frvv AA L v 4 ink wv p1 Jr II Iriv l& ; .-.Mi:; 1 wvW (,f0A INI & W3l & B3 'I' "171 1 SStS- iri seafca Hati DVTISIO- E,TES-MODERATE. A. HEWSFAPE !Z IP O Tl T EC E F ID O PLB . TEICS:-1-S0 PER ANNUM IN aInc U VOlTxXXIX. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1905. NO. 35 THE PASS WAS LIMITED. THE LAND WHERE OUR DREAMS COME TRUE. BY EDWARD EVERET SHAW. WHEN THE YEAR BEGINS. YEAR THAT IS PAST, C. G. EVANS. Mm m WHAT A HEARTLESS JOKER CAUSED AN ILLN0I8 MAN TO 00 THROUGH AT THE WORLD'S FAIR. THERE IS NO REASON WHY IT SHOULD BE ON JANUARY FIRST. IT 18 ALWAYS THE RECORD OF WHAT WE HAVE DONE IN THE FAST THAT COUNTS. WELDON, N. C. It ia I common Bavioir (btt "(here ia i AR away over mist-hidden river, reason for everything, and usually t good New Year's da; ia in tone way recog- FANCY 1 ir i (A K ' ir it "wv'ijwn .ay r 11 9 A. VVsWd mnJ u. n rih 4 In nil in d 1! Tvcll l.ri"vn mei.iber ui mi iw ... Carolina Ltiii has voluntarily written to "The Field," the Conway, 8, C, newspaper, the higheat possible praiae of msios." Ho wrl'M the D.blti ChfiTiIci! Co.. tpl. 1. 1904. that Mi lifh(tr, Mill Kite ill I'l'i, terrible cut ol Rhvummlim that ill othi modlclrm tn1 rnl'if ! u i i trir4 In viii to curt. Sht euuld not vtlk i Itp," n wi.'ri, i ii tfrfhtd crj anal tctt an Irpra ain. Frumiht vtck iht beiaai te uc P. ' . id ? tie Improvfd, an4 It now abwlultlr Called of Ihlf leniftit a;-n, or Hhumiiiim, rout remedy la a ipeclflc, and I cannot Biafir ti l'H Mit ly. M wilt la ao elattd ovtt the curt that ant wlihtt M enctoita w.'ial I h-ta wiltien, ao ahe adda htt nanwr Magnio L. Clbton." Thfi li only pne of ol marteloua curta wrotifhi h thla wnndff'ut dlt crrrT thm norlL!:v CLF.ANScS THE BLOOD, I M PROVES THE DIGES TION and BUILDS LH Tii ENTIRE SYSTEM. Writ 60BBITT CHEMICAL CO BALTIMORE, for ft Sunplt. CHARLES 0. ALLEY, WHOLESALE him. Confectioner & Fancy Grocer, PETERSBURG, YA. rMr. W. T. Baugh rtpreienta na in Eastern Carolina. Hold your rrders for dot 12 ly VEGETABLE SICILIAN Ah'sys restores color to gray hiir, all the d-.rk,rich color it used to h-iVO. The hair stops falling, grows long and heavy, and fill i.,,.:tUi. HD-Vu-HiJ' n li .11 wi -.o I'". R . V. tl.M TfjE REJS0fi Why TANNER'S PAINTS Retain th ir pre-etniuence above all other brands is because they are made of tbe best materials obtaina ble and are eronod with great care. If your dealer does not carry them write to tbe manufacturer. Box 180. Tanner Paiit & Oil Co., 1419 E. MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, VA. Th Bank it W, civ and told about it at every opportunity, says the Star. "Just as I was going through a pass gate into the grounds one day last week," be said, "a nun behind me said 'Say, my friend, I see you're ueiog a pass.' 'Yes,' I aald: 'I've got I concession on tbe Pike.' 'Well, I've got a pass, too I'm a member of the Illinois legislature and I don't know just what it oalla fur.' "Calls fo.?' I said, half jokingly, 'It oalla for everything admission, food, driuk, shave, baloon tides anything.' " 'I wasn't sure it was only fur tbe gate,' be said, as he went into a barber shop oonceBfion. I decided 1 needed a shave, too, and before I tat down I gave the barber 50 cents, telling him It. was for me aod my friend. I was putting on my oillar when he arose from the chair and drew out bis pocket book containing the pass. "That's all right,' said my barber. 'All paidfr.' " 'Now, that's mighty nice of these people,' he said, putting bis pooketbook back. 'I s'posed a pass was good for meals, all right, but wouldn't a-ihougbt it would get you a shave. 'Might as well have had my hair out.' "All I sew bim do after that was to go into toe of the highest-priced res taurants on the grounds. I waited near ly an hour before I beard noises from tbe inside. Then I went away; I didn't want bim to see me. The manager of tbe cafe told me about it that afternoon. Tbe man from Illinois bad ordered 83.10 worth of food, had eaten it, and, show ing his pass, started logo out. 