f A.rVEK,TISIlTC3- ZRA-TES-moderate. -A. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE TEE-Mb. VOL. XXXIX. WELDON, N. C. THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1905. ,u, 50 HOW IT FEELS TO DIE, 03 FORGIVE S WE FORK DEAN SWIFT, I f1I?WM 111 i I ujf M. $v M .Ml form W(f V&a IM Hil Hi iSSl iiraf""""""'' "'T1LI '""'3 TO STAY CURED. NOT tht temporary Improrrmtnt mulling from dangeroua mercory, opiatee. alcohol, .r potuli ; not thi momen tary rt fief from ansrp pain f ivcn by liniments; but i searching cleaniing of the blood thai clem Hit tytttra of every vetik-t of Hit diieaM, nid absolutely CURES RHEUMATISM. We know tint It ihotild cure hrn It It compounded In the mint scientific manner, of purely vegetable druga that cannot harm, but build up the entire tyitem. We know that it don cure because hundred! of those cured have written ua that it hat CURED AFTER ALL OTHERS FAILED. Tnm tuna, kotll. from BOBBITT CHEMICAL CO, BALTIMORE. YOU DRUGGIST (ELia KHCUMAC1DE. CHARLES C. ALLEY, WHOLESALE Confectioner & Fancy Grocer, PETERSBURG, VA. ItSP-Mr. W. T. Baugh represents oa in Eaitern Carolina. Hold your orders Tor him. hot 12 ly Ayer'sPills Vegetable, liver pills. That is what they are. They cure constipation, biliousness, J!! BUCKINGHAM'S DYE a ucuuuiui uiuwu ui iiiuuiak&r use rim cm. or iMUiuuuM tm a. . tuu cu.. mahuva. n. a. 1 TANNER'S PAINTS Retain th ir pre-eminenoe above all othor brands it because tbey aia made of the pest materult obtaina ble and tre ground with great care. If jour dealer does not carry them write to the manufacturers. Tamer Paint & Oil Co., Box 180. 1419 E. MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, VA. The Bank of W, 3i:::::::WELDON N. C.I&- OriaiM Mer Tie Lais of tie State of North Carolina, AUGUST 20TH, 1892. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. TOWN OF WELDON DEPOSITORY. $32,000. IY TOD BAVl ALWAT8 L1V.D BIGBT, YOU KUD NOT Tt&R. TRI STIKO Of DIATU. An English woman thoofthf, to be dead and about to be buried suddenly became eonaeious again and told, wiib not uninteresting detail, "how it feels to die." The sentence is full of potency to aliraol; for who would not know some thing of the greatest of mysteries? But the promise is still far from ful fillment, ts the woman did not die, end obviously her eiperienoe gout tn io- Bnitely small way toward making the riddle clear. The trance ttate is nearest to death aocording to our knowledge of the sub ject, though better data on which to base judgment is afforded by the phe nomena of sleep How it feels to sleep may reveal haw it felt to die. A mm whose day's work hat b&n well done and upon whose eoDscienoe rests no weight will gradually sink away into refreshing slumber, the sweetest part of it being the drops of forgetful- ncs finally fall upon his heavy lids and the entire world of the actual slips away as the familiar day lap into the great shadow ol sight. Tee bard tells that contoienoe may murder sleep. So, likewise, msy con science murder death, which normally should come as softly as the falling of leaf. Conscience either fills death with horrors, peoples it with its shining shspes, or revesls it as a stsrlit sea of eternal calm. Why should we concern ourselves to know how it feels to die? Of million souls no two would give precisely the ssme answer. It is entirely a matter of personal equation, and we should con cern ourselves principal'y with how to live. That is t problem which may bring out tbe very best in a man or the worat. Life it something actual, tangible, placed at man's dispossl to make or mar, to shape into i thing of majesty and beauty or render it mis-shapen and re pliant. The man who lives wisely finds the reward and the fullness of his deeds io his death. If his conscience sounds no note of distent be does not need the gift of nre-vision to tell how it will feel to die. An expiring wife in New York, grate ful to the nurse who had so tenderly eared for her and grieving to leave bir husband wi.hout a helpmeet, made the nurse promise to become the wife of the men. The promise was made and after ward fulfilled, aod the invalid, with every care lifted, trailed and passed away. The attendinz eircumatsnoes told how she felt to die. She simply saok into a contented sleep. It's a wise woman who keeps her bus- bind eonvinctd that she is, a wingless sngel. