V & 11 R5Sl 155). yPK 111 i ?PP! Pp) p Plh y ADVERTISING A-TES-modkiute. -A. NEWSPAPER FOB THE PEOPLE TEEMS:-" ''ff a.m in jUan1 VOL. XXXIX. WELDON, N. C, TUUltSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 11)05. NO. 42 if V, ft Jt llSl CURES CURED. 1 l;ACU BIK TO PKAY, ' 4 M0T 11 e tmV",:"y improvement resulting from dangerous . 5 1' mercury, folate., alcohol, mr Dot ash not thr mnm.n. tary relief from iharp pain riven by liniments; but a Marching cleansing of Ilia blood that clears the lyitem of evtry vtii;e of the. dinau, and abwlutely CURES RHEUMATISM. We know tl at it should cure became it ii compounded in the me.t scientihe manner, of purely vegetable drugs that cannot h.irm, but build up the entire system. We know that Su7 " nunorem 01 tnun cured nave mitten Ul -T' 'u K inai it n.-i. . s , . . ROW f-7. Mr a V Jh iJ " ."UKIS. l-a - 'j rM naple battle Icon BOBUITT CHEMICAL CO.. BALTIMORE. CHARLES 0. ALLEY, WHOLESALE WHAT Confectioner & Fancy Grocer, PETERSBURG. VA. ISrMr. W. T. Baugh representee in Eastern Carolina. Hold your orders for kirn. nov 12 ly Ayer's Pills The great rule of health Keep the bowels regular. And the treat medicine Ayer's Pills. Want your moustache or beard ''f.nUIful brown or rich Mack? Use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE I 'Jit Ui. Or liHlLiialllua B, i, lUUt CO., NAHIUU. N. II. TtjE RE$0fl Why TANNER'S PAINTS Retain tli'ir pre-eminence above all other brands is because they ate made of the beat materials obtaina ble and are erouod with great care. If your dealer does not carry them write to the manufacturers. Boi 180. Tanner Paint & Oil Co., 1419 E. MAIN STHKKT, RICHMOND, VA. Tie Bank ot W, . ::WELD0N N. C.:K" flriaiiici Under Tie Lais of the State of North Carolina, AUGUST 20TH, 1892. STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. TOWN OF WELDON DEPOSITORY. $32,000. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS For lea years this institution has provided banking facilities for this section Its stockholders and direotors have Deeo ueniiuua wnn mo " Halifai und NorthamDton oounties for many years. M..ncy is loaned upon ap proved t jourity at the legal rate or interost i per oentutn. Accounts uf all solicited. Presi lent: Vice-President: Cashier: ot n niviiel. Dr H. W. LEWIS. W. U. SMITH Jackson, Northampton onuoty, N. C. i The largest and best plant in i tne Dtaie. 0U CHARLES MILLER WALSH, Quarrier and Manufacturer of MON UMENTS, TOMBS, GRAVE STONES of every description. Freight prepaid on all shipments. oimrtntefid. Write ful '; b denigoa tod pncea Work Delivered At Any Depot. oet lily. iaalo Iron Fencing, Vaaos yr etj., fur cemetery and other i jt'T'.i. purposes at loweat prices. 40wii am.SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Teach me to pta j Not only when the njuroiot breaks Into a glad new day, Or when the niuht with sable pail Shuts out the hl; Not only when attuned to ptui-e By some sweet mercy Which has crowned my days My joyful heart mounts up To thank the giver of the gift, And rests apart from ..anh 'Mid heaven's uplifi; Not only when around my soul The tempests rape and billows roll My heart cries out, 0 Master, snvcl The wind rebnke Ana still the wave; But in the quiet hours of life, When neither jovs Supreme Nor sctrows great are life, At such a tiie Teach me to pray "For all the little n ecdi That fill each diy." Retta Bryson Tit in. PASSED THEM. BETWEEN Ao spid colored citizen, who had followed his master to the Ciul War wasdaprjoatiug the war in the Eist. ''I don't want terse no mo'' he said, "I had enough trde las' one!' "In the war, were you?'' "All thoo' it, sub; followed Gin'rul if." "Wore you at the surrender?" "On de spot, sub!" 