p 11 13 mm puaec'll &xrt M lil (Si las 1 A-EVEETISIlsra- MODERATE. A. UEWSPAPER IP O IR, THE PEOPLE TBBMS:-i'5 ran annu! r apt amp VOL. XXXIX. WELDON, N. C THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1905. NO. 38 SSSL- cured. NOT the temporary improvement reeulting (ram dangerous mercury, oniatee, alcohol, er poeaeh ; not tht momen tary relief from eherp pain given by linimente; but 1 eearching cleansing ol tht blood that clears tht ayatern of tvery Vfulge of tht diMUf, and absolutely CURES RHEUMATISM. We know that It should curt berime it li compounded la the moit tt'ieniitic manner, of purely vegetable drugi that cannot harm, bi't build up the entire system. We know that it does cure became hundredi of thoac cured havl whiten ua that it hat CURED AFTER ALL OTHERS TAILED. riM MS pi. kotll. Irota BOMITT CHEMICAL CO., BALTIMORE. YOUR DRUGCIST KUI RHEUMACIDB. CHARLES 0. ALLEY, WHOLESALE ah Confectioner & Fancy Grocer, PETERSBURG. VA. tSTlit. W. T. Baugh rtprosente m id Eastern Carolina. Holdyonr orders Tor DOT 12 Ij Ayers Pills Sugar-coated, easy 10 take, mild in action. They cure constipation, biliousness, .1,1 J.O.i;C. ?'mliZ BUCKINGHAM'S DYE f -"Tl.li: rrOWIir.rrlCQDiaCk? USC iimi?.w.auwimuaa.r.iuu....auaii.a.a. f UF TANNER'S PAINTS J Retain their pre-eminence F above all other brands is nEASON because they are made of I the beat materials obtains- f bla aod are ground with Mr great cars. If jour dealer ' ' does Dot carry them write to the manufacturer!. Tanner Paint & Oil Co., Box 180. 1419 E. MAIN STRKKT, RICHMOND, VA. Tie Bank of W, (::::::WELDONl N. C.- OpizeH Unfler Tie Lais of tie State of North Carolina, AUGUST 20TH, 1892. 8TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. TOWN OF WELDON DKPOSITORY. UNTIL AND SURPLUS $32,000. For teD yeart tbia institutioo hat provided banking facilities for thii teotioo Its stockholders aod directors hate been identified with the business interests of Ualifai and Northampton oountiea for manj years. Monet ia loaned upon ap proved eeouritj at tha legal rata of interest sii per centum. Accounts of all are toiioiiea. President: Viee-Preeideot: Cashier: W. E. DANIEL. D. H. W. LEW 13, W. R. SMITH ' Jackson, Northampton oounty, N. C. The largest and best plant in the State. EJ.Cn ARLES MILLER WALSH, THE DEAR OLD HOME. WOULD A SWirrrjEADT, 1 TOC WOULD MAKI BIR HAPPT. Therel how the ehirp of that lonelj orioket brings to mind the dear eld home, yet, years and years and years ago, we are afraid to say how many when the breeiet crept in under tha law banging branohca and the graoeful elm swept the roof ot tha old home with a loving em brace, wheo tht odor of phloi and tube roses was wafted in from tha garden, We remember tha deep dark tbtdow un der the rough old oak, and tha ruddy lights through tha red curtained wio- iows; the pleaaaot rooms, the books, the music, aod mother. Do you remember mother? It ia your mother we mean. The mother who laughed over our baby antic, grew proud of our boyish tri umphs, hid her sad heart beats when we loft the home fold to win our way in the world, the mother whoe hair grew gray in her care for us, whtse heart grew umble by the multitude of her prayers in our behalf; whoso face grew mors tender aa the years marked their pro grass upon her cheeks, whose steps falt ered and whose hands trembled because her bouyaney had been givjn freely in our behalf. The mother who staid id the old borne while we were far away. The mother bird io the neat after the fledgling had flown. There tame at last letter to nt io another band, and dear old mother was at rest. Then we went home but the old time home was goDt forever. Ah, we know, how trivisl everything then seemed beside) mother's lore. We know how a kind word of old would have cheered her heart. We know how the business earea orowded out the home letters; and bow mother watched and waited for the tardy missive. We know how her heart bled lor an old time caress, sod how she went to rost with a prayer on her lips for you. Aod now it ia too late, and the orickets play their lonesome melody, while a white atone io "God's Acre" marks where mother rests after her work is done Remember mother, boys, before it ia too ite we bave yet time to show our appreciation of her love. 8ee her hair it ia as white as snow, and It has been bleached by care of us. Watoh her steps how they ialter. Cherish her. 8bow her your love. Court her ts you would sweetheart, if you would make her happy. All