f fdim ft ' i ru A.3D"VJE3RTISHTC3- IRA.TES MODERATE. -A. NEWSPAPER FOE, TUB PEOPLE. TER-lsdIS: hkh anm VOL. XXXIX. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1905. NO. 48 7 "DEAR OLD DAD." Ill HAT II AVI BIS FAULTS BE MAT fl FIVE-ACT TRAGEDY. Write Mrs. Jans Petty, of Roaring River, N. C, Aug. 12, 1904. My little boy could not walk a tep from RHEUMATISM, and u uuict rtmcuicj naci tailed to do mm ny good. .urca mm ana maae mm sound and well, give the same testimony. Rheumacide hu Hundred of other letter cleanses the blood of all the poison that cause Rheumatism and all other blood diseases, and absolutely cure to stay cured. The most powerful and effective blood purifier in the world vet it improve the djgestion and builds up the entire system. "THE CNE THAT CURES WHEN OTHERS FAIL" Wrii. BOBBITT CHEMICAL COMPANY, BALTIMORE, for Tnt Sv-plw, Aak rout drufgln lor a " rORCET MC HOT " took. CHARLES 0. ALLEY, WHOLESALE Confectioner & Fancy Grocer, teTMr. W. T. Baugh represents as in Eastern Carolina, him. PETERSBURG, YA. Hold your crdera for dot 12 lj AyersPillsg Wake up your liver. Cure your constipation. Get rid vour biliousness, sold for 60 years. i,w.T".: BUCKINGHAtfl'S DYE rirn it, or kmfliiiTM ua a. r. auuvt co., habiiua, r. b. ReJS0J Why TANNER'S PAINTS Retain th ir pre-eminence above all other brands is because they are made of the beet material! obtaina ble and are ground with great oire. If your dealer doea not oarry them write to the manufacturers. Bol 180. Tanner Paint & Oil Co., 1419 E. MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, VA. The Bank of Wn, .kkWELDON N. C.&- flrpizei Mcr Tie Lais of the State of North Carolina, AUGUST 20TH, 1892. STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. TOWN OP WELDON DEPOSITORY. $32,000. MISS BIM WHIN HI IS OONI. We happened at a bone tbe other oigbt, and over the parlor door saw the legend worked in letters of gold, "What la Home Without a Mother?" Aoros the room was another brief, "God Bless Our Home." Those mottoes will be found in man; hnmcj, worked by nimble Angers and expressive of love and devo tion felt by the members of the house hold fir the holiest and happiest if earth' hleenings, "Mother" and "Home" Home home sweet home' be it ever so humble there's do plaoe like home," But there is another faoior in the Messe dness of home that is too oft n forgotten, or, at least, perhaps sometimes nil fully appreciated, aod that factor is "Dad " AndlheSta'a Register to day, in a few words from an eichcnge wonts to preach a little sermon io Dad's be haf. It is do discouragement to "Mother" to say that alongside of the legend referred to above this other would be appropriate. "God Bless Our Dad!" An eicbange says: Dad gets up early, lights the fire, boils an egg, grabs his dinner pail and wipes off the dew of the dawn while many a mother is sleeping. De makes th weekly hand out to tbe butcher, tbe grocer, the milk man and the baker, and bis little pile is badly worn beore be hsa been bone an hour. He stands off tbe bailiff aod keeps the rent paid up. "If there is noise during the night Dad is nudged in the back and made to go down stairs and find the burglar and kill bim. Mother darn the socks, but Dad buys them in the first place, and the needle and tbe yarn alterward. Mother doe up the fruit well, but Dad buys it all, and jars and sugar coat like the mischief. "Dad buys ohickena fur the Sunday dinner, oarvca them himself and draw tbe neck from the ruin after every nne else ia erv ed. "Whatie home without Mother?" Yes, that is all right. But "What Is borne Without a Father?' Ten chances to one it is a a boarding bouse, father is under a slab and tbe landlord is a widow. "Dad, here to you. Yon have got your faults you may have lots of them but we will mis you when you ire gone." Yes, dear old unappreciated Dadl The legend which ought to grace the walls of the cottage or the palace in jour honor may not appear. You may tread the pathway of life, bearing it burdens ungrudgingly and cbeerlully, and go down to the grave nnhonored and unsung in framed legends, but you will be missed and mourned nevertheless in iho eold gray days when you can no longer answer the call for your services, and will receive your rewaidon me otnet shore. Dear old Dadl God bless Dsdl Russellvi'le Courier-Democrat. 