Lj m J fc m fcwj'yw "Jin si -A-IDVERTISIITG IA-TES-MODEUATK. .A. NEWSPAPER FOB THE PEOPLE TERlLS: i -6 per annum in advano VOL. XXXIX. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1901, NO. 33 TH rnuM int ir INSIDE riii WUi'i o ! (lit mn powerful ,.i efflumt blgod purifier in tin world. It iwrrpl ?"!!L' ;:' .l r" ' trme lh.it an RHEUMATISM, LA- okiw, cii.Mi. a, uvr:n ji.-i vrm troueles, buioushcss, constipa- TIJJI, IM".,;:-.SU'N i.ul WHTACirj.i BLOOD POISON. Improve, Hie Siomich, builds uji tin en r; y:i,m. I Kicld, the lamout minstrel ; Hon. I. p. (.ihm, he Sums Carolina kjiduor, and hundrcdi ol others testify that it A1SUUTELV CURES. . Su.pl. bottle 1-rM 11 you writ ROBBITT CKZVM. CO.. Btltlmora. C.t " Foiccr Me Not" Book Iran row muiclit. CHARLES C. ALLEY, WHOLESALE Confectioner & Fancy Grocer, PETERSBURG. VA. agrMr. W. T. Baugh represents us in aim. Ay ers Pills nrr11 9 ."titifal brown or rich black? Use TljE TANNER'S PAINTS Retain th-ir pre-eminence abjre all other brands is because they are tuado of the best materials obtaina ble and are erouod with great care. If ynur dealer does not carry them write to the manufacturer. REjSoji Box 180. Tb Bank -;:::::WELDON N. C Orianizei Mer Tic Lais of tie State of North Carolina, AUGUST 20TH, 1892. 8TATE OP NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUN TY DEPOSITORY. TOWN OF WELDON DEPOSITORY. CIPIIll US SURPLUS For ten years thia institution has provided banking facilities for this section Its stockholders and dircotors nave been nientiuea witn tne Dusmew luieresia Halifax and Nortbatnoton eountiea for man? jravad BMurttv at the leiral rate of interest olioited, President: Vioe-Preaideot: W. E. DANIEL. Da. H. W. Jackson, Northampton oounty, N. 0. I The largest and best plant in Ji tne btate. iXCHARLES MILLER WALSH, Quarrier and Manufacturer of MON UMENTS, TOMBS, GRAVK STONES of (very description. Freight prepaid on all ahipmeota. Safe delivery guaranteed. Write tor designs and prices Work Delivered Mill It. Fall and Winter Ms o FOP o MEN. WOMEN Big Lit ury Goods, Notions, Gaots ever brought to YVeldoo. Doo't fail to tee Our Shot deprtmeot ii full tod running tairied, and we are Baking prioes THAT WILL Just received a big lot of (DORSCH) 8hoes. 8uits to order, made up ia good eh.pe and by good tailors. Fits Guaranteed. Don't fail to sew our line of Samples and Prices Before You Place Your Order. aH. D. ALLEN & COMPANY, g WELDON. N. C. ii.'Hiifcrviar' asi CUMOl "nun JSKSRjf VinCKO TAIL 11 Eastern Carolina. Bold yoor orders for dot 12 ly Act directly on the liver. They cure constipation, biliousness, sick-headache. Sold for 60 years. iZti'L,: Buckingham's dye nm a. ., .. iuu.m..u.T a. Tanner Faint & Oil Co., 1419 E. MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, VA. of Wn, $31,000. veara. Money la loaned upon api lit net centum. Accounts of sil are- CaBhier: LEWIS, W. R. SMITH HXvAlao Iran Fencing;, Vase etc , for cemetery aim utuer nurDosee at lowest prices. (SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. At Any Depot. & CHILDREN. Furohirjgt Ao, Th largest Hoe them before you buy. ofer. The Isrgeit stock we have ever SELL THEM. CHRISTMAS. ULOar Wood m mi hiubst"a'n ON IAHTH PIAOt, GOOD WILL TO WARD MEN," ST. LOKI 11-14 The glory aent laok to the throne by the Heavenly hoot was the adoration ol God for Ilia unBpeakable gift Thai glory bat uover oeasod Tunguo afl.r tongue, age after age the Church bar at)Dt back the everlasting prayer. Ii b uuga lo Cliriaiuiaa thia aduraiiuo lot the incarnation of Cbri.it. Meu should thank God fur Jesus of Nmreih, II the scrinon on ihe niouul, the cxauip't of suffering and the propitiation for our aiua "aod not for our sina ooly, but fni the aiua of ihe whole world." Universal peace Tbia predioiion U not yet translated