f 4 VBBTISHTO- K-A.TES-MODERATE. A. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE TEItS:-l-80 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCJ Ji-ef VOL. XXXIX. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1905. NO. 37 I J If ' 4f' GETS AT JOINTS 'THE ONE THAT CES irm WHEN OTHERS FAIL" imeumiieide ii the most powerful efficient blood purifier in iht world. It sweeps out ill the ii.ipuritin and p..innoul gerrnt thlt cauae RRIUaUTiSM, LA CRIPPE, CATAlthlt, LIVER ind KIDNEY TROUBLES, BILIOUSNESS, CONSIIPA TION, INT'ICSSTION and CONTAGIOUS BLOOD POISON. Improvet the Stomach, buildi up the entire syatem. Al Field, the famoua mimtrel ; Hon. j. P. Ciihaon, the Souih Carolina legialator, and hundred! of othera teitify that it ABSOLUTELY CURES. Wl Wottl. fiH If m writ. BOBBITT CHEMICAL CO, kltiMr. Ctt a "Poroit Ml Not" Book Inm rout DnifiiM. CHARLES C. ALLEY, WHOLESALE Confectioner & Fancy Grocer, PETERSBURG, VA. -Ml. W. T. Baugu represents tu io Eastern Carolina. Hold jonr orders for dot 12 It AW 17 9lf VEGETABLE SICILIAN LCSHairRenewer A hih-c!ass preparation for the Tialr. Keeps the hair soft and glossy and prevents splitting at the ends. Cures dandruff and always restores color to gray hnir. "'""tYUZTtrT'JXZ'i'i"" WHAT LAWYER DIDN'T OB DIB SPEECH MICIHT NOT HAVI BEEN QCITI BO PATHETIC. A story with pathetie interest ia told by Lord Btampton in oonneotion with man whom ha defended. The man wai oharged with wife murder, and bia two children were in oourt, dreaaed in black and aobbing violently. A verdiot waa Ten in the prisoner's levor. But the interest in the oaaa did not end there. "On tba same evening," writea Lord Brampton, "I waa dining at the oonntry bonae of a Mr. Hardoaatle, and near me aat an old inhabitant of the Tillage where the tragedy bad been eommitted. " 'Yon made a touching apeeoh, Mr. Hawkins,' aaid the old inhabitant. 11 'Well' I answered, it waa the best oould do nnder the oireamstanoea.' " 'Yes,' he said, but I dont' think you would haTe painted the little home in such glowing colore il you had Been what I saw last week when I waa driving paat the cottage. No, no; I think you would haTe toned down a bit.' '"What waa ii?' I asked. " 'Why,' said the old inhabitant, 'the little ohildren who aobbed so Tiolently in oourt this morning and to whom you made such palhetio reference were play ing on an ash heap near their cottage, and they had a poor eat with atriog round its nock, swinging backward, and forward, and as they did ao they sang: " "This ia the way poor daddy will go, " ' "This is the way poor daddy will go." " 'Such, Mr. Hawkins, waa their ex cessive grief.' " LondonJDaily Mail. TtfE REJiSoji YliiY TANNER'S PAINTS Retain th-ir pre-emioenee aboTe all other brands ia because they are made of the beat materials obtaina ble and are ground with great care. If your dealer does not carry them write to the manufacturers. Box 180, Tanner Paiit & Oil Co., 1419 E. MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, VA. The Bank of -UVELDONI N. C.ls- Oraanizea Met Tie Lais of the State of North Carolina, AUGUST 2OT0, 1892. STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. TOWN OF WELDON DEPOSITORY. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $31,000. .. . ., v.. .AaA h.nlmcr faflilitlM for tbis Section ' rot en years inn inaumi""" nui. . -- llu stockholders and direotora have been identified with the business interest of '.tlalittcaod Northampton countiea tor many years, iiuoej " -r- -r proved eeeurity at the legal rate of intereat aiz per oeotum. Aoooonts of all are .solicited. P.IJ.ni. Vine-President: Cashier: .,ar v. TtiMTEi. n H. W. LEWIS. W. R.8MITH 1 'I Ma V , a. A ' " Jicktoo, Nortbtmptoo count j, N. C. The largest and best plant in the State. .CHARLES MILLER WALSH, i h... air tap Brl Maanfmotoraf of MON- DbIBNTS, TOMBS, GRAVE STONES ofsvery description. Freight prepaid on all shipments. Bafe deliTery guaranteed. Write fur designs and prioea IBVAleo Iran Fencing, Vaeea etc , tor cemetery ana otner narnoaea at lowest prices. aaa)8ATIHF ACTION GUARANTEED. Work Delivered At Any Depot. ant 11 ly. Fall and Winter Goods .0 FOB o I MEN, WOMEN & CHILDREN. Big Line Dry Goods, Notions, Gents Furniebinge, eU The Urgeat line ever oroogni to weiaoa. ugBiiaiiw .