AJDVE1 RTISI2ST O- ZR-A-TES-MODERATE. A. NE3PAFBB FOR THE PEOPLE TERMS:-iw pkk anm' i in VOL. XXXIX. WELDON, N. C. THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1905. NO. 4G $9 A PROMISHF YOUTH. HOW LITTLE CAN ONE TKLL OF THE HOW TO MAKE Lin A OLOBIOU8 TBIKO A 8UOa8TION FOB CUBI- CONOENTRA- J .1 1 1 llljj lj Igxl !5 ABSENT-MINDEDNESS. I JOT !) temporary Improvenwnt resulting Iram dinmoui A1 'n"'i7.pi,la)l)ol(.rMh; not the raom.n. lary rihrf from sharp pun (inn by linirn.nti; but Marching cle.nsing of the olood that clears the tyrttm of tv.ry reiiig. of the diataae, ind absolutely CURES RHEUMATISM. Jl We know that It thould curt because it ia the mint scientific manner, of purely vegetable drugs that ... ., , ,, u(, ,u ,ymi vve know that t don cure because hundred! of thoee cured hive written ui that it hat CURED AFTER ALL OTHERS TAILED. Wwm earn, bottle from BOBUTT CHEMICAL CO, BALTIMORE. YOU DRUGGIST SELLS KHEUMACIDE. 8SSSESB822 CHARLES WHOLESALE Confectioner & Fancy Grocer, PETERSBURG. VA. J9Mr. W. T. Baugh represents us in Ayers Pillsj lJSSSSSSi The TANNER'S PAINTS Retain th ir pre-eminence abova til other braodi ii because they are made of tbe beet material! obtaina ble and are ground with great oare. If jour dealer does not ctrrj them write to the manufeoturera. Bol 180. Tie Bant -3::::::WELDON N. C. iOpizel Under The Lais of tie State of North Carolina, AUG08T 20TH, 1892. STATE OF NORTH CA ROLIN A DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. TOWN OF WELDON DEPOSITORY. CAPITAL IND SURPLUS Tor ten yean this institution has provided banking facilities for this section lu stockholders and direotors haTt been identified with the business interests of Halifax and Northampton counties for many years. Money is loaned upon ap f roved seeurity at tbe legal rate of interest six per centum. Accounts of all are olioited. President: Vioe-Preeident: Cashier: W"; S. DANIEL. D. H. W. LEWIS, W. R. SMITH. Jackson, Northampton eounty, N. C. The largest and best plant in the State. .CHARLES MILLER WALSH, Uuarrier and Manufacturer of MON UMBNTS, TOMBS, GRAVE STONES of every description. Freight prepaid on all shipments. 8fe delivery guaranteed. Write for designs and prioes Work Delivered oct Illy. Fall and Winter fools -o FOB o jMEN, :W.OMEN Big Line Dry Goods, Notions, Gents i ever brought to Weldon, Don't fail to tee Our Shot department is full and running tarried, ind we ire making prioes THAT WILL Just received t big lot of (DORSOH) Shoes. Suits to order, made up in good shape and by good tailors. Fits Gusrauteed. Don't fail to see our line of Samples and Prices Before You .Placo Your Order. aH. D. ALLEN & COMPANY, g WELDON, W. C. CURES 10 STAY CURED. 0. ALLEY, Eastern Carolina. Hold jour orders for dot 12 It The dose is one, just one pill at bedtime. Sugar-coated, mild, certain. They cure constipation. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE Tanner Paint & Oil Co, 1419 E. MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, VA. of Wn, $32,000. HBvAlao Iron Fencing, Vasee etc-., for cemetery and other purposes at lowest prices. A.8ATIRF ACTION GUARANTEED. At Any Depot. & CHILDREN. Furnishings, io. The largest line tbem before yon buy. over. The largest stook we bsve ever SELL THEM. What ia il we all have in common no matter what our environment? Life, that glorious opportunity to be, to di and to grow, is oura. Life, with all lu possibilities, the greatness of which we have not dreamed, is sotually alipping bj without our oogoisanoc, became we ere so ocouppied with tbe thinga which we think make us unhappy, end which bavegrowoto tremendous proportions, magnified by our Tiaiou. What matter it if others sre rioh famoue, so long as we hate the one groat obance io life which overshadows all thea things, and is the only thing which will atand the test of time? In t few years death will claim tin rich and they must depart, leaving that fur which they have labored all behind But