6 ADVERTISHTO- IRA-TIES-MODERATE. A 1TE "W S I3 I3 IE !R, FOB THE PEOPLE TBRMS:-1.60 PER ANN TIM IN ADVA NCI VOL. XXXIX. WELDON, N. C. THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1905. NO. 36 Writes Mrs. Jane Petty, of RiHng River, N. C, Aug. 12, 1904. My little boy could not walk ttep from RHEUMATISM, and 11 other remedies had failed to do him any good. Rheumacide has cured him and made him sound and well." Hundreds of other letters give the same testimony. cleanses the blood of all the poisons that cause Rheumatism and all other blood ois.-ases, and absolutely cures to stay cured. The most powerful and effective blood purifier in the world vet it improves the digestion and builds up the entire system. THE ONE THAT CURES WHEN OTHERS FAIL" Writ BOBBITT CHEMICAL COMPANY, BALTIMORE, for Tra Alk out drugxlH l " fORGCT ME NOT took. CHARLES 0. ALLEY, WHOLESALE Confectioner '& Fancy Grocer, PETERSBURG. VA. I-Mr. W. T. Baugb rspresenti ui in Eastern Carolina, Bold your crderB for him. dot 12 ly A 9 Tli 'it! Ayer's Pills. Ayer's Pills. ''1 7"0 tr? 0 liC Ayer's Pills. Keep saying 4 V lQ 7j 1 IE ITi this over ana over again BUCKINGHAM'S BYE f -'''wuBi nwn cr rlcs Mac!;? Lse am wwiiu,:a.iiiucu.:usuu..ii. JffE REJ$0fl TANNER'S PAINTS Retain thir pre-eminence iboie ail other brands is because they tie. made of the beat mttcrislt obttina ble and are ground with great ears. If your dealer does not oarry them write to the manufacturers, Tanner Faint & Oil Co., Box 180. 1419 E. MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, VA. Tie Bank of Weldon, :::WELDON N. C.r- OrpM Under Tie Lais of tie State of North Carolina, AUGUST 20TII, 1892. STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUN TY DEPOSITORY. TOWN OrWELDON DEPOSITORY. CIPITM. ANO SURPLUS - $31,000. War ten rears thin institution has provided banking facilities for this section Its stockholders and directors have been identified with the business interests of Halifax ind Northampton counties for many years. Money is loaned upon ap nrnl unnritt it the leeal rate of interest six per centum. Acoounts of all are r - j o . solicited. President: Vice-President: Cashier: W. E. DANIEL. Dr. H. W. LEWIS, W.R.SMITH Jackson, Northampton county, N. C. i The largest and best plant in Jl the State. -CHARLES MILLER WALSH, FATHER WAS DRIVING. THE TBAIN FLEW LIKE LIGHTNING OVER THE ROUGH TRACK, BUT .THE LITTLE OIBL BAD FAITH IN TIIE ENGINEER, During the Franco-Prussian War, a French officer was sent with s hurried dispatch to be convcytd by a special tisin over sbout one hundred miles of rough railway, in order to head off a swift German advance, As the train cw like lightning over the rough track the wif of the engineer, who was on board, was filled with terror, sod cried out in her distress, but her little girl romped up and down the rocking car peifcotly delighted with the eioitemcot, nd wou'd answer to her mother eveiy few minutes, "It's all right, father's driving." Onoe in a while the big en gineer, sll blaek with soot, would come n and cheer up bis almost faiotirg wife. while the little girl would climb upon his houldeis and bug sod kiss them with rapturous delight. At last they reached the end of their fearful journey in safety, and the little thing triumphantly cried, Didn't I tell you it was all light, for father was driving." Ob, how many heart aches we would miss if we would look away from the rocking train and from the fearful sur roundings snd remember that our Savi our holds the reins of providence, aod, that He knows, He loves, He leads, and He will surely keep, When He came that night to the terrified disciples on the raging ses, He did not tell them about things but only about Himself, He did not say "the eea is calmed, the winds are hushed, the storm ii quelled," but He simply said, It is I, be not sfraid." Christ Himself is the Answer to all our doubts and fears, nd the guarantee of our safety and deliverance. Rev. A. B Simpson. ARMOR PLATED BOYS One of the chief means of protection to our great battleships are huge armor plates. It is important in these days that thero should be armor-plated boys. A boy