A.TDVERT?I3I2sTC3- 1-, A.TJES -modkuatk. VOL. XXXIX. -A. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE TEBMS:-8i.t mi annum in advanci WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1905. NO. 43 SENSIBLE GIRLS WANTED- A TRIBUTE TO THE COW. FIGHT. "Ypd trehMfB s lb- ....' Wat' BAIA)iiiJ-r W !!.m. J. P. KtiMott, of Bcnnetnrvllle, 8. C. t i'i-ff' Jr v.cll l nr.wn Member ol the Smith Carolina '.crdalaturc, I &te'W vohMsti'j- written to "Tlx Field," the Conway, 1 iHV-V"06 '- "av -l'"-'cr, the highcit poasible praise of I Sll'fcl . Ih -. a, M,M!t rimalnl C.. Sr.l. . 1104. iim Ms srattot, Mlw tj'.tlt, ! U.- , ' ,V 1 ' ' " '' ' I''!' tttr ol Kti-tii,iim III. I rll ..11.,, ii.-JIfln.i .nil 1 V' - ,r'" h ' i(p i'- "ftltf nuiitl n,,t w,l. trp," h. J.M'l'l- ',1 wt.t. i , w. u'.l cr and -it.m lrn p.m. S'r m the .he hs(. -A J r ' i1-. mii"fj, .nd It mtw altvtul.lr cufrit HI Otil g-W''fcm?fr' j Ifl t - i. I of S.l.ruit .tl.tn, T"tr tftnrdr I, . ip-dfic, .ttd I C.ttttot - ft ', . , I ,J pis'i-i;: : .I-, Mr wile ii to rl.tfd .! tin cure I It. I lite Mtlihcl u P T ' t; I - t.trtt, in ,he add, hrr (time- -Maituie ,iuttn." ; dPjtVJ tTi ' t-,f ! ' ''" ".:.! ttf tttirvfltfr, ruff, r, tiyltt ,v ihl, wi'ttdftltll dli- f SV?B i7n ' "J "!:-' ."'' ' 'S 1MB Bl.tion. IMVliOVM THE UiCtS- J 4 BOBaITT ti)Er.,ICAL CO., BALTIMORE, lor frM Sompl.. M CHARLES C. ALLEY, WHOLESALE Confectioner & Fancy Grocer, PETERSETJKG, VA. J-Mr. W, T. Cugh represents us in Euslern Catolioa. Hold jour rrders for liim novl2 1y VEGEITADLE UICILIA; hi at a '4 Cii S you want to look old? Then keep your gray heir. If not, u '; Hall's Hnir Kcnewcr, ind have all the d::rk, rich color l 7 fEJSOff TANNER'S PAINTS Retain tli ir (ire-eraineiico above all other hnnds iH because the; ate made of tlin bent materials obtaina ble and are ground nith lreat care. If tour dealer does not carry them write to the manufacturers. Box 180. 1419 K. MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, VA. rs: a r t p m-s;, e -. Ml.Mllill WltSUN II AH BKEN MAM'tt INMMKAIlitS IN 1'KBVIIKMISO L1F KICIM.T TAHhH. Tj the jouttg uiitu in buitinos who ih ambitions to succeed, the iiil vv ith okui- nionai'use and who can lulk ahtut olht r tha i frivolous ihitiyn, im most conijan- ionahlc. in fact, eha in almost invalualtle A se;ii ui man who in fond id hi' (io i-si'tn iiki to ititrnst olhirti in it, sml it is a I'll t Hi' 1 ii I l ill H he can II "il 11 rl to wliniii lie can talk and ho In lini'ic f the sort ilia ihher enter ii.io the emi Vernation by spi'akiiip etieourniii)-!'. To lint smiuliu man, kind wmJ- are a!wa)s chrt'rinit, but tlo'ie is 'uiih1- liin whieh UalniO't uiii xploinable lr the worila of a iiil wbt) i-peaks of I. in Ifiiis in u wty thiit in.ike it Hi em thi) ele bet twtl. V ry Irt-iicotly a uirl d ls s in tbii'i: which a man d r not iike, bin oluntr he c in do a :reut dt ul of puod autre eafcilj' il she digues. Sonic mjn think the older thtj (ct the better they c;in undt-rrtand women, but i in safe to say that if a 0j:id were asked to :tvc an opinion of a prl at ran dom be could not uivc a true one. Many uiils have been thought ioo'ilfcrent, be- caue of tluir ihouhllcsa ways, but if their dispositions were carefully studied it would result lavorably to them. It is not ticcissary for a young man to be anything but a fiiend of a girls in old. r lu be helped by ber. As far back as it is possitle to renum ber, wutran has had the privilege of be ing man's inspiration in performing diffi cult tasks, and the girls of the present day should always take advantage of that piivihge wiun they see a young man to win lu a few kindly spokm words will have the ifTcct of making his work Bocm lighter. Girls can get just as much pleasure out of life if they will occasionally try to ease the burden of their men friends by indulgiug in conversations which are dear to them. A man likes a sympathetic woman aid when it falls to a girl's lot (c exercise sympathy she should niako the muBt cf it. Tie Bank of WELDON N. C.. Orpizei Met Tie Lais of the Slate of North Carolim AUGUST 20TI1, 18U2. STATK OF NORTH OAROMNA DKI'OSI TORY. HALIFAX COUN I V UKl'OSl IOKY. TOWN OF WKLDON Dlil'OSI I'OltV. