I HI l!A A., wufl ADVERTISHTO- HA.TES-MODERATK. -A. NEWSPAPER IE1 O 1R, THE PEOPLE. TEEMS:-i.so per annt'h in a i a i VOL. XXXIX. WELDON, N. C THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1905. NO. 47 PAST MERCIES, THE CRICKET SONG. i a ltd Si , .- 1 1 u in ml.. irii ig jtSA I 'Her 19 well-known I ." vol i i Thli li antt aft nf E . wm pMfii0n, Ci. F TIOH me ftUU.05 UP 1 i)ThhL!iilKBftjau . 1. P. Gibson, of Bennettsvllle, 8. C, member ot the South Carolina l..criilifiir. untnrily written to "The Field." the Conwav. newspaper, the higheit possible priiM of wrniam IRON ohbllt Chrmftil Ca.. Itpt. 1, 14M, that Ml 4inMr, Mill mihlt ciH of tUtumidtm ifcit til othir madlclntl anal 1 trUd In vita M curt. Iht toulel nm walk t ilia." he nutd or md icrti Iron In. Prom Iht week the bftte fide thi nioftl, ane ( now btolitifly (tired el Ihil . Par Rhfumailm, rnur rtmtfi It . rifle, ind I cinnet hi. Mr wile It to tleiitl aver (He cr ihtt the wtitaei M t Milan, toh laWi kit bum Mtr.lt L. Cloton." XANSrS THE BLOOD. IMPROVES THE DIGC .ill 1Kb IliLM, Writ ftOBBlTT CHEMICAL CO SALTIMOKC, for Tr Uolt, i 10 CHARLES 0. ALLEY, WHOLESALE Confectioner & Fancy Grocer, PETERSBURG, VA. ST Mr. W. T. Bsugh represents as io Eastern Caroline. Bold jour orders for dot 12 It eALIHairRenewer A splendid tonic for the hair, makes the hair grow long and heavy. Always restores colortogray hair, all the dark, rich color of youth. Stons falling hair, slso. Sold for fifty years. " 'rSsfrdrtW TtjE E$0fi TANNER'S PAINTS Retain Ih ir pre-eminence above ill otber brands is because they are made of the beat material! obtaina ble and are ground with great oare. If jour dealer does not csrry them write to tba manufacturers. AS TBI LORD WAS WITH OUR FATHERS, BO WILL HR Bt WITH 08 Iu time of trial and disoouragement it ta won to remember paat metciss. When heavy burdens of duty weigh down the soul the heart will gain strooitth by a reference to what God bm dona In the past, A minister was about to engage in I revival oampaign in a western city, He was muoh eierciaed over tbe spiritual eondition of the com munity, The church was one of Ilia oldest in the State, and one whieh bed made an honorable record, but for veais there bad been no revival. Tbe people had oome to think that revival such aa tbe faihera witnessed were act to be looked for in these days, and they l ad eeased to eipeot them. They did not l0"k with muoh favor on revival eff.irls But the pastor, seeing the need, prayed earneatly for divine help Then this thought came into hie mind: Ood has poured out his Spirit gracirasly in former dsjs in this very house under tbe preaching of my predecessors. Tbe names snd faces of those illustrious pre decessors came vividiy before his mind. They were older, wiser, and greater men than be. But be remembered that Ood is no respecter of person', and that he is just ss willing to pour out his Spirit now under the preachtog of bis i rvaot as he was then. This thought oj, ; put mercies gsve the faith of tbe pastor such a grasp ot his privilege as be bid never bad. His doubts vanished, md be saw the bbiting befoie it came. It was tbe beginning of a gracious work, in which two hundred souls were converted. This is precisely the way io which the Lord encouraged Joshua. "Aa I waa with Moses, so I will be with you," slid he. To us the ume promise ooroes. As tbe Lird was with our fathers, so will he be with us, His former mercies shall be repeated to all those who trust in bim. Christian Advocate 3 CD ft s Z2L JaiSL g rt w p O 25 O CD ajlMV1r?T?3DcAy Boi 180. Tamer Paiit & Oil Co., 1419 E. MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, VA. Tie Bant oi W, ::WELDON N. C. Oriaiiiol Uiicr 16 Lais of tie State of North Carolina, AUGUST 20TH, 1892. STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. TOWN OF WELDON DEPOSITORY. - $32,000. HOMELIKE. "Mamma," said the little girl, who I waa having her first experienee of riding io a sleeper. "Hush, dear," whispered mamma; I "you will waken tbe others " "But, mamma, I only want to ask one I question. "Well, what is it?" 1 Who haa tbe fiat above us?" Life. AS REPRESENTED. Patient "Look here, doctor, you said if I took a bottle of your tonic I would I have a remarksble eppeute. Why, I eat only one soda cracker each week." Doctor "Well, don't you call that a remarkable appetite?" Detriot Journal UPIT1L MD SURPLUS Tot ten yean this institution has provided banking facilities for this section Ita itnnkho dm iad diraotora have Deeo mentinea wirn tne ousioeee