- ...- j Our Shoe department U full and punning over. The largeat stock we hare tarried, tad we an making prioea THAT VILL SELL THEM. Jnat peeeiTed a big lot of (DORSOB) 8hoes. Suite to order, made op in good abape and by good tailors. File Guaranteed. Don't fail to tee our line of Samples and Prices Before You Place Your Order. 3& D. ALLEN & COMPANY, g jar-i art.4-k al aVt tf OKIEF'8 ANSWER. Two women stood near little grife id the idow. aod one wu weepioe, iod would oot bo comforted. "Bat tbiok " said the other, "how, in His springtime, Qod decks the graves with violets; and io His winters He hides them under heaven's snows!" And the weepiog one answered: "But Heeannot hide tbem from our hearts." HOW CAHLYLE TALKED. I have heard Carlyle pour forth a con tinuous stream of impassioned deolima- lion fur more than an hour at a time; and so keen were his characterisations, so felicitous bia arrow shots of criticism, so rioh his satire, so iotense bis patriotic Rvmpathv with all that belonged to na tional lifs and chancier, that no listener could with the wonderful utterance to ceine. Retrospects. JBotanlcal Plants Jr lalt tiu torn, Lift ul Dta. Duut Hnuimanta nnniliintiul k nAa ttut(a)Kiiiuvuieuuiui.tvu 'J uivei atninant aviakntiirtai nmvit tliflt lidVit great remedial ageut ; it is essentially cided effect in helping nature to banish .1 1 . i i i.i. Ait... UIKHC 41UU ICIU'IC IICUIIU. VIUCI BICU LlC I 1 .1u uut uicu iinvv uiuvcu iuat uiyk-cii iuv ai.. u J ... 1 i:r. JIUU iUC UCUl IHU KmU JHVAUUg inc. The neoDle on this earth are suaeeptiblt to woe laws which govern plant life. A niant cannot be t.cceiful.v frown in Uie dark. A man Is aetdom healthy and strong- who uvea in toe dark or in sunlesa room. After all. Nature's ways are found to be the beat. Nature's remedies are always best for eradicating d and by this wt Dean a medicine made of roots and herbs. They are assimilated in the stomach and taken up by the blood and are, therefore. the most potent means wmcn can oe em ployed for the retraining of lost health. Dr. R. V. Pierre, consulting' physician to the Invalids' Hotel and burgical institute, at Buffalo. N. Y.. in manv vears of exlrn- sive practice, found that he could pin his latin io an a iterative csiraci oi certain nlanta and roots for the cure of all blood diseases. Tbis he called Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Containing no alcohol nor narcotics, entirely vegetable, this " Discovery " makes rich red blood and s a powerful tissue-buiiacr, giving tne urea business man or woman renewed strength and health. Rapidly growing school girls and boys often show Impoverished blood by the pimples or boils which appear on tact or neca. to erauicic un yuiwu' from the blood, and feed the heart, lunga and stomach on pure blood, nothing is good as Dr. Pierce's lioiacn ueascat Discovery. Don't allow the dealer to insult your in telliareiiN bv offeiinv his own blood rem edy to yon instead of this well-known nMr.i.n nt Tir Piarr'et Tfn fhancrS to one be will substitute a cheap compound having a large percentage of alcohol in it Dr. Pierce's Pellets are the best for the bowels. Use them with the "Discovery. fU U Rarflolt lllltO, ill. buliivU EXPERT WATCHMAKER AND OPTICIAN Every kind of watch