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS For ten yean this institution has provided banking faoililics for this section Its stookholders and direotors have been identified with the business interests ol Halifax and Northampton counties for many years. Money is loaned upon ap proved leourity at the legal rate of interest six per centum. Accounts of all are collated. President: Viee-President: Cashier: W. E. DANIEL. Da. H. W. LEWIS, W. R. 8MITH Jsekson, Northampton county, N. C. The largest and best plant in the State. .CHARLES MILLER WALSH, n.,.rriAr and Manufacturer of MON- OMENTS, TOMBS, GRAVE 8TONE8 of eery description. Freight prepaid on all shipments. 8sfe delivery guaranteed. Write for designs and prices aL.to Iron Fern-Inn, Vonos etc., lor L-enit-U;rv and other , DaxDoaea at lowenl nriens ' em.8ATIHFACTl.N GUARANTEED. Work Delivered At Any Depot. cot 11 If. SPUING- & SUMMER o FOR o- HEN, :WOMEN & CHILDREN. Big Lioe Dry Goods, Notions, Gents Furnishings, aU The largest line ..hnl,t in W.ldnn Don't fail to see them before yon buy. Our 8hoe department is full and running over. Tbe largest stock we have ever earned, aod we ire making prioes - THAT 'WILL SELL THEM. -Jo received big lot of (DOR8CH) Sboet. 8uite to order, msde up io good shape and by good tailors. Fits Guaranteed. Don't fail to see our line of SamDles and Prices Before You Place Your Order. SH. D. ALLEN & COMPANY, WELDON. N. C. M O la z o rO o SI Mi 1 SB' Pf crq CD O o p. CO aW-J S5 CP? 01 B o CD 01 m 30 o CO c 30 P P O CD P Pi 1 Q P P o (D a CD i P e-r-O i 01 P P P CD W Cr3 H O o o o w H CO CO CO c ZD 73 CO Free! ONE 10-CENT PLUG OF RED MEAT TOBACCO a TBI OLD MAN COCLD NOT STAND THI BIABCB1NO UUIbTlONS TVS TO B1M BY HIS LITTLE QHAND DACOIITER. Jud(.-e Knowlton'e only son forged his name. When it was discovered by the fatht r, he agreed to keep the secret if Ins son would thst very night leave the country and ihe wife aod child he had diahooored. lie left on the midnight train and at noon neat day took a Unm et fut Europe, lie wrote moniha arict ward a palhelio appeal for forgivuBi-KS, but tbe raiher tore It up and threw it in the fire. That very night his son's little Oltddyt came to the judge, asking that she might suy her prayer to liiui snd "auk questions" the nurse would not an swer. With a ureal love for the child half oiphsnid by her father's folly and sin, he consented. The child knelt at bis knee. "Our Father who art io heaven grandpa, does that mean he's every body's lather?" "Yes, my desr, so it cay." "He must have some very naughty children, grandpa ; does He love them, too?" Little Oladdys did not To any chewer of Tobacco who will cut out this advertisement and mail it to us within five days from the date of this puper, we will mail him a card which will entitle him to one 10-cent plug of RED MEAT TOBACCO Free! At any store Write name and address ftlainlv on ines below. handling this brand. www tcea )y ' Winston-Salem, N. 0, NAME 6 Address. BoaioleNeis, April 20. 3 THAT TALL GLASS JAR. BY CHARLES EARL WALTERS. -CURCfOI IWEAKNCS Backed ud by over a third of a century of remarkable and uni form cures, a record such as no other remedy for the diseases and weaknesses oeculiar to women ever attained, the pro prietors and makers of Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription now feel fully warranted in of fering to pay S500 in legal money of the United States for any case of Leucorrhea, Female Weakness. Prolapsus or Falling of Womb, which they cannot cure. All they ask Is a fair and reasonable trial of their means of cure. All correspondence held sacredly confidential. If you require medical advice don't fail to write Doctor R. V. Pierce who will give you the best advice possible. Address Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are a ladies' laxative. No other medicine equals them for gen tiannws and thoroughness. 1TOTICE!- SUte of North Carolina, 1 In tbe 8a- Hniilas Uoaniv. I periui iuuii TIT V r.l.t Im luhalfAf llimtflf .nil .11 otber etmkbolders and creditor, mat may mnaa In and make themselves parti ea In this action, plaintiff. vs. Weldon Ice Company, defendant. T all ahnm It Rl.V IVItlMrn.