ruiercsia ui Halifax and Northampton counties for many years. Money is loaned upon ap- nrnnd uuni-it at the leeal rate of mtereet ill oer centum. Accounts ol all are r j n - aolioited. President: " Vice-Preaidenl: Cashier: W. K. DANIEL. D H.W.LEWIS. W.R.8MITH t ( Jackson, Northampton county, N. C. The largest and best plant in the State. .CHARLES MILLER WALSH, Quarrier and Hauufaoturt of MON UMENTS, TOMBS, GRAVE BT0NE3 of every description. Freight prepaid on all shipments. Safe delivery guaranteed. Write for deeigaa snd prices Work Delivered At Any Depot. act ll it. SPRING & SUMMER o FOB- MEN,:WOMEN & CHILDREN. ai .v-i ' r y a4.Alao Iron Fencing, Vaees a-r ate , for cemetery and other XfC Barpoaee at lowest prices. IglvSATIBFACTIOS GUARANTEED. coins. Titir Promr Treatment am Cure, thr finit STttiDtom ot a "cola " is a chilly feeling, accompsniefl Dy sneea- tnir or a ticklina in me mroai. ik m"3. frequent of eiternal causes are draughts, wet or cold feet, or iroins: from hot rooma iiddenlv into cold ones. More frequently there is an inner cause namely the stagna tion of the blond caused by constipation or ih. irrlinar inf cold in the feet and increased discharge from the nose, n. . ...r t.kes cold nnless consti- AP .h3,icia and havintr what we call mal nutrition, which is attended with impoverished Olooa ana exnausuun n rnnMiMtinD. of lartre noUlons of alcohol, iron or cod liver oil do not bring the desired changes in the blood, because ther do not enter the system and are not absorDea inio inc ." -i .imhnl which shnvels up the red blood corpuscles when it don come in contact with them. We recommend the botanical eilracl ot in. r.n conuins no alcohol, and offers a reasonable and scientific method of treating the blood, dy Improving the nutritive functions of the patient The " Golden Medical Discovery " I... ii.l. iliia. bv first restoring the enfeebled digestive organs "T "! the natural tiwue builder, will oe aigcc and assimilated. . . .... ...h.iin,te for Dr. Pierce1 t-,.. 'u.i.i iiinvprv. There is noth, ""' V. . f ,, rng ")ust a ajooa- iui alomacu. Big Una Dry Qooda, Notiona, Gents Furniahioga, Ac Tbe largeat Una ,R . , ' w . . m . - . tt- - a. -e .n ... v..- a Our Shoa .epartaent is full and running over. The largest atock wa hsva aver earned, and are maaiog pnoea MY LOVE. THAT WILL SELL THEM. Jaat taoeiTed a big lot of (DORSCH) Shoes. 8uits to order, made up to good haps and "bj good tailors. Fits Guaranteed. Don t fail to see our line ol Samples and Prices Before You Place Your Order. aH. D. ALLEN & COMPANY, g foLEYSnONEY-IAH - WELDON. N. ay. mi atlUiai "I rr-n 11 EXPERT WATCHMAKER AND, OPTICIAN Evert kiod of watch or dock made to keep accurate time. GOLD WED DINO AND OTHER RINGS MADK TO ORDER. Eyes tested and Scientifically fitted with Eye Glasses or Spectacles at LOWEST PRICES A fine line of Ladies and Gentlemeni Gold Rings, Watcbea, Jewelry, io BtMail orders promptly attended 8ign of the 10-BIG WATCH, near Postoffioe, Weldon, N. C. BY ARTHUR L. HARDY. How do I loe her ? 'Tie a theme I fain would dwell upon I 1 love her iu the mad, fr way with which bold rivets run, I love ber as tbe roses love the first kiss of tbe suo, I love her with uofettered heart my darling I I love her as tbe mountaineer doth love bis native heights, I love ber as the soldior loves the field whereon he fights, I love her as the poet loves tbe fair Italian nights, 1 love her with unfettered heart my darling I I lova her, ay 1 I love her 'tis a song that thrills me through As tbe sailor laves the puleiog breast of ooeao's boundless blue, I love her as the dove luves with a love that's real and true, I love ber with unfettered heart my darling I I love her as the monarch loves the people whom he shields, I love her as the savage loves the lawless power be wields, Or as fair child; en wandering love the beauty of the fields. I love her with unfettered heart my darling I For she is gentle ss the breath which tropic south-winds blow, And lovely as the aui's first blush that in the east dotb glow, Sura as a saint's last, holy prayer breathed plaintively and low Who oould resist ber matchless charms my darling I OH ASK ME NOT," Love, should I set my heart upon a crown, Squander my years snd gain it, What recompense of pleasure oould I own For youlb's red drops that stain it ? Much have I thonght on what our life may mean, And what ia best endeavor ; Seeing we may not oome again to glean, But, losing, lose forever. Seeing how resists, making choice of pain, From home and country parted, Have