M pastel ffj fwi hx jfft p . ; , - i f .."3 ) it i - - i l. ' ;'J -I ADVEBTISIlTa- K,A.TES-MOfi:iiATE. A. ITEWSP'FEI FOE THE PEOPLE. WELDON, N. C. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY a, 1905. VOL. XXXIX. :o. fish. mM?xt fiwnai y&m . THE DAYS THAT ARE GONE, FIXING IT. a? JUST ABOUT RIGHT. he mwm li v t i 1:1NV Ttf'Ty J"--' jfKiMMll.-rd -,'tfatt 'AWlilMtigfcJI Hon, J. P. - r,cll l no.n member nat vuiiim.iiiijr written to mt Field, die Conway, 8. C, nci jiaer, tin highest possible pr.iise ot la He iti thr PfiShin rhmlcl KH' Gfli in h-,J r tc-fihle ciif many ! . , J tried in vain wMi.-u, r i wiulri ciy ind it team ftnm pain. Fnxn die wek ihe bf tu e It; -tx -.Bcitte he Improved, ind ll nnw abmlutely cured of (nil IrrrVr 'f e . Cur Rtvumilltm, r"r remedy li a ecine, and I etnnol prime 1( UK tneh'v. Mv wire la an elatrl n.r rl .h,. ik.. .h. .I.k.a t K3 I h'( H onlf one ol iho..i.t.df nt mirvrlnut rutei writntf hy thf wonderful dtl V7nN ' J 'mV:'.i-)r'jNSrl-S THC BOOn. IMPROVES THE DIGES TION and BUILDS UP 1 ENTIRE SYSTEM. Writ BOEBITT CHEMICAL CO.. CHARLES WHOLESALE Confectioner & Fancy Grocer, PETERSBURG, VA. JeSMr. W. T. liauj-h rrprepenlt ut in h'tn. cwVA i i J u &iL;Awa !::ps you like your pray hf.Ir; i :i,ili'.r tiall s Ua;r ifcncwer always restores ccicr to TANNER'S PAINTS lU'taia their prc-emiueDce above all other lirjnds in becaue ttioy are wttle of the beat materials obtaina ble ami are Ground with treat care. If ynur dealer does not oarry them write to tbe manufacturer.. Box 180. The Bask ::WELDON N. C. 1" . flpizeu Unfler Tie Lais of the State of North Carolina, AUGUST 20TII, 1892. STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA DM'OSITORY. HALIFAX COUNT If DEPOSITORY. TOWN OK WELDON DEPOSITORY. UPITIUND SURPLUS $32,000. 1 Tor ten year this institution has provided banling facilities for tins tociion bnvo been idoutifiod with the business interests cl Halifax aod Northampton counties for mny years. Money is loaned upon ap proved aecurity at the legal rate of interest six per centum. Accounts of all art solicited. President: Vice-President: Cashier: W. E. DANIEL. Dr. H. W. LEWIS, W. R. SMITH Jackson, Northampton oounty, N. C. The largest and best plant in the State. .CHARLES MILLER WALSH, Ouarrier and Manufacturer of MON- UMBNM, TOMBS, (J HAVE STONES of every description. Freight prepaid on all shipments. 8afe delivery guaranteed. Write f.r designs and prices Work Delivered oetll It. Fall and' Winter Goods Q FOB 0- MEN, WOMEN Big Line Dry Goods, Notions, Gents er brought to Weldoo. Don't fail to see Our Shoe department is full and running tarried, and we are making prices THAT WILL Just reoeivod bin lot of (D0R8CH) hape aod by good tailors. Fits Guaranteed. Don't fail to see our line ol Samples and Prices Before You Place Your Order. $H. D. ALLEN & COMPANY, WELDON. N. C. Afeaa xairaae .-nj TiatfTkJi.: .C- I Cinson. of Hcniii-ifjv!!lf R P o( the Snmli (.nmjina I.cgixiauire, crri AT THI JOINTS TM INSIDE. r inru k.i ki. j..ki.. ut.. ol R heumtt iiiri thai all mhti mnJIfln mil In cure. "She could fml with i iirp," ht BALTIMORE, for tt Sinpl. C. ALLEY, Eastrrn Carolina. 11 old your rritera for dot 12 1 j art r je.'jnmatj'c VivOETABLE SICILIAN oair Kenewer then keep It. Ferlicp? not Tanner Paint & Oil Co., 1419 E. MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, VA. of W, Hi, Ko Iron Fencing, Vase --, etc , for ratwtery and other 14: purposes at loweat prices. 