or clock made ta keen accurate time. GOLD WED DING AND OTHER RINGS MADE TO ORDER. Eyes tested and Scientifically fitted with Eye Glaaaea or Spectacle at LOWEST PRICES. A fine lioe of Ladies and Gentlemena Gold Rinp, Watohee, Jewelry, ka. atifMeil orders promptly attended to Bin of the 1WBIG WATCH, near Foatofice, Weldon, N. C. Spring Flexible Disc Harrow Only Harrow In the world with Independent adjust able eprlng pracsur. upon Inner nda of disc gangs. Any amount of prcaiur. thrown on these Inner nda by foot. Ball-bcarlnti. Works unavtn ground. All slses, at proportionals prlooe. Seasonable Implements o! date. Possibly you are nuw n Feed Cutter, Disc Plcw. Yui cm yet our Cataluguc for the asking. OUR PRICES MUST BE RIGHT. NORFOLK FARM SUPPLY CO. 41-51 Union Street, NORFOLK, VA. t lie latest style, always tip-to-will smm need a Ccm Eheller, Always Remember the FuU Name Laxative Rromo Quinine Cures a Cold in One Day, Grip in Two. BONNY LORRAINE, BY JAMES LINDSAY GORDON. Bonny Lorraine, haTe yon forgot The day we walked the morning lea ? I still keep the bine forget-me-knot That yon took from your hair and gave to me. Wonld yon like to walk those ways agaio, With me at your side in the morning time? Do yon ever think ol your youth's sweet prime, And your young boy-lcrer, Bonny Lorraine 7 Ah, welt I remember the time we stood By the glancing rirer when the day waa done, And the whispering trees in the dim old wood, Turned erimaoo and gold in the setting sun ; When your hoart and your lips and your eyes were fair To cling to me then as your life's one love. Do you remember it, Bonny Lorraine? 8urely your heart can never forget The night I told yon that last farewell ; Your long, soft lashes with tears were wet, And your anguish more than your lips could tell, And you kissed ma then, as I stood in the lain, And held me fast aa you hid me go With your desolate golden head bowed low I know you remember it, Bonny Lorraine. Across the street where the music swells, You glide thro' the throng in the shadowy dance ; In your ears the chime of your marriage bells ; In your heart the dream of the old romance. I see you glimmer across the pane, The jewels ablsia in your shining hair, And the form of another about you there ; But I do not envy him now, Loiraine. Let him bow down low at your royal feel, And siog lore's song if it gives him joy ; I sang it once and found it aweet, In the daya when you charmed me a foolish boy, But I ne'er shall awaken the old refraio, Its beautiful music ia almost bushed j My heart wu touohed but it wu not oruahed, And it loves you no longer, Bonny Lorraine. Danoe on while the music throbs sod beats, Drink memory to death in your wedding wine ; He knowa not your life, whose quick glsnce meets The false, sweet light in your tyes divine. I can look on yon now with oeter a pain On your proud, fair faoa and your aplendid eyes; And then, looking up to your star-lit akiea Thank God that I lost you, Bonny Lorraine. WHEN THE WEATHER'S CRISP AND FROSTY, BY FRANK L. STANTON Par's somepin' in de elements dat keepa you on da go W'en de weather'a oriap en froely en you lookio' fer de snow ; W'eo yon bear da kittle aing On da fire, like ever'lhinrj, En you clean fergite de Bummer at de rosea er de apring. You bears da driven whistle on de big road, ter de teama ; Eo at night de liT Chilian acts de Chria'mns ia de dreams ; ' Ed the folks a-aettin' roun', Hears de fiddle's lively souo', En de daooiu' aiicB it rtJCffl rl 'tw.l de root enema oomin' downl It's de balleluia season in da country fur en nigh, El it siakes yot think da aogels jinea da chorus io de eky I Da good time at ita bee', Fob de ringin' eaa' tec wes', Life en joy amaiin' 'twal yon never waota tar tea' I Den heap de joy a-gwine, en