the oharacter goes on forever. Happiness being a o-.ndition of the mind, yours is the power to place hap piness there by oreating this condition. which you can do solely by your thoughts. j nougnts which cause unrest or worry, you must csst out. This is not easy for those who bsve been aocustomed to allow themselves to be constantly annoyed by these things. Remember, first, to plsce chsracter above all else, for there is nothing to be compared with it And determine that, no matter what else you lave in life, this you will acquire. This determination will alter your frame of mind, and, when Gfmly fixed, will ohange the appearance of conditions and surroundings. All thoughts which are not character builders you must bsnish, and you must view everything in this light. This cannot be done at once, and is only achieved after many trials. Always see what you hive to be thankful for when depressed or unhappy. This) mental inventory will make lighter any load. Don't worry about anything, for it does no good, and only lessens your opportunity for helping yourself. If you are character building there is nothing that can come to you which oannot be used as a step onward, if look ed at in the right light, and anything which will place you a step forward on- not bnog barm. Always look on the bright tide of everything for there is always bright side to evety'bing if we will but see it. ( ast out all thoughts or anger or rage, and never allow yourself to lose your temper. School yourself in conquering fear of all descriptions, lo bim who builds oharacter thire is nothing to fesr. And just in proportion as you obtain this mental balance you will find happiness everywhere, and life will become a glori- ous thing, Instesd of a drudgery. New lorn Weekly. LOVE DIES. Mr. Ella Wheeler Wilcox says there comes a time in the course of married love when "the thrill foes out of tiic hand clasp and the kiss at times, and (t in then max nuiioana ana wne may dc auscepuoie toother magnetic personalities." The rea non for this condition of affairs is often the fault of the husband, but how often is it not due to the wife's nervousness and irri Ubilitv due to some trouble with the or fans peculiarly feminine the wife under such circumstances feels languid aud spir ltless she suffer perhaps from Qcaaacoe and sleeplessness. Backed up by over a third of a century of remarkable and uniform cures, a record auch as no other remedy for the diseases and weaknesses peculiar to women ever attained, the proprietors of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription now feel limy war ranted in offerinff to pay $500 in legal money of the United States, for any case of Leucorrhea. Female Weakness, Prolap sus, or FalHnft of Womb, which they can not cure. All they ask is a fair and rea sonable trial of their means of cure. A great deal of sickness may be saved by keeping on hand a copy of Dr. Pierce's thousand-page illustrated book, "The Com mon Sense Medical Adviser." Sent free, caper -bound, for twenty-one one -cent stamps, to pav oust of mailing only; or cloth bound for thirty -one stamps. Address, World's Dispennarv Medical Association, t Main Street, iiunaio, . 1, Constipation and a bilious attack go hand- in-hand. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are a sure and speedy cure for both. Tiny, augar-coated granules. One little "Pellet" is a arentle laxative and two a mild cathar tic. They never gripe. NyUiiug else M "Just as good." 11. EXPERT WATCHMAKER AND OPTICIAN. Every kind of wttcb or clock msde to keep aeourste time. GOLD WED DING AND OTHER RINGS MADE TO ORDER. Eyes tested and Scientifically fitted wiih Eye Glasses or 8peotacles at LOWEST PRICES. A fine line of Ladies and Gentlemena Gold Ring", Watohes, Jewelry, 4o. MrMsil orders promptly atteodod to 8ign of the MT BIG WATCH, near Postofioe, Weldon, N. C. aril 2. o to o CO o CA 2 B GO o Ps 3 o o 01 CD CD -t P et O 1 CA P P O ct- 13 CD GO H O Ci W O O P 3 