1 1 Wi.8.VTISFACTION OUARANTKliD. At Any Depot. & CHILDREN. Furnishings, &o. Tho largest line them before you buy. over. The largest stock we have ever SELL THEM. Shoes. Suits to order, made up in good HAM JUNKS UIVEH TUB FARMER SOSIK RKVP Jl'V.'rX Sum Jjtiti it not only a preacher and reformer, bu' he has some exceedingly KOcd ideus on farming as noted from the following quotation : TLirc in i.o use kicking, gentlemen, Unlifw you kick yiiunelves. The South cko get more money lor a ten million liulo crop at much less Cost than (he cun lid for s thirteen million bale crop Now the question comes up, "What will you do about it, broiher latmer?" I take the poMiioti and hold my grouod that to pluy the tool and tlicn cuss somebody else about jour misfortune is a mighty poor business 1 heard many a South era man say last year: "No more six od Beven cent cotton in the Uuited States." At le st they said lor many yeurs to come, and here we are mired down io the South'e business interest al m i8t paraljz d by the calamity overtak ing us iu less than twelve months. When you raise too many potatoes you will sell tin ui at 25 oents per bushel, When you raise too few you get a dollar a bushel fcr them. The cold snap yester day put wheat up, just because they say the mpiily mi"b: be cut off. Here's one Southern farmer that ain't going to rai.e a bale ofcuttoo next year. Put iu corn, pea, sow grain, improve your land, act like acn of sense, quit aciii.g the fool and then raising sand with the balance of the world because you played the fo.,1. Let tbe South cut the cotton crop ooo third and I will guarantor you twelve or fi ft ceo cents a pound for your cotton. Put io rs muoh acreage next year as this and I will guar aDtce vou Bix cents, and do more, so to peak. I know that every fellow is some sort of a foul, my wile's husbend inclu ded, but to keep on acting the fool about the same thing will soon get a tellow to be all sorts of a fool, and then they will Io k vou up. I any these Bhort, brief remarks in the interest of aod for the benefit of the farmer. Dou't abuse me gentlemen, but li-teo to a fellow wll wishes you well. A GAIUJLEI) QUOTATION. 1 Up in Vermont they have been using girls for Irol'ey car conductors io the in terests of some worthy charity. "I s'onse Tennvson had 'em in mind when he wrote that famous line." "What line?" " 'Ring up, wild belles.1 "Cleveland Plain D-aler. The Secret of Long Life and How to Overcome Waste. To " Know thyself? is to take advantage of life's secrets and equip one's self with kn armor which will successfully resist the attack oi disease in tbe battle of life. The old idea of fate or "kismet," and that a person al ways dies when his time comes, is now exploded. Every mechanism, wheth er made by God or man. has a definite amount of wear and its life can be lengthened or shortened accord ing to the care that is given it If ac cident or careless ness destroys the works of the watch or the human mechanism an end comes to Its usefulness, but it has not actually "worn out." Man's system at times gets rusty like the wheels of the watch and only needs a little cleaning and oiling to put it in shape fur life's battles. An imitation of nature's method of re storing waste of tissue and impoverish ment of (lie blood and nervous force is used when you take an alterative extract of herbs and roots, without the use of alco hol, like Dr. Pierce's (.olden Medical Dis covery. This vegetable medicine coaxes the digestive functions and helps in the assimilation of food, or rather enables the organs to take from the food just tbe nutriment the blood requires. lion Jolin R Sunt. Registrar of Deeds. Court House, Durliani, N. C writes: "We have used Dr. l'ierce's CuMeii Medical Discovery in our family, mid huve known of some ul our neigiitxir using it. we nave niwavs iohwi u tniln all thai U clninied for il. and feel couudeut thai il is a U iniitl remtdy " Mrs. Htttie Mill, of Cotton. N. C, write: "I procured Dr. iHerce's Goldm Medical Dis covery ami took it for mv cough. The medicine srtrd'tike a cliann ; cured my cough all O. K. I feel ery grateful to you lor your kiuduess. Use my name if you olmose," Accept no substitute fornGoldeu Medical Discovery." There is nothing "just as good" for diseases of the stomach. D;. Pierce's I'leaant Pellets, the best laxative for old people. They cure con stipation and biliousness. 