needs to be iron-clad on : His lips sgainst the first taste of liquor. His ears against impure words. His hands sgainst wrong-doing. His feet against going with bad oomoanv. His eves against dangerous books and pictures. His pocket against dif Honest money His tongue against evil speaking. The Christian armor on her cititen gives more security to the nstion than all the armor plates that are oo her ships, lln.rrinr and Manufacturer of MON UMENTS, TOMBS, GRAVE fiTONES of every description. Freight prepaid on all shipments. Bafe delivery guaranteed. Write fur designs and prices tsJvAlao Iran Fencing, Vases etc , for cemetery and otner ouroosee at lowest prices. ia8ATISFACTI0N GUARANTEED. Work Delivered At Any Depot. octll It. Fall and Winter Boots o FOB o MEN, WOMEN & CHILDREN. Big Line Dry Goods, Notions, Genta Furnishings, Ac The largest line ever brought to Weldon. Don't fail to see them before you buy. Our Shoe department is full and running over. The largest stook we have ever tamed, and we are making prices THAT WILL SELL THEM. Just received a big lot of (DORSCH) 8hoes. Suite to order, made up in good .shape and by good tailors. Fits Guaranteed. Don't fail to see out line of Samples and Prices Before You Place Your Order. 3H. D. ALLEN & COMPANY, WELDON. N. C. A HOTHER'S LOVE. A. mother's love is so divine that the rougnest nmu can not help but appre ciate it as the crown of womanhood. However, Mother hood ib looked for- wardtowithfeelinRS of (treat dread by al most all women. At such times a worn' an is nervous, dys peptic, irritable, and she is in need of ft uterine tonic and nervine. atrenetu builder to fit her for the ordeal No matter how healthy or strong a woman may be she cannot help but be benehteu by taking )r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription to prepare lor toe event. This is what om mother toys; "With n heart overflowing with gratitude I will endeavor to write you. It ta nearly two yearn ago since I nmt wrote to you for advice reffflrtlin); my health which wan then very bad," writes Mrs. I,, Joore, of HincwJale, Ky., to Dr. R. V. lMerc. chief coiisnltiiifi Burgeon of thu Invalids' Hotel nmt surreal itisnuiir, at umimo, v V ni hnvn fl-u'riK-il mv mi fit rim in other letters to vou. After receiving vtnir advice and the Common Sense Medical Adviser ' I bought aome of vonr ' Favorite Prescription,' and to-day am a well woman and the proud mother of a dear Utile Doy." Backed up by over ft third of a century of remarkable cures, a record such as no other remedy fur the diseases and weak nesses uecuhar to women ever attained. the proprietors and makers of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription now feel fully war ranted in offering: to nay fsoo in legal money of the United States, for any case of Ieucorrnea, remaie weaitness, rroiapsus, or Fall in if of Womb which they cannot cure. All they ask is a fair and reasonable trial of their means of cure. Their financial responsibility is well known to every newspaper publisher and druggist in the' United States, with muatol whom they have done business for over ft third of a century. How to live in health and happiness, is the general theme of Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser. This treat work on medicine and hygiene, containing over looo pnges ana more than Too illustrations, Is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay ex pense of mailing only. Send V one-cent tamps for the cloth-bound volume, or only 91 Stamps lor luc ooua in paper, coven, TRY A SMILE, Clas, II Mi EXPERT WATCHMAKER AND OPTICIAN Every kind of watch or clock madi to keep acourate time. GOLD WED' DING AND OTHER RING3 MADE TO ORDER. Eyes tested aod Scientifically fitted with Eye Glasses or Spectacles at LOWEST PRICES. A fine line of Ladies aod Geotlemena Gold Ringi", Watches, Jewelry, Ao Mail orders promptly atteoded to Sign of the WrBIG WATCH, oear Poatoffice, Weldoo, N. C. ftl r aw If the world will not be oorqnered by a frown, Try smile ; If your weepiDg will not raise you when you're down, Try a smile, If a stolid countenance Will not help your cause advance, Try a smile. If