keep good feelin's all I No better Worl' dan di ia, fum de spring-time ter de fall I Weather oriip en fine All erlong de line i It'a da balleluia eeaeoo, en dit'e de way we gwine 1 HOW TO BCILD CP A BSACIIPOL FIGURE AND ONE THAT CONPOBHB TO UP-TO-DATE STYLES. For many years past woman has re joiced io a big waiat. She haa confess ed to twenty-four inches and if plump she has owned up to twenty-nine or thirty. She did not oare how bin. her waist was as long as she suoceeded in pulling down her belt in frost to give her the fashionable shape. But now the figure is changing back to the small waiat. She can reduoe her waist by eieroia- Id io the right way, pugilists, wrest lers and all highly developed atMetea with his entire family to Nasr Kddio'i have very small waists, they are full in bouse, the srms and in the chest I " 'We,' the stranger explained, run arms tor trie coming woman are trienaa ot tne man who gave you an absolute necessity. The new volumi- hare.' nous sleeves will hang like bags uoless "Nasr Eddin welcomed the visitors the arms are full and round. warmly, and thev staved two weeks. Staod ettct and take your physical "Tbey bad oot been gone long when culture exerciaes. Throw open your another family of atrangera arrived lungs and take long, full breaths. Lie " 'Whom have I the honor to receive?' down upon the floor and lift the feet aaid Nasr Kddin, WONDERFUL NERVE, Ia ditnlaved bv manv a man enduring paina ef accidental Cute, Wounds, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Sore feet or stiff joints. But there a no need for it. Buck- lea's Arnica Salve will kill the pain and cure the trouble. It'a the beet Salve on earth for Pilea, too. 25 at W. M. Cohen's Drug store. jPJJ)5FJ!FJIiKPJTMy. THE WAT IT WAS BEBLKED BY AN OBIENTAL PHILOSOPHEB. "Hospitality is ao excellent thing'' said the stoty teller, but it is open to abuse. Let me tell you how the orien tal hospitality of Nat Eddin, a great man of the ea:t, waa abused maoy years ko. "From b diatsnt village a poor man came to Nar hddio and made him a present of a hare. Nasr Eddio waa de lighted with his gift, Tbe poor man on the strength ot it staved with bim a month. "A short lime after a stranger ci mi slowly uotil they are balaooed over your head. Lift tbem up and gradually let tbem swing over your bead and back of you until they touch the floor. This ia a sort ot inverted somersault, which is of the greatest benefit to the oulturist. Here are physical culture exeroisea to avoid. Do not lift heavy weights, They increase the muscles around the waist line and do a woman no good from any standpoint. Do not try to hang by your hands from a pole or from any object about your bead. This, too, strains tbe mus clea of the waist and belt line and is none too good for one's health. Do not trv to stand on your head, Thia may seen an unnecessary adoson ition, yet it ia a tact that a certain en thusiastic DhTsiosl-culture director had all hia pupils lined up in that manner, Tbe kind of food playa an important part in the reduction of tbe waist. "What ahall I eat?" inquires the woman who ia reducing. "And what shall I eat?" aaka the woman who wanta to make her waiat smaller, but who doesn't want to diet. Yon can eat anything and atill reduce your waist. But you must know how to select. The woman who site down to tbe family table and consumea several asses of water, as so msoy do, or who buries herselt in little ooeaos of tea, or who takea two or three cups of strong coffee, will never have a trim waist and wide, well-proportioned abouldera. Such promiscuous drinking and good physical development do not go together. And again the woman who placea freshly baked bread upon her table and who eata lavishly of it will not have a nice Genre. If the