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $32,000. Tor ten years this institution has provided banking facilities lor this Ft-ciion itl.tnlili'd with the business interests ol U.lif.nrl Vntirmmnton oountiea for mauv Tears. Money is loaned upon ap proved leourity at the legal rate of interest six per centum. Aocounts of all solicited. President: Vice-President: Cashier: W fi ntSlKL Da. II. W. LKWH. W. R. SMITH Jackson, Northampton couuty, N. I The largest and best plant Ji the State. OLcilARLES MILLER W ALSH, Uutirner ana wauuiaoiurer 01 .UMKSrS, TOM US, GRAVK STONES of every description. Freight prepaid on all shipments. Safe delivery (tuarajitec I. Write for designs and prices m t&.rYlso Iron Feneinit, Vases elt., for itenit tery ami other Al'iii.i;;..i purposes at lowest prices. Si fcnfc tS.SATISFACTltJN UUAKANTEKH. Work Delivered At Any Depot. c HOl'tiLUSSCASK. Ilini ''Yes, lie's an artist, a musician and a p'let ' Her "Poor fellow! I bad no vaty ha 1 soch u hold en him." idea Otsies Worlds. oetll It. Fall ad Winter Goods o FOB o MEN, WOMEN & CHILDREN. Big Line Dry Goods, Noti . us, Gents Furnishiogi, io. The largest line ever brought to Weldon. Don't fail to see them before jou buy. Oar Shoe department is full and tunning over. The largest stock w hv ever tarried, and we sre making prioes THAT 'WILL SELL THEM. .!,( raeeived . bin lot of CDOIWCH) Shnea. Suits to order, made up in good shape and by good tailors. Fits Guaranteed. Djn t lail to see our lino ot RamniAs and Prices Before You PVUIIUVM Place Your Order. 3H.ID. ALLEN & COMPANY, WELDON, N. C. Our sole knowledire of tlio neo- otlier worlds and now Mr the neonle there ditTer fr:t,i our 1 inlialtiUiuts. can onlv he r-nessed bv comitarison with animal n.tUtro on this small sphere of ours. More important to us i knowlt-clqp of ourselves. 'Know Thvsi:i.k" was an old Greek thought. How to take cure of one's own hody is not so simple as some Ihiuk; the human mechanism is a wonderful tUinn and requires watching. One nnn wlm In iVne nmre to trach the Xiiu iiiiiii iH'O'.le h"W to eare f.T tin ir hnili. s tli.ni ii1 most t.iv other, is Dr. II. V, Pi.-rei'. of Hufl'iilo. N. Y . the Author of the "Coimiion ,Setiic Mdu;il Advi.vr." He nays : It is nut the qiKintity of the food ca'lMiwhii'h prmli.red .-slKiinth and hfaltii ffnr muni- tu-onle can keep Alronv on a very nuiaj.re ilil t), hut it is how tmu-h food is ahwi fu-ti and as.imiliiled by the blood and canit d lo nourish evi-ry ovtc.m of the body. It is, the re f" re, vitiillv neetsary for the t.mlv' tii it ih. stoni.ich bv in a healthy 6t;u . If di -a-e of the stomach, or wh;it is calleil "--toniach trouble. " nrevciits proper ruitiitioti thi n the heart, liver. 1upk. and kidney d not g-t proper food t!uy are not ft a on iuu lea moon, ami m eone niiPiu'H tic'Tiu to nhnw sisriiB of distiess. Ontwunllv these sOrs he pimplr and entptions on skin, pule face, sleeples nights, tired, languid feelhiRH, or, by reason of the nerves not being fed on pure blood, tliv In-come starved, and we receive uarttiHi; in the pain we call neuraltria. Khcumatism, too, is a blood disease After vears .f piaetiee ami study Hr. Pierce found tint sin Alterative Kxtrticl, which he nauud "lr. rit rce' Golden Medical Dis coveiy," made from the extracts of several plRiits, iuvium'oiy prouueeu n ionic emvi upon the svsti-m. It helped Hil- process of alnorption'of the lu alihv elements in the food iitid iiierea-ed the red coipuscles ol the Ijl'M.d.aswi ll as eliminated the poisons from tin. syttvm. Riisin--! i-i bu-iness. No time for head aches. Constipation causes them. Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure uirra oy cur iug the cause. Laxative and mild. iasjril EXPERT WATCHMAKER AND OPTICIAN. Evtry kind of watch or clock made to keep accurate time. 001.1) v R1J- DING AND OTHKR RINGS M AUK TO ORDER. Eyes tested and Scientifically fitted w'uh Eje Glasses or Spectacles at LOWEST PRICES. A fine line of Li'lies and Gentlemen Gold Ring', Watches, Jewelry, ko IQTMail orders promptly attended to Sign of the ftS-BIG WATCH, near Postoffiee, Wei Jon, N C. FOLEYSIWYHM j, rt- vi, rf J"k V , p 5 so a 2 m -J Oq VTv V ri u p O ZZL yTA 2 S oo yW THE COUNTRY BANKER'S TROUBLES. The couutry banker's troubles as the pebbles tear the sea, Are as oeuntltss if you'll listen, I will name yon two cr three. For the least is not the man who wants to borrow five or ten, And to pawn his natch et.d ihain until be calls around again, But the man who makes the oa-hier feel like reaching for a rock, Is the man who rushes in ten past four o'clock, Thero's the all important fillow, who was never knowo lo pay, But he'll offer as endorser fur a thousand any day; There's the man we call responsible, who's always up on deck, To identify a Btranger, but will not endorse a check. But the man who makes the cashier foel like teaching for a rock, Is the nan who knocks upon the door just after four o'clock. There's another kiod of fellow, that is better known, He's the one who gives the mortgage on the stock he doesn't own, But there's some slight compensation, if yuu get him started right, When he sees lis game is over, and the place he's going to light. But the man who's with us alwrys, and is such a dreadful bore, Is the man who calls around about ten mioutes afttr four. He is worth a hundred thousand, maybe some lew hundred more, And it's this that makes the cashier kindly open up the door, With a smile that's not for pleasure, but is torccd from one who's vexed, While behind it thoughts, if spoken, wouldn't make a preacher's text. For the man who makes the cash it r feel like reaching for a rock, Is the man who comes around ton minutes after four o'clock. There's the mercantile collections, coming in by every mail 'Till you think that eveiy merchant in town's about to fail. Wheo you Hail arouod collecting S ;me are small and some are large With your mind bent on the quartet for col!ect'ng that jou charge, it's a pleasant kind of 'celiog but before the round is made, The thermometer is standing at one huodrcd in the shade. Ft r the first man, doesn't owe it, the second isn't due, While the third man hasn't time to stop to run his ledger through, And lite ftiuith mit o has no books at all, and has to huut around An hour or two to find the bill and when the thing is touod, The draft is twenty cents two much, and if you'll call again, Next week and throw off twenty cents he'll totlle with you then. Thrre's the man whose note's as good as gold, though six months overdue ; But never thinks of paying 'till they try to bring him through, By a kindly worded notice, written out in honeyed phrase j Then be comes in with a roar, hot enough to iairly bleze. There's another jolly custi mcr 'bout whom there's nothing said, For his name is always opposite tU figure made in red. Tl ore's the lift insurance agent, and the agent selling books, KjcIi and every one for bankers have a special kind ol books, There are clucks cf all descriptions and there's been a block or two Set aside of every kiod at special prices, just for you. But iLo way lo asceitain for sure, if what they say is true, Is to buy some shares and later, try to sell a block or two. There arc somo ten thousand troubles, if the tiuth could all be told, That afflict the country banker yet they say his heart is cold. And I somitiincs wonder how it is, upon that other shore, And if when reaching there his troubles will be o'er. Or whether that Bume fellow will be knocking on the door, In the evening when the bank is closed, ten minutes after four. THE DAYS GONE BY. BY JAMES W U I T C 0 M B RILEY. 