too soon this mother will be gone, and then God grant the cricket song will bring us naught but kiod mem oriea. it,,.rri anil Mannfaoturar of MON UMBNTS, TOMBS, GRAVE STONES of every description. Freight prepaid on all shipments Baft delivery guaranteed. Write for deaigaa and prions left. Mao Iran Fencing, Taaea etc , for cemetery and other nnrMMM at lovtaat Dricea. IgvSATISF ACTION GUARANTEED. Work Delivered At Any Depot. act 11 Ij. Fall and Winter Goods -o FOR o 1 MEN; WOMEN & CHILDREN. Big Lint Dry Goode, Notiooa, Genta Furnishings, to. Tha largest line ever brought to WeldoD. Don't fail to tee thea before you buy. Oar Shoa department it full and running over. The largest atook wa have ever tarried, ana wa are mating pnoea THAT WILL SELL THEM Just received a big lot of (DORSCH) Shoes. Suitt to order, made op in good ehapteod by good tailara. Fita Gnaranteed. Don'l fail to tea out line of Samples and Prices Before You Place Your Order. 3H. D. ALLEN & COMPANY, a, i 67 All bYC af A WIFE'S CONFESSION. Of course evenr one knew when the Were engaged snd every one pretended to oe surpntea wnen the j heard it was uddenW broken off. U was first said she had broken it off, then that his heart had changed. but finally she con fessed that she had been so irritable, so depressed and blue that she had fairly driven him away. Her rood looks were vanishing. Shewaa getting thin, pale, and hollow -cheek ed, with dark circles around her eves. Suddenly all society was pleased again to near ot tne engage' mcnt being renew ed, and it was not before a Dean and radiant bride wai taken to the altar. She had regained her good looks, her former happy disjKwition and strong nerve all through a aecret a friend gave her. A few bottles of Dr. Pierce's tavorue rrescnpuoo is wnai made two more lives happy and a radiant bride more beautiful than she had ever appeared before. Backed up by over a third of a century of remarkable and uniform cures, a record uch as no other remedy for the diseases and weaknesses peculiar to women ever attained, the proprietors and makers of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription now feel fully warranted in offering to. pay $soo in legal money of the United States, for any rant! ed Leucorrhea. Female Weakness, Prolapsus or Fslling of Womb which they cannot cure. All they ask is a fair ana reasonable tnai 01 weir means 01 cure. I am glad to let others know the great neneBt l na rrcrtvru irom ur ncrcr s mrai oins write Miss Lottie A. Clark, of Iror. Soul ha rapt on Co., Vs. "1 suffered from low of appetite, had very severe attacks of stele head ache and nose Meed. I took two bottles of 'Favorite 1'reacrintion1 and one of 'Smart'- Weed.' and, from the time I commenced these remedies, I frit tetter, To-day I am well, am going to school and san do al. toe work ea pected of nt. fe Tl rat': Chas .11. Bartlett EXPERT WATCHMAKER AND OPTICIAN Every kind of watch or clock made to keep aceuratartime. GOU) WED DING AND OTHER RINGS MADE TO ORDER. Eyea tested and Scientifically fitted with Eye Glaaaea or Spectacles at' LOWEST PRICES. A fine line of Ladies and Gentlemena Gold Ring, Watohea, Jewelry, io -Mail orders promptly attended to Sign of the MrBIG WATCH, near PoatofEce, Weldoo, N. C. CmmJmm taVgYa ee's i W A a ea V Disc Harrow J. ul'vay.s up-to- i I HE WAS SURPRISED A SAO. SWEET PARTING. Only Harrow In the world with Independent adjust ablt spring praecure upon Inner ends of dlio gangs. Any amount of presuro thrown on thsts Inner ends by faot. Dull-bearing. Works uneven ground, All sixes, at proportionate prices, u " 1 Seasonable InipIiiiK-nls of the latest stylt date, rossibly you arc now or will soon nml a Ccrn Shellcr, Feed Cutter. Disc Plcw. Ycu can gvi our Catalogue for the asking. OUR PRICES MUST BE RIGHT. NORFOLK FARM SUPPLY CO. . 