H q m o CD C 39 P O P o H CO APRAYEH. BY JAMES F . SIMMONS. "0 Thou who driest the mourner's tear, How dark this world would be If, when dcoeived and wounded here, We could not fly to thee. "0 Thou who driest tbe mourner' s tear" And soothest pain and grief, Deign now an humble suppliant's prayer to bear, And vouohsafe him relief. He pleads no merit of his own, Has none to plesd, 0 Lord, His only pies he has but one, Is in Thy sacred Word. This world is full of pits and snares And into these we fall, 0, let it be one of Thy cares To ssve us from them all. Tbe friends we have, or think we have, However staunch and true, When oalled npon to shield or stie, Alas I can nothing do. Tis said that life bowe'er it seem, Is not to all the same ; And some declare it but a dream, And friendship but a name. Ah I while this mav not be the truth. The idea may mislead, Some hopeful and aapiring youth The truth to find and heed. A HEART'S Good night, my little lady, the stars sre shining through, The downy clouds of heaven like your eyes, As l hey peep from out the cover, Folding you so snugly over, So slumber, ere the Moon-Man, lights the skies, Sleep I Sleep I The funny shadowa creep, To where the rose's petals drift, for Fairy hsnds to reap. Sleep I To shady bower, the Dove has ssfely fled, To warn my little Lady to the shelter of her bed. Good night my little Lsdy, the moon is riding high, And light and gentle lephyrs' are awing I Elfio fingers, quick and willing, Lily cups with dew are filling. So close your eyelids whilst I sing. Sleep I Sleep I The dusky shadows creep, To where t silver river rolls io moon waves, wide and deep, Sleep, for softly falling, a misty ee l, and light, Will wrap you in, and fold you io, throughout the purple night. Good night my little Lady, tbe yellow sun will soon Be rounding like a flower oo the blue Of the sky, so whilst I'm keeping, Welch beside you through your sleeping, Tbe loving Heart of God willcsre for you Sleep I Sleep I Strange phantom shadows oreep, To where the frsgrant flowers lift their facea white, and weep. Sleep I Be sweet your dresmiog with n:ver life's alarm, An sngel host will ever keep my Lady-love from barm. Good night, my little Lady, the moon-boat sails away. The happy, laughing stars fade off the sky. Rogoich'y, the stars are glancing, At tbe merry world a-daneiug, And, I, alone of all God's creatures, wake to sigh, Sleep I Sleep I With swift sod noi eless feet, Death oame and softly whispered on your ear t message sweet, Sleep I Though heavens morning, bresks with nnltlliog light, 1 bold you in, and fold you in, a heart's eternal nigh'. A UINNtiM INVITATION. After a hearty meal a dote of Kodol Dyspepsia Curt will ptevont an attack of Indigestion. Kodol is a thorough digest- gut sea guirjntcca "rjrt for inf!t""iv. Dytpepsis, Gas oo the Stomach, Sour Risings, Bad Breath and all atomacb troubles. N. Watkios, Letbus, Ky., sajs. "I can testify to the efficacy of Kodol in the cure of etomsoh Trouble I waa afflioted with Stomach Trouble for fifteen years and have taken six bottles of your Kodol Dyspepeis Cure, which eniirely cured me. The six bottles were worth 11,000 to me." Kodol Dyspepeis Cure will digest any quantity of all the wholesome food you want to eat while your stomach takes i rest recuperstes and grows strong. Ttis wonderful pre paration is justly entitled to all of its many remarkable cares. For tale by W, M. Cohen, Druggist, Weldon, N.C. Tom Moore, Be though my ftiend, 0 Lord, and though, Friends here may faithless bs, And few, I'll happy be to know I have a friend in Thee. 0 grant relief from outward foes, And from all foes within, From trouble, trials, pain and woes, From sickness and from sin. "Teach me to feel another's woe," Nor vsuut the faults I see, "That kindness, I to others show" Teach them to show to me. Relieve me of tbe geadiog fear That preys npon my mind ; Thou knowest that I cannot hear, 0, let me not go blind. Teaoh me, 0 