thought it life to leave their fellows slain, Their women broken-hearted. How tessiog truth a thoussod faces claims, As in a brokeo mirror, And what a father died for io the flames II ia own son acorns as error. How even they whose hearts were sweet with song Must quaff oblivion's potion, And soon or Isle their sails be lost slong lhe all-eurrounding ocean. Oh, ask me not the haven of our ships, Nor what flag floats above you I I hold yon close, I kiss your sweet, sweet lips, And love you, love you, love you I REMBMBER. MOTHER, BOYS, BEFORE IT H TOO LATE COURT HER AS YOD Ifl'DLU A SWECruEAKT, IP TOC WOULD MAKE HER HA PPT. Thertl bow the chirp of that lonely criokot brings to mind the dear old home, yes, years and yiars aod years a;o, we sro afraid to say how many when t lie brents crept in uoder the low hinging brandies snd the graceful elm swept the riuf ol the old horns with iis amhraoe, when thn odor of phlox and tuberoses wafted in frmn the gsrilm, We rem-mber tho ('cop tlnrk shadow unler ti e tough old oulc, ami the ruddy I'shts through the red eiinaio"il win dows; thep'oiaant minis, the books, the music, a-d mother. Do you rrmcuib r mother? It is your mother we mess. i ne mother wno laugl e,l over our hiby amies, grew proud of our boyish triumphs, hid her sad heart beats when we left the home fold to win our way io the world, the mother whose hair grew gray io ber care for us, whose heart grew bumble by the multitude of her prayers in our behalf, whoBe face grew more tender as the years marked their progress! upon her cheeks, whose steps faltered and whose hands trembled be cause her bouyancy had been given free ly io our behalf. The mother wha staid in the old home while we were far a way. Tbe mother bird in tbe nest after the fledgling bad flown, There came at last a letter to us in another band, and dear old mother was at rest. Then we went home but tbe old lime home was gone forever Ah, we know, how trival everything then seemed beside mothers love. Waknow how a kiod word of old would have cheered her heart. We know how tbe business cares crowded out the home letters; and how mother watched and waited for the tardy missive. We know how ber heart bled for an old time caress, aod how she went to rest with a prayer on her lips for you. And now it is too Isle snd the crickets play their lonesome melody, while s white stone in "God's Acre" marks where mother rests after her work ia done. Remember mother, boys, before it u tos late we have yet time to show our appreeiation of her love. See her hair, is ss white as snow, snd it has been bleached by care for you. Watch her steps how they falter. Cherish her. show her your love. Court her as you would a sweetheart, if you would make her happy. All too soon this otber will be gone, snd then God grsnt the cricket song will bring us naught but ind memories. A BAD UKEAK. First Guest (at tha dance) D i you see that woman over there? A little 'uVie ago s'ne wjs ?t';ri'iog srittj me to beat tbe baod, but now she won't look st me. Second Guest I doo't wooder at that. She's my wife. u is easier to tic religious with your eloquence than it ia to be e'equeot with your religion. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble rrya upon mlml. din- courages and lessenr, ambition; beauty, vigor ana cnccrlulness soon aisappcar when the kid neys are out ol order or di.-.eased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it Is not uncommon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kid neys. Itthe child urin ates too often. H lhe urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an age when It s:.ould be able Io control the passage, it Is yet afflicted with bed-wettlng, depend upon it. the cause of the difficulty Is kidney trouble, and the first step should he towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble Is due to a diseased condition of lhe Kidneys and bladder and not to a habit most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, ana Doin neea tne same great remedy. The mild and the immediate eflect of Swamp. Root is soon realized. It Is sold by druggists, In fifty- cent and one dollar , sizes. You may have a E&ii'lW sample bottle by mail tree, also pamphlet tell- nom. r nrunruni. ing all about It, Including many of the ihousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured, in writing Dr. Kilmer &l Co.. Blnghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention tllis paper. Don t make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, r. T.. on every