a scowl don't make your neighborhood respect you, Try a smile ; If an everlasting grumble don't protect you, Try a smile, Dash away that childish tear, Check that sob, it's bad to hear ; Spread your mouth from ear io ear Try a Bmile. If you've had to let some stronger fellow beat you, Try a sai'e ; Let bim know it takes two lickings to defeat you Try a smile. Make him clearly understand You don't besr the coward's brand ; Make him show his strongest hand Try a smile. If they've told you you are going to the does, Try a smile ; Doo't go cutting any desperation didoes, Try a smile. When you'ie been so knocked about That you're nearly down and out, And are scheduled for a pout, Try a smile. If your very utmost efforts didn't work, Try a smile ; Though you feel that it must be a sickly smirk, Try a smile. Show the world that you can do it ; Send a giggle gurgling through it ; Don't go get a rag and chew it ; Try a smile. HONOR THY FATHER AND MOTHER WAYS TELL THEM THE TRUTH, AL WAYS TREAT THEM LOVINGLY, AND TAKE CAKE OK TUEM WUEN THEY ARE SICK AND (JIIOWN OLD. SOME OFJFmiODLES, Why is it that the tenderest foet must tread the roughest road? Why is it that the weakest back must carry the heaviest load? While the feet that are surest and firmest have the smoothest path to go, And the back that is tiraightest and strongest has never a burden to know. Why is it that the brightest eyes are (he ones soon dim with tears? Why is it that the lightest heart must ache and aohe for years ? While the eyes that are hardest snd ooldest shed never a bitter tear, And the heart that is smallest aod mcaoest has never an ache to fear, Why is it those who sre saddest have always the gayest laugh ? Why is it those who need not have always the "biggest half"? While those who have never a sorrow have seldom a smile to give, And those who want just a little must strive and struggle to live, Why is it that the noblest thoughts are the ones that are never expressed ? Why is it that grandest deeds are the ones that are never confessed ? While the thoughts that are like all others are the ones we always tell, All the deeds that are worth little praise are the ones that are published well. Why is it that the sweetest smile has for its sister a sigh ? Why is it that the strongest love is the love we always pass by? While the smile that is cold and indffcrent is the smile for which we pray, Aod the love we kneel to and worship is only common olay. Why is it the friends we trust are the ones that always betray ? Why is it the lips wc wish to kiss are the lips so far away ? While close by our hide, il we knew it, is r friend who loyal would be, Aod the lips we might have kissed are the lips we never see. Why is it the things we can have are the things we always refuse? Why is it none of us lead the lives if we could we'd chouse? The things that we all oan have are the things we always hate, And life seems ocver complete, do matter how long we wait. A GODLY HOME. WI WILL TRULY SEEK IT. RaRTfR SIIPPRSTITIMIS i FOR over sixty veakn. j Mrs. Winslow's Sootuino Syrup Nowadays garters are very geoerally ' has been used for over 60 years by mill- ousted from favor by the more hypienio suspenders, but many superstiiions about them still survive. Here are a few : The marriage of a bride who wears iocs of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It southes the child, softens the gums, allays all paiu; cures wind colic, and is the best any but white garters on her wedding j remedy for Diarrhma. It will relieve day will have ao uohpppy coding. The girl who wears her garters below the knees will early lose her beauty. To put on the left garter before the right on dressing in the moroKg will bring bad luok all day. Gold garter buckles are luoky and sil ver ones the reverse. The luckiest colors for driers are white, blue and black. The wearer of yellow garters will lose a friend within a year. If a garter breaks in church the wear er's marriage will be happy, but if the accident happens at a dance it is a sign that the wearer's sweetheart is faithhss to her. SAVED FROM TERRIBLE DEATH The family of Mrs. M. L. B.bbit', ol