11. EXPERT WATCHMAKER AND OPTICIAN Every kind of watch or clock made to keep accurate time. GOLD WED DING AND OTHER RINGS MADE TO ORDER. Eves tested aod ScieoliSeally fitted with Eye Glasses or Spectacles at LOWEST PRICES. A fine lino of Ladies and Geotlemens Gold Ring, Watches, Jewelry, 4o BayMail orders promptly attended to 8ign of the KaTBIG WATCH, near Postoice, Weldnn, N C. FOIIYSIIOMTTAR Cias hi BALTIMORE. M!D. ESTABLISHED 1865 W. H. BLACKFORD, PRESIDENT. The oldest Pout In ru Lifo Insurance Co. Scientific old line underwrilinn nu the !IJ per oent. legal riwrvc, Oier filly ilitf ri nt poliey contract forms issued. CASH LOAN, PAID IP A M) Guarantees ariileti in the mliey. Premiums on $1,011(1 policy contract as low as 811 08 A clear record of 31) years without liiigalion over u silicic death. All death s claims paid promptly on reeiipt of s:'lisfaclory p-nols. Further information vsill be cheerfully given by the Com pany or our local agents. Local agents wanted. WILLIAMS & HART, District cMipiriutiridi uts, Richmond, Va. LOCAL AGENTS IS UALltAX COUXTY, N. C. W. II. S. B UR G W 1'iV, W eldon, N. V. CLEMENT A DUNN, VMM, N. V, A P.KITCIJIN, Scotland Neck, N. (! .Always Remember the Full Name 1 .axative rggo Quinine Cures a Cold in One Day, Grip in Two. CLvoaBos. 25c. liY who through correspondence. Don't Pent! money until you areconvineeil tion outfit and catalogue will tiring jou nur There is more satisfaction in dealing with so called traveling opticians, so beware. Our work must meet with satisfaction or money refunded. Write us to day. VIRGINIA OPTICAL CO., 324 MAIN 8TKKKT, NOKI'OI.K, VA. MY HEART AND I, Many, and many, and tinny a day, Through sunshine and stormy weather, My heart and I have wandered away Out in the wide world together. True comrades are wo as we journey aloni;, Though RO id 01 ill fortune our measure, If weary, 1ft! lighten the way with a son,', If happy, we share the sumo pleasure. We stroll by the brookside, we rest iu the shade, We linirer in sweet fl iw'rin ium'1 iwi, We list to tho sinjiius; of birds in the ula le As they flit in and out the co il sh id nvs. We bathe in the dew of ihe sweet summer's motu, We sit on the uiouutain or li.raiy, Wo catch tho first biss if the biau'ilul dawo, We see the sun set in its lory. With the eaplo we soar to the sun when Ihe slortn Breaks o'er Ihe scare) earth in its fury, Nor heed the hot liithtnin)? nor thunder's alum As we rest on our pinions securely. When the banners of night in ihe east areunfurled And the duk of the everiiiin; is shrouding the sky, And the soft hand of Sileneo is laid on ihe world Then my fond heart and 1 to our dreamland we fly. We feel the dear touch of a hand that we li ve, And we thrill with the rapture, as tremble the chords Of a lute, when 'lis swept by tho fiogi rs which wove All i's longing cl soul into pasiinale words. And we pate into eyes that are lender and true, Which are yearning and s ft ilh their love's inistv li.Mii ; Which are sireniing with pliaure as u.i m's early diW Fbodstho rose leaf whose ehcok it has kissel in the uight. 01 ray fond heart and I have a world of our own And many sweet secrets we'll never diselnse. Would jou fathom this mystery e'er it is flown? You will find it sale hid io the heart of a "rise." Tlll'Ml'sl N llAIII'IN Ji'Nl s. THOUGHTS When the autumn's r. d and purple From Ihe woodland glen is gone, When the west is gray at even And the east is -ray at dawn, When the snuw is silling s .fi ty From the loopholes in the sky And ihe landscape, gray and silent, Greets the winter-loving eye, Then I mrn back through the seasons, Through a score of years or so, To the oabio on the homestead Where I lived so long ago. There again the fire log biasing Sheds its radunco arouud : There is rap.urc in its gleaming, There is music iu its sound Home again with all its splendors Shine out in the ruddy glow That in fancy falls around me As I saw it years ago. When the barren tangled brushwood Bows beneath its led of white OABTOnlA. Bwi th. ) Il Kind Voti llavs tars Baudot uucf ii nil i j EXTENDED INSURANCE 01 : It Nl'A SYSTEM OK KITTlNt. GLASSES TO THE EYES For tho-e .ivo at a distance frnin the Chy, we can ailjust glasses to Hie uio.