'We got bi coin, all right,' said the restaurant manbut be put up an awful holler, and said be would tee Francis about it. I wonder what was going on in his head? & FAR FItOM IT. Young Widow (to partter at ball) Mr. Crogan, I've mado a wager of a pound of circulates that you are a single man." Mr. Crogan "You've lost, ma'am m one ol triplets." -WELDON ff. C,-- GIKLS WAYS. Patience "Why did the girls at tbe betch laurh at Fred whisker- Patrice "Because tbey tiokled tbem, I suppose. Oipizei Met Be Lais of tie Stats of North Carolina, AUGUST 20TH, 1892. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. TOWN OF WELDON DEPOSITORY. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $31,000. For ten yeare this institution has provided bankiug faoilities for this Bection Ita stockholders and directors have been identified with the busiucas interests ot Halifax aod Northampton counties for many years. Mouey is loaned upon ap proved aeourity it the legal rate of interest six per centum. Acoounts of all are oli.oUer" m President: Vice-President: Cashier: W. E. DANIEL. Da. H. W. LEWI3, W. R. SM ITU Jackson, Northampton county, N. C. The largest and best plant in the State. .CHARLES MILLER WALSH, (Juarrier and Manufacturer of MON UMENTS, TOMBS, GRAVE STONES of every description. Freight prepaid on all shipments. Safe deliver? guarantee t. Write for designs aod prices Mk-Alao Iron Fencing. Vases ifrm eU- for cemetery and other LcJl ouriKMes at lowest prices. BaVSATISF ACTION GUARANTEED. Work Delivered At Any Depot. oollUy. Fall and Winter (hois o FOR o MEN, WOMEN & CHILDREN. Big Lin Dry Goods, Notions, Gents Furnishings, Ao. The largest line ever brought to Weldon. Don't fail to see tbem before you buy. Our Shoe department is full aod running over. The largeat stock we have ever tarried, tnd we are making prioes THAT WILL SELL THEM. Just received s big lot of (DORSCU) Shoes. 8uita to order, made up in good shape and by good tailors. Fits Guaranteed. Don't fail to see our line of Samples and Prices Before You Place Your Order. SH. D. ALLEN & COMPANY, g WELDON, N, C, Courage Is a Matter of the Blood. K;.f,S' .-"at" 1 J Without food red Diooa a man nas a weak heart and nr nerves. :mia mean ness of blood common in men and young women and all those who work indoors. who do not aret enough outdoor air and good oxytren in their lun-rs. There are too many wuite blood corpuscles in sucn cases, and there is often a peculiar sound in the heart called a murmur, in cases of anemia. This heart murmur is caused by thinness of the blood passing throutrn tne heart. The murmur of anemia disappears when the blood regains its natural consistency and richness, it is not heart disease Sometimes people suffer intense pain over the heart, which is not heart disease, but caused bv the stomach. It is the occasion of much anxiety, alarm and suffering, for which its victim is dependent upon renex disturbances from the stomach caused by indigestion. In the same way many bad coughs are dependent upon these renex disturbances ol what is called the pneumo. gastric nerve. To enrich the blood and Increase the red blood corpuscles thereby feeding tbe nerves on rich red blood and doing away with nervous irritability, take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, which oroinntes diirestion and assimilation of food so tlmt the blood gets its proper supply of nourishment from the stomach. Get as near to nature's way as you ran. A medicine made entirely of botanical ex tracts and which does not contain alcohol ia the safest. Dr. Pierce'a Golden Medical CUcuVcrv contains no nlrr,ni ns',"H. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the best liver pills. EXPERT WATCHMAKER AND OPTICIAN Every kind of watch or clock made to keep acourate time. GOLD WED DING AND OTHER RINGS MADB TO ORDER. Eyes tested aod Scientifically fitted with Eye Glasses or Spectaelesat LOWEST PRICES. A fioe Hoe of Ladies and Gentlemens Gold Ring', Watches, Jewelry, io Ig-rMail order promptly attended to Sign of the -BIG WATCH, noar Postoffice, Weldon, N. C. F0IYSK0HTTM Ubeir wegioaiTweetncsa renew, Lies I glorified realm of enchantment ; The land where our dreams come true. "By mystical symbols and tokens We know of that woodorful land; But alas I on the threshold of manhood Tbe frail clue slipt out of our hand, And t no wild river rushes between us, Tbe