41-51 Union Street, NORFOLK, VA. .Always Remember the Full Name 1 axativc Rromo Quinine Cures & Cold in One Day, Grip in Two. Wfrdhnr on Bos. 25c "A W.VbiiA?. KjTI Tbt CS5 ALL tVIBT MAS BIGHT, BUI 001 INTO ClIORCII, TDK WRONO A LAST TALK, BY JAMES LINDSAY GORDON, Come out io the garden and walk with me, While tha dancers whirl to that dreamry tune. Look I tha moonlight silvers the sleeping tea, And tht world is fair aa a night in J one, Let me hold your hand, aa I used to do ; This is the last, last time, yon know, For, to-morrow a wooer oomes to woo, And to win you, though I love you to. Yon are pale, or is it (he moonlight gleam, That givea to your face that sorrowful look T We must wake at last from our summer dreams, We have oome to the end of our tender book, Love, the poet, has written well ; He hat won our hearts by his poems sweet ; And now, at the end, we must lay farewell Ah, but the summer was fair and fleet, Do you remember the night we met? You wore a rose io your yellow hsir ; Closing my eyes I can see you yet, Just as you stood on the topmost sUir, A flutter of white from head to feet, A cluster of buds on your breast. Ah, me I But the vision wis never half so sweet, As it is to-night io my memory. Here the viols cry, and the deep bassoon, Seems sobbing out in its undertone, Some sorrowful memory--The tune Is the saddest one I have ever known, Or ia it because we must patt to-night, The music seems to sad T Ah, me 1 You are weeping, Love, and your lips are white The ways of life are a mystery. I love yon, Love, with a love so true, That in coming years I shall not forget The beautiful face and the dream 1 knew, And memory always will hold regret, I shall atand by the aea aa we atand to night, And think of the aummr whose blossoms died, When the (roats of late fell chill and white, On the fairest lower of the summer tide. They ate oalliog yon. Must I let you go? Must I say good-bye, and go my way ? If we must part, it is better so Good-bye's such a sorrowful word to say I Give me, my darling, one last, aweet kisa So we kiss our dear ones, aod aee them die, But death holds in parting so sad aa thie : God bleaa you and keep yon and ao good-bye. An Irishman somewhat undur the in fluence of liquor, ambling home on a re cent evening happened to pars a church and, being attracted by the sound of music, paused for a while aod then stag gered towsrd the entranoe. With his natural bump of caution, however, he looked op at the spire to aee that the proper kiod of a oross wss on it, for to the mind of most good Catholics it would be almost a sacriligs to go into a Protestant Church. He aaw the cross, whioh apparently satisfied his soruplee, and be wont in, sitting down io a pew near the door. The heat being somewhat oppressive, he fell asleep. After the service had ended the sex ton began at the altar to turn out the lights. Coming down the aisle he tripped over the foot of the sleeping man io the pew, and lookiog down, diagnosed the oase in a moment. He gave the sleepiog man a shake and said: "See here, my good man, wake up and get out of here at once. You are io the wtong place, anyway thia it not your church." The Irishman sat up, rubbed his eyes, and, developing an argumentative strain, ssid in a rather thick, guttural voice: 'fit ain't my church? Whose church is it, if it sid t mice? "This is tha Protestant Episcopal Churoh " "It's no such thing!" "I tell you it is, and you must get out of here." He straightened himself up, and, pointing a wavering finger toward the altar, laid: "Isn't that the figure of St. Joseph op there on the right?" The sexton was forced to reply in the affirmative. "Yes," replied the sextoo. "What it that io the center?" "That it the statue of our Saviour." The Irishman wito look of mingled triumph and contempt, aaid, lookiog the sexton as Dearly in the eye as he could: "For God t sake, whin did thim turn Protestants?" SUNSET SONG. Is it a dream? The day is done, The loog, warm, fragrant summer day; Afar beyond the bills, the sun In pnrple splendor sinks away ; The firefly lights her Honing spark While here and there the first large atara Look out, impatient for the dark ; Tha eowt atand waiting by the bare; A group of children eauntert by Toward home, with laugh and aportivt word, Oot pausing, aa the heara tht high Soft prelude of to nnseen bird "8weet tweet twett Sorrawful eoirowful torrowful." Down from immeasurable heighta The dear notea drop like crystal rain The echo of all loat delighta, A youth's hiach hopes, all hidden pain All love'a aoft musio, heard no more But dreamed of and remembered loog Ah, how oan mortal bird outpour Such honjin heartbreak io a song? What ean ha know of lonely yean, Of idole only raited to fall, Of broken faith aod aecret teere ? And yet hit aoog r peata them all "Sweet aweet aweet Sorrowlui aorrowt'ul eorrowiui. Elisabeth Akera. saved fromtkhkiblis death Tha family of Mrs. M. L Bobbitt, of Bargerton, Tenn , saw her dying and were powerless to save her. The moat skillfull phyaiciaoa and every remedy used, failed, while aontumptioo waa alowly but rorely taking her life. In thia teirible