Bargcrton, Tenn,, saw her dying and were powerless to save her, The most skillfull physicians and every remedy need, tailed, while consumption was slowly but rurely taking her life. In this terrible hour Dr. Kine's New Dis covery for Consumption turned despair into joy. The first buttle brought iui media'e reliif aod its continued use oom pletely cured her. It's the most certain cure in the world for all throat and I tint troubles. Guaranteed bottles 50c and SI 00. Trial bonus free at W. M Cohen's drug store the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for"Mrs. Wioslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. FULLY AUMED. "No," said Minerva as -lie sprang fully armed from the brain of Jove. "No, what?" queried Jove. "I'll never be taken for the Veous de Milo." Houston Post. A VERY CLOSE CALL. "I stuck to my engine, although every joiut ached and every nerve was racked with pain," writes C. W. Uellamy, a lo comotive fireman, of Rurlinuton, Iowa. "I was weak and pale, without any ap petite and all run down. As I was sbout to give up, I got s bottle of Electric Bit' tera, mil after taking it, I felt as well as I ever did itt uiy life." Weak, sickly, run down penple always gain new life, airentith and vipor from their use. Try tlirm. Saiisfactinn iiuaran'eed by W M Cohen. Price 60 cents. There is a touching story told of the famous Dr. Samuel Johnson, whioh has had influence on many a boy who has heard it. Samuel's father, Michael Johnson, wits a poor bookseller in Liteh- Buhl, England. On market dnys he used to carry a package of books to the village (f Ottoietcr, and sell them flora a stall in the market place. One day the bookseller was sick, and asked his son to go and sell the bonks in his place. Samuel, from a silly pride, refused to obey. Fifty years afterward Johnson beoanie the celebrated author, the compiler of the 'hitgltsh Dictionary," and one of the most distinguished scholars in England; but he never forgot his act of unkiod- ness to his peor hard toiling father; bo when he visited Ottoxeter he determined to show bis sorrow and repentance, Ho went into the market place at the time of business, uncovered bis head, and stood there for an hour in the pour ing rain, on the very spot where the book stall used to stand. "This," he says, "was an act of contri tion for my disobedience to my kind father." The spectacle of the great Dr. John son standing bareheaded in the storm to stono for the wrong done by him fifty or sixty years befsre is a grand and touching one. There is a representation of it in marble on the Doctor's monu ment. Many a man in after life has felt some Hung nardcr and heavier than a storm of rain beating upon his heart when he remembered his acts of unkiuduess to a good father or mother now in their graves. Dr. John Todd, of Pittsfield, the emi nent writer, never forget how, when his old father was very sick, and sent him away for medicine, he, a little lad, had been unwilling to ko, and made up a lie, that "the druggist had not got any such medicine," The old man was just dying when little Johnny came io, snd be said to him: "My boy, your father suffers great pain for want of that medicine" Johnny started in great distress for the medicine, but it was too late, Th tatner on nis return was almost gone, He could only sty to the weeping boy "Love God and always speak the truth tor tne eye ot !iod is always upon you, Now kiss me onoe more, and farewell.' Throegh all his after life Dr Todd had a heartache over that act ol false hood and disobedience io his dying father. It takes mure than a shower to wash away the memory ot sueh sins. Dr. Todd repented of that Bin a thous and times. The words, "Honor thy father and thy mother," mean four things: Alwayi do wuut tney Did you, always tell them the truth, always treat them lovingly ana lake caie ol them when tney are sick and grown old. I never yet knew a boy who trampled on the wishes of his parents that turned out well. God never blesses a wilful boy. When Washiugtiiu was sixteen years old ha determined to leave home and be come a midshipman in the Colonia Navy. After he had