white gates are bidden from view, And only ia sleep we remember The land whore our dreams erne true, "We shall fiod the lost treasures we sought for, Revealed in that wonderful sphere; All tbe aims and the dreams of -the by-gone ; All the good that eluded us here; Tbe ionooent faith of our childhood, The one flawless friendship we knew, Arrayed in their vanished illusions, In the land where our dreams oome true. "We know in divinest fulfillment, Our hepds are gathered at Home, Tbe treasures we sought here are hoarded Where the moth and the rust cannot come ; Aod oft when tbe sunset is fairest, We oatch through a rift in the blue, A far-away glimpse of the glories Of the land where our dreams come true. "There are garnered the prayers of our mothers, And the soft oradle-songs that they sung ; There they move in the midst in white garments, And faoos immortally young; And out from the midst of (bat river Tbeir sweet bands shall reach us the clue That leads through the Valley of Shadow To the land where our dreams oome true. "So weeping, we lay down our idols, And bury our loves out of si(;ht ; Though we know in our hearts we shall fiod them By and by in the Mansions of Light ; And the -lt tears that fall on their ashes, And blossom in pansy and run, Over there shall be lilies immortal, Io (he land where our dreams come true." THE OLD MAN'S PRAYER. "Our Father which art in heaven" in quive ing acoenta came From a bent and feebled pilgrim. "Hallowc i be Thy name I Thy kingdnm come ; Thy will be done on earth as 'tis dooe io heaven ;" Tbe o'd man's voice grew stronger as strength from God was given- "Give us this day our daily bread," be implored; then "Forgive Us our trespasses," he continued, as one thaikful just to live, "As we forgive those who trespass against or." And bis eyes Grew moist with tears as before his mind his own began to rise. ' "Lead us not into temptation," and a son whi'd gone astray Must have felt a tug of heartstrings o'er his headlong, wayward way. "But deliver us from evil," and this thought was to him sweet, For his boy was foremost io his thoughts ; me day be hoped to maet Him, and fiod him changed in heart. "An Thine shall be The glory forever and ever. Amen I" An I his soul with ecstacy Was filled to overflowing, for he seemed to icard it said, "Well done, thy faithful servant," as he smi'.ng crept to bed. NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS. WI NIVia GET TOO OLD OR TOO GOOD TO BATE NO NEED OF THEU. What I Bake New Year resolutions again? Certainly, do one is too old or too good to have need of them. But eurb your enthusiasm; weigh well your chaooes of euooess, aod be a little more lenient with yourself than yon were a year ago. Better to set an easier task and win than to risk weakening your will power ana self-rcspeot by another failure, says the Country Gentleman, Have your ideal of perfect manhood, or womanhood, by all means. Life is in deed prosuio aod commonplace without one, and alasl it is a bitter disappoint ment with one, unless we remember that we build tbe ladder by which we rise to a noble character, and that more actual progrnas is made by gaining one strong round than by ten shaky ones. Just what particular step is most need ed eaoh one must determine for him, or herseif. probably S3 out of SoiJ ICQ of us "boys and girls grofro tall" o f d most to braoe up and strengthen the touod of cheerfulness, aod I question if there are many of you who eao make a resolve tbat will do more to develop and streng then your higher nature tbao an earnest one to be cheerful even when things go wroog for from its roots is sure to spring thoughlfulness of others, and hope, aod courage. Think of these things, aod remember not only tbe precious assurance of help to him who ' woikoth out his own aalv. lion," but that the dear "Lord loveta tbe cheerful giver of hope and oourage, as well aa him who gladly giveth of his "loaves and fishes." DOMESTIC TROUBLES. It is exceptional to find a family where there are so domestic ruptures oocasionallytvbut these can be lessened by having Dr King's New Life Pills around. Much trouble tbey save by tbeir great work io Stomach and Liver troubles. They sot only relieve you, buUure. 