- Ttu AHttAr af iha wdilnn Im Com pany are hereby notified that by order of t.hM Nnnanor iiurE in me auuve suiiiiru ...I-.- r.h..,.r. 1i Iltllfi. W E. Daniel boa been appointed receiver 01 u. property and Iranchista, and the said creditors are hereby not i fled to come in and make thenuolve parties tn tbia action and prove their claims and debts against tbe aaid company, on or before the first day ol May, lwm. This the 23rd day of March, 19(15. 8, at. GARY, Clerk of Superior Court. I Mt- Tbe oountry store I used to koow comes back to me today In riling tides of memory that swjep the years away. I tee its weather-beaten front, 4be dingy window panes, The sugar soslo, the letter box, the floor's tobaooo ataina, Tbe jumbled stock of groceries io psokags, pail and bar, Aod, best of all, I see once more a tall (Ian jar. This j.r was filled with candy etieks, a goodly sight to see, And better still to nibble at that joy still stays with me. 8weet peppermint snd wintergreen, hosr-hound and oinusmon, Vanilla sticks like barbers' poles I lovtd ibetn every one, Molastes, too, snd chocolate, and tooihtome peanut bar ; I see them all '-. -jr mud's eye in thst tsll glsse jar. Life's brought me many pleasures at the year's have slipped sway ; Far more of sun thsn shsdow, little sighing, much of song, I've seen tbe sunlight splendor on the loidly hills of Rome, Had luck in love and business when I've slayed right here st home, But never felt sn eoetesy as greet as when my ma Would pass me out a nickel for that till glass jar. - I'd give ten thousand dollars just to be a boy again One single day, and paddle, barefoot, in the summer rain; Just to run my mother's errsnds to thst dingy store, With glsd snticipslions tingling to my beiog'i core, No cloud on tbe horison my sheer happiness to mar, Munching sticks of sttiped candy from that tall glass jar. SLIPPING AWAY. They sre slipping swsy those sweet, swift yean, Like a leaf on the current oast ; With never t breik in their rapid flow, We watch them as one by one they go Into the beautiful past. As silent and swift ss the wesver'stkresd, Or an arrow's lying glesm ; As soft ss the Isoguorous breci hid, Thst lift the willow's long golden lid, Aod ripple the glassy stream. One after another we see them psss, Down tbe dim lighted stsir ; We bear the sound of their steady Head In the steps of the centuries long since dead, Beautiful and as fsir. There are only a few years left to love ; Shell we wsste them in idlestrifs? Shsll we trsmple under our ruthless feet Tbose beautiful blossoms, rare aod sweet, By tbe dusky wsy of life ? Tbcic art en'; ft swift j-; sb, l-t No envious tsuots be beard Make lile's fsir pattern of rare design, And til up tbe sjessore with love's sweet wine, But never en angry word I CHEATED DEATH. Kidoey trouble often ends fatally, but by choosing the rinht medicioe, K. H. Wolfe, if Bear Grove, Iowa, cheated dca'h He aays: "Two yaars air,o I had Kidoey Trouble, which caused ma great paio, suffering sod aniieiy, but I took Eleelrio Bitters, which cffsclel a com plete ourc. 1 have also foond them of gteU benefit iu general debili'y and nerve trouble, snd keep them constantly on band, since, as I find they have no equal" W. M. Cohen, druggist, guar antees thim st 50c. HI NEVER FLATTERED, AND HI RODE, YET FASCINATING Den 8ift never flatters. Whtn told that the Duke of Buokioliam de sires his acquaintance he answers thst the duke hie not made sufficient ad vances to him yi-t. When asked to a dinner parly by a tecrc'.ary jf aiate he in-inle upon drawing up a iitt of the oompany. Even Isdies have to bow be neulh the yoke llowi-vi-r beautiful, wealthy or lii(ili horn, the; munt si ways appiar ss nuuliun' for Dr Swift's scriuuitiUnce, Kven then his rule is far from tuny. "Lady Burlington," fayt he, "I hear you can tiog 8iog me a long." II or ladynliip resents such an uncer- moui ous address snd refuses. "Why, uiad .m .... a;r. i.t a..nr.AUa ...... "l ; a Bupuoc juu taac a me lor one of your poor English btdije JJf, JoOUVier S parsons. Sing when I bid you. As Lord Burliogion only laughs, the Isdy bursts into tears snd leaves the room. This