5 2 3 & 2 EE ... IPITIL AND SURPLUS For len years this institution has provided banking facilities for th is section It stockholders nd direotors have been identified with tbe business interests ol llslifai and Northampton oounties for many years. Money is loaned upon ' ap proved aeeurity at the legal rate of ioteroet sii per centum. Aooounts of all are olioited. President: Vioe-Presideot: Caabier: W. E. DANIEL. Da. H. W. LEWIS, W. R. SMITH. ' Jackson, Northampton couity, N. C. I The largest and best plant in J the State. SXCIIARLES MILLER WALSH, . a UfU yurrior aoa waauiaciurer 01 wutv MB NTS, TOMBS, GRAVE UM :ST0NE3 of every desoriptioo, Freight prepaid on all shipments. Safe delivery guaranteed. Write fur -designs and prices tajvAlso Iron Fencing, Tasea , etc , fnr cemetery and otner purposes at loweet pneee. iaa.8ATI8FACTION GUARANTEED. Work Delivered At Any Depot. oct 11 ly. SPRING; & SUMMER -o FOE o MEN, "WOMEN & CHILDREN. ti:.. Tin. Ti.d r Nntinm. Oonts FurnisbinES. 4o. The largest line The largest stock ws have aver ever brought to Weldon. Don't fail to see them Detore you Buy, Our Shoe department is full and ruoning over, tarried, and we are making prices THAT WILL SELL THEM. - Just reoeived a big lot of (DORSC(l) Shoes. 8uits to order, msde up in goo shape and by good tailors. Fits Guaranteed. Uon t tail to see our line oi Samples and Prices Before You Place Your Order. -SH. D. ALLEN & COMPANY, g WELDON. N. C. I Duty Women Owe Themselves. "Good action! speak louder than words " to too, does the testimony of many thou- nanus ot women dunnfj a third of a century speak louder than mere claims not backed by a guarantee of some kind. That it the reason why the pro- pnetors oi ur. Fierce 't Favorite prescrip tion are willing to offer $500 reward for women who can not be cured. Such a remarkable offer is founded on the long record of cures of the diseases and ivi weaknesses pecu r ammi-Man" liltr t0 women. If i""ir there is an invalid woman, suffering from female weakness, crolaDsuK. or falhnir of womb, or from leu- corrhea who has used Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prcscnptiop without complete success, the irooneiors oi iaai nicuicine wuuiu me uj lear from such person and it will be to her advantage to write them as they offer. in perfect good faun, a rewara oi foo tor any case oi me aoovc maiauies wmca they cannot cure. No other medicine for woman's ills is possessed of the unparal kled curative properties that would war rant its makers in making such an offer. Mr. I. M Johnson, of Blarknone, vs., Bo M, him' Wc hesrlilvconarstulate the wonder- ful diajcoverer of Hie great fsmily medicines put up io your laUimtorv. My wife hassbt-en more thin rncc almost brought from the grav hy Uking Ur. Pierces grrai Tempuirm. 1 nrn is nothing better for female trouble than the ' favorite Prescription.' nothing better for con iirnimn ihnTi Dr. I'icrcf little Pellets: and the 'Golden Medical Utucovery cannot be excelled bv Hiivthing for heart trouble, Jf which wt have used with great benefit more than once.1 When the druggist says he has some tttincr that i a rood as Dr. Pierce's Favor ite Prescription, Just tell him, "There't tinthintT lust an eood." He savs so because he hopes to mike t belter profit but his own mixtures have not stood the test of long experience and success tuat uociot Pierce's medicines have. Then, too, many nflient ni if Urines advertised as tonics, con tain arvf minutities of alcohol. Dr. Pierce guarantees that his "Prescription " does not contain a particle of alcohol. It is a good thing to keep Dr. Pierce's Plcssant Pclleta in the house. One Pellet U a laxative, two a mild cathartic. ai.t. nt Nnrtt, Onmlina. 