0 the days gone by 1 0 the days gone hy I 1 be apples in the orchard, and the pathway through the rye ; The cbinup of ibe robin, and the whistle of the quail As be piped across the meadows sweet as any niglnengale ; When the bloom was on the clover, and the blue was in the sky, And my happy heart brimmed ovct in the days gone by. In the days gone by, when tuy naked feet were tripped, Uy the honeysuckle tangles where the water lilies dipped, And the ripples of the river lipped the moss along the brink When the placid-eyed and lazy-footed cattle came to drink, And the tilting snipe stood fearlesiof the truant's wayward cry And the splashing of the swimmer, in the days gone by, 0 the days gone by I 0 the days gone by I The music of the laughing lip, the luster of the eye j The ohildiah faith in fairies, and Aladdin's maulo ring Tho simple, soul repoeiog gl.d bJitf iu ovtrj'hiDg -When lilc was like a story, holding neither sob nor sigh, In the golden olden glory ol the diys gone by. An fliicliinrr is said to bep )id Ibif, tribute to the cow : "0! all the animal friends of turn she iB ibe greatest. When about to sit down to your Sunday diuncr, I wish to strip tho table of what she produced. I would remove the cup of milk waiting at the baby's oliair; I'd take the cream, the butter, ibe cheese, the custard, the oreim biscuit, (he roast of beef, and leave you meal of potatoes, beets, pickles and tooth picks. Every tcrap of ber from nose to tail is used hy man, We use her horns to comb our hair, her skin upon our fect, her hair keeps ibo plaMer upon our h iuhh walls, her hoofs make glue and her tail makes soup. Her blood is used tu make our sugar v.l i'e, aid tier bones are ground to IVniliio s. it. SI.e has gone with man Irom PI) mouth Rook lo ibe soiiini! of the sun. Ii was her sons that m.-i ! .I ll e st i! in the mttlita clear- aod also ilr. w the pnorie si-hoooers r il.c siurdv iiiunecr while she followed l Inn the das march was done, he came and gave milk to fill the moth 's to feed the suckling child that per chance was to beotime the ruler of the country. PICTURE. for ovf.r sixtv vrabs. Mrs. Winslow's Sootuino Svkup has been used for over 80 years by mill ions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect suocess. It soothes the ohild, softens the gums, allays all pain; oures wind colio, and is the best remedy for Diarrhooa. It will relieve the pool iiille sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of (he world f went) five cents a bottle. Ba sure and ask fot"Mrs. Wiuslow'B Soothing Syrup,' and take n other kiod. what's that ? Come up with a smiling fscf; It's nothing against you to I all down flat, But to lie there that's disgrace. Th: higlior you'ro thrown, why the higher you bounce, Be proud of your blackened eye I It isn't the fact that you are licked that counts I It's how did you fitiht, and why?" The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. Them Is a dl: cotmiry mor;t C:ii.r":rrt mm m kidney.-, I V (!, failure An artist was once asked to paint a picture representing a decaying church, To the astonishment of many, instead of putting on the oanvss an old tattered ruin, the artist painted a stately edifice of modern grandeur. Though tbe por tals could be seen the richly carved pul pit, the magnificent organ, and the beau tiful stained glass windows. Just within the grand entrance, guarded on either side by a "pillar of the church," in spotless apparel and glitter ing jewelry, was an offering plate of goodly, workmanship, for the "offerings" fashionable worshipers. But and here the artist's conception ol a decaying church was made known right above the offering plate, suspended from a nail in tho wall, there hung square box, very plainly painted, and bearing the legend, Collection tor Foriiio Missions," but lit over the slnt through which certain collections ought to have gone, he had painted a huge cob-web. A REMINISCENCE. When reading the Reminiscences of General Gordon of the Confederate Army, recently published, we cannot fail to notice his intenso religious spirit; the spirit that inspired revivals in the South ern camps, and caused the confederate soldiers to display persistent courage during the war. Gordon had such kicn sense of humor that, as if afraid to portray the horrors of war too vividly, he turned aside occassional!, and with curious abruptness, to describe the humorous aspect of an incident or a per son, lie