isi 101 Pk Ki ItC Si Iff :l wff S I!al rs vufue ia 3 ess Sa 4 vasal' S3 -A. 1T1W8PAPER FOE, THE PEOPLE. VOL. XXXIX. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1905. NO. 49 6t,5AT,olMTc .-JUL W) ' THE ONE OTHERS FAIL" It the moat powerful and efficient blood purifier io the world. It sweep ml rV'iW'J ".'nVd PV1""""" " that eauae MIUMATISM, LA i,M ,CiTAI,,-H' UVIR ,nd K IDNHf TROUBLES. IIUOIBNIH. CONSTIM TON, BIOIGEnUN .od CONTAGIOUS BLOOD MISOK? IroproVelTh. tSZh, bu.ldi up the entjr aystem. Al Field, the f.moui min.trel; Hon. I. P h ABMmntlua,0'i"' Ki,l"r' "d "mind' Mhm ,eMi I kottt Pm If jro, nlu BOUITT CHEMICAL CO. I one 'ooiTMtoT" FROM THE i INSIDE ' CHARLES 0. ALLEY, WHOLESALE Confectioner & Fancy Grocer, PETERSBURG. VA. BWMr. W. T. Biugh represent ui io Euttra Carolina. Hold your orders for bov 12 ly Mb. VEGETABLE SICILIAN Hair Renewed Renews the hair, makes It new sain, restores the freshness. Just what you need if your hair h faded or turning gray, for It always restores the cnlor. Stops fillln? hair, eltluTTRr.TV'"" HALES TtfE On TANNER'S PAINTS Retaio th it pre-eraineooe above til other brands ia heoanae they are made of the beet raateritla obtaina ble and are ground with (treat oar. If tour dealer doea not carry them write to the manufacturers. Bol 180. Tanner Paint & Oil Co., 1419 E. MAIN 8TBEET, RICHMOND, VA. COLLECTION OF TAXES. FBOM PIBBOMB WHO BATI BIMOVID label YLACt fit UlfliVa Au act wat pasted, reeling It the dull of the (her iff and tax oolleolor of ooutitj, city ot town, whenever be U In formed that a tas-payer baa remored from bit eouoty, oitj or town without paying the lues listed for that jeer, to make enquiry to where the tax payer hu removed, and Id the atttlement of the sheriff 01 tax oolleolor he shall stale under oath that he baa mtde faith, fal enquiry for the location of all tax payer who here removed from his county, city or town owing tsx for the Steal year, or the aame shall be charged to him and not be allowed In hi in solvent list, snd if any office! hu not complied with any law to eoforoe collec tion of tsxes st sll times he shell be charged wilh the same After making enquiry, if the officer finda that the tei-pr.yer who hsa re moved from hit county, city or town without paying his taxes lilted for that year, sod bat no pioperty known toth collecting officer, be shall make a repot' of the same wilh return of the tax receipt to the register of deeda who sbsll mskc out a ceilificate that the taxes were listed for Ihst year, that the tame are due and reported unpaid by the collecting officer ' The officer thall aend the receipt and certificate to the collection officer of the county, cily or town to whioh th ttx payer hu removed, and lb earn aball be tax list in his bsnds for the collec tion of ttid tsxes. The tax oolleetiog officer to whom the tax receipt hu been tent, aball proceed to the collection of the taxet and thall report, bis proceedingi to the officer from whom he received the ttx receipt, within tixty dayt. If the tix-payer ia insolvent snd the tsxes esonot b collected the officer shsll return the tsx receipt uuder hit oath tbtt he hst used due diligeooe in mat ing th collection by levy, garnishment or otherwiae, and that the tax-payer is insolvent, otterwiee he shall be liable on hit bond tor the ttxte to be collected in tuit. r t I-H w o elk Tie Bank of W ::-.WELDON N. C 1- OrpM Under Tie Lav. of tie State of North Carolina, AUGUST 20TB, 1892. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. TOWN OF WELDON DEPOSITORY. FRIGHTFUL 8UFFERING RE LIEVED. Suffering frightfully from the vlru lent poisons of ur digested focd, C. G Grayson, of Lola, Mies., took Dr. King's New Life Pills, "with the result," be writes, "that I waa cured." All ttomach I and bowel disorders give way to their tonic, laxative properties. 