into reality, but it is destined to beoome actual in the provi- deoee ol god. It ia a liL'h ideal, raised farabuve our military epiiit aod our eo' huriarm for oorqirst, hut it ia not too much to eipiot rtigu a tue day ol uni versal brotherhood. Good will or "good pleasure," or Qod'a gracious regard lor men aa manifested in the gift of salvation to them io their wretched conditioo. Chriitmas is the day of God's good pleasure. Flear it, ye who are down oast aod troubled. Hear it, ye wbo are alone and far away from the Father's bouse. "Come unto Me," all ye that labor and are heavy laden aod I will give you teat.'. Christmas is the symbol of infinite love. lied so loved tbe world that lie gave His Son Glory, Peace and Good Will belong to this day and these should thrill the whole Christian world. These elements comprise Heaven and they are some day to oover tbe eartb as lbs waters oover tbe sea. CHRIST IflftS HINTS. We're kinder short on groceries bouse rent is falling due, (The very meriiest Christmas in the big, round worl' to you I) We haven't had a turkey since it's been too long to tell I (Hope these few Hoes will Sod you an' tbe fam'ly, mighty well ) We didn't make much cotton we didn't kill no meat, (If all o' you air comin' wi.h ycr (ppe tiles to eat, Please keep in recollection, the worl' is goio' wrong, An' fetch yer feast, an' likewise bring jer jimmyjohn along I) When yon fret and fume at tbe petty ills of life, remember that the wheels which go round without creaking last the longest. What The Earth Produces, The earth hat nourished u through un known ur of human exist nee. la it not true that the earth snDDttci u with everr tfainf that we really it-quire for existence? Have you ever thought that it ia probable that the earth supplies ui with the meant to keep our bodily vigor, our health, if we only knew it ? The animals know by in stinct what is rood for them and will search nntJl they fin$ in some plant what they need for correcting: indigestion or constipa tion, etc. Ia it, therefore, not possible that there are roots and herbs supplied by nature which will cure tbe diseases that afflict human kind ? That is why Dr. Pierce, of minim, r. ., una suvu 11111 in iucu- ical Discovery." Years ago, when he was in general and active practice, he found that a combination of certain herbs and roots made into an alterative extract, with' out the use of alcohol would always put the stomach into a healthv condition, nour ish the tissues, feed the blood and nerves and put healthy tone into the whole system. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery restores the lost flesh by curing diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition nnd emibtititr the perfect di- gestion nnd assimilation of food from which flesh and strength are made. L. Royalty. Kq., Justice of the Peace. Lexing ton. Ky , tor ) years, wrttrt : I am satisfied that Ur Pierce s'c.oUicn Medical DiKorerv will give perniatirut relief, ami cure any one who may be wn(lt'ring front stomach ami liver trouble, which aa a rule are the result of bowel difncullie. My experience with tbe above named medicine wax moat Mtifnctory. It soon hail my vslem well regulated and toned up, and 1 have lelt in splendid health and spirits aver aiuce." To gain knowledge of your own body An sickness and health send for the People's Common Sense Medical Adviser. A book of 1006 pages. Send si cents in stamps for turwf.mvrrrti or. il atamns for cloth- bound copy. Address Dr R. V. Pierce, 663 Main Street, ttuflalo, N, V. IPL VI DU I III XV III 11,1 II It'll ivuuo, m. jmiuuu EXPERT WATCHMAKER AND OPTICIAN Every kiod of watch or clock made to keep accurate tine. GOLD WED DINO AND OTHER RINGS MADE TO ORDER. Eyes tested and 8cientilaally fitted with Eye Glasses or Spectacles