bottle. CORN FIELDS ARE GOLD FIELDS to the farmer who under stands how tu f'-cd li3 crops. Fertilizers for Com must contain at least 7 per cent, actual Potash Send fur our bonks thry tell why I'titnsh In nil nttrennry to plant Ufa sun snd rain; cut free, If yiiii aslt. Wnto to-tl.iy, GERMAN KALI W0PK5 New York-M Nuuu direct, or Atlanta, Oa.M)i bouih llrowlbt. Dr. Bouvier's Buchu Gin AN OFFICE CALL. Teacher "Tommy, something has gtt to be done about your behavior, I think to-day, after school, I shall call sud see your father." Tommy "It will ocst you f 2 if you do. Pop's a doctcr; tffice hours, 5 to Puck. WHAT IT FEEDS ON. An exchange furnishes the following aa representing the yearly supply of food for tbe whiskey fiend: 2 5000 smothered babin 5,000 suicides. 10,000 murderers. 60,000 fallen girls. 100,000 paupers. 9,000 murdered wives. 7,000 murders. 40,000 widowed mothers 100,000 orphaned children. 100,000 iosano. 100,000 criminals. 100,000 drunkards who die yearly. Uoiold crime, misery, woe, want, warping, wailiog, war, ahame, disgrace, dtsesse degradation, debauchery, destruc tion, deaih. rim, revelry, ruin and 12, 000 000,000 00 in oasb GENUINE APPRECIATION. "I am afraid you are one of those people why look down 00 toil." "Not at all," answered the luxurious youth. "My great great-grandfather worked hard and invested bis mooey, snd we sre quite pleased with Dim for doing so. Uhioago Journal. FOR OVKH SHXTV f EARtt. Mr. Winslow'e Soothino Syrdp til bc.n used h: over S3 yean by a ions of mothers for their ehildreo wbila teething, with perfect sueeeae. It soothes the child, softens tbe gams, allays all psin; cures wind oolic, snd Is the best remedy for Diarrheea. It will relieve the poor little sulTerer immediately. Sold by Druggists io every part of the world Tweotv-five cents a bottle. Be sure snd ssk for" Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup,' and take na otber kiod. Listen to what yocr friends ssy of others if you would know what they say of you. OABTOnlA, Baantha ,4 II tl' t Han tors fcirjil. aVfaataia at CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. Ths Kind You Have Always Bought Bear ths Slgnaturo of Tha worst fatnios cornea from failure to cultivate character. the A DINNKR INVITATION. Afar a hearty sseal dose of Kodol Dyspepais Curs will pievent so attack of Iodigtitioi. Kodol ia a thorough digest sot snd gusranleed core for Indigeation, Djppaia, Gas oa liia SluniBul, 801 Riaings, Bad Breath and all stomach troubles. N. Wstkios, Lesbus, Ky says. "I can testify Io tbe effioaoy Kodol io the cure of stomach Trouble I waa afflicted with Stomach Trouble for fifteen year and have taken six bottles of your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, which entirely cured ma. Tbe aix bottles were worth 11,000 to me." Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will digest aoy quantity of all tb wholesome food you want to eat while your stomach take a rest recuperates and grows slroog. This wooderfal pre paration is justly entitled to all of its many remarkable cure, "t . " Weldon, N. C. HE KNEW. Barber "Beg pardon, tir, but this is bad dime." Customer "It sin't any wtio than the shave you just gsve me." I PLEASANT AND HARMLESS. Don t drug the stomach to oure a cough. One Minute Cough Cure cuts the muuus, draws the irjfiamma i in out of the throat, luogs aod bronchial tubes, heals, soothes sod cures. A quick cure for Croup and Whooping Cougb, One Miuute Cou-h Cure relieves a cough in one minute because it acts first on the mucous membrane right where the cough troubles io the throat or deep-seated on the lungs. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Druggist, Weldon, N. C. SHE KNEW HIM. Ira. Buon So your servsnt rsn off. Don't you think she'll regret ii? Mrs. Hunn Yes, because my hus band rsn with her, A sure cuie for all KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROUBLES Recommended by beet physicians of tto country. For sale in Weldon by W.W.KAY, Best of Wines. Whiskeys and Rrandia a ways onhacd. I keep the best of every thing in my ine. lrj l'ohte attention to all at Kay's, west aide It. R. Shed. my 3 It- J. A. ALSTON clMifei Family Groceries, Because tha liver is j C neglected people suffer m with constipation, biliousnesM, Y PROVISIONS, f headache and fevera. Colds attack! I the lungs and contagious disease! I B take hold of the system. It is safe I w nay uiui, 11 me iiver werti aiwavi mm i . r j n t kept in proper working order, illness woild he almost unknown. Thedfnrd'B