does not soften Swift. He meets her a tew days after. "Pray, madam, are you so proud snd ill natured now uuuu rui Aiur:. BRING FANCY fKICES Tn f row a Large crop ' Jpi'd putaUMS, ttu il miut t'M.iin k'iily ui lilj,ri. I -mi,, n.clonv i.lil-jtn. lurtiitta. If Mum iti h'l, atl Vftrfijfilc' rnuu Um MUAltl- liaa ol 1'uual) It wii Uw tnU Buply Potash ltlifnlly hf (lip mn flf ferlllltefl eont,ti1nf ttu ,-u th.iM 1(1 fii-r tent. ailul ltilauh. Iti-tii-r sitU mure proliuula yitiiiia tut sure u foil.. , ... uur iMmi'hiftii dr ml iavminnif rircuMrt tVmiiiiK 1 1"'' i li riilitv.'rH, Lilt (.imUiii viilu. Inlnriiniinn i, Urrum. baut i( iT lilt Aiking. WriUt nuw ORRMAN KALI WORKS Now York-Vj Nassau Street, or Atlanta, Oa. 21 auuil uroad St Buchu Gin. OASTOllIA, Bean th. ) the Kind TOtl Haffi Hmys BOUJIll Bignatais of see the spasm of pain which passed over as when I last saw you?" is his greet- the face that bent over her as Judge ina. The man's fascination ia so stroos Knowlton answered, "I suppote He thst all yield to him, "Dean Swift atd does, "Of ooursc, fathers always love His Writings. I their children, even if they are naughty, cause they're fathe-s," prattled the child. Tbe prayer proceeded : "For give us our treipasses ss we forgive them I that trespass against us what are tres- I passes, grandpa ? Nurse said, 'Never "A stony stare" never yet laid a snare mind what tbey are, hurry up and get I for a man with "rooks." to bed,' but I wsot to know what are treepssecs?" "Wrong-doings, sins," re plied the men, ss bis hands took a firmer grip upon the srm of his chair. "Has snybody ever trespassed against us, grand pa?" was the next question. Qlad-tys wondered that her grandfather did not answer. A little hand on his arm aroused him, aod tbe question was repeated 'Has anybody ever trespassed sgsioet us, grandpa?' "Yes, shamefully, cruelly," spoke the man, forgetting for the moment everythiog but bis own wrongs. Glad dys clspped ber hands. "Ob, I'm at glad; then God knowa just how to for give us. I was so afraid nobody had trespassed against us so's we could for give them and thow God how to forgive us, But He knows, doesn't He, grand pa ? He'll forgive us just as we forgive them. Let me say it again." And kneeling once mere beside her grand father's knee, she repeated with great earnestness. ' Firgive us our tres passes as we forgive them that trespass araiost us." Tbe srrow shot by the childish hsod went strsight to its mark Long after the little archer lay smiling in her peaceful sleep il rankled io the hestt of the man who, try as he might, could not ignore it. "Forgive oa as we forgive, be murmured over sou over again, aa be paced tbe floor with olasped hands and bowed bead The struggle wss long aod fierce, but as tbe light of the morning crept in, the once hard stern, unfoigitiug father looked up into his Fsther's face and said : "Forgive, aa I forgive. 1 be ocean cable nover throbbed with a sweeter message thsn it bore that day to Ihe repentant wanderer, viit 'r'ri:0.: occurred to you A sure enre for all Wine of Cardui Cured Her. 218 8outh Pr'.or Street, Atlanta, Oa., March 21, 1903. I suffered for four months with extreme nervousness and lassitude. I had a sinking feeling in my stomach which no medicine Boemed to relieve, and losing my appetite I became weak and bit my vital ity. In three weeks I lost fourteen pounds of flesh and felt that I must find speedy relief to regain my health. Having hoard Wine of Cardui praised by several o my friends, I sent for a bottle and xas certainly very pleased with the u. ti-:.u:.. JnH ... appetite returned and my stomach I troubled me no more. I could I digest my food without difficulty and the nervousness gradually diminished. Kature performed her functions without difficulty and I am once more a happy sod well woman. OLIVE JOSEPH, tiau. AUanta Frtdav Night Crab, Secure a Dollar Bottle of -aWine of Cardui Today. - KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROUBLES Recommended by best physicians of the couDtry. For sale in Weldon by W. W. KAY, Best of Wines, Whiskeys and Brandies always onhand. I keep the best of every thing in my ine. MSA.Polite.ttention to all at Kay's, wedt side R. R. Shed. my Sly. J. A. ALSTON FINE Groceries PROVISIONS, Cigars and Tobacco. Fine Whiskies AND WINES Merriniac Club and Pride of Virginia, nice and mellow. Bar stocked with Choi Drinks of every kind. Cor. Washington Ave., and First Street. Weldon N. 0. 