26o. at W. M, Cohen's Drug store. 1 OR OVER SIXTY YEARS. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Strop has b sen used for over 60 years by mill ions of mothers for their children while teeth ng, with perfect suocess. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain; cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poer little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world Twenty-five cents a bottle.. Be sure and ask foi"Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. HARD ON THE DRUMMERS- Oaoe upon a lima a litter of kittens OJtne to the home of little six year-old Susie. As is usual at such times, the old mother cat was very much in evidenoe, On day, alter the kittens were old enough to run around the house, little Sums was playing with ooe of them and was overhead aaying as she fondled it: "Kitty, I know who your mother is, ao' I knows who your brothera aod sis tcrs is, but, kitty, I don't know who your lather ia I snoot your father must be a traveling man." Lippiooott'a SAVED FROM TERRIBLE DEATH Tb family or Mrs. M. L, Bobbitt, of Bargerton, Tenn., saw her dying and were powerltsi to save her. The most skillfull physicians aod every remedy usea, tailed, while eonsumptioo was slowly but rurely tukiug her life. Io this terrible hour Dr. Kiou's New Dis covery tor Consumption turoed despair into joy. The first bottle brought im mediate relief and its continued use com. pletely oured her. It's the most certain eure in the world for all tbroat and lung troubles. Guaranteed bottles 60c and tl.OO. Trial bottles free at W. M. Cohen's drug store. U ill til UU wcru made to ocour in March, as Romans placed it, there might be sense io it. It would be the more reasonable if it began Mar oh 22, the veroa'l equinox, or at the autumno-vernal equinox (Sep tember 22); or. June 22, or December 22. Excellent astronomical reasons oould bo assigned for suoh a reokoning. Higher civilization is io the northero bemiNphcrc; yet Jaouary io this part of tbe world is a season of cold and snow or chill and rain, It is a soason wbeo moviog is not only inoonvenient, but next to impopi-iblo. It is a time of tbe beginning of oothing, coming ten days after tbe winter solstice and 70 days be fore the spring equinox. The day was ohoseo, probably, upon the assumption that any time is good enough for a general starting point, pro vided everybody agrees to it, and it will probably have to go at tbat. It is queer, though, that in setting baok tbe begin ning of tbe year two months, the names September, October, November and De cember should have been suffered to re main. These were, as their origin im plies, the seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth months wbeo tbe year began with March, but now tbat January is first, tbey are the ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth months, respectively. Conse quently they are decided misnomers. Yet there is oo uso of finding fault, where oo amount of it will correct the blunder oomplained of it has been made aod stuck down a mile-post of time by all the oivilited nations, and no profane band will be suffered to pull it up and set it forward. It has been hallowed by usage, and must be and abide until the coming of another civilisation. Whatever its origin or causes, the day brings in with it thoughts and assooia tions tbat should prove serious to the refleotive mind. Unerringly as the clock records the parsing minutes aod hours, tbe new I car writes down the passage of tbe years as tbey come aod go. The birth of the new is tbe death of the old year. It proclaims that the past is gone and cannot be ressurreoted. That lime whioh was lost in it can never be re. gained; tbat follies committed, tbat sins indulged, that vices practiced, while past, have left tbeir impress upon mind and charaoter It tells of good deeds that will never die, of manly aotions, of heroio suffering for tbe right. All of these are in the dead past, irrevocable, aod useful only as tbe good dooe has mado better and stronger the oharaoter, and evil done has made one less fitted to meet th duties and responsibilities of tbe hour. Tbe New