Lord, in life's csreer, The straight and narrow way And guide me in it while still here, Nor from it let me stray. And when shall pass my closing breath, And life and all are past, 0, take me from the hands of death To peace and rest at last. LULABY. STRIKES HIDDEN ROCKS. When your ship of health strikes tbe bidden rooks of Consumption, Pneu monia, etc., you rre lost, if you don't get help from Dr. King's New Discovery for CouSuapiLn. J. W, McKinnon, of Talladega Springs, Als., writes: "I had been very ill wiih Pneumonia, under the eare of two dnctora, but was getting no better when I began to take Dr. King's New Diecovery. The first dose gave relief, and one bottle cured me." Sure cure for sort throat, bronchitis, coughs and eolds. Guaranteed at W. M. Cobto's drug store, price 50c. and 11.00, Trial bottle free. Tbt sermon need not suited to the child, be silly to be OABTOniA Bunts. Thi Kind Von Havw Always fajia sf God often lays "Walt," bat Ht never stTs'Wonj." or MIND. 1 he Utile bride whe started to the alter wearing hi r "gumshoes;' over her satin slippers was an awful eximple of the absent-minded woman who is with us today in a moat fimror.ti.il f,m 8ha turns on tbe wstet when she meint lo light the gas; locks the ssfe. but fnruet, to put her jewels in It ; leaves ber umbrella at the shop oouoter sod sets the wbol department store on edge lookioe for I, ders Ihree yards of ribbon cut off and thei ten discovers that the onlv wanted three. Urters ot s yard, and ot b ruise turns the world top;-turvy. Wow, there is some excuse for s man tho is absent-minded. Men sre aun. posed to be so busy thinking about the ig tliioB of this life that thev have no time to bother with the little ones. Th noble oreature who is makiog a million wall street oannot be exoeoted to teruemoerto bnog home a sdoo! ol thread and a piece of blotting paper. As yet ne may bave gotten oolv as fr as a twenty-dollar salary, but that million is stretdy buumg in bis brain, to the ex tosion ot small gnats. Besides, it is a woman t duty only to think of the little thioge; and there isn't a mort-1 woman living who would not give two fingers to se able to remember and attend to each detail io the right way and at the right moment, it saves so muoh time and eDerg7i "d mental worry to keep one's wits about one. Yet with all the iokes which bave been written upon tbe absent-minded ones, there hss never been single cure offered or suggested. Absent mindedness is a habit. We have gotten in the way of living ahead of ourselves. We try to think ahead of what we are doing, and therebv become jumped. We read the evening papers in the morning, buy our summer clothes in January and have our fur coats made over in July. The woman who lives and thinks ahead of herself doesn't gain time: she ooly loses equilibrium. While she is makiog the coffee for breakfast she Is plaoniog a new hat; while she is buying tbe bat she is thinking of the frock she will get to match it; while the frock is being fitted, she is deciding to give s tes where she may wear it. She never thinks of the thing she is doing at the moment when she is doioe it. And vet that is the secret for the rare of absent- mindedness, blues snd every kind of nervousness. It sounds wonderfully easy, but it is not. Try it for a whole day. Keep your mind on what you are doing every single moment; even if it's enly thread ing a needle or anting still in s street oar. Don't dream, don't get ahead of yourself. Do everything that you under take to do as if that was the one and last thing you were going to sccomplish in tbis life. If you merely stoop over to piok up a scrap from the floor put your entire thought upon the act of the momeot aod see bow muoh more easily and quickly it ia accomplished. Concentration is tbe secret of pres- ense of mind The woman who has presence of mind is, of all her sex, most to be envied, for she gains thereby poise, force and reserve power, which the absent-minded woman never cao attain Bpicriii, Excursion to Cuba. At lantic Coaat Line. Hpecial rate of one fare pins S2. 