'Do you rcoollcct what parsed between Lee and Grant?" "Yes, sub; Gin'rul Lee wuz standin' here" "Yes?" "En Gin'rul Grant wuz standin' yonder" "Go on." "Kn I passed betwixt urn, runoia' lak' de devil befo' dayl" "Here," said the listener, "take this money, and go and get you a dram, you deserve it I" UKBAN BIGOTKY. Sobbubs "Ob I you may sneer, if you please, but let me tell you the death rate in lovely Swamphnrst is so low as t( excite universal comment," Citiman "Yes? I suppose the uni versal eommeDt is that there art! mighty few people who wouid caro to be four dead there " Philadelphia Press. GIRL'S SBGRBT. Pall and Winter Cools "Aunt Cassie came to visit us and she saw I was nervou had the fidgets all the time, and Blie asked me many questions, and finally said. ' Why. vmt dear, sweet nirl, it's not your ttmper that's bad, it's your cotistittiiiuii that's out of kilter. Yuu sit neht down now and write a letter tu Dr. Pierce, at BuiTilo, N Y.. tell him all your symptoms and ao I did. It wasn't long before I had a lone reply, cirefully Koine over my case and telling me just what to do. I date my pitsent happinehs ami little Cupid's return to the very dav I sat down to write that letter to 1;. 1'ierce, fur his advice was so iruod and his ' Favorite Pre scription ' worked such a complete chance iu Die that now my fotmer cheerfulness and good health not to say any tiling of good looks ate restored to me. I have summoned Tom hack to my side and we are to be inarneu in June. The proprietors and makers of Doctor f icrce s i-avurue t'rescription now leei fully warranted in atfi'rittg to-pay Jfww for anv case ot Leucorrnea. i-emaie weakness, Prolapsus, or frilling of the Womb, which they cannot cure. All they ask is a fair and reasonable trial of their means of cure. It is natural that a woman who lias been cured of womanly disease by "Favorite Prescription " should believe that it will cure others. It is natural loo that she should recommend to oilier women the medicine which has cured her. It w such commendation which has made the name of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion a household word for the past thirty eight years. MEN, WOMEN & CHILDREN. Big Llna Dry Goods, Notions, Gcnta Furnishings, Ao. The largest line eter brought to Weldon. Don't fail to nee them before you buy. Our 8ho department is full and ruoniog over. The largest itock we have eer tarried, and we are making prices ' THAT WILL SELL THEM. J,. veoeived a bin lot of CDORSCin Shoe. 8uita to order, made up in good .h.po and by good tailors. Fitt Guaranteed. Don't fail to see our line ot RaTvmlAR and Prices Before You ltMAVW Place Your Order. H.iD. ALLEN & COMPANY, a WELDON, N. C. s. Mi OLD AND ALONE. BY FRANK L. STANTON THE LIGHT OF LIFE. APP.rjp.:iH.i ffu.ic- It is past, like a beautiful dream; bat sffeit was ihe dieam to rue; For the children (.mie, as io days of old, and cuddled around my knee: And I to'd them the tiles 1 used to tell ere ray lucks were lliin and rav, To the o' lie r children of my lovp. The children that went away I I foruot the vacant places the pall of tlie nimry snow ; In tie lihl of their rosy faces I lived in the Lorg A20. I lived in tho Loup; Ao: But the Present wa perfect then: For all of the hitler snow that falls on t tic lives 0' men. I only knew they w io near m, in a world made new uitain, And the Winter viol. Is ol Life wire rimmed with the .Sprinuiime rain: 1 f it t tu ir ki"es sweet on niy wit In ml cliei k ai d cold : And siw, nvir thread of uiWer, ll e lcaiu of llnir cut's of (;old. It is pa.