Jr neglected peoplo suffer 4r with constipation, biliousness, Vl 4 heailaclipa ana levers. Colds attack w H the lunps and contapious diseases 1 9 take hold of the system. It ia safe 1 a HARD PRESSED FOIt FUNlS "Oh, Henry," exclaimed bis wife, as ahe threw her arms rspturously about his neck, "1 do love you sol Don't forget to leave me 110 when yon goto towo this morning, you, dear?" "And this," muttered Henry, softly, disengagiog himself from her fond em brace, "this is what you might oall being hard pressed for money." Chicago Journal. JStTwANT ALL INTE RESTED IN MACHINERY 10 HAVE OUN NAME BEFOR E TI-.EM DURING 1903 Write ua stating what kind of Machinery you use, or win Install, and we will mail you Free of all cost A HANDSOME AND U3EFUL Pocket diary and Atlas On A LARGE Commercial Calendar Cibbcs Machinery Company, COLUMBIA, S. C. A STOCK OF HORSE POWER HAY PRESSES TO BE CLOSED OUT AT SPECIAL PRICES C. G. EVANS. VEMOX, N. C , GROCERIES, FRUITS, CONFECTIONERIES. OLD WINES AND BRANDIES SOLE AGENT FOR CAPITAL CLUB, OLD FORESTER RYE. CALL FOR IT. DON'T EXPECT WORDS OF PRAISE For "the Piano with the sweet tone" from dealers in pianos ol other makes. We've grown accustomed to hav ing dealers de- tame our queenlv instrument that we look upon their outbursts with a feeling of pity. THE ARTISTIC STIEFF PIANO Is sold wholly on ite MERITS. It is an ARTISTIC CREATION, far away and beyond its nearest rival for supremacy. That's why it carries off the FIRST PRIZE MEDAL whenever and wherever in com petition with other artistic instruments. INVESTIGATE! STIEFF, 66 Granby St., Norfolk, Va. G 8, Kuasear, Mgr. oct 21 ly. It ia safe to say that if the liver wore always EPpt m prnpor 'orkinff order, illnew wmihl w almost unknown. Thlfnl'8 Ithuk-Prauglit is so Bucofssful in citrine; niuh sickness becauao it is without a rival as a liver reffuUilor. This preat family meilicine is nut ft Btrontf aim il rawtic tlrufj, but a mild and healthful laxative that curei con stipation ami may be taken by a mom child without pofltuble harm. Tins healthful action on the lirer curea biliousness. It has an in vigoratintf eflVet on the kidneys. liocauKO the liver and kidneys do not work ruul;irly, tho poisonous acids along with the witHte from the bowels pet back into the blood and virulent contagion results. Timely treatment with Thed ford'i lilack-lraii(fht remoTM the dan pom which lurk in ronsti pation, liver and kidney trouble!, and will positively forestall the inroads of bright'! diwMne, for which dis ease in advanced itAjros there is no euro. Ask your dmlcr for a Q ot, UiAKtuio Mi lawoioiu iiaut- mm Draught. DID YOU SAY DRINKS ? Well you will find the choioest brands of RYE. PURE OLD APPLE BRANDY and Sparkling wines, Where, You Ask? WHY AT W. D. SMITH'S, Washington Are., WELDON, - - K.C. Full line grocoiiaA always on hand. tJk ft. Ufa. THE REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY Made a Well Man .of Me p PIIBNOH nUMJQDT produces the shove nsalts In 30 days. It Sets poworliii ty d quickly. Cures when all others (stt lfoiir)(tro(inwillrBin their loot msuhood, snd old torn will recover their youthful visor by using Itr.VlVO. H Qnloklrtudsurfllrretrtow Nervous Dmi, tout TlUllty. Impotent;?. Nightly EmUsioDs, Lcmtl'ower.l'elltnK tdotuorr, Westlni Dlseues.SDa III ctlVicti ol sulf-ebuse or eteeutnd lodlecretioa. which unO t one for t odr. fcmitwwe or tntmtf e. 14 Dot only curre by nttrtlng ittheeeet of dlsesse.but ie iirett tn-rve tnnlo snd blood builder, brlns Ins bti'k the plttk glow topnle cheeks sudrs toi ttig the fire of yout h. It wsrdi off Insanity snd Couimniiitinn. lnntet on bftving REVIVO. no C I It iT, It enn be esnied In Vffrt twkot. By null 1.0O prrrf kui, or eix lor O.OQ. with post tlv written vimrftntee to rare) or ntons th tnoiiry. Nnk it ml inWUu f rim. Aihlrvae Trayner HuHdlng. 9 StOVAL MEDICINE CO., Cohen, Drugnist If the fashions do not change In heaven women will find it awfuliy monotonous. CASTOR I A For Infantt and Children. TbB Kind You Have Always Bought Bean th Signatur tf A COSTLY MISTAKE. Blunders are sometimes very expen sive. Uootstonairy life itselt is the price of a miatake, but you'll never be wrong if yon take Dr. King's New Life Pillt for Dyspepsia, Diuioess, Headache, Liver or Bowel troubles. They are gentle yet thorough. 25c at W. M Cohen's Drug Store. Absenoe makes the heart grow fonder. And it'i to muoh cheaper than presents. OABTOniA. Bsart the ) Vwi Han lw Bought Sigutart of 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TftADC Mark DESIGN! Copyrights, Ac. Anyone sending s uttelfh end lwrlrnnn mny qntukly muwtHin our oiilmnn troe whether an Intention t iirt'hehlv putenliitilrt Commnitlrrv ttmm M rtrtly omtliinnl IhI. HANDBOOK "n I'nli'iiu otic free, ii1eM Mireney fm nffuriug iMteuiH. I'stentB Ink on through Muntt ft ,'o. receive tptrial nutles, without chnreo. In the Scientific American. A. hnnrtfiomely IlltiiitTatPd wechly. I.nnrent rlr. rtilmUm of any ofleiiiltlo .Vninml. 'I'onnw, :i a Tisnr: fmir month, L Bold byull newtulealera. MUNN & Co.3B1B",,h'- New York Branch omri. (&i K W., Wrjsh)nniiii. D. 0, FOiETSKOHEMCAR ft (AUdraw ". tr. Mm aptaie "3 . Dr. Bouvier's Buchu Gin A snre core for all KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROUBLES Recommended by best physicians of th country. . For sale In Weldon by W.Vf.ivAX Beet of Wines, Whiskeys and Brandies always onhand. I keep the best of every thing in my pan. ft.Polite tttontion to Ui at Kr y't, west tide R. R. Shed, mySlj.

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