00 to Havana, Cuha and rtturn, the rate from Weldon, N. C. $46.75. in cludes meals and berth on the steamer. Ticket will be sold March 29th. for trains hich will reach Port Tamna. Fla.. the night of March 30th., connecting with r. at U.S. B. uo s. steamer leaving that night. Tickets will be good returning oo any steamer leaving Havana until April 13th , inclnaive, with final limit to reach destination April 16th. On the return journey, stop-over will be allowed at any point in the State of norma, sonth ot Jacksonville, within final limit of ticket Take advantage of this opportunity to visit "The Queen of the Antilles," at reasonable co"t, which wilt afford an ex cellent chance to investigate the business situation of our sister republic. Tne party will tw limited, so m ke your reservations promptly. For reservations, pamphlet, or any other information, call on your nearest ticket agent or write. W. J. Craig. U. P. A. H. H. Emerson, T. L. Wilmington, N. C. Fibhonai.lt Conducted Excursion to Havana, Cuba. Seaboard takes pleasure in announcing another personally conducted excursion from North Carolina points o Havana, Cub and return March aim aw n. Kate ol one fare plus 12.00 for tbe round trip, including meals and berth while on att.mer. Tickets will be aold for tiuina on March 29h. ffM l-.virtir Port T.mna on ataamer the night of March 30th, final limit to leave Havana April 13tb, allow ing passengers nntil April 18th U return to destination. As this excursion is limited to 160 peo ple, parties shonld advise at once relative to securing their Pullman accommodations. For time-tables, rates and reservations, apply to Chas. H. Oattis, Traveling Paatenger Agent, Raleigh, N. 0. Some women never feel religious un til they get a new bat. CASTOR I A For LafanU and Children. Tin Kind You Hars Always Bought Few things are more interesting than, after years of absence, to go back lo the home of our childhood and h am the present condition of ihne wo have known as bo)8 snd girls. How little one can tell of the future of a child when growo to a mao or wemap I In shaping life it is found that not only cireum stances have muoh to do with the nut oomo, but, moie imprcrsive still, it plain ly appears that very uliontlie nunhtii c ich gain our good opinion in ynuih are mom, winch bring the bis rc-uhri in ilure life The bright, pretty boy o. who attracts the aitcniiun of every one often lurnsout a vain and frivolous nn or woman, while the heavy almost lupid boy proves to possess those sub- aoiial, Maying qualities which win sue. ess. bven after the children are older snd are at school it is a truism that the mot successful scholars arc not at all are to be the most successful in tbe 'orld. It is an exceedingly inteiesting :udy to determine the qualities in the child which are the most promisinu for success io life. The Watchman, for over sixty years. Mrs. Winslow's Sootbinq Syrup taa been uted for over 60 years by mill ions of mothers for their obildren while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain; cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. lwenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ssk for"Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," snd take ne other kind. Miss. Agnes Westley 616 wells street Marinette.Wn 816 Wells Street, Mabinktte, Wis., Sept. 25, 1903. I was all run down from nervous ness and overwork and had to resign my position and take a rest. I found that I was not gaining my strength and health as fast as I i couldwish, and as your Wine of Oardui was recommended as such a good medicine for the ills of our apx. I bouclit a bottle and bturan nsingit. 1 was satisfied with the U. t .1.