at LOWEST PRICES. A fine line of Ladies and Gentlemens Gold Ring', Watches, Jewelry, 4a. (air Mail orders promptly attended to. 8igBf tbeM-Bia WATCH, Bear rottofiet, WtUoj,N.O. "TMfiiwiTinnJmiii fii i n 1 1 1 1 n n f HlTiiirliiIiJ u i iiuii 1 1 1 'ni in r jt. ,7ntirt iTimE,afer& THE SEASON There's a happy restless feeling in tbe air and 'round about, And the children all are happy as so gleefully they shout ; The world is full of Santa Claus, and the happy, joyous trend Of feeling is "Good will on earth, aod peaoe to you, my friend 1" God gave to us his only Son, who lingered here on earth To teach all men that ever; man is brother, and the worth Of all the world in ooooled gold is but a tiny sharo Of whst it ooste to be God's own and eat Ilia festal fare. Aod gathered 'round tbe festal board the rich and poor join hands And drink the words of righteousness, truths that come from fairer lands; The God of Israel blesses all, His happiness to send To us on earth good will, snd peace unto all men, Tbe God of men gave unto us His well beloved child, Aod in His book He teaches us, in verses sweet snd mild, Thst peaoe on eartb eaeb one will have this season of tbe year, When each beloved ohild of God sings "Peaoe to you, good cheer I" A Cbristmaa tide the world looks on sod reads the story o'er Of Christ, the God, who died for us it s told in everv lore. The little child, the grown up one, their voices sweetly blend, And sing to all, "Good will on earih, and peace to you, my friend I" MAR mdioc PUDiCTuncnncnu uuiiilo unmoiifinjunLniiii I had had ray good-night kisses, and my evening prayers were said : Mother's hands had tucked me in my coiy little bed. There I lay all warmly anugglrd while I listened to the song That the icy wind wuj whistling as it whirled the flakes along. There was snow sgainst my window ; all the aleepiog world was white, And I thought of sll the stories they had told ms of the night When the shepherds in Judea heard an angel chains eiog Of a maoger-oradled baby born to be a mighty King. Then my thoughts went drifting onward to the tales of Santa Claus With hii dainty sleigh and sleigh-bells and the reindeer team that draws Desr old Ssnta and his presents over all the world, ao swift, That tbe runners leave no traces in the softest, deepest drift, Made me shiver jast to think about the froi:n country where Dear old Saoia lives for always I had seen a g'lar bear In a cage once, at the oireus and I sbuddored juH my best, Then I well, my Uncle Tommy says I surely dreamed the rest. I waa sliding down an iceberg, haviog lots of fun, And had started toward tbe summit just as fast as I oould run. Somehow dreams are kind o' lunny all along the litt'e slide Chriitmas trees brimful of presents grew in rows on either side, Tops snd candies, sleds aod dollies hung around just everywhere ; I waa reaching np to take some, when I saw s great, big bear Starting down the slide to get me, with bis mouth a'l fixed to bite, And I got so scared to see him that I oouldn't run a mite. Then I waked. The moon was shining; through the window by my bed; Looking through tbe iron railings I oould see a furry bead Like the one that I'd aeen comio down the slide to gobble me, Aod I lay right atill and quivered, just as scared as I could be, Then I saw my etockiog wiggle I had hung it on a chair; Saw a big lat hand that made me know it waso't any bear; Saw the moonshine on his whiskers snd I knew just who it was It was Christmas Eve, I 'membercd, and my 'bear" waa Santa Claus I THE DEPARTING FRIEND. Old Year, old friend, I know ihe end Ia near And thou art dying. I, in my vaio despair, am crying. "Ho'd! hold, apaoel Let me but look upon thy faoe Ooe moment mote. Nay, do not die Uaiil, to sorrowful good-bye, Remorse and sad repentance find a