25c. at W. M. Cohen's drug store, guaranteed. After t woman gets on the ahady aide I of forty she speaks of herself and her female fnenda a "us girls At th ago of twealy-ore t man I convinced that all other men are fooli; at fifty be begin! to realise tbat be it one I of tb other. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $32,000. flgi fta tea year thia institution hu rtrovided banking facilities for this tection Tu atookhofdera and directors hsve been identified with the business interesli of I Halifax tod Northampton counties for many years. Money it loaned upon ap proved security tt th legal rate of interest six per oentum. Accounts of all solicited. President: Vice-President: Cashier W. E. DANIEL. Da. H. W. LEWIS. W. R. SMITH Jackson, Northsmpton Bounty, N. C. The largest and best plant in the State. .CHARLES MILLER WALSH, Oiurrier and Manufacturer of MON UMENTS, TOMBS, GRAVE 8T0NE3 of very description. Freight prepaid on all shipments, flafa deliver xuaranteed. Writ for design and prioes The Mammoth and the Mosquito BfVtlso Iron Fencing, Vsaea J Lr "l4 etc., for cemetery and other I. 'i7t-' nnriMNM al toweat Dricen ad6rf BUu8ATI8FACT10N OUAKANTEER Work Delivered At Any Depot. ctniT. SPRING & SUMMER o FOB o Wht hu come to mm tu thooMods of mil Ktini hardly credible. Primitivn man, a weakling in companion to modern miM. was able to conquer the bare moa tera of thouaanda of yeara agro, auch aa the Mammoth, and to-day they are dead farver: vet the moaamto ana By have never been conquered It ia now time for th avintit to devise methoda for kill in th mofiQuito and fly. to tbat they will Kto join toe nimmoiD ana inc monpici arda. The moaquitoea and (Ilea are dan I fferoua enemieaof man because they apread COntaflon. Ut moiqnun ouca ranin vnj term of maiana wnn nn one. i ne noose Av mreada arerma of diaeaae over our food, Theae bactenal (rerma, ever nunung iot the weak spot, find a place in our blood, and then we auffer from grip, catarrh, con aumption, or maiana. cian to the Invalid' Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo, N. Y aaya : -There would be no grip epidemics, the germa of consumption, or malaria wouia una no niri in the human economy, if the blood were pure, if the lungs, heart and other organa were fed on good blood. Poisons should not be allowed to accumulate in the body: to be safe it is oest to take a grnut laiative at leant once a week." Such a vegetable laiative aa Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets contains nothing which could harm the ay stem. For nuttimr the blood In order, and as rluue-buitder and tonic for those weakens bv couirhe. colds, catarrh, grip, nothing wil bnild one up quicker than Dr. Pierce' Golden Medical discovery, inia is a MEN, :WOMEN & CHILDREN. Icine nut. entirely of roota and beiba, without tn ok ot aiconoi. rw Pl.m'1 Medical Adtiwr la Mat frtt on receipt of atarapi to pay ttpenM of malllnir Send at one-cent ttampe for paper covered, or It atampe for cloth binding, Io Dr. K. V. Here.,, . x. Big Lin Dry Gooda, Notion, Gb(i Fumwhings, Ac Th Isrgest lie 1TOTJOH- ver brought to Weldou. Uoo t Ian to to taeui doiui. you uuy. Our Shoe department it full tnd running ovir. Th largest (took w ktt Tr 6Mt of NortB Carolina, varriad, and w are making prioaa THAT WILL SELL THEM. hi. It nf fDORSCHI 8hoea. shape and by good tailor. Fit Guaranteed. Doo't fail to e out line of Samples and Prices Before You Place Your Order. 