-t, like a bi autiful dteam : with all the so::lh that were funp ; And I feel in the alter Silenc", 1 ll it 1 tie World is for the youou : And lhauks he to God lli.it llie world is so, wilh all its sunny years: That at least, one lime in our lives we know kii-sts, and love, and tears I THE YEARS WHIZZ By, When you feel you're plowing older, and your hair is lutniog gray, When you take to wearing glas-c, and you dread a Mormy day : When you hug the fire in winter and avoid the summer sun, And your dressing gown and slippers perm so nice when work is done You wander why you haven't doce the wutk ynu planned to do. The work undone from years agon'j keeps crovtdinp on the uew ; And you don't accouip'iah all you wish, however hard you try, Oh, do jou ever notice how the years whizz by ? You meant to do the things this yeir you failed to do the last ; lou tried to do thctn then, of couite, but lime went flying past, Your fortune wasn't made as planned, your picluic wasn't paiuted, Your poem didn't evolute, you're not with lame aeqiiaiuted, The statue still uuchiseled, and tho book you didn't wrilc Float mocking through the visions that vi it you at niht, Io youth it often seemed that time on leaden wiugj did fly, it's different now. Good gracious I Uow the ycais whizz byl We're existing and assUting in a very rapid age, Wo how beftrc footlights, then we'ro hustled off the stage ; With a few more Santos Domonts we shall shall Bail among the stars, And auto-cero-street-car line will toon be run to Mats, Wilh Tesla and Marconi and 1 lie wireless telegraph, The impossible's accomplished and all obstacles are chuff, Alas I All these things only make existence faster fly, Oh, it's really something awful how ihe years wliizzhy I Each morniog when you line you think the hill of fame to climb; Each evening brings the haunting fear you've not sufficient time. The fearful rato at which this world reVulves upon its axis Leaves us no time for anything exceplinit death and taxes. If somebody doesn't intervene to mo .'erute our pace, We'll fly iff at a tangent and gi whirling iuln space. Time's fcorchini: pace does Ii oil so 1 ur a-piratiuus high, Wo scarce get fairly started till our life's whizzed bv I UK C '. I I Ni T -It Ills WAY Al'NO Hit PUIW.Y ( F litis wor:.!,, BI T UK CHILI) sl'.H II WAV AI.IIV1TIIE fAIII WHICH 1.1AI S Til HtAYr.N. 1. ever s SHE AND LOVE. When Love first came to he 1 Aw was twenty, pretty, viveeious ul d ol tunny moods. She hud a deep feeling for the rosy little boy, but aft) r days of pond' I ing aud many sleepless nights she nol him away. "1 knowyoo will not blame me," tlo said to him. "I am jounp and I wt 1 be happier to see more 1 f life firsl. I am sorry but of course you will 0 rue ag.in" Several years pas-'ed before L .ve came anain. Mora were tiegtuiiing 10 snow around her eyes and in I cr brow Love was the same rosy boy, hut there had oome a ureat change in her, and she addres-cd him as Opportunity. THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. "Wo ild you say a fl.iek of fish?" ink ed a Kreucnuiau. "No; you wuuld sny a shoal of fish," was ihe Aiueiieau's reply, "Could you say a flick of oxen?" "No; a drove of oxen " "A floek i f tec ? ' No; a SViSMU ot tierS " "Really " said the Frenchman, "ihi- is confusing to me." "I don't wonder that it is," tie American re.urned. Fi-r every differ ent eiowd tlcre is a different word in our laoL'iiage, thus w,-say a covey el (iartriJt:es, a bevy of quails, 11 inde ol pheasants, u fliulit of doves, a wisp of snip1, a inusier ul peacocks, a brood of "I can love this man quite us mueli as g' -', Menu ol heioo', a building of I did the first," she mused, meanini; Itr ""i a sum I if (I. vers, a wuicli ol lover of twenty. "Whi 11 h ass m I nijhiingihs, a clut -tios! i.l eb.uahs, a i.