-t oclicatu eyes a pospul caril requesting our ex iniinie complete iurtructions KkKK. a reliable concern than with Fakirs and OF LONG AGO, Th it, in sou'.her silence lulling, V jrka iisTTnndiM through the night, When within the new-nude euvi rn, Shut (torn sight, the r.i'ddl lies, And the cjay s-iuirrcl 1'rmn his Uoorway li Is at in iiiin,c in suipli.c hen the hril-h ii!s oi Ihe fall w Mounds ol solid whitrnos show I am thiukioi of the heins'esd And the woodland wtap;ied iu snow. 1 here I clia-ed the (hint snntvfl ikes And my hi ail was light as they ; Thete I followed, all exprel int, Where (lie rabbit led the way ; Or mayhap adoun ihe liiil-ide, Coasting 'neath the winter moon, Or at akalinj on the liver Where I swam and fi-lted iu Juno. Oh, to so; aoain the plaers That my ehildl I used to know, Whi n nt home was in the c.bin And my playground io Ihe saow 1 Burs th. ,4 " Kind Via sm slwiys Bti'ijlll HOW TUB 01.11 .MAN WEST HACK inn Mimmi, nnj- iMys. l-l l;. f, :T ;af .r-l w t!:e ,nV face- hokid syiiitually liomiiiful. He pauid til the lip i,f iho bill he had c'itnbod with Mich wc.iry sics ot.d liftnl Irs ill" In the paliie.. hiiriT sky He r d tie to a moinoiit I.-,,, ii,.. , n his ainlly esrvi d old w il iiio.' cane Then he IniM.il slowly on. lint, Wore he moved on, he looked hack, as be had d oio no every hiilr. p ilia! d,. v, and si e ins; no on ', he lau .Ii,-d j unu-ly, ai d siid iii I iui-i I : ! l ave ,se i ,, tin w, th. y will i.i ui l'n,d , I am K, i"f! back, I mil kioii ho tine" "Tl.e" wi re liie rcLiU'es who h id kit. naich upon l.illl. be.-a-'s-, es they said, bis mind was a-iray. lie walked m sn l en slouly now, and feebly, for I p was veiy weary, and lie lii.il walki 1 ninny miles, The ofu-r-g'.iw bad iliitk.r.d into twi'ighr, tic st.ua came ou;, the winds s'ohed drearily ia ihe ttee lop-; still the old man walked on-mere and more slowly leaning on his slick The moon rose and illumined the woods and fields with pale silvery light. As Ihe old man walked now he piu-ed again and again and looked about him, us ilir.ugh trying to recognize some feature of tho country. At lenmh a turn of th') road 1 roitoht to his view a hie.li hill at a little distance Irom the ri ad. It rose steep'y from the woi dland, its sub." clothed with stunted pine and cedar trees. The old man s'opp d and gaz d at tic hill; his face in the moon light looked full of j .y. He nodded his head toward th.? hill. "I know you,' he said. ''The school house is thero at your foot " lie turned out a into path that led to. ward the hill Presently he stopped un der a gnatled old oak "This is the tree," he whi-pend, "We played matbles uud mumble peg under this tree; and we sul bete at noon recess nr. il ale nur dinner out of tin buckets Mai y always gave me a cake nr a turn over out of her bucket. The sclo ol house is close by " He walked on ragerl); i.e seemed filled with ne'V slretgih. Alter going a little way, he stopped b. fore n dilapidated, half tuiiibled-down log hou-e, its gray walls mantled wi'h the ivy which tl.c ha py school girls bad planted so long ago. Wreathes of the ivy hung across the doorway; he jutthcuj aside and (Wlily cliuihtd the mossy stone slops into ihe ol ih use the school house of his boyhood days. The moonlight stole sdtly through the giassless windows and faintly showed the interior of the house. A few rickety old benches wro still there. The old man tottered ncro.