1 In the Ru Halifax Connty. J perior Court. W. E. Daniel in behalf of himself and all other stockholders and creditors that may come in and make themselves parties this action, plaintiff, va- Weldon Ice Company, defendant. To all whom it mav concern: The creditors of the Weldon Ice Com. pany are hereby notified that by order of tbeoaperioruoun in ine aoove nnuwru Mtion. dated Februarv 14. lt5, W. E. Daniel has been appointed receiver oi us property and franchises, and the Raid creditors are hereby notified to come in itiirl make themselves nartiea to this action and prove their claims ana aeon against the said cum piny, on or before the first day of May, 1805. This the 23rd day of March, :906. 8. at. OAKY, Clerk at Superior Court, WHEN WE ARE GONE. BY JOHN BRATTON. When weare gone then other feet will tread Upon the paths that we hate Iread before, While other eyes will see and other hands will toil, Among the scenes where we shall t il no more, When we are gone. When we are gone then other oyes will see, The charms that life and nature has in store, And other hearts will beat in cheerful glee To see the light upon the distant shore Wben we are gone. When we are gone then other tongues will praise, And sing the songs we sang in days of yore, And other faces smile in joyful lays, And other souls will live aod love, as those before, Wben we are gone. When we are gone, lbs birds will sing as gay And blossoms bright will deok the orchsrd trees, While through the grove where nature's children play, Sweet odors float upon the summer brcne When we are gone. When we are gone, then other hearts will ao'ne In sorrow' grasp and bitter tears will flow, Affection' lie aod friendly bonds will break, As they hate doae in years long long ago When we are gone. When we are gone, the sun will shine ss bright, The pale moon make her journeys o'er and o'er, The stars still twinkle from the vaults of night, And breakers dash upon tbe rooky shore W hen we are gone. When we are gone then mother earth will claim Our mortal frames snd fold them to her breast ; Tbe deeds of which we bosst will fade away, in numo, But free from toils and cares then we shall rest When we are gone A HOME HCTURE. BY LOUISE E. BAKER. Oh I the happy little homo when the sun shone out, Aod the busy little mother got the oliildren all about ; And Johnny fetohed the water and Tommy brought ihe wond, Aod Billie-boy lied both his shoes, ss every laddie should Aod Dannie rooked the cradle with a clatter and a song, To make the little sister grow so pretty and so strong. Ob I the sweet peas and the morning-glories climbing 'round the door, And the tender vine of shadow with its length across the fl ior, Oh I the "pini, s" andlhe roses, and ihe quiver of tho gtaas, And the cheery call ol friendship from ihe neighbors as they pass I Oh I the scuffle aod the ahouiiog, acd the little motucr's laugh As a rabbit starts up somewhere, snd her "great helps" scamper off. Oh I tbe happy little home when the twilight fell, And all along the meadow rang the old cow bell W itb a tinkle that is musio through the ruthiog of the years And I see the little mother in the tremble ot tho tears, And I hear her happy laughter as she cries: "The boys have come I" And we know she's getting supper in (he happy little home. Oh I the happy little home when the moon gleamed forth, And Billie-boy would have it that it "rised in the north." Oh I the rsptures snd the whispers nesr Ihe little anther's chair, As th white -robed little Enures are flitting here and llit ie, And we're just as near to heaven as wo mortals ever roam, Wben we kneel and say our prayers io ihe happy little heme. AWAKE EVEKV