hour Dr. King'a New Dis covery for Consumption turned despair into joy. The first bottle brought im mediate relit f and ita continued dm com pletely cored her. It's the most certain tare ia the world for ill throat and lung troubles. Guaranteed bottlea 60c and II 00. Trial bottlea free at W. M. Cohen's drag store. It'i almost at difficult for a woman to keep a t cret aa it ia for her to tee tha point of a joke. WUO Lt.Vl Ki. W.i SBnCLD 01VS Big t, KISS AT BJI. Claaped in her husband's arm. aod in the act of imprioliog a V'm upon his lip. Mia. Edith Dondero, wife of Joecili Dondero, dropped dead at her home, in Flushiug, N. Y on Tuesday last Phy. eieisns say that Mrs Dondero was strick en with apoplexy Her huaband wan about to leave home for his place of bun ness. Fallowing a custom never one 1 omitted during their married life, My the oorrcupoodeut, Mrs, Dondero put he arms affectionately about his neck to ki him good bye. It proved to bs her laat caress, for, without a sound, she rested her head upon his shou'der and expired. What a sweet taking off lhat wu-l an'1 what a comfort to the bereaved busbaod that the last act of their married life was a mutual embracel But that measure of coDso'atioo would not have been his had be not formed the habit of kirsing bi ife when leaving home for the day. It habit which every married man should form, and unfailingly observe Every man who loves his wife should give her a kiss at partiog, be the sepa ration only for a few hours. Nor should it be a hurried, perlnoclory kisa It should be a kiss of affection, of confidence and of peace. If there have been dis agreements, they should be settled in love. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hare Always Bought Bears tha Signature ef A BIRD IN HAND. "May I kiss you before I go?" "W-e-ll " Well?" eagerly. "Just one thing constrains me to say yea "And what is that?" "The fact that you oannot very well kisa me after you go.' ' Houston Post, HIS FOUNTAIN PEN. "Annabel I" called a mother over the banistera, as she heard the Iroot door olose. "Yes, mamma," replied a sweet girl' ish voice, and Annabel Googan alowly framed herself in the darkness of the stairoase. "Was that Mr. Tinberry, Annabel?" "It was, mamma." "Do von know it ia twenty minutes past eleven?" oame io cold tones from the wrappered figure in the upper hall, "Mamma, we hadn't the slighest idea it waa so late, said the young girl earnestly. "You tee," she continued "Mr. Tinberry has been telling me aboot China and Japan. Ha said tverybody ought to know about them, aod it was ao interestinz. we never thongbt bow late it waa getting. Do you know. mamma," added the sweet girl, "that China they" "Did Mr. Tinberry draw a man of China od Tour faoe, Annabel! asked ra. Googan, aternly. "Why, mammi?" asked the daughter, in startled tones. The youDg girl rushed to a mirror aod aaw with horror-strickco glance that the left aide of her face was streaked aod atained with ink. "Heaven and earthl" she screamed "his foantsio pen must bsve leaked into hia waiatooat nocketl and wilb a at.net of horror the beautiful girl fell fainting to the floor. N. i. Newa. DOMESTIC TROUBLES. It ia exceptional to find a family where there are no domestic ruptures occasionally, but these ean be lessened by havine Dr King's New Life Pills around. Muoh trouble they rave by their treat work in Stomach and Liver troublea. Thev not only relieve yon but cure. 25c. at W. M. Cohen 'a Drug atore. MAKING IP FOR IT. KOH OVUM SIXTY I EAM9. Mrs. Wihslow's 8ootbinh Sracr baa been uaed for over 60 years by Bill ions of mothers for their ohildren while teething, with perfect tucceaa. It soothee the child,' toftent tht gums, allaya all pain; enrea wind oelic, and ia the beat remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold J Druggists ia tvery part of the world. Tweaty-lve oents a botila. Bt rare tad ask for"Mra. Wioalow'a Soothing Syrup," and take oe other kind. A New Jersey woman thinke aha ia entitled to two pension, because aha ia the widow of ooa aoldier and the grass widow of another. Wife "When wt go anywhere now wt have to walk. Before marriage yon always tailed a carriage." Husband "That's why we bave to walk bow," Pittsburg Preat, WONDERFUL NEKVE. It displayed by many a man enduring paint of accidental Cute, Wounds, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Sore feet or sli ioiott. But there i no aeea tot li. nuoa lee'e Arnica Salve will kill tba pain and cure