3H. D. ALLEN & COMPANY, gi 1 In tb Rii' Halifax County. Jperier Conn. W. E. Daniel tn behalf of bimseltand all other stockholder and creditors tbat may cnai in and make themaelvea parties this action, plaintiff. va. Veldon Ioe Company, defendant. Tn all whom tt mar concern.' Tha endltora of th Weldon Ioe Com. ma ar. hereby notiBed that by order HuiU to order, made up l g ji, dted February , l906- w Intnial has been aPDOinted receiver nmnertv and franchiaea. and th aaid creditors are hereby notified to coma and auke thenwelvea parties to tha action and pro, their claims and debts against the aatfl company, oat or oeiora ww um to o CO CO o 3C O 30 m to q m (A CD C P 4 E o m r"V i hjt naaaJ Fog CO & S1 o B' CO o Pa 01 C3 O 6 Pa 0Q CD P I? a P o 1 o CD GO w CO H O ft W o O o e w H CO ISO 3D CO PraaT 1MHIT PLUG OF riCG! RED MEAT TOBACCO To any chewer of Tobacco who will cut out thia advertisement and mail it to us within five day from the date of this paper, we will mail him a caret which will entitle him to one lo-cent plug of RED MEAT TOBACCO handling this brand. Free! At any store plainly on catatW (jS ' ln below. )rWln.ton.8IemTlf. 0. NAME A Address. Boanol News, April 13. !-PM)K!;9JWJl J THE GARDEN OF THE SKY. BY MIRIAM 8HEFFEY. They say 1 shsll not Ire to see the Spring : That I shsll nevermore behold The beauty of my gar leo as bud sod leaf unfold Id tokeo of t glcious blowomiog. They say that I sbsll tnver live to sea Th radiant morn), th siure noons, Ths teodcr Bpriogtim twilights, the golden 8pringtitne mo n. Nor hear the flihi ig bluebird's melody. No more will bjicinthi their frsgrsnoe shed, Or lilies-of-thc-vsl ey wske. The violet! tnd wildflowers, that blossomed for my sake, Will lift their hesi t in vain whes I am dead. No more will peaohbloM blush or lilacs wsvo. The musio of the wind and rain, The langiter of the sir shine I shsll not know sgain When hidden in t darkness of my grave. I shsll not miss the gli loess when I die, For blossoms fine ind blossoms fsir, Or rich snd fsdelest tphndor twait my coming there, Within th wonduus Gsrden of the 8ky. I shsll forget th blueUrd'i little song, Thongh hesvenly space I shsll hesr The holy angel-snthenis, too vast fer morlsl esr, Msjeslie, grand, livinely sweet and strong. I shsll forget the turn bine laughter soon, The joyous been y of the esr'h, The wiod snd rsin of April, the Msytime moon snd mirth, In thst Fait Lai d whioh needs not sun snd moon. THE BELLS OF THE ANGELS. There comes to my mind t legend, a thing I had ha'f forgot And whether I read it or dreamed it ah, well, it matters not I It it said that in heaven it twilight t great bell softly swings, And msn may listen snd hsrken to the wondrous music that rings. If he puts from hit heart't inner chimb, r all the paasion, pain and strife, Heaitacheand weary longing, that throb io the pulsea of life, If he thrust from bis soul sll hatred, sll thoughts of wicked thiogs, He can bear ia the holy twi.ight how the bells of th sogels ring : And I think there lies in this legend, if wc ope our eye to see, Somewhat of an inner meaning, my friend, to you and me. Let nt lock in our hesrtt tnd question : Can pure thoughts enter ia To t tout if it he tlrctdy th dwelling of thought of sin T 80, then, let ut ponder little let us look ia our hesrtt and see U tb twilight bell of the sngel could riog for us - you snd e. -W.rd tnd Work LOVE. IT IB TUB AUTHOB (if ALL THAT GOOD 111 TKB WOBLD. m ro io the Ii'sUVm branches nf in- trim of sgi!. Hubert 0, Iniwrjoll LA8T HOPS VAN18UKD. Whes leidiwtphyiioitoi said that W. M. 8nitbert, of Pekio, It , bad incura ble coneuaplion, bit last hope vanished; but Dr. King's New Discovery for Con eumptioa, Cougha and Colda, kept him out of hit grave. He says: "This great epteific completely cured me, snd saved my life. 8iooe then. I have ued it for 10 years, and consider it t marvelous throat and lung cure." 81 riot ly toien tits cur fot Coughs, 8or Throtta or Colds; rare preventive rf Poeumonia. Guaranteed, 6O0 aod 11.00 battles at W. M. Cohen's