Year enggests tbe beginning of things. It is a time of good remorse or sorrow for the past, and of good reso lutions for tbe future. The trouble that too many good resolutions are made in this first day of the year and too many of tbem are broken. It may be well to purpose to do; but it ia far better to do and to hold fast. Broken promises whether made to self or to others tend to lower character aod render one more fortile io pledges to do, because of the very ease of breaking them. - The New Year is a time with business men for casting up accounts. Tbey figure out lo'ees and gains for the year tbat is past, and upon the result lay plans for the year just begun. Here is serious work in whioh there can be no self- deception, oo false hopes and no false pledgeo! Business is made up of fact of worth, of energy, of will. It will stand no false estimates and will not delude itself with idle fancies "The king is dead; live the king " The year is dead; live the year. The old year is gooe; tbo new year ia oo. Aod so go on our lives, made up ot years, or many or lew, aa tne casemiy be, escn one bringing ua nearer io the shorea of that sea which is shoreless and that oountry in which time is not reokoned. With the saddening and subduing re. flections oome those of oheer and good feeeling, and we greet our friends with a "Happy New lear happy, it may prove, if past errors and follies are cor rented and eaoh one lives, with brave heart, in the light tbat is given him on Irom l liovf binary routine, Nevertheless, it is the completed book whose story impresses tbe reider for good or bad, not tbe cover or the frootispicoe of the new one. Nearly all the words of our language applying to a oourse not abso'utoly marked out describe the path tbat is left betiiod and not that whioh is boloro, says tbe Youth's Compauion, Thoro is no counterpart to tbe ship's wake" for the oourse whioh the prow is about to break, nor of the "track of the cyolone," nor of the spoor of the tiger, oor of "the trail" of Duaibcrlcss animals. It may be noted incidentally that many states and cities have recently passed laws or ordioances requiring au tomobiles to carry a number, io large fig ures, haogiog from the back. ' Nobody who sees an automobile coming cares what its number is. Only when it bap pens to leave some reoord behind io its track is the knowledge of its number im portant. It is doubtless beeause tbe future is swarming with possibilities, whereas the past constitutes a reoord which oanoot bo changed, that most of our festivities center about tbe anticipa tion of the new year rather than io a retrospective affection for the old. In the elder days of the world prophecy held a place of prominence among all peoples, but of history in the scientific sense there waa none. This has been reversed by the severely praotical modern world. History is at at a premium, prophecy at a discount. Yet the almost disregarded last day of December stands for tbe oompleted record, as New Year's does for tbe prophecy of what is to oome. A VERY CLOSE CALL. 'I stuck to my engine, although every joint ached and every nerve was racked with pain," writes C. W. Bellamy, a lo- oomotive fireman, of Burlington, Iowa. "I was weak and pale, without any ap Detite and all run down, As I was about to give up, I got a bottle of Electrio Bit tcrs, snd after taking it, I felt as well as I ever did io my life." Weak, sickly, ruo dowo people always gain new life, strength and vigor from their use. Try them. Satisfaction guaranteed by W M.Coheo. Price 50 cents. TO-DAY. January 1 Resolution: Swore January 2 Resolutions wore off -lanta Journal, off. At- OABTOniA Bur, th a The Kind Vaa Haw lwrs Biiujiit Baraatm ef ANEW YEARS PROSPECTUS. We'll make good resolutions Just as in seasons past, With the usual understanding "Not guaranteed to last." Washington Star. NOT BASED OH EXPERIENCE. Askitt "1 see you have written an article oo how to succeed. Is it base oo your own experieoie?" Rocksey "Oh, no. If I'd done as advise, I would have been noble and honest, but I wouldn't have been rich. Cur a Coldsi Prevents PntvMonla FRUITS, CONFECTIONERIES. OLD WINES AND BRANDIES SOLE AGENT FOR CAPITAL