the trouble. It'a the beat Salve on earth for Piles, too. 25 at W. M Cohen 'a Drug atore. It'a a poor mule that won't work both ways. csXstPOtlXA. aWiatat tlht Kfl Yna Hut khrffs gtnfN Hfialatc at OA8TORIA. Burs tba A IM Haw """ft Bigaature of 'tZSS FORCING HIS GROWTH. Uncle "My word, Teddy, you are growing fasti'' "Yes; they water me too much. Why 've got to take a bath every morniog!' Jester. Sa.i7.r1 uv1 riS4Atiiit?ti Potash as Necessary as Rain The quality and qunnttty of tha crojia dqictid on a sulticiciity of Potash In the snll. Fertilisers whlrh nre low in I'mUMi will never pruducd Sallf.trtnt v M'uHi. Kvcry (jrmer nlmulfl r familUr with iht pnirr irt'r"Mirmt nf mtifi-iln ma llul pi to nulla if"' ln'M jerliltfr. (or evrry Itnul ol cnii. We h.ivr r.'iliiMiiHi a arriPiml Inn V, cotiMlnliiff tin- l,,icM rrwanlira on lint all imii'irutit itil'Wt. wliirh f will irntT Irrtj il ynu attk. Wnie now wink yuu lltink of It lu tl.tr ilKKMA KM, I W.IIIKft New York 1 Manama hlrrrt. nr Atiunt, Ua. !i HuU Hronwt Htrnot. THE WELDON CARRIAGE SHOP. Builds and Repairs all kinds of Car riages, Buggies, Wagons and Carta. Blackstnithing and Horse shoeing iu all its branches. D. SHEARIN, -Vick's Old Stand, Weldnn, N. C- J T. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. Practices in the court of Halifax and adjoiniuK counties, and in the Hupreme court oi uie tN t rjpeciai attention given to collections, nd prompt returns. J. A. ALSTON fine; hiiF tains 816 Wells Street, Marikktte, Wis., Sept. 25, V. 38. I waa all nm down from nervous neas and overwork and had toreaign my position and take a reat. I found that I waa not gaining my strength and health aa fast as I could wish, and aa your Wine of Cardui waa recommended as such a good medicine for the ills of our aei, I boueht a bottle and began uaing it. 1 was eatinfied with the resulta from the use of the first bottle, and took three more and then found I waa restored to ffood health and atrength and able to take up my work with renewed vigor. I consider it a fine tonic and excellent for wom-out, nervous condition, and am pleased to endorse it. AGXES WXSTLEY, Sm, Kona WUoMla Holland 8od7. Secure a 11.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui and a 25c. package ot Thedfotd's Black-Draught today. WINE OF CARDUI PROVISIONS, Cigars and Tobacco. Fine Whiskies AND WINES Merhmac Club and Pride of VirKinia, nice and mellow. Bar stocked with Choice Drinks of every kind. Cor. Washington Ave., and First Street, Weldon N. 0. 10-1-1? THE RICH BECOME SO BY Dr. Bouvier's Buchu Gin A ante cure for all KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROUBLES Recommended by beat physicians of tha eoantry. For sale in Weldon by W.W.KAY, Beat of Winee, Whiskeys and Brandies alwayaonhand. I keep the beat of every thing in my (ioe, itj-Polite attention to all at Kay'a, treat tide R. K. Shed, mvtli. If good for them it muse be for all. Money saved in buying, is money made. Our arrangements for getting direct from New York, the best and latest in ruer chacdise new goods every week inalead of twice a year enables us to offer every ay just what people want, to make quick "turn-overs" and, making them, we can sell so much cheaper. We have a wide-awake representative in New York the year 'round; the mo ment a new thing appears, or an advan tage cau be taken io price, he is on the spot, with the money in hand to get and send ns our share. Siuce we began this movement, tha buying public has jhowo its appreciation of our efforts and is tallying to the sup port of the More lhat is standing to help the people. This week a lot ot new goods one of he prettiest and bett we have had yet. Our New York Buyer bought immense lots, having stores all over the country to send them to; they were divided fairly and we got cur share among the first. In this way we get goods as cheap, often cheaper, than the wholesalers aod oan easily und.rsell and yet live. 1 Ins store it on the tight track it ia go'ng to succeed becauie of the valoot we are giving. Any apecial order we will take pleaa- nre in forwarding to our buyer in New York, who will give same his brat atten tion aod wt guarantee promptness and aatisfaetion. SPIERS un OS., WELDON, N. C. Oeraa tteidai Pravwta ratwtatw Monuments AND: Gravestones. WE PAY thi FREICHT andCUARANTEESAFE DELIVERY . . . LARGEST STOCK In tha Soaitk Illustrated Catalogue FREE. THE COUPER RaRBLE WORKS. (Eatablished 1848.) 159 to 163 Bank at., Norfolk Ta aov 8 ly J