10-21-lv THE RICH BECOmE SO BY 0, HAS IT EVER I and aet I bouse. his face towsrd bis isihersl If good for them it muse be for all. Money saved in buying, is money made, Our arrangements for getting direct from New York, the best and latest in mer ohsrdise new goods every week iostesd of twice a year enables us to offer every it.tf in., what nni.nl. sr.nl In MtaLa fv How Many People You f Lmck .,arDW ni ,,,, Can Reach Without W we can sell so much chesper. I ... . . I 9 iKdvins yuui uwnuiuue 9 A Telephone Line IS A DOOR TO YOUR BUSINESS NO TELEPHONE IS LOCKING THE DOOR FOR OVER SIXTY YBARfl. Mm. WinsLOw'a 8ootbinu Syrup bet been used for over 60 yeari by mill ions of mother! for their ohildren while teething, with perfeot success. It soothes the child, softens ihe gums, allays all pain: cures wind colic, and is tl e belt remedy for Ditrrhota. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be tore and ask for" Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," 1 tod take ne other kind. LAST HOPE VANISHED. When leading physicians said that W, M, Smithart, of Pekin, la , bid incura ble consumption, his laat hope vanished; but Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. Cou.hs and Colds, kept bim out ot bis grsve. tie ssys: "Ihis grctt specific completely eured me, and saved my lite, omoe then, 1 have used it tor 10 years, aod consider it a marvelous throat aod lung cure." Strictly scien tific cure for Couehs. sore Ibroats or I Colds; sure preventive of Pneumonia. Guaranteed, 6O0. and 11.00 bottles at W. M. Cohena drug store, i rial bottles free. HOW HE LOOKED. He When I met yon on the street yesterdsy I looked full at you, but you psssed by without speaking. She Nsturally , I never recognise I I man who looks full. FRIGHTFUL 8UFFER1NG RE LIEVED. SufferiDB frinhtfully from ths viru lent poisons of undigested food, C. G. Orsyson, of Luis, Miss., took Dr. King's I New Life Pills, "with Ihe result," he I vriiM "thai I . eured." All stomaoh and bowel diaorders give way to lMiM'XTUIlK IQOVeCl De tonic, laxative properties. Zoo. at W M. Cohen's drug store, gusranteed. qhvq QTtH nallftn OU.A va.ja.vk 1 A ooquette leepa one eye on mo eooa- -,. ,1 iog man, iveo while she caresses ihe one AjI lUg t?l Ss tilt? she has csught, We have a wide-awake representative in New York the year 'round; the mo ment a new thing appears, or tn advan tage can be taken in price, he is on the spot, with the money in band to get and send us our share. Since we began this movement, the buying public bss shown its appreciation of our efforts and is rallying to the sup port of the store that is stsnding to help the people. This week t lot of new goods one of the prettiest tnd best we hsve bsd yet. Our New York Buyer bought immense p vw ffifA I-1 1 B",nR "ores all over the country Uall T Oil AT I OlU 1 1 I W tend them to; they were divided itirly sod we got our share among the firat. LET OUR MANAGER TALK IT OVER WITH YOU. For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL. MANAGER or Homa Telephone and Telegraph Company, HENDERSON, . . N. C. BAGGAGE ? If you want .In this wsy we gel goods as cheap, often cheaper, than the wholesalers and oan eanily undersell snd yet live. This store is on the light track it it go'ng to succeed because of the value! we are giving. Any spccisl order we will take pleas ore in forwsrdiog to our buyer in New lork, who will give same its best stten- tion and we guarantee promptness aod satisfaction. cut n OA 1 Li TtO TT ro WKL-DOM, . L), TRUE MOVER. CASTOR I A Leave orders at For Infant! and Children. BridETerS' BakerV TL. VI. J V... II I B.a, I I 1119 MliU IUU ndTB Al-dJS DUU6.U Plan,-ft Tla.nl tha 7 . . """ " s a , yJ if- KtiiacAtV. I Nn fil a Monuments AND' Gravestones. WE PAY thi FREICHT andCUARANTEESAFE DELIVERY . . . LARCK8T STOCK In the South Illustrated Catalogue FREE. THE COUPER RkRBLE WORKS. (Established 1848.) 158 to 163 Bank at., Norfolk Tt aov S ly.

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