says that Uoneral t oll:, i Bishop of the Episcopal Church, was an admirer of General Cheatham, the most active fighter in Johnston's army; that Cheatham's battle cry was "Give 'em bell, tin) b!'' aud that the scrupulous Bishop in times of excitement always shouted to his men, "tute It to em, boy si Qite 'eus what G.neral Cheaibam aysl" A similar story is told of General Pendleton, an Episcopal clergyman, and chief ul Lee's ariillcry. He always pro- fiocd bis command to "fire" with the words "The Lord have m.Tcy on your souls." prrvaltirp; In Oils e"at:'.c r.o decip firy nii-ld-p. ct at: ,::, tire caurtl ty I - laoil nfeease. liiarl or apoplexy -- are rf'-'n tho rc.-,t:!t cf kit1!)' y f'i::;-,::e. !f l'.:t'i:ry ir.slde is al-l:-.vc.Mo;:''.:r.':tit!;c 1 iM.tv-poi:,oncd llced v :ll a'.u!i th i vM.-.l cr.-'.-.ns or ll:2 eives Lvc?.k tio'.'"i and va;t away cell by cell. Bladder trouble trios! alvays result from a derangement of the kidneys and a cure is obtained quickest by a prsper treatment of the kidneys. If you are feelinfr; badly you can make no mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, Ihs great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It corrects Inability to hold urine and scald ing pain in passing it, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the exlraordinary effect cf Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. Swamp-Roct 's pleasant to take and sold by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sized bottles. You may fi' y" have a sample bottle of lT31a?ra this wonderful new dis- Brllte"3 covery and a book that S! tells all about it, both nom.otsw.mpnot.t. sent free by mall. Address Dr. Kilmer St Co. Binghamton, N. Y. Vhen writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. f - rC pi.jrsfiain iTiv alilV "d (loi'Tllltv nf the In tl." r 'I I ' hl.h o'c j V in I' 'l o Ii v 0 r.M T 'it tint tt I Dr. Bouvier's Buchu Gin A sure cure for all KIDNEY AND BLADDER TKOtBLES Recommended by best physicians of tho country. For sale in Weldon by W. W. KAY, Bent of Wines. Whiskeys nnd Brandies always onhand. I keep the best of every thing in my line, wsul'olue attention to all at Kay's, west side R. R. Shed. my 2 1 j. J.A. ALSTON FINE PROVISIONS, -Cigars and Tobacco. Fine Whiskies AND WINES IMerrimac Club and Pride of Virginia, nice and mellow. Bar stocked with Choice Illrinks of every kind. Cor. Washington Ave., and FirBt Street. Weldon N. 0. 10-21-lf TEE BICE BECkE SO BY The robe of righteousness osnnot the worse f'i wear. get STRIKES HIDDEN ROCKS. When your ship of health strikes the hidden rocks of Consumption, Pneu monia, etc, you rre lost, if you don't get help from Dr. Kinu's New Discovery for Consumption. J. W, McKinnon, of Talladega Springs, Ala , writes: "I had been very ill with Pneumonia, under the oare of two doctors, but was getting no better wheu I began to take Dr. Kiog's New Di-oovery The first dose gave relief, and one bottle oured me." Suie cure for sore throat, hrouchiiis, coughs and oolds. Guaranteed at W. M. Cohen's drug store, ptlce 50c. and 1 1 UO, Trill bonis free. MASCULINE THEORY. Little grains of powder, Little dobs of paint, Make girl's complexion Look like what it ain't. A DINNER INVITATION. After hearty meal a doss of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will pievent an attack of Indigestion. Kodol is a thorough digest ant and guaranteed nure for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Gas on the Stomach, Sour Risings, Bad Breath and all stomach troubles. N. Watkius, Losbus, Ky., says. "I oau testify to the efficacy of Kodol in the cure of stomach Trouble I was afflicted with Stomach Trouble for fifteen years and have taken six bottles of your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, which entirely cured mo. The six bottles were worth J 1,000 to mo." Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will digest toy quantity of all the wholesome food you want to eat while your stomach takes s rest recuperates and grows strong. This wonderful pre naration is iusily entitled to all of its many remarkable euros. For sale by W, M. Cohen, Druggist Weldon, N. C. Br'er Williams do yo think de devil is white or black man? De Lawd knnws. De biggest race prob'em I got is to keep ten yards ahead of him. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Slgnntur of Thedford's Black-Drauoht comeB I I nearer regulating the entire system I ana seeping ine uoiy in neann man i any otner nietncnie mnue. u is i always ready in any emergency to j treat ailments that are frequent in I anv lamilv. siu-n as indigestion. I biliousness, colds, diarrhaia, and I stomach ai hes. Thcdford a B nrk-Tlrauolit 18 the I standard, never-failing remedy for sioioacn, dowoi, liver anu money troultles. It is a cure for tho domes tic ills which so frenuentlv summon I thodoctor. Itisasgoodforchildren as it is for grown persons. A dose of this medicine every day w ill soon cure tho most obstinate caso of dys pepsia or constipation, and when I taken as directed brings quick relief. Danville, III., Doc. 23, 1W3. Thwironl'. lllack-Draunlit bin been our I I famllr doctor fur five year. .ndwew.Dl 1 no inner. nen mit 01 u. leai untoT no tako . ilntta and aro all rlrttit In twttlve I hours. Wo baTu Bcnt lot. of monoy t or I aoctor Dins, out nut along just as woti t WHO Blaok. Draught. ,Ui u bajjku. Ask your dealer for a package of I I Tliedfortl's Black-Draught and If be I does not kepit .end 2oc. to tub uuaua- I nooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. 11 gooi lor tnem it muse oe tor an. Money saved in buying, is money made. Our arrangements for getting direct from New York, the best and latest in mer- chardise uew goods every week instead of twice a year enables us to offer every day just what people want, to make q nck "luro-ovcrs" and, making them, we can sell so much cheaper. We have a wide-awake representative in Mew i irk the year round; tbe mo ment a new tiling apprars, or an advan tage can be taken in rice, he is on the pot, with the money iu hand to get and send ns our share. Since we began thii movement, the buying rub ic has shown its spprccislion of our efforts and is rallying to tho sup port ol the store that is standing to help the people. 1 bis week a lot ol new goods one of the prettiest and hest we have had yet. UurPiew lork iiutcr bought immense lots, having stores all ever the country to send thctn to; they were divided fairly and we got our share among Ibe first. In ibis way we get goods as cheap, often oheaper, than the wholesalers and can easily undersell and yet live. 1 his store is on tbe light traok it ll gong to succeed beoause of the values we are giving. Any special order we will take pleas ure in forwarding to our buyer in New Vnrlr whn Bill 01VA ..mn hia Via.! .iib. JLlUnK IQOVeCl DC """"lo we guarantee promptness end kkWij, BO YEARS' .t? Trade Marks rsr,T''&' Designs ''fml Copyrights Ac. Anvnnft rn1,'.E a nkctoh nud dpucrlpll.-tu nm? Qttlt'kir nii'i-rimn our oinninn free wlu'ther an liivciit1in is l'Pihnhly puii'tiiJiMp, ( mi run nlcn. tlmia si riot lyt'imtliH'iit tal. HANDBOOK on I'ntpnt nm fron. OMe m.:iim"V fur hi'citnitii Patents. I'titftiti titld'n thri.Uk'lt Muiiu & Co. receive tprYffl! flrtTlCrJ, W11 Until CtlJiriTO, 10 UIO Scientific Mirn'm. A hurt-lsomelT tlltiftriit nil wpoltl?. Lnreert olr- milalt.ill nf Htl V B.ll': ll l!ii' lf'1'HH.l. Tfilllrt. ?A 3d -Broad.,,. fCVTlir!( tr.'ft V St., V'i.ril)i:tiii BAGGAGE ? If you want a sure and call on! Bridgers, the TRUNK MOVER. Leave orders at Bridgers' Bakery I or call up Phone No. 61. SPIERS BROS.. WELDON, N. C. TO ALL WHOA IT MAY CONCERN. Notice is hereby given that application I will be made to the t-eneral ASBemoly, now in session at Raleigh, N.C., to amend Chapter Public Laws ! North Carolina, 1903, "an act to exuhli.-h t graded schools iu tbe town ot Weldou, j Monuments AND1 Gravestones. WE PAY the FREICHT axdCU ARANTEE SAFE DELIVERY . . . LARGEST 8TOCK luthe South Illustrated Catalogue FREE. THE COUPER KARBLE WORKS. (Established 1848.) 158 to 1SS Bank St., Norfolk Y or 81. (trihUdnm mrw www I 1