-s the r nuu to one ol llejse. "Tuis is my seat," ho mummied as he dropped uron it1 Hie veil el jears was Illicit; he was a boy aeaiu here in the coun'ry sclio d house with ti c hoys and girls seated on the beeches ali about him and the sjhoi i inastir silting at lis disk. The droning uuitmur of Voices reciting and studying lessot-s couie Io him, mingled with the video of the uind that was tisiug outside and hi wing chill upon the old man; but ho fell no cold. His ryes sin no with an unwonted light the love light of the long ago "Maty, Mary," bo called; "couie, Mary let us walk in the woods 'fhe woudrt are t'reen, lb.' sun is shilling, the winds are singing low; there arc so many wild fl .wi rs. we will eailor ih.ui for your hair. How hrig' t il is growing brighter and brightir, Maiy, come." His hea l birched forward and re-led on tbe hack of the worm-eaten old bench It lay tin re. P' if etly still Outside the shi'dows ma io by the union tell longer and dirker across the grass. Tlio wind- sLhcd I iw in tho t.iiitv; ihe pale ras of the moon stole in through tl.a vims that curtained tho window and res ed liuingi) on the old u.ati's head Tbe winds called, hut their p'liy li ll.iw, the once happy sell ...I boy, It . nr. 1 tlieul ml, Tlo y -lole a ay over the iiuiet w i. d-, -ighitig foith their si. ry, tilling over and the tale id the bowed head they had touched and li e gray locks they b stirred in the ill school bouse The moon wi nl d wn behind ihe hill, ami ouly tbe stars k pt gourd ocer tho still fi'tite Their silverV radnnee re-l d no tliehoWi d hea l iu Inly he.iedicti .n Kill Ol l-.H MX I V I KAK. Mus. Winmijiw's) SdiniiiNii Syui'P ha bein used lur over till years by mill ions ol m lhers for their children while teething, with perfect success. Il soothes the child, soliens the gums, allays all pail.; cures wind colic, and is tho best remtdy for Diarrloo i. It will relieve tbe poor iiitle suff. rer immediately. Sold by Diuggista in every part of the world. Twenly-livc cents a bottle. Uo sure and ask foi" Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syiup," and take c.i other kind. OL'It lilltl 1 UlKli. Wo awake and call her early Whin tbe sun comes up iu stale We awake and call her early, But she don't aiiso 'till late. Tess - "They sa if you walk dnnn stairs backward with a lighted candle in your hand the tir-t man you meet wiU be the 0ne you marry. 1't i ing lo trt that on llallime'in " Joss "fin am I; il mo t be done the stroke ol 8." Te-s "Olil Y'on don't huv lo do il at any pariboilar houi " Jess "Yes, I do. I tol i .I n k II no sum In rail p-oinptly at S." I'hiladcb thin Press CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hive Always Bought , Boars tho Siguatuio of .I D fc-' M i TJS Vlf . j' 1 Villi Collslipittilin. liiliiiiNnoss headttehes tin. fevers, (.'ul, Is attack liie iniorsoinl coiitogiuus d.seuses take hold of (he svsiem. It is safe to nay that if the liver were always kept in .rni..r working order, illness wv.nbl be almn-t unknown. Thc'.f. r.i's liM-thrnnelit is so siiecessliil in etiritig sm li sickness t.eeaio'i' liver re; lneilicii iba-tie ii h ivithuui a rival us a ul,:l..r. This great family o ia not a strung and tig. init a mi UL and neaiimni nixaiive mat, cures con stipation and may lie taken bv a morn child without possible harm. The healthful action on the liver cures bilii,uMies. It has an in vigorating effect on the kidneys, r.ecau.so the liver and kidneys "do ii'itivork regularly, the poisonous ae.i.ls along with the wa-te from the bowels get bark into the blood and virulent contagion results. Tom lv trealiiient with Thed foid's ljtncli-l'rauolit removes the ilangerswlii. Murk inrnnstipution, liver and kidney troubles, and will isisitiv. iy forestall tho inroads of l'right's ili-ease, f.r vliii Ii dis ease iu advanced stages Hero is no cure. Ask your dealer for a "Sc. naeliage of Thedfurd's Ulatk- U fraught. Dr. Bouvier's Buchu Gin A 8ti re cure for all KIDNKV AM) BLADDER TROUBLES Recommended by best pliytiitiaus of tLe fount ry. For s;tlc in WeMou by W. W. KAY, Kent of Wines, Whiskeys and Hrandies ul Miys onliiuid. I kofp the beat ul every tiling id my puo. tc. rolue attfDtion to uli at lay s, mv 2 ly HOUSES & MULES. IHAYE Horses and Inks That you am 1 uy with 0 cent cotton It y u iln-j't bt'lit ve utf, com'' anil sec, W. T. TAliKER. WELDON N ('. BAGGAGE ? If you want a Trunk moved be sure and call on Bridgers, the TRUNK MOVER. Leave orders at Bridgers' Bakery or call up Phone No. 61. 