CLUB, OLD FORESTER RYE. CALL FOR IT. Dr. Bouvier's Buchu Gin A sure core for all KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROUBLES Recommended by best physicians of the country. For sale in Weldon by W.W.KAY, Best of Wines, Whiskeys and Brandies always onhand. I keep tbe best of every thing in my ino. ajafolite attention to all at Kay s, west sido K. K. Shed. my 3 ly. AT THE END OF THE YEAR- I glaooe up at the calendar And tbink of old, dead years, Of friendships yet remembered. But oft, alasl io tears I think of unsung sonnets, Of dreams the broken lyre! . While glancing at the calendar And gazing in the fire. N. 0. Times-Demoorat. WONDERFUL N EKVE. Is displayed by many a man enduring pains or accidental lata, wounds, Bruises, Burns, Soalds, Sore feet or stiff joints. But there s no need for it. Buck. leu's Arnica Salve will kill the pain aod cure the trouble. It'a the best Salve oo earth for Pilea, too. 25 at W. M Cohen's Drug store. Ask your druggist for a calendar if you want fresh dates. OABTORXA. Bsarsth llw W Yw HavsJIwp Boiight Thedford's Blaek-Drautrht comes nearer regulating the entire system and keeping tliODody in health than g any ouier roouicine umuti. i. always ready in any emergency to treat ailments that are frequent in any family, such as indigestion, biliousness, colds, diarrhoea, and stomncb aches. Thedford's Black-Drauaht ia the standard, never-failing remedy for stomach, bowel, liver and kidney troubles. It is a cure for tbe domes tic ills which so frequently summon the doctor. It ia as good for children as it is for grown persons. A dose of this medicine every day will won cure the most obstinate case of dys pepsia o constipation, and when taken as directed brings quick relief. IUNTrr.Li, Ilu, Dsa. , ten. ThMfort's Blaek-Dranffbs bfti baanotir family dootor for At. yeitrs and w wnt no other. When anr of UB tool barfir w take a dose and are all riaiit In twelve hour. We nave .peat lot. ot saoney (or dootor bill., bet sot alone Ju.l as well with Blaoa-Dnnalit. jB1. 0. BADEB, Ask your doaler for a package ol Thedford'a Black-Draught and It be does not keep it send llo. to Th ChatU noogModlcU Co., Chattanooga, Tenn, and a package will be mailed to too- J. A. ALSTON fine; Family Groceries PROVISIONS, Cigars and Tobacco. Fine Whiskies AND WINES- Merrimac Club and Pride ofyircinia, nice and mellow. Bar stocked 'with Choice Drinks of every kind. Cor. Washington Ave., and First Street, Weldon N. 0. 10-21-1 TEE RICH BECOME SO ET 0. If good for them it muse be for all. Money saved in buying, is money made. Our arrangements for getting direot from New York, the best aod latest in mer ohacdise oew goods every week instead of twice a year enables ua to offer every day just what people want, to make quick "turn-overs" sod, making them, we can sell so much cheaper. We have a wide-awake representative io New York the year 'round; the mo ment a now thing appears, or an advan tage can be taken in price, he is on the spt, with the money iu hand to get and send us our share. Since we began this movement, the buying publio baa shown its appreciation of our efforts and is tallying to tbe sup port ot the store that is standing to help the people. This week a lot of new goods one of the prettiest and best we have had yet. Oor New York Buyer bought immense lota, having stores all ever the oountry to eeod them to; they were divided fairly and we got our abare among the first. Io this way we get goods as cheap, often oheaper, than the wholesalers and ean eaciiy uuuereei! euu jot, live. This store is oo tbe light track it la going to sucooed because of the values we are giving. Any special order we will take pleas are io forwarding to our buyer io New York, who will give same his best atten tion and w guarantee promptness aod satisfaction. SPIERS BROS.. WELDON, M. 0, Monuments AND: Gravestones. WE PAY the FREIGHT anuCUARANTEESAFE DELIVERY . . . I1ARGI1I8T STOCK lathe South Illustrated Catalogue FREE. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS, (Established 1848.) 168 to 163 Bank it., Norfolk Va ot S ly. t'aMB4krbtMW,MIssrjuA-Jr'ft WafiirorrfliJ . lb

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