-kid will say yes " But it happened that he her. When L ivu earn - a do she wis in dud an old maid A faint flush crept into the fixed dolluisa of her cheek, ai d her voice trembled when she spoke. That time the came she give the hri-ht litile fellow was Last t'liance. Brook lyn Life. HOW IT IS. pu t of wolves, a ca-t ofbaks, a herd ol swine, an I so on. In the technical ti ..Is - n sp -rts I I. notion Jell Vi 'll fi ) thai every cr-.w! ot liids aid ol animals has its own special name Tbe e s," eial t u'i't's well iraii el sport-uieu al ; wav-i use." New V"tk Pie-s. A h'iud lliae, n' il, sllliel'd and pn. r, was on. diy standing h iiaiini!y at a er.is.iu in ihe (iiy Iliad. Coming up ut the lime, I ijui s-ed what he was wail ing fur, and Ihe following conversation took plane : ".sliid I euile i.u over this chasing, ii. j fiii 1 d ? ' ''If y-u 1 lie:!'"," w h ij,,, reply ; and linn he siid: ' I am g"i in M. Luke's Woikl uus-, ami I mi, B!,J that I have not mi: -h furiln r to g . "I am cuiiij: iu ihat ilitieti'.n, and if you iike, wil. h id j, u I 1 (In il mr "Think Jul I r ihe kinloesi It shall J r lnl.lj he ihe l et lim" ihat I shall tioiil a l',imdly hand 111 t lie sireel." 'Tud iciil How is thai 1 ' ' I nni g'ing to ihe wnrkhi.usc as an inmate, ami as I um ulm st worn our, 1 shall, most likely, end my days there." "Dins I his Iroulile jou ?" "No sir; 1 might not havo ohosen it, but as I earnol earn my livelihood any longer, I think it a crcal mercy that I have such a place to go to " "Have ynu been long blind ?" "Thirty eight years." "You wo'ild be glad to have your sight again ?" ''Indeed I should; but as that cannot be, il is no use to fret about it'" "Well, I hopo you have light in your soul ?" "Sir," said he earnestly, "greatly as 1 would like to look about nie once more, I would not part with the light I have within .ue for tho beat eyesight in the world. Tho 'Pun of Righteousness shines 111 my soul. I cannot see my way ale ig the path in which you are guidin:; my footsteps; but I can see my way ah.i.g the way whieh leads to heaven for I am following the 'Liht of tho world,' and so I do not walk in dark ens bur have the light of life." .SIior:ly after this we arrived at the old mac's dtslmatinn; and, having seen him safely 10 charte of ll.e porter, 1 took my leave of him, wilh a kindly ex pressed wi-h on hi ' part that we mijht meet iu that eliToal hunio of which be had sp. ken. Hut he lelt mc someihing to lliinu about. llapiy old man, I thought, Aed, alllieli J, poor and blind, yet so fu'l ot ligtu iin.l penoe aud hope within, so ihat he wi u'oi t o lose in l'i r tho sight of his eyes, d. lighted as he would havebei once P'ore to have eoj iyed the lieht of day. It n:ust indeed be hard to endure thi hes .f sinhl, esp cijMy when the bless- ina h is h en enj ved f. r many year"; but bow much w r e to be spiritually blind I In such ca-es them is no cunli rhalan- eina cnuVut Mco may puss, ss and re- j 'ice in health, sir nglh, tidies and all Ihai e:.n clsiid1 n 'he 1 v and please the sens, s; vol ilo y ale poor i.ideed as com f ared wilh t li i st man if they aia not fol loiviii'i "Ihe Liuht ol the world " What is life and n'l its surrouudings if ill 'Sun ol Hiehleousnt ss" d"fs nut Bhine upon t lie soul ? Wlatam ble testimo ny to lb'1 p wer and bh sst do ss ul Irua Ctiri-ii 'nil v was ibis whieh was borne by one wh, m the world wou d esticm poor i 1 eed. .