drng store. Trial bottle free. day of May, 1D05. Thia the 93rd day of March, 1008. a. n. u&ki, Clerk of Superior Court SJO-4L. Reduoed circumstance art lb that altar ease. kind OAHTOIIIA. antae a TIs Hind Vol But stwiyi Bwttjtl If r, ...I it tu il..1 1 VW.X tV'-iit. A:UilB, l.a,. JL 1 CHEATED DEATH. Kidney trouble often ends filially, bill I by ohooring the riiiht meditine, K 11 n olfe, of Bear Grove, Iowa, cheated death. He ssvi: "Two vasrs auo I had Kidney Trouble, which caused me greal pain, sunering and anneiy, but I tool Electric Hitlers, which cflVcir) a com plete ours. I have also foimd tbem of I groat benefit iu general debility and nerve trouble, aod keep them ooostsntl) ' I Till f hu OlTI nn h.nd. sine. .. I BnH lh. I,... .1'Ul'UU Vjili , , . . .., equal." W.M.Cohen, druggist, guar antees them at 50o always see the face you loved sod W"0. Aod t womtn who n al ly loves a man dope not see iJjat hprnwn pit) . hp'x Pr decrepit to her; le does not tremble; h is not 01c; toe Bleats seea t tie sanu Love is the only bow io liTe'i dark galliot gentleman who won her baud cloud. It is the mornioc aod eveoine and heart, star. It sbioei upon tl e oradle of the I like to look at it in that way. I like bibe, and iheli its radiaooe on the quiet '0 think thst love Is eternal, snd to Into tomb. It is the mother of srt Inspirer io that wiy, and then go down the hill of poot, patriot, and light of every heart ol lifo together, and as you go down builder of sveiy home kindler of hear, perhaps, the lniihlor of Brand- every fir 00 every hearth. It wss the ohildreo, while the birds of lv sing nnoi But dream of iiDuiorlilii,, it fills the world with melody, for music is the voioc of love. Love Is the msgioisn, the enchanter, that changes worthless things joy, and makes right royal kiogs and queeos ol coir dm n clsy. . It is the per fume of that wondrous lower the heart and without the tacred passion, st divine swoon, we sre leas thsn bessls; but wilh it, esrth is heaven, and we sre gods. You do sway with humaa love, and what are we without love? Whit would we be io another world, sod what ould we be here without it? Can any one oonceivc of musio without human lover Human love builds every home human leve is the author of all the beauty io the world. Love I tell you, builds every fireside. Whst would eaven be without il? Love and Death are the greatett tnemes in poetry and long. The tame true of the greatest music. Io Tris tan tnd Isold ii th greatest music of Love snd Death. In all real poetry, in real musio, the demiosnt, the triumphsot tone is love; and tha minor the sad refrain, the aliadow, background the mystery, is Desth. iiove Is the groitest of all pasaiooa tnd detth is its shsdow. Death gett all its terror from Love, sod Love gets sll its intensity; itt rsdiance, its glory snd its rspture form the dsrknesa of death Love is a flower that grows on the edge of the grave. It may he tbat death gives all there it of worth to lift. If those we press sod stiaio wii bin our trmt could never die, perhaps ihst love would wither from the earth. Maybe this common fate treada from out the paths between our besrls, the weedt of telfishoess snd hate. bed rather live aod love where Death is king thsn have eternal life where love ia oot. Another life it ntught, unlest we know tnd love again the ones who love us here. the idea of immortality tbat like a ses hss ebbed and flowed in the human heart, wilh its oountless waves of hope and fear beating against the shores sod rocks of time aod fate, wat not boto of any book, or of any creed, or of any religiao. Il was hern of humao affec tion, and it will continue to ebb tod flow beneath the mini and clouds of doubt and dsrkness, at long 11 Love kiseet the lips of Desth. It is the rain bow