Ulack-Praught iB so successful in curing such sickness because it is without a rival as a liver regulator. I his great famil; medicine is not a stronff ani drastic drug, but a mild and healthful laxative that cures con stipation and may be taken bv a mere child without possible harm. The healthful action on the liver oures biliousness. It has an in vigorating effect on the kidneys. Because the liver and kidnevs do not work regularly, the poisonous acids along with tbe waste from the bowels get back into the blood and virulent contagion results. Timely treatment with Thed- ford's Black-Draught removes the dangerswhichlurk in constipation, liver and kidney troubles, and will positively forestall the inroads ol bright'a disease, for which dis ease in advanced stages thero is no cure. Atsu your dealer tor & 215c. packagn of T bed ford's Black- Uraught. ROT IN ANY DANGER. Relormer "My dear man, don't you know tba wage ol sin is death?" Inebriated laborer "Well, ain't I on a strike?" Towo snd Country. STRIKK3 IHl'DKN ROCK9. When your ship of health strikes the hiddeo rocks of Consumption, rneu monis, etc., you rre lost, if you don't et help from Dr. Kiog'a New Diecovery for Consumption. J. W, McKinnon, of Talladega Spriogs, Ala., writes: "I hsd been very ill with Pneumonis, inder the esra of two doctors, but waa getting no better when 1 began to take Dr. King s New Discovery, lhe first dose gave relief, snd nne bottle cured me." Sure cure for sora throat, bronoHtts, coughs sod eolds. (iusranteed at W. M Cohen's drug store, pries 50c. and tl.00, Trial bottle free. Wood's Seeds. New Era Cow Peas are rightly named. They are the best of Cow Peas, whether for northern, western or southern planting. They ore early to ma ture, untight in growth, enormous ly productive, both of vines and peas, and are altogether the most witisfactory and sure croppers grown. We are headquarters for Cow Peas; had over fortv ditlerent varieties in our exhibit at St. Louis, on which we were awarded tbe Grand Prize. Wood's Detcrlntlvt Catalotue rives the fullest In form nllori rIhuii Low Peat and all uarden and I arm edt. v rile for It and sptjcUt prlcu list of barm Heeds. T.W.Wood & Sons, Seedsmen, IICHM0ID VIRBINIA. If yon want th wff trt and txwt Water Melon ami CnulupM Rnm n, ilnnt WsmsJ'i Suttacrn-crown taKd. our Dejcrlptlve Catalaue tvlli all alMi'il the bet kind to i-lanu lt d nallod Uvm fur tbe aaaluif. Fine Whiskies AND WINES Merrimac Club and Pride of Virninia. nic and mellow. Bar atocked with Choir Drinks of every kind. Cor. Washington Ave., and First Street Weldon N. C. 10-21-It IE RICH BECDinE SO BY If gool for tbcm it muse be for all. Money saved io buying, is money made. Our arrangements for getting direot from New York, the best and latest in mer chacdise new goods every week inaiead of twice a year enables us to offer every day just what people want, to make quick "turn-overs" and, making them, we can sell so much cheaper. We have a wide-awake representative in New York tbe year 'round; the mo- .. mcnt a new tbiog appears, or an advan tage can be taken in price, be is on the spot, with the money in baud to get and send us our share. Since we began this movement, tho buying public has shown its appreciation of our efforts aod is rallying to the sup port ol the store that is standing to help the people. 1 hia week a lot ot new goods one of the prettiest and best we have h-' yet. Our New York Buyer bought immense lots, having stores all over the country to lend them to; tbey were divided fairly snd we got our ehare among the first. In this way we get goods aa cheap, often oheaper, than tbe wholesalers and oan easily undersell and yet live. This store is on the right track it is going to sucoced because of the value we are giving. Any special order we will taka pleas ure in forwarding to our buyer in New York, who will give same his boat atten tion and we guarantee promptness snd satisfaction. If BAGGAGE ? you want a Monuments SPIERS BltOS.. WKl.DUN, N. 0. Many men have been full of g purpoaes, hut failing to aarry them out, For sale by W, H, Coheei,- Druggiai J their good intentions lie with them io tba graveyard. Trunk moved be sure and call on Bridgers, the TRUE MQYER. Leave orders at Bridgers' Bakery or call up Phone No, 61. AND Gravestones. WE PAY thi FREIGHT anhCUARANTEE SAFE DELIVERY . . . LARGEST STOCK lath dolts Illustrated Catalogue FREE. THE COUPER RABBLE WORKS. (Established 1948.) 159 to 183 Bank at., Norfolk Va MV lj.

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