voice For recreant remimoese. Ah, what choicv, Fair chances ihon didst oflcr mo Io life! What lib'ral legacy. Thou wouldat have lefl me had I knon The half I know today! I own I've been too thoughtless of thee, Ineo l Today, while thou art dying Already lo thy enow-shroud lying Tbe mem'ry of the hours come back When, had 1 dons thee kindness Time, While thou wert in thy vigorous prime, Thou wouldsl now will me something mors Than withered hopes and keen regret, Alack. Thou'rt gone, irrevocable past, And now at last. There oome, from out the shsdow of tha year aguna But bitter memories. And thou and I, we two a'one, Know, 'mid the auff riog and the aio. What might have bei-u what might have been!" BWlti. A i" m foP5 Baatan sf OF PEACE. SNU CLAUS IS COMING- "Old Santa Claus is coming I" I've heard it all day long, And the gay rogues in the nursery Have been singing of this song. For months and weeks I've beard them Io the nursery with their fun Counting on their ohubby fingeis, "Days till Santa Claus would come." Dowo the stairway io my study, Now they come with laugh snd shout "Santa Claus will oome tomorrow; Papa, have you found it out ?" I can't show them I'm impatient ; So I put my woik away, Answer throi with giy, good humor; "I ea, sweetheart", just one more day, And I tell them Christmas stories Of ( mother's angel face, And how she'll intercede with Santa, Have their naughty deeds erased. But I hide from them my sorrow, Thst my darlings may not know Hall my heart ia with their mother, Folded close beneath tbe snow. A FRIGHTENED HORSE. Piuoning like Bad down tba street dumping the occupants, or a hundred other accidents, are every day occur rences It behooves everybody to have a reliable Salve handy snd there's nooe aa good as Buokles's Arnica Salve. Buroa, Cutr, Sores, Ecsema aid Piles, disappear quickly under its soothing effect. 25e. at W. M. Cohen's Drog Store. A PICTURE THAT PREACHED. TWO PAINTINGS WHICH HAVE TOUCH ED MANY HEAHTS. In the Dusseldorf Gallery io Prussia are two paintings which have touched many hearts one of a wild Gypsy girl and another of the Saviour. The gypsy girl lived the wild life of her tribe, and had been called in by Sternberg, a German painter, that he might paint her pretty face. She had never been in an artist's Btudio before, and did not fail to notico on the other side of the room ao unfinished oaintincr of the crucifixion of our Lord One day she asked, "Master, who is that?'1 'That is Jesus Christ, Soi of Mary," replied the painter, carelessly. "But was He a bad man that they treated Him so cruelly?" "0, ool He was the best man that ever lived." "Tell me more about Him," and so he did, though unwilling to do to. Day after day as tbii gvpsy girl camo to the studio to have her picture paioted her fioe was fixed upoi this paioting of Christ As the last sittiog was over aod ahe was about to leave the room she whispored: "Mas'cr, how can you help loving Him, who you say, has died tot you? If anybody had loved me liko that, 0, I'd like to die for him?" And then with a sad heirt ahe went back to her people. Ana tne painter! tie was struck as with an arrow, God's Spirit sent the words borne to his heart. He fell on his knees, and, covering hia faee with his hands, ooufessed before Gol's blessed Son how for twenty-seven years he h neglected Him and sinned against Him and, looking for pardon to that cmss of Jesus, gave his life to Him. His heart was filled with a new joy, and he then became a worker for Christ. He put aside the half-finished picture in which he had thought only of depicting the surTerinn of Christ, and began a fresh one with bis heart full of love toward that Saviour who h id died fur Him He felt that the Lord helped him as never before. Selected. IT S ALL IN THE POINT OF VIEW ".Most