bread ia made of floe white flour and is raised with yeaat she mav be aura that it ia still in a state of fermentation when It ia taken from the oven. If vou nut vour ear to a large hot loaf of bread yen can hear it. The yeaat will continue to "work for twenty-four hours, duriog which time tbe bread should ha kept in a place where it will keep mo st and fresh. Then it ia ready to be eaten. It can be reheated and aerved aa fresh bread,as in deed it ia. NEW YEAR ITEM. "Demajor'ainyander, sayin' dat be seein' aoakea." "Yes; he got de whole circus, whilst we po' sinners is on de rsgged edge er de sideshow!" " 'friends of the mends or tbe man who gave you the hare,' was the reply. "Nasr Eddin looked grave. He did not invite these guests indoors. Hi served them on the lawn with cups of some clear fluid. Tastiog thia fluid, physical they made wry faces, for it waa nothing but warm water. What is this you offer us, oh, Nasr Eddio?' the strangers said reproachfully. "The boat replied: " 'Uh, that is tbe ssuce of the sauoe ef the hare.' " OABTOIIIA. Bian the Am M m " l'l8 8igutnn of , Kind Yob Havi Mwavs I CASTOR I A For Iottnta ind Children. Tlii Kind Yoo Han Always Bseght SAVED FROMTEHRIBLE DEATH The family of Mrs. M. L. Bubbitt, of Bsrgerton, Tenn., saw her dying and ware nowerless to save her. The moat skillfull pbysicisns and every remedy uaed, failed, while consumption was slowly but rurely taking her lite. Io tbis terrible hour Tr, Kinit's New Dis covery fer Consumption turned despair into joy Thia (Treat stock medicine is a I money saver for stock raisers. It is a medicine, not a cheap food ot condition powder. Though put up in coarser form than Thedford's Black-Drausht, renowned for the core of the digestion troubles of I persons, it has the same qualities I 02 inviroratinir digestion, atimnff I up the torpid liver and looaening I the constipated bowels for all stock I and poultry. It ia carefully pre-1 pared and ita action is so healthful j that atock grow and thrive with an I I occasional dose in tbeir food. It I cures hog cholera and makes hogs I otow fat. It cures chicken cboiem I and roun and makes hens lay. It I I curea constipation, distemper and I I colds in horr-a, murrain in cattle, I and makes a draught animal do I more work for the food consumed. I It gives animals and fowla of all I I kinds new life. Every farmer and I raiser should certainly give it a j trial. '.. It costs 25c. a can and saves tea I times its price in profit. FrmsuM, Ku., Much at, 1104. I bava bMD afltDf yonr Black-DnMfM I Stock and Poiltry Medtclu , I stock for aoma time. I b nad alt u.l, ol .lock food but 1 h.T. fcnu4 that joeis la the baa to. soy amrpo. I 4. B. aucaaua. Ths first bottle brought im mediate relief and ita continued use oom nlfli.lv cured her. It's tbe aaoet eertaio r , .l II r.. Jl ,k..l ..J Inn. sure in tne wonu ioi imw. . y troubles. Guaranteed bottlee 60c, and Jjt iJ0UV18r S 1 nil. Trial Dotuee tree at n.w Cohen's drng store. i Otk Before tbe self-made man can get into I politics he must be mads over by the I maohine. Garden Truck can be rallied profitably only In soil containing plenty of Potaah. All vegetables require a fertilizer con. turning at lout to per cent, actual Potash Without Potash no fertiliser Is com plete, and failure will follow Its use. Kwrr fntiPrihoti(dhT(rarTlnh)ebookt On fiTtll!fttnii-Iiii7 iro not evlTcrtiamig EMlttr DtH'iiiliiit Any Irjl i crtil Iwr, but m 'Ita of Bali tlid Mint Im infiirtuatiin that raaaii UrBorsflUU)lhofrmtjraL HunlfrMlor liiti SamiUsf. UrK VAN KALI WUBKI NtW YrbtfS Nmswii Hlrvet, r AtJsnts, U.-'.j Bouth Lirotd Btrtet THE WELDON CARRIAGE SHOP, Builds and Repairs all kinds of Car nages, Buggies, Wagons sad Carts. Blacksmithing and Horse shoeing ia all its branches. D. SHEARIN, IttrVick's Old Stand, Weldon, N. O J. T. CLARE ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. 