-u.'t'? r , iM- -i:..e -1 ' r 4. . ,3 e'l.t D I , in a tuw, riiei raire. "1 'ee an'," 1 e stormetl, suell wii'l'Ou dH had 1.1-ie, d 'hen vju ui 11 1 I 1;,,. dial suell ao i iuiage 00 a.l s. tr: hi" "Wlui's ih ' man r, uM man? ' asW his llii nd. ''S .uju id 'em been gagin 1101 I f p "No, sii! ' (iiinul So iih-u a liUi.-lli d li:i:- s w.,i. w.. nut un was 1 1 nam eiiri.iiri r ise un ihe lirf s( the hat nl li e tyai.l lie tu ttl.ii h ihe I el.i h 'us had I 'l l Ihe lead, r .-I ihe K 11.0 0 1 I II,' aid ll re ili-.,iie ir 011 a p .a la I., w I l ichis.t tu ply s, nu iiiioL' !.;, r .piiit... lui vtle di I tl. at s ,ul.-s -c ui di. I I . hut sir ; up 'Win re Hil V-iu Gel That Hal?' London Mail i-s. r - ( Garden Truck i B nn La r iLc.l nrif.lnr.l nnl fn aAil Containto; plenty of Potash. All Vegetables retpiire A fertilizer con taining at least 10 per cent, actual Potash Without Potash no fertilizer is com plete, and failure will follow its use. I'vi ri fm niiT flu inM Lufc our vultiatilf hn. ki n fi rliliiil ii-u-lli y ur" Ii"' ii lvt-rtiiti( ii-mttT th.'iiiutji ii-i.. '.mnI (.-rftliiT, Imt Iks. ikiiifji'iHii-n'tiiiin iiif.-ruiitt imt t hut itu-n-iH lnrit'- pruUmtotiiu juniiL rs, buult'ruulurlLu ilsktUti. i;i:iiman K II I WORK?! hew lrl,-;tS .Vumiiiti Mrt-i t. mi Mianim, 0.-1' t Kuuth Lroad Street. now it oceuitui:ii. "That'a an old-lashioned looking au tomobile you have, Cogger." "Don't mailer. It can icd off a piixc tho other day." "Don't mean to say you had it at a show?" "No; Myrlilla eloped in it wilh me." Chicago News. I'Olt OVI.H SIXTY VCAltS. Mas. Wi.vslow's) Sikithinu Sybi:p has been used for over 60 years by mill ions of mothers for their children while Icelhin;;, with perfect success. It soothes the ohild, softens the gums, allays all pain; cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor lit tic sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggisls in every part of tho world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for" Mrs. Winslow'a Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Dr. Bouvier's Buchu Gin A sure enre for all KIOXEY AND J1LADDKU TltOUIiLt S. lieeouimeuded by best physicians of the country. For sale iu Wcldou by W. W. KAY, Best of Wines, Whiskeys and Brandies al uvs oubaud. I keep the best of every thing in my inc. ajjt'olite attention to all at Kay s, west side U. K. Shod. my a ly. EXPERT WATCHMAKER AND OPTICIAN. Every kind of walcb or clock made to keep accurate lime, GOLD hD D1NG AND OTHKR RINGS MADK TO ORDKR. Kyee tested and Scientifically filled with Kye Glasses or Spectacle! at LOWEST PRICES. A fine line of Ladies and Gentlcmcns Gold Rings, Watches, Jewelry, Ao. -Mail orders promptly attended to Sign of the IQrBIG WATCH, near PoslofEce, Weldon, N C. rOLEYSKCiNEYTM Yonoi! "Wonder why 't is ihey call the m in who stands up wilh tho lit ill' groom the best man at a weddiou?" E d r ' It means that he is t! e best off, he's tho ono who in't matried yen koow " Boston Transcript TIUTTK kl.INC IN TUB TllltnYT. One minute after taking One Minute Cough Cure that tickling in tho lhro.it is gone. Il acts in 1I111 throat not ihe tomach, Ilatmless ."ood f. r childn n. A. L. Spoff.ird, pnslmasler at Chester, Mich, says: "Our lilile girl was un conscious from strangulation during s , 1 . .an .11.... e nuuu u auu