- .1 . n i B renting irum lue urn U inu urst bottle, and took three more and then found I waa restored to good health and strength and able to take up my work with renewed vigor. I i consider it a fino tonic and excellent I for worn-out, nervous condition, and am pleased to endorse it. AQXE8 WESTLET, Smt, North WlMuula BoIImmI SMMya Secure a 11.00 bottle of Wine of Oardui and a 25c. package ot Tbedford's Black-Draught today. WINE OF CARDUI Wood's Seeds. New Era Cow Peas are rightly named. Thev are the best of Cow Peas, whether for northern, western or southern planting. They are curly to ma ture, Hiirk'ht in growth, enormous ly productive, both of vines nml pens, and are altogether the most satisfactory aud sure croppers grown. We are headquarters for Cow Peat; had over forty different varieties in our exhibit at St Louis, on which we wore awarded the Grand Prlxe. Wond' Descrlptlv. Ctalorue clre the fullest Information altout Cow Pea. anil all Garden ami harm eed. u rile for it aud special price list of Ktirm Seeds. T.W.Wood & Sons, Seedsmen, RICHMOND - VIRGINIA. Ifron trent the rtwtvtMt and brat Water Mckna and Cantaloupaa rtowu, plant Wood's Southern-grown seed. Our Uaacrlptlva CaUIu wlla all about the bexi k I ruin to plant. H i mailed free for tb uklug . BAGGAGE P If you want a Trunk moved be sure and call on Bridgers, the . TRUNK MOVER. Leave orders at Bridgers' Bakery orcall up Phone No. 61. I CIS Wells Street I R Marlnette.Wil g Belter Fruits-Better Profits Belter peaches, apple., pears and berries are produced when Potash j liberally applied to th. nil. To Insure, full crop, of choicest quality, u a fertilizer containing nut leas tlun to per cent, actual Potash rWi for nnr ttmrftciil tww,L. l t.i ..i . IlieMroiiul iittv' Mini tig ,imtMctii, ticximinir I Icrii-ifri, hut ire aiitriiinuiivc J til K.tUN KALI WORKS NtwVorK 9J NsllHuS.1of AMnnln. H-i -V-v -.? a-''-in nrutta Dr. Bouvier's Buchu Gin A sure cure for all KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROUBLES Recommended by best physicians of tbt country. For sale in Weldon by W. W. KAY, Beat of Wine.. WhUWr. b.j:. . alwaysonhand. I keep the best of every thina in m line. iwuHolite attention to all at Kay's, weai .me a, iv. oued. my 3 ly. J. A. ALSTON FINE PROVISIONS, Cigars and Tobacco. Fine Whiskies AND WINES Merriraac Club and Pri.lorvi ...:;. and mellow. Bar stocked with r'hni Drinks of every kind. Cor. Washington Ave., and First Btreet, weldon N. C. 10-21-ly THE RICH BECOifiE SO BY If goo! for them it muse be for all. Money saved io buying, is money msde. Our arrangements for gelling direct from New York, the best and latest in mer chants.) new goods every week instead of twice a year enables us to offer every day just what people want, to make quick "turn-overs" and, making them, we can sell so much cheaper. We have a wide-awake representsiive in New York the year 'round; tbe mo ment a new thing appears, or an advan tage can be taken in price, he is on tbe spot, with the money io band to get and send us our share. Since we began this movement, the buying public has shown its appreciation of our efforts sod is tallying to the sup port of the store that is standing to help tbe people. Tbis week t lot of new goods one of the prettiest and best we have had yet. Our New York Buyer bought immense lots, having stores all over the country to send them to; they were divided fairly and we got our share among the first. In Ibis wsy we get gnods ss obesp, often cheaper, thsn the wholeaalera and m. easily undersell and yet live. This store is on the light track it it goiog to suooced because of the value we are giving. Any special or ler we will take pleas ure in forwarding to our buyer in New York, who will give same bis beat atten tion and we gnarantes nromntneaa and satisfaction. SriERS BROS.. WELDON, N. 0. Monuments Gravestones. WE PAY mat FREICHT ahdCUARANTEESAFE DELIVERY . . . LARGEST gTOCKlBthe .th Illustrated Catalogue FREE. 1 y ly Groceries, THE COUPER RARE IE WORKS. (Established 1848.) 168 to 16 Bank St., Norfclk Va MTfllj. i J "Ps""

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