1 0 ALL WHOM II MAY l.OM.LliN, Notice is hereby given that, iipplicntiuu will he made to the. 1 enenil Assembly now iu session at Kaleigh, N.C, to amend Chapter !134. Public Laws ol Ninth Carolttni, Unit, "an act to establish criuied schools in the tow u ol Welnon N. I! " W. J. WARD, DENTIST, OFFICE IN DANIEL BUILDING, WEI.DON, N. C. sep!2 If ... rOLEYSIiOIYTAR Curat Cold, Prtventa pneumonia -.y Rorauio tho liver is W'"' Y - negiceuii penpio snlTer COOn POTATOES BRING FANCY PRICES To prow a Virrr'; crip of pot-id poutoes, tiirmps, K-tttue tica ut I'uiaah lkuiu Uic cutl, jtivf? i.inje yuuuti- otasli IiStnlly !iy tlif ii'ff of frriiliTS cortainlnii t Jf-t than i. ikt tent, actual Juttth, Our ramrfi'pn an; not atlvrtisir-p circulirs hnfiUi;,.; mh, t.il t, it i Lyf... Lull itnif.iiii vain. si-It. iiilonii.iuoii iu lariucri, bcuL iiee ior Lite uutuiicl. unit now. NiW York V3 Nussuu Street, or A ( lint.-!, i iD-t outli Uroad St, THL WtLDOlM CAR It I AGE SHOP Builds -.mil Repaiis all kinds of Car riages, Uuggi.s, Wagons and I arls. llbeksuiiibi II its bran, lies ol II ore mium tig; in D. SHEARIN. fcirVlek's Old Stand, U ehb.n. N. () hi T- CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WKI.DO.N, N. C. Practices iu the courts of Halifax and l.ioiniug counties, and ill the Sunrema court ol'th8ttt Upeeial attention given to eiilleetinns ml nrnnint ret.n-ns. J.A. ALSTON FINE! PiiOVIKIONS, Cigars and Tobacco. Fine Whiskies AND WINES- Merriniac Club and Pride of Virginia, nice and mellow. '.ar stocked with Choice Drinks of every kind. Cor. Washington Ave., and First Street. Weldon N. C. , 10-21-ly THE RICH BECOmE SO BT save: If good for them it muse b6'Tbr all. Money saved in buying, is money made, Our airangciuents lor getting direct from Niw York, the best and latest in mer- eba, d'se new goods every week instead of twice a year enables us to offer every day just what peoplo want, to make quick "lurn-overs" and, making them, can sell so much cheaper. We have a wide-awake representative in New York the year 'round; tho mo ment a new thing af pears, or an advan tage can be taken in nice, he is on the pot, witli tbe money iu hand to get and si ml us our share. Since we began this movement, the haying oib ic has shown its appreciation ur iff.. its and is tallying to the sup- pot! ol the More that is standing to help the people. 1 Ins week a lot of new goods one of c prettiest and lest we have had yet. Out New Y'erk Buyer bought immense os, having stores all over the country to si nd tin in to; they were divided laitly and we got our share amuiig the first. In this way we get goods as cheap, often die iper, than I bo wholesalers and eao uy ui d. rscll and yet live. This st, re is on the light track it ia go'i g to succeed because of the values we aie giving. Any special order we will take pleas ure iu forwarding to our buyer in New loik, who will give same his best atten tion and we guarantee promptness and satisfaction. SPIERS PROS., WELDON, M. C. Monuments AMD: Gravestones. WE PAY tub FREICHT AsnCUARANTEESAFE DELIVERY . . . l.ARtJKSiTHTtlt'K Inthe Mouth Illustrated Catalogue FREK. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS, (Established 1848.) 159 to 183 Bank at., Norfolk Ta aov D It. uvmvu UIVIU1U3 rD,Htrw. "1W j x If r

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