u-iuuto ai.Hi.ib ui (.luit- Three dosea of One Minute Cough Cut. hall au hi ur apart speedily cured her. I cann.'t praise One Minute Cough Cure too much fur what it has done in our family." It Jwas gives relief. For sale by W. M Cohen, Dtu-'gist, Weldon, N. C. WOVLU KVKX THIXOS 11 IHI IIVi:l) I'OIM I. A 111 TV. T 1 cure Constiiaiiun and Liver trou bles by genlly moving 1 lie bowels and acting as a Ionic to the liver, lake Utile Karly Risers. These Famous Little I'iils are mild, pleasant and harmless, hui 1 ffeelive and sur-'. Their universal use for many 51 ais is a sltung cuarantee "f their popularity ai,l usefulness. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Druigist, oldun, N. (!. AN OPINION. "A linlc learning may be a dangerous ihiiii:," remarked the Observer of Kvrnis and Things; "but ihe man with a little learning is not nearly so d mgerous as the man who knows it all" Yonktrs Slatesuiin. Tim s-i xsiIiim: t.i-' Mi-itiNti. The Salve that cures without a sen is DeWin's Wileh llaZ'l Salve. Cuts, Buns, ll.'ll-, Biuis.s and l'il s disap pear before ihe use 1 f 'his salve as stiuw before the sunshine of spring. Miss II M Middlcton, Thebes, 111, says: "I was sciiuuslj afflicted with a fever s h ihat was very painful. DoWiu'a Wileh llaZ 'l Silve cured mo iu hss than a week " Get Ihe irennine Fr sale by W. M Chen, r...gi:ist, Waldun, N. C. yWinc of Cardui r CaivpA Hftr. 213 South Trior RtrM, A'fI)A.VTA,llA.(Miin.'!l21,1003. 1 sniff-nvi for fnur mnnlhs with fxtreiin.' Hi'rvoiisui'fl.s ;md latitude. 1 1 hutl ;i tiri'iiK' ff'linr in my j .s! uiniK'h wltit h no niudicinc swiucd ,; t" rt li'-v:'. an ! Iwin my appt'lite I bex-aiurt weak .tnd lost my vitul i:v. In Utih? wtvk;? 1 lost fourteen p-.wids of iVh aud f.-lt thut I must find Rpeotly ri'la-f tu recain my hi'ahli. Havi:i2 beard Whin of Cardui prai.-cl 1 several of my frieii'l, I sent for a hot tie and was certainly wry plea.-vd villi the result. i!nm threi) days my M ;ipM'lile ivlurued aiitl my utotnaoh livnilileil mo no more. I could dirre:t my fuod without difficulty and tin) nervousness gradually diminished. Kitlnro performed her functions ivilhoutl difficulty and I am oneo mora a happy aud well woman. OLIVE JOSITIT, Tjvm. AUiinta Friday Slulit CloU Secure a Dollar Bottle of VVIsii nf Caniu Tndntr P"0i.. a . ji;i ju-k'a-w.w J. A. ALSTON FINE Groccrie PROVISIONS, -Cigars and Tobacco. Fine Whiskies AND WINES Merrimac Clul. and Pride of Viririuia, nice and mellow liar stocked wilh Choice irinks ol' every kind. Cor. Washington Ave., and First Street, Weldon N. C. 10-21-ly "Oh. Ouch! Slop tlail' yelled Tommy. "Why, Tommy, aren't yon ashamed?" exclaimed his mother. "I wouldn't cty like that if it were my hair that was be ing d mbed." ' I'll bet yon would if I win doin' the Cumbio'," 'eplied Tommy, fiercely. To bring men lo righteousness, we must take righteousness to men, i:u I. u It HillM w 11 A UlT. Your lood must he properly di'eslod and assimilaiid lo be of any value lojvu If ysur siomaeh is weak or diseased iske K' dol Djspepsia Cure. It diiM'sls what you eat and cites the sli.m xh a test, eunabling it lo rceuperaie, take on new Mife and lircv strong again, Kodul cuies sour slom .ch, gas, bluatiiu:, heart palpita tion and all digestive disutdirs. L A S. pir, of Utile Ruck, Ky., wtiies us. "We feel that Kod I Dyspepsia Curo di serves all the cou.ue.id .lion that can be Liven it, as il saved the liTe of our little liirl when she was llnce years old. She is now six and wj have kept it for her constantly, but of coutso she ouly lakes it nuw when