NIGHT. "Mrs. Chellus looks bsd, doesn't sk?" "Yes, sdJ co wonder. She's brio awak every night for a week pant." "Tbe ideal What waa tbe mallei?" "She discovered about a wtek ago that ber husband talka in bia aleep and of oourse, she had to listen." FOR Ovfe SIXT YEARS. Mbs. Winslow's Soothino Strup has been used for over 60 years by mill iocs of mother for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothe the child, softens th gums, allays all pain; turee wind colic, and ia the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sulf. rer immediately. Sold by Drugttlsts in every part of the world. Twcnti-five oonts a bottle. Be sure snd ask fm"Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," nd take us) other kind. HUMAN JEALOUSY. TUB DIFFKIIENOE 1SETWEEN TI1EIM8- TO X -l,hfi ANT. A KUS1A9. Tbe man's jcil.'my is a stormy sea fiioding cver)tliiii,i, leirinu down and devouring everything iu In in I hut is slriiDg, filling ma irioc moat hem, ab- torbiog all tiverB of feeling and destroy ing bis uniiil 'ilio woman s j -o.lou.iy is a narrow, turbulent, treacherous torrent w , ich hides its depth und high ubote ulreli rire hard and silent banb; it heighieus bet si ui-ibiliiy and etreiigthens her mind. The jea'oim uia- U a wralhlul lion; lio B noble, an liun.tr e,n!y forces lnui to tear his puy to piece s. The jealous w, in io is an infuriated snake: rhe is loin, anil pa sn,u only 'eeun's ber to fclirii. 't'iie aoi r i the j ulous mao iet dir. c:eJ againM the e Ijojt of hi.1 love aod iMrriupts Ins love, und itiut tf the jealous woman is direr!.'d against her rivals, and her love is iuteubilied by il, Jealousy makes a fool of a man ; it uiiikes hien tidiculous aod luwerB him in the love and esteem of the woman, but a woman gains in wit aod charm by ber jealousy, and it makes ber more attrac tive to the ma, Jeabusy is a terrible, sharp weapon which a woman uses light ly in order to cut a few sweets on which to feed her vanity ; often she even wounds with it tbe man she loves in order to enjoy bis sufferings. The man disdains this cruel thing, though, did be use it, it would rarely miss its object of awakening tbe dorment love of a woman, of bunging hidden love to the surface and of creating love where there VfaB none. llT REV. UR. TALMAIIE. Act the lir-l : A vount; mm srarliriL' off from home ; parents and alters weep irg to have him r;o. Wag ,n riinir oier the hill. Farewe ll ki-s filing hack Ring the bell and let the curtain fall. Act the seo o l : The marriage altar Musio on the organ Bright lights Long white veil trailing through the aisle. Pray, rand con.'r ilu'aiiun, and cxclauaions ol '-How well the looks I" Act the thiiJ : A w ituan wuhiiig for staggering s'cjie 0 d gaimenls stuck in the bre ken window lanes Marks ol hsrdrhip em her fsee The hitiug el nails oi hlooille.-s fingers. Neglect, cru el t y and despair Ring the b ll and let tl c curt..in drop. Act the fourth : Time graves io a dark place grav e f the child that died for lack of medicine, trave of the aife who died t-f a broken heart, grave ol the man that died Kith dissipation King the bell and let the curtain drop Act ine fifth: A dc.troyi'd soul's eternity. No light. No hofe I close my eyes to Ibis last act of the tragedy. Quick I quick 1 Ring the bell and let the curtain drop. CASTOR I A For Infant and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the rtf ,;? Sigaatura of t7,& 1 HE WAS WITH THE MAJOR ITY. "Now, gentlemen, do you think 'this is or is not a case for operation?" asked an eminent surgeon of his class of six students as they walked tbe wards in a city hospital. Ooe by one the young men diagnosed the case, and all of them answered in tbe negative. "Well, gentlemen," announoed tbe surgeon, "you are all wrong, and 1 Bball operate to-morrow." "No, you won'tl" exilaimcd the pa tient, as he rose in his bed, 1 six to one is a good majority. Gimme my