0. Practices in the courts of Halifax and adjoining counties, and in the Hupreme court of the 8ta,( Special attention given to oollections nd prompt returns. J.A. ALSTON DOMESTIC TROUBLES. It is exceptional to find a family where there are no domeatio ruptures occasionally, but these can be lessened by I having Dr. King's New Life Pills around. Much trouble they save by their great work in Stomach and Liver troublea. They not only relieve you, but cure. 25o. at W. M. Cohen's Drug atore. Tomorrow never oomee, but tbe day 1 after today arrives on sobedule time. OABTORIA. Bmu-b tba t m 'm "a always WJgm Bhutan 7 sjUffc-ZT. of Hf-y i-CdCSUrtl pine; an him Groceries PROVISIONS, -Cigars and Tobacco.- Fine Whiskies AND WINES Kerrimac Club and Pride of Virginia, nice I and mellow. Bar stocked with Choice I Drinks of every kind. Cor. Washington Ave., and First Street, Weldon N. C. 10-21-ly TIE RICH EECOH SO BY 10. head v uki'jjx. Bueiiu Gin. Little Ostsnd "Pa, "Boston Common?1 " Pa "Beans, my son." what ia the A aura cure feraU KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROUBLES Recommended by best physicians ef the W.W.KAY, ' Bean the Bl joature ef A man doesn't need much money be has a reputation for being wealthy. FOR OVER HUT YEARS. Mbs. Wimblow'b Sooibimo 8tbdf hat been used for over 60 years by mill ions of mothers for their children while iMhins atitk nerfeot auoeeas. It soothes country. u. .viu r,.-. ,S. ma. .Have all For aale in Weldon by .U. VHMW, W.VH. . , J pain; euros wind oelie, and ia the best remedy for Dierrhcea. It will relieve tne poor nine sunerei yjost of Wines, Whiskeys and Beaudies y Uruegists in svery pan oi tne worm, jwaya onhand. Tweetv-five cents a bottle. Be sure end I keep the heat of every thing in toy ask for"Mra, Window's 8ootbing Syrup," line, BajvPoliteattention to all at Key's, .d take aa other kind. west side K. K. Shed, B i mi I myllr Men and women who are opposed to labor anions should steer clear of love in cottage, If good for them it muse be for all. Money saved in buyiog, is money made. Our arrangements for getting direot from New York, the best and latest in mer chandise new goods every week instead of twice a year enables us to offer every day just what people want, to make quick "turn-overs" snd, making them, we can sell so much cheaper. - We have a wide-awake representative in New York the year 'round; the mo ment a new thiog appears, or an advan tage can be taken in price, he is on tbe spot, with the money in hand to get snd send us our share. Since we began this movement, the buying public has shown its appreciation of our efforts snd is lallyiog lo the sup port of the store that is standing to help tbe people. Tins week a lot ol new goods one of the prettiest snd best we have bad yet. Our New York Buyer bought immense lots, having stores sll ever the country to send them to; they were divided lairly and we got our share among tbe firat. In this wsy we get goods aa cheap, often I cheaper, than the wholesalers and can easily undersell snd yet live. This store is on the light trsok it Is goog to succeed became of the values we ere giviog. Any special order we will take pleas- I are in forwarding to our buyer in New York, who will give same hia best atten tion and we guarantee promptness and I satisfaction. SPIERS BROS.. WELDON, N. 0. Monuments AND: Gravestones. Ejwrwa euai rrswswa a nsaaaea WE PAY tbe FREICHT amdCUARANTEESAFE DELIVERY . . . LARGE8T STOCK i the Boats) Illustrated Catalogue FREE. THE COUPER KiRBlEWIMS. . (Eettbllahsd 1S43.) lot to 161 Bank at., Meciolk Ta aev ly. 9 J

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