men," said the man of experi ence, "think it must be awfully nice to have a wife who takes things ss coolly as Dave Potter's wife takes thim, but other., moro discriminating would preh r a good, honest row to hi r q'ret cynicism The way she behaved Ihe other day when she found s letle. io Dave'B pocket from some girl over io Brooklyn is ao example of her quiet niannerB. " 'I don't see,' wrote the Tragio Muse from Long Island, 'bow on earth I can ever live without you ' "Dave's wife read that gush and a lot more just like it without ever turning a hair. " 'Well,' she said, coolly, 'that girl is a fool. If she knew you as well as I do she would be woodeiiug how on esrlh she could ever live with you.' "Aod lint, io the opioim or Ihe dis criminating few, cuts a whole lot deeper than a oommon, everyday rumpus " Maw Yolk Prera. TOOK IN THE SITUATION. "John, here aro your slippers." "Thank you." "Aod your smokiug jacket." "Row good you aril" "And your pipe and tobacco." "That'a kiodl" "And now sit down and let me rub your head for I know you're tired poor fellow!" And then he looked inquiringly at her and eaid: "Mollie, lets be perfectly osodid with each other. What kind of a Christmas present do you want?" Atlanta Consti tution. Batntt, loa Kmd Vos Han tlways Bwjjht LOVE AND DEATH. TDK U.VR THAT HAS KNnWN NO U WHOLLY HKLVIHII AND IHIMW I.ove is a blessinj, od death i.nil.s Hut which we call die o -ri.iu-ni I 'I is '!; nresl Int. Ij tve and I'-a-i utnl Krirl an' fur all 01 tW'i 111 11, Oitl! Wll 1 1'iViM if, 'I nie who has 1'iVi' tin 1 I't-I, l lit- e in I lie rn'hp, H , .,,, j. .-,. i,,,,, , b-n.i pall hn liiilil h ilh nf .'.rill and heaven. The love ihal Im kn.iwri ti i I i-a i wliolly selliih nnd hniii an. !l, iih nltuni fan I'lli'iN, Who him n il lain down a) ni hi Miy illlt UOtO IlillHelf, ,,. .W i lle Nxlelllll h-iur when wv own sli ill ro ne bic In me, has nut ' Uiid-d i he h ,r, le.s Ma of love. I believe in life and I b.-ii, v, n i ,.b profoun lly in death 1 liehev in a res'i'r n i . i tn I Ion we can out dm ir n wi. No man hai ever yel f 'il d in ue o tell the things th it death haa tau.'lii him No man dares reveal ihem lull)' Ms a covenant with silence. A p iwer that stiikes us to our knees with infinite sorrow and a yearoio that would reach beyond the grave, must be a power beoigo. Life divides and estranges, death re unites and reconciles. Blessed be death! I have seen my old father weep in re calling the death of a child be had lost fifty years before. Of other children who had grown to adult age and passed away, be oould speak with dry eyes aod quiet resi;nati.in. But the memory of ihe beloved child ost in his youth so long before, fell like a beam of sunlight across the winter of bis age, melting it to tears. U lite and death, what mys'er y is here! A Pl.KASAVI Fll.l.. No Pill is as pleasant and positive as DeWitt s Little Early Risers. DeWitt'i Liltle Early Kisers are bo mild and effec tive that children, delicate ladies and weak people enjoy their cleansing effect while strong people Bay they are the best liver pills sold. Forsalo hy W. M. Cohen, Druggist, Weldon, N. C. TKUTH FOR THE HOLIDAYS "Does mistletoe bear fruit?" "Yes, my son, very ofieo, Forbidden fruit." Town Topics. NO MOItliWLKH'.RING. If you arc troubled with indigei-tion eet a bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cuio and see how quickly it will euro you. Geo. A. Thomson, ol Spencer, Ia., says: "Have had Dyspepfia for twenty years. My case was almost hopeless, Kodol Dys pepsia Curo wus recommended aud I used a few bottles of it and it is the only lliing that has relieved me. Would not be wiihout it. Have doctored wilh local physiciars and also at Chicago, and even went to Norway with hopes of gelling some relief, but Kodol Dyspepsia Core