clothes." New York Fkbs. CHEATED DEATH. Kidney trouble often ends fatally, but by choosing the right medicine, E. H. Wolfe, of Bear Grove, Iowa, cheated death. Ho says: " Two yaars ago I had Kiduey Trouble, which oauscd me great pain, suffering aod anxiety, but I took Electrio Bitters, which effected a com plete cure. I have also found ihem greit benefit io general debility and nerve trouble, and keep them constantly od hand, since, as I find they have no equal." W. M. Cohen, druggist, guar antees ihem at 50o HOMELIKE. "Mamma," said the little girl who was having her first experience of riding in sleeper. "IIuh, dear, whispered mamma "you will waken Ihe others." "But, mamma, I only want to ask one question." "Well, what is it?" "Who has the flat above us?" A DAREDEVIL RIDE often ends in a sal accident. To heal accidental injuries, use Bueklen's Aroioa Salve. "A de.'D wound in my foot from an accident," writeB Theodor Shuele. of Columbus, 0., "caused great pain. Physicians were helpless, but Bueklen's Arnica Salve quickly healed it." Soothes and heals burns If a man is not vain he is apt to suffer om tbe vanity of others. When a man is too accommodating e is apt to become a nuisance. A strong breath reveals a weak head. Garden Truck can be raised profitably only in soil containing plenty of Potash. All vegetables require a fertilizer con taining at leant 10 per cent, actual Potash Without Potash no fertilizer Is com plete, and failure will follow its use, Kvcrrfnrmprhf"il'l haPoonrrahintilnhonkg on f'Ttill.iitiiiu- Uicy am nut ak-rtUliiii iiiiillur ItiHirinnil uny- met ml Ivrlltit'r, but lumkHof riiiihorUur ivo In format Urn tlmt monna low iit-otlta to tliu luruiurs, tiuut iruu Ins the tutklug, OF It MAN KALI WORKS Hew Yorti-tIB Nmuu Kr?ct, or Atlanta, aa.-2 tiuuth iiroaJ Street v. Dr. Bouvier's Buchu Gin A sure cure for all KIDNEY AND HLADDEU TROUBLES Recommended by best physicians of th country. For sale in Weldon by W. W. KAY, Best of Wines, Whiskeys and Brandies aiwavs onnanu. I keep the best of every thiog in my pile. wsU'olite attention to all at Kay's, west side U. It. Shed. my 2 ly. THE BEST MEDICINE WOMEN If yon are nervous and tired out continually you could have no clearer warning of the approach of Berious female trouble. Do not wait until vou suffer un bearable pain before you seek treat ment. iju need Wine of (Jardui now just as much na i the trouble were more aeveiopea aria lue tor turing pains ot disordered nien- Btruauon, ue;irinff uuwu jjuiiib, leueorrhoea, backache and head ache were driving you to the un failing relief Uiat ine of Cardui has brought uunumts or wousanos of women and will bring vou. Wine of Cardui will drive out all traco of weakness and banish nervous spells, headache ana bacK- ache i ana prevent tho symptoms' from quickly developing into dan- gerous trouiiica mat win ie nam to chock. Secure a $1.00 bottle of Winn of Cardui toilav. If vour dealer doea not keep it, send the monev to the Ladies' Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Turn., and the medicine will be sent you. WINE?? like magic, drug store. 25o. at W. iM. Cohen's 8ome of tb most effectual have been msde witb th feet. prayer LAST HOPE VANISHED. When leading physioiena said that W. M, Stuiihart, of l'ekin, la , had incura ble consumption, bia last hope vanished; but Dr. King's New Discovery for Con unipliuo, Coughs and Colels, kept him out of his grave. He sap: "This great specific eeimrtlieteely cured me, and anted my life. Since then, I have u-ed it for 10 vesrs, acd consider it a marvolous throat aod lung cure." Sirlotly scien tific cure foi Coughs, Si-re Thro it or Colds; Bure preventive of Pneumonia. Guaranteed, 6()o and tl. 00 bottles at W, M Cohen drug store. Trial bottle free. TURNING HIM DOWN. Burroughs "Say, old man, can you lend me" Meichant "Look bcie, Buriougbs, jour visiie always remind me of an in verted alphabet" Burroughs "A what?" Merchant "Au inverted alphabet Because U alway oome after t V." 