Hope sbioing upon th tears of grief. The greatest ambitioo that toyman oan possibly bsvc, is to to live and to to im prove himself in besrt tnd brain ss to be worthy the love of some tpleodid wo men; snd the grsndett ambition of toy girl is to mske herself worthy of the love sod sdmirstion of tome magnificent man That it my idet. There ia no success io life without love snd mttriage. You had better be the Emperor of one loving aod tender heart, aod she the Empress of yoors thsn to be the Kiog of the world The msn who hst really woo the love of one gcd woman in the world I do not car if he dies in the ditch t beggsr, his life hst been 1 sue- r iffr.iiftA?-4, y 'pornsui 1 Tlit? rjiifititv mid riMnnlflv ch, tk n ml (iii a ni llii i n v 7 C.t. ' 'III!-' I I ... .. 1 , Pot In the it 'II. ttw In hii.t l.itHf ir!n v h'vry I mix" ,rmrr tp : rn Mi tke II'" I" t Dr. Bouvier's Reepeot for the mao who is t better financier than yourself doesn't indicstc that you would be willicg to let him run your business. A DAREDEVIL HIDE often ends io t sad accident. To heal accidental injuries, use Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. "A deep wound in my foot. from an accident," writet 'fheodoro Shuele. of Columbus, 0., "caused me great pain. Physicians were helplc but Bucklen't Arnica Salve quickly healed it." Soolhet and heals burns like magic. 25o. st W, M. Cohen's drog store. tcures? STOMACH, kvtlnrmfyl& THE body gets its life from food properly digest!. Healthy digestion means pure blood for the body, but stomach troubles arise from carelessness in eating and stomach disordexa upset the entire system. Improp erly marticatea 1000. sours on mo stomach, causing distressing pains, belching nnd nausea. When over-eating is persisted in the stomach becomes weakened and worn out and dyspepsia claims the victim. Thedford'B Black-Draught cures dyspepsia. It frees the stomach and bowels of congested m.itnr .nd oivea the stomach new lifo. The stomach ia quickly invigorated and the natural stimulation resulta in a good appetite, with the power to thor oughly digest food. You can build np yonr stomach with this mild and natural remedy. Try Thedford'B Black Draught today. You can buy a package from your dealer lor &c. If he does not keep it, send the money to The Chattanooga, Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.. and a package will bt mailed you. ( THEDFORD'S BlACK-DRAUGHTi A sure cure for all KIDNEY AND BLADDEIl TUOLBLI S Recommended by best physicians of tla country. For sale In Weldon by W.W.KAY, Beet of Wines. Whiskeys and Dnnitlm always onhand. I keep the best of every thing in my ine. iHUPolite attention to all at Kay's, west side It. K. Shed. my 3 ly. J. A. ALSTON FINE PROVISIONS, Cigars and Tobacco.- Fine Whiskies AND WINKS Merriraac Club and Pride of Vinrinl. and mellow Bar stocked with rtmir.. Drinks of every kind. Cor. Washington Ave., and Fimt Ku Weldon N. 0. 10-31-ly Wood'g Seeds. New Era Cow Peas are rightly 1 bent of Co' named. They are the Peas, whether for northern, western or southern planting. They are early to ma ture, upright in growth, enormous ly productive, both of vinin nnd peas, and are altogether the most satisfactory and sure croppers grown. We ere headquarters for Cow Peat; had over forty different varieties in our exhibit at St. Louie, on which we were awarded the Grand Prize. Wood's Descriptive Ct.lnfii. plre the niktest Information about Low peai and all Oarden and Farm 5eed. rite (or It snd special price list of tarm Seeda. T.W.Wood&Sons, Seedsmen, ICHIOBD VlMIBIA. If yon want the sweetest and beat Water Mtton. and CanulaapM grown, plant VVMd' Saal.crn-srawa Mr. Out DMCrifrtlv. Claloco. tell all ebont the bpit klmla tn it's mailed free for the attkln. FOR OVKH MIXTV VtiAR). Mrs. Winklow'b