sent off his trunk he went to bid his mother guod-by. She wept bo bitterly because he was going away that he said to his negro servant "Bring back my trunk. I am not going to make my mother Buffer so by leaving her," He remained at home to please his mother. This decision led to his becotu ing a surveyor, and afterwards a soldier His whole glurious career in life turned on that simple act of tryiug to make h runtlier hantiy. And happy, too, will b the child who never has occa-ion to shed hitler tears for any act ol unkiodneas t his parents Let lis nut foruct that Go has said: "Honor thy father and thy mother, l'nistiurn Christian Advocate Obcd-Edom made room for the ark in is houso, and God blessed bis home abundantly, and made it a blessintr to the hole nation. The blessing wtiich de scended upon that hitherto obscure fam ily rcaohed up to the very throne, and scended in showers of bencdiclion up- tlie whole nation. When David heard how Ood had blessed his houso he was encouraged to renew his efforts to establish the worship of God io the lapital of the kingdom. No home can afford to be without God's gracious presence. We need it in times of prosperity, when we are especial ly in danger of growing gudlees in character and life. We need it in timi s of trmptation, that we may be able to overcome. Wc need it in times of per plexity, for "it is not io man that walketh order hist steps." We need it when I our children are choosing their vocations d their companions and the locations ftf their homes. We need it in times of sickness, and in times of health; in limes of rejoicing, and in times of sorrow. We need it when the death angel hovers near, and when we stand by the open graveside to bury our loved ones out of ight. We need it when we ourselves I draw near to the end of life's pilerinace. We may all have blessedness, if we Recommended bv best Dhvaicians of th. win truty seos it. And the presence and country. blessing of Christ in the home will make For 8a,e in Weldon a benediction to the whole community. Christian Union Herald. word The popular girl is the girl Who oan always say a good about everybody. Who is never caught in disheveled or negligee coBtumes when she should be ready to receive visitors. Who is always enthusiastic or at least merested in what is going on. Who is not ashamed of a hearty ppettte. Who is not always oomplaining of her s. Who does not always imagine herself to be the most important member of her social circle, but who can forget herself aod be easy and natural in her manners nd conversation. II 18 CONCLUSIONS. DOMESTIC TROUBLES. It is exceptional to find a lami wbcro there are no domestic ruptures occasionally, but these can be lossened by havine Dr. Kiou's New Life Pills arcund. Much trouhla they save by their gnat workin Stomach and Live troubles. 1 hey not' only relievo you but cure. 25c. at W. M. Cohen's Drug store. A girl can find a man's hand easier in the dark than he cm find himself in the light. If men had wings most of them would be alraid to fly. OAHTOniA . "I'm afraid, Johnnv," said the Sun- J day-school teacher, rather sadly, "that I shall never meet you io the better land." "Why, what have you been duin now?' Piok Me-Up WONDERFUL NERVE. Is displayed by many a man enduring pains of accideotal Cuts, Wounds, Bruises, Burns, Saalds, Sore feet or stiff joints, nut there s no need I )i It. ouck- len's Arnica Salve will kill the pain and cure the trouble. It's the tea Salve on earth for Piles, too 25', at W. M. Cohen's Drug store. IN WITH A PLUNGE. "I wish to enter and take an active nart in (he battle of life. What would you advise me to do?" "Get married," wrote the editor of th "ReDhcs to Queries" column. Fort Worth Record. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hava Always Bought Bears Uio Signature ef I- J-U. THE WELDON CARRIAGE SHOP, Builds aod Repairs all kinds of Car riages, Buggies, Wagons and Carls, Blaeksuiilhiog and Horse shoeing in all its branches. D. SHEARIN, KjTVick's Old Stand, Weldon. N. 0- j T. clab ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. Praetices in the courts of Halifax and adjoining counties, and in the Hupreiue court ot the Htk t Hpecial attention given to eollm-.tionR nd prompt, retnrns. Dr. Bouvier's Buchu Gin A sure cure for all KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROUBLES TIIE POPULAR GIRL. W.W.KAY, Best of Wines, Whiskers and Kranriin always onhand. I keep the best of every thing in my inc. Bl.Polite attention to all at Kay's. west side R. R. Shed. mr 2 1 j. J.A. ALSTON FINE' tolly Groceries, PROMISSORY NOTES. PROVISIONS, Cigars aud Tobacco.- Fine Whiskies It is said that a man whose musica talent was as widely known as bis im pecunious condition once accosted a friend on the street, drew him into a I doorway, aod requested a loan of 25. "When do you think you'll be able to repay it?" asked the friend, to whom it Merrimac Club and Pride of Virginia, nice AND WINES was by no means a new experience. This time," said the ready borrower, with an engaging smile, "I hoped you'd be willim: to make it a 'Kathleen Ma- vourneeu' loan." "A What?" demanded the practical man. "A 'Kathleen Mavourneen' loan," said his expensive friend. " 'It may be for years, and it may be forever.' " Yuulh's Companion. Drinks of every kind. Cor. Washington Ave., and First Street. Weldon N. 0. 10-21-ly THE RICH BECOME SO BY OABTOIIIA. BMn th, a TO nam iwa Boapil Signature of 111! Kind Vou Haw lwa I If good for them it muse be for all. Money saved in buying, is money made. Our arrangements for getting dircot from New York, the best and latest in mer chandise new goods every week instead of twice a year enables us to offer every day just what people want, to make quick "turn-overs" and, making them, When she can't find an)thing else to we can sell so much cheaper. worry about a woman can do it over the fact that when she is a widow she will get very tired wearing dark clothes so Ions Take CARDUI at Home Are you a sufferer? Has your doctor been uniuc-ccssful? Wouldn't you prefer to treat yourself AT M0Mt7 Konrlv l.ftftO.ftlX) wmripn htv bought AVine ot Cariiui from their dnicffistfi and have cured IhoniBolvi! at home, tf such troubles aa periodical, bearing down ami ovanau pains, leucor rhn'ft, barreiiHMi, nervousness, dizziness, nausea and deFpond- enrv, cans! by female wcikneBi, Ihese aro not easy cases, Wine of Cunlui cures when the dor tor can t. Wine of Cardm doss not irri tate the oruana. There is no nain in the treatment. It is a soothing tonic of healing herbs, free from h trim ff and drastic drucrs. It is successful because it euros in a natural wav, tne ot l-ardm can be boucrht from your druggist at f 1.00 a Dome ana vou can negin mis treatment today. Will you try it? fl .,,,- H.JISMS1 1 ease requiring ipMl direction!. ItlrtMS, f ivtuf Bj-mpioma, The Lidlttt' d-norr DtpL, Tbe Chftttanoogft Mtdloloa Co., 01 FOlEYSHOm'EAUl Quran Coldai Prevent, nwrnvatt We have a wide-awake representative in New York the year 'round; the mo moot a new thing appears, or an advan tage can be taken in price, he is on the pot, with the money in hand to get and send us our sharo. Since we began this movement, the buying pnhio has shown its appreciation of our efforts and is rallying to the sup port of the store that is standing to help the people, 1 his week a lot of new gonds one of the prettiest snd best we have had yet. Our New York Buyer bought immense lots, having stoles all over the country to send them to; they were divided fairly and we got our share among the first. In tins way we get foods as cheap, often cheaper, than the wholesalers aod can easily undersell and yet live. 1 liia store is on the right track it it go'og to succeed because of the values wo aro giving. Any Bnecisl order we will take pleas ure in forwarding to our buyer in New V ork, who will give same his best atten tion and we anarantee promptness and satisfaction. SHERS BROS.. WKI.DON, N. C. Monuments AND: Gravestones. WE PAY tb FREICHT ""CUARANTEESAFE DELIVERY ... L4HGB8T (STOCK lathe Soata Illustrated Catalogue FREE.. THE CO'JPER MARBLE WORKS. (Established 1848.) 159 to 163 Bank at, , Norfolk Va aov i lj . 1 1 Si I H III I i rl m m am b. 1 1 . 1 ikCX.

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