'TIS EVER THUS. Visitor "That young fellow soenicd to me to be rather fresh for an employe. He seemed to think he knows more about the business than you." Merchant "Ob, yes, he knows more about everything than I do, but il'squite natural." Visitor "Indeed?" Merchant "Yes; he's my son." Pvnswmswaai I'RIUII'l'l'UL SUfcYEKlNU RK- LIEVKD. buffering frightfully from lbs viru lent poisons of ut digested foe d, C. G Grayson, of Lula, Miss , took Dr. King' New Life l'ills, "with the result," he writes, "that I was oured." All stomach and bowel disorders give WBy to their tonio, laxative proper lies 25o. at W. M. Cohen's drug store, guaranteed. Wood's Seeds. New Eia Cow Peas J. A. ALSTON FINE ami Groceries, PROVISIONS, Cigars and Tobacco. Fine Whiskies AND WINES Merriniac Club and Pride of Vireinia. nice and mellow Bar stocked with Choice Drinks of every kiud. Cor. Washington Ave., and First Street, neiaon a. v. lU-Iil-ly TRIM BICOiESOBT are rightly named. best of Cow Peas, Thev are the whether for northern, western or southern planting. They nre early to ma ture, upright in growth, enormous ly productive, both of vines nnd peas, and are altogether the most Riitisfiu'tory and sure croppers grown. We are headquarters for Cow Peas; had over forty ditierent varieties in our exhibit ut St. Louis, on which we were awarded the Grand Prize. Wood's Descriptive Catalogue ctvo tlio fulUt IniViriimtli't) rIioul iiw Peas aii'l nil Uardcn ami Torm eed. rile forUaiiiUpticitil price li'toi I'uimfcwiK T.W.Wood & Sons, Seedsmen, RICHMOND VIRGINIA. If toii want the swiftest snrt bwt Water Melons and CanUleupas kiw n, plant Wood's Seutbcrn-grown seed. Our Uaacrtptlva Catalog!! trlt all a In mt the bct kiii'U to I'lanU it's tnsllod frvc fur tbe biking. BAGGAGE P If good for them it muse be for all, Money saved in buying, is money made, Our arrangements for getting direct from New York, the best aod latest in mer chardise new goods every week instead of twice a year enables us to offer every day just what people want, to make quick "turn-overs" and, making them, we can sell so much cheaper. We have a wide-Bwake representative in New York the year round; tbe mo ment a new thing appears, or an advan tage can be taken in price, he is on tba apot, with the money in hand to get and send os our share. Since we began this movement, tba buying public has shown its appreciation of our efforts aud is rallying to the sup port of the store that is standing to help the people. Una week a lot of new goods one of he prettiest and best we have bad yet. Out New York Buyer bought immense lots, having stores all over Ihe country to send them to; they were divided fairly and we got our share among the first. In this way we got goods as cheap, often cheaper, than the wholesalers and oap easily undersell and yet live. This store i on the light track it is going to succeed because of the value) we are giving. Any special order we will taka pleas ure in feirwarding to our buyer io New York, who will give same his best atten tion and we guarantee promptness and satisfaction. SPIERS BROS. WELDUiN, H. As rule the orator who uses biggest words has the least to say. the Friendship demands qiality, while love is often satiified with quantity. OABTOTIIA. Baanta. )lln Kiwi You Haw Always Baufflt Bigrjatur at Tr a xi yuu waut u Trunk moved be sure and call on Bridgers, the TRUE MOVER. Leave orders at Bridgers' Bakery or call -up Phone No, 61. Monuments AND1 Gravestones. WE PAY tbi FREICHT amdCUARANTEESAFE DELIVERY . . . I A R; Eat STOCK in the South Illustrated Catalogue FREE, THE COUPER ffi&RBLE WCBKSi (Established 1848.) -159 to 163 Bank at., Norfolk Va '". ... iovSly. ..Jf i 1 ISMt. 7liZ-Ji JlK'xtimii ! (aw j i, .ais,jiiiiijAl!iiii,iiii j wmt 0 i I -1 - i-at

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