SooTHtNd Bravr has been used for over 60 yean by mill- iont of mother! for their children while teething, with perfect luocees. It toothes tha child, softens th gums, allay pain; cures wiod colic, and il the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve tb peer little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists ia every pert of the world. Twesty-lvc oenta t bottle. Bs sort aid sak for" M re. Winslow'a Soothing 8ytup," and take other kiod. Bewara of the barber who illustrate bia stories with rata OABTOIIIA. .I. A iu Kim mi Nun Alays Hgaatan ef The family where virtue dwells with love is like a lily with t heart of fire the fairea flower in all thn world. If upon this esrth we ever have t glimpse of hesven, it it when we psss 1 home io winter, at night, and through the windows, the eurtsin diawo aside: we tee the ftmily about the pleasant heartb. the old lady knitting; the est playing with the yarn; the children wish ing they had as msny dolls or dollars or knives or somethings 11 there sre spsrks going up to join tha roaring blast; the father reeding and looking, tod the sloodi riling like incense from the altar of domestic joy. I never psssed such t boose without (eeling that 1 had re ceived a benediction. The roof tree it tiered, from tht tmalleit fibre thst feels th 10ft, cool clasp of earth, to lha topmost flower that spreads its bosom to the iud, and like a irendtbrift nivei its perf'ime to tht tir. 1 tell yon to-night that there it more love in the homes of the poor that in the palace of the rich. The meanest but with lov is it i a ptiao nt tori , , 1 v the goda, and t palac without love ia a UnCLrj CrS, 1116 den fit only for wild beasts. No Batter whether yoa ar neh or poor, treat your wile as it she were t splendid flower, and she will fi'l your life with aerfumc and with toy. And do yoa know that it it 1 splendid thing to thiok that the woman you really love will never grow old to you? Through th wrinklei of time, through the muk of yean if you really lov bar you (will BAGGAGE P If you want a Trunk moved be sure and call on THE RICH BECOiiiE SO BY If god for them it muse be for all. Money saved in buyiog, ia money made. Our arrangements for geltiog direct from New York, the best snd Istest in mer ohardis; new gooda every week instead of twice a year enablea ua to offer every day just what people want, to make quick "turn-overs" and, making them, we can tell so mnch cheaper. We have a wide-awake representative in New York the year 'round; the mo ment a new thing appears, or an advan tage can be taken in price, be ia on tb spot, with the money in hsnd to get and Bend us our share. Since we begao this movement, tb buying publio bss shown its appreciation of our efforts and is rallying to the sup port ot the store tbat is Handing to help the people. ThiB week t lot of new goods one of the prettiest and best we have had yet. Uur new iork Buyer bought immense lots, having stores all over the country to send them to; they were divided lairly and we got out share among the first. In this way we get gooda a cheap, oftea cheaper, than the wholesaler and can eerily undersell snd yet live. This store it on the light trick it it gn'ng to succeed because of the value we are giving. Any special order wcwill take pleas ure io forwarding to bar buyer in New York, who will give tame bia best atten tion and w guarantet promptneaa and satisfaction. smuts BROS., WELDON, N. 0. Monuments AND: Gravestones. TRUE MOVER. Leave orders at Bridgers' Bakery or call up Phone No, 61. WE PAY ths FREICHT ahdCUARANTEESAFE DELIVERY . . . LARGEST STOCK lathe Roatk Illustrated Catalogue FREE. THE COUPER MaRBIE WORKS. (Established 184S.) 159 to 163 Bank it., Norfolk Va BOvSly. V km a. ..-( i i : wvckuwrai r. v