is the only remedy that has done mo any good, and I heartily recommend it. Eveiy person suffering wilh Indigestion or Dyspepsia should use it." For sale by W. M. Cohen, Druggist, Weldon, N. C. AS USUAL. Micky pay, Swipsuy, what do yer eipect to hsve in ycr stocking Christ mas moroio? Swipsey (mournfully) Holes! Chi cago Daily NewB. CURES? iSTOMACHi fllE body pets its life from 1 food prniOTly digested. Ilerilthy digestion meniiB pure Mood for the body, but stomach troubles arise from carelewneas in i jting and stomach disorders unset tho entiit'system. Improp erly maBtieati-d food sours on tno stomach, causing distressing pains, lx'lchiiig and riansea. V'hen ovPT-efttinff is persisted in the stomach becomes weakened and worn out and dyspepsia i oUiwa lt Irlim. Thedford's Black-Draught cure iysipsia. it ireea uih stomach and bowels of congested aimltiT and oivea the stoiuach new life. The stomach ia quickly invigorated and tne natural stimulation results in a good annetite. with the power to thor- raiirlitv diomt food. Yon can build up yonr stomach with this mild and natural rfmedr. Try Thedford's Ulack Draught today. You can buy a package from your dealer for fco. If he does not keep it, send tho mon to Tho Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattooooa, Term., and a package will M mailed you, ( THEDPORBS KgKaWaWal sVWmm aBAat JS.W V Cure Sddai Prevent fnawemla 0. G. EFANS. . vr:i.iM, x ( , A .1 .v i "( i HI' fit 1 1 s, I I'SFIlt I I'M: IKS. l.l WINI'k AM Itl'AMHI H -sui,u Atii; i Kin CAPITAL m:i!,lll.l) FORESTER RYE. A),f, 1'IIK IT Dr. Bower's Buchu Gin A sure cure for all KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROUBLES Hecommendeil by best physicians of tb( country. For sale in Weldon by W.W.KAY, Beet of Wines. Whiskeys and Brandiea alwaye onlmnd. I keep the best of every thing in my (inc. L.Politc attention to all at Kay's, west side U. R. Shed. my Sly. J. A. ALSTON fine PROVISIONS, ' Cigars and Tobacco.- Fine Whiskies AND WINES Merrimac Clnb and Pride of Virginia, nice and mellow Bar stocked with Choice Drinks of every kind. Cor. Washington Ave., and First Street. Weldon N. 0. 10-21-ly THE RICH BECOuiE SO BY If good for them it muse bo for all. Money saved in buying, is money made. Our arrangements for getting direct from New York, the best and latest io mer chacdise new goods every week instead of twice a year enables us to offer every day just what people want, to make quick "turn-overs" and, making them, we cao sell so much cheaper. Wc have a wide-awake representative in New York the year 'round; the mo ment a new thing appears, or an advan tage can be taken in piioe, be is on the spot, wilh ihe moDcy in hand to get and send us our sharo. Since we beuan tl is movement, tho buying pub'.io hsa shows its sipreciation of our efforts and is tallying to tbe sup port of the More thai is standing to help the people. This week a lot ol new goods one of ihepntiieKt and best we have had yet. Our New Y'ork Buyer bought immeoBO lots, having stores sll over the oounirr to send them to; (bey were divided lairly and we got cur share among the first. In Ibis wsy we get goods aa cheap, often cheaper, than tho wholesalers and can eauly undersell and yet live. this store is on ihe light track it U gowig lo sucoocd because of Ihe values we are giving, Any special order we will take pleas ure io forwarding to our buyer in New York, who will give eaiue his beat atten tion aod we guarantee promptness and satisfaction. SriKRS BROS., WELDON, N. C. Monuments AND: Gravestones. WE PAY tbi FREICHT ""GUARANTEE SAFE DELIVERY ... LAHHRHT STOCK In the Illustrated Catalogue FREF.. THE COUPER RARBLE WORKS. (Established 1848.) 16B to 163 Bank si., Norfolk Tl aovaiy, Groceries

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