anything disagrees with her," Sold by W. M. Cohen, Druggist, Weldon, S. C. HOW H K I.OOKKD. "llubhed by foot ad", were you? ll most hate made you feel like thitly cents." "Yes, and I'll bet I looked like 12 o'clock." "How do you mean?" "Hands up." l'liiladclphia Ledger. Fit A CI) KXI'OSIOD. A few counterfeiters havo lately been ,;;,. .ml ii, ii, a iu ..." imitations of Dr King's New Discuv. ry f r Cenump lien, Cniighs uii'l Colds, and other med icims, llutihy defrauding the public This is lo watu yon lo bewar-' of rueh people, who seek lo profit, through stcal- i ing llie reputation of remedies which have b.en successfully curing disease, for over 35 years A surs protection, to you, is "ur name on the wiapper. Look fur it, on all Driving's or Buckleo's remedies, as all others arc mere infla tions II K. BUCKLF.N k CO, Chi cago, ll1., and Windsor, Canada S&teHs 50 VEARS EXPERIENCE T..ti Y'r"- VrWSP- Kfclll 1 l i t'. I ih. !).-( I ll vtic- rA Trade Marks Dr.9ir.NS Copyrights &c. tlipMi ntid (If'i'i ii'Mt'ii nmy i (mr ci'iiiinii Hue n iti-i Her un iill.lv iirtlt'til :i!'!t', t'omniiirirrn Mei'il il. H"tfj)BOL'K.'!i I'Hl.-iilB m'oiivv (.ir !" ciiiiinr imleiiii. II r-.iiVn Mui:ti A I'd. receive u nit, ci -irue, iu ma $tmtk Bsericasu I.nri'i-"t rlr 'V: r'..i.li lt'Witlcnler. nw York a h iml! .lyniiiH'T l wwklt ll'IKlll!,. iL tl'.ti iu a The kingliesi thing in this simple kindness. world is OABTOnlA. Bmntlis lliBaindVmllaveSkiysBiiiijtil Big aitora of BAGGAGE ? If you want a Trunk moved be sure and call on Bridgers, the TRUNK MOM Leave orders at Bridgers' Bakery or call up Phone No. 61. THE RICH BECOiiiE SO BY If goo I for them it mase be for all, Money saved in buying, is money made. Our avrangeiuenls for gelling direct from Ni w York, ihe best and lalest in mer- hard'se new goods every week instead of twice a year enables us to offer every lay just what pcoplo want, to make puck "lurn-overs" and, making them, we can sell so much cheaper. We have a wide-awake representative in New York the year 'round; the mo ment a new thing appears, or an advan- e can be taken iu tice, ho is on the pet, with tho money io hand to get and send us our sharu. Since we began this mnvement, ihe buying public lias shown its appreciation ol our efforts and is tallying lo the sup port ol the slum Ihat is standing to help the people. 1 Ins week a lot ol new goods one ot the prettiest and best wc have had yot. Our New York Buur bought immense lots, having storcB all over the country to send them to; they were divided fairly and we trot our share among the first. In ibis way we got gooda aa cheap, often cheaper, than the wholesalers and ean easily undirsell and yet live. 1 Ins store is on ihe light track it la go'ng lo succeed because of the valuei wc arc giving. Any special order we will take pleas ure in forwarding lo our buyer in New York, who will give same his best atten tion and we guarantee promptness and satisfaction. sriKiis iMios.. VYKLDUN, N. U. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, Notice is hereby given that npplication will be made to the t- eneral Assemiily now in Reunion at Raleigh, N. C , to amend Chanter S'24. Public Laws ol I North Carolina, 1003, "an act to wta.Mis.Ii j graded schools in the town ot Weldon, n. v.- Monuments AND: Gravestones. WE PAY th FREICHT andCUARANTEESAFE DELIVERY . . . LAIICE8T STOCK Inthe South Illustrated Catalogue FREE. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS, (